Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

Glenn: Hey folks, Glenn May here with, and welcome to another edition of Hank Paker's

Fishing Tips.

Hank, this week's question comes from Mike Long from West Florida.

And he wants to know when you start out fishing with soft plastics, do you start with them

weighted or weightless?

Hank: Well, I started out fishing with soft plastics weighted.

I didn't even know anything about a weightless soft plastic until I probably been fishing

10 years.

I started out Carolina rigging actually.

Then I went to a bullet weight on a Texas rig.

So today when I fish a worm, I'm thinking of getting it down on the bottom.

I fish a worm a lot different today than I did 20 years ago.

I use a shaky head a lot.

I use a drop shot rig, which 20 years ago I'd never heard of.

I still use a Carolina rig, the way I started.

I still use a Texas rig.

I rig a worm with no weight, wacky style.

I rig a worm with no weight, a sinking worm, Texas style.

I also rig a sinking worm wacky style.

So there's a lot of varieties on how you rig a soft plastic worm, and each one of 'em is

very effective under the right circumstances.

You have to determine what those circumstances are and when to rig that bait.

And we can get into, how heavy a weight?

You know, if I'm punching grass, I may use like two ounce Tungsten big chunk of weight.

If I'm fishing just finesse fishing and there's not a lotta wind, I may use a 16th of an ounce.

So weights are a big deal as well.

So it all varies on the conditions and what type of structure you're fishing around, so.

And all that changes, you know, sometimes you wanna fish deep in a very fast presentation

if you use a lot more weight.

So there's a lot of variation, but a lot of effective ways to fish a plastic worm, with

a weight, with a shaky head, a drop shot, a Carolina rig, all of 'em work.

So you have to decide when the right time is to use which setup.

Glenn: Mike, I hope that answers your question.

If you need more tips and tricks, hey, go and visit

There's lots of tips and tricks on there too and articles that Hank has written.

You'd love 'em.

Trust me, they're great.

And if you wanna be notified of the next time we post more of Hank's tips, just subscribe

to the channel.

Thanks and have a great day.

For more infomation >> Weighted or Unweighted Texas Rig? | Hank Parker | Bass Fishing - Duration: 2:38.


Teen says man tried to abduct her - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Teen says man tried to abduct her - Duration: 1:47.


Jack Skellington prop setup video - Duration: 3:56.

How to set up your Jack Skellington animatronic from Spirit Halloween.

Your parts list is as follows: Base, Upper and lower support poles labeled "A" and "B",

Shoes, Torso, Trousers, Dress, Moving hand, Normal hand,

Head, Bow tie, and his adapter.

First, snap-lock the four normal support poles to the base. Slide the shoes over

the four support poles, and then attach the final set of support poles.

Carefully slide the trousers onto the support poles. Be sure the sensor on the trousers

is facing AWAY from the large tabs on the top of the pole assembly.

Carefully snap-lock the torso onto the support pole assembly. Connect the sensor

cable coming from the trousers to the module. Also, connect the adapter to the

adapter jack also located on the module. If you plan on using a step pad, or Try-me button (sold separately),

carefully insert the cable into the jack labeled "Try-me"

Set the activation toggle switch to your liking. Carefully pull the bands

on the trousers up and over the shoulders on the torso. Then, slide the

shirt onto the torso by sliding the sleeves over the arms first, also making

sure to fasten the velcro in the front. Snap-lock the hands onto the arms.

Also, be sure to connect the cable when attaching Jack's left arm.

Carefully attach Jack's head to the torso. Be sure the locking pin in the back is secured into the slot.

To attach Jack's bow tie, velcro the strap around the bottom

portion of the neck. Finally, adjust the bow tie and clothes as desired, and your

setup is now complete! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free

to ask me in the comments. Thank you, and Happy haunting!

For more infomation >> Jack Skellington prop setup video - Duration: 3:56.


Présentation du concept "Love Yourself D'abord" - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Présentation du concept "Love Yourself D'abord" - Duration: 4:52.


i can fit this pencil inside my nose.. - Duration: 10:10.

hey, what's up YouTube

Welcome to

Revealed Magic today, I'm Gonna be showing you a classic trick pen in nose out now

So you want to know how to do that trick?

