Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

Hot lesbian kisssss Part-2

For more infomation >> Hot lesbian kisssss Part-2 - Duration: 4:51.


7/10점 "가장 지루한 마리오 시리즈", 그러나 누가 작성했는가? - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 7/10점 "가장 지루한 마리오 시리즈", 그러나 누가 작성했는가? - Duration: 4:23.


Trialler Story Khmer រឿងថតកុន Post By Pheasal Top 1 - Duration: 22:50.

For more infomation >> Trialler Story Khmer រឿងថតកុន Post By Pheasal Top 1 - Duration: 22:50.


Venezuela 2007 banknotes - Duration: 11:56.

so hello people are you going today and today on goomer the Queen's of banknotes

I will show you these Venezuelan banknotes they were introduced in 2007

and are currently out of circulation because of hyperinflation Venezuela so

if you look on the news you'll find that Venezuela is suffering economic problems

brought on by the socialist policies of the government by nationalizing and a

lot of industries the people or businesses have no incentive to produce

things because prices are regulated and there is no there's no real incentive to

supply the market any demand even though there is a demand a government strongly

regulates the economy so this is pretty much like a Soviet economy back in the

seventies and eighties okay so these banknotes are introduced in 2007 at a

rate of 1,000 old believe ours equals 1 new Bulova in current exchange rate is I

believe over 20,000 bolivars and next year they estimating the

inflation rate will be seven to eight hundred percent okay so let's have a

look at the boulevards first thing you know he said these are sideways not on

the reverse the reverse is like a most ever banknote in the world so who have

we got on deed to bully bus we have a friend she's got the Malanda and the

portrait is by a person named George Ruger he's probably French okay so has

the name down below under his portrait and in the background has as ships

and she seen from yeah ships there hmm if you have look at this pie here if you

rub your fingers across it it's actually quite thick and you can see a number to

that place and security features we have watermark which is just the same as the

portrait and we have a security Fred okay and if you rub here you up here

that's all braised ink as well and if it's a counterfeit will probably just be

flattened okay let's have a good effect the becaise amazon river dolphins and he

has marine bristle worms also its coat of arms it has twos here and what am I

now a feature if you twist these around most modern bank not to like this even

Australian United States notes or not then this if you twist it around this

shouldn't match up and this is another indication that is not counterfeit you

actually saw this on someone doing it to Chinese 100 you won banknotes and also

for merican banknotes you can actually do these two in Canadian ones as well

okay this one is a 2012 very low denomination where fact probably point

zero is there one of a u.s. cent okay beautiful river dolphins there's a

coat of arms here as well and this star if you have a look at that size

now look at that side if it should fall more complete stuff then you can see

here how it is indium ok d5 bloody bars now this one has Pedro come Mia cameo

and on the banker has Negro primo primero I'm not to use the Spanish Dan

here has some horses galloping with the Venezuelan flag let's cover during the

War of Independence and up here we have the joint I'm in dealer which is also on

the back I have more horses you okay watermark his face again well these

banknotes are pretty much the same with this sign in this security features

increases you got two chicken denomination ok the giant armadillo and

we have our palm trees in the background palm tree so quite nice actually also

have a guitar here and design pattern there

these guitars with also match up if we spin me around makes a full guitar there

you go for guitar my banknotes actually raised printing II didn't believe us she

says I have to say it's naming chiku why kapu well it's probably 194 American

languages so I have trouble actually saying so there's the tin

he has a hobby Agel yeah mmm American happy Agel yeah and as these

features teens in the background and also this should also match up Tim yeah

like that and on the back has a happy able and has Kaku National Park okay

looks like a waterfall and here he has the clock has a pot so if we join in

terror where's the make pottery beautiful I actually quite like pottery

ancient Roman and Greek pottery is actually one of the most colorful but

pottery from the Americas it's also quite amazing

okay few features now this is a segmented security frettin has 10 BC a

on it OPC feel me being the central Venezuela okay and last so we see pin so

we got free more so we have 20 now to this has Louise Carreras the this Maddie

I know I butcher the name but I'm on Oh as you can see on this one you have a

flower never 20 and they alternate depending on the light source so that's

quite good this has a segmented screw thread as well

beautiful this is one of the best series from South America mmm Columbia also

she's good bank nights and so does Argentina Brazil used to in the old

serious account series ma'am our day this has a Hawksbill turtle not bad

ok I'll quickly run through 15100 okay if he has Simon Rodriguez and as you can

see he has a book out a 950 doesn't work well on that one it's a book and a quill

