Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

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For more infomation >> [BEST EVER] | Braz VS Biinho™ | INTROS VS INTROS ! TOP 10 ! (Battle) - Duration: 2:26.


本当にあった怖い話 My Ghost Story - Duration: 3:38.

Hello! Its begun!

this is Rosie's channel

Happy October

and Happy Halloween!

speaking of Halloween


I'm going to tell you a scary story

"My Real Ghost Story"

Once upon a time I lived with my brother

I saw it...

something happened that day, all day long

My brother and I had issues with our stomachs

problems? More like.....

It was gawd awful

I don't remember what I ate but

Everyone in my family is lactose intolerant

did we ate something like Pizza or Burritos...?

most likely

because of what I ate,

what do you call it....



in other words


its pretty gross but DIARRHEA

I suffered hard diarrhea

anyway I got sick with diarrhea

yeah yeah, anyway it was diarrhea

I know many ways to say this in Japanese

and then.....

where was I?

for some reason my bro and I both needed to use the can at the same time

and it turned into a race for the toilet

I beat him to the can just by a little bit

Since my bro was waiting I did my business quickly

and then I opened the door (to let him know i was done)

and I turned back to wash my hands

so when we wash our hands we usually look at ourselves in the mirror, right?

or we'll just be looking at our hands as we wash, right?

so while I was washing, checking myself out in the mirror

then I saw my brother quickly passing by the bathroom and going straight into his room

I saw my tall, thin, white T-shirt wearing bro

or so I thought

I thought, Oh man my bros gonna crap himself

I'll go call him, I thought

and then I just walked into his room

but then, in his room, neither the lights nor his computer....

absolutely nothing

was turned on

(creepy close-up for added emphasis)

nothing was turned on

Are you serious?? , I thought

Then, when I went to the living room my brother, who I had just seen going into his room

was watching TV

I was like, "what?"

So I asked my bro, "Hey were you in your room just a second ago?"

"naw bro, Ive been here this whole time", he said.....

It freaked me out.

and then I noticed...

On that day....

my brother was wearing...

a red T-shirt

Its scary! Even now that scares me! Just thinking about it scares me!

I was like, OMG could it be a doppelganger??

People who see their doppelganger usually die, I've heard

Hey little bro, I don't like you all that much but

I don't want you to die!

go on living!!

Thanks for watching til the end and soooo I'll see you next time


For more infomation >> 本当にあった怖い話 My Ghost Story - Duration: 3:38.


ASTRONOMIA DE PERTO - Tabby e 60 anos do lançamento da Sputnik - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> ASTRONOMIA DE PERTO - Tabby e 60 anos do lançamento da Sputnik - Duration: 2:51.


Menma - IDONTCARE - Duration: 2:09.


For more infomation >> Menma - IDONTCARE - Duration: 2:09.


Top 10 Horror Movies You Shouldn't Watch Alone 2017 - Duration: 7:04.

10 Horror Movies That Surpass 'It' In Creepiness

Ever entered a bet of watching a horror movie all by yourself?

Many of us have and while some failed miserably, others came out 3 hours later with a renewed

confidence to boast of!

We have all bowed down to those brave hearts, what they pulled off was no easy feat!

But what if you could rob them off their 'fearless' title?

Oh come on, you'd love to, so don't deny it!

Here's the plan, challenge them to a movie night all alone…yea, you've done it before

so what's new?

You'll be locking them up in a room to watch one of these horror flicks…far creepier

than the latest release, 'It'!

Let scary define itself!

Number 10.

The Orphanage (2007) A movie which is creepy without cheap horror

scenes is a true winner.

Your fear of kids will come alive within minutes into the film and you'll be looking for

an escape.

But the plot will grip you and remember you are already trapped, so bet seated!

Being haunted while you are on a search for your missing son might not sound just so wow

but this Spanish movie is directed so well that you won't question simplicity, EVER!

The scene where Laura, the mother plays the "One Two Three knock on the door" game

with ghostly kids is enough to stir in some fear!

Number 9.

It Follows (2014) Sex and horror don't go together; you don't

want your date to turn out as a ghost, yikes!

Imagine that actually happens to you, sex will be off limits from then on, right?

Okay that's not exactly the plot here, a girl catches a curse through sex and a shape-shifter

follows her till he can take her life.

The only way out is to have sex with someone else before he arrives.

That's quite a plot!

The thrill on the movie gradually builds, it isn't like one of those with fear pops

every now and then.

Like they say, it follows…chilling!

Number 8.

The Shining (1980) An aspiring writer moves his family into a

hotel and gets a job as the caretaker in the hope of curing his writer's block.

No issue till now?

But what if we bring in the horrific past of the hotel?

The previous winter caretaker of the hotel had killed his wife and kids before committing

a suicide, you know what we are hinting at!

Yes, he loses his sanity and puts his wife and son's life in danger.

You will shout your guts out when you see Jack turning into a toilet door-axing maniac

or when you meet the corridor twins.

The journey with the movie is eventful but you might not make it to the end, creepy!

Number 7.

Funny Games (1997) This Austrian psychological thriller can easily

put horror movies to shame with its chilling visuals!

A middle class family reach their holiday home in Austria which was probably the worst

decision of their life!

A man posing as their neighbor knocks the door and asks for some eggs, sounds perfectly


Wait till a 'funny' game of pain and death begins with this family.

You are going to be scared of vacations after you watch it till the end, we feel sorry for


Oh and yes, what are you going to the next time a neighbor asks for eggs?

Yes, you shut the door right in their face!

Number 6.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 Landing with a cannibal family on your vacation

is definitely not your plan, at least we hope so!