Great. I'm going to show you that right now. Here's how you're going to be doing this if you haven't figured it out already

Here is a back end. I'm just going like this

Now this might take some practice so all you got to do hold it like this

So you're going to have your three fingers like right over your middle finger so even sometimes you can hold it without using your thumb

you put your thumb there and

You're just going to put it in your nose like that some I recommend doing this when you're first practicing

So when you do this, you're not actually pushing it up your nose

You're this


your fingers

Just like that, and then it's concealed inside if you don't click enough. It will look real

But you got to practice before showing you got to practice before showing people because you can mess this up

and I have before I was on and

It's like it looks press it and it looks obvious that I'm going

like that and

It's just a huge mistake. So don't do that

Make it smooth

Alright, so once you have it up your nose. You're going to bite down

Just like out on the end

With your lips closed so no one can tell you're biting and just slide off

Alright. Well, I'm going to show you one more time, okay?

Ready put it in your nose

Try try and push lightly because once I have held on too hard push it out my nose. Oh


They're like you were supposed to push up your nose, and I said well

I did it incorrectly or something stupid so you don't want to push it up and actually in your nose

so let's go and


Slide so you're not oh

Actually hurting yourself, and it might be a little gross

But you'll get used to just putting in your nose and licking it with your tongue

Hey, you guys a solution expert and today we're going to learn two simple Magic tricks though with pens

Let's get to it

First one is the pencil vanish or pen batis you can do it with both

It's like this

And then you could bring it back basia again show both ends and make your repair. It's a

It's not simple. It needs a little bit of practice, but it's cool

So you could do it at school and word college wherever you want. It's amazing

Okay, so this is how it's done

You're going to start by holding the pencil or the temp?

between both of your fingers here and both of your fingers here like this, so

You're holding it with your thumbs and both your fingers because then you're going to go like this in slow motion

you're going to curl your your middle finger on the right hand and

The left hand will be hoped with the thumb will be holding the pencil, so it will snap so

You're putting pressure here, and then slapping it like this, but you're going to hide it with these hands, so

Put pressure with your middle finger

snap it back

You need to be either facing the audience or your head on the back of your hand here facing the audience

You're you're going to take the audience at an angle, so when it flashes

It's hiding behind the sun

And you're going to keep hoping it's with the middle finger in place between the middle finger and the index


like this

without the fingers right here like this, so

You need to do the same math

Tank like a mirror image between two hands so you need both middle fingers to go down and thumps to go up

to show that

Your advances and your hand is empty

The more you do it the faster. It becomes with a little flick like this. It will be much more

Beautiful, and you can make it reappear again or make it appear behind your the next one is it vanish in the coin vanish done

with a pencil it's usually done with a I want that the pencil is our one, so

You take coin

The coin like this you place the one in your hand with the coins you

Tap the hand one time and they calling

should bench like this

You can make it reappear by tapping again and this reappears

So let's get the trick so what you close your hand you put the pencil right?

in your hands and the liquor for left to stub yourself, and you're going to push it like this to the bottom and

Once you have this ledge to hold on and put the pen or pencil

You're going to steal the coin in this moment, so it's right here as you are

Putting the pencil down you're dropping the coin from this hand to the other hand

Okay, it's hard to do it

Like this then as you are coming to all be pencil

you're going to drop it like this and then pull the

Defensive and keep concentrating on your hand so they concentrate on your hand and then match so we're going to take

You can see you

hold this

like this

hold it and then stripe that

one stuff

This is without any wires no thing on my thumb. It could be boiled

Infected the levitating in Paper-money is done. You'll first need a power pill

Then you're gonna take a coin, so you just left behind 50

informs another time for roll call so now

Secure pearl you're gonna benefit. We go about financing is on your thumb, and

It's done. So what you going to do like this more wire and then wash the paperclip as

it goes up the roller brand like so

and this is

The levitating Wayne so here's how to trigger and the any boards object or boards ring

You're going to place the ring on to the rubber band, and what's your go-to?

You're going to place most of the rubber band in your hand like

so and

Stretch this part and what you're really doing you really just

pinching the word band in your head back and stuff and let me come pressure up and

This will seem as if the rubber adjuster brain is going of the battles like this

but this is how

Go subscribe to them you beautiful people

For more infomation >> i can fit this pencil inside my nose.. - Duration: 10:10.


Can You Really Sue if You Get Hurt? Skateboard Lawsuits - Duration: 11:16.

You know how when you get kicked out of a

spot, they always say they're worried

about getting sued, or their insurance

not covering if you get hurt or

something like that?

