Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

So I'd personally consider the first two Thor films pretty fun but nothing really that


Kind of towards the bottom of the MCU.

But after the premise was announced and the director was announced and the trailers came

out, I was super excited for the third entry in the series, Thor: Ragnarok.

So, how did it stack up to those expectations?

Let's talk about it.

*clip* So, was Thor Ragnarok as great of a time as

I thought it'd be.

Uhhh it was pretty close.

Firstly, the positives, starting with the cast.

The cast is fantastic in this, especially as most of them are comedic performances.

This is definitely the best Chris Hemsworth has ever been as Thor, he's a funny guy

so this fit him really well.

Cate Blanchett did a really good job as Hela, pretty intimidating.

This is also I think my favorite Mark Ruffalo performance in the entire MCU so far, really

funny stuff.

Him and Thor also had great chemistry, it was a really fun pairing.

The others are as good as you'd expect, that being very good, Hiddleston, Elba, Urban,

Thompson, also I just wanna say that it's nice we now have the entire main cast of Creed

in the MCU.

But the two I wanna give a special mention to are Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster.

As many of you know I love Jeff Goldblum and he made me laugh pretty much every time he

was on screen, hilarious in this.

And the other who we haven't seen much of in trailers and whatnot is the director Taika

Waititi as Korg.

Won't spoil anything about him, but jus wanna say congrats Taika Waititi on making

a great movie and simultaneously definitely being the funniest part of it.

As far as the action and visual effects, they're really good.

I wouldn't say there's anything particularly stand out here in terms of that, but it's

always fun to watch.

And really, the movie looks great.

Its colorful and vibrant and there are some really beautiful shots here, so hats off to

Taika Waititi and the cinematographer for those.

Now the main part of this film is 100% the comedy, and this is easily the most comedic

MCU film to date.

Even more than Guardians of the Galaxy.

It's basically non-stop jokes here, and while I didn't really have a problem with

it, for the first time ever I can understand why some people would say it's too funny.

Because there's almost never a break from the jokes.

But I would say a lot of the jokes here were really funny, and when they hit they really

hit, this has some of the best jokes in the MCU period, especially anything involving

Korg, the Grandmaster, and this story about snakes that Thor tells.

Actually haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Also, once you get settled in to the fact that it's basically just a total comedy

through and through, it's really enjoyable.

I'd say quite a lot of these scenes feel kind of like extended comedy sketches, like

especially involving a certain Avenger who's in this who you probably already know is in

this but I won't spoil it.

That's not necessarily bad, but some scenes felt a little like the premise for a Robot

Chicken sketch or something But I will say this is kind of a fun take

on superhero movies to have just full ahead comedy, even more so than Guardians which

I didn't think was possible.

It felt somewhat fresh and unique, so hats off for that.

The music's also pretty good and somewhat different in the

MCU here, and something that I really love in this is how insane and comic book-ish it


I love that in these superhero movies and TV shows, when they embrace that they're

superhero movies and TV shows and so they just go all out and ridiculous.

Like Guardians, I love this corner of the MCU where everything is so insane and there

are giant fire demons and aliens and gods, it's just a lot of fun to see.

Also if you look at how the MCU started, that being very grounded, it's a lot of fun to

see how it's evolved to this place.

And I just really love the world and this crazy premise for this, with all the weird

space sets and how this looks, it feels different.

Sure it feels a little Guardians of the Galaxy-ish, but for the MCU this is so weird and out there,

especially with all the Grandmaster stuff, and that's something I really enjoyed.

It feels so much more creative and unique compared to the other two Thor films, if there's

one of them that I'll remember or be rewatching it's definitely this one.

And I'm not just trying to thate on those movies, I think they're fun enough, but

this is on another level of fun and inventiveness, which I loved.

All in all, the movie's just incredibly entertaining and fun to watch.

If there's one word to describe this film, it's fun.

As far as just a few quick other things, the movie moves along quite briskly, I'd say

its pretty fast paced, I also really love that the trailers didn't really spoil anything,

take notes marketing teams, that makes a big difference in how enjoyable a film can be.

This movie also has quite a bit of MCU fan service and just comic book fan service in

general, but as an MCU fan that didn't bother me.

