Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017


For more infomation >> BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!! - Duration: 0:03.


Io l'ho detto, voi non ci credevate (speciale Halloween #DdVotr) - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> Io l'ho detto, voi non ci credevate (speciale Halloween #DdVotr) - Duration: 7:05.


how to fix error caused by IDM ✅ ✔ - Duration: 2:52.

Welcome back to our Northern Vietnamese Pronunciation Training Software.

This is a very short video showing you how to fix Internet Download Manager error.

When you look up for our website from the address bar & hit Enter,

a dialogbox from IDM pops up saying "You have an obsolete Google Chrome browser integration or Google Chrome integration is not installed. Would you like to read how to fix it?" and it crashes the active program window.

It is because you either crack IDM to use it for free or IDM is already expired.

What you need to do is to remove/uninstall IDM from your computer completely.

Go to Control Panel => Programs and feature => Scroll down to select Internet Download Manager => Right-click on the file & choose "Uninstall". => Click OK & just follow the uninstall prompts below to complete the process.

When the uninstall process is complete, you will be asked to restart your computer.

You can either restart your computer by pressing the OK button or you can restart it later by hitting the cancel button.

Now, the dialogbox from IDM would not pop up when you're running our website in Chrome no more.

Now I'mma get back to the site to see if the software runs properly.

Whoever is given with a VIP code or exclusive discount code, type in your code or password in here.

Whoever wants to try the free trial version, hit "Click here to try the free version".

Here I'm using a VIP code given to one of our friends.

You see, it works quite well, properly, as expected.

Thank you for your time & see you again !

For more infomation >> how to fix error caused by IDM ✅ ✔ - Duration: 2:52.


Star Trek: Ferengi Alliance - Duration: 11:12.

Approximately 60 light years from the Bajoran Wormhole of the Alpha Quadrant, the planet

of Ferenginar stood as the homeworld of the Ferengi species and the seat of the government

for the Ferengi Alliance.

Developing into a powerful economic force among the various governments in the area,

they were primarily motivated by a desire for profit, guided by a set of rules and regulations

meant to protect their free-enterprise values and while preserving the unity of the Alliance

as a whole.

The Ferengi were humanoids with wrinkled noses, sharp teeth and large sensitive ears, referred

to as lobes, which made their hearing extremely acute.

Known to live over a hundred years, they had a strong immune system and a four lobed brain

which could not be read by most telepaths.

Shorter than the average human, their diet consisted primarily of insects and slugs,

though only from their homeworld, considering the insects of other planets unappealing.

It took approximately 10,000 years the Ferengi to establish themselves as an interstellar

power in the Alpha Quadrant, with a male named Gint becoming the First Grand Nagus, the ultimate

political and economic authority in their society.

Having purchased warp technology to spread beyond their home system, individual Ferengi

were often very independent, united only by their values and adherence to the rules and

regulations set forth by their government institutions.

Such as The Ferengi Commerce Authority, led by a board of Liquidators whose offices were

located on the 40th floor of the Tower of Commerce in the Sacred Marketplace of Ferenginar

and who oversaw the enforcement of Ferengi Trade By-Laws and Codes.

Their was also the Ferengi Trade Mission responsible for overseeing business relations with other

species, the Ferengi Health Commission who had the ability to revoke trade licenses,

and the Ferengi Gaming Commission who regulated casinos and gambling.

Donations and bribery were a readily accepted part of government and public life, with Ferengi

expected to pay when dealing with the government, and for government employees to pay off their

superiors in order to seek favour and promotion.

Even their religion centered around profit, having to pay for their prayers heard and

believing they could take their wealth with them after death, using the funds collected

over the span of the lives to bribe the Blessed Exchequer and enter the Divine Treasury.

Once inside the Celestial Auctioneers present their lots so you might bid on your next life.

A poor Ferengi who lacked the funds needed to pass through the divine treasury, might

be cast into the Vault of Eternal Destitution, their spirit lost forever.

In addition to the many institutions and regulation that guide their society, Ferengi business

men revere nothing more that sacred Rules of Acquisition written by the First Grand

Nagus as 173 rules to help his species pursue profit.

