Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

How was your weekend?

Good, though it was kind of-

Hot. I know.

No, I was going to say-

Miss Angela: Humid. Janet: No.


Actually, I was going to say-

Miss Angela: Misty. Janet: No.

Appa: Morning, Miss Angela.

Oh great, My dad will help you.

No, Janet. You stay.

And learn.

So, what are we looking for today?

I was going to get some-

Ice cream? We're having a big sale.

Miss Angela: No, actually I-

Appa: Having party. Need two cartons.

- No- - Three.

No, you keep cutting me-

New good deal, four cartons for price of three.

Well, that is a pretty good price.

With a lotto ticket, it's $23.95.

Okay, see you. Have a fun party!

Janet: That was-

Genius? Magical? Amazing?

Janet: Okay, now you're acting like a- Appa: King. Hero!

You can't beat me, Janet. Because I am-

Annoying? Frustrating?

Good. Now you're starting to-

Learn? Get the hang of it? Beat you at your own game.

Appa: Okay- Janet: See you!

For more infomation >> The king of customer service | Kim's Convenience - Duration: 1:14.


How To Find AND Contact Wholesale Suppliers For Amazon FBA Private Labeling! FREE Amazon FBA Course - Duration: 9:53.

what's going on guys welcome back to another video on the free Amazon FBA

course just for you for free today we're gonna start talking about contacting

your suppliers so we've gone over product research there's plenty of more

to do in product research by figured I would jump into this while you guys are

on the product research phase I'm gonna jump into making videos on this so you

guys can then move on to this when you guys are ready because I have started

getting questions from people who found their products and I I don't want to

make them wait so I'll come back and I'll make other product research videos

throughout the next few weeks or months but for now we're gonna find how to find

a supplier so what you guys going to do is go to Alibaba calm this is the number

one way people find products they'll find suppliers there are other methods

but this is the one I've first learned with and this is the easiest one I have

other videos on using other methods but I recommend starting with Alibaba

definitely a lot a lot easier alright guys so you guys are gonna click right

here at the top and you're gonna look up a product so for convenience sake let's

do a camping hammock when you click it you're gonna get all a bunch of

suppliers now what you guys are gonna want to do what I recommend is make sure

you click Trader surance this just kind of narrows down to make sure you don't

run into any bad suppliers um and then this is the one you're really going to

use gonna be contact supplier I would recommend find like 10 suppliers for the

product you're looking for buy 10 and contact all of them now I do have a

template when it comes to contacting suppliers if you guys are interested

just leave your email down below in the comments and I'm gonna shoot you guys an

email with that template otherwise just message me on Facebook or leave me a

comment say you you want it or whatever you guys want to do just get in touch

with me Instagram Facebook whatever and I'll send you guys a the template that I

use very simple template but gets the job done never had an issue with it so

in case you guys want to keep your lives easier just let me know what you're

gonna do is again click contact supplier you're gonna open this page right

usually it says the minimum order is a hundred they have they say minimum order

and they say pricing so let's go back here real quick so it shows you the

price seeing five to 15 dollars per piece

that's a huge range and a minimum order of 100 pieces so I wouldn't look at

those too much I found that they can be very very very off this is what

something I would look at the fact that they only have one transaction in the

last six months but then again a lot of people don't use the Alibaba payment

method I'll explain that later anyways like I was saying don't look at the

price too much don't look at the minimum order quantity the minimum order coin is

usually more accurate than the prices but still click contact supplier you'll

come here now this is where I wouldn't really care about this too much but

right here is where you will ask your supplier you ask them for a quote say

you're interested in their camping hammock I would like a quote for then

you say how many units you want you say you want that your company logo sticker

on it and the UPC code which is the barcode from Amazon sticker on the

products so you want or putting the product in some way do you want to make

sure that's clear and you want to ask them for door-to-door air shipping

door-to-door air shipping means it's going to leave at will leave your

suppliers warehouse and go straight to Amazon without you having to touch it

without you having to deal with it without you having to pay customs I just

having to pay anything extra it's going from their door to Amazon's door and you

have to do nothing that's the best way to not have to deal with headaches and

everything when it comes to product shipping is I have heard of people

getting their products stuck in customs or they had to get a freight forwarder

which is a lot more work as a beginner I do not recommend looking into these

things it can be a lot more complicated and if you just want to get your first

product or if you just this might be your tenth project you want to get your

product into Amazon door-to-door shipping is the way to go so again just

to recap units you want UPC and logo on product / packaging so it can either be

you can either have the your logo sticker on the packaging which I've done

before you can have it put on the product you can have it any way it just

has to be on there somehow now the reason why you want your low

there is that if someone were to hijack your listing meaning if they were trying

to pretend like they're selling the same product as you if they don't have your

logo on their product which they're not allowed to do because that's your logo

if they don't have your logo on their product then they are selling a

different item right I don't care for the products the exact same it's just a

sticker on the packaging it's not the same item and therefore you can report

them to Amazon and they'll get their listing taken off your listing or their

offer taken off your listing and you're gonna be the only one there because

that's what private labeling is you want to have your own listing for your

product and no one else can jump in there and try and drag the price down in

your listing so that's why the logo is important now if you guys don't aren't

creative enough like I wasn't created enough to make my own logo go on to get someone to leave to create a logo for you it's like five

