Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

Anyone who knows me knows that I have many mantras. Just a few of them are:

Objects emotion will tend to stay in motion (which I also know is Newton's

first law, but it also refers to MY law of momentum); Designing your product for

monetization first and people second will probably leave you with neither;

And finally...

You can never be too rich or have too much content.

"Money! I have money! I have LOTS of money!" Overboard

Now, I know also that there are people who will totally disagree with me and I get it.

I think there's an important caveat to this mantra that gets lost in my pithy quote.

So today, I'm gonna talk about why lots of content is important and qualify

it with a very important little caveat.

"If you ask me it's absolutely crackers." Downton Abbey

My name is Tara and this is ...Truly Social.

Okay, okay...I should first of all say that I'm not all about endless pursuit of

amassing the most wealth ever, however the original quote, "You can never be too rich

or too thin," attributed to the famously ambitious woman, Wallis Simpson, has

always made me smile in it's brazenness. So, when trying to make a point to a

client a few years back, I found myself using it as justification for upping

their content game.

"If you want something bad you have to fight for it. Step up your game, Scott." Scott Pilgrim

Now lots of people are afraid that they are being too noisy online.

That posting too often will turn people off, when the opposite is actually true.

According to a study by BuzzSumo last year, the more content you produce

the faster you will grow. As they quoted a report from The Atlantic:

Well-known b2b content marketing success, Hubspot, also found that volume leads to growth.

They reported that:

In fact, in pretty much every study of the data that

I could find the higher the volume the better the growth, engagement, and overall

awareness. The posts where people said "less is more"

were all based on personal opinion and anecdotes rather than actual outcomes.

"There's two ways to do anything. The right way and the wrong way. If you want

to be right do things the right way, because if you do things the wrong way

that's the foolish way, and only fools do things the foolish way." Jiminy Cricket

Not to mention that youtubers like Matt Pat, Derral Eves, h3h3, and Sarah Deitschy have

all talked about how YouTube's algorithm favors longer, more frequent content.

Like DAILY posting.

The more you post videos on YouTube, the faster you will grow. And the people that

are daily vlogging are also making long videos - over 10 minutes, sometimes 15 or

20 minutes - and they grow the fastest. It has also been my OWN

experience with clients that more content produced, the more organically

the client's platforms grow. There is another factor that people miss in this.

The platforms themselves do a lot of filtering and curating of streams.

Facebook limits what people see in their news feeds. Only 1-2% of a

brand's audience will see any given post organically. Last year Instagram also

deployed an algorithm that filters and curates people's feeds to show select

posts, and on Twitter they've deployed the "just in case you missed it" filter

which really only shows the popular posts from people and brands you engage

with regularly. But that's in addition to the fact that most of your followers

will miss your post anyway because ninety nine point nine nine nine nine

nine nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of the people online don't sit

and watch their feed for every tweet.

""I'm waiting!!!" The Princess Bride

And because tweets are in real time, very few

of your audience will actually see them go by. So between algorithms and lack of

attention, the chance that your followers will see everything you post is next to nil.

I'd estimate that if you have a hundred followers and you post a hundred

times in a week only half of your followers will even see one or two of

those posts. Now, of course that's my non-scientific guess, but I'm happy to

run an experiment to prove it.

"In this lifetime, you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself." Rudy

And now for the caveat to all of this.

The caveat is that quality matters WAY more than quantity. Of course, if you have a 2%

chance of getting in front of someone who follows you, you'd better be darn

sure that what you say is something that interests them. If they ignore you after

all of that effort, you really missed the boat.

Now I know that creating quality and quantity is no easy task,

So if you're gonna do only one of the two, yeah, I'd say go for quality.

But if you can do both (and many of you actually can and should),

then go for both. Posting quality content erratically or infrequently may

lead to the dismally sad outcome where you pour your heart and soul into great

content that never gets read.

"You didn't see anything." Madagascar

Post awesome and post often and it will pay and it will pay off in dividends.

Speaking of awesome and often I do my best to post quality

content frequently so if you want to see 2% of it, follow me. If you are watching

this on YouTube, subscribe and click the bell. If you are watching this on

LinkedIn, please give me a follow. And if you're watching this on Facebook, like my

page. So much choice, right?

My name is Tara and this has been ...Truly Social.

For more infomation >> How Often Should I Post on Social Media? | Truly Social with Tara - Duration: 5:58.


Amazing OMELET BREAKFAST Challenge in Oregon!! - Duration: 8:33.

Hey everybody, this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Today I am back in Corvallis, Oregon home of

Oregon State University the Beavers I am at Tommy's 4th Street Bar & Grill

I'm taking on their Beaver Buster Breakfast Challenge! Now I just had to

come back and do this yesterday I beat that lucky sevens challenge the 7 pound

Chinese chicken at China blue restaurant I won that thousand bucks

well before that, I watched my friend "Eager Ethan" Teske take on this and

it looks so freakin good that I had to add it to my schedule! Like I said I'm at

Tommy's fourth Street Bar and Grille I've got one hour to finish this thing

there are two massive loaded to the max 3 or 4 a comelet's filled with meats and

healthy vegetables, and cheese, there is some biscuits and gravy there's a stack

of pancakes there are four slices of wheat bread or toast with butter and

then there is some meat we've got sausage ham and some bacon but I've got

one hour to finish if I win I'm going to get the $25 meal for free I'll get a

sweet t-shirt and I'll be added up to their Wall of Fame so let's get this

challenge started!

