Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

Located in Chiba prefecture on the Boso peninsula by Tokyo bay and roughly facing Yokohama, Mount Nokogiri,

or in Japanese Nokogiriyama, is a 330m tall mountain featuring the Nihon-ji Temple (Nihonji).

Established over 1,300 years ago, Nihon-Ji Temple is actually one of Kanto area' oldest temples and features many important Japanese cultural artifacts,

including the 30m tall carving of Hyaku-Shaku Kanon, depicting the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy (1966),

1,500 statues of Buddhist disciples (rakan) and finally, the crown jewel of Nihon-Ji, the 31m tall Daibutsu (Big Buddha) carved in 1780 from the mountain itself.

For more infomation >> Nihon-Ji Temple - Chiba - 日本寺 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 7:14.


Quick Review | Padmavati | Official Trailer | Ranveer Singh | Shahid Kapoor | Deepika Padukone - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Quick Review | Padmavati | Official Trailer | Ranveer Singh | Shahid Kapoor | Deepika Padukone - Duration: 2:32.


Neighbors: Man on home incarceration cut off ankle monitor, ran after fatal shooting - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Neighbors: Man on home incarceration cut off ankle monitor, ran after fatal shooting - Duration: 1:48.


Using the Secret Wisdom of the Lotus Flower - Duration: 4:49.

hey Danette may here and drew Canole and we want to share with you a powerful

message for today that you can take home to truly change your life truly

transformational everywhere is transformation let's go

I'm obsessed with the lotus flower because it's become this huge amount of

core for me in my life if you look at a lotus flower you know that they're just

beautiful most people like Revere these but the

thing about the lotus flower is it doesn't grow on marble it doesn't even

grow in rich soil it actually grows in the mud and the muck it gets its

nutrients from the mud and the muck and I love that analogy because there's so

many of us in our lives that are trying to run away from our mud in our muck

we're trying to run away from our mess instead of using it as our message

that's where the nutrients reside is in all that chaos and all that hurt and all

the things that we want to just put in a closet and shut the door to right and so

today's mindset Monday is I want to challenge you to take out a journal

write down all the muck in your life all that any gritty yucky muck that you've

been trying to shove down not notice not think about and I want you to dig it up

and yeah it's not gonna be super pretty and I want you to look at it in a

different light and I want you to write on the right hand side all this muck all

the stuff in your past you don't really want anyone to know about I want you to

write how that muck has truly made you who you are today so for my example I'm

gonna share or get whatever example I'm gonna get vulnerable for a minute so I

was in a previous relationship and I thought this person had my back and

here's the truth there are gonna be people in your life that may stab you in

the back they may abandon you but are you gonna stay in that story you're

gonna step on top of that story I was in a marriage and I had two beautiful

daughters well and I have forgiven him son so please don't think that we need

to like bash him but what in his and his sorrow in his downtime he took

all the money and moved it into a private account left me going back to my

home with my two daughters that I was raising my own digging in couches and

drawers making a game out of it for my daughters and I had to come up with 47

dollars but here's the deal when I write down this this phase of my life when I

sold my furniture when I have no money literally eating beans and weenies I can

write down that this has actually made me strong because this actually made me

realize I can make money out of nothing I'm thankful now for those lessons I'm

actually so thankful for them because now I know I can get out of anything I

think where people get caught up is once they hit that rock bottom place where

you're searching for all the stuff in your house you make up stories about how

this is a struggle and this is gonna be so hard to get out of this right think

about the opposite way you could have taken this is happening to me intently

about for me Thank You universe thank you God whatever you want to call it for

bringing this into my experience because this is going to be the bounce-back

place in my life where I realized and find out what my true calling and

purpose really is and then you just dug in you get greedy which is awesome when

you're gritty magic happens I think about the lotus flower in my life too

and being tortured as a child from the age of zero to five like abuse if I

couldn't tie my shoes fast enough my dad would put cigarettes out of my head

but I learned how to forgive and I learned that I came into this life

experience maybe to learn forgiveness to be a conduit of change for people

because people are torturing themselves all the time and I was physically

mentally emotionally tortured as a child and now I can use those experiences from