dollars super easy no headache no trying to figure out how to design it which

again something that I really struggle because I'm not creative whatsoever but

yeah so you guys want units blah blah and you guys want door-to-door air

shipping all right I put this in caps you don't have to put any cash when you

message them but just for you guys to remember door-to-door air shipping I see

a lot of people mess this up and a lot of people then have huge headaches and

do you have to deal with a lot of extra stuff and it costs a lot more money for

them just because they didn't specify it

correctly with their supplier now the unit's obviously it varies right so if

your product is depends on how much money you have and how many sales

I recommend or for like a month sales so maybe even a little less three weeks

because if it sells well in the first week you can always order more than your

product come back in but I say a month is a good way to go so say this the

camping hammock I was expecting to sell the first month or not in the first one

in just a month I expecting to sell 300 right so I would only buy 300 units

maybe 250 right but if it's a product that sells on average like 700 a month

maybe I'd be thinking of getting a product that's like maybe I'd be

thinking of getting 500 units but hopefully obviously it depends on how

expensive the product is how much money you have to invest whatever the case may

be and by anyways so the units is very up to you if you got

have any questions about units just leave them in the comments and I can

kind of give you guys my opinion on your specific case or your specific product

but for now I can't I'm gonna give you a general general knowledge go with around

about a month so what you're going to do then is sent inquiry you can also add in

the bottom you can add in case you don't want to communicate on Alibaba buxom

messaging Ani Baba's apparent conflict it's very annoying not complicated very

annoying just has to have to log into all the above all the time so what I do

is I put them at the end I put at the end of the thing like I will not respond

on Li Baba message me on skype or mess and then you put in your skype name or

on whatsapp and you put in your whatsapp number and that's just kind of easier

form communication just kind of back and forth all the time you don't have to

send them a message because it's kind of like an email the Alibaba contact while

Skype and whatsapp you can it's just kind of like a personal message you can

go back and forth a lot faster and stuff can get done a lot faster so then you

would just send your acquire II obviously I'm not gonna do that but you

guys can send your inquiry and you're gonna do this for 10 products

alright that's basically the gist of how to find your supplier obviously here you

just type in the keyword you're looking for make sure again I'm just running

through everything type in the keywords you're looking for make sure you have

trade assurance on all right so guys just to recap you're gonna want to go in

here type the broadest keyword or the keyword for the product you're trying to

sell don't forget to click trader surance you can also click bold

supplier if you want again just gives a low more credible suppliers now don't

look at the price too much sort of look at this but doesn't really matter either

just contact probably the 10 top suppliers I guess or the 10 suppliers

that are selling the things that you want to sell contact 10 of them and yeah

if you guys want the template again comment down below message me on

Instagram message me on Facebook whatever you guys want but you would

contact 10 of them then that way you can negotiate the price well the answer bag

can start like back and forth trying to bring the price down don't ever settle

for the first price never alright but again I'm going to talk about

pricing in a later video I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did smash

that thumbs up button leave a comment down below if you guys have any further

questions I want to make another video when I talk where I talk about the

actual pricing and the difference between shipping that's gonna be in

another video cuz otherwise this video would be too long and I'm not trying to

over give too much information where it'd be hard for you guys to retain

everything I'm trying to break it down into good chunks but hope you guys

learned something today if you guys did again smash that thumbs up button to

become if you have any questions and subscribe if you are new to the channel

guys if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button hit that little

bomb icon so you guys are notified every time we release a new video if you guys

are interested to just comment down below what part of the Amazon journey

you're on I would love to know what part of the journey every one who's kind of

currently watching my videos is on this might be your first second third or

tenth product I believe I have information to offer you guys that you

guys can learn independent of what stage you're on so guys thank you so much for

watching and I'll see you guys on the next video

For more infomation >> How To Find AND Contact Wholesale Suppliers For Amazon FBA Private Labeling! FREE Amazon FBA Course - Duration: 9:53.


„Wir haben es mit einer Parteiendiktatur zu tun" (Interview) | 09.10.2017 | - Duration: 16:51.

For more infomation >> „Wir haben es mit einer Parteiendiktatur zu tun" (Interview) | 09.10.2017 | - Duration: 16:51.


Construct 3 - First Game - Getting the Player Moving - Duration: 9:16.

Now that we have our player object added to the layout, we need to get it moving when

we press the arrow keys.

In Construct 3, this can be done very easily, through use of the built in Behaviors.

We'll take a look at what behaviors are, and how to add them to an object.

Also, we'll discuss how movement works in Construct 3.

In Construct 3, Behaviors are the way that we add more functionality to an object.

Later, we'll look at the event sheet, and how it can add even further functionality

to our games, but for now, think of Behaviors as a shortcut to adding commonly used movements,

and abilities.