The Rulebook was later expanded to 285 by the 24th century, and included such suggestions

like The First Rule of Acquisition

Once you have their money, you never give it back.

Other well known and interesting rules, Are number 10, Greed is Eternal

Number 17, A contract is a contract is a contract... but only between Ferengi

Number 34, War is good for business Number 35 Peace is good for business

Number 111, Treat people in your debt like family... exploit them.

And Number 211, Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success.

Don't hesitate to step on them.

Although most Ferengi desired nothing more than to establish themselves financially,

using profit to elevate themselves within society, there were varying degrees of relentlessness

and greed among their species.

With some even rejecting the pursuit of profit, to follow a path of their own choosing which

sometimes meant abandoning the laws and customs of their society.

Through their persistent pursuit of new financial ventures throughout the Alpha quadrant, they

established relations with many any other worlds and species, largely adhering to a

policy of neutrality, preferring to settle their disputes through negotiation and economic

pressure, rather than warfare.

Although many other species see the Ferengi and greedy, dishonest and manipulative, they

often see themselves as examples of a morally superior culture, because their desire for

nonviolent, financially beneficial solutions, saw them avoid many of the atrocities committed

by others.

The Ferengi had no history of genocide or military occupation and conquest, and had

never been involved in a large scale war.

They even claimed to have never practiced slavery, although their treatment of females

in society contradicts that claim.

However because Ferengi did not consider women as anything more than property, they did not

consider their oppression as a moral failing.

Females in the Alliance were forbidden from pursuing profit, participating in government

or even wearing clothes in public.

They were expected to devote themselves entirely to serve the men in their lives, and to birth

children for their husbands.

And while women were largely dismissed by men in their society, mothers were highly

valued by their sons, with the 31st rule of Acquisition making it clear that one must,

"Never make fun of a Ferengi's Mother."

Though the Ferengi Alliance was not known as a military power, they did maintain a fleet

of of D'Kora class Mauraders which were used defensively, to protect their trade missions

and business ventures outside their territory.

And while the Ferengi were often stereotyped as cowards, often emitting a high pitched

scream when frightened, not all could be described in this way, as demonstrated in the Battle

of Prexnak in the year 2374, where ten ferengi stood alone against an 273 Lytasians, fighting

valiantly until the bitter end.

Ferengi were known to have interacted with humans as early as 2151, and had another encounter

in 2355, when a Ferengi vessel attacked the USS Stargazer under the command of a young

Jean Luc Picard, who proved victorious at the battle of Maxia.

Yet the Stargazer was so badly damaged they had to evacuate and abandon the ship.

Official first contact then came in 2364 when DaiMon Bok sought vengeance against Jean Luc

Picard, for the death of his son, who commanded the ship destroyed at Maxia.

Yet his plan was ultimately foiled and he was relieved of his command by First Officer

Kazago, who deemed this personal vendetta an unprofitable venture.

What few know however, is that their species actually made first contact with humans in

the year 1947, when the Ferengi Quark, Rom and Nog were transported through time and

studied by 20th century humans in America, before making their escape.

These Ferengi males, who lived and worked for many years on the Federation Outpost Deep

Space Nine, and played an important role in the future of the Ferengi Alliance and their

relations with the Federation.

Nog, the son of Rom became the first Ferengi to join Starffleet, becoming an officer on

Deep Space Nine, and fighting as a soldier of the Federation Alliance during the devastating

conflict known as the Dominion War of the late 24th century.

With the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole, leading from the Alpha Quadrant into the Gamma

Quadrant, a great power known as the Dominion soon invaded.

The Ferengi, eager to establish new trade and business relation with the species of

the Gamma Quadrant, were the first to travel deep enough into the territory to learn of

this great military power, said to be ruled by a race of changeling gods called the Founders,

and defended by a warrior race known as the Jem Hadar.

Unwilling to submit to the invading force, an alliance of Alpha and beta quadrant power

rose to oppose them, leading to wide scale warfare and deaths of countless millions.

