Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

Your Soul Origins And Purpose

First and foremost, we are all aspects of a more-than-cosmic unitary consciousness (I

like that name Source of All That Is) that by definition has a nature that is beyond

the comprehension of even the most �advanced� or �evolved� individuated consciousness.

It seems a bit odd, but an individuated consciousness that has agreed to forget its connection to

the Source of All That Is, as we have on planet Earth, has an especially creative function

in the cosmos.

As I�ve come to understand it, Mother Earth agreed to serve as a galactic, intergalactic,

and multidimensional melting pot for the evolution of souls (a term I will use hereafter for

individuated consciousness).

From the information I have pieced together from a wide variety of higher dimensional

sources, our physical genetic heritage has significant influences from three or four

star systems, but that we have traces from more than 200.

Our soul origins are even more diverse than our physical genetic origins.

Recognizing our soul origins makes it easier for us to connect to sources of higher dimensional

assistance who share our soul origins.

Here I offer a brief description of some of these.

If you resonate with any of the soul types below, check out the appropriate websites

identified in Links.

If you have a sense of having a soul origin that doesn�t fit any of the categories below,

I would like to know so I can add them to my manuscript.

Please keep in mind that the �soul types� identified below are not all mutually exclusive.

More than one may apply.


They go by many names: new breed, indigo children, blue ray children, New Age children, violet

ray children, new millennium children, shift babies, star children, crystal children, rainbow

children, psychic/super psychic children, light children, and mystical children.

Their soul origins are as diverse as those of adults alive on Earth today, and perhaps

more diverse.

In my research, it appears that there are several cohorts with somewhat distinctive

characteristics: 1972-1987, 1987-2000, and after 2000.

This is an interesting and challenging time to be a child and to parent children on planet


For more information check out links to New Children websites.


If you feel a strong connection to Earth you are probably an Earth soul, although you may

well have starseed connections as well.

My working definition of an Earth soul (subject to modification with new information) is one

that has experienced at least 40 incarnations here.

We Earth souls (and I identify myself as one) are the ones who have primary responsibility

for the human consciousness side of the Great Shift.

If you are an Earth soul and have forgotten our purpose, it is time to remember!


If you feel a strong connection to Earth but don�t really feel �human� you may be

an elemental soul (fairy, elf, pixie, leprechaun, mermaid, dolphin, incarnated animal).

If you don�t feel you belong on Earth, that your real Home is somewhere else, you are

probably a starseed (see links to Beneficial Extraterrestrial websites), angelic or other

dimensional/vibrational soul.

These other souls have chosen to come to Earth during this time to help both humanity and

Earth make the dimensional shift.

Many of these souls are experiencing physical incarnation on Earth for the first time and

didn�t quite realize what they were getting themselves into.

Having forgotten their origins, they often find themselves ill-equipped to function in

the rough and tumble environment of third-dimensional Earth.

If you are such a soul, it is time to remember!


Old souls have Earth experience that dates back to Atlantis, Lemuria or earlier.

Old souls may experience a thousand or more incarnations on Earth.

Young souls began their experience on Earth since the fall of Atlantis some 11,000 years


When I first created this page I discussed the idea of old and young souls under the

Earth Soul category.

I have since encountered a number of Starseed souls who also �qualify� as old souls

so I have moved this to a separate category.

Starseed souls may have had extensive incarnational experience on Earth but is still doesn�t

quite feel like �home� to them.


A Walk-in is an unusual incarnational arrangement in which an exchange of souls occurs one or

more times in the same physical body.

Also, more than one soul may coexist in the same body by mutual agreement.

Many Walk-ins are aware of their identity as a Walk-in from the start, but others may

forget their origin and purpose.

If you are such a soul, it is time to remember!

On Connecting with Our Off-Planet Origins (May 2015).

I recently received an email from the third person who has recently connected with their

off-planet origins and wished to know more about them.

Three times is the charm, hence this new posting on this page.

First I�ll offer a general perspective of my understanding of how Earth fits into the

larger galactic/intergalactic scheme of things.

Then I�ll share a bit of my own journey in connecting with my remembering of off-planet


Finally, I�ll offer some suggestions for those who have recently become aware that

they are not entirely of this world and would like to know more about their off-planet origins/connections.