These behaviors can be replicated in the event sheet, but they are things that are used so

commonly in games, that they are built-in, as Behaviors.

So, let's take a look at adding a behavior to our player object.

First, make sure you have the player object selected, and go over to the properties bar.

About half way down, there is a section called Behaviors, with a blue Behaviors link.

We can add new Behaviors to the selected object here, just click Add New Behavior.

From here, we can choose from a bunch of Behaviors, but we're going to keep it simple, and choose

8 direction, from under the Movements category.

The 8 Direction Behavior allows an object to be moved in 8 directions, up, down, left,

right, or diagonally between each of those.

This is useful for a top down type of game, like we've started to build with this player


Either double click the 8 direction behavior, or click it and then the Add button, to add

the 8 Direction Behavior to our player object.

Now, 8 Direction is added to the list of Behaviors this object will be using.

We can have multiple behaviors assigned to one object, combing them to get our object

performing exactly how we want them to.

We'll add another behavior to the Player object in a minute, but first, let's take a look

at what adding the 8 Direction Behavior has done.

To do that, we need to test what we've got so far, which you can do by previewing the


To preview the layout, click on this play button, the Preview Layout button.

That will launch our game in a new window.

By default, the 8 direction behavior allows us to control the movement of an object using

the arrow keys.

So, if I press the up arrow, the ship moves up.

But, it looks like the ship is flying sideways, not forwards like it should be.

We'll fix that right now, but first let's make sure we can move in all 8 directions.

We can go up, down, left or right, and we can move diagonally between each of those.

Now, let's fix the orientation of the ship.

The reason why it's moving sideways, is because Construct 3 expects the front of the sprite

to face to the right.

Right now, it considers this side of the ship the front, and when the ship changes direction,

using the 8 Direction Behavior, Construct rotates the sprite, so that it's front faces

the direction it's moving.

All we need to do is double click on the Player object, and open up the Animations Editor.

Then, we've got options on the toolbar to rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise.

We want to rotate the ship clockwise, so the front of the ship is facing to the right.

I'll preview the layout again, and this time, the ship is facing the right direction, and

when we turn, the front of the ship is always facing forwards.

Now the ship can fly around the layout, and everything looks great.

But, the ship can fly off the screen, which I don't want it to be able to do.

I want to force the ship to stay within the boundaries of the layout.

To do this, we can add another behavior, the Bound to Layout Behavior.

The Bound to Layout Behavior will stop an object from leaving the layout, making sure

it's contained within the edges of the layout.

With the ship selected, click on Behaviors, and then Add New Behavior.

This time we need to select Bound to Layout, under the General category.

Now, our player object has two behaviors applied, 8 direction, and bound to layout.

If I preview again, now when I fly towards the edge of the screen, the player's ship

is held within the layout.

I feel like the ship is a little too slow, though.

I'd like to get it moving a little faster.

Just like objects, and the layout itself, most behaviors also have properties that can

be adjusted in the Properties Bar.

With the Player object selected, under 8 Direction, change Max Speed to 300.

I'll preview the layout again, and now the player moves around at a better speed.

Last, I'd like to talk a bit about how movement works in Construct 3.

In an earlier video, we set the size of the layout to 900 x 600.

This means the layout is 900 pixels wide, and 600 pixels tall.

We can place objects, like our Player sprite, anywhere inside or outside of this 900 by

600 pixel area.

But, for the object to be on screen, it must be within this area.

You can place an object using X and Y coordinates, with X representing horizontal placement,

and Y representing vertical placement.

The X and Y coordinates begin at the top left corner of the layout, so this position, at

the very top left corner, is represented with XY coordinates of 0, 0.

X is equal to 0, and Y is equal to 0.

As we move to the right, the X value increases, and to the left, it decreases.

If we move the sprite down, the Y values increases, and if we move it up, the Y value decreases.

Since the layout is 900 pixels wide, the maximum X coordinate for an object to be visible,

would be 900.

If the object was placed at X coordinate of 901, it would be one pixel off the screen.

But, our player ship is not a single pixel, it's a sprite made up of many pixels.

If I double click the Player object, and open the Animations Editor, and click on the Resize

button, we can see that the Player sprite is 64 pixels by 64 pixels.

The coordinates work the same way within an object, as they do in the layout.

The top left corner is 0, 0.

So, if we place an object on the layout at a specific XY coordinate, we need to specify

a point within the sprite, called the origin point, that will determine exactly where it

is placed.

Let's me show you what I mean.

I'll close down the Animations Editor for a second.

Under the Player object's properties, we can set the exact XY coordinates we want.

I'll set the ship to 0, 0, the top left corner.

You can see, that the ship was placed in the top left corner, but the center of the ship

is located at the actual 0, 0 coordinates.

That's because the default origin point is set to the center of a sprite object.

Double click the Player ship, and click on this button, edit the image points.

We'll talk more about image points later, but every sprite has at least one image point,

known as the origin point.

The origin point corresponds to the X and Y position of the sprite in the layout.