Yet while the Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Empire, Cardassian Union, Breen Confederacy

and many others came to be involved in the conflict on one side or the other, the Ferengi

maintained their neutrality, keeping busness relations with both factions and sometimes

even serving as intermediaries between them.

Nevertheless, The ferengi government was well aware that there natural business interests

were tied to the established powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, and so tended to

favour the Federation Faction.

Yet while the Ferengi were able to avoid becoming involved directly in the Dominion War, the

Alliance faced its own internal struggle and revolution and the end of the 24the century

under Grand Nagus Zek, which came to fundamentally transform their society.

However the changes in their society did not originate with the Grand Nagus, but rather

with a Ferengi female named Ishka, mother of Quark and Rom, who refused to be constrained

by the archaic rules of their culture.

Working in secret she broke the law forbidding women from earning profit, and built a business

so large she became immensely wealthy, and coming to the attention of the government

leading to her arrest, confession and the forfetture of her profits.

Yet she was undeterred by the setback and continued in her rebellious ways, eventually

coming to the attention of Grand Nagus Zek and beginning a romantic relationship with

the old man.

As they spent more time together, Ishka was able to influence the Nagus tremendously,

coming to rule the Alliance from behind the scenes as Zek's mental health deteriorated

in his later years.

By 2374, her influence was so profound she convinced the Grand Nagusto to pass an equality

amendment to the bill of opportunities, which would allow females to wear clothes in public

and earn profit just like males.

Ishka had explained to him that over half the population was female, yet they contributed

practically nothing to their economy and that by allowing them to enter the financial world,

the profits and prosperity of the alliance could only increase.

And while this argument was enough to persuade the Grand Nagus, this radical notion sent

Feriginar into an uproar, even leading Zek to be deposed by the Ferengi Commerce Authority.

However Ishka worked with her son Quark to ensure Zek was reinstated, allowing them to

continue making more progressive reforms, establishing the congress of economic advisors

and collecting taxes to fund social programs like wage subsidies for the poor, retirement

benefits for the elderly and healthcare for all.

In 2375, Grand Nagus Zek was at last ready to retire with Ishka, and so Rom, younger

brother of Quark was chosen to succeed as the new Grand Nagus.

For a time, Quark believed that he was going to be chosen as the successor, outraged to

hear of the reforms being passed.

And so he immediately declared his intention to reverse these progressive changes at the

first opportunity, remarking that he must act before everything Fereginar stood for

was destroyed.

Quark even unknowingly invoked the words of Captian Jean Luc Picard, to say that "the

line has to be drawn here.

This far, and no further."

Yet Quark was ultimately passed over, precisely because he represented the greedy, cutthroat

traditions of the past, whereas his brother Rom was gentle and kind, more concerned with

people than profit, and would therefore ensure the progressive changes reforming their society

continued into the next Generation.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: Ferengi Alliance - Duration: 11:12.


Challenge Меняемся рисунками Рик и Морти Леди Баг и Супер Кот - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Challenge Меняемся рисунками Рик и Морти Леди Баг и Супер Кот - Duration: 2:02.


10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:33.

10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand

Most people tend to be somewhere in the middle of introversion or extroversion.

They are called ambiverts.

Obviously, outgoing introverts are certainly in that position too, but people rarely understand

this and expect people to be either one or the other.

The outgoing introvert knows this only too well.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 things only outgoing introverts would understand.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!


They feel that extroversion is overdone in our society

They may have done group work at school and team work when employed,

but they feel that quieter time for reflection and the ability to work by themselves should

be more valued in the workplace.

They cannot always work in a group or together.


They can be the life and soul of the party

Outgoing introverts can be chatty, exuberant, funny and great company at a party.

They will be completely drained afterwards and may not want to see anyone for a few hours

or days!


They can make excellent sales persons

Tradition has it that an extrovert is the ideal person to clinch the sale, but the outgoing

introvert has a lot going for them in the sales world it seems.

They know when they should keep quiet and when they should push.

They are also pretty good at tuning into a client's needs and preferences.


They do not enjoy proms

"Everyone shines, given the right lighting.

For some, it's a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamplit desk"- Susan Cain

author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Being forced to take part in certain rites of passage such as proms is a real turn off

for many outgoing introverted.