I've always wondered: is it possible to

actually sue someone for skating and

getting hurt when you're trespassing? This

was a question I got from Nick_Gnar, and I

want to talk about it here on the

channel. Let's get started. Welcome back

to Rad Rat Video, the channel where you

can learn all about skateboarding and

skateboarding related topics, from

learning tricks on the Shred school, to

learning about skateboarding video games,

to all other kinds of skateboard culture

items. This time, we're talking about if

you can actually sue someone for getting

hurt while skating on their property.

This is something you've heard a million

times. I know I have. People are always

worried about their insurance and

whether you get hurt and you can

immediately sue them, and I wanted to

check out if it is actually possible to

do that. So I, of course, I'm not a lawyer.

I am a skateboarder and a web designer

who happens to have a YouTube channel, so

none of this is legal advice, but someone

who is a lawyer is Ryan Griffith, who is

from San Francisco where he's an

attorney, and someone asked him this

question and he had these two

interesting stories that helped

illustrate how the law would actually

work. So imagine there's a school, and

next this school lives this really crazy

dude, and he loves to see kids get hurt,

so he built a skate park in his backyard

and he puts little explosives in it. And

he goes to the school, he gives

out free skateboards,

and then he goes home. He's never invited

the kids onto his property.

He's never explicitly told them to come

skate it, but he's created this

possibility, and then he just watches

what happens. And the kids trespass on to

his property, skate his skatepark. These

little explosives send them flying all

over the place. Is he liable in that case?

They trespassed on his

property, right? Yeah, but obviously he

kind of made that a possibility. He made

that happen in a way. So that's an

extreme example. What about the other way?

He said, what if that same guy, he's not

crazy, he doesn't have a skate park in

his backyard, but he had

a little... his sidewalk has a little hill

on it or something. And kids like to jump

his fence and go skate down the hill. So

what he does is, he puts up a higher

fence, he puts up a sign that says no

skateboarding, and then someone breaks on

his property anyway and gets hurt.

Is that his fault? Obviously not. So it

kind of depends on the circumstances

that are in play, and how much you knew

about what was going on. All that kind of

stuff. And he also says that the law is

generally reasonable, and yes, there are a

lot of exceptions. I'll talk about some

of those at the end, but for the most

part, if it's obviously not your fault

that a trespasser got hurt, you're not

gonna get in trouble. But it gets a lot

deeper than that. Of course, being the law,

it's nowhere near that simple. "But out of

that meeting, I discovered that there

existed the California trial attorneys

Association, which kept track of all

liability claims and cases in California.

I spent $150 for a report that revealed

that in Southern California over the

period of time from 1970 to 1990,

there had been zero lawsuits involving

skateboarders suing public entities. None.

Eighteen different SoCal counties and

not one lawsuit. This was how I

discovered the HRA: hazardous

recreational activity list. An actual

list of activities, including tree

climbing and spelunking, that eliminated

a government agency's liability for

injuries sustained while doing anything

on the HRA list." That was taken from the

book "The Skateboard: The Good, the Rad and

the Gnarly: An Illustrated History." Pretty

interesting, but the idea that doing

anything on the hazardous activities

list immediately makes you liable is not

always going to be the case. First, that

was only in California. There are other

states that have very similar laws, but

that one was only in California. And

secondly, it only specifically calls out

government entities, so if it's private

property, it might be a little bit

different. Specifically, there is

something called an 'attractive nuisance.'

So you may have heard of this before.

It's where, if you have a pool -- I think it

has to be below ground -- or trampoline,

there have to be fences around it

because it's an attractive thing that

kids might go by and say, "oh look at that

pool." They go in there, and they drown, and

that would be your fault in the law. So

you have to have a fence. You have to

make it difficult for

people to get into these things that

might be dangerous. So does that mean you

can just put up a fence around your

property, throw up a no skateboarding

sign, and you're good? You can let people

skate in there all they want and just

ignore it?

Well not exactly. It's never that simple.

You do have some limited amount of

liability for trespassers, even on your

own property. You may have heard before

that if a burglar breaks in your house

and gets hurt, they can sue you. That's

sort of true, sort of not, but there is

something to be said for that. So if you

have... let's say, in your backyard, there's

a shortcut to the park and people cut

through your backyard all the time to

get to the park. And yes, they are

trespassing. It is illegal for them to be

doing that, and you'd rather they didn't

do it, but you know about it. You can't

set up a gun range in your backyard and

be shooting all the time, knowing that

people come through there. What you would

have to do is put up a fence, and to put

up signs that say 'dangerous gun range.'