We can click anywhere on the sprite to place the origin point, or if you have a numpad,

press the number keys to automatically place the origin point.

It will place the origin point on the sprite relative to the placement of the number you

push, for example, pressing 1 on the numpad places the origin point at the bottom left

corner, pressing 9 places it at the top right corner, and pressing 5 places it right in

the center of the sprite.

I'll press 7, and put it in the top left corner, and exit out of the Animations Editor.

Now, the ship is still placed at 0, 0 coordinates, but the origin point has been moved.

You can see how the origin point directly corresponds to the XY position of the object.

Objects can be placed outside of the layout as well, they'll just be off screen.

If you place an object off the left side of the layout, it will have a negative X position,

and if you place it off the top off the layout, it will have a negative Y position.

But, if you place it off the bottom of the layout, it's Y position will just be greater

than the height of the layout, in this case 600.

Similarly, off the right side of the layout, the X position will be greater than the width

of the layout, in this case 900.

It's important to understand how this coordinate system works, because we'll be using these

values to trigger events, spawn enemies, and more.

Just make sure you understand the X and Y coordinates, as well as what an origin point

is, and you'll be good to go.

If these tutorials are useful to you, please support me on Patreon, at

For a dollar a month, you'll get early access to each new tutorial, and you'll help keep

this channel active.

Thanks for watching, see you next time.

For more infomation >> Construct 3 - First Game - Getting the Player Moving - Duration: 9:16.


Lets Test GT Sport Beta/ German gameplay / PS 4 Remoteplay - Duration: 1:53:35.

For more infomation >> Lets Test GT Sport Beta/ German gameplay / PS 4 Remoteplay - Duration: 1:53:35.


Top 10 Craziest Birth Marks - Duration: 6:27.


Welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10, I am Rebecca Felgate and today we are going to

be celebrating individuality as we discuss the Top 10 Insane birthmarks.

Some people are very worried about physical differences, but the people on this list seem

to own what makes them unique, and I am so inspired by them!

Individuality forever!

Let's do this!

10 - Heart Shaped Birthmark Cinar Engin from Turkey was born with a unique

heart shaped birthmark on his forehead.

His parents have said that locals call him "love baby" and he is regularly posed

with for selfies.

They even said the nurses in the delivery room wanted to have a photo with their newborn


There is an exceptionally cute picture of baby Cinar wearing a Christmas hat that is

pretty gorgeous!

9 - Hair Birthmark 8 year old An Qi from the Jilin Province in

China has a very unique birthmark covering the right side of his face.

The dark birthmark has hair growing on it too, making it blend in with his other head


Sadly An Qi has admitted that many of his fellow school pupils laugh at him and call

him names because of his birthmark.

He has been offered free treatment at a local plastic surgery hospital, which is great for

him if that's what he wants.

8 - Eyeball Birthmark Instagram Model and small youtuber, Sonia

Leslie, has a distinctive eye birthmark.

The blue eyed beauty has a grey-blue birthmark in her eye, which makes her iris looks bigger,

like it is spilling out into her eye.

I think its pretty beautiful and unique, personally, but the 22 year old has become frustrated

with critics who have asked her "what is wrong" with her.

She said she finds it rude when people ask her about it and that some people should mind

their own business.

Models are usually unique looking, so I think this only enhances her appeal.

7 - Half mask birthmark 24 year old Brazilian fashion designer and

model, Mariana Mendes, has a birthmark covering the top of her nose and around her right eye.

She seems to care very little for the trolls trying to bring her down, instead she is flaunting

and celebrating her distinctive feature.

She has said 'I feel more beautiful and totally different from other people because

I have the mark".

Good on her!

6 - Polka dot Birthmarks Matilda Callaghan has a rare polka dot purple

and red birthmark that covers her face.

The dots are actually a result of bruising that came from trying to have the birthmark

reduced to stop it spreading.

Sadly, she also has a birthmark on her brain which causes her to have both learning difficulties

and epilepsy.

She needs treatments on her birthmark ever two months for the next 15 years.

The family have a GoFundMe Page to help cover the cost of Megan's treatments.

As we are at the half way point, I wanted to throw something fun in at number 5 – we

have this cute puppy birthmark…this young 18th century artiste impersonator appears

to be sporting a rather spiffing moustache!

Birthmarks on animals are pretty normal and very celebrated – whereas they're rarer

on humans., making them stand out.

However, this puppy has a very unique coat marking – a perfect handlebar moustache!

What a fancy fellow.

All he needs is a monocle and a top hat!

Back to usual scheduling at number 4, we have a Red nose birthmark.

So many media outlets have drawn reference to Rudolph that it seems silly not to mention


This beautiful little baby, Connie Lloyd, was born with a red nose, like a clowns nose.

At the time of her birth in 2008, her family were told there was no cure to the benign

tumour growing on her nose, however a couple of years later a surgeon was located who could

help her out, removing the mark, leaving her with a scar instead of a full red nose.

Truly incredible at number 3 - Map Birthmark There is a trend amongst some people with

birthmarks to, rather than hide their marks, celebrate them instead by highlighting them

with tattoos!

