Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

So before we start just a quick note on spoilers.

This video is spoiler free, you will see a lot of footage from the first three levels

of super mario odyssey but I won't spoil any cool secret moons.

Okay with that being said, Odyssey finally arrived and the game is brilliant.

There are tons of worlds to explore, secrets to find, moons to collect and creatures to

mind control, all of this is a ton of fun but what I personally find the most impressive

part about the game is mario's insane movement.

I don't think any game character ever had so many amazing movement options which felt

so good to use in any game ever.

Not even mario back in super mario 64.

What I want to do in this video is to talk a little bit how nintendo made this insane

movement possible, designed it's worlds for two completely different types of players

and I quickly want to explain how to perform the most useful more advanced movement tricks

in odyssey.

So are you ready?

Let's do this!

The first thing that is really important to keep in mind when talking about the movement

in odyssey is that the whole game is designed for skilled and unskilled players at the same


Every challenge in the game is beatable without advanced cappy moves, but most challenges

have a second, completely crazy path to beat them as well.

Take the first moon objective in the desert level.

Mario usually has to transform into a bullet blaster here a couple of times and to make

his way through a cool 2D platforming section.

But if the player controlling knows what he or she is doing Mario can make it to the tower

without transforming into a bullet blaster once and the 2D platforming section is skippable

as well.

And while this may look really cool, that's really just the surface of what's possible

in this game.

A little bit later mario finds himself in the inner of a pyramid and has to transform

into a bullet blaster once again in order to make it over this gap.

Or he can do this instead to reach the other side.

There are literally hundreds of examples of such crazy skips in the game, almost every

single challenge is built in two ways.

As a rule of thumb: If you wonder if it is possible to reach something in this game,

it probably is.

The game never requires this movement but it is always built with it in mind.

One of my favorite examples of this was posted on the nintendo switch reddit a couple of

days ago.

In this room it is actually possible to reach the top of the entryway by some crazy movement

tricks and while this looks like something that is clearly unintentional there is actually

a huge pile of shiny coins hidden atop this place.

The devs knew that this was possible, and actually reward players who manage to make

it up there.

I think they even built it intentionally in a way that allows a player to get up there.

The whole game is built this way and this is genius because it always allows players

to pick a path through the levels depending of their skill level.

And it will probably bring us one of the best speedruns of all time but that's a different


It's really interesting because as far I know the game never teaches you all these

crazy moves.

They are simply there, and can be discovered by players who like to master mario's movement

and all worlds are built with mario's movement in mind.

But what's even more impressive, is how simple these really crazy movement combos

actually are.

All jumping combinations in this game only use different combinations of three buttons.

There is the a button for jumping, the Y button for cappy moves and the Z button for ground

pound moves, and that's it.

No other buttons are needed for this movement.

It's really amazing but the x, and the b button actually are unused in this game.

The reason why so little inputs can lead to such complex movement sequences is because

nintendo allows mario to chain moves together like puzzle pieces.

If mario decides to jump he can then either throw cappy or ground pound.

If he ground pounds he can afterwards decide to jump out of the ground pound, to start

to roll with a boost once the ground pound lands or to belly jump in order to get some

additional height.

But if mario threw cappy before, he can now belly jump on top of cappy and is able to

perform all the moves from before once again.

Combine this with wall-jumps or bounces off of enemies and really simple things suddenly

allow for really crazy sequences.

The really cool thing is even less experienced players benefit from these additional moves,

because only jumping out of a ground pound and throwing cappy feels really rewarding

even without any combo moves added on top of it.

The controls for this game are perfect for less experienced players and for really skilled

players and everything is built in a double way for these extreme types of players and

everyone in between.

Because of this movement odyssey actually succeeds to be a game with an extremely high

skill ceiling and being incredibly accessible at the same time, which is an incredible achievement.

There is only one thing which really annoys me about odysseys movement and that is that

motion controls often have no button mapped to them as well.

In general the motion controls work fantastic and are really fun to use, the problem is

when playing in handheld mode it becomes really irritating.

I don't want to shake my switch as hard as possible in order to role efficiently when

playing in handheld mode.

I can hardly move my joystick and shake my screen at the same time and these inputs need

a button mapped towards them in addition to the really fun motion controls.

I really hope they patch this.