This American horror movie depicts a group of college students fall prey to a psychotic

cannibal family while they were exploring an old homestead.

You wouldn't want to be in that situation and more than that you wouldn't want to

witness it, it will leave you petrified!

You decide what is more terrifying to you, creepy soundtracks or the sight of a family

feasting on flesh?

The latter has been explored here, with AMAZING visuals!

Number 5.

Halloween (1978) A man escapes a mental hospital 15 years after

killing his sister on Halloween to return to his hometown…and kill again!

You know what the next day is?


Those costumes you so lovingly wear, will come to haunt you.

If you attempt to watch this movie, Halloween is ruined for you, that's a warning!

This low budget horror movie is gripping but more than that it stays with you, even after

it is over.

Now this alone can make you shiver, but if that has not happened already, watch this


Number 4.

The Exorcist (1973) A 12-year-old girl is possessed by the demon,

not a pretty sight OBVIOUSLY!

The movie depicts the physical and emotional breaking of the girl and trust us, it aint

easy to watch that!

When you see the girl's mother trying to get her girl back with the help of two priests,

a shiver runs down your spine.

Because exorcism aint an easy task and how else do you expect a possessed girl to be


To creep you out even more, the movie is based on a real life incident!

Will you be able to sleep after watching this 'not-so-fiction' film?

Number 3.

The Thing (1982) Mix science fiction with horror, what do you


Think people.

That's right you get 'The Thing'!

This was the movie that had the capacity to creep out Antarctic research scientists, poor


Imagine yourself as a scientist and there is a shape shifting alien parasite that can

take the form of any person it affects, did you smile?

You'd probably suspect every friend of yours and that pretty much leaves you alone, with

a parasite in your vicinity though!

We've said enough to deprive you of sleep but if that's not enough, watch the full


Number 2.

Paranormal Activity (2007) A video cam installed in the bedroom to catch

any paranormal activity, sounds more like a joke.

But what if this joke suddenly turns into the scariest reality?

We see the Goosebumps rising!

The camera actually sees a series of poltergeist activities, things that you wouldn't want

to happen to you.

Since the story looks so real, you might end up with a long lasting fear of sleeping alone

in a dark room!

The scenes of bedsheets flying, doors slamming and demon footprints on spilled powder will

stay with you for LONGER than you would want it to!

Number 1.

The Silence Of The Lambs (1991) This American thriller horror movie is very

unsettling and if you really want to test fear, this is the movie.

A girl is pulled from her training at FBI Academy to interview Hannibal Lecter, who

is a cannibalistic serial killer.

See the idea isn't very tempting if you place yourself in the girl's shoes!

But if you feel really down after watching it, do not get in touch with a therapist,

sounds weird?

Lecter was a former therapist and this information isn't easy to unlearn!

The irony is that this movie was released on Valentine's day, can you believe it?

Which of these terror tales would you watch as a challenge?

Tell us in the comment section below.

Subscribe to our channel if you liked this video.

And while you're here, check out our other videos and tell us what you think of them.

You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Horror Movies You Shouldn't Watch Alone 2017 - Duration: 7:04.


Nintendo Switch reklám - Fifa 2018, Minecraft, Splatoon 2 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Nintendo Switch reklám - Fifa 2018, Minecraft, Splatoon 2 - Duration: 0:31.


Interview with Bandai Namco's composer Go Shiina - Partially translated to English - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Interview with Bandai Namco's composer Go Shiina - Partially translated to English - Duration: 10:20.


YELLOW FEVER - The Death Coming From Heaven ?! - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> YELLOW FEVER - The Death Coming From Heaven ?! - Duration: 10:33.


Cuphead - recenzja quaza - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Cuphead - recenzja quaza - Duration: 10:05.


How to Know Who to Date, & Why to Be Careful With Love - Duration: 33:18.

- Welcome to my radio podcast for today.

I gotta a question for you.

For a marriage to last,

what's more important.

Friendship or chemistry?

And I literally just posted on my Twitter.

All you entrepreneurs out there,

you should use Twitter Polls at least,

I use it everyday.

But at least once a week or once a month.

So I have at this table,

we're here at Bossa Nova on Sunset Boulevard.

There is seven females and three guys.

So we have a well represented panel of questions.

Now, also I have another question that only women could ask.

90% of the time, I meet girl's boyfriends

and I wanna ask the girl,

what the hell do you like in that dude?

It's like, women.

And so, the second question that I'm gonna do

a Twitter Poll as we do this broadcast is

what percentage of people are in relationships

because they don't think they can get better

and so they're afraid to like take a step

out and be alone for a little bit

versus they're totally happy in the relationship.

'Cause I feel like,

I was just talking to a certain someone here

but I won't put her on the spot.

No, it wasn't her, it wasn't her.

And it's like she's with a guy and I'm like

are you gonna stay with this guy, you've been for years

and actually over here, too.

We have number two person that said the same thing like.

So the question is, I think 90% of people,

90% of people compromise.

And we have their opinions in the background.

What's your opinion?

- I didn't say anything.

- We have someone here to decide that

told me she's extremely afraid of social settings.

But she talks non-stop.

So, little side note.

Very few people actually know themselves.

They're like delusional.

So, okay.

Who here at the table has ever been in a relationship

and you stayed in it not 'cause you really liked him

but it was the best you could get at the time?

- [Girl With Ginger Hair] Like we did that?

- Yeah.

- Oh, I have.

- One, two.

Been in a relationship but it wasn't,

you were like I can do better.

- Oh yeah.

- [Tai] But I'm just with this person in there interim.

Three, four.

