Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017


For more infomation >> BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!! - Duration: 0:03.


Challenge Меняемся рисунками Рик и Морти Леди Баг и Супер Кот - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Challenge Меняемся рисунками Рик и Морти Леди Баг и Супер Кот - Duration: 2:02.


10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:33.

10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand

Most people tend to be somewhere in the middle of introversion or extroversion.

They are called ambiverts.

Obviously, outgoing introverts are certainly in that position too, but people rarely understand

this and expect people to be either one or the other.

The outgoing introvert knows this only too well.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 10 things only outgoing introverts would understand.

If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!


They feel that extroversion is overdone in our society

They may have done group work at school and team work when employed,

but they feel that quieter time for reflection and the ability to work by themselves should

be more valued in the workplace.

They cannot always work in a group or together.


They can be the life and soul of the party

Outgoing introverts can be chatty, exuberant, funny and great company at a party.

They will be completely drained afterwards and may not want to see anyone for a few hours

or days!


They can make excellent sales persons

Tradition has it that an extrovert is the ideal person to clinch the sale, but the outgoing

introvert has a lot going for them in the sales world it seems.

They know when they should keep quiet and when they should push.

They are also pretty good at tuning into a client's needs and preferences.


They do not enjoy proms

"Everyone shines, given the right lighting.

For some, it's a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamplit desk"- Susan Cain

author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Being forced to take part in certain rites of passage such as proms is a real turn off

for many outgoing introverted.

They would much prefer to stay at home and read a book.


They prefer social media

Social media has helped many an outgoing introvert to cope with all the shenanigans.

It is sufficiently social while allowing for quiet downtime with no chatty interruptions.

They do not have to move too far from their comfort zone.

It's an ideal combination, acting social and being alone!


They prefer to be left alone sometimes

This sometimes causes upset when they start to date.

They can be chatty and great company but then they may seem to withdraw into themselves

because they do not answer texts or calls.

The fact is that their social batteries need recharging and this has to be done alone.


They don't use their phones all the time

One thing you notice about these introverts is that they are deeply focused and they cannot

flit from one chatty remark to a text or a phone call.

Listening and talking are just not compatible with their deep thinking and concentration.


They pick and choose their social events

Going out may mean a lot of small talk and that can be pretty meaningless.

Yes, they enjoy company and social outings but you can bet that they will be pretty choosy

when doing so.

Other social occasions are sometimes risky and tricky for them.

They may go with the flow or they may appear withdrawn.


They value their introversion highly

Silence and moments of quiet are often regarded negatively.

Yet, these qualities have led to great discoveries and advanced our civilization for centuries.

The outgoing introvert regards his introversion as a great strength and is perfectly content

to be that way.

They get very angry when people start to imply that there is something wrong with them!


They find it hard to adapt

Problems arise when they are expected to be outgoing all the time and perform as if they

were circus clowns.

They have to do this to get a job, make friends or network.

They know what society demands and expects.

It is not always easy to switch on extroversion like a light.

It's great being an outgoing introvert but wouldn't it be wonderful if people understood

them a bit more?

Let us know in the comments how being an outgoing introvert has made life easy or difficult.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Things Only Outgoing Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 4:33.


Paranormal 9 oyun ! Real həyatda oynuya biləcəyimiz adrenalin dolu, qorxunc, cinli 9 oyun ! - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Paranormal 9 oyun ! Real həyatda oynuya biləcəyimiz adrenalin dolu, qorxunc, cinli 9 oyun ! - Duration: 9:17.


time speed and distance shortcut tricks tips with examples in hindi - bank po see exam - Duration: 26:18.

For more infomation >> time speed and distance shortcut tricks tips with examples in hindi - bank po see exam - Duration: 26:18.


Top 5 New Technology Future Inventions Gadgets Coming in 2018 - Duration: 10:34.

Top 5 New Technology Future Inventions Gadgets Coming in 2018

For more infomation >> Top 5 New Technology Future Inventions Gadgets Coming in 2018 - Duration: 10:34.


What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.

For more infomation >> What's Inside FAKE Football Boots - Duration: 16:01.


【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】みにくいアヒルの子/The Ugly Duckling【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 4:39.

Once upon a time there was an old mansion surrounded by a moat.

In the bushes by the moat, a mother duck was sitting on her eggs.

The eggs hatched one by one

and lovey yellow ducklings popped their heads out of the shells.

The biggest egg among them was still not ready to hatch.