Although I will say, this kind of makes it impossible to watch the first two Thor movies

now for me, because those take themselves relatively more seriously and this makes fun

of them and everything else that's happened in the MCU so much that I don't know I feel

like it would be weird to try to revisit those.

Now, I do have some negatives here, because for me at

least this wasn't perfect.

What with this being a non-stop comedy, a) it was hard for me at least to take any emotional

scenes that seriously, and b) some jokes didn't land.

Like they were a tad hit or miss here.

A lot were funny, but there were a few times where it just really fell flat for me, especially

in the first act.

The movie started a little weak, the jokes felt really obvious there in the start.

Also there were some out of place music choices here or at least one, which just kind of felt

like jumping on the band wagon of having 70s music in a movie.

I love that music, but I just didn't feel it fit here.

And I'd say overall, while this movie is really fun to watch, because I couldn't

really take any serious aspects that seriously, it kind of lacks the weight of some other

MCU movies, like I didn't really feel for these characters that much and so unlike another

MCU movie this year, emotionally it felt just a little empty to me.

This relates to another point which I'll talk about in spoilers.

Also, some visual effects weren't great.

A lto were, but a few times some stuff looked a little CGI or a little green screened, especially

the Hulk.

Everyone I saw it with thought the Hulk looked great, and I agree, but a few times I was

like those effects look a little unfinished.

Nothing insanely distracting though.

So before I get into the spoilers, I'll just wrap this part up.

Thor: Ragnarok is a super fun time at the cinema.

I would say, considering how high my expectations were, I was a little underwhelmed, but I still

had a great time.

I would highly recommend this, this is a very easy movie to just kind of sit and down and

watch and have a good time with.

As far as the MCU this year, I'd put this below Homecoming but above Guardians 2.

I'll give Thor: Ragnarok a 9/10.

Ok, now we're getting into spoilers, so if you don't want anything spoiled, click

away now.

Ok, so first off, that other complaint I have, this isn't really a spoiler cuz its kind

of obvious, but I felt like it could ruin it a little bit.

Most of these characters are pretty much invincible.

I know, they're gods, they're supposed to be, but I find it hard to really get invested

in a fight scene when I know that they're not gonna die.

You can say that about the other MCU movies, cuz you know these characters are coming back

for sequels, but here I didn't really feel like there were consequences.

The Hulk punches Thor from like a thousand meters up in the air and the next scene he's

just got a few bruises.

Yeah, he loses an eye but I felt like they kind of just glanced over that pretty quickly

when it happened.

Anyway, doesn't ruin the movie, but again just made it feel less tense to me.

As far as other spoiler things, the Stan Lee cameo was absolutely hilarious, loved it.

Doctor Strange's appearance was fun although a little confusing to me, like can he just

totally teleport now?

Or was he messing with time?

That's new, I think.

ANyway, it was fun to see him show up and kind of added to that comic book feel where

random characters from the universe will just pop in at any second.

Other cameos, the Matt Damon, Sam Neill, and third Hemsworth brother part was pretty funny,

if not a bit random feeling.

Like it made me laugh but it kinda takes you out of the movie a bit.

I did enjoy seeing the Hunt for the Wilderpeople woman in this, tha twas fun.

Odin had a very oogway-esque death, which was fine but again I didn't really feel

anything when it happened.

Now as far as the end credit scenes, the second one with Goldblum coming back was great, thought

that was funny.

And the first one, I'll be honest I don't know what that ship was but I'm guessing

Thanos was inside of it?

If that's the case, my assumption is Infinity War will start out with The Revengers fighting

Thanos and maybe some getting taken out or captured, and Thor gets tossed into space

where he meets up with the Guardians.

I imagine that's how that's gonna play out.

So those were my thoughts on Thor: Ragnarok.

What did you think of this?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

Friday with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe

for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> THOR: RAGNAROK *REVIEW* - Duration: 8:35.


NJcon 2017 gold panel- (sub.español) Parte 1 - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> NJcon 2017 gold panel- (sub.español) Parte 1 - Duration: 5:34.


DEAMN - Save Me | Top nhạc điện tử gây nghiện | EDM 2017 | Best Of DEAM Mix | AN MUSIC - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> DEAMN - Save Me | Top nhạc điện tử gây nghiện | EDM 2017 | Best Of DEAM Mix | AN MUSIC - Duration: 3:05.