- How about if it's like I can do better but

it's more like I'm secure right now?

- Yeah, but. - I feel safe.

- You feel safe but you know there's no long term future.

That's what I'm talking about.

How often have you done that?

- Oh yeah, no I've done that. - Five.


So, here's the thing about life.

Yesterday there was a mass shooting.

Largest mass shooting in US history.

I was in Vegas.

I took off and took a picture from the,

I was at a private jet airport

and I took a picture out of the window.

We were right next to the festival at Mandala Bay.

If I had left maybe two or three hours later,

we would have been right in the middle of the shooting.

So life is short, so.

Do you know what happened?

This is a good love story.

Did you see this guy?

They were shooting and him and his girlfriend ran

and he put himself, he hugged her.

And he got shot in the back and died.

But he protected her.

So she had a good guy.

Turned out to be good.

But I swear to God.

Okay, I'm gonna put you on the spot here.

Your friend made a funny face

when I was talking about relationships.

You were in a relationship for how long with a guy?

- I mean honestly, I'm kind of a relationship person.

- [Talia] So how long was the last one?

- The last one like two years.

- The last one was two years.

What the hell did you like in the guy?

Did you like him?

Okay your friend says he's trash.

Why did you like him?

Like why are there such divergent,

and I'm gonna tell you the reason.

I'm reading the most fascinating book.

For those of you who don't have iBooks,

I mean who have iBooks,

listen and buy this book.

It's by Sigmund Freud.

It's called Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego

He says love is, the closest analogy is hypnotism.

People get hypnotized and they forget to see the flaws

and you said you felt secure but you were hypnotized.

Your friend wasn't hypnotized so she saw the truth.

So for a relationship to be real,

'cause I've been in relationships where I'm like

this girl just likes me but I don't know if she loves me

or just loves being in love.

One of my best friends, this dude was in love.

When I first met him, he's from South America.

I met him like 10 years ago.

First time I met him, he's like dude,

I met the love of my life.

Okay, I was like aw, I never met him

so I thought that was like rare.

Six months later, three months later, he's like,

I'm like what happened to the last girl?

He's like dude, forget her.

I've met the love of my life.

Over and over.

He's had the love of his life 20 times in the last 10 years.

So I told him one day, I said dude,

you're not actually in love with,

what Freud calls the ego object.

So, you don't give a shit about the person.

You just love to be in love.

So my question to you is,

did you actually love this guy?

Or were you just in love with being in love?

'Cause you admitted you're a relationship kind of person

and how long in the relationship, for the relationship

did you know he wasn't the guy for you, long term?

Out of the two years.

How long did it become apparent that you're like,

hell no, I'm not spending the rest of my life with this guy.

One week?

- No I would say like a year.

'Cause you know there's like that butterflies

and stuff in the beginning and--

- So you stayed with him for a full year.

I think this is actually the pattern.

What's the longest relationship you've been in?

- [Girl With Ginger Hair] A year and a half.

- All right, we have one person, a year and a half.

- [Elle] Six years.

- Six years, Adrian longest.

- [Adrian] Two.

- Two, Craig, you were married.

- Seven. - Seven.

- Four. - Four, longest.

- Um, probably like four.

- Four, my longest is like three.

- Probably like three.

- Three.

- Six months.

- Six, okay. (laughing)

We got some issues here. (laughing)

All right, so.

In that relationship that each of you said,

we have all this range.

What percentage of the time were you fully actually

in love with the person?

You were not like Sigmund Freud.

You were not hypnotized by the love effect.

You actually saw them clearly and you loved their.

What did you love about this guy for two years?

Just tell me, what was lovely about him?

- I mean honestly, like I feel like

when you first meet someone, like me personally,

I love when like a guy is an asshole to me, I love--

- [Tai] Okay so he was an asshole

to you so you have mental problems.

- That like tug of war thing.

Well like no, not like--

- [Talia] hat's actually a mental problem.

- No not like an asshole but it's kind of like that--

- She said for those of you listening,

she said she loves when a guy is an asshole.

- Okay, that's not--

- [Tai] You know what a psychologist calls that?

- Yeah, I like chasing him.

- [Tai] She has--

- But I like him to like, you know like me.

But then at the same time--

- You like games. - Yeah I kind of like games.

- By the way, that's called,

if you want the technical term,

that's called anxious avoidance syndrome.

There's four main types of love types.

Secure, about 50% of people are secure.

The other 25 are anxious.

And then about 20% are avoidant.

And the last like 5% are anxious avoidant.

That's the worst by the way.

So here's the definition.

I'mma ask you a question.

If a guy, first month, if he's super into you,

do you get kind of freaked out and not like him?

- Um I mean I don't know, that's never really like

happened to me honestly so.

- So you like assholes, okay.

A lot of women, trust me, have fucking psychology problems,

mental problems and so do men.

This guy, you've been with him,

why are you in love with him?

What about him is lovely?

'Cause something's gotta be,

the definition of love.

There has to be something about them.

- Um.

- No it's not always about sex.

That's bullshit.

You can't talk, you only got six months experience.

She don't know shit.

- She said sex come on. - She said sex.

No woman for the most part,

stays long term with a guy

just because of sex.

Unless they have mental problems, like stripper girls.

I know stripper girls.

If a guy doesn't treat them like shit,

what happens is.

If you wanna know the actual psychology,

when you're about five years old,

by the time you're five, right.

You form attachment to your parents.

Are your mom and dad married?

- No. - Okay.

So there's this thing called R-factor or K-factor, sorry.

If you have a fucked up initial five years of your life

or you don't see love,

you basically create a mental map that's all backwards.