on the back Brown and this one has a spectacle Bay and Laguna del Santo

Cristo in the news here in Nevada National Park mmm background is his face

as well and 100 sorry this one as well as 50s one security in the segmented one

yeah segmented one changes color as you can

see and this one is I'm a believer he's a liberator Venezuela from the

Spanish also they also have each one of them has a device here so the visually

impaired can actually tell which bank now that these any here we have looks

like a memorial some not too sure what is this ultimately not to be hot hungry

no nothing day Arizona water mask on the back he has a black hooded red Siskin in

the Kaurava Rapinoe which is in out of gila national park mmm this 100 years

purplish color so to be hard to actually see it

beautiful isn't it this painting is beautiful isn't it

so we have all these banknotes and the current banknotes actually based on mr.

science so this one became the 500 this one became the thousand this design

became the 2000 this design became the 5000 this 50 design became the king

Belson and this 100 boulevards became the 20,000th bank now of course they've

different colors and the denominations have been changed and this one was used

into 2016 when they issued a 10 50 and 100 Bulevar cone which I presume they

don't use anymore cuz ur e those values 200 bullying bars just one US sent so

Central Bank of Venezuela banknotes from 2007 beautiful banknotes aren't they

hope you enjoyed this video and please like and subscribe so I can show you

more about pen notes from other countries thank you very much have a

nice day

For more infomation >> Venezuela 2007 banknotes - Duration: 11:56.


Giant Armadillo Story 5 - Duration: 1:28.

The Giant Armadillo and the Thief

The giant armadillos saw a thief.

But they didn't know where he went.

Mommy armadillo called the police.

The police came.

Where's the thief?


giant armadillo only saw the thief's footprints.

Never mind.

They followed the thief's track to the top of the mountain near the top footprints


mommy armadillo found one train they rode the train down the mountain a giant

The giant armadillos made their bed.

The thief might try to come back.

But the giant armadillos were prepared.

The thief would look in the bed and get trapped.

The thief is going to come back

in another part of the story.


For more infomation >> Giant Armadillo Story 5 - Duration: 1:28.


Chord chart study #10 Django's Tiger (Django Reinhardt) - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 14:50.

Hi, Clément here

this video will be a new chord chart study on Django's Tiger

from Django Reinhardt

it's a rather known major piece

it's played a lot in gypsy jazz

First, I'll play the chord chart

and then I'll showcase each chord

to show you how I go about improvising

in terms of scale, arpeggios, substitutions, etc.

which will allow you to better understand the chord chart to know how to improvise on it

So first I'm going to play the chord chart

here you go

the piece is in A

there are a few modulations

but overall it's not really a complicated piece to improvise on

At the beginning we have a A

on this A we can simply play the A scale

in terms of arpeggios, we can think of the A arpeggio

root note, third, fifth

we can think of arpeggios with enrichments

so A7


with a ninth, etc.

we can also think of the diatonic substitution

if you don't know what that is, you can click on the 'i' for "info"

in the top right corner of the video

it'll lead you to an article I made to explain it

So, on this A we can think of a Fm# arpeggio

or a Cm# arpeggio

for examples

F# or C#

so that's the diatonic substitution

it'll allow you to play those two arpeggios, Fm# and Cm# on the A

Then, we have a rather common cadence in gypsy jazz

this one

So we have a A with C# as bass note

then a diminished C

then a Bm7

and a E7

so on the A with C# as bass note

it's the same thing

as on a the A, so you can play what I just showed you

on the diminished C

you can simply think about a diminished arpeggio

If you don't know what's the diminished arpeggio you can click on the 'i' for "info"

in the top right corner, I made an article on that as well

if you want to simplify all of that

as we have here...