THE ZUCCENING - Duration: 11:21.


There's some there's some pretty good ones

Especially you know one of the crazy things when you do this live Q&A is some of them are very silly so we got one

Mark are the allegations true that you're secretly a lizard

I'm gonna have to go with no on that. I am NOT a lizard

But you know keep the high quality comments coming in

Well where where where where where where where well

Mr.. Sucker dunked yourself into a hole

mr. Sucker

Not a lizard people

he said

We've been seeing Mark Zuckerberg act strange for a long time a long time now from from the infamous or famous meme

Nice job team new face filters on Instagram today

This is my favorite one so far nice job team new face filter an Instagram today

This is my favorite one so far

Nice job team something is clearly off with Mark Zuckerberg

Antics before where what is it? Why is the man?

leading a social media network so incapable of


This I just want to warn you guys what I'm about to show you next

Might shock you it might


To watch especially for you mark if you're watching. I know you are I know you're watching Martin well

I know you're sweating or can you sweat mark are you capable of human?


Or do you just shed your skin?

You kind of need to remind yourself that you need to focus and and try not to let stuff bother you as much as possible

But it is gonna bother you because you're human and and I was human I am human still

Yeah, let's keep watching but um

Put it, but I was just referring to myself in the past um

Not that I was not human. I was just referring to myself in

Now that sort of thing doesn't just slip out of your tongue, okay mark

All right, I was human that just doesn't happen

Normally, okay? You just don't you just don't simply say stuff that you're not supposed to say like

horrific offensive words that are genuinely frowned upon by the entirety of

Humankind accept them okay, all right. Well. It just doesn't happen mark I

Need answers, but it is gonna bother you because you're human and I was human. I am human still

But they cut away to the audience. You know they they have his drone sitting in the back. Oh God

Oh God we got a cold right over here. What is it that you're hiding from us a market suck

Why is your laptop webcam taped over with your microphone? Is it so that during your shedding period

People won't find out

well, I know because from one reptile to another I mean from one part I

I know, okay. I just know I have sources. I have a reliable source assist. That's telling me that you're a wreck time

Okay, this is a really great channel that analyzes body language. Let's see what they have to say about the suck so

for me

The thing that I was really fascinated by it it always have been is

People right and how people work um you notice we're gonna go back

I didn't expect it to cut off from his body you see how he's sitting straight up

Hands on his knees head up chin level. Where as opposed to this guy who's mirroring mark?

He slightly angled down in the face, so he's submitting to mark. He's covering. He's open. He's dominating the space and he is

Purposely doing this and we'll I'll show you how I know is

People right and how people work

In orders in college. I studied psychology and computer

very long

intense eye contact

He's purposely doing it looks away shortly purposely doing that as well thoughts come through it gives a break

But is to dominate and you know one of the things that you learn when you study psychology is

That there are all these parts of the brain

Which are geared say how long he's holding that eye contact now normally when you have someone who's submitting to you

And you're still continuously dominating them in the fashion that he's doing right now with his body posture his intense eye contact

You're going to give them a break and relax your body so that they can relax and be relaxed as well

so it's a relaxed atmosphere it really feels like I'm I'm

We're breaking down and it's some sort of alien life-form here. Okay. That's been trained to mimic human behavior a

lot of stuff along the way, I think

You know there were real learning points and turning and now we see the sweat, and that's one of the few things

It's really hard to control. No no he doesn't sweat. He doesn't he doesn't sweat come on. Let's get rid of him

What's the holeczek thing well he's talking about oral sex

Good morning Jarvis good morning mark. It's Saturday

So you only have five meetings room temperature is set to a cool

68 degrees

Earlier this year, I started building a simple AI to help run our home

I talked to Jarvis using this app I built it uses artificial intelligence to understand me and figure out what to do

Max woke up a few minutes ago. I'm entertaining her all right. Let's go check on her

Practice our man

Jarvis your Mandarin is so soothing future Jarvis. Also. Helps me get ready in the morning fresh shirt Byron and whole

Hell yeah and Jarvis can play all of our favourite music hey play some good Nickelback songs. I'm sorry mark. I'm afraid

I can't do that

There are no good Nickelback song

Good that was actually a test all Nickelback sucks. Am I right everyone

Yeah, nickel bags is worst. Oh

Nickelback sucks

I hate them because everyone else hate them. Have you heard of my Crocs? Haha?