an energetic level and help people heal I've turned my mud into

a beautiful Lotus truck but here's the deal we want to share this vulnerability

with you guys not just because you can find your story in our story we all have

our stories we all have our mess we all have our mocks use it use it to become

this beautiful message for yourself for your strength for your family for anyone

you want to impact you do matter you do make a difference if you're up against a

challenge right now Danette and I want to challenge you to ship the way you see

it shift the way you feel about it you've attracted this information into

your experience for a reason so remember you are worth it remember you matter go

ahead and leave your comments below let us know are you gonna get into this

action or you're gonna do this assignment and we want to hear from you

if you want to share your vulnerability let's do this let's get raw and

vulnerable and sharing our mud and muck we just did now it's your turn let's do

this because we know that in our stories other people can find theirs we love you

thank you so much for watching until next time

I'm drew Canole Danette may remember we're in this together

For more infomation >> Using the Secret Wisdom of the Lotus Flower - Duration: 4:49.


Our Situation Report - Duration: 22:24.

For more infomation >> Our Situation Report - Duration: 22:24.


QiYi X-Man - Skewb Côncavo REVIEW (PT-BR) - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> QiYi X-Man - Skewb Côncavo REVIEW (PT-BR) - Duration: 3:02.


Road to 150: Best Things To Do In The Northwest Territories - Duration: 6:38.

We're in the Northwest Territories, our 9th stop during our 150-day road trip across Canada.

Covering over one million square kilometres with a population of a small town,

the Northwest Territories is about as wild as it gets!

With boreal forest, arctic tundra, some of Canada's best waterfalls,

a vibrant Aboriginal culture, and boundless wilderness,

the Northwest Territories is an adventurer's paradise.

We started our visit in Yellowknife, the Northwest Territories' capital city.

Here, we toured the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center, where we learned about

the territories' rich Aboriginal culture, the infamous story of the Mad Trapper,

the territories' wildlife and ecology, and the history of the Mooseskin Boat.

An incredible work of human ingenuity!

Afterwards we tried some delicious local food and then walked up to the

Bush Pilots Monument for incredible views over Yellowknife and the surrounding area.

Next on the adventure was taking a float plane to Yellow Dod Lodge,

which is located between two beautiful lakes.

This was our first time on a float plane and it was incredible to look down at all

the wild scenery before landing on Graham Lake for three nights of secluded paradise.

As soon as were arrived, we jumped in a boat and went fishing for lake trout

and it didn't take us long to catch our dinner.

In fact, I caught my first fish. It was so exciting to feel the fight of the fish

but I was so surprised by how hard it was to reel in .

Our days were filled exploring the lakes, fishing,

hiking to beautiful lookout points and jumping into the lake.

And our nights were equally incredible! We went to a secluded

island and sat next to a campfire while mingling with our new friends from around the world .

We also spent some time in a hot tub heated by wood fire while relaxing under the stars .

But perhaps our most memorable experience was being able to spend the night on a floating barge.

Powered by a motor, we drove the boat to a calm bay, anchored down

and spent the night alone in wilderness surrounded by complete silence.

An experience we'll never forget!

The next morning we flew back to Yellowknife and made our way to

Alexandra Falls, one of the highest waterfalls in the Northwest Territories.

It was amazing to stand right on the edge of the waterfall and watch the water drop 32 meters below us.

Then, not too far downstream was Louise Falls, another incredible waterfall with a

distinct square-like pattern that made it look almost unnatural.

Next we drove to Fort Simpson, where we took another float plane to tour Nahanni National Park.

Words cannot describe the beauty we saw in the world's first UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Nahanni encompasses territory that's found nowhere else in the world

It's like going to see Banff and Jasper, the Columbia Icefields,

Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls all in one.

So you have the whole area to yourself when you want to go someplace

or get out on the river by boat or go flying back in the mountains..

there's nobody else there!

It was absolutely jaw-dropping to lookdown at deep canyons,

a series of plateaus, sharp mountain peaks,

hot springs, and valleys intertwined with snaking rivers and turquoise coloured lakes .

We also landed a few times , which gave us the opportunity to visit Virginia Falls,

an amazing 315 foot waterfall on the South Nahanni River.

Nahanni National Park is truly one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in my life!

Next, we wanted to visit Canada's Western Arctic,

so we drove through the Yukon, up the Dempster Highway,

past the Arctic Circle, and into the little town of Inuvik.