All that kind of stuff, and warn people

as much as you can, and then you can use

your backyard to have a gun range. With

the burglars for example, if they stub

their toe stealing your TV, you're fine.

But if you set up a trap to specifically

hurt that person when you're not in

danger, then that would be illegal. So for

a spot like Hollywood high, let's say,

they put up fences all over. I've driven

past it. I've never actually been there,

but I'm sure there's no skateboarding

signs all over the place. They try to

stop you as much as they can. In that

case, they're probably safe from any kind

of legal repercussions of someone

getting hurt there. I would say there's a

very good chance that they will never

get in trouble for somebody breaking in

and hurting themselves. So why is

everyone so paranoid about getting sued

if someone gets hurt? Well I've found a

quote from the David Arnell, who's an

attorney, and he's talking specifically

about skate parks. But this is what he

has to say: "The fear of liability has

prevented private and public entities

from encouraging or allowing risky

recreational activities, despite

liability limiting statutes passed by

legislators." And the reason people are so

paranoid is because there's a million

stories out there, especially online.

Lawsuits that went, and all kinds of weird

stuff. So what I found, for example, was:

there's a kid in West Virginia who went over

to his neighbor's driveway and got hurt.

It wasn't a skateboarding related, but

the kid got hurt. Their parents sued the

neighbor, even though they weren't even

there, and the neighbor had to pay for

the medical expenses for the kid. Now who

knows how true? Any of that is, and

usually there's some other kind of

circumstance. There were toys in the

neighbor's driveway, or they invited him

over before, and then they weren't there.

Something like that. There's usually

something else going on, like the

McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit. You all

know about that. Someone orders hot

coffee, spills it on themselves. They sue

McDonald's and get millions of dollars,


Not exactly. So there's always something

else. In that case, what happened was, the

Health Department had warned McDonald's

that their coffee was unsafe. It was too

hot. And they ignored it. And they ignored

it, and so yeah, she spilled on herself and

she got millions of dollars. But

McDonald's appealed, and all they really

ended up paying was her expenses for the

most part. So yeah, there are these crazy

cases that make it to the news, but

usually there's something else going on,

like that attorney from the beginning

said: the law is generally pretty

reasonable. So I haven't been able to

find any cases of someone hurting

themselves skateboarding and suing. But I

have found some very similar cases and

I'm gonna talk through a few of them.

They'll usually sound like they're

pretty close, but then when you get into

the details ,you'll find out the real

reason. Alright so the first one here. So

this one is about a kid suing a middle

school for a skateboarding accident, but

what actually happened? So what happened

was, the staff in the school left

skateboards out in the gym. The kid got

hurt, broke his ankle, but what they

actually are suing for is that they made

the kid walk on his broken ankle to go

get ice for himself, and they refused to

let him call his parents. So that's what

the actual lawsuit was. It's not that he

tried to grind the curb and twisted his

ankle. He actually got hurt, and then they

were neglectful in the way they handled

it. This next one is: skateboarding in a

parking lot leads to a half million

dollar settlement.

And of course, there's a lot more to it

than that. So this one is about these two

very little kids riding on one

skateboard, and they're in a parking lot.

The parking lot was angled downhill, and

they ended up down in the road where

they got hit by a car. One of them hurt

and one of them killed.

So the lawsuit was not necessarily that

they were skateboarding in the parking

lot. The lawsuit was that, to the city,

they had no "children playing" signs. There

was no sidewalk for the kids to end up

on, or shoulder. They had to

end up in traffic, didn't have a choice.

And so they're suing the city for that,

and not suing for s"kateboarder getting

hurt." The last story was about a kid who

got hurt skating at Target. What happened?

Did he try to grind the handrail out

front, and it shot out and hurt himself?

No, it was a little kid inside the store.

He grabbed the skateboard off the shelf

jumped on it, did some stuff, and ended up

hurting himself really bad. And there were

suing Target, not necessarily about the

skateboard, but about having dangerous

things available. And that was what the

question was about: whether they're

liable for having, you know, hammers and

other things that people could hurt

themselves with. And I didn't see how

that case turned out. They never updated

it or anything. I don't know if it got

thrown out or what, but it doesn't really

matter. It still cost Target money to

fight this lawsuit about skateboarding,

and I think that's the real concern here.