They would much prefer to stay at home and read a book.


They prefer social media

Social media has helped many an outgoing introvert to cope with all the shenanigans.

It is sufficiently social while allowing for quiet downtime with no chatty interruptions.

They do not have to move too far from their comfort zone.

It's an ideal combination, acting social and being alone!


They prefer to be left alone sometimes

This sometimes causes upset when they start to date.

They can be chatty and great company but then they may seem to withdraw into themselves

because they do not answer texts or calls.

The fact is that their social batteries need recharging and this has to be done alone.


They don't use their phones all the time

One thing you notice about these introverts is that they are deeply focused and they cannot

flit from one chatty remark to a text or a phone call.

Listening and talking are just not compatible with their deep thinking and concentration.


They pick and choose their social events

Going out may mean a lot of small talk and that can be pretty meaningless.

Yes, they enjoy company and social outings but you can bet that they will be pretty choosy

when doing so.

Other social occasions are sometimes risky and tricky for them.

They may go with the flow or they may appear withdrawn.


They value their introversion highly

Silence and moments of quiet are often regarded negatively.

Yet, these qualities have led to great discoveries and advanced our civilization for centuries.

The outgoing introvert regards his introversion as a great strength and is perfectly content

to be that way.

They get very angry when people start to imply that there is something wrong with them!


They find it hard to adapt

Problems arise when they are expected to be outgoing all the time and perform as if they

were circus clowns.

They have to do this to get a job, make friends or network.

They know what society demands and expects.

It is not always easy to switch on extroversion like a light.

It's great being an outgoing introvert but wouldn't it be wonderful if people understood

them a bit more?

Let us know in the comments how being an outgoing introvert has made life easy or difficult.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:33.


Me and my cycling Bro - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Me and my cycling Bro - Duration: 3:11.


Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas Octobe - Duration: 10:21.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas Octobe - Duration: 10:21.


Paranormal 9 oyun ! Real həyatda oynuya biləcəyimiz adrenalin dolu, qorxunc, cinli 9 oyun ! - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Paranormal 9 oyun ! Real həyatda oynuya biləcəyimiz adrenalin dolu, qorxunc, cinli 9 oyun ! - Duration: 9:17.


[실험] 한국인은 모든 음식과 김치를 함께 먹어도 맛있을까? ㅋㅋㅋ [닭갈비TV] - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> [실험] 한국인은 모든 음식과 김치를 함께 먹어도 맛있을까? ㅋㅋㅋ [닭갈비TV] - Duration: 3:40.


Hướng Dẫn LiveStream Facebook Từ Video Có Sẵn Trên Máy Tính | Video Full HD - Nguyễn Tỉnh - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Hướng Dẫn LiveStream Facebook Từ Video Có Sẵn Trên Máy Tính | Video Full HD - Nguyễn Tỉnh - Duration: 7:12.


Jaden Smith New Hairstyles 2018 - Which Hairstyle Is Better? - Duration: 2:27.

Jaden Smith New Hairstyles Jaden Smith New Hairstyles

Jaden Smith New Hairstyles Jaden Smith New Hairstyles

Jaden Smith New Hairstyles

For more infomation >> Jaden Smith New Hairstyles 2018 - Which Hairstyle Is Better? - Duration: 2:27.


Capital T ft Don Phenom & Vinz - Gang (HQ official audio) - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Capital T ft Don Phenom & Vinz - Gang (HQ official audio) - Duration: 3:59.


Top 5 New Technology Future Inventions Gadgets Coming in 2018 - Duration: 10:34.

Top 5 New Technology Future Inventions Gadgets Coming in 2018

For more infomation >> Top 5 New Technology Future Inventions Gadgets Coming in 2018 - Duration: 10:34.


What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.

For more infomation >> What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.


P. Emery #9 : Quelle est la place de la Trinité dans la Somme ? - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> P. Emery #9 : Quelle est la place de la Trinité dans la Somme ? - Duration: 5:32.


My Timelapse Job | VLOG 2/2 | ENG SUBS - Duration: 3:46.