the chords go by a bit faster

you can also think more globally, by thinking about the piece's key

so on these few chords, you can think of the A scale

and it'll work on the whole cadence

it won't have the exact color of the chord

but it'll work

so that was for the diminished C

so either the diminished C arpeggio or the A scale

then we have a Bm and a E7, so it's a II V in A

in terms of scale

we're still in the A key

so we can think of the A scale

in terms of arpeggios, we can think of the chord's arpeggios

the Bm arpeggio

on Bm we're on the 2nd degree of the A key

so we can also use the diatonic substitution

and as you know if you looked at the article I linked you earlier

the 2nd degree can be substituted thanks to the diatonic substitution principle

by the fourth degree

so on this Bm we can also play a D arpeggio

for example D7

so that was for the arpeggio, and on the E7

we are on a seventh chord so that's the fifth degree

relative to the key which is A

so you can use the A scale

and the classical arpeggios

E7 arpeggio

the diminished arpeggio

going toward F

we can also use the tritone substitution

again if you don't know what that is, you can click on the 'i' for "info" in the top right corner of the video

I made an article to explain the tritone substitution

so, on this E7 we could play Bb7 arpeggio

then we have a E7 again

F7 and we come back on to E7

for the E7 it's the same thing as on the previous measure

then we have a F7 which is coming out of nowhere

it's not part of the A key so it's out of context

it's here to make an effect

so if you want to improvise on it

we can think of the scales half a tone above

so we were on a A here

so we can think of Bb

because F7 is the fifth degree of the Bb key

so, we can play the Bb scale

As, on the E7, we can think in terms of arpeggios

the F7 arpeggio

the diminished arpeggio which is going to start on a F#

On the F# we can also think about a Cm

or Cm6

because if you also take a look at the diatonic substitution principle

we can substitute the fifth degree by the seventh degree

it's like the key is Bb because F7 is its fifth degree

so if we take F7 which is the fifth degree

the seventh degree in Bb

will be a Am7b5

and a Am7b5 is the equivalent of a Cm6

So, on this F7 we can think of Cm or Cm6

it works very well

here it is for the F7

we can also think of the tritone substitution also, I don't know if I said it

So on the F7 we can think of a B7 arpeggio

then we come back on E7, it's the same thing as earlier

and we come back on the A

so that's the first part of the chord chart called A

and the chord chart has this structure: A then A'

because of the beginning of the second part is the same

as the first, so we have a A again

On that you can do the same thing as I showed you earlier

then we'll have a II V in D

So, Em, A7, D

At this point there is a change of key

we're not in A anymore but in D

So on this cadence we can think of the D scales

in terms of arpeggio, we can play the chord's arpeggio

So, Em

We can think of a G7 on the Em

applying the diatonic substitution principle

we have the Em here, here the G

and if we are in D, Em is the 2nd degree

so, we can substitute it by the fourth degree which is G

for example on the Em, if you play a G7

it'll work out very well

then on the A7

we can play the A7 arpeggio

we could play the diminished arpeggio, so it'll be a diminished Bb

we could think of the tritone substitution

So, on the A7, we will have a Eb7

and then we arrive on the D

and it's like we were on the first degree of the D key

so we can think of the D scale, and the D arpeggios

so, the regular one

with a seventh

with a sixth, ninth, etc.

we can also think of the diatonic substitution of D

we could substitute it by the sixth degree which is Bm

or by the third degree which is Fm#

from there we have a cadence, a cadence is a progression of chords

we have a I IV

which is D, diminished D#, A, F7#, Bm, E7 and A

So, on D I already explained what we can play

on the diminished D#

we can simply think of the diminished D# arpeggio

then we arrive on the A, it's the same thing as on the A's I already talked about

then we have a F7#

and its a transition chord to go towards the second 2nd degree of the A key

In fact, here we were in D

and then we come back to the main key which is A

So in fact, this is the sixth degree of A7

which go towards the 2nd degree of A, the Em

So, on this F7# we can think of the F7# arpeggio

we can think of the diminished G arpeggio

we can also think of tritone substitution

which is a C7 arpeggio

in terms of scale we can use the Em harmonic scale

it'll work very well

then, we arrive on the Bm, E7 to come back to A

So, I already went over how to improvise on the Bm and E7 earlier in the video

and then we come back on A and we finished the chord chart

So, here you go for the explanations and analysis of the chord chart

try to learn the different diagrams and scales I talked about

I'll take a little summary PDF

if you are on Youtube you can click in the description, there is a link leading you to the website

and on the website at the end of the page, you can download the summary PDF of all that

if you have questions ask away on Youtube

Think about giving the video a thumb-up on Youtube

and I think I went over everything for Django's Tiger

See you soon for an upcoming video

Hey! Did you like the video?

