Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

We finally arrived in Lindau

We also already found our AirBnb

It's a nice little apartment

We are just here for two nights so we do not need anything fancy just a bed and a roof over our head

That should be enough

We are going to spend most of the time outside anyway

There is the Bodensee again

I think we are going to explore the city a little

But before that we have to eat something.

Ok, done eating. Time to move on to the port.

Ange do you also want to go to the port?

Yes, I want to see the lion satue and want to check out the view on Austria.

Ok, than lets go.

We made it all the way down to the port

It's a nice city. We also found the schedule for tomorrow

when we go to Bregenz

on the other side of the lake

and we also found another tower we can climb on.

so let's go and check out the view from up there.

We made it down again and as expected you have an amazing view over the city from up there.

and also on Austria on the other side of the lake.

Tomorrow we are going to Austria and spend the day in Bregenz

we will see how it turns out with the weather and everything.

We are going to find a nice bar here, drink something and spend a little time there. After that we will see.

For more infomation >> Germany: Exploring Lindau am Bodensee - Duration: 5:06.


Stranger Things And Intertextuality (A Response To The Nerdwriter) - Duration: 9:24.

How can you make something original when everything has already been said by

Shakespeare or Kubrick or whoever else you admire? That's the question that has

plagued artists for as long as there has been art. It's what literary critic

Harold Bloom called "The Anxiety Of Influence" and on that note, I want to

talk about Stranger Things.

At first glance, this show feels completely unoriginal. Its 80s movie the

TV show, and is constantly referencing the works of Steven Spielberg, Stephen

King, and others. Yet even though it lives and breathes the ethos of the 80s,

Stranger Things somehow also feels unique. How did they do that? Last year,

video essayist Evan Pushack, creator of the Nerdwriter, posted a video on his

channel called Intertextuality: Hollywood's New Currency. If you haven't

seen that video, the thesis of his argument is this: a lot of Hollywood

sequels, remakes and reboots used references to their own history as a

frequent, but unsatisfying, replacement for actual drama. Khan: "My name is as Khan."

As an example, he points to scenes like this one in Star Trek Into Darkness where

Benedict Cumberbatch's character reveals that his name is Khan, a moment that only

works if you've seen the 1982 film the Wrath of Khan. He calls this cynical

strategy "weaponized intertextuality." Basically, it's fan service. Now, I'm not

here to dispute the argument in that essay, since I agree with it. But I want

to expand on it a bit. You see, what the nerdwriter is mostly talking about is

self reference. But as he also mentions, intertextuality as a whole is about how

any text shapes the meaning of another. There is a world of difference between

Star Trek Into Darkness referencing the Wrath of Khan and the Wrath of Khan

referencing Moby Dick. Real Khan: From hells heart I stab at thee.

Real Khan: for hates sake, I spit my last breath at thee. So good! Now Stranger Things is a form of intertextuality

that you'd call a pastiche, a work that imitates the style of another creator or

genre. It's sort of like the opposite of parody. Parody makes fun of common tropes.

Pastiche celebrates them. So Austin Powers: spy movie parody. Kingsman: spy

movie pastiche. With Stranger Things, I think there was a huge risk in

effectively doing the same thing that all of those self references do, just

with properties outside of your own canon. Replacing drama with "oh look thing

I recognize." If intertextuality plus cynically capitalizing on nostalgia

equals weaponized intertextuality, then it would have been very easy for

Stranger Things to be nothing more than weaponized pastiche. And that's becoming

its own phenomenon with films like the Lego Movie and Ready Player One. We

really are in the age of the pop-culture remix. But the most interesting thing to

me about Stranger Things isn't just that it uses 80's pop culture, but that it is

so often about how we communicate and understand each other through pop

culture. Mike, Lucas, and Dustin frequently settle arguments by using pop culture

metaphors to communicate more clearly. Dungeons & Dragons, the Lord of the Rings

and Star Wars have given them a code of ethics and a communal language. Dustin: "We

couldn't agree on what path to take so we split up the party and those trolls

took us out one by one and everything went to shit.

Mike: "You really wanna fight the demogorgon with your wrist rocket. That's like R2D2 going

to fight Darth Vader." Dustin: Nancy maybe Lucas: what if its the chief Dustin: Lando Calrissian! Lucas: Would you

shut up about Lando! A language older generations are not fluent in Chief: you said

he takes...what? Mirkwood? Mike: Mirkwood yeah. Chief: have you ever heard of Mirkwood?

Deputy: I have not that sounds made-up to me. Lucas: No it's from Lord of the Rings.

Dustin: Actually it's from the Hobbit. Using pop culture to communicate also ends up becoming a very literal

part of the story as well. In the first episode we see Joyce and her son, Will,

plan to go see the film Poltergeist. Later, when will gets trapped in

the upside-down, Joyce figures out a way to communicate with him through the

walls, just as the characters in poltergeist do. That shared experience

gave them the tools they needed to survive, and that's contrasted with other

pairs of children and parents who are completely unable to communicate.

And just as the characters understand each other through pop culture, the references

are also used to frame how the audience understands these characters. Eleven speaks

very little throughout the course of the show. Instead references are used to

characterize her and foreshadow her arc. It's a very effective tactic. The idea is

that you relate a character to at least two others from other pieces of fiction

and the audience will be left wondering which one the character will lean

towards. Eleven is constantly compared to ET both by the camera and in the plot.

She's on the run from the government, has supernatural abilities, and is hiding in

the suburbs with a young boy whose parents are unaware of her existence.

Major scenes include escaping on bikes and dressing up in a wig. The references

are so heavy in this direction that I wouldn't be surprised if the original

pitch of the series was "What if we made E.T. but E.T. was a young girl?" At the same

time, the peaceful innocence of ET is offset by references to two troubled

Stephen King protagonists, Charlie from firestarter and Carrie from well...Carrie.

Characters who are hunted and/or abused, but who have great supernatural power

that they use to cause a massive amount of violence, sometimes to innocent people.

Eleven is a dynamic character because there is an internal contradiction within her

that is articulated through intertextuality. The references paint a

spectrum of possibility for her character, leading us to wonder whether

her story will end with a tearful goodbye, or massive violence. Turns out,

sort of both. You can do this with a few of the other characters on the show as

well. Is Joyce, for example, going crazy but for good reason, like Richard

Dreyfuss is character in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, or is she

going literally crazy, like Jack Nicholson's character in The Shining. In

bringing new meaning to familiar tropes, The Duffer Brothers are able to overcome

The Anxiety Of Influence. In his book by that name, Harold Bloom argues that

poetry, and for our purposes, all art, is made in reaction to what came before.

Artists are driven by the paradoxical desire to both create something similar

to what our sources of inspiration have made, while also making something that

isn't derivative. In order to work ourselves out of that anxiety, we have to

engage in what he calls "creative misprision," which we can take to mean as

misreading. According to Bloom, artists need to willfully misinterpret their

predecessors work, and use that misreading to create something original.