This was our first time in the Arctic and it was such a special experience to meet the locals

and visit the local attractions such as the igloo church and the community greenhouse .

We also visited the Western Arctic Regional Visitor Center and

learned about the local Inuvialuit and Gwichin people.

Many people can enjoy especially in our part of the world,

the fresh air, the fresh water that we have out there

and a lot of unspoiled and untouched lands.

It's a big world out there and you know you've got to share. Nothing is really owned by anybody.

Everyone was so excited to show us around and one local even brought us out

on his boat to experience the Mackenzie Delta .

We navigated through narrow channels, saw beavers gathering sticks for their dam

and a massive eagle that decided to lead the way. We also did some fishing for northern pike

and saw a flock of tundra swans congregating in the nearby lake.

Last but not least , we couldn't leave the Northwest Territories without seeing the

Arctic Ocean so we drove the Mackenzie Valley Highway to Tuktoyaktuk.

The first Highway in Canada to reach the Arctic Ocean.

Surrounded by pingos, tundra, and ocean,

Tuktoyaktuk is a charming Inuvialuit hamlet that we loved exploring.

We learned about some of the local culture,

tried some local foods , wore traditional clothing, and

of course , dipped our toes in the Arctic Ocean.

We even climbed one of the pingos for views of the surrounding area.

We're so grateful that we had the opportunity to visit Canada's Western Arctic

and learn about a part of Canada that most people most know nothing about.

It really felt that we had reached the top of the world.

From sleeping on a floating barge on a secluded lake, to flying over the world's

first World Heritage Site, to taking a dip in the Arctic Ocean.

the Northwest Territories has given us memories that we will cherish for a lifetime.

Thank you so much for watching this episode!

To learn more about what we did in the Northwest Territories

as well as other provinces during our 150-day road trip across the Canada


For more infomation >> Road to 150: Best Things To Do In The Northwest Territories - Duration: 6:38.


WEIRD HOMELESS PEOPLE #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> WEIRD HOMELESS PEOPLE #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:41.


Dove's Latest Racist Ad Proves Brands Keep F*cking Up - Duration: 4:16.

What's up guys?!

Beija here for Complex.

For years, African-American men and women have been poorly represented in media.

Those that are portrayed in the media often still favor the "Eurocentric" characteristics,

which companies push as its own definition of the term "beautiful."

The misrepresentation of African-Americans in commercials and advertisements causes a

bigger disconnect within the black community with darker men and women feeling ostracized

and under appreciated as the media tends to focus on fair-skinned black people.

Here, we break down some of the most disastrous advertisements that poorly portray black and

brown people and why it's a huge problem: Over the weekend, Dove received a lot of backlash

on social media for an advertisement that showed a black women transitioning into a

pale white woman after she used the Dove product.

Dove took to Twitter to apologize for the ad and said:

"An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark in representing women of color


We deeply regret the offense it caused."

Obviously some black people needed to be up in that conference room to get the final say,

because how the hell did they think this was ok?

Consumers took to the Internet to voice their opinion on how the advertisement was blatantly


And this isn't the first time a soap ad has mistakenly associated dark skin as "dirty"


For years, this racist theme has been integrated into promotional ads that affect our subconscious

and label "black" as undesirable and "white" as clean.

Back in May 2011, Dove was criticized for another whitewashed ad that read "Visibly

more beautiful skin".

A black woman was to the left of the campaign under "before" that showed cracked skin

and a white woman to the right of the ad that showed how you can improve by using the product.

The company obviously tried to be inclusive by featuring woman of different skin colors,

but it didn't take into consideration how the masses would perceive it as black women

as less than the "ideal" image being portrayed.

Now, this next advertisement is just straight up out of line.

Last year, a Chinese company named Qiaobi Laundry Detergent came under fire when it

released a highly controversial ad.

A Chinese woman put a detergent pod into a black man's mouth and threw him head first

into a washer machine, and then he magically transformed into a pale Asian guy.

See for yourself: This advertisement, once again, shows how black skin is being broadcast

as "dirty" and that something so minuscule like a damn detergent pod could reverse the

melanin, years of oppression, struggle, and marginalization of black and brown people.