So think about liking it, it's always appreciated

You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there

and if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar

with videos, PDF and many really amazing things

In the right corner, it's free

See you soon for an upcoming video


For more infomation >> Chord chart study #10 Django's Tiger (Django Reinhardt) - Learning Gypsy Jazz - Duration: 14:50.


Elektronomia - Energy [NCS Release] - Duration: 2:58.



For more infomation >> Elektronomia - Energy [NCS Release] - Duration: 2:58.


Best song 2017 Beautiful Local Girl Dance - Duration: 0:56.

Best song 2017 Beautiful Local Girl Dance

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Best song 2017 Beautiful Local Girl Dance

For more infomation >> Best song 2017 Beautiful Local Girl Dance - Duration: 0:56.


BIKE MAINTENANCE DAY - ride the alps trip day 7 -subtitled- - Duration: 4:12.

now going to take the bike apart

disassembled the whole bike and now going to clean every single part ... nice... and fun...

the start of our trip was really nice... tons of rain...

getting slippery

everything was dirty...

bike wash wasn't doing any good. it was like throwing the bike into a lake

and then riding in dusty conditions...

isn't the smartest thing to do..

so now I'm going to do a complete check and clean-up

first clean parts there.. then everything gets lubed and greased and then put together

some bearings are still looking good.. not going to do anything here

and other bearings look horrible...

almost stopped to move...

but still a little bit and that's ok..

bushing clearance level: too much

do they sing that song by theirself?

sounds as if.. whatever..


something's still cracking... bet that's the steer tube of the fork

or something else.. I don't know

but it's running again

the shock is still a bit weird... mounted an older one....

going to check that when back home

For more infomation >> BIKE MAINTENANCE DAY - ride the alps trip day 7 -subtitled- - Duration: 4:12.


Sewer Cleaning San Juan Capistrano CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning San Juan Capistrano CA - Duration: 1:09.

Sewer Cleaning San Juan Capistrano CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Sewer Cleaning San Juan Capistrano CA 800-538-4537 Sewer Cleaning San Juan Capistrano CA - Duration: 1:09.


¿Por qué 'Rackly' ? | Story time (w /subtitles) - Duration: 5:58.

Please ignore my hair

Hi guys! I'm Rackly.

Welcome back to my channel.

One of the questions people always ask me is

Why is my channel called 'Rackly'?

Why did you choose that name?

Where does it come from?

In this video im going to explain where that name comes from and all the details.

And meanwhile...

I'll be taking care of this.

Let's begin.

I'll have to start from the very beginning.

As some of you may already know

My name is Rackel.

My mom decided to name me that because there's this actress she used to like a lot

Her name is Rachel Welch


Raquel Welch

I don't remember how it's pronounced

But my mom used to like that actress a lot


She decided to give me that name.

The thing is that my name is spelled differently.

My name isn't spelled with 'qu',

But it's spelled with 'ck' instead.

When they were going to register my name,

My mom wasn't by herself, she was with my aunt

And my aunt decided that...

'Raquel' was a very common name

And that it should be spelled a bit different


This is what happened

Mom <- - - - - - - - - - - - - -> Aunt

What's her name going to be?




Isn't that name a bit too common?

But I like the name 'Raquel'.

That name is way too common.

But I like that name.

I have an idea!

If we spell it differently ...

It won't be so common anymore.

Let's spell it with...


And that's what happened.

I don't spell my name with 'ck' only because I like it...

But because it's actually registered like that.

If you don't believe me...

There it is.

But it won't focus.

There it is.


I'm not lying, it's true.

My name is spelled with 'ck'.

Now, why 'Rackly'?

That's another long story.

Ok, I happen to be half Swiss and half Costa Rican.

But I'll explain that in another video.

Don't worry.

I was born in Costa Rica. When I was 5 years old we moved to Switzerland

And we lived there for about 7 years.

But I was very little when I was living there so...

I don't remember much.

As we have a way of calling people

When they are very close. ( (in Spanish) )

For example

Someone who's name is Carlos

Would be called 'Carlitos'

The same goes with Pablo (Pablito).

And stuff like that.

In Switzerland, people also have nicknames for close friends or family members.

I really wasn't expecting this but...Whatever.

For example my brother is called Daniel,

And my other brother is called Gerald.

So classmates and older people would call them

'Dani' and 'Geri'

Or someone called Humbert

Would be called 'Hubi'

Or...what else?

I can't think of more examples right now.

How to make stuff sound cursi in Swiss German?