Stranger Things takes the most familiar elements of 80s films and boils them

down to their most essential elements, fashioning a sort of mythic 80s that

sanitizes both that time period and its pop culture. The characters are

archetypes we've seen a hundred times before, but care is taken to put a little

twist on each of them. For instance, horror movies often have this weird

puritanical attitude about sex where the last survivor is always a virgin. In

Stranger Things, she's the first victim. Bloom outlines six ways that he feels

artists can overcome their influences, and there is a hierarchy to them. Now I

find these terms a little opaque and repetitive so in brief, the two lowest

forms are about revising the original work, making changes, or elaborating on

their arguments, while these three are all about purging yourself entirely from

influence. The final one, however, is really interesting. Bloom calls it

apophrades, or The Return Of The Dead, and it's when the poet stops running away

from his influences and instead invites comparisons. In that contest, they prove

victorious, overthrowing their precursor. Doing what

the precursor did, but even better than they did it. To the point that if people

didn't know which came first, they'd think that the precursors work was influenced

by you, instead of the other way around. Since stranger things is the child of so

many influences, I think it's impossible to put it firmly into any one of these

categories. In relation to ET, I think it's lower on the spectrum, since it

follows the original closely, but makes a swerve away from what the original did.

And yet, the show demonstrates such a mastery over its influences that it

managed to become a pop cultural touchstone, even for audiences who

haven't seen the films that inspired it. So for them, and perhaps for posterity

Stranger Things achieves apophrades, in that we can look at the genre films of the

80s through the lens of Stranger Things, and not just vice-versa. You don't have

to reinvent the wheel to be original. Embrace and understand tropes, and then

twist them in new ways. Intertextuality and influence

are inescapable. That's why you need to master your influences, or your

influences will master you. Thanks for watching everyone, and thank you to

Squarespace for sponsoring this video. Squarespace is, I think, the best way to

make the perfect website quickly. I use it myself and I highly recommend it

they've got award-winning 24/7 customer service so if you need any help putting

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explore the craft of writing in all mediums, then check out my patreon page.

You can support this channel for as little as $1 a video and it really does

make a difference. So a big thanks to everyone who has already pledged, and

I'll see you all in a couple of weeks.

For more infomation >> Stranger Things And Intertextuality (A Response To The Nerdwriter) - Duration: 9:24.


Drake x Future Type Beat - Triple 6's (Prod.Proffeny) - Duration: 2:32.

E-Mail - Proffenyofficial@Gmail.Com

For more infomation >> Drake x Future Type Beat - Triple 6's (Prod.Proffeny) - Duration: 2:32.


Destination Copenhagen: Nyhavn - Duration: 2:38.

Nyhavn Canal is among the most fascinating and picturesque places in Copenhagen.

Namely "new port" is the area of the old city harbour, the refuge of sailors and writers,

including Andersen who lived here for about twenty years.

Active trading port until 1950, today highly frequented tourist district of Copenhagen.

Nyhavn is a place full of atmosphere: the colorful Danish style houses overlooking its

banks, seven–eighteenth-century buildings hosting taverns and pubs, old wooden boats

and romantic sailboats lining its banks.

At the beginning of the channel, an anchor is the monument commemorating Danish sailors

(more than 1,700) who lost their lives during the WWII.

The Canàl was dug under King Christian IV, in 1671, to link the port with the Centre

allowing the merchants to bring their goods into the heart of the city.

Until the first decade of the 19th century the Nyhavn was the epicenter of trade by sea

in Copenhagen, then the neighborhood has undergone a considerable decline becoming a pretty rough

area, dotted with tavernas for sailors and small tattoo shops, frequented mostly by drunks

and brothel clients.

A deep renovation started in 1970, accompanied by the restoration of the buildings, the appearance

of an infinite number of restaurants and cafes and a new function of the moored boats, returned

the old port area to its former glory, restoring a timeless atmosphere, reviving that charm

never lost but only a little overshadowed.

Today Nyhavn is a fashionable place with its countless establishments, ideal for lunch,

an afternoon beer, or a romantic dinner.

Not surprisingly, the channel is also referred to as "the greatest bar of Scandinavia".

For more infomation >> Destination Copenhagen: Nyhavn - Duration: 2:38.


THOR: RAGNAROK *REVIEW* - Duration: 8:35.

So I'd personally consider the first two Thor films pretty fun but nothing really that


Kind of towards the bottom of the MCU.

But after the premise was announced and the director was announced and the trailers came

out, I was super excited for the third entry in the series, Thor: Ragnarok.

So, how did it stack up to those expectations?

Let's talk about it.

*clip* So, was Thor Ragnarok as great of a time as

I thought it'd be.

Uhhh it was pretty close.

Firstly, the positives, starting with the cast.

The cast is fantastic in this, especially as most of them are comedic performances.

This is definitely the best Chris Hemsworth has ever been as Thor, he's a funny guy

so this fit him really well.

Cate Blanchett did a really good job as Hela, pretty intimidating.

This is also I think my favorite Mark Ruffalo performance in the entire MCU so far, really

funny stuff.

Him and Thor also had great chemistry, it was a really fun pairing.

The others are as good as you'd expect, that being very good, Hiddleston, Elba, Urban,

Thompson, also I just wanna say that it's nice we now have the entire main cast of Creed

in the MCU.

But the two I wanna give a special mention to are Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster.

As many of you know I love Jeff Goldblum and he made me laugh pretty much every time he

was on screen, hilarious in this.

And the other who we haven't seen much of in trailers and whatnot is the director Taika

Waititi as Korg.

Won't spoil anything about him, but jus wanna say congrats Taika Waititi on making

a great movie and simultaneously definitely being the funniest part of it.

As far as the action and visual effects, they're really good.

I wouldn't say there's anything particularly stand out here in terms of that, but it's

always fun to watch.

And really, the movie looks great.

Its colorful and vibrant and there are some really beautiful shots here, so hats off to

Taika Waititi and the cinematographer for those.

Now the main part of this film is 100% the comedy, and this is easily the most comedic

MCU film to date.

Even more than Guardians of the Galaxy.

It's basically non-stop jokes here, and while I didn't really have a problem with

it, for the first time ever I can understand why some people would say it's too funny.

Because there's almost never a break from the jokes.

But I would say a lot of the jokes here were really funny, and when they hit they really

hit, this has some of the best jokes in the MCU period, especially anything involving

Korg, the Grandmaster, and this story about snakes that Thor tells.

Actually haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Also, once you get settled in to the fact that it's basically just a total comedy

through and through, it's really enjoyable.

I'd say quite a lot of these scenes feel kind of like extended comedy sketches, like

especially involving a certain Avenger who's in this who you probably already know is in

this but I won't spoil it.

That's not necessarily bad, but some scenes felt a little like the premise for a Robot

Chicken sketch or something But I will say this is kind of a fun take

on superhero movies to have just full ahead comedy, even more so than Guardians which

I didn't think was possible.