We are all Starseeds in the physical sense that our bodies are made up of elements that

were created in stars.

The myriad of multidimensional energies of which we are a part also contains Starseed

aspects in the sense of having experience on a planet in other star systems.

I just reread the section above on Our Soul Origins and given that the last time I made

significant revisions to it was in 2006, it holds up pretty well with my present understanding.

The main thing I would change is that probably all Old Souls on Earth have off-planet connections.

What may differ between Old Souls is how strongly they retain their feeling of connection with

their off-planet Soul aspects.

Earth is where the cosmic action is for the aspects of Oneness that is interested in creativity

and change.

Somewhere I remember reading (wish I could remember to source) that our human multidimensional

DNA contains contributions from more than 200 off-planet civilizations.

There are a number of star systems that have had an especially active role in the creation

and evolution Homo sapiens.

The main ones that I am aware of include the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, and Orion.

A number of off-planet civilizations (or at least elements in them) have also been active

in �hampering� human evolution.

I am aware of these, but choose not to give them energy by focusing my attention on them.

Within the solar system higher dimensional beings on Venus have been actively involved

in supporting human evolution.

From an inter-galactic perspective, Andromeda has a special connection with what is happening

on Earth right now.

Other planets from many other star systems also have a presence on Earth through incarnated

souls and in the sky.

I appreciate and honor them all.


My main focus in this lifetime is being of service to Mother Earth and living beings

upon her.

In my own journey of awakening, I have become aware of aspects of my multidimensional self

that are connected to other planets in different star systems.

For me, the main importance of the remembering has been to recognize the connection without

feeling a need to know the details.

That said, early in my journey, I recognized my father, who died in 1993, as a Sirian soul

and my mother, who died in 2010, as a Pleiadian soul.

I treasure this legacy and part of my reason for being on Earth at this time is to integrate

and balance these two energies.

There are half-dozen other off-planet connections that I have become aware of as part of my

ongoing journey of awakening.

The Sirian and Pleiadian connections feel the strongest to me.


For those reading this who have recently become aware of off-planet connections and those

who have been aware of them for a while and would like to know more, I offer three words

of advice: discernment, discernment, discernment.

On the web, especially, there is a lot of misinformation and misguided information (from

my perspective).

That said, I�ll offer a few suggestions.

If they resonate, you are welcome to them, if not, that�s fine too.

Always trust your own intuition/inner knowing when encountering information about the planet/star

system you are interested in.

Let Spirit/your Guides/other higher dimensional energies that you feel an affinity to that

you would like to know more.

Pay attention to the signs/information that comes your way.

I particularly appreciate high vibrational channeled information from the planet/star

system I am interested it.

I identify a number of such sources in my Great Shift ebook that I found helpful in

developing my larger understanding of multidimensional reality.

Please remember that you came to Earth for a purpose and do not lose that focus in your

search (or if you still have not remembered the reason, make that as much of a focus as

connecting with your off-planet origins/affinities).

Most folks I know who feel they are not �of this Earth� also recognize that the main

reason they came here is to be of service to humanity and/or Mother Earth.

On the other hand, I have encountered a few folks who came here to gain experience on

Earth that they can take back to their planet of origin for

the benefit of their home.

Enjoy the search!

For more infomation >> Your Soul Origins And Purpose - Duration: 11:03.


【ネタバレ注意】(語録字幕)DK登場!! 「伝統のフェスティバル」 オデッセイ主題歌 "Jump Up, Super Star! "(ジャンプアップ スーパースター)【スーパーマリオ オデッセイ】 - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 【ネタバレ注意】(語録字幕)DK登場!! 「伝統のフェスティバル」 オデッセイ主題歌 "Jump Up, Super Star! "(ジャンプアップ スーパースター)【スーパーマリオ オデッセイ】 - Duration: 4:42.


GIVEAWAY! YouTube Fisherman Starter Kit, $300+ Haul! - Duration: 6:12.





Stay tuned to find out how you can win!



What a wonderful performance.


this is my new reel!

That has nothing to do with this.