So for example, you'll learn that being attached

to a good person,

you'll think it creates pain.

It also creates narcissism.

Most narcissists, they overcompensate it.

They weren't loved by their parents.

People think that narcissism comes from compliments.

Not really, not when you're young.

When you're young, narcissism,

your parents don't compliment you

so you overcompensate in your life.

I'm gonna be, I love myself.

And the same thing with this avoidant thing.

So most people, the problem is people by the time

they're 18 years old,

their mind is so fucked up, it's like wires

and there's no way you can rewire 'em.

I got good news and bad news if you're listening.

My mentor, Dr. David Buss

who's probably the most experienced living psychologist

in the world.

He wrote the textbook for Harvard, for Yale.

I asked him, I said, can a person really change?

And he said, three important things,

if you're writing down notes.

Number one, it depends on the person.

Some people can't change hardly at all.

It's a loss cause.

Number two, you probably can't for the most part

change more than 10 maybe 20%.

So, number three,

all you people having kids out there,

for the love of God,

please can you not fuck up your kids

so we have these horrible humans running around?

That's what happened in Las Vegas.

This dude was not normal.

A normal guy doesn't become 60-years old,

take a, what did he have?

An AK-47 or an AR? - AR.

- He had an AR and he shot 500 people

or 500 people were injured, over 50 killed.

And let me tell you the story, the background story.

His father was one of the most wanted bank robbers

in history.

That shit gets inherited by the way.

Being psychotic or having what's called low impulse control

which he obviously had, that's genetic.

So at some level, you know,

there use to be this thing called eugenics.

In America, they use to sterilize people

and say you can't have kids.

That's unethical so they stopped doing that.



There is some truth to the fact

that some people shouldn't be having kids

so they fix themselves.

Like literally.

And that's what, basically, everybody says,

what's wrong in the world.

I'm like, I can tell you.

You gotta have a license to drive a car, right.

But you don't have to have a license to have kids.

Anybody that can sleep with somebody, that's all it takes

and then you bring a new life into this Earth

and then we've got 7.3 billion people.

Half of them are literally lost.

And psychologically impaired.

There's a big study that just came out.

25% of women have serious psychological problems.


That's one in four.

And 15% of men.

So about one in seven men.

Does anybody here, has anybody here ever been in love

with an actual quality guy?

- [Talia] (laughing) No.

- No, have you?

Like in hindsight, when Freudian.

- [Girl With Ginger Hair] Define quality.

- Quality means when the hypnosis disappears.

When the first year, she talked about, of love,

of being hypnotized.

When that's gone.

- [Craig] When that new car smell's gone.

- And then you look back at the guy, objectively.

Not hypnotized, did you go,

oh, that guy makes sense.

That made sense.

Or were you like, what the hell?

Yes, what did you love about him?

- His generosity.

- [Tai] Okay generosity but why are you not

with him anymore?

- Because he was more goal oriented than I was.

- [Tai] He was more goal oriented?

- [Girl With Ginger Hair] He was in a band so.

(dialogue fades)

- Oh he was in a band, oh no. (laughing)

Oh no, he was in a band.

That's like, so he was goal,

what he actually wanted to do

was go on the road and have fun, for the most part.

Girls love musicians

and they always have these heart break stories.

Which is another thing, you know.

There's something called

self-fulling prophecies in business.

I meet people.

The second they get a business big enough to make money,

they somehow mess it up.

Do some stupid thing.

Same with love.

People get in that and then the second it's big enough

potential, it all falls apart.

Just remember this, 50% of people

have their head screwed on straight when it comes to love.

So you gotta find,

automatically 50% of people are disqualified.

Anybody you meet, you might as well flip a coin

because that tells you that the odds,

first of all, that they're even psychologically sane.

I'm not even talking about if you're attracted to 'em

or any of that stuff.

I'm pretty much convinced that men aren't that important.

You know that, a few men, could populate the whole planet.

Women are important 'cause you need one woman per baby

but you don't need one.

There was a guy named, what was his name?

Barak, something in the, about a thousand years ago.

Something the blood thirsty.

Mubarak, the blood thirsty.

He had 1100 kids.

One man.

- What? - How many?

- 1100.

Genghis-- - For real?

- Yeah, what do you mean is it possible.

- [Girl With Ginger Hair] Oh are you thinking Genghis Khan?

Not, not Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan had so many kids,

one in seven Asians, he's their grandfather.

Isn't that insane?

He's a grandfather to one seventh of Asia.

Here's what I'm convinced.

There needs to be less men on the planet.

Is that controversial Adrian, that I say this?

- [Adrian] Keep it going, keep it going.

- Keep it going, this is the...

No but I'm serious, like.

If you look at evolution.

Like if you read an evolutionary psychology textbook,

men are more competitive.

Men die more, they kill themselves in car crashes.

They kill themselves in bar room fights.

Women hardly ever kill each other.

Almost never.

They're catty.

They talk a lot of mad crap behind the girls' back

but they don't actually knife people.

Sometimes, they'll knife their husband in the back but

not so often, you know.

But basically, I'm pretty sure

the world would be a better place

if it was like 70/30.

70% women.

I heard a guy say,

if women ran all the countries in the world,

they'd be no more wars,

but once a month, they'd be some serious tension

between the countries (laughing).

Once a month.

China and America would be like, argh.

But they wouldn't you know, quite kill each other.

So, I don't know how to, if any of you listening

to this podcast episode, have a solution.

- [Woman Closest Right] Do you want want?

- That was her solution.

Do you want wine.

I think what we could do.

I'm glad you're very engaged in this convo,

she's very engaged in this convo.