It felt somewhat fresh and unique, so hats off for that.

The music's also pretty good and somewhat different in the

MCU here, and something that I really love in this is how insane and comic book-ish it


I love that in these superhero movies and TV shows, when they embrace that they're

superhero movies and TV shows and so they just go all out and ridiculous.

Like Guardians, I love this corner of the MCU where everything is so insane and there

are giant fire demons and aliens and gods, it's just a lot of fun to see.

Also if you look at how the MCU started, that being very grounded, it's a lot of fun to

see how it's evolved to this place.

And I just really love the world and this crazy premise for this, with all the weird

space sets and how this looks, it feels different.

Sure it feels a little Guardians of the Galaxy-ish, but for the MCU this is so weird and out there,

especially with all the Grandmaster stuff, and that's something I really enjoyed.

It feels so much more creative and unique compared to the other two Thor films, if there's

one of them that I'll remember or be rewatching it's definitely this one.

And I'm not just trying to thate on those movies, I think they're fun enough, but

this is on another level of fun and inventiveness, which I loved.

All in all, the movie's just incredibly entertaining and fun to watch.

If there's one word to describe this film, it's fun.

As far as just a few quick other things, the movie moves along quite briskly, I'd say

its pretty fast paced, I also really love that the trailers didn't really spoil anything,

take notes marketing teams, that makes a big difference in how enjoyable a film can be.

This movie also has quite a bit of MCU fan service and just comic book fan service in

general, but as an MCU fan that didn't bother me.

Although I will say, this kind of makes it impossible to watch the first two Thor movies

now for me, because those take themselves relatively more seriously and this makes fun

of them and everything else that's happened in the MCU so much that I don't know I feel

like it would be weird to try to revisit those.

Now, I do have some negatives here, because for me at

least this wasn't perfect.

What with this being a non-stop comedy, a) it was hard for me at least to take any emotional

scenes that seriously, and b) some jokes didn't land.

Like they were a tad hit or miss here.

A lot were funny, but there were a few times where it just really fell flat for me, especially

in the first act.

The movie started a little weak, the jokes felt really obvious there in the start.

Also there were some out of place music choices here or at least one, which just kind of felt

like jumping on the band wagon of having 70s music in a movie.

I love that music, but I just didn't feel it fit here.

And I'd say overall, while this movie is really fun to watch, because I couldn't

really take any serious aspects that seriously, it kind of lacks the weight of some other

MCU movies, like I didn't really feel for these characters that much and so unlike another

MCU movie this year, emotionally it felt just a little empty to me.

This relates to another point which I'll talk about in spoilers.

Also, some visual effects weren't great.

A lto were, but a few times some stuff looked a little CGI or a little green screened, especially

the Hulk.

Everyone I saw it with thought the Hulk looked great, and I agree, but a few times I was

like those effects look a little unfinished.

Nothing insanely distracting though.

So before I get into the spoilers, I'll just wrap this part up.

Thor: Ragnarok is a super fun time at the cinema.

I would say, considering how high my expectations were, I was a little underwhelmed, but I still

had a great time.

I would highly recommend this, this is a very easy movie to just kind of sit and down and

watch and have a good time with.

As far as the MCU this year, I'd put this below Homecoming but above Guardians 2.

I'll give Thor: Ragnarok a 9/10.

Ok, now we're getting into spoilers, so if you don't want anything spoiled, click

away now.

Ok, so first off, that other complaint I have, this isn't really a spoiler cuz its kind

of obvious, but I felt like it could ruin it a little bit.

Most of these characters are pretty much invincible.

I know, they're gods, they're supposed to be, but I find it hard to really get invested

in a fight scene when I know that they're not gonna die.

You can say that about the other MCU movies, cuz you know these characters are coming back

for sequels, but here I didn't really feel like there were consequences.

The Hulk punches Thor from like a thousand meters up in the air and the next scene he's

just got a few bruises.

Yeah, he loses an eye but I felt like they kind of just glanced over that pretty quickly

when it happened.

Anyway, doesn't ruin the movie, but again just made it feel less tense to me.

As far as other spoiler things, the Stan Lee cameo was absolutely hilarious, loved it.

Doctor Strange's appearance was fun although a little confusing to me, like can he just

totally teleport now?

Or was he messing with time?

That's new, I think.

ANyway, it was fun to see him show up and kind of added to that comic book feel where

random characters from the universe will just pop in at any second.

Other cameos, the Matt Damon, Sam Neill, and third Hemsworth brother part was pretty funny,

if not a bit random feeling.

Like it made me laugh but it kinda takes you out of the movie a bit.

I did enjoy seeing the Hunt for the Wilderpeople woman in this, tha twas fun.

Odin had a very oogway-esque death, which was fine but again I didn't really feel

anything when it happened.

Now as far as the end credit scenes, the second one with Goldblum coming back was great, thought

that was funny.

And the first one, I'll be honest I don't know what that ship was but I'm guessing

Thanos was inside of it?

If that's the case, my assumption is Infinity War will start out with The Revengers fighting

Thanos and maybe some getting taken out or captured, and Thor gets tossed into space

where he meets up with the Guardians.

I imagine that's how that's gonna play out.

So those were my thoughts on Thor: Ragnarok.

What did you think of this?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

Friday with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe

for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> THOR: RAGNAROK *REVIEW* - Duration: 8:35.


NJcon 2017 gold panel- (sub.español) Parte 1 - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> NJcon 2017 gold panel- (sub.español) Parte 1 - Duration: 5:34.


Pueblo | Halloween and Social Media Short Film - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Pueblo | Halloween and Social Media Short Film - Duration: 2:07.


How to Cope with Hydroplaning and Drive in the Pouring Rain | New Driver Smart - Duration: 17:25.


Hi there smart drivers. Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about how to

drive in the pouring rain and to deal with hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is a result of

water pooling on the road. Now just before we get started here be sure to

hit that subscribe button right about there that way you'll get access to all

of the great information for those are you working towards a license or

starting your career as a truck or bus driver as well be sure to hit that Bell

now we'll get instant notification of when I get the new videos up for you so

you can have a look at those now raining it is the perfect day for rain I'm just

about to go over the Coquihalla summit here on the trans-canada highway you can

see where this is on the map here it's about two hours from Vancouver proper

east of Vancouver and it's the Coquihalla summit it's also the subject

of the TV show highway through hell and it has been pouring rain here and the

water is pooling on the roadway and there's hydroplaning I left early this

morning from Sydney BC where I have a rental property on my way back to Vernon

it's a five hour drive and there's water pooling on the roadway and it is raining

heavily so what I'm gonna show you is techniques to deal with the hydroplaning

how to deal with that definitely do not be on cruise control

I love cruise control but when it's like this you can definitely not be on cruise