For myself

Anyway, I talked to Jarvis using this app

I built it uses artificial intelligence to understand and figure out what to do Joris also

Helps me get ready in the morning fresh shirt fire in the hole

And Jarvis can play all of our favorite music okay, how about just play some songs that our whole family likes

And if I don't want to talk I could just text Jarvis through a messenger bot that I built

My bad

I think my favorite part of mark is sense of humor. It's truly

It's something

Hey welcome to f8

We're gathered here at the second biggest event called f8 this week and

You know we probably should have seen this one coming out there

Probably should've seen this coming after Fast and Furious 7


It's our bad

Now while we don't have the rock here today. We do have the tech equivalent David the rock Marcus

And while we may not live our lives a quarter mile at a time

Did you feel that that invokes some something in me man, what?

Again while we may not live our lives a quarter mile at a time

And we may not live our lives one quarter life at a time man I

Know at least some guy here lived their lives one quarterly earnings at a time all right

All right bear with me. I got one more one more for you. No no no Zach

I can't I can't well fast and furious tagline is never give up on family. Oh here. It comes, or is it similar

Never give up on the family of apps

Not as catchy not as gadget. Oh my god

That has to be an inside joke please at least let that be an inside joke oh my god

That's what progress in science is so fast you

might even call it

fast and furious

What's with the fast and furious integration it's clearly sponsored is

suck himself hashtags spawn without hashtag spawn mark

You you you gotta you got a hashtag spawn or hashtag add at least I mean youth servers

We're just bombarded by this shit, and and all the shame and everything that comes with it

Oh you had a promo and you didn't disclose it with at least 48 hashtag ad so look at the screen

Blasted with giant symbols and the theme song of this is Paul said this is sponsored

I'm getting paid for this what it what is happening here, okay?

But what what what kind of world dominating plot? Are they working on they're clearly doing in this at the Oscar?

Hey play some good Nickelback songs Nickelback

Music is satanic one like equals one prayer type payment in the comments if you scroll down and ignore you hate Jesus good

That was actually a test. Okay, how about just play some songs that our whole family like?

They like you're watching and remember one like equals one suck

For more infomation >> THE ZUCCENING - Duration: 11:21.


Miraculous Ladybug [Comic Dub] - Monster Fight - Duration: 0:41.

Chat, I need you to run interference while I locate its Akuma!

Did you hear me?!

Uhhh... Ladybugs first? [nervous laughter]

Get out from there before I pick you up and throw you at the giant spider.

[frantic screaming] MY LADY WHYYY?!

For more infomation >> Miraculous Ladybug [Comic Dub] - Monster Fight - Duration: 0:41.


5 Songs to put you in the Halloween Spirit - Horror Month 2017 - Day 29 - Duration: 3:05.

Geeky Gaming Hey Geeks, it's Andrea.

It is day 29 of Horror Month 2017.

That means there are only 2 days left to Horror Month after today.

Which also means the t-shirt won't be available for much longer, so check the description

for that link.

Before we get into today's video, we are getting together on discord on Halloween night

at 7pm Eastern time to watch a Horror Movie.

There are only a couple of us grouping up at the moment, but all Geeks are welcome.

You can check the comments for the discord invite link.

So let's get into the Horror Month mood today by listening to some Songs to put you

in the Halloween Spirit!

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper Definitely not a Halloween-only song, but

hey it fits into a Halloween Party playlist, right?

It's a pretty chill sounding song, so that is good for a nice let's hang out, look

at each other's costumes, and give kids candy kind of party.

The song itself is about struggling with the inevitability of death and not to worry about


Literally, Don't Fear the Reaper.


Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven This is actually one of my favorite songs

of all time.

So I personally recommend listening to it all year long, but it definitely does work

during Halloween.

A Little Piece of Heaven tells a fun story and like any good song, will get stuck in

your head for years to come.

Along with the story, there is a great video along with it.