These two over here are like, I'm like,

can you not have a side conversation.

They're like, sure.

Okay, let's have a side conversation.


- [Talia] Do you want wine?

- For those of you who believe in astrology,

she has a lot of Sagittarius.

They like attention.

So if someone else is getting attention,

they're like, hell no, that ain't gonna happen on my watch.

I will bring it right to myself.

What if we send half the men in the world,

on an Elon Musk rocket ship to Mars?

I think that would be good.

Only men want to go to Mars.

Do you guys want to go to Mars?

Is that exciting to you?


- No. - Mars, Mars, Mars?

Okay one.

You can tell a lot about a woman by the way.

- [Woman Far Right] I think space is so interesting.

- By the way, I'm working on the most extensive study

of personality tests ever done in history.

I created a test with Dr. Buss.

I had all of them take it except you didn't take it.

- I took it.

- [Tai] No not the more in depth one.

- Oh okay.

- And I'm telling you this,

you can tell everything by the way,

this little, I'm meandering around conversations.

A woman who aggressively DM's you first,

watch out dudes.

Every time I test girls who DM me first,

99% of the time, they score horribly on psychological tests.

And all you people are gonna get mad.

- [Elle] What's a horrible score?

- They score horribly, yeah.

I believe that you DM guys.

- I DM'ed one guy.

- We have case study.

We have case study number one

at the end of the table, right here.

Right when I said that, she goes,

I DM'ed a guy today and that's like.

- [Woman Far Right] Oh my God.

- One a day, she's saying.

- [Woman Far Right] I saw him at MonTon

and I thought he was the cutest guy I've ever seen.

- Trust me, mental problems.

- [Elle] What do you mean score horrible?

Isn't it like, explaining your personality?

- No the test that I have.

Or the test that I have.

- [Waiter] Carbonara.

- Who got the Italian?

Who got Carbonara?

I don't think we ordered yet.

So what horrible means.

(faint dialogue from audience)

No but you're tricky.

I don't believe you.

I've met you in person.

About 5% of people can trick my test.

Let me ask you a question.

- I got like the lowest score on the test.

- [Tai] Your mom and dad, tell me about your childhood.

- They were like farmers.

I'm from Iowa.

- That don't mean anything.

They're psycho, there's farmers that got bodies

in the basement right now.

- Ed Gein. - What?

- Ed Gein. - Whose Ed Gein?

- Ed Gein, the guy.

Made a people's costume.

No. - Out in the Midwest.

- Just trust me guys,

'cause a lot of guys are like my dreamworld

is where like girls are just DM'ing me

like celebrities.


I've been on both sides of that.

I've had a life that's normal.

And then I've had a life where girls DM me.

Now I don't even respond.

If a girl DM's me, I'm like hell no.

And the reason I know that, I sent my test

to at least a thousand of those girls.

And that's statistically significant.

At least 9,

I did a test once, a hundred girls.

And by the way, the other type of girl

that's completely messed up.


All these dudes want models, I'm like no.

You can hang out with models

but you don't want to date a model.

No sir.

There's a few exceptions.

But not much.

I did a test on a hundred of the top Instagram models.

I sent them my test.

87 of 'em got a completely fucked up score.

(faint dialogue from audience)

- [Woman] What is a fucked up score?

- A messed up score, so okay.

They're asking me a good question.

Here's a psychological score that's messed up.

The first thing you look at is dark triad.

So you look at narcissism, machiavellianism

and being psychotic.

If they score high on narcissism,

you can do something called a narcissism inventory

which I did on you.

Her narcissism inventory, can I say?

- Sure.

- It's the other test I sent you with the red bars.

- [Blonde Woman Closest Right] Okay.

- You got probably the craziest score I've ever seen.

So maybe you were drunk that day when you took it.

I'm gonna give you the benefit.

So here's what narcissism personality,

a narcissist is someone who loves themselves

and can't see things from other people's side of the story.

There's five aspects in narcissism.

There's authority superiority.

Exhibitionism, vanity and exploitativeness.

So there's subcategories.

Who here has ever met a dude,

'cause we've got a lot of women here,

whose good looking but he's completely into himself

and he's a piece of crap?

(faint dialogue from audience)

- Yeah.

- Yeah because narcissist either have--

- Oh, I know what that was.

- Can I show your score?

This is amazing.

I love life sometimes, I'm like.

Wait, where's, wait, show the bottom one.

Wait, go here, okay.

Wait, where was it?

- Oh it that the tab part?

- Look at this test, this is.

She got (laughing), she got a 37 out of 40.

40 is the highest you can get.

And you got a 37.

So I got good news for you.

On vanity, and vanity means means like

looking at yourself in the mirror,

you cannot get any higher score.

You scored a perfect 100, okay.

- [Woman Closest Right] If my friends saw this,

they would be like yeah, that makes sense.

- Entitlement, this a nasty one.

Vanity, let me just tell you, vanity in a girl,

if I had to pick all the traits that I could live with,

vanity's okay 'cause I feel like all girls

like looking in the mirrors.

But you got, on superiority,

that means you see yourself as better than people,

you got a 100. - Wow.

- But here's the worst of them.

You got on entitlement, on entitlement,

you got like a 90.

So entitlement, I have a friend like this.

And you know I've been friends with him for 10 years

and I never figured out what was wrong with him

till I gave him this test.

It's called, the narcissism personality inventory.

NPI, it's a free test, online if you Google it.

He always says stuff like,

dude, you don't call me.

And I'm like, but you don't call me.

And he can't do the math in his head.

How you gonna call someone else out

for not calling or texting when you don't.

But now I know why.

I had him take this test.