Reddit user Mneneon, an engineer, decided to outline his island like marks with pen

and posted the images on the popular social media site.

He said he was considering getting the marks permanently tattooed around.

He also said he likened his birthmarks to a map of middle earth from Lord of the rings.

An inspiring story at number two from a boy with a Turtle Shell Birthmark

Colombian child, Didier Montalvo was born with a very rare birthmark, a mole that took

over 20 percent of his body.

The birthmark looked like a giant tortoise shell and led cruel children to call him Turtle


Didier had surgery to remove the birth defect , which doctors likened to carrying a sack

of potatoes on his back.

Since the growth was removed, he has been able to resume a more normal life, but will

always have scars over his body from the surgery.

Finally at number 1, we have Full body Birthmarks worn with fully body confidence!

21 year old Ciera Swaringen is an inspiration to us all.

Covered from head to toe in birthmarks, including moles, she has refused to be cowed by bullies.

The marks cover two thirds of her body yet she wears them with pride.

She said when she was a teenager, boys would say things like "you look like you're

dirty…take a wash."

Ciera said in an interview that over time she learned to brush off negative comments.

She said her mom called her birthmarks Angel Kisses.

Ciera says she is glad she went public with her condition, as it has helped other people

who have similar conditions.

So that was the Top 10 Craziest Birthmarks.

I truly think they're something to be proud of and they make people individuals!

I have a big scar I used to be pretty scared to show, but these days I am just happy to

display it because it makes me who I am!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Craziest Birth Marks - Duration: 6:27.


IZA - Pesadão (Participação especial Marcelo Falcão) REACTION - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> IZA - Pesadão (Participação especial Marcelo Falcão) REACTION - Duration: 5:31.


Easy Last Minute Costume Ideas | Michaels - Duration: 1:52.

Orange shirt, scissors, felt, chalk, pattern, fabric tape

Black t shirt, scissors, ribbon, glue gun, iron, iron on transfer paper

Print out a design

Green t shirt, t shirt form, chenille stem, hair clip, scissors, glue gun, pink tulle

Wrap 20 times

Thanks for watching. Subscribe to our channel and share your projects using the #Makeitwithmichaels

For more infomation >> Easy Last Minute Costume Ideas | Michaels - Duration: 1:52.


Москва (Ленинградское шоссе → улица Гиляровского) (06/2016) - Duration: 37:48.

For more infomation >> Москва (Ленинградское шоссе → улица Гиляровского) (06/2016) - Duration: 37:48.


How Often Should I Post on Social Media? | Truly Social with Tara - Duration: 5:58.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have many mantras. Just a few of them are:

Objects emotion will tend to stay in motion (which I also know is Newton's

first law, but it also refers to MY law of momentum); Designing your product for

monetization first and people second will probably leave you with neither;

And finally...

You can never be too rich or have too much content.

"Money! I have money! I have LOTS of money!" Overboard

Now, I know also that there are people who will totally disagree with me and I get it.

I think there's an important caveat to this mantra that gets lost in my pithy quote.

So today, I'm gonna talk about why lots of content is important and qualify

it with a very important little caveat.

"If you ask me it's absolutely crackers." Downton Abbey

My name is Tara and this is ...Truly Social.

Okay, okay...I should first of all say that I'm not all about endless pursuit of

amassing the most wealth ever, however the original quote, "You can never be too rich

or too thin," attributed to the famously ambitious woman, Wallis Simpson, has

always made me smile in it's brazenness. So, when trying to make a point to a

client a few years back, I found myself using it as justification for upping

their content game.

"If you want something bad you have to fight for it. Step up your game, Scott." Scott Pilgrim

Now lots of people are afraid that they are being too noisy online.

That posting too often will turn people off, when the opposite is actually true.

According to a study by BuzzSumo last year, the more content you produce

the faster you will grow. As they quoted a report from The Atlantic:

Well-known b2b content marketing success, Hubspot, also found that volume leads to growth.

They reported that:

In fact, in pretty much every study of the data that

I could find the higher the volume the better the growth, engagement, and overall

awareness. The posts where people said "less is more"

were all based on personal opinion and anecdotes rather than actual outcomes.

"There's two ways to do anything. The right way and the wrong way. If you want

to be right do things the right way, because if you do things the wrong way

that's the foolish way, and only fools do things the foolish way." Jiminy Cricket

Not to mention that youtubers like Matt Pat, Derral Eves, h3h3, and Sarah Deitschy have

all talked about how YouTube's algorithm favors longer, more frequent content.

Like DAILY posting.

The more you post videos on YouTube, the faster you will grow. And the people that

are daily vlogging are also making long videos - over 10 minutes, sometimes 15 or

20 minutes - and they grow the fastest. It has also been my OWN

experience with clients that more content produced, the more organically

the client's platforms grow. There is another factor that people miss in this.

The platforms themselves do a lot of filtering and curating of streams.