So before I end this little video I just quickly want to explain how to pull off the two most

useful advanced tricks.

So there are two really important movement combos one for a maximum of horizontal movement

and one for a maximum of vertical movement.

So how to get mario high into the air.

I played around with this for several hours because I wanted to get on top of this wall

in order to beat the tutorial frogless, and while I wasn't able to get up there, I'm

now almost certain that the maximum height can be reached by, a ground pound jump, followed

by a cappy throw, belly dive onto cappy, cappy catch, wall jump, cappy throw into belly dive.

This might look a little bit extreme but it's actually surprisingly easy to pull off when

practiced for ten minutes or so.

If you want to learn this I'd recommend to start by a simple wall jump into cappy

throw into belly dive, this gives you a really good height and is a little bit easier to


Okay so horizontal movement.

As far as my testing goes starting by a speed-jump is faster than starting by a triple jump.

We want to cancel the speed jump at the last possible moment in order to get maximum distance

then the combo is cappy throw, belly jump onto cappy, cappy catch, cappy throw, belly

jump, and then we either made it or are dead.

If you want to practice this I'd recommend to start by learning just to speed-jump into

a cappy throw into a belly-dive onto cappy.

Once again this looks far harder than it actually is, just give it a try, once mario masters

this movement tricks the game opens up in an insane way and things that seemed impossible

before are suddenly super doable, and give our plumber a lot more swag.

Thanks for watching this little video, I hope you enjoyed it, if you enjoyed it don't

forget to leave me a like and maybe you feel especially belly-jump today and want to hit

the subscribe button as well.

I hope that you have a wonderful day and to see you soon, goodbye!

For more infomation >> The Brilliance of Mario's Movement in Super Mario Odyssey. - Duration: 7:20.


What If Michael Myers Was Real? - Duration: 4:24.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

We're on Patreon now, stay tuned to the end to hear more about how you can help out

and make your voice heard!

The Halloween movies are some of the most classic horror flicks out there, and the slash

'em up villain of the movies, Michael Myers, is one of the most recognizable horror villains


And with Halloween coming up in 2 days, this seems like a great time to get spooky up in


So get ready, it's time to ask the question "What if Michael Myers was real?"

First of all, let's get this out of the way.

Yes, Michael Myers is also the name of a famous comedian.

Yes, it was tempting to just say "screw everyone" and make this video about Mike


But I won't.

Because that would be mean…

And I like my job.

So with no further ado, let's talk about the more murderous of the Myers boys, sound


Well, before we start hypothesizing, we should probably discuss the very real origins of

Michael Myers, because in a way, he IS real.

John Carpenter, creator of the character, claims to have been inspired by an actual

boy he saw in a mental institution while at college.

One class trip took Carpenter to an institution in Kentucky, where he saw a boy in his early


This boy apparently stared at Carpenter with such evil in his eyes that it inspired the

character of Michael Myers.

However, little is known about this boy, and the odds are pretty slim that he went on to

go on several killing sprees, like the character he inspired.

So, who is Michael Myers, the character?

Well, he's often characterized as a personification of evil.

In the original story, when he was six years old, he murdered his sister on Halloween.

15 years later, he escaped from the Sanitarium, and terrorized a group of teens, killing many

of them.

Then he did it again.

And again.

And again.

Now, serial killers are not exactly new to this world.

While they may not be as common as shows like Criminal Minds would have us to believe, they

certainly exist.

You need only look to people like Charles Manson or Paul Bernardo to see that some people

do incredibly evil things.

But what is uniquely terrifying about Michael Myers, is that he seems to be just about unstoppable.

He can take large amounts of damage undeterred, and even when he's seemingly defeated, he

always manages to come back.

Shot 6 times?


Burned inside a hospital?

No biggie.

Shot some MORE by police?

Not a problem bro.

This guy has more lives than a cat.

But defying death isn't Michael's only power.

He seems to have other supernatural abilities as well.

Some claim that these abilities were given to him by the Curse of the Thorn, while others

say that he's simply more powerful because he is pure evil.

Either way, Michael has shown superhuman strength and durability, and possibly some sort of

healing factor.

He also seems to be unnatural stealthy, able to sneak up on people soundlessly.

This would make him particularly terrifying in real life; you never know when he might

be right… behind… you.