Michael Jackson - Thriller What Halloween song playlist would be complete

without Thriller?

This King of Pop classic came out in 1982 with a 14 minute music video to back it up.

Michael Jackson was so inspired by a movie called An American Werewolf in London that

he hired a handful of people from the set of the movie.

Including the makeup artist Rick Baker.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp You know, I've never seen Rocky Horror Picture

Show, but I really want to for the first time this year.

I have, like most other people in the world, heard this song though.

It's catchy and there is some dance with it or something?

I don't know, I, like many of you, would have to ask my parents about this one.

Daddy Google, please explain the Time Warp Dance.


Bobby Pickett - Monster Mash This 1962 classic is a fun, campy song about

a mad scientist and some dancing monsters.

Monster Mash was a number one single and has become a Halloween classic.

It is a very family friendly song, which probably has a lot to due with the time it was created.

It has been remade a few times, so there are more modern versions, but Bobby Pickett did

the original classic version.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do and give them a listen.

I couldn't include the music here, obviously, so the links to listen to them are in the


As I said before, the t-shirt won't be available for much longer, so be sure to get yours before

is gone forever.

And be sure to subscribe, like, and comment.

Alright Geeks, I will see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> 5 Songs to put you in the Halloween Spirit - Horror Month 2017 - Day 29 - Duration: 3:05.


Film Factory quick tutorial: "Davinci Resolve full screen preview shortcut" - Duration: 0:27.

Alt + F ---- Enhanced Viewer

Shift +F --- Full Screen Viewer

Ctrl + F --- Cinema Viewer

For more infomation >> Film Factory quick tutorial: "Davinci Resolve full screen preview shortcut" - Duration: 0:27.


Power Factor Correction - Power Factor Correction Methods - Power Factor - Duration: 3:03.

The power factor correction means bringing the power factor of an AC circuit closer to

one by using the equipment which absorbs or supply the reactive power to the AC circuit.

Generally, the power factor correction can be done by using the capacitor and the synchronous

motor in the circuit.

The power factor correction will not change the amount of real power, but it will reduce

the apparent power and the total current drawn from the load.

In this video we will learn different types of power factor correction methods.

The power factor correction methods are mainly classified into three types.


Capacitor Bank Method.


Synchronous Condenser Method.


Phase Advancer Method.

Power Factor Correction by using Capacitor Bank Method:-

In three phase system, Power factor Correction means reducing the phase difference between

voltage and current.

Since majority of loads are of inductive nature, they require some amount of reactive power

for them to function.

This reactive power is provided by the capacitor or bank of capacitors installed parallel to

the load.

They perform as a source of local reactive power and thus less reactive power flows through

the line.

Mainly they reduce the phase difference between the voltage and current.

Power Factor Correction by using Synchronous Condenser Method:-

The three phase synchronous Condenser was running without the mechanical load, and it

is connected in parallel with the load.

It absorbs and generates the reactive power by varying the excitation of the motor field


For inductive loads, synchronous condenser is connected towards load side and is overexcited.

This makes it perform like a capacitor.

It draws the lagging current from the supply or supplies the reactive power.

The synchronous condenser has some disadvantage like it is costly and their installation;

maintenance and operation are also not easy.

Power Factor Correction by using Phase Advancer Method:-

This is an AC exciter generally used to improve power factor of induction motor.

They are mounted on shaft of the motor and is linked in the rotor circuit of the motor.

It improves the power factor by providing the exciting ampere turns to produce required

flux at slip frequency.

Further if ampere turns are increased, it can be made to operate at leading power factor.

Dear viewers Thanks for watching the video, any question write in the comment box.

Don't forget to like and share.

More update please subscribes our channel Learning Engineering, and get notification

to press the bell icon.

For more infomation >> Power Factor Correction - Power Factor Correction Methods - Power Factor - Duration: 3:03.


Alpenbikepark, Red Line Gopro Edit | Dwnhll wth Gpro - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Alpenbikepark, Red Line Gopro Edit | Dwnhll wth Gpro - Duration: 1:17.


Temple Run 2 learn colors for kids nursery rhymes games for kids - Duration: 8:52.

Temple Run 2 learn colors for kids nursery rhymes games for kids

For more infomation >> Temple Run 2 learn colors for kids nursery rhymes games for kids - Duration: 8:52.