After a while it finally cracked and one big ugly duckling was born.

The ugly duckling was pecked and poked around by others,

and every bird talked behind his back.

He was a bullied child.

The mother protected him at first but little by little she gave up on him.

"Everybody is right. You are really ugly!

I wish you would go somewhere far away," she sighed.

When he heard it, he couldn't bear the pain he felt so he left the flock.

Wherever he went, every one disliked him so there was no place he could have peace.

The ugly duckling slept in a place nobody could see him

and left there for the next hiding place in the morning.

He was alone.

No family. No friends.

Time passed and Fall came.

One day the ugly duckling saw something very beautiful he had never seen before.

It was a flock of swans.

Stretching their delicate long necks gracefuly and spreading out their brightened white wings,

they were on the way to fly back to warm land.

The ugly duckling was gazing at the breathtaking beautiful swans in amazement

until they flew away into the sky.

'I wish I could be one of them.'

'Stupid me.What am I dreaming? I can't even be accepted as a duck.'

Time had passed and Winter brought ice to the pond.

The ugly duckling endured the harsh Winter alone, crouching down in a bed of reeds.

Day by day, the sunlight got warmer and warmer, and a lark started singing a song.

At last Spring had come.

The ugly duckling's heart was also singing for Spring.

He tried to flap his wings.

Then his body left the ground.

'Wow! I can fly.'

He flapped his wings avidly and then landed in the moat.

All swans in the moat approached him.

'Oh! they are coming to kill me.'

'I'll be killed by them.' 'I don't care anymore.'

'Killed by beautiful birds would be better than bullied by ducks.'

'Go ahead. I'm ready.'

The ugly duckling waited calmly and closed his eyes.

But he was wrong!

The swans were gathering around and touched him gently with their beaks.

One swan said. "Hi! Nice to meet you, lovely newbie."

"What? Lovely newbie? Me?"

Surprised, he looked down at the water.

There he saw his reflection on the surface of the water.

There was a bright, pure white swan.

His ugly feathers fell out during Winter and his whole body turned into a beautiful swan.

""New born is the most beautiful, isn't it?""

He heard everyone agreeing how beautiful he was.

For more infomation >> 【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】みにくいアヒルの子/The Ugly Duckling【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 4:39.


How to Do Makeup for Almond Eyes | Professional Technique for Makeup on Almond Eyes | Youtube 2017 - Duration: 10:29.