However, as powerful as he is, many rightfully question whether he would be quite so effective

in real life.

People in movies, and more specifically teenagers in horror movies, tend to act… poorly.

Whether they're splitting up in a dark house, or having sex on a secluded dock, people don't

exactly act in their best interests in horror films.

In real life, the slow, giant dude in the freaky mask carrying a kitchen knife would

probably be caught pretty quickly.

Most importantly, cell phones would put something of a damper on his plans.

It's hard to stalk and murder a group of teens when they all have a phone on them at

all times.

Nothing would be more embarrassing than chasing a person and trying to kill them, only to

be arrested immediately and learn they were live-tweeting it the whole time.

And now we return to our question: What if Michael Myers was Real?

Well, in a way he is, since he WAS inspired by a real person, but that person likely does

not have the same murderous resume.

But if the actual character existed in real life, he would be pretty terrifying.

Super strong, great at evading capture, and seemingly immune to death itself, he would

be difficult to stop.

At the same time, however, the fact that people in the movies tend to act like idiots, and

the existence of cell phones, would make it a lot more difficult for him to isolate and

kill his prey.

All told, however, I think I speak for most people when I say I'm glad he's just in

the movies.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know who YOU would want at your side if you were being

hunted by Michael Myers.

Also, as mentioned earlier, we have a Patreon now, so if you'd like to help out the channel

and have exclusive access to a number of special perks, check out the link in the description.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> What If Michael Myers Was Real? - Duration: 4:24.


Meet Kasper Moller - Master Gymnastics Tumbler from SEP7IMO DIA | Ep.3 | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Meet Kasper Moller - Master Gymnastics Tumbler from SEP7IMO DIA | Ep.3 | Cirque du Soleil - Duration: 0:59.


Nordkorea: Blick hinter die Fassade (Interview mit Eva Bartlett vom 5.9.2017) | 29.10.17 | - Duration: 18:39.

For more infomation >> Nordkorea: Blick hinter die Fassade (Interview mit Eva Bartlett vom 5.9.2017) | 29.10.17 | - Duration: 18:39.


Why I'm leaving YouTube. Farewell to my friends & followers! 😢😭😢😭 - Duration: 12:43.

hello my friends and welcome back this is going to be kind of a

bittersweet video for me and you've probably guessed from my title that this

will be my last video at least for a while I have basically three reasons why

I've decided to quit posting videos right now and I don't I didn't write it

down or make a list of things I wanted to touch on or anything I probably

should have that I'm just gonna speak directly from my heart and I'm gonna try

not to cry um first of all the first two reasons are something that I'm sure most

new and smaller youtubers go through and I can probably work around those if it

was worth it for me and I don't know that it is the third reason is out of my

control and it's probably the main reason why I'm going to have to stop so

we'll start with 1 & 2 number 1 is time never enough time in the day I'm sure

everybody knows that feeling and if you are a small youtuber or a large youtuber

who wouldn't be watching this you know how time-consuming this is it's

extremely time consuming but when you're talking about and filming videos or

something that you're passionate about and you love the time doesn't really

matter so much but here's the thing I'm at work 9 hours a day you know like most

people and I commute so I'm in my car traveling to and from work 2 hours a day

so we're looking at 11 hours a day five days a week that's 55 hours that is a

lot of my life that is devoted to work that doesn't leave a whole lot of time

for YouTube I have the evenings hello Bella

yes Bella I have the evenings and I know don't jump on my back right now yes mama