So let's assume that, when someone throws

you out for their insurance or whatever,

that that's the real reason. Part

of it is, they don't want kids skating in

front of their door where old ladies

can't go in, because they're scared. You

know, it costs them money to have people

skating there or whatever. If the real

reason is because they're worried about

their insurance and their liability,

there's a very small chance that you

would ever win a lawsuit, but you could

still file one it could still cost them

money to do that. So I think that's

really the reason why, you know, people

always trying to protect themselves and

their own interests which makes sense. So

that's what I was able to find. If you

have found any specific lawsuits about

skateboarding at a spot and getting hurt,

let me know about those below. I was not

able to find any that are just a kid

doing a trick and getting hurt, but if

you found any, let me know about those

below. Until next time, here are some more

videos I did recently that you

might want to check out. I also have my

logo on the screen right here. You can

tap that so you can keep learning new

things about skateboarding three times a

week. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Can You Really Sue if You Get Hurt? Skateboard Lawsuits - Duration: 11:16.


(FREE) Wiz Khalifa x Kevin Gates x Ty Dolla Sign Type Beat "DIAL UP" - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> (FREE) Wiz Khalifa x Kevin Gates x Ty Dolla Sign Type Beat "DIAL UP" - Duration: 4:16.


CBC NL Here & Now Monday October 9 2017 - Duration: 23:00.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Monday October 9 2017 - Duration: 23:00.


When The Earth Was Purple - Duration: 5:37.

Picture the view of Earth from space.

Beautiful, right?

What colors do you see?

Besides the blue of the oceans, the dominant color of our planet, as we know it, is green.

But imagine a time when the Earth looked a little … purple.

All that green we see today is because of chlorophyll, the pigment that plants use to

harness the sun's energy through photosynthesis.

Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs the blue and red parts of the visible spectrum

to use in photosynthesis, while reflecting green light.

But the fact is, the sun actually emits more photons in the green wavelengths than any

other part of the visible spectrum.

And this has biologists puzzled.

Why didn't living things evolve to take advantage of all that literal green energy,

by absorbing green light, instead of reflecting it?

Well, scientists think that green light is so plentiful that absorbing all of its energy

would actually be harmful, causing damage to the pigment -- similar to a sunburn.

But another, more interesting explanation has been proposed too.

It's called the Purple Earth Hypothesis.

So the idea goes, maybe the very first photosynthesizers on Earth didn't use chlorophyll at all.

Instead, maybe they used another, simpler light-sensitive molecule -- one that did absorb

all of that abundant green energy, and reflected purple light.

The idea is at least plausible, because such tiny, lavender forms of life exist on Earth

today: They're called halobacteria.

Halobacteria aren't actually bacteria -- they're Archaea, single-celled organisms that mostly

thrive in extreme environments, where almost nothing else can live.

For example, they're known for living happily in concentrated salt solutions.

Their membranes contain a light-sensitive pigment called retinal, which absorbs green

light, making it appear purple as a result.

Retinal is a simpler molecule than chlorophyll, and it's easier to produce, while making

the most of that abundant green light.

So the Purple Earth Hypothesis suggests that, back in the Archaean Eon, before chlorophyll

was a thing, Earth's oceans may have been dominated by microbes that were a lot like

halobacteria -- ones that used retinal, or some other purple pigment, to harness the

sun's energy.

This idea was first proposed in the mid 2000s by microbial geneticist Shil DasSarma at the

University of Maryland.

He says his hypothesis might help explain why today's photosynthesizers don't absorb

the green light from the sun -- because they adapted to a world where an abundance of other

organisms was already monopolizing it.

According to the Purple Earth Hypothesis, chlorophyll eventually evolved in a different,

competing lineage of microbes, to take advantage of the wavelengths of light that purple Archaea

weren't using.

Picture a mat of green, chlorophyll-based microbes underneath a raft of purple, retinal-based

microbes, soaking up the leftover dregs of light.

In this scenario, halobacteria -- or something like them -- could have been among the earliest

forms of life on our planet.

And their world would've been very different from the one we know today -- hot, bombarded

by UV rays, and rich in sulfur and methane.

Unlike today's chlorophyll-using photosynthesizers, these organisms wouldn't have produced oxygen

-- in fact, they would have thrived in the oxygen-deprived environment of early Earth.

That is, of course, until those lowly chlorophyll-producers started taking over.