control because the car is gonna kick out a little bit once it starts lifting

up on top of those pools and water we're gonna give you some techniques for

dealing with the hydroplaning keep your windshield wipers on even you might even

potentially think about putting some rain-x on your windshield that'll help

keep your vision clear and as well you're going to have to be able to work

the heater controls to keep the defrost on and keep the windows clear so you can

see and as well keep the rain off your mirrors while you're driving it's gonna

be a little bit daunting for those of you who are new to driving just got your

license or working up to a commercial license all of that it's a bit daunting

when it's raining heavily so we're gonna go for a drive here we're gonna give you

some techniques and some information that will help you to stay safe while

you're driving in the pouring rain so stick around we'll be right back

I think mergers welcome back for smart drive test talking to you today about

driving in the rain and hydroplaning and all of the techniques that apply to

driving at night are the same techniques that apply to driving in bad weather

whether it's snow fog rain you're looking for landmarks you're looking for

the other traffic on the roadway you can see that I only have my weight

joy pours on here intermittent you can either put rain-x on your windshield or

use a high quality car so automotive soap that's specifically designed for

washing cars and that will put a film on your windshield that will allow the rain

to sheet off and give you better vision when it's raining as it is right now I

use McGuire's old car wash appear like that it's

really good it doesn't leave films or rain spots on your vehicle after you

finish washing it so there's really not a great deal of need to champey your

vehicle in it together at it aspect is clear which it while you're driving you

see how to reduce the 90 here you can see the spray coming off that white

vehicle in front of me and as well the water is pooling on the roadway you can

see here in the footage the vehicle in front of me running through the pool of

water in the water spraying up and the vehicle is on the other side the tractor

trailer came down there and sprayed water up into the air when it rolled

through the puddle and it came across the median onto my windshield so that's

another aspect of it that's

happen at night is that your windshield is gonna go black from other vehicle

spring of water whatnot you just got to take a breath and calmly turn your

windshield wipers on and get the windshield cleared the other night when

I came down three nights ago was the same thing it was pouring rain all the

way down from Kamloops to to Wasson where you catch the ferry across to

Vancouver Island Schwartz Bay there and there was a great deal of water pooling

on the roadway and one of the things that you have to do when the water is

pooling on the roadway is you have to get out of the driven ruts that are

created by big trucks and other traffic on the roadway so that means either

moving to the right or moving to the left in the event of the other night

when the water was pulling on the roadway what I did was I drove with

because it was dark and it was late at night and there was very lim traffic on

the highway what I did was I set the left wheel on the centerline between the

two lanes going in the same direction that way I was able to get the wheels

out of the ruts where the water is pooling and there's less likely that

you're going to be hydroplaning at that juncture now if you're in the left lane

as I am right now which you can do is move right over to

the left of the lane and that way you're out of the ruts on the roadway and it's

less likely that your vehicles going to hydroplane now the lighter the vehicle

the more chance it is that it's going to hydroplane those of you driving buses

and big trucks though there's less chance that it's going to hydroplane

it's going to sit down on the roadway and it's actually going to plow through

that lighter cars especially if you don't

have good tires on my couple of years ago when I first bought this vehicle I

didn't I was just trying to use up the tires and get as much life out of them

as I could in the summer time and the tires didn't have a great deal of tread

on them because the tires didn't have a great deal of tread on them

the vehicle was really susceptible to hydroplaning with any amount of rain on

the roadway so know that that if you got bad tires on your vehicle or they're not

good quality tires you're going to be more susceptible to hydroplane and

hydroplane is essentially when the tire rides up over the top of the surface of

the water it skims along like a surfboard on the water and you lose all

control of your vehicle of the steering in traction now know that the treads on

your tires yes they allow you some grip but when it's raining and there's a lot

of water on the roadway the treads on the tires actually work as a pump and

they pump that water out from underneath the tire to allow the tire to continue

to have contact with the road surface and good

tires that have good tread zone of high quality tires whether their Firestone

Michelin's where it's Shone's any of the high quality tires will pump

up to a gallon a second up from the bottom of those tires and if they can

pump that kind of water they're very good titers and those are

the kinds of tires that you want because you're going to have more control

because your tires are going to have contact with the road surface now you

can see here in the dashcam that we're coming up to the Great Bear tunnel this

is the entrance to the steepest part of the Coquihalla as we're going up here

the Coquihalla at this point goes up to I think it's about a 13 maybe a 14%

grade which is really steep

we're all Prince's orange black that's the name of the car and kids named it

really struggles to get up here and sometimes I gotta go down to 3rd and you

can see I'm right over in the right-hand Lane this is the truck lane and this

this Lane is really rough going up over the Coquihalla here

because the trucks called stay over to the right lane here and there's three

lanes of traffic going up over the coke and the trucks go clear and they really

just need this because super bees as you can see there on the left

coming down 140,000 pounds and they're pretty rough on a pageant roadway

especially when they're going over the st. Patrick roadway again and again and

again and you can see the truck up in front of me here has the four-way

flashers on that indicates there's a little bit of hydroplaning you could

feel here the ancient kick up because the Tigers started spinning because they

were sitting on top of the water and I don't have it on cruise control so

basically all I do is just take my foot off the throttle soon as I take my foot

off the throttle to be a wheel stop spinning and they set back down now when

the truck said the four-way flashers on like that in Canada in the United States

it means that they're traveling less than 60 kilometers an hour or 40 miles

an hour for those of you in the States and that could be both uphill and

downhill because a lot of times there are separate truck speeds which governor

how fat are which governor govern how fast they can go down they fail and they

are regulated how fast they go down the hill the reason before that is because

of runaway trucks and losing their brakes the brakes overheating and taking

off down the hill I'll put a video up here for you on downhill braking that

I've done there's another one but this truck in front of me here doesn't have

his four-way flashers on what I can almost guarantee you that these two

trucks in front of you are going less than 60 kilometres an hour so I've moved

over I'm almost to the top of a summit now which is also the end you can see

the sign there at the end of the Avalanche area you can see the set of

super piece here this one with the red tarps on it was back there when I was

getting ready in the chain-up area doing 60 kilometres an hour

and so lots of trucks climbing up over the cocoa hall this is the main

trans-canada highway that runs east or west across our great country

and we're at the top of the summit the Coquihalla summit now

and the speed limit here is 120 kilometers an hour which i think is

about 75 miles an hour we'll see you in the States

and you can see it's very wet there's lots of rain on the roadway lots of

water in the roadway just at us another 100 feet 200 feet up the mountain there

you can see there's snow there

the mountain so winter is definitely on it's on its way we are in the late

October here the 22nd of October 2017 here it's also a variable-speed corridor

through here on the top of mount you can see that it's gone there's construction

it's 90 kilometres an hour so just slowing down and moving back over to the

right lane pass that truck

and you can see that we've got a bit of fog up here as well that's the thing

with high mountain passes is that you'll get the clouds sitting down low on top

of the mountains and because we're really high

it looks like fog when in fact it's actually the clouds and you can probably

see that in the dashcam here in front of me

it's a critical log here

and of course it's slow it off on the raining here a little bit and we've got

the spray coming off the big trucks here usually it's not too bad on this truck

it's coming straight off the back but you just want to have your windshield

wipers on you might want to turn them on fold I just have mine intermittent but

you can have them on tall as you're coming up you see the truck

you see the spray coming off of it you might just want to turn them on and pull

there's the top of the summit elevation 10 1080 feet above sea level and where

I've been through here several times in the last few weeks so there's

construction here they're doing construction on the bridge up here and

it's down to a single lane you can see that the speed limits reduced to 90

kilometers an hour maybe they have the bridge open now I came through the other

day and it was still under construction it down to a single lane the other point

about this is when it's rainy and foggy like this you're going to get

the windows are gonna fog up inside your car you can just roll down your window a