Facebook limits what people see in their news feeds. Only 1-2% of a

brand's audience will see any given post organically. Last year Instagram also

deployed an algorithm that filters and curates people's feeds to show select

posts, and on Twitter they've deployed the "just in case you missed it" filter

which really only shows the popular posts from people and brands you engage

with regularly. But that's in addition to the fact that most of your followers

will miss your post anyway because ninety nine point nine nine nine nine

nine nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of the people online don't sit

and watch their feed for every tweet.

""I'm waiting!!!" The Princess Bride

And because tweets are in real time, very few

of your audience will actually see them go by. So between algorithms and lack of

attention, the chance that your followers will see everything you post is next to nil.

I'd estimate that if you have a hundred followers and you post a hundred

times in a week only half of your followers will even see one or two of

those posts. Now, of course that's my non-scientific guess, but I'm happy to

run an experiment to prove it.

"In this lifetime, you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself." Rudy

And now for the caveat to all of this.

The caveat is that quality matters WAY more than quantity. Of course, if you have a 2%

chance of getting in front of someone who follows you, you'd better be darn

sure that what you say is something that interests them. If they ignore you after

all of that effort, you really missed the boat.

Now I know that creating quality and quantity is no easy task,

So if you're gonna do only one of the two, yeah, I'd say go for quality.

But if you can do both (and many of you actually can and should),

then go for both. Posting quality content erratically or infrequently may

lead to the dismally sad outcome where you pour your heart and soul into great

content that never gets read.

"You didn't see anything." Madagascar

Post awesome and post often and it will pay and it will pay off in dividends.

Speaking of awesome and often I do my best to post quality

content frequently so if you want to see 2% of it, follow me. If you are watching

this on YouTube, subscribe and click the bell. If you are watching this on

LinkedIn, please give me a follow. And if you're watching this on Facebook, like my

page. So much choice, right?

My name is Tara and this has been ...Truly Social.

For more infomation >> How Often Should I Post on Social Media? | Truly Social with Tara - Duration: 5:58.


My Reason To Live - Duration: 6:04.

Hey God bless every single one of you.

Hope you guys are having a great day

Its Glorymar speaking to you or just Glory

and im saying my name now because i didnt say it in the intro and i just noticed that so

my name is Glory

alright lets just get right to the video

the main question i get asked many times by many of my friends and many different people is

why do you serve God?

and many times when they ask me this question they answer the question themselves thinking that they are answering with the right answer

basically the conversation goes like this: why do you serve God? Its because your parents do, right? or its because you were raised that way, right?

no....your wrong....thats not the reason to why i serve God

see it may seem like the reason but really its not

when i was younger and whenever i would get asked the question: are you christian? i would say

no im not but my parents are and yeah thats why i go to church because my parents are christian

but when i turn 18 im definitely not gonna do this

and that was mentality back then. i wanted to go out i wanted to have fun.

every single time i tried to fit in and tried to be like everybody else i would always get excluded and people would say something like "arent you a christian?"

and then i would say "no my parents are thats not me, i dont want to be a christian"

as a bonus every single time somebody spoke in the altar or in the church saying something like

"oh Jesus loves you" deep within my heart i would be all like "that is a lie Jesus does not love me, God does not love me"

"God does not care about me if He did then i wouldnt be going through what i am going through"

i was raised in a pastoral christian family if that makes any sense. Like my parents used to be pastors

so thats why i would always run away from God's things and i hated the fact that my parents were pastors

i actually did hate it. I didnt like it. I didnt like the fact that I was christian.

I would even fight with God saying why did you allow me to be born in a christian family? Now i have this label over me.

and the reason to why i hated it so much was because being raised in the church I would see a lot of things.

and being a pastor's daughter i would see a lot more things then a normal church member would see.

i would see the hippocrasy. The way that people would treat my parents.

I would see how tough it was. I would see the fakeness. It was real guys. It is real.

and i would just label that with the church in general and i would just label that with God in general.

i thought it was a hippocrasy and i would say why would i follow God when all the people who supposedly say they love Jesus and that they've got love within them

are all basically lost and are all full of hatred. Why would I do that

just like i said before when somebody would say: "Oh Jesus loves you". I would say it was a lie.

when clearly in the word of God it says: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life.

The Word of God doesn't lie. No matter what I tried. No matter what I did. No matter what I looked for in the world. I would always feels this emptiness deep within me.

it would only make me feel worse and worse about myself and I would think "why in the world am i still alive?"

I became depressed. I became suicidal actually at one point.

No one could help me. The counselors couldn't help me. The psychiatrist couldn't help me.

Nothing could help. Until one day I got so sick and tired of the way that I was living and I went back to what my parents had taught me.

The Word of God says in your pain in your tribulation is when you will look for me.

and that's what i did

The Word also says that when we look for God in our tribulations He will be merciful with us and He will free us from them and then we will worship Him for it.

I went back to what my parents had taught me ever since I was little. Praying.

I had never prayed. I would only practice praying in the church. I was never a prayerful person.

So I started praying and i started saying God I've heard that you love me but I don't believe you.