So you guys heard correctly,

we are giving away

a Deeper Fish Finder.

and an Underwater Action Camera,

just as a way to say thank you guys, -Yes,

thank you guys, thank you guys for subscribing, --Yes, thank you, thank you,

thank you for being a part of our community, --thank you, thank you, thank you.

you've really made a big impact on our lives.

Yeah, and in fact, you know, we don't really

talk about our personal lives a lot on the show, but

this is what we do full-time, you know,

we do YouTube full-time, we go out,

we fish, we- we make videos, we meet people, yeah. --We do funny product reviews, we do lots of

fun things, things that we love to do anyway, I mean, -Yes.

we're naturally just goofy people. -We're living the dream, and it's only because of you.

These prizes are the least we can do to thank you guys for all of your support, your patronage,

and um,

really guys,

thank you so much. -Thanks.

So we've compiled these prizes, the Deeper and the Action camera, to create

a YouTube Creator bundle.

so, we know that a lot of our subscribers either have a channel already,

or really want to have a channel,

and what we want to do is we want to help you guys

do that successfully.

We want to help you guys create a channel because here at Senko Skipper,

we're all about community,

and--and sharing our knowledge, and helping -Yeah, definitely,

other fishermen learn new ways to fish.

Right, and so we need more teachers ourselves, right?


We help you guys, teach sometimes, but we are not always experts in any means, you know?

We have a lot of teachers, and we need more,

we need more teachers in the world, so we want to encourage you to get out there,

share your story,

film your fish,

make a good channel! Ha ha...

What we did is we sat down and we wrote out

our four biggest tips to help you grow a strong YouTube channel, fast,

and so if you go enter our competition,

you can download that free PDF with all these tips

and you can grow your own YouTube channel, whether you win the grand prize or not.

This is our gift to everybody. Since we can't ship out -Yes.

products to everyone,

and I feel bad about that, -Yes.

um-- --We want to thank everyone!

You know? Yeah. Yeah, We made something that you all can download

and read and have and keep forever. Yeah.

Hopefully, you guys will download this free PDF and really help yourself

grow your channel, if you have a channel,

or maybe think about growing a channel if you don't have a channel. -Yeah.

If you're really interested in growing your YouTube channel,

I really suggest you guys check out our Advanced Training Guide.

So, Deeper gave us this bundle,

and this bundle includes a Deeper Fish Finder

and a 100-lumen headlight, which I think is a really cool bundle,

[Yeah.] And Deeper gave this to us to give to you, specifically.

It's not for us. -Yeah, ha ha ha!

So, Deeper stands behind our mission statement, they want people out there

teaching, they want people out there exploring, they want people outside and active,

and um, Deeper really helps with finding fish and it's a great way to connect with nature, using this.

Yeah, the Deeper Fish Finder is something that we really like to use to help us find fish,

it's very hard to find fish week after week,

and when we have a Deeper it gives us a lot more confidence knowing that there are fish under us

or knowing that there's a fish in that spot,


and it has definitely helped us get some nice episodes out.

And this bundle will be available starting November.

Yup, yup, it's gonna be available on Amazon,

it's gonna be available at Dick's, it's gonna be available at the Field and Stream stores,

the Brick and Mortar stores, it might be online a little bit sooner but starting in mid-November

you can get this for yourself.

That is the back.

That's the front, ha ha.

So, we've been doing some research with our subscribers as to, you know, what is stopping you from-

from growing your own channel? What is stopping you from starting your own YouTube channel?

And a lot of people said,

actually, many, many, many people said

um, it's because they don't have a camera.

So we got a camera,

and we're giving it away to one lucky subscriber,

um, this is an Underwater Action Camera, meaning

you can wear it on your chest, on your head,

you can put it underwater and get some really cool fish shots,

um, this is a very versatile camera, it is what we started with

and, um, it has brought us this far so far, we're still using this for underwater footage.

Yeah, totally. Yeah. So,

hopefully this will be really helpful, too.

Yeah, and this is coming as part of a YouTube Creator Package,

that's what this bundle is, you know, we're giving you the camera so that you can

film you catches, we're giving you a Deeper Fish Finder so that you can actually find the fish,

sometimes we really can't find fish,

but we put a Deeper on,

Yeah. -Like, we have two of them.