His entitlement score.

So entitled is kind of like,

the world owes me lots of stuff.

- [Woman] Like the world revolves around you.

- Yeah and so yes.

You're, you're boyfriend should get a purple heart

and a gold star so if you're watching, (laughing)

you are an amazing man

and I don't know how you do it.

But I'm very proud of you and your strength

as a man although...

You also got a 100 on exhibitionism

which means like to show their body.

But let me ask you this.

'Cause one thing I like about you, good news,

you're very honest, that's good.

'Cause some people try to hide it.

You're like, I'm a narcissistic

and I don't care if anybody knows.

So you're a unique case study for me.

So my question is,

you do see yourself superior to most people.

Like you're--

- That sounds so messed up when you say it.

- No no but just think of it this way like,

most people are kind of dumb.

You see things a little better than most people.

You got more insight and things like that

than the average girl.

- Yes. - Yeah.

- Yes.

Now sometimes that's true like if you're,

I'm gonna give you this test by the way.

- [Woman Closest Left] I want to take it.

- I'm gonna give you, can you text her the link I sent you?

- [Elle] Yeah, I will.

- Yes, take this test right now.

You don't have Wi-Fi?

- No I have the worst service.

- Yeah, there's Wi-Fi right here, ask this dude.

Go to Wi-Fi. - Okay.

- So you asked me what a bad score is.

First thing, narcissism.

If they score high on the dark triad narcissism,

I have them take a second test called NPI.

It's kind of like an x-ray of the brain.

Sometimes people argue with me.

I'm like would you argue with an x-ray.

If an x-ray shows you have a broken arm,

would you be like, no it's all good man.

No, you have a broken damn arm.

You kind of have a broken brain on certain things.

On some things, you're doing great.

So I'm not gonna, throw you under the bus too much.

But the second thing you look for is machiavellianism

which you are not, so that's good about you.

- What?

- You don't lie a lot.

- Oh no.

- So, that's good, high five.

- Because I always get caught.

- She gets caught or else she would lie (laughing).

- [Woman Closest Right] No, 'cause I've learned.

- Did you get it?

- [Talia] Yeah, I think so.

- Yeah, okay.

So have you ever dated a guy that says one thing

but then behind your back does a completely different thing?

That's machiavellian traits.

Not straight forward.

And you can do a machiavellian inventory.

The third one, only women have to deal with it.

Psychotic, who here has ever dealt with a psychotic guy?

He basically had no emotions.


Okay, we have one over here, Adrian.

So what was he like?

Emotionless? - Yeah.

- No feelings? - Nothing.

- [Tai] How long did you stay with him?

- Um, several months.

- Why people?

Respect your damn self.

Who cares, there's lots of people you can have chemistry.

- [Girl With Ginger Hair] She's the only one

that said chemistry out of friendship, chemistry.

- But think about this.

Here's a good framework for like,

imagine you got seven more months in life and that's it.

You're gonna spend it with that guy?

(faint dialogue from audience)

'Cause a lot, 50 people just got shot in the back,

in the face yesterday.

It could have been any one of us at this table.

We're gonna take a short commercial break

because we are gonna order food.

We'll be back for segment two.

We're now here in part two.

I have further, wait but guys.

Be a little bit, I'm gonna put you.

You guys can go to another table.

Don't be too loud, okay.

I know, they can go right there.

There's a great table.

You guys can have weirdo conversations over there.

I'm talking with Elle.

This is conversation with Elle.

Elle, remember I was saying earlier, in part one,

I was saying how, what do women find attractive in men?

So I asked Elle.

She said, oh, I was with a great guy

but he had a little addiction problem.

What was the addiction problem?

- [Elle] It was Meth.

- Meth!



We are talking about a full on crack head kind of drug.

It's not like weed.


Now, I asked her, this is the interesting thing.

I said, why were you attracted to him.

She said, well, when you're together with a guy

for so long.

I said how long.

And how long you been with him?

- [Elle] Six years.

- Since he was 13.

So this begs another question.

What kind of parents let their 13-year old

have a full relationship and what was your answer?

- [Elle] Single mother.

- No but you said, not only single mother

but she didn't care about you.

- She didn't care, yeah.

- Okay, so I'm gonna make a prediction right here

on this podcast.

- [Elle] I'm like ghost to everything you're saying.

- Listen to me Elle,

if you don't fix your brain,

I guarantee you you'll have shitty life.

- Yeah. - Zero.

But you have about two years to fix it.

By the time you're in your early 20's,

the brain seals over.

Your brain physically, it physically stops being,

you know like trying to learn a language

is really easy when you're five, right.

- [Elle] Yeah.

- But you can learn Chinese at three.

Kids can learn 10 languages by the time they're five.

But you can't learn five, 10 languages in a year

when you're 30.

So, you have to, life has given you.

But I had the same hand.

I had a single mom.

But my mom loved me so it wasn't as bad as yours.

Have you ever met your dad?

- [Elle] Yeah, yeah.

- Is he cool with you, are you cool with him?

- [Elle] No.

- Does he care about you?

- No. - Okay.

So the Meth guy, forget the discovery of the Meth.

The fact that you're attracted to the type of dude

who would ever be involved in Meth

is the root of the problem.

- [Elle] Yeah I did.

- But get it fixed.

Think of it this way, if you were super overweight

and you don't know how to work out in the gym,

what do you do?

What should you do?

- [Elle] Get a trainer.

- Hire a trainer. - Mm hm.

- So you need a brain trainer, you don't have a brain.

It's funny, in L.A., everybody has a--

- I start Wednesday.

- Everybody in L.A., in Hollywood,

they have body trainers.