loves you yes loves you so I have the evenings

after work and I have the weekends so what I've been doing is filming all of

my videos for the next week on the weekends and then during the week after

work I edit my videos they go up three times a week and it's been working out

fairly well the only problem with that is that it leaves no other free time and

I'm blessed to have people in my life that want some of my time my husband

would like some of my time my children my grandbabies my mother and there's

just not enough hours in the day yeah I'm not getting any younger I want to

spend time with my grandchildren or my children and my husband I don't want to

look back in ten years ago God you spent all that time on YouTube and you could

have been spending it with your family so that's just one of the things that

crossed my mind like I said that it's something that could be worked around I

could go to less videos a week there are things I could do about that

oh okay I don't know why I am so it's emotional this is a hard decision for me

to make I don't want you guys to think that I'm making this decision lightly

but the second reason that is money oh my lord it's expensive um first of all

you don't have to be stupid like I was and buy everything right off the bat

starting out you use your cell phone

natural lighting you don't have to have lights and a camera and everything that

I felt like I had to have right off the bat so spent a ton of money I mean my

first few videos I did do with my cell phone and everything and I tried the

whole natural light and I just I don't know I'm the kind of person I want

something I want it now so if I'm gonna do do YouTube then I'm gonna get a

camera I'm gonna get lights and that was dumb I

didn't need to but other than equipment aside just the videos that I've chosen

to do which is makeup because that's what I love it's expensive you know

makeups expensive I do a ton of unboxings which means I have a ton of

subscriptions and I love to do reviews that's what I like to do so I like to

buy products and review them and I mean I'm spending a ton ton of money on

reviews and I'll buy you know I can't even tell you how many eye shadow palettes

I've bought in the past two months a dozen probably and each one I wear it

once maybe and then have to move on to the next I've got all these eyeshadow

palettes just sitting here that I will never get use out of and the main

reason for that is because remember all those hours a day that I'm working I get

up at 3:00 in the morning I drink my coffee I sit at the computer check the

news social media have my little Zen time I don't put on makeup there isn't

time unless I give up my coffee routine which isn't happening so I don't wear

makeup five days a week the only time I will get to wear makeup anymore is when

I'm about to film a YouTube video and it's like what it's crazy so I'm just

spending way too much money and in some ways it's a waste to have all this makeup

that I'm not getting to use and of course you know I know if I stuck with

it long enough could get to a thousand subscribers you know I could get Octoly

and maybe someday even some PR and that would help offset that I wouldn't have

to buy all my own makeup I could get some of this sent to me but let's face

it I'm a long way off from the PR point now like number one this is something I

could work around I could do a lot more get ready with me and things run not

spending boatloads of money but those are what I enjoy I enjoy the

reviews I'm not a makeup artist I don't feel comfortable giving tutorials

obviously so anyway those were two of my main reasons for taking a break and now

the third reason is something that is honestly out of my control and this is

the one that really hurts me this is one that like because this affects my

entire life and not just YouTube but I know everybody's heard when you reach a

certain age you know usually around 40 it's very common for your eyesight to

start to go all my life I've had perfect vision always perfect vision but it was

like on the dot 40th birthday my eyesight started to go and it's gotten

to the point now which I'm only 42 so we're only talking two short years here

that I've gone from perfect eyesight to I cannot see like I'm looking at my

viewfinder it's just right there right there and I can't see me I can see like

the shape of me I know I'm there I know I'm looking at myself but I can't see my

face I can't see my features and I should be able to but what this has to

do with YouTube first of all is putting on makeup for me is a struggle it is a

huge struggle um not just my eye makeup but all of my makeup is a struggle

especially my eye makeup though I cannot see my eyes and this is the part where

I'm gonna really try not to cry it doesn't matter how magnified my

because I do use a magnified mirror and I'll put it right up there you know but

you'll blend or whatever then pull it back and look and try to compare and I

can't so it's just kind of a random what are we gonna get today when I do my eye makeup

I never know and then I know contacts a lot of you are probably saying contacts the

problem with that was that in order to have contacts I'd have to had two

different prescriptions and I would have to have one extremely strong one for my

left eye for reading and seeing up close and then a different one for my vision

so they're off balance and we tried it I mean I went to the eye doctor like three

times got three different prescriptions and we kept trying to find the right mix

and the problem is when we get one that is strong enough in my left eye I can't

drive yeah I'm not safe on the roads because

my my distance vision is impaired so badly that it's just not safe for me to

be on the roads and I drive over two hours every single day on the

interstates and it doesn't seem fair to endanger everybody else for my vision and

my vanity because I wanna wear contacts and be able

to put on makeup in the morning so we've just done away with the contacts and

going back to glasses but of course you can't do your eye makeup the glasses on

so right now I'm just sorta don't really know what to do about that I

don't think there's anything I can do about that and I don't know if LASIK

even works for my kind of vision but if it did it wouldn't happen in my lifetime

anyway cause all my money is spent on makeup but no I'm not kidding not all of my