All right so you're doing for overall win number 460 and my fourth and the

state of Oregon my friend Eager Ethan got the record yesterday I think only

like four people that have beaten this there's a massive wall of shame but

hoping to get the win we will get the win but yeah so the record is just over

18 minutes by my friend Ethan not sure if I'm going to break that I still have

a lot of chicken in me but I've got the hour let's finish one two three... Alright

right now I'm not really a pancake guy so I'm going to eat these first then

move on to the rest!

Three minutes ten seconds in those pancakes were awesome now we're gonna

move on to the biscuits and gravy I've heard the gravy here is pretty good so

to help get these biscuits down!

Nine and a half minutes in all the pancakes are gone all those meats on the

side are gone business and gravy were awesome I really wanted to do this

challenge because the what Ethan a yesterday the omelet and everything

looks so frickin good so I've saved that for last along with the bread, but these

are also there's a whole bunch of potatoes mixed in too let's eat that now

and we'll get the win this gravy should help everything go down nice!

17 minutes 35 seconds in all that chicken from last night is pushing back!

I think I got the room we'll get the victory, but the record is about to pass but I

didn't think I'd get that.

24 minutes and 19 seconds not the official record but still very very good

time and a very very excellent breakfast I was definitely excited for that and it

came through I love that my favorite part of that breakfast challenge,

like I thought it was was the omelettes with all the potatoes the healthy vegetables the meats everything

even the pancakes the biscuits and gravy. Not really the toast but yeah everything

pretty much delicious breakfast so thank you - Tommy's fourth Street Bar and

Grill here in Corvallis, Oregon awesome Beaver Buster Breakfast but it was my

overall win number 460 my fourth in the state of Oregon and I'm very happy that

I took it on before we start heading east again on our way back

but yeah so thank you to Tommy's I got the $25 meal for free I'll get a sweet

t-shirt down to my collection and I think I'll be the fifth person up

on the wall of fame so thank you - Tommy's I've got another burger

challenge coming up in Bend tonight but thank you guys for watching!

For more infomation >> Amazing OMELET BREAKFAST Challenge in Oregon!! - Duration: 8:33.


new latest Karwa Chauth Night Special Mehndi Design for Hands 2017 करवा चौथ के लिए ख़ास by design4h - Duration: 5:15.

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For more infomation >> new latest Karwa Chauth Night Special Mehndi Design for Hands 2017 करवा चौथ के लिए ख़ास by design4h - Duration: 5:15.


fiesta means party - Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta | ADVENTURED - Duration: 4:39.

Do you ever have those times that you feel like you should just really let go, let all the things happen the way they are suppose to.

I don't. Kidding. I'm kidding.

Fall is one of my favorite and least favorite times of the year.

I love the actual season of fall. But I really don't like that fall marks the end of summer which is hands down my favorite season.

Fall in Albuquerque means the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

presented by… Canon

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is one of the coolest, amazing and melting pot-est-

Melting pot...

Whatever, I'm going to use it.

If you haven't been to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, presented by Canon, you need to.

Every year, the beginning of October, balloonist and balloon…ist enthusiasts, come from all over the world

to see what can only be described as the a lot of balloons taking off from the same place nearly at the same time,

not really, they take off in flights or heats or waves,

but all take flight and cover the sky with all sorts of balloons.

Regular ol balloon balloons, special shapes and… well, those two things.

And it makes me fall in love with Albuquerque all over again, how lucky are we to have this in our own back yard.

Another thing is, go as far west in the park as you can go.

it's less crowded and you can see all of the balloons.

Another trick is to bring your own food.

Go to Golden Pride or Twisters and get a breakfast burrito bring it with you

Then you don't have to worry about waiting about standing in food line

which is sometimes the pits. And it just gets so congested

and then you miss out on when the balloons are going up.

Hey Oli, we got donuts.

We've been going to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta presented by Canon

since we were kids and before it was presented by anyone

In the last couple years we've found that if you can bike in, it' is the absolute best way to get into the park and beat the traffic.

if you've never been and biking seems like something you'd rather not do, the drive in, it's definitely worth it.

Just leave early and make a playlist of sweet pump you up for balloons songs of about an hour or so, depending on when you leave

which should be somewhere around 5:30 to get to the field and catch it all.

But trust me, the wait in some traffic is worth it.

And if you're from somewhere like L.A., it will be nothing.

Or take a bike like we do, park just south of the field and ride along the Northern Diversion Channel

that heads straight to the park and you can park your bike at the free Bike Valet.

If you're running late you can catch balloons taking off as you ride into the park.

Whatever you do, it's going to be awesome.

This year, with a new little one in tow, we had to come up with a new biking plan.

Max knows how to ride his bike, but we didn't know how it would be with him riding on his own,

it's not a tricky ride but there are times it gets congested or the couple slight hills or the—

what I'm trying to say is that we just didn't know.

But, we just went with it. Max was a champ and more than that he loved it.

Our kids impress us every time and they couldn't do that unless we just let go sometimes.

This is something that we are learning as parents everyday.

We want to protect them, help them, guide them

but recognizing the times when we need to trust that they are ready to start making their own ways.

And like any good adventure, once you let go and trust that what is suppose to happen will happen, life shows you the real joys.

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