They got personal trainers

but then their brain

is like an obese, out of shape.

And they're like, nah, I'll fix it on my own

through natural just the progression of time.

Nah, you don't fix, the shit gets worse with time.

The less you work out your body,

if you're out of shape at 30,

you can't be like, ah, just give it till I'm 40.

I'll be good then.

No, it gets worse.

So that's why I said, whatever you have right now,

it's about to get worse.

If you're already dating Meth heads at 19,

oh my God.

I'm worried.

I'm worried about planet Earth sometimes, okay.

Can you text the screen shots of this to me?

So the question becomes, how do you fix this?

It's extremely hard, that's the first one.

But I'll give you a little bit of good news.

You're number one thing, it's gonna be hard for you.

You have to completely switch

the type of people you hang around.

You have to find girlfriends

who came from the best family in history.

The first time you meet a girl

before you decide they're gonna be your girlfriend,

you'll be like, tell me about your mom and dad.

You want them to be like, oh they were in love.

They were pinching each others butt

after 30 years of marriage.

That, you hang out with 20 people like that

and it'll slowly, you'll absorb it.

You will.

Can you send that to me?

- [Talia] Yeah, I'm sending it to your now.

- Speaking of, weird people, you're talking to.

Tell us about Matt.

- [Talia] Matt?

- Or whoever you're just texting.

- It's just my mom.

- Oh your mom's name is Matt?

- No it's M-O-M.

- Her mom's name is Matt.

Hey, in Hollywood, you never know.

- Yep. - Matt can be a mom.

- No it's my mom, I don't know a Matt.


I really don't know a Matt.

- [Elle] She's actually best friends with her mom.

- So you have to change your friends

'cause I guarantee you-- - I'm friends with her mom.

- [Tai] Nope, you're best friends with her mom?

- And her like me and my mom don't get along.

- No no no, you didn't hear what I said.

No you didn't hear what I said.

No you missed everything I said.

- [Elle] Well I heard it.

- You're friends with her and she didn't have good parents.

So how is that fixing the problem?

No you have to find people, that you don't know now.

And then when you meet 'em, be like, I like you.

Tell me about your mom and dad.

The problem is like attracts like.

Fucked up people become friends with fucked up people.

There's a good book on this

called the Age Factory of Personality.

It's by the guy who invented the HEXACO score.

He basically said that for the most part,

people go to equal levels.

So if you're narcissistic,

most of your friends are narcissistic.

If you have bad parents,

like all my friends growing up.

Everyone of them had a single mom except Jeremy.

I'm sorry, I had one set of friends,

out of every friend that had a mom and dad.

Because I didn't have a mom and dad

so I didn't have anything in common.

- What about me?

None of my friends, all of my friend's parents are divorced.

I'm the only one, my parents have been married for 18 years.

- Right, so those friends are lucky.

You're the exception to the rule.

All right, did you text it to me?

- [Talia] Yeah, I texted it to you.

- All right, now we're gonna look at Talia's psychology.

Here we go.

All right.

Her score.

Damn, this girl is anxious right here.

What's up, have you ever taken medication for anxiety?

- [Talia] Uh no.

- You ever thought about it?

- No. - But you're anxious.

- [Talia] Yeah, I am.

- You were born to harass a doctor.

You also cry a lot at movies.

- Yeah.

- And you're not that dependent.

So you'd be an average girlfriend, not the best.

- [Talia] Not the best (laughing).

- Not the best.

Guys, when you do this test that I have on my website,

look at the girl's dependence factor.

And women, look at the guys.

If there's no dependence,

then why do you want to be with somebody?

You've got to be a little dependent on somebody.

I'm dependent on my business partners.

You're somewhat forgiving.

You're not stubborn, that's a good thing about you.

- I'm not stubborn.

- And you're patient.

You're ISFJ or INFJ, really mmh?

- [Elle] That's the same thing I got.

- Well you guys are, she might,

she's more introverted than you.

ISFJ means, I stands for introversion, not extroversion.

S stands for sensing, not intuition.

F stands for feeling, she's not a thinker, no offense.

She's more of a feeler.

And she's a J.

Do you make plans far ahead?

- Um yeah.

- Yeah, J's will plan out like their vacations

like three months ahead of time.

P's like me, man if you start making me plan

six months ahead of time, I get stressed out.

I'm like hell no.

In fact, I tell my assistant,

only tell me my day's plans the morning when I wake up.

Yeah, the morning I wake up,

I'm like, that's when I want to know what I have to do.

- [Girl With Ginger Hair] You're such an Aries.

- Or else I'll think about it all day.

I'll be like, oh Friday.

Like this Friday, I have this conference,

my mentor conference.

Since I know it ahead of time, it's been ruining everyday

'cause I got to think about that damn thing.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> How to Know Who to Date, & Why to Be Careful With Love - Duration: 33:18.


Alpharock & RetroVision - Rockin' - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Alpharock & RetroVision - Rockin' - Duration: 4:16.


Сказочный футаж для видеомонтажа hd лесной Эльф | Видео для детей - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Сказочный футаж для видеомонтажа hd лесной Эльф | Видео для детей - Duration: 0:42.


Divyanka Tripathi Celebrates Karva Chauth with Her Love Vivek Dahiya !! - Duration: 3:31.

Divyanka Tripathi Celebrates Karva Chauth with Her Love Vivek Dahiya !!

For more infomation >> Divyanka Tripathi Celebrates Karva Chauth with Her Love Vivek Dahiya !! - Duration: 3:31.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ১০ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Bangla Live News Today - Duration: 13:26.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ১০ অক্টোবর ২০১৭ Bangla Live News Today - Duration: 13:26.