Hi this video is about how to apply eyeshadow for almond shaped eyes my name

is Melissa Van Dijk and I'm a professional makeup artist and you can

join me every Sunday on my Facebook page because I'm doing live makeup tutorials

but let's get right into this video at first

I like to give you some tips about how to recognize if you have almond shaped

eyes or not? and then I'm going to demonstrate you a simple eye makeup look

which you can create at home and it looks beautiful for an everyday makeup

look the first tip is to close your eyes and then you have to ask yourself if

your eyelid has a crease and if it has a crease this is already a good sign and

if you haven't a creased then you might have a monolid it and now we can move on

to the next step for tip number two you will need to have your eyes open and you

need to see the crease if you see the crease this is already a good sign and

you also need to see a little bit of your eyelid and now we can move on to

the third tip next tip check the whites of your eyes and to be more specific you

will need to find out if there's any whites visible around your iris if you

can see that there is some white on the lower part or upper part and you will

have some round eyes but if you can't see any whites on the lower or upper part

then you have almond shaped eyes but let's move on to the next tip now we

will need to find out if you have downturned or upturned shaped eyes and

to find out if you have it or not then you just need to imagine a line which

goes straight through your eyes a horizontal line and if the outer corners

of your eyes are above you have upturned eyes and if the other corners are

underneath you have downturned eyes but if the outer corners are exactly on that

line you have the perfect almond shaped eyes and we will move on to the next

tip for the last tip we will need to find out if you have close set eyes or

wide set eyes and if you have none of them then you just can play around with

makeup and you don't have to worry about anything but you can have almond shaped

eyes even though you have close set or wide set eyes I so just keep this in

mind how to find out if you have close set eyes or wide set eyes well just

take one eye size and place it in between the two eyes and if this gap is

wider than one eye size you have wide set eyes and if this gap is smaller

than one eye size you have close set eyes and this will also play a

big role on how to apply your eyeshadow but now we will move on to the

application now that you know that you have to perfect almond shaped eyes you

can play around with so many different eye makeup looks because there aren't

any rules with the almond shaped and with that said I'm going to show you now

one technique which you can also do at home just make sure that you are

matching the colors with your skin tone because I have a light to medium skin

tone I'm also going to use these brown tones but if you have lighter skin tone

or a darker skin tone just make sure that you use something which is visible

on your skin tone because then it will give you a beautiful appearance and it

looks just gorgeous on your eyes for today's eye makeup look I'm going to use

the Smashbox eyeshadow palette and I'm going to use the light browns and also

pinkish tones for my eye makeup look I'm going to start off with a transition

shade a little bit in my crease and above which is at this shade right here

I'm going to use a fluffy zoeva brush and I'm going into the transition shade

and I'm going to apply it in my crease and also above because when I'm opening

my eyes you still will see some colors which gives it a really nice and

flawless look so at first I like to dip into the transition shade and also tap

the excess off and I'm going to apply it into the crease and above

to keep this video as short as possible I'm just going to demonstrate to this

eye makeup look on one side because it's exactly the same on the other side but

you can join me every Sunday on my Facebook page because I'm doing a live

makeup tutorials and all the informations are down below in the

description box where you can also ask me any questions about makeup but let's

move on with the eye makeup look now I'm going to use this brown shade right here

with a smaller fluffier brush and I'm just going to apply it into the crease

I'm just keeping this shade right here into the crease and I'm not going above

because I like that the colors are going slightly into each other and that it

looks flawless blended and this would also deepen the crease

now I'm going into this two shimmery shades righty I'm going to mix it and I

like to apply it with my finger to get a full pigment with this shimmery shade

I'm going to use it on the entire mobile lid and then I like to blend it out a

little bit with my finger and a brush

now you can take a small fluffy brush but still flat brush to blend it into

the other shades and you can also drag it down a little bit towards the inner

corner and also get a little bit more precise when you're going to follow your

lash line so that it adds also more glitter on your lash line so I'm going

to mix it again I'm going to tap the excess off I'm just going close to my

lash line so that when I'm open my eye then it looks really nice and shimmery

and I also like to drag it down a little bit more to the inner corner of my eye

and also blend it into the other shades but still on the mobile it you don't

want to drag it up up to the crease now I'm going into this dark brown shade and

I'm focusing on the outer corner of my eye and also a little bit into the

crease and for that I'm going to use a fluffy brush but still a little bit more

dense brush to keep the focus at the outer corner of my eye so at first I

like to dab a little bit and then I'm going to blend it into the other shades

but I'm keeping it at the outer part of my eye to add a little bit more depth to

my eye and also a little bit into the crease but not towards the inner corner

keep it to the other part

for my lower lashline I'm going to use this dark brown shade again and just keep

it very close to the lash line and for that I'm going to use a pointed fluffy

brush to also get it nicely blended and then later on I'm going to use the light

brown and I put this underneath the dark brown so this is not a dark brown and

I'm keeping it very close to the lash line and also to the lashes and I'm also

connecting it with the outer corner of my eye with the lid above so that it

looks like one full eye makeup look

so now I like to use the same brush again I'm just going into the lighter

brownish shade and I'm putting this underneath and blend it into the dark

brown now I'm going into this light shimmery shade right here which I'm

going to use as a highlighter and publication I'm going to use a flat

fluffy brush which is also a little bit pointed at the front to keep the focus

in the inner corner and also underneath my brows and if you have close set

eyes make sure that you are highlighting in the inner corner of your eye because

this is so important if you have close set eyes because this will give you

the illusion that they aren't that close anymore and if you have wide set eyes

keep it matte and also keep it a little bit darker in the inner corner because

then it will give you the appearance that they aren't that white said it

anymore bear this in mind and then you can use any application and you can also

use any color as you want on the rest of your eyelid but just keep this in mind

this is now one technique and also one eye shadow look you can create if you

have almond shaped eyes and now as the last step you just need to apply some

mascara and you are ready to go

this is now the finished look of my eye makeup look and this is such a gorgeous

and simple eye makeup look which you can create if you have almond shaped eyes

but don't forget that this is just one technique you can use so many different

techniques you can use so many different colors just play around and enjoy

applying eyeshadow thank you so much for watching and I hope that you enjoyed

this video for almond shaped eyes and let me know your thoughts what you think

about this video just let it in a comment below and if you like to know on

how to apply false lashes this is right here and if you like to subscribe to my

channel to support me this is right in the corner thank you so much and I will

see you soon bye

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