money but anyway that's my third and my most heartbreaking reason for why I am

stopping this maybe down the road something can be done about that and I

can get that fixed I really hope so I'm really tired of not being able to see um

even with these glasses which aren't that old when I read I told my husband

I'm 30% reading and 70% guessing based on context and shape I

cannot see so anyway fun stuff let's end this on a fun note maybe hopefully down

the road someday I can come back I've got all this dang equipment I I wish

I knew a youtuber close to me because I just give it to them

but maybe I'll you know right now I'm fab after 40 maybe when I retire I

can be sexy after 60 or something who knows but I've had so much fun I have

learned so much and a little emotional it's only been five short months but

it's only been five short months but I feel like I've grown a lot

I have met some well not met but through my videos talked to some great people I

will miss you I will miss chatting with you and I'm still gonna keep my social

media up so feel free to chat with me or drop me a line any time and that's

really all I had to say guys um I hope you have I hope you have a fantastic day

and maybe I'll talk to you again someday I


For more infomation >> Why I'm leaving YouTube. Farewell to my friends & followers! 😢😭😢😭 - Duration: 12:43.


DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - What we know about game? || GAMELOG - Duration: 4:38.

Hello guys it's Mardax here and today we're gonna talk about Dragonball Fighterz

as maybe you know at E3 there was information about new

Dragonball Z game called-- Dragonball Fighters it's 2.5D fighting game and

not long time ago was published the date of release and it's 26 January also

we know some kind of a story and new character in the Android 21 which is

concurrent of dr. Gero Android 23 builder Android 16 so like in Xenoverse

will be new story non-canon but based on original plot

from what I get that we're gonna fight against Android 16 and story will be split in three chapters

Super Warrior Arc, Super Villian Arc, and the Android Army and each of which follows the story

from this perspective of different characters also the story was placed

somewhere after Universe 6 saga from Dragon Ball Super and his story trailer

we can see many dark clones of Goku and other friends so I'm waiting for it

and what do you think about the concept of story? Write comments below!

Game is in development by Arc System Work you may know them from

the Guilty Gear and BlazBlue games and few more. If you want to know more you can

check description to find link to the wiki page about them. Also Dragon Ball

FighterZ is not the first Dragon Ball Z game in development by them the first

one was Dragon Ball Z extreme butoden for 3DS in 2015 they have experience in

fighting games and as you can see in a gameplay they know what they doing so for

the further information and research at how many playable characters we have

right now for sure it is: Goku Super Saiyan with Super Saiyan 3 form doing

Meteorl Smash Goku Super Saiyan Blue with 10 times Kaio-Ken doing Meteor

Smash Vegeta Super Saiyan and Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue Android 16

Android 21 and as you see should be as playable character but probably only for story

Android 18 with 17, Captain Ginyu with Ginyu force, Cell in perfect form, Freezer

final form and also golden, Future Trunks Super Saiyan

Gohan Teen as Super Saiyan 2, Krillin , Majin Buu and also Fat Buu, Nappa with Saibamen

Piccolo Tien Shinhan with Chaozu and Yamcha

what you need to see that the

characters as Ginyu, Tien, Nappa and Android 18 they are not alone when they gonna do

special attacks second like Chaozu or Android 17 comes to help do this

technique what you need to know that when one team we have a Android 18 and

Krillin when 18 gonna do the Special Attack

Krillin we will replace 17 and helps 18 doing the special attacks together what

do you think about this Husband-Wife accent next information are about stages

right now we have a confirm that there is a World tournament destroyed West City

Islands West City Planet Namek Cell Games arena space wasteland and sacred

world of the Kais. About fighting we know that there is a three buttons was

responsible for light medium and heavy attacks and fort one for the Ki blasts

and if you want to play you need to select three characters for our team and

if you do called "assist" move one of your teammates can come to help you in

battle doing some attacks which helps you continue a combo or do additional

damage and to be the winner you need to defeat all characters from the

other team as I see game's looks really really good and graphics that is similar

to the Anime style even creators they said that the games work completely fine

with 60fps but in few cutscenes the FPS will be dropping to lower number

probably 30 or 24 FPS for making the anime effect also few attacks and

animation are taken from the manga and anime for making this game as close to

manga and anime as possible and the collector's edition of the game have

several items and 7-inch statues of Super Saiyan Goku which I really like a

lot okay that's all folks I hope you enjoyed this video and also

you can subscribe me leave likes and comments or you can see my other social

media stuff links are in the description see you

soon bye

For more infomation >> DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - What we know about game? || GAMELOG - Duration: 4:38.