5 Horrifying Mythical Creatures - Horror Month 2017 - Day 9 - Duration: 4:01.

Geeky Gaming Hey Geeks, it's Andrea.

It is day 9 of Horror Month 2017.

If you can't tell, my throat is killing me, so I'm sorry if I sound a little off.

I was so excited to do research for today's video.

If you like mythical creatures, cryptozoology, or whatever other term you want to use, these

5 creatures are going to be right up your ally.

Today we are taking a look at 5 Horrifying Mythical Creatures.

Alright Geeks, let's go.


Minhocão I am very sorry if I am saying this wrong.

The minhocão originates in Brazil.

In Portuguese it literally translates to "big earthworm."

It is believed to exist in forests in both Central and South America.

You should know if you run into one, because they are said to be between 20 to 50 meters


That is about 65 to 164 feet.

So this thing is freaking huge.

On top of being a giant freaking beast, it is also believed to have a huge set of chompers.

One of the reasons people believe in the minhocão is because in ancient Mayan cave paintings,

there are paintings of a giant snake-like creature.

There are still people who claim to see one from time to time.


Black Shuck Black Shuck is a terrifying ghostly black

dog that exists in English folklore.

There are supposedly many black shucks out there.

People have seen this ghostly dog with slight variations.

Many people believe seeing the black shuck is an omen of death, but not everyone subscribes

to that logic.

It could possibly be because of the varying appearances.

As with everything we ever talk about from England, this is a very old folklore.

There are writings of the old shuck as long ago as the 1100s.

Shuck has been described as having flaming eyes and to be unnaturally large.

Some stories say that he only has one eye.

If you are lucky, or unlucky, enough to hear this beast howl, it is a sound you aren't

soon to forget.


Ghost Deer As you could have probably guessed, the ghost

deer is a creature that has a ghostly look.

It allegedly appears in Northern California at Mount Eddy.

It can supposedly appear and disappear without a trace.

It has left tracks on the ground when running, but when people have followed the tracks,

they just end abruptly.

If you try to shoot the deer, bullets fly right through the body.


Mothman I don't know if it is because I am in America,

but I feel like this one is a classic.

I grew up roughly knowing about mothman.

Not that I knew anything about it, but I knew of the idea of it.

On November 12th, 1966, some men digging a grave in West Virginia allegedly saw a man

with moth features fly over their heads.

Over the next month or so, many people reported seeing Mothman.

Some just seeing glowing eyes in the dark, others describing a "large flying man with

ten-foot wings."

A year later when the Silver Bridge collapsed and 46 people died, some people believed there

was a connection with the myth.

Whether there is any truth to this or not, there is a lot of information out there on

Mothman and it is definitely worth a bit of research if you are interested.


Aswang The Aswang is a creature from Filipino folklore

that gives me the freaking creeps.

I remember having nightmares about these things so many years ago.

They are allegedly shape shifters that may or may not eat human flesh.

Some refer to them as vampires.

Legend has it that during the day they look like everyone else and at night they show

their true form and feast on our children.

Alright Geeks, that's going to do it for this video.

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.

Here is to hoping that we never run into any aswang.

We still have a long way to go, Geeks, so be sure to come back tomorrow for some more

Horror Month.

The limited time t-shirt is available through the end of the month, so I hope you Geeks

get one before they are gone forever.

Before you leave, subscribe, like, and comment.

Alright Geeks, I will see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> 5 Horrifying Mythical Creatures - Horror Month 2017 - Day 9 - Duration: 4:01.


Huracán en casa🌪😰 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:50.

For more infomation >> Huracán en casa🌪😰 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 18:50.


How To Grow Hair, Skin, And Nails "from Within" | How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster - Remedies One - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> How To Grow Hair, Skin, And Nails "from Within" | How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster - Remedies One - Duration: 4:09.


NEW SONG IN MY OUTRO! - Duration: 1:08.

What is up everyone welcome back to a brand new video guys I just wanted to say you know

how my outro used to have a different song well this song is kinda of shorter and the

videos on the outro will be like exact hopefully..

I'm just testing it thats why I'm making this video I might delete this video here's the

outro guys BOOM!

For more infomation >> NEW SONG IN MY OUTRO! - Duration: 1:08.


Another Day in World of Tanks #22 - Duration: 14:08.

Another day in World of tanks! 22!

Oh well I guess that's it. Aw man...

Let me help you out mate!

Play of the game.

Nice nice! - ****!

Time to carry this game!

No. It's okay. I still got my team mate left.

He will wihtout doubt secure this victory!

Because in world of tanks the largest part of the playerbase...

is knowledgable, inlettigent, experienced and trustwurthy!

Who am I kidding? Everyone in this game are donkeys with their brain inserted sideways up their bums.

*Den satt i plåten*

Ugh idiots...

Jag ska göra kaos med han!


Oh look! 1 hp!




OP Russian heavies





This town aint big enough for the two of us.



Hey guys it's QuickyBaby and welcome back to World of Tanks!

Support us on Patreon!

But wait a minute.

Where is T95?

But oh

Here he comes.

And he's fighting um Tiger 1! YES!

Look. That's an epic battle right there.

And tiger is very strong.

He has bombs

T95 watch out!

But T95 has an ace up his sleeve!

Tiger doens't stand a chance.

And T95 is the winner as always

And continue his journey through the universe


That sure was an epic battle. Let's hope the next battle is just as epic.

Well then. Untill next time. Scrubs!

Thanks to our Patreon supporters!

Head on over to our Awesome and Epic shop! And purchase some shirts and mugs!

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