An agent for the company responded to the criticism of the racist ad and said:

"We did this for some sensational effect.

If we just show laundry like all the other advertisements, ours will not stand out."

The fact that people of color are being used as gimmicks to sensationalize a company's

products, it really demonstrates how uninspired the brand's creative team truly is.

Earlier this year Nivea sent social media platforms into a frenzy with its "White

is Purity" advertisement.

This is just another example on how the creative heads at companies are completely detached

when it comes to social awareness.

Back in 2011, the personal care brand released an advertisement that showed a black man about

to throw away a head with an afro.

Along with the ad came the words "Re-civilize yourself" . This is problematic, because

kinky and course hair has been demonized for years and people of color have had to be bend

to the "white aesthetic," especially in corporate America, where natural hair can

be viewed as a distraction and not complying with "corporate attire".

Earlier this year Shea Moisture dropped a campaign that was completely whitewashed with

women who more than likely don't use the product:

Shea Moisture products specifically tend to people of color with curly, kinky, and textured

hair types and black women specifically took to social media to voice their opinions on

the company's lack of true client representation.

Obviously there are some serious insensitivities associated to racial issues in media, and

the world needs to do a better job in representing people of color in a positive and true light.

That's all the news for now, but for more, be sure to subscribe to Complex on Youtube


For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.

For more infomation >> Dove's Latest Racist Ad Proves Brands Keep F*cking Up - Duration: 4:16.


丸モチーフ 1【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Round Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> 丸モチーフ 1【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Round Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 9:04.


'Un Minuto Contigo': Cómo evitar que los alimentos se contaminen con salmonella - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> 'Un Minuto Contigo': Cómo evitar que los alimentos se contaminen con salmonella - Duration: 1:19.


Cómo limpiar los ácaros para evitar alergias - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Cómo limpiar los ácaros para evitar alergias - Duration: 1:02.


Khmer Horoscope, ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងៃ អង្គារ ទី​ ១០ ខែ តុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017 - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Khmer Horoscope, ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងៃ អង្គារ ទី​ ១០ ខែ តុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017 - Duration: 11:16.


Here's What's Wrong With T.I.'s Comments About Rape - Duration: 2:38.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.//// T.I. was having a wholesome Sunday, paying

a visit to his barber, when a thought crossed his mind, and provoked him to post a video

to his Instagram.

T.I. made a one minute argument about what happens to women when they lie about sexual

assault claims, and he referenced previous cases involving 2Pac and Mike Tyson.

However in light of recent events, with women coming forward in the Harvey Weinstein case

and more recently with Nelly's rape arrest, his soap box moment comes at a really inappropriate


He goes on to say that if the verdict is awarded in favor of the woman who made these claims,

then the accused will serve time in prison, but if the woman is found to be lying, what


He ends the clip stating that certain people are even targeted for such claims, a dialogue

we've heard recently with Kevin Hart's extortion scandal.

That being said, the scenario of women lying in regards to sexual assault and rape allegations

is extremely uncommon, and the very suggestion, offensive.

According to a study referenced in Quarts, only 2 to 10 percent of reports are considered

fabricated and the amount of false rape allegations leading to prison time and charges is exceedingly


"According to the National Registry of Exonerations, since records began in 1989, in the US there

are only 52 cases where men convicted of sexual assault were exonerated because it turned

out they were falsely accused."

Just to put that number Quartz compares that number to the 790 cases in which people were

exonerated for murder.

So while the situation of a false accusation is not completely ruled out, the chances of

the assault are statistically more likely to be true than false.

There are also specific behaviors and motives false accusers have to look for in judging

whether their word can be trusted.

If the accuser has no background of those traits, using the small percentage of false

cases to dismiss a rape claim feeds the fire of women or men being afraid to speak out.

Again, T.I.'s video comes on the heels of Nelly being arrested for sexually assaulting

a woman on his tour bus.

The rapper released a statement saying that he was beyond shocked to be targeted with

a false accusation and that he is completely innocent.

Nelly was ultimately released the same day with no charges.

/// That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex

on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Here's What's Wrong With T.I.'s Comments About Rape - Duration: 2:38.


Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA - Duration: 1:08.

Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Dana Point CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every


months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree


intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or

any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the


surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

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