little bit and turn your defrost on high in most vehicles when you turn the

defrost on high the air conditioners going to come on to the air conditioning

helps to dry out the air and will pull the moisture out of the cabin of the

vehicle and will help to defrost your windows and keep them clear you see

there that I open the window just a crack and as soon as they open the

window my passenger window a little bit and got some airflow from outside the

windows instantly cleared up inside the vehicle the ones in the back are still a

little bit foggy but for the most part the windows are all cleared here in the

front in the main viewing area and you can see here yes in fact they haven't

finished the bridge or open it up again it's down to a single lane but on this

speed air has gone 250 kilometers an hour or 30 miles an hour

it goes down to a single lane on my side there and I was just judging the gap in

front of me I was gonna try and go past that truck and then I got up beside him

and decided that I wasn't going to and let him have the right-of-way because

remember the right-of-way has always given never taken so I gave him that

truck might be driving the truck - I hope so the right-of-way to go in front

of me rather than trying to scream past them because it doesn't over the course

of a long trip doesn't take any time in your day to be

nice to other people especially big trucks and actually we have a truck

awareness program going on here pretty slim here right now you

there's see the signs back that said give trucks space so they're

trying to educate the general public about big trucks and them to eat more

space and then they have bigger blind areas around the trucks those types of

things so just give them good space when you do pass them just take your time and

pass quick review of driving in the rain it can be a bit intimidating especially

for those of you who don't have a whole lot of experience driving when your

vision is obstructed by rain and fog and mist and those types of things

especially when the spray is coming off the other vehicles and there's a lot of

rain and it's pooling on the roadway and it's causing your vehicle to hydroplane

so as I said make sure you're off cruise control you get your foot on the

throttle because if the front end starts to move around the wheels have written

up on the top of the water and it's called hydroplaning and you lose

traction so basically all you do is just take your foot off the throttle the

front end will drop back down and it'll regain the traction it's just that

you're going too fast for the conditions of the roadway another couple of

suggestions get out of the ruts because the ruts in the roadway there where the

vehicles drive is where the water is going to pool so either move to the left

of the lane so you want to move to one of the outer edges it's better if you

can move away from the other line of traffic if there's two lanes of traffic

move away from the other lane of traffic to get the wheels out of the ruts that

way you won't encounter the puddles and whatnot another technique that I

suggested is to put rain-x on your windshield or a good quality automotive

shampoo that will do the similar thing it will cause the water to sheet off

your windshield and give you better vision and better visibility while

you're driving in the rain and fog and whatnot when you're passing larger

vehicles know that you're going to get a lot of spray off those so if you don't

have your windshield wipers on full at that point you just have them on

intermittent turn them up to fall and that way you'll be prepared when you go

pass the other vehicle to have your windshield wipers on and you'll be able

to have clear vision as well all of the same techniques and skills that driving

at night apply to driving when your vision is obstructed by rain or snow or

other inclement weather so I'll put a card up here in the corner for you for

the video on night driving if you hadn't had a look at that already definitely

have a look at that and that will give you techniques and skills of following

other traffic looking for landmarks and looking farther down the road to you

know find out where you're going and where the road is going when your vision

is obstructed and what I'll do is I'll make another video on night driving in

the rain because that's a specific kind of video because it can be really

challenging because specially in urban areas because the light from the street

lights and whatnot reflects off the rain and the water pooling on the roadway and

causes glare and it's really difficult to see at night when it's raining and

there's glare from the lights and whatnot so I'll make another video on

that question for my smart drivers do you have any tips for new drivers

learning how to drive in the rain leave a comment down in the comment section

there all that helps out the new drivers getting experience after they get their

license and learning how to drive if you like what you see here share subscribe

leave a comment down in the comment section as well hit that thumbs up on

check out all the videos here on the channel if you're working towards a

license or starting a career as a truck or bus driver as well head over to the

smart drive test website great information over there and online

courses that you can purchase all of the courses are guaranteed passion road test

first-time or sixty day money-back guarantee as well watch this video here

passion road test first time it's for new drivers it's a course you get 30%

off look for the coupon down in the description box there you tube 30 put

that into the box on the forum over the website there you'll get 30% off the

course which will give it to you for about twenty bucks it usually sells

43085 I'm Rick with smart drive test thanks very much for watching good luck

on your road test and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right

answer have a great day I know

For more infomation >> How to Cope with Hydroplaning and Drive in the Pouring Rain | New Driver Smart - Duration: 17:25.


Россия построит подводный кибер-город (Время-вперёд! #265) - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Россия построит подводный кибер-город (Время-вперёд! #265) - Duration: 10:52.


How to Improve Your Yelp Reviews And Stay Above 4.5 Stars! - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> How to Improve Your Yelp Reviews And Stay Above 4.5 Stars! - Duration: 3:23.


Miraculous Ladybug [Comic Dub] - Monster Fight - Duration: 0:41.

Chat, I need you to run interference while I locate its Akuma!

Did you hear me?!

Uhhh... Ladybugs first? [nervous laughter]

Get out from there before I pick you up and throw you at the giant spider.

[frantic screaming] MY LADY WHYYY?!

For more infomation >> Miraculous Ladybug [Comic Dub] - Monster Fight - Duration: 0:41.