So since my name is Rackel...

People would call me 'Rackly' when I was in Switzerland.

With Swiss accent:

"Rackly how's it going? "

Ok that's enough.

That all I can remember.

Actually, I do remember some words but...

I have to practice you guys, it's been a long time.

Everybody would call me that

My classmates, my teachers...Everybody.

Including my parents.

It's been a while since we came back to Costa Rica.

But my parents still call me Rackly.

Especially my mom.

Hi mom <3

So when I was thinking of a name for my channel,

It didn't take me too long to choose 'Rackly'

Because it brings back so many memories.

There you go!

Thats why my channel is called 'Rackly'.

And why I spell my name with 'ck' just so that you all know.

And what do you think about my new haircut?

I'm crazy I know.

I have no idea why I did this.

It still works, it doesn't look that bad.

I really like having short hair ok?

Don't judge me.

By the way, did you see this wall?

Isn't it gorgeous?

One day I was very bored here at home.

I probably had stuff to do

But since it's me we are talking about (Queen Procrastinator)

I do things I shouldn't be doing, because that's how I am.

So that day I decided to do something with this wall.

That was way too white and boring.

So I made doodles because I like sketching and stuff.

I made this little monsters and I like how it looks.

It's actually bigger, i'll show you.

Let's see.

That's me.

We look alike.

And there's this.

And there's this dragon.

Because I love dragons. <3

And I have this other dragon.

I made this a few years ago.

And I love it too.

And I also have...

Señor Antonio

Señor Antonio used to have a moustache but he got rid of it.

He's actually on the wall.

That's him.

I'm a bit weird right?

I hope you guys enjoyed this video and...

Uh! I got burned

With the hair straightener.

Don't forget to subscribe, like and share!

And I'll see you next time!


For more infomation >> ¿Por qué 'Rackly' ? | Story time (w /subtitles) - Duration: 5:58.


Name Brand Discount Grocery Haul - Duration: 3:50.

everybody welcome back to my channel so usually on Sundays I do an unboxing

but I don't have an unboxing to do so I'm doing a haul that I recently did so

if you're excited to see that then please keep on watching make sure you

subscribe to my channel I got notification Abell I upload a

video every single day of the week and I don't want you to miss any

so this haul is on name-brand groceries that I got at my local Smith's which is

a Kroger affiliate for really really good prices so let's go ahead and get

started ok so they had Captain Crunch for a dollar a box they don't expire

until 2018 I think it's because of like the ESPN college box is that they hadn't

closed out for a dollar so I got six of these really really good deal I never

get it buy a new brand cereal it sounds super excited I got some organic valley

hazelnut half and half and I got em sell for a quarter and it's really really

good which usda organic non-gmo i like my coffee blonde so I really really have

enjoyed this I like that it's not like a coffee creamer with a bunch of chemicals

and stuff in it it's really really good and you know at 1/4 you cannot beat it

another great thing that I recently got it was a shopping trip maybe two days

apart but anyway it was um hostess there's a basket full of hostess and I

got some banana flavored Twinkies some peanut butter hohos anyway they had

boxes of the mini muffin so you'd have get like 6 pouches and they might sell

for 75 cents a box so really really really good deal yeah I still have a few

of these left over it's good because I like to take this kind of stuff to work

for breakfast in the morning with Nana or something I also got some

jennie-o turkey breakfast sausage links for a dollar 29 but we do like to do

breakfast for dinner some nights and you know these are

really really tasty you know a little bit lower fat for you and you know for a

dollar 29 I mean that's really really cheap so and then yeah let's see the

last thing I did get is I got this big old big huge bag it is one point six

pounds of the hairbow sour gold bears for 319 really really good deal

they don't expire until June 2018 these are usually about like a $6 bag fo got

my cap off but yeah these were just some of the items I got on my haul for name

brand groceries I don't go do name brand very often so super excited when they do

have name brands on sell for super cheap cheaper than a store brand that is

awesome but you guys hope you enjoyed my little

food haul I will be having some unboxings to do pretty soon so yeah make

sure you just keep watching my videos and I'll have some unboxings to do again

but you guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video

please go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure you share this video let's get

the word out that you can get name-brand stuff or super duper cheap so yeah super

excited and yeah make sure you guys follow me on my other social media my

Twitter and Facebook is a bunch of client baby my histograms that came out

make up and I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video

have a great one guys

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