So if you actually do love me then prove it to me. Say it to me somehow. Let me know. Use another person that doesn't know anything about me and use them to speak to me.

Have them say a bunch of things that nobody else knows about me only you and speak through them to me.

allow me to have an experience with you.

and the Word of God says that whatever we ask to the Lord in Jesus name it will be done.

and even though I wasn't a hard believer at that moment.

I was desperate.

I was looking for God and the Word of God says that if you look for Him you will find Him.

No doubt about it but you need to look for Him persistently. You need to look for Him with desire. With all your heart poured out to him.

Which is what I did and then it came the time that my prayers were answered it took two weeks which is not a long time compared to other prayers that take a longer time to get answered.

and it was a campaign of women in which God used another women to speak to me.

and she said a bunch of things that nobody else knows about me.

and everything i asked God to tell me she told me and at that moment all i could do was cry. I didn't understand why i was crying.

but then i understood that it was God cleaning and taking out everything away from me.

since that day to this day that is the reason to why I serve God.

because I know He loves me. Because he gives me the reason to live

because without Him I wouldn't even be alive right now.

without him you can't do anything. Jesus said it himself.

So that's why I say to you. If you feel empty. If you feel like you're just running around in life and you feel empty with every single thing that you do.

and you feel like you've looked for the answer everywhere. I'm gonna dare you to just try God.

Take a risk. Take a chance. Even though oh no that seems corny that seems dumb. Just try it.

and i know for a fact that He will not let you down.

For more infomation >> My Reason To Live - Duration: 6:04.


Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA 800-538-4537 Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA - Duration: 1:08.

Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every


months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree


intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or

any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the


surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA 800-538-4537 Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA - Duration: 1:08.


Новини зі світу World of tanks від Кофімена - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Новини зі світу World of tanks від Кофімена - Duration: 2:38.


Women Are People! by Rachel Lark - Duration: 3:13.

Oh hello there! I'm Rachel Lark. You might know me from such feminist anthems as

"For the Guys" and "Warm, Bloody and Tender." Well, lately I've been concerned that the

type of debate I'm trying to have around feminism is a little too complicated for

the world we're living in. So I thought I'd bring it right back

down to basics to a first grade reading level, so even our president can

understand. Let me ask you guys this. Do you think spoons are people? Noooooo! Do you think

that popsicles are people? Noooo. (You EAT popsicles.) But do you think that women are people? Yeaaaah!

Women are people. Women are people. They have thoughts and feelings.

Women are people. Women, they're people! They have thoughts and feelings.

Your mom, she's a person, and your teacher, she's a person and little girls are people too.

And nurses, they're people! Even strippers, they're people! No matter what it is they do...

Women are people. Women are people. They have thoughts and feelings.

Women are people. Women, they're people. They have thoughts and feelings.

it's not nice to touch them if they haven't asked first and it's not nice to brag about

grabbing their genitals. It's not nice to make it so they don't have healthcare.

'Cause they're the ones that make the babies.

Women are people. Women are people. They have thoughts and feelings

Women are people. Women, they're people! They have thoughts

and feelings

Women are people because, um, because we are humans. And humans and animals are practically the same thing.

Boys and girls are literally just another way of separating things. You know humans.

They love separating things. So, basically there's no difference in between boys and girls

except humans separating them.

What about you, Felix, do you think women are people? Yeah?

How do you know? Because they're both different...

In the past people didn't think women should have enough respect room as men.

And should they?

For more infomation >> Women Are People! by Rachel Lark - Duration: 3:13.


KTOŚ WPRAWIE ZAMORDOWAŁ GOCHĘ I JACE! 😱 | Daniel Magical - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> KTOŚ WPRAWIE ZAMORDOWAŁ GOCHĘ I JACE! 😱 | Daniel Magical - Duration: 5:32.


Amazing OMELET BREAKFAST Challenge in Oregon!! - Duration: 8:33.

Hey everybody, this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Today I am back in Corvallis, Oregon home of

Oregon State University the Beavers I am at Tommy's 4th Street Bar & Grill

I'm taking on their Beaver Buster Breakfast Challenge! Now I just had to

come back and do this yesterday I beat that lucky sevens challenge the 7 pound

Chinese chicken at China blue restaurant I won that thousand bucks

well before that, I watched my friend "Eager Ethan" Teske take on this and

it looks so freakin good that I had to add it to my schedule! Like I said I'm at

Tommy's fourth Street Bar and Grille I've got one hour to finish this thing

there are two massive loaded to the max 3 or 4 a comelet's filled with meats and

healthy vegetables, and cheese, there is some biscuits and gravy there's a stack

of pancakes there are four slices of wheat bread or toast with butter and

then there is some meat we've got sausage ham and some bacon but I've got

one hour to finish if I win I'm going to get the $25 meal for free I'll get a

sweet t-shirt and I'll be added up to their Wall of Fame so let's get this

challenge started!