Chlorophyll is a more complex molecule than retinal, and it doesn't soak up those abundant

green wavelengths of light.

But it is more efficient -- making better use of the light that it absorbs, and converting

more of it into usable energy.

And in the long run, that's what may have mattered most.

Of course, this is all speculation -- the fossil record is pretty limited when it comes

to microbes from billions of years ago, so the purple Earth hypothesis can't be proven

either way.

But, it does fit with what we know about the atmosphere of early Earth.

For instance, we know that, around three billion years ago, there was barely a trace of oxygen

in our planet's atmosphere -- so there couldn't have been a lot of chlorophyll-based photosynthesis

going on.

But we also know that, about two billion years ago, some microbes that did use chlorophyll

-- like cyanobacteria -- came on the scene, and began to flourish, releasing tons of oxygen.

The flood of oxygen would have killed off many of the simpler -- possibly purple! -- microbes

that came before them.

This microbial carnage came to be known as the Great Oxygenation Event, which we've

talked about before.

But if DasSarma's hypothesis is right, then why are there still halobacteria and other

Archaea around today?

Wouldn't they have been wiped out?

Well, his work suggests that some crafty halobacteria may have managed to snatch a few genes from

the DNA of other microbes that allowed them to survive in the presence of oxygen, which

has helped them persist into the present.

Again, it's all speculation.

But a purple Earth is fun to think about.

And if this idea is true, it could also have big implications for the search for life on

other planets.

One way we seek out other living worlds is by looking for planets that reflect less red

light than we'd expect.

This could mean they have organisms with chlorophyll that are absorbing those red wavelengths.

But, if life can evolve with more than one way of making energy from light, maybe we

shouldn't just be searching for planets that are green like ours.

Maybe ... we need to be looking for purple worlds as well.

What do you want to know about the story of life on Earth?

Let us know in the comments.

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

Now, don't stop exploring!

Check out some of our sister channels from PBS Digital Studios, and find out what you'll

discover next!

For more infomation >> When The Earth Was Purple - Duration: 5:37.


Gilbert Arenas Puts Mia Khalifa on Blast For Sliding into His DMs - Duration: 1:33.

Thursday had her asking: Doing anything for the Caps game tonight?

And on Friday, she had had enough, writing: Damn, no love for the DC fam.

It's not hard to see why Arenas felt the need to share his message with the world.

Once his screenshot was published, everyone started paying attention.

Khalifa, who'd previously exposed athletes like Buffalo Bills safety Duke Williams in

the past for doing what she's now done, has yet to comment on the matter, however Khalifa's

management has released the following as a formal press statement:

"Mia Khalifa has acknowledged that her behavior and comments were completely out of bounds."

There has been no official word on whether Khalifa herself will address the situation

directly, but stay locked to Complex for more information as it comes to light.

For Complex News, I'm Frazier.

For more infomation >> Gilbert Arenas Puts Mia Khalifa on Blast For Sliding into His DMs - Duration: 1:33.


Why You Don't Hear From Jonathan Taylor Thomas Anymore - Duration: 4:13.

If you were a girl growing up in the '90s, chances are you had a poster of Jonathan Taylor

Thomas hanging in your locker at school.

The teen idol starred in ABC's wildly popular Home Improvement as the middle son of Tim

"The Toolman" Taylor, voiced kid-Simba in Disney's smash hit The Lion King, and was

the marquee name in a string of live-action Disney flicks, including I'll Be Home for


Then, all of a sudden, Thomas disappeared.

What's he up to now?


Thomas left Home Improvement at the peak of his fame in 1998 to focus on school, and it

paid off in a major way: he enrolled at Harvard University in 2000, studied abroad at St.

Andrew's University in Scotland, and graduated from Columbia University in 2010.

"This is huge!"

Thomas told People magazine in 2013,

"I'd been going nonstop since I was eight years old.

I wanted to go to school, to travel and have a bit of a break.

To sit in a big library amongst books and students, that was pretty cool.

It was a novel experience for me."

Guest roles

Thomas guest-starred on Smallville in 2002 and again in 2004.

He also appeared in Eight Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter and showed up in

a few episodes of Veronica Mars in 2004.

Years later, Thomas reunited with his Home Improvement parents for several episodes of

Last Man Standing.

In addition to guest-starring, Thomas also directed several episodes of the series.

Bros for life

In 2012, Thomas' former TV older brother, Zachery Ty Bryan, revealed that he and Thomas

have remained close since Home Improvement went off the air.