Now I've reached 

 the location I'm gonna timelapse

You can see the bridge I'm gonna capture

The time is around

4 AM

Sun is up around 4:45 AM

Very nice light this morning

I bet this will be great

Now the camera is rolling 

With my tablet

You can see a preview of the photo

And it's connected to my camera

My 5D Mark 3

I've zoomed in quite a bit with a tele lens

On the bridge right here

This tablet can adjust my exposure

The only difference from yesterday is that

the light is increasing because it's a sunrise

So now it has to adjust the exposure down and not up

So the plan is that

it will roll for around one and a half hour

The sun has hit the horizon at last

It's one of those totally clear summer mornings

Where you see

the sun

in its full round shape

crawling slowly over the horizon

without any clouds in front of it

It's not very often you experience these entirely clear mornings

So i'm very pleased that the weather turned out just right

And I could make my capture

I'm just gonna let it roll some more

I wanna let the sun get a bit further up

before I end my timelapse

There is just something about getting out so early

where no one else is around

seeing it all wake up

the increasing light and the changing light

Thats very special

I often find myself having both cameras rolling

because the light is so cool in the morning

and there's so many angles you wanna capture

So it can be a bit busy cause I wanna capture it all.

Now I've set up my slider

by these awesome flowers behind me

We need a motion timelapse of the flowers

from the flower park in Jesperhus

which is what the place is well known for

So im gonna capture that

Take a look here where I've set up the rig

and I'm about to start shooting

So we will get a cool shot of the flowers and the water

For more infomation >> My Timelapse Job | VLOG 2/2 | ENG SUBS - Duration: 3:46.


3rd T20 Pakistan Vs Sri lanka 2017 In Gaddafi Stadium Lahore - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> 3rd T20 Pakistan Vs Sri lanka 2017 In Gaddafi Stadium Lahore - Duration: 1:44.


The BIGGEST DECISION I've ever made | Mikumba Vlog #1 - Duration: 5:31.

good morning everybody I'm standing in rainy boring Swedish weather and today

is the beginning of a new chapter and I'm gonna tell you more about this but

I've taken my biggest decision ever made probably so let's just jump to the intro

and dig into it

right after a nice day Copenhagen I'm on the airport and

This is where I'm gonna spend my time


right after like 20 hours we arrived to Bali. I found these guys from Sweden so

I'm heading with them to Canggu and see what happens there

good morning everybody and welcome to first episode of Mikumba vlog, my name is

Hugo Mattsson and I just dropped down in Bali, Bali so good times...

I've been flying for about 30 hours of traveling and I'm finally here!

In this vlog you are able to follow me and my friends on our dream to operating our

own dive centre and that's also the big decision I was making this summer to go

in and become a part owner and Mikumba diving and start our work of opening a

dive center in magical Komodo National Park so that is what we are gonna do and

that's what you are going to be able to follow in this vlog what I did this

summer was decided to go in this company and I bought a freaking boat like a 20

meter big boat traditional wooden phinisi down here in Indonesia I haven't

even seen it like the only thing I've seen it's like this the footage that

like our captain and our manager was sending to us saying "oh, it's a good

boat so we we just did it with bought the boat and now we've rented a place

where we can set up our dive center so in just a few days I'll be heading to

Labuan Bajo to check out our boat which is cool it's being renovated right now

so much fun to see you are going to be able to follow our

whole progress on this vlog so make sure to subscribe and I'll see you in just a

few days or well you are gonna see me in the next episode so I hope you liked it

comment do whatever, I'm just excited so let get it on!

by the way, some of you might wonder how did this guy do this pool half-and-half shots and

I actually tried out my new dome for the GoPro and this is a little bit how I

like this vlog to be it's gonna be, transparent we're gonna show everything

we're gonna show you not just the good stuff also like the negative stuff our

problems our obstacles how to run and start up a dive Center

down in Indonesia and if you feel this interesting just hit that subscribe

bottom and also if you have any experience with us on Mikumba diving and

just set up a TripAdvisor account (see the link below!!)

Just give us a review and make us very happy

Good Bye everybody! :D

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