All right so you're doing for overall win number 460 and my fourth and the

state of Oregon my friend Eager Ethan got the record yesterday I think only

like four people that have beaten this there's a massive wall of shame but

hoping to get the win we will get the win but yeah so the record is just over

18 minutes by my friend Ethan not sure if I'm going to break that I still have

a lot of chicken in me but I've got the hour let's finish one two three... Alright

right now I'm not really a pancake guy so I'm going to eat these first then

move on to the rest!

Three minutes ten seconds in those pancakes were awesome now we're gonna

move on to the biscuits and gravy I've heard the gravy here is pretty good so

to help get these biscuits down!

Nine and a half minutes in all the pancakes are gone all those meats on the

side are gone business and gravy were awesome I really wanted to do this

challenge because the what Ethan a yesterday the omelet and everything

looks so frickin good so I've saved that for last along with the bread, but these

are also there's a whole bunch of potatoes mixed in too let's eat that now

and we'll get the win this gravy should help everything go down nice!

17 minutes 35 seconds in all that chicken from last night is pushing back!

I think I got the room we'll get the victory, but the record is about to pass but I

didn't think I'd get that.

24 minutes and 19 seconds not the official record but still very very good

time and a very very excellent breakfast I was definitely excited for that and it

came through I love that my favorite part of that breakfast challenge,

like I thought it was was the omelettes with all the potatoes the healthy vegetables the meats everything

even the pancakes the biscuits and gravy. Not really the toast but yeah everything

pretty much delicious breakfast so thank you - Tommy's fourth Street Bar and

Grill here in Corvallis, Oregon awesome Beaver Buster Breakfast but it was my

overall win number 460 my fourth in the state of Oregon and I'm very happy that

I took it on before we start heading east again on our way back

but yeah so thank you to Tommy's I got the $25 meal for free I'll get a sweet

t-shirt down to my collection and I think I'll be the fifth person up

on the wall of fame so thank you - Tommy's I've got another burger

challenge coming up in Bend tonight but thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Amazing OMELET BREAKFAST Challenge in Oregon!! - Duration: 8:33.


fiesta means party - Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta | ADVENTURED - Duration: 4:39.

Do you ever have those times that you feel like you should just really let go, let all the things happen the way they are suppose to.

I don't. Kidding. I'm kidding.

Fall is one of my favorite and least favorite times of the year.

I love the actual season of fall. But I really don't like that fall marks the end of summer which is hands down my favorite season.

Fall in Albuquerque means the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

presented by… Canon

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is one of the coolest, amazing and melting pot-est-

Melting pot...

Whatever, I'm going to use it.

If you haven't been to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, presented by Canon, you need to.

Every year, the beginning of October, balloonist and balloon…ist enthusiasts, come from all over the world

to see what can only be described as the a lot of balloons taking off from the same place nearly at the same time,

not really, they take off in flights or heats or waves,

but all take flight and cover the sky with all sorts of balloons.

Regular ol balloon balloons, special shapes and… well, those two things.

And it makes me fall in love with Albuquerque all over again, how lucky are we to have this in our own back yard.

Another thing is, go as far west in the park as you can go.

it's less crowded and you can see all of the balloons.

Another trick is to bring your own food.

Go to Golden Pride or Twisters and get a breakfast burrito bring it with you

Then you don't have to worry about waiting about standing in food line

which is sometimes the pits. And it just gets so congested

and then you miss out on when the balloons are going up.

Hey Oli, we got donuts.

We've been going to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta presented by Canon

since we were kids and before it was presented by anyone

In the last couple years we've found that if you can bike in, it' is the absolute best way to get into the park and beat the traffic.

if you've never been and biking seems like something you'd rather not do, the drive in, it's definitely worth it.

Just leave early and make a playlist of sweet pump you up for balloons songs of about an hour or so, depending on when you leave

which should be somewhere around 5:30 to get to the field and catch it all.

But trust me, the wait in some traffic is worth it.

And if you're from somewhere like L.A., it will be nothing.

Or take a bike like we do, park just south of the field and ride along the Northern Diversion Channel

that heads straight to the park and you can park your bike at the free Bike Valet.

If you're running late you can catch balloons taking off as you ride into the park.

Whatever you do, it's going to be awesome.

This year, with a new little one in tow, we had to come up with a new biking plan.

Max knows how to ride his bike, but we didn't know how it would be with him riding on his own,

it's not a tricky ride but there are times it gets congested or the couple slight hills or the—

what I'm trying to say is that we just didn't know.

But, we just went with it. Max was a champ and more than that he loved it.

Our kids impress us every time and they couldn't do that unless we just let go sometimes.

This is something that we are learning as parents everyday.

We want to protect them, help them, guide them

but recognizing the times when we need to trust that they are ready to start making their own ways.

And like any good adventure, once you let go and trust that what is suppose to happen will happen, life shows you the real joys.

For more infomation >> fiesta means party - Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta | ADVENTURED - Duration: 4:39.


Chat with Charles - University of Miami Application Process - Duration: 0:34.

Welcome to the University of Miami my name is Charles Cammack

And I'm excited to walk through the holistic review application process here at the U

This process allows us to see the best parts of who you are so sit back relax and get ready to learn

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