Who Are The Red Hot Chili Peppers? | Stop Moving Around! | Audio Addiction - Duration: 8:08.

what's going on you guys my name is Stephan and you are watching audio

addiction today we're gonna be looking at one of my favorite bands the Red Hot

Chili Peppers. Now the Red Hot Chili Peppers are conglomerated into a group

of bands in the 90s that really had a huge impact on music going forward. Bands

like Rage Against the Machine, Radiohead, Nirvana, Soundgarden, all huge bands in

the 90s that had a very very new sound and ultimately it was a new take on rock

music. Something that was extremely different to the 80s rock where you had

bands and hair metal music like Whitesnake for example and I mean this

is not just a unique phenomenon that happened in the 90s usually every decade

you have this new sound and the 90s were one that I find very very interesting

because I lived through it. The Red Hot Chili Peppers were a band that was formed in

Los Angeles California and originally the band members are a stark contrast of

what they are today or what we famously know them as. They were Flea, Anthony

Kiedis, Hillel Slovak, and Jack Irons and they would sound extremely different

compared to the popularized music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers of today it was a

very rhythmic driven style but again I'll go into stark contrast it was a

very very fresh outlook on rock at the time. I mean the first few albums of the

Red Hot Chili Peppers especially their first one many critics say that it was

one of the first albums that were released that had a funk metal genre

this kind of idea of of fusing together funk and metal, heavy metal into an album

and the Red Hot Chili Peppers weren't the only ones you had bands like

fishbone, living in color, that helped produce this new kind of sound

funk metal. However although very pioneering in a new sound

it wasn't the huge commercial success that we know of the Red Hot Chili

Peppers and after their a few albums a huge change up into their band roster

would occur where Slovak would pass away Jack irons would also leave the group

leaving a big void to fill in mind you Hillel Slovak although not many

modern-day red hot chili pepper listeners with know of Hillel Slovak was

really the mastermind behind Red Hot Chili Peppers not to disagree with any

of lovers of Flea or Anthony Kiedis but Slovak had a real hand in crafting the

sound of the older Red Hot Chili Peppers and ultimately it would help inspire

John Italian last name I I don't want a butcher to join the band and that really

helped him craft his style this boy however would be filled by the amazing

drummer Chad Smith and the guy that I was just mentioning John Italian name I

know I'm gonna butcher Frusciante but this is the starting point of the

commercial success that the Red Hot Chili Peppers were banking on this new

influx of talent would change the creative output of the Red Hot Chili

Peppers and they would release something that was quite different than what

they've released before although they were still sticking to their funk rock

funk metal roots the Red Hot Chili Peppers would do a focus on melodic

sounding songs and this would be the basis of one of their biggest albums

arguably their biggest album of their careers Blood Sugar Sex Magik now this

heavy weight of an album would be produced by a heavy weight of a producer

Rick Rubin honestly I'm not surprised why people would say this but many would

accredit Rick Rubin on the commercial success of the Red Hot Chili Peppers

because I mean the idea was there but it wasn't really that commercial unique

sounding Red Hot Chili Peppers that would gain that commercial success maybe

at all it took was a hotshot producer to clean up that sound and really

make it shine moving away from heavy riffs leaving a more cleaner tone

overall not just in the guitar it would allow for more space more room to

breathe music being number one in Canada Australia and New Zealand and while

being number three on the Billboard Top 200 in America but even though they've

just released one of the best albums of their career John would hightail it out

of there which is which is insane if you ask me I mean but seeing interviews of

John on the reasons why he would leave the group I can see why many would

accredit John to be being a very very true artist and seeing the commercial

success taint his artistic output is a very very noble thing but damn

struggling to find another guitars going through guitarists like freakin toilet

paper Red Hot Chili Peppers would eventually finalize on a guitarist named

Dave Navarro and again their style would change and Dave Navarro brings out a

very interesting take on the Red Hot Chili Peppers and it's ultimately it's

very interesting when Dave Navarro has brought to the table influencing the

sound of the Red Hot Chili Peppers very riff orientated again but very polished

very commercial and I think it's a very very underrated album considering it's

the only album that Dave Navarro recorded with the Red Hot Chili Peppers

however I don't really think that it's on par with say the their previous album

or you know one of my favorites Californication but due to creative

complications between Anthony and Dave Navarro Dave Navarro would get fired

from the band and who would walk right in motherfucking John god damn it and

this would lead to my favorite album by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Californication which was produced by none other than Rick Rubin trying to

recreate that magic in their their second last album blood sugar sex Magik

this would lead to their most commercially successful album of their

careers and you know the Red Hot Chili Peppers

is a great band I had a very very interesting sound in the 90s I mean they

really really pioneered that new alternative rock sound and all of that

but their great example of a band evolving trying to find their sound you

know if you listen to their whole catalog the Red Hot Chili Peppers you

hear that style you hear that unique red hot chili pepper style even in their

first album and it's it's great to just listen to it being created again and

again and again but in a better sense a more clear sense and it just sounds

getting better and better this trial and error that they've tried

to do over the years I mean like you hear that unique spoken word the

pioneering of rap rock even if you can say the funk metal genre all

incorporating over the past decade over their careers to me that's one of the

great benefits of following your favorite band because you see this

evolution you know and it's not like we all listen to every single track there

we all have our favorite artists that we look up to that we follow that we've

been following since really young and it's it's almost like watching a flower

blossom because it makes you feel so great when you listen to their old stuff

all the way up to their new stuff I think it's one of the greatest feelings

rather ever that as a listener and that's all for today you guys thank you

so much for watching click like if you liked the video click Subscribe if you

really liked it share it to all your friends families co-workers mothers and

fathers I want them to watch this video to talk to you later you guys

For more infomation >> Who Are The Red Hot Chili Peppers? | Stop Moving Around! | Audio Addiction - Duration: 8:08.


METAL HUNTERS : Best of Metal 2011 - Duration: 22:22.

For more infomation >> METAL HUNTERS : Best of Metal 2011 - Duration: 22:22.


5 Songs to put you in the Halloween Spirit - Horror Month 2017 - Day 29 - Duration: 3:05.

Geeky Gaming Hey Geeks, it's Andrea.

It is day 29 of Horror Month 2017.

That means there are only 2 days left to Horror Month after today.

Which also means the t-shirt won't be available for much longer, so check the description

for that link.

Before we get into today's video, we are getting together on discord on Halloween night

at 7pm Eastern time to watch a Horror Movie.

There are only a couple of us grouping up at the moment, but all Geeks are welcome.

You can check the comments for the discord invite link.

So let's get into the Horror Month mood today by listening to some Songs to put you

in the Halloween Spirit!

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper Definitely not a Halloween-only song, but

hey it fits into a Halloween Party playlist, right?

It's a pretty chill sounding song, so that is good for a nice let's hang out, look

at each other's costumes, and give kids candy kind of party.

The song itself is about struggling with the inevitability of death and not to worry about


Literally, Don't Fear the Reaper.


Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven This is actually one of my favorite songs

of all time.

So I personally recommend listening to it all year long, but it definitely does work

during Halloween.

A Little Piece of Heaven tells a fun story and like any good song, will get stuck in

your head for years to come.

Along with the story, there is a great video along with it.


Michael Jackson - Thriller What Halloween song playlist would be complete

without Thriller?

This King of Pop classic came out in 1982 with a 14 minute music video to back it up.

Michael Jackson was so inspired by a movie called An American Werewolf in London that

he hired a handful of people from the set of the movie.

Including the makeup artist Rick Baker.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp You know, I've never seen Rocky Horror Picture

Show, but I really want to for the first time this year.

I have, like most other people in the world, heard this song though.

It's catchy and there is some dance with it or something?

I don't know, I, like many of you, would have to ask my parents about this one.

Daddy Google, please explain the Time Warp Dance.