--and it's really helpful just to even know what the depth is in an area,

[clicking sound] like we'll be fishing somewhere,

and we won't know where the channel is,

and usually the fish hold a lot of....

[clicking stops]

It's my new fishing reel!

[reel clicks happily]

So basically, the Creator Bundle:

an Action camera to film your underwater shots,

to film yourself,

a Deeper Fish Finder

to help you find the fish,

and a PDF to help you grow your channel.

It sounds like a pretty good bundle to me,

it sounds like it sounds like you've got everything you need to start your own YouTube channel.

I--guys, I really hope this is helpful,

and this is our way of saying thank you, thank you, thank you.

You've made such a tremendous impact on our lives,

and I wanna--we want to give back, and we want you guys to try doing what you love to do as well. [Yeah.]

You have one life to live.

You gotta do what you love to do.

Good luck!

Good luck!

For more infomation >> GIVEAWAY! YouTube Fisherman Starter Kit, $300+ Haul! - Duration: 6:12.


Welcome to my first youtube video about Bleach Brave Souls - Duration: 1:19.

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you want to see more of Bleach Brave Souls

For more infomation >> Welcome to my first youtube video about Bleach Brave Souls - Duration: 1:19.


7 Astounding Facts About Dogs That'll Blow Your Mind - Duration: 8:21.


Welcome to Facts Channel

There are hundreds of official dog breeds in the world

even more mixes and mutts than we can count

Each dog has his own unique set of characteristics and personality

But one thing is certain

these loveable and wonderful companions are fascinating creatures

Check out some of these interesting and far-out facts about dogs

7 Astounding Facts About Dogs That'll Blow Your Mind

Most Pack Leaders have experienced this before

You're watching TV to unwind after a long day

when suddenly you hear whimpering and scratching

You race to check on him only to discover that he's fast asleep

he must have been having a dream!


Is that really what's happening when dogs move and make noises in their sleep ?

After all

it's not like the dog can confirm this

by waking up

and telling us

what he or she

was dreaming about


we may never get an absolute confirmation like this

there is plenty of scientific evidence to point to the fact that dogs do , in fact, have dreams

Just like humans, a dog's sleep cycle has an REM phase

where most of our dreaming occurs

Stanley Coren, author and professor of psychology, told Live Science,

"What we've basically found is that dogs dream doggy things.


pointers will point at dream birds, and Dobermans will chase dream burglars."


How do you know if your dog is having a dream ?


Watch him or her after they fall asleep

If you notice odd movements or sounds around 20 minutes in

you can bet that your dog is probably having some kind of adventure.

Imagine that instead of giving a urine sample or getting blood drawn when you need a diagnostic health test

you consult with a dog instead

It's a funny concept


your pooch may have more in common with your doctor than you previously thought

We've long known that


have stronger senses than we do, with their sense of smell getting the most attention

That sense of smell is about 1 million times greater than ours

which is

why they've been used in tracking and hunting

since they became our companion animals

Like cats


have those eerie glow-in-the-dark eyes

that seem

to float like independent flashlight beams

bringing smiles to even reluctant nighttime dog-walkers

The phenomenon is known as eyeshine

Here's vision from dogs

It was once believed that dogs could only see in black and white

but a recent study showed that

while humans have three sets of color receptors

or cones in their eyes


only have two. This hampers their ability to distinguish between certain colors.

The Labrador is the most popular breed of dog, in terms of ownership

Even people that don't know dog breeds

can easily identify the lovable Labrador Retriever


why Labs are so popular

While these dogs

have been the most popular dog breed since 1991

according to the American Kennel Club

they enjoy the same high status


polarity in Canada

for over 20 years

as well in the United Kingdom


many other countries around the world

These Kennel Club numbers only include registered dogs

Labrador mixed breed dogs

as well as unregistered Labs

are also a popular option


there is greater variation in size




in mixed breed dogs as compared to purebreds

With that being said

both options make terrific family pets

with proper training, socialization and love.