Girls dress designs dresses for kids in Flipkart amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:46.

Girls dress designs dresses for kids in Flipkart amazon shopping online dresses

For more infomation >> Girls dress designs dresses for kids in Flipkart amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:46.


Live Demo: Budget Modeling Tool - Duration: 6:27.

there are videos which explain how to upload the information and provide a

brief overview of what everything is but in brief the first tab is the

information tab that's where we upload all of the plan information in this

example the school district is in the SEHBP so we must choose one of those plan

options on the calculations tab the area highlighted in yellow is the census that

is prepared by the business office typically it's either the business

administrator or somebody in payroll the chapter 78 grid is where we have years 1

2 3 & 4 of chapter 78 as well as up to 16 additional areas where we can put in

custom contributions whether it's chapter 78 to a max of 27 percent or simply

sliding all the contributions down or just going back to the 1.5% base all of

those could be done right on here on the summary tab we can find a host of

information about the amount of salary the total cost of the benefits and total

cost to the board and it's on this tab they're going to be doing a majority of

the work in a majority of the financial modeling so the way it's set up now is

that the employees are enrolled in the direct ten plan in year four of chapter

78 and what we want to do is take a look at a few other alternatives to see

either one of them meets our objective so first we're going to take a look at

the direct ten in year two of chapter 78 so we're simply just going to change

this from four to two and at the top we have our projection but we're going to

take this information and we're going to put it on to our free tab and on this

tab we're going to compare with the total cost is to the board and the

employees in each of the three years of the contract so we can see in year three

the board is paying over twelve million dollars whereas currently in year three

the board is paying about eleven and a half million dollars

so this strategy isn't going to be one that meets our objective so let's try

another one let's try direct 15 in year 4 to a max of 27% so we're going to

change this to one of our custom calculations and we're going to change

the medical plan to direct 15 we're going to capture this information up top

and we're going to move it to our free tab and then we're going to compare the

costs so we're going to see in year 3 the board is paying eleven point six

seven one million and currently the board is paying eleven point six five

eight million and the employees are paying six hundred and thirty thousand

whereas in year three under the current strategy they're paying seven hundred

and forty nine thousand so this strategy doesn't meet our objective but it keeps

it close for the board and it does provide the employees with some rate

relief so that may be a possible strategy but let let's keep moving

let's try twenty thirty and year two of chapter 78 so move to year two and at

the medical plan we're going to move to the twenty thirty we also have to change

the rx to plan 206 we're going to take this information capture it and move it

to our free tab so when we compare those two we can see that the board is paying

substantially more about a hundred thousand dollars more in year three of

the contract but the employees have a substantial decrease in the amount of

money they owe in fact it goes down by almost half so while this provides the

employees with tremendous value the board is left paying more money than

they did previously so this strategy may not be a great one so let's keep trying

going back to the summary tab let's move to two point five percent of salary

and we're going to move that to 18 and we're going to move to the 2035 plan

okay so changing the medical and the rx we're going to take this information up

here capture it and we're going to move it to our free tab and when we take a

look at this what we find if the employees went from paying seven hundred

and forty nine thousand dollars to paying two hundred and eight thousand

dollars so substantial savings for the employees and on the employee earth side

they went from paying 11.65 million dollars to $11.30m so in this

scenario we may have found an opportunity where both the employees and

the board save a substantial amount of money and when we take a look using our

total cost estimator which is featured in another video we may find that the

employees even if they are a high utilizer benefits are taking home

substantially more in their paycheck than they would be paying for their

co-pays and coinsurance so the twenty thirty five and two point five percent

of salary for this school district may be a great fit so if you're interested

in learning more about the mudge budget modeling tool we have a live

introduction we also have a tutorial in a playlist with eight different videos

describing each part of this tool and how it works you can follow liberty

benefit visors on facebook you can connect with us on LinkedIn and you can

always subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos just like this this is

John DiMartino wishing you all the best take care

For more infomation >> Live Demo: Budget Modeling Tool - Duration: 6:27.


Rakhi Bandhan 29 October 2017 Full Episode - Duration: 2:11.

Rakhi Bandhan 29 October 2017 Full Episode

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