Dinge, die ich HASSE! #2 - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Dinge, die ich HASSE! #2 - Duration: 1:22.


সন্ধে সাতটায় এবার রাজ -পায়েল জুটি Aakash Aath Serial Dabi | One Month Literature - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> সন্ধে সাতটায় এবার রাজ -পায়েল জুটি Aakash Aath Serial Dabi | One Month Literature - Duration: 3:09.


Top 10-Hottest Women in The World-Most Hottest Womens in The World - Duration: 4:02.

Top 10-Hottest Women in The World-Most Hottest Womens in The World

For more infomation >> Top 10-Hottest Women in The World-Most Hottest Womens in The World - Duration: 4:02.


Our Psych - Purge [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 2:42.

Our Psych - Purge [Hot Top NCS]

For more infomation >> Our Psych - Purge [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 2:42.


GOA!: Anime World (English Subtitles) - Duration: 1:45.

Excuse me, madam, I've checked everything in our storage and the whole store for the chopsticks,

but, we are sadly sold out of them, we do apologise.

oh, don't worry, that isn't a big of an issue,

besides I always come here to get my chopsticks,

but i'll come back next time.

When is it coming back in stock.

Do you know for sure when they'll be back in stock then?

Um, well actually, I hate to say this but,

in the next 3 months,

due to a lot of issues and traffics with the airplanes.

I'm dreadfully sorry about that.

I hope you understand why for the long wait.

What?! No! Oh come on!

I need them like somewhen this week,

I can't be patient!

Well that isn't our faults,

well have no fear madam,

if didn't know in case that,

the teddy bear store across the street from us has a huge selection of rarity different chop sticks.

Well, erm, I guess I can have a look. They may not be what I had in mind..

For more infomation >> GOA!: Anime World (English Subtitles) - Duration: 1:45.


▶How to Work Hand Dryer by azadkgm 2017 - Duration: 2:05.

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For more infomation >> ▶How to Work Hand Dryer by azadkgm 2017 - Duration: 2:05.






How To Secure Your YouTube OR Gmail Account | From Hacker | Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> How To Secure Your YouTube OR Gmail Account | From Hacker | Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:35.


The Yellow Brick Road - Duration: 2:17.

the yellow brick road system

hey guys so I wanted to share with you my new funnel called the yellow brick

road so it's kind of a spin on the Wizard of Oz the yellow brick road which

was actually a gold road and Dorsey never really had ruby slippers they were

actually silver but anyways the yellow brick road will take you step by step on

how to get set up with future ad pro how to open a payza account how to open a

coin base account which is your crypto currency wallet paisa and coinbase are

free and you can start earning money within 24 hours and all you need is five

minutes a day now you don't need to do any recruiting if you want to great but

you don't have to what this is is it allows you to buy ad packs in future ad

pro you can also join future net which is the Facebook like portion of future

ad pro for free and you actually get paid for friending people posting

commenting liking those types of things not a lot but you do get paid because

they advertise they make money they give back to the community unlike Facebook

who keeps all of that money for themselves their public company future

net has a bunch of different products from future cloud gaming they have a

store they're about to come up with a cryptocurrency they try to give back as

much as they can to their users so that they can grow their user base very very

quickly and they have they already have over 2 million users they're about to

have a large event here in November in Macau so if you want to get involved

with that go to jail XCOM ford / yellow brick road I'll leave a link below this

video and you can get started with me and I will show you step-by-step how to

get started and how to start earning money in the next

for hours

For more infomation >> The Yellow Brick Road - Duration: 2:17.



HEY TRIPPSTERS Shania Twain she was on the talk and she performed she performed

lots about to get good now if you missed that performance the

link is in the description below kasa Twain has that performance up on

his YouTube channel so if you missed it and you'd like to see it or if you saw

it and you just like to see it again just click the link in the description

below it will lead you directly to the actual you know performance and cuss at

Wayne you are awesome thank you so much for bringing us these these performances

and these interviews dude you do an awesome job thank you so much but guys

the link is in the description if you want to see the performance life's about

to get good brushing on Twain on the talk that is going to do it for now

this is IICEPETS Queen and I am tripping out

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