German shepherds and Yorkshire Terrier

come in and second and third, respectively

Dogs like rolling around in smelly things because, to them, that shit smells


The sun shines overhead

while the hum of insects and birdsong

completes a beautiful day

On the other side of the park

your pet dog bounces around excitedly

snuffling the ground

he suddenly stops

to enthusiastically roll on the grass

before bounding back to you

it is only when you bend to greet him that

it hits you

a pungent, foul musky stench. Your dog has rolled in poo

This is something most dog owners will have experienced during a walk

do domestic dogs seem to get such joy

from smearing another animal's faeces on their coat ?

Not only do dogs have way more olfactory receptors than us


they're probably designed differently as well

This means

they perceive smells differently


it might explain


it's a delight for your dog

to roll around in their own doodoo


not acceptable for you to do the same

it's due to their instinct to protect themselves from predators.

It's nighttime and

your pup nestles snugly in his bed, rolled up tight like a drum

It's a common slumber position for dogs

but why ?

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to stretch out while catching some shut-eye?

Well, yes.

says Dr. Margaret Gruen, DVM, a clinician at NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Behavior Service

This means that

if your dog is sprawled out on your floor

they're either feeling super hot or super safe

thanks for your time, if you love to see more.

Please LIKE or SHARE

this video with your friends

Comment it,

if you like this new video

Or say anything you wish if it will lift your burden.

and last,

please subscribe button before you leave

and see you next time

For more infomation >> 7 Astounding Facts About Dogs That'll Blow Your Mind - Duration: 8:21.


Yaman Raag Bandish & Duma Dum Mast Kalandar Fusion by Bani and Shivani from USP TV - Duration: 6:02.









Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Abb kaise jiya chain paaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Naa morey piya aaye bhejo na sandeswa

Naa morey piya aaye bhejo na sandeswa

Panth nihaar nain akulaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so neha lagaaye


Nirmohi so neha lagaaye

Nirmohi so, nirmohi so, nirmohi so

Mainda yaar vi tu mainda pyaar vi tu

Maindi jeet vi tu maindi haar vi tu

Mainda dharma vi tu mainda bharam vi tu

Maindi sharam vi tu maindi shaan vi tu

Tuhiyo dil sadaa dildaar vi tu

Saadi jindari daa itbaar vi tu

Mainda yaar vi tu mainda pyaar vi tu

Maindi jeet vi tu maindi haar vi tu

Ali maula ali ji, ali maula ali

Ali maula ali ji, ali maula ali

Ali maula ali ji, ali maula ali

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Ali maula ali ji, ali maula ali

Ali maula ali ji, ali maula ali

Ali maula ali ji, ali maula ali

Mawaan nu Peera bachre denaye

Mawaan nu Peera bachre denaye

Bhena nu denaye veer mila Jhule laalan

Bhena nu denaye

Bhena nu denaye veer mila Jhule laalan

Sindhri daa sehvan daa sakhi shahbaaz qalandar, ha

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali dum dum de andar

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Ho laal meri patt rakhiyo bhalaa Jhule laalan

Sindhri daa sehvan daa sakhi shahbaaz qalandar, ha

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

Duma dum mast qalandar Ali da pehla number

For more infomation >> Yaman Raag Bandish & Duma Dum Mast Kalandar Fusion by Bani and Shivani from USP TV - Duration: 6:02.


Heart Touching Shabad ● Sun Yaar Hamare Sajan ● Bhai Harpreet Singh Toronto ● Gurbani Shabad - Duration: 1:37:17.