Bobby Pickett - Monster Mash This 1962 classic is a fun, campy song about

a mad scientist and some dancing monsters.

Monster Mash was a number one single and has become a Halloween classic.

It is a very family friendly song, which probably has a lot to due with the time it was created.

It has been remade a few times, so there are more modern versions, but Bobby Pickett did

the original classic version.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do and give them a listen.

I couldn't include the music here, obviously, so the links to listen to them are in the


As I said before, the t-shirt won't be available for much longer, so be sure to get yours before

is gone forever.

And be sure to subscribe, like, and comment.

Alright Geeks, I will see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> 5 Songs to put you in the Halloween Spirit - Horror Month 2017 - Day 29 - Duration: 3:05.


Minimalist Travel Camera Essentials | Ultimate Travel Vlog Gear Review - Duration: 12:25.

What is up everybody? Welcome back to Vagabrothers.

I'm Alex. I'm Marko, and in this video we'll be sharing with you our ideal travel

filmmaking kit to help you capture the best moments of your trip without weighing you down.

If you're new to the channel, we are the Vagabrothers..

We're your go- to guides all things travel here on YouTube

from gear hauls like this one to money-saving travel hacks

and vlogs from all around the world.

For the last five years we've traveled to over 50 countries,

and I think by now we've got it down.. a small lightweight

kit that you can carry on to an airplane. We've picked the absolute minimalist

essentials for travel vlogging. These are pieces of kit that maximize production quality and

versatility while minimizing cost and weight. So let's get into it.

One of the most common passion questions

we get is, "Do you need to bring a computer?"

If you're planning to edit vlogs from the road,

you probably can't get around it, but if you're going on a shorter trip

or if you're just using your computer to download

footage then thankfully you can leave your laptop at home,

thanks to a game changing piece of kit called the Gnar Box.

Gnar Box is a portable

backup and editing system that works with any camera,

and is pretty much indestructible.

It takes the place of your laptop by

allowing you to backup your footage, edit it and even share it to social media

right from your smartphone.

We actually reached out to Gnar Box and asked them to partner with us on this video because

we could instantly see how their technology could help us simplify

our kit on trips that require us to be super minimalist, such as

motorcycle trips, multi-day off-the-grid adventures, or just short backpacking trips

where you just don't feel like lugging around an expensive, fragile heavy computer.

Here's how it works: the Gnar Box has card readers for both standard and mini SD cards.

It has 256 Gigabytes of internal storage plus two USB ports

to plug in external hard drives.

The Gnar Box connects to your phone by Wi-Fi and allows you to backup

high-quality video files at 4K and raw photos at speeds of up to 4 gigabytes per second.

Everything is managed through your phone via the Gnar Box App, which has some

incredible editing functions that let you smash pretty technical edits in just a matter of seconds.

You can easily trim clips, color correct and add music to cut together a

quick highlight reel before tackling the full edit back home.

You don't need internet or wi-fi so you can use the Gnar Box when you're off the grid.

Plus up to 4 users can connect to it at once, allowing collaboration and let's be real

we all know that collaboration is the key to success.

The Gnar Box can handle whatever you throw at it: iPhone, Android, GoPro,

DSLR, drone it doesn't matter.

We hope that you guys will enjoy this product as much as we do because

honestly, it's going to simplify your kit, a lot.

We're super stoked to have discovered this product, and we hope that you guys out there enjoy it as much as we do.

Moving on. Let's talk about the most important decision you'll have to make:

Picking your camera

Specifically choosing between an action cam, a point-and-shoot camera and a

DSLR, which allows you to swap out different lenses for different situations.

If somebody asked me to recommend one single camera

to travel vlog on, it would be the Sony RX100 5.

It's a small point-and-shoot camera.

It's tiny. It literally fits in the pocket of this jacket,

and yet it is an extremely powerful camera.

It captures footage at 4k,

shoots 20.1 megapixel photos and has slo-mo at up to 960 frames a second.

The lens equivalency on this point-and-shoot camera Is

basically a 24 to 70 millimeter lens at a 35 millimeter frame.

That's full-frame . The latest Rx 105 retails at around $1000,

but the Rx 100 for the previous model, which in all honesty Is very similar to the Rx 105

and is an extremely capable camera in its own right, retails for around $300 cheaper.

Now if you're a Canon person, consider the G7X, which retails for around $700.

It's a beautiful camera. It has great internal stabilization,

but it doesn't really have the slow-mo capabilities of the Sony version,

which is why we prefer the RX105.

Every travel vlogging kit needs to have an action cam, specifically a GoPro.

We started off vlogging everything on a Hero 1, back in the day, and we've seen it evolve

all the way to the Hero 6, which just came out.

No matter which model you choose,

you need an action cam to film underwater shots,

action sports, or just to mount outside your car with a suction cup.

For the budget-conscious, The Hero 4 is still a great camera.

It records with 4K. It can be found used online for under $200.

The Hero Session Is a stripped down version of the GoPro that only costs 150 bucks,

but it only records in 1080, not 4k.

But the big technological leap happened with the Hero 5 and Hero 6,

both of which have touchscreens and can shoot in linear mode which removes the fisheye look of the GoPro.

Most importantly the five of the six are compatible with the Karma Grip.

This is GoPro's in-house camera stabilizer.

Both cameras have really good In-camera stabilization,

but the Karma Grip is another level.

It's so smooth you can run with it, and looks fine. And don't forget any action cam Is useless without mounts

so you need to have a bunch of sticky mounts, even a suction cup head mount, maybe even a chest mount.

These are all going to give you different angles depending

on what sort of activities you're capturing.

Now if you want to up your game to a more professional level,

you should consider investing in a DSLR.

We shoot on Sonys.

We have been shooting on Sonys for the last four years, and we absolutely love their cameras.

We have a Sony A7-R2, a Sony A7-S2,

and a Sony A-9 now. All of them are extremely capable cameras, but

we use them for different purposes.

The Sony Alpha series tends to retail at a higher price bracket, but

we do this for a living, so for us it's worth it.

But when we first started travel vlogging,

we shot on A $500 camera known as the Canon Rebel T3I

We took that little bad boy all around the world, and it never failed us.

The Canon Rebel series... I think they have a T6 now

is an extremely capable DSLR.

It's a great entry level camera, and if you're just starting off and you

don't have a huge budget to invest

into camera equipment ,the Rebel line Is a great option for you.

No matter how great your camera is,

it's all for nothing if the shots are shaky.

That's why stabilization is so important.

If you get a point-and-shoot, we recommend the Joby Gorillapod micro tripod.

This costs about 10 bucks. It folds up to nothing. It's flush with the bottom of the camera,

and it allows you to get some really great shots. Now if You get a

DSLR camera, it's going to be heavy so you need to have something more substantial.

Your first option is the Gorilla Pod.

Anyone you'll see in Casey Neistat vlog knows that the Gorilla Pod is o secret.

But it's a great lightweight way to get a

tripod stabilized shot that doesn't take Up any room in your backpack.