Bryan told,

"We'll go out, hang out for an evening, catch up.

All good stuff."

In 2013, Us Weekly reported that the two reunited for a screening of the thriller Dark Tourist,

which Bryan produced, in Los Angeles.

No regrets

Despite leaving Hollywood at the peak of his career, Thomas is adamant that his decision

was 100 percent for the best.

He told People in 2013,

"I never took the fame too seriously.

It was a great period in my life, but it doesn't define me.

When I think back on the time, I look at it with a wink.

I focus on the good moments I had, not that I was on a lot of magazine covers."

Actor's advocate

In July 2017, Variety reported that Thomas was running for a seat on the Screen Actors

Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists national board.

Thomas decried exploitative producers and unsteady wages in the industry in a statement,


"Since I started as a child actor, a group still being taken advantage of by producers,

times have become more uncertain for performers.

Many members are facing chronic insecurity, shrinking paychecks, and unlivable residuals

in basic cable and new media.

Periodic work at scale is simply not sustainable."

The following month, Thomas was successfully elected to the board, alongside a number of

A-listers, included Martin Sheen, Regina King, and Matthew Modine.

"That's fantastic!"

JTT 4 Ever

In June 2016, Complex published a heartfelt piece about the lasting star power of Thomas,

particularly among girls that grew up in the '90s:

"JTT was our friend and unrequited crush.

He was an anodyne symbol of purity and love, and he epitomized our peaceful pre-9/11 world.

He was intangible yet concurrently relatable."

The piece closed with a thirsty plea for JTT to return to the spotlight:

"While we continue to endlessly cycle through '90s nostalgia, Taylor Thomas' MIA status

makes us yearn for him even more, much like we did as hormone-fueled teens … JTT, I

know you hate being called that, but if you're reading this, it's not too late to come back."

"That's a great idea!"

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why You Don't Hear From Jonathan Taylor Thomas Anymore - Duration: 4:13.


Korean Firing Onggi Kiln-한국 전통가마에서 옹기가 생성되는 과정 - Duration: 10:56.

The wind that passed between you and me

Where did loneliness come from

The sky that I looked up with tears

It looked extraordinarily clear and transparent.

Your name is considered ost ☆

Starry sky Starry day

It is the season when you thought it was you

The sky is low and the ground is a little high.

These landscapes, often seen wherever they are Moose Bee

Keep up the time

Go up to your hand like a rising salmon

I put the ring in and I confess.

But I can not see you.

Beyond the horizon,

You'll be alone.

Where is it? Why can not I see?

But in the end, I'll meet you.

Moose Bee

We are just a little bit like this

May we stick a little more

Your name is ost

We are time flyer

Climber back in time

I will not be playing hide-and-seek in time now

I'm glad I'm tears

It's too sad to laugh

Your feelings have been ahead of you.

For more infomation >> Korean Firing Onggi Kiln-한국 전통가마에서 옹기가 생성되는 과정 - Duration: 10:56.


EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Casino Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:49.

EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Casino

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Casino Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:49.


Jessie Vargas on his favorite MMA fighter, Mayweather-McGregor fallout, more - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Jessie Vargas on his favorite MMA fighter, Mayweather-McGregor fallout, more - Duration: 7:01.


Diagnosing and Troubleshooting your Dodge - Chrysler - Jeep vehicle - Duration: 0:20.

We're able to check your engine computer, fuse box, TPM, BCM, your RF hub,

ignition switch and your fobik remotes to make sure that they're all working

properly and they're not the reasons why the truck is not working.

For more infomation >> Diagnosing and Troubleshooting your Dodge - Chrysler - Jeep vehicle - Duration: 0:20.


EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal The Market Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:26.

EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal The Market

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal The Market Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:26.


EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Church Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 2:52.

EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Church

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The True Criminal Church Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 2:52.


Book Wrap Up 2017 Books 6 to 10 | Alffbooks [CC] - Duration: 10:10.

Hello, my name is Stephen Alff and welcome back to Alffbooks! And today

we're here for a wrap-up! Today I will be wrapping up books 6 to 10 that I read

this year! Something I would like to quickly mention that I forgot in the

previous video for books 1 to 5 is that those first 5 books were a total of 1539

pages and a 1-hour listening for the audio book that was

in there. So, book 6 was Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley.