ਛੰਤ ॥ Chhant: ਸੁਣਿ ਯਾਰ ਹਮਾਰੇ ਸਜਣ ਇਕ ਕਰਉ ਬੇਨੰਤੀਆ ॥ Listen, O my intimate friend - I have just one prayer to make. ਤਿਸੁ ਮੋਹਨ ਲਾਲ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਹਉ ਫਿਰਉ ਖੋਜੰਤੀਆ ॥ I have been wandering around, searching for that enticing, sweet Beloved. ਤਿਸੁ ਦਸਿ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਸਿਰੁ ਧਰੀ ਉਤਾਰੇ ਇਕ ਭੋਰੀ ਦਰਸਨੁ ਦੀਜੈ ॥ Whoever leads me to my Beloved - I would cut off my head and offer it to him, even if I were granted the Blessed Vision of His Darshan for just an instant. ਨੈਨ ਹਮਾਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਿਅ ਰੰਗ ਰੰਗਾਰੇ ਇਕੁ ਤਿਲੁ ਭੀ ਨਾ ਧੀਰੀਜੈ ॥ My eyes are drenched with the Love of my Beloved; without Him, I do not have even a moment's peace. ਪ੍ਰਭ ਸਿਉ ਮਨੁ ਲੀਨਾ ਜਿਉ ਜਲ ਮੀਨਾ ਚਾਤ੍ਰਿਕ ਜਿਵੈ ਤਿਸੰਤੀਆ ॥ My mind is attached to the Lord, like the fish to the water, and the rainbird, thirsty for the raindrops. ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਪਾਇਆ ਸਗਲੀ ਤਿਖਾ ਬੁਝੰਤੀਆ ॥੧॥ Servant Nanak has found the Perfect Guru; his thirst is totally quenched. ||1||

For more infomation >> Heart Touching Shabad ● Sun Yaar Hamare Sajan ● Bhai Harpreet Singh Toronto ● Gurbani Shabad - Duration: 1:37:17.


HD 140283: The Methuselah Star - Duration: 3:53.

As our knowledge of the universe grows, so does a list of anomalous objects that don't

seem to fit into established categories.

Some of these are famous, such as KIC 8462852, and others are more obscure, such as Przybylski's

star, link to that video in the end screen.

But one star stands out as not merely an anomaly in its behavior or characteristics, but as

an anomaly in time.

It is the subgiant star HD 140283, and if the upper parameters of its age are correct,

it is older than the universe.

Determining the ages of stars is a fine art, they can look younger than they actually are,

or older.

But there are some rules of thumb that let you determine a rough age.

One of those is the abundance of metals in a star, if you find one with almost no metals,

that tends to mean that it's very old.

The Big Bang is thought to have produced hydrogen, helium and a bit of lithium, but nothing heavier.

In other words, to have metals in a star in significant quantities, you need processes

that happened after the Big Bang to produce them, such as supernovas, or for that matter


HD 140283 is just such a low metal star, and using the Hubble Space telescope to make parallax

measurements, it was determined that this star is 14.46 billion years old, give or take

.8 billion years.

If this is correct, it's a potential problem.

In 2015 the Planck satellite determined with high accuracy that the age of the universe

is about 13.8 billion years.

Any age older than that for this star would conflict.

This could mean several things, including that we've underestimated the age of the universe.

But it could also imply that there are stars older than the universe.

Trouble is, that conflicts with everything we know about the big bang.

This star simply cannot be older than the universe, despite it appearing so.

The bottom line is that this star must be among the oldest possible stars having formed

shortly after the big bang.

But, there's a problem here too.

While the star is low in metals, they are not completely absent.

That means that this star would have to be a second generation star, having formed after

a first generation star went supernova and produced the observed low, but not absent,


This progenitor star would have been truly zero metal.

Called a population III star, these stars have never actually been seen, though there

are indicators that they once existed and one of the goals of the James Webb Space Telescope

is to find one by looking deep into space and time.

While most of what is suspected about these stars is hypothetical, such as they were larger

than stars present today, they could be said to be the objects that started it all.

By producing the first heavy elements, they kicked off the formation of other stars, and

ultimately planets.

That would, at least in the case of this world, eventually allow for life.

And, HD 140283 would have been present through most of that history, if stars could talk


And, speaking of talking, I recently was a guest on Dr. Paul Sutter's radio show Space


Link to the uncut YouTube version of the interview below and his YouTube channel where he explores

scientific topics from the perspective of a Ph.D. physicist and cosmologist.

I highly recommend it, and you may well hear more from Dr. Sutter on this channel in the

not too distant future.

Thanks for listening!

I am futurist and science fiction author John Michael Godier currently feeling a bit sorry

for HD 140283, immense age has a side effect, since there were little in the way of heavy

elements when it formed, unless it captured something, it probably doesn't have any planets.

Seems like a long time to be all alone and be sure to check out my books at your favorite

online book retailer and subscribe to my channel for regular, in-depth explorations into the

interesting, weird and unknown aspects of this amazing universe in which we live.

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