Furthermore you can bend the legs so you can

grip onto all sorts of weird structures.

It's extremely, extremely versatile.

Just make sure you get one that's big

enough to carry the weight of your camera with lenses.

They come in various sizes, so if you have a bigger

DSLR with a bigger lens,

make sure you get the big size of the Gorilla Pod.

A Gorilla Pod is a great DIY setup,

but if you want to get really cinematic shots like tilts and pans, you do need a proper tripod.

We have been using the Pro Master XC 525

for the last four years, and it's great.

We switched out the head that came with it with a 3-Way video head

so that we could pan and tilt a lot better.

But this tripod really has everything you need and

doesn't weigh that much.

You can break it down to nothing. You can use one of the legs as a

monopod, if you prefer to film that way, and it's just really durable.

One of the most overlooked aspects of filmmaking is sound, and

if you have a beautiful film, but your sound sucks, sorry to break it to you, nobody's going to watch your film.

Professional videographers will

swear by a Lav microphone, and these are great pieces of kit.

But if you're just getting started and you're not trying to

invest a lot of money and you're not trying to spend tons of time re-linking audio files, then

we recommend you get a Shotgun Microphone.

We have been using the Sennheiser MKE 400 for quite a while now.

It is an extremely capable, small compact

Shotgun microphone, and it has never failed us.

If you get a little Dead Cat as they call it, which Is

basically a wind muff and you slide it on top of the Sennheiser, you are good to go.

Moving on.......drones.

As we all know the advent of cheap

transportable consumer drones has revolutionized travel filming.

There are tons of different drone companies out there, but

we've Stuck by DJI.

We started off with the Inspire One. We use the Phantom, Phantom Pro, and now the Mavic.

For us the Mavic is the obvious choice,

even though the Inspire One and the Phantom can get better shots.

The difference is really marginal. The Mavic is small enough to fit in your

day bag, which means you can hike it in two Insane spots that you would never be able to bring a bigger drone.

Very importantly, do not forget storage.

We're Talking about SD cards and hard drives.

Here we recommend that you get

128 Gigabyte SDXC card

that's capable of writing 4k video and

honestly, you're not going to fill that card up,

only in very rare situations where you shoot over

128 Gigabytes on one card in a day

and especially if you're shooting over multiple cameras, you're not going to fill those cards up

so it's a good solution.

If you get one of those for each one of your cameras, they make them in both regular SD and mini SD

then you should be good for a full day of shooting.

Plus if you're ever in a pinch and you run out of storage on

your external hard drive, you could use one of those 128 Gigabyte cards for overflow storage.

Store all of your SD cards in a waterproof, shockproof Pelican case, which you can, also use when

you're doing your file import to help you organize

what you've captured and what you have not.

Stay organized by backing up all of your footage

onto your external hard drive at the end of a day of shooting.

Label all of your files and your photos by camera and by date, and you're

well on your way to being an organized person. When we travel,

we like to use the Lacie 4 terabyte drive.

It's a solid-state hard drive which means it doesn't have any spinning parts,

which is great when you're traveling because the inevitable bumps of the road

might make a hard drive fail.

The Lacie is almost failure proof, and it will be if you set it up as a Raid 1

configuration, which basically double backs up within the same jive.

Last but not least, do not forget your charging equipment.

These days most cameras are powered by

Micro USB cords and you can sometimes get around bringing a full battery charger if you bring enough Cords

Also bring A USB-C Cord, which Is what power is the new GoPro cameras as

well as a charger for your Phone. It's really smart to bring a multi-Port charger, which usually can

fit three or four different cords

and then plug straight in the wall. That saves you a huge amount of kit.

Lastly you charged in Our Box using A USB 3 Cord,

which is the same way you use for your hard drives.

Lastly, don't forget to bring a portable battery pack, which you can use to charge anything that dies during the day.

Of course bring some spare batteries

for your cameras as, well as triple-A, batteries for the Shotgun Mic.

Well that's it.l Our essential travel filmmaking kit. If you're A vlogger, a filmmaker,

please share your equipment down there in the comments section so everybody can learn from each other.

Also put some requests for future videos.

We'll try to address that in the coming months.

If you found this video useful, give it a

thumbs- up, share with your friends ,and subscribe to Vagabrothers

if you've not already. And don't forget to turn on notifications so you get a heads up when

we publish a new video.

In the meantime remember stay curious, keep exploring, and we will see you on the road.


For more infomation >> Minimalist Travel Camera Essentials | Ultimate Travel Vlog Gear Review - Duration: 12:25.


Film Factory quick tutorial: "Davinci Resolve full screen preview shortcut" - Duration: 0:27.

Alt + F ---- Enhanced Viewer

Shift +F --- Full Screen Viewer

Ctrl + F --- Cinema Viewer

For more infomation >> Film Factory quick tutorial: "Davinci Resolve full screen preview shortcut" - Duration: 0:27.


Aplicaciones Geniales para Editar Tus Fotografias!!! | Top Pulso - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Aplicaciones Geniales para Editar Tus Fotografias!!! | Top Pulso - Duration: 3:43.


Power Factor Correction - Power Factor Correction Methods - Power Factor - Duration: 3:03.

The power factor correction means bringing the power factor of an AC circuit closer to

one by using the equipment which absorbs or supply the reactive power to the AC circuit.

Generally, the power factor correction can be done by using the capacitor and the synchronous

motor in the circuit.

The power factor correction will not change the amount of real power, but it will reduce

the apparent power and the total current drawn from the load.

In this video we will learn different types of power factor correction methods.

The power factor correction methods are mainly classified into three types.


Capacitor Bank Method.


Synchronous Condenser Method.


Phase Advancer Method.

Power Factor Correction by using Capacitor Bank Method:-

In three phase system, Power factor Correction means reducing the phase difference between

voltage and current.

Since majority of loads are of inductive nature, they require some amount of reactive power

for them to function.

This reactive power is provided by the capacitor or bank of capacitors installed parallel to

the load.

They perform as a source of local reactive power and thus less reactive power flows through

the line.

Mainly they reduce the phase difference between the voltage and current.

Power Factor Correction by using Synchronous Condenser Method:-

The three phase synchronous Condenser was running without the mechanical load, and it

is connected in parallel with the load.

It absorbs and generates the reactive power by varying the excitation of the motor field


For inductive loads, synchronous condenser is connected towards load side and is overexcited.

This makes it perform like a capacitor.

It draws the lagging current from the supply or supplies the reactive power.

The synchronous condenser has some disadvantage like it is costly and their installation;

maintenance and operation are also not easy.

Power Factor Correction by using Phase Advancer Method:-

This is an AC exciter generally used to improve power factor of induction motor.

They are mounted on shaft of the motor and is linked in the rotor circuit of the motor.

It improves the power factor by providing the exciting ampere turns to produce required

flux at slip frequency.

Further if ampere turns are increased, it can be made to operate at leading power factor.

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