This is a book that I decided to pick up because, well, it's a classic! I'd heard so

much about it! So many people said so much great stuff about it but then I

didn't like it! I only gave it 2 out of 5 stars and I was wondering if there was

something, like, about it that I was not getting but the more I thought about it

it was just that I didn't like the characters. I didn't enjoy following

either the professor(*Doctor) or the monster! I just didn't find it interesting! Yeah! Which is

unfortunate! I mean, you're reading a book, a famous book that you're like: I'm gonna

really like this gonna find this interesting finally gonna discover the real story

behind Frankenstein and why everyone always mentions Frankenstein!

I mean Frankenstein is used in Van Helsing, Frankenstein is used in so many

other films just as a stand-in character sometimes and you're just like well okay but

what's the actual story and then I mean it's just kind of meh, not what I

expected! It wasn't as interesting I mean okay it wasn't an action movie but I

mean I was I was I was disappointed by it and that was ... maybe my expectations

were too high but I just really didn't enjoy it and the beginning of it was

really hard to read! So the first the first letters at the very beginning of

the book I was just like, What is this? Who is this? Who's talking to who? And you

finally kind of get an idea of what's going on but it wasn't particularly

interesting to read! I I don't know that's maybe just my opinion, yeah! So 2

out of 5 stars! Yeah! So I listened to Frankenstein and

it was a total of eight hours and 35 minutes.

Next, we have The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss! And I really

enjoyed this book! This got five out of five stars and just like The Name of

the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear I really really enjoyed it! It is very

different though! it is very different! There is absolutely no dialogue in the

book and there's only one character! So, the one character is Auri and we're

following Auri for a few days of her life. So, it's kind of a few days in the life

of Auri! And I find that is so cool because Auri is one of my favourite

characters and it was really interesting to kind of get this insight into the

character of Auri! Really cool! I don't want to say too much because I

don't want to spoil it but I find that it is perfect to read it after you've

read the two other books! So, after you've read The Name of the Wind and The Wise

Man's Fear you should read it because it it takes kind of it doesn't it doesn't

directly take from the story but I find that things you learn in the first two

books about the world really help you kind of piece together an.. at least a

hypothesis, in some some sense about Auri that I find is really cool and that is

something that you ... I just feel like if you've read the other two books you

just benefit from it so much more! So yeah, it was really cool! I really

enjoyed it and I mean I could read all those books over and over and over! That

book is relatively short being only a 159 pages!

The next book was Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift. This is a book that I listen to.

So, the audio book was 11 hours and 35 minutes and it was really interesting!

Though it became less and less interesting the further you go on in the

book and I didn't expect the second half of the book! As in, I knew about

Gulliver's Travels and I knew what I thought to be the complete Gulliver's

Travels but there are four voyages in the book and I only knew of the first

two and I thought they were the only two! So that was a an interesting surprise

and it really does add to the book because they're completely different to

the first 2! So that was really interesting! The only thing is

it starts feeling very repetitive and yeah! Though something I do want to bring up

which I find it's fascinating I really like the way the author did it is where

he compares the current society around the time when the book is written or at

least the time depicted in the book and he has, through the Gulliver's voice I

believe, he says that these points of view are not his own and that he is

merely passing on what he is seeing in these different countries and saying hey

well these people see this as completely barbaric and it's perfectly normal for

us but it's not our fault or this or that but whatever way it's done it's

just I just I like that part! Those small parts were really interestingly

done and I, I like the way he was definitely judging the society but no

definitely not I mean oh no this, don't, don't take this

badly like yeah! I thought that was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

So yeah! Only three out of five stars because of the repetitiveness

and I found that at some point the different place he was going to weren't

adding that much to the overall story! Next, I reread one of my childhood

favourite books and that is Les Frontières de Glace by Pierre Bottero! This is

a book that I've mentioned before or at least you'll probably remember me

mentioning the first book in the series and that is D'Un Monde à l'autre which is the

first book and this is the second book of La Quête d'Ewilan! So, I keep mentioning

this author because I keep rereading his books!

I just love them! Childhood favourite books and they're still favourites and

that is something I find always fun! Obviously, it's still a 5 out of 5 stars!

Yeah, that's not changed! What I find always interesting about rereading books

is that you sometimes discover things you completely missed, absolutely

completely missed and that's happened in the fifth reading of the first book in

this series! The first time I read these books I was 11 and now 21, 10 years later

I'm still enjoying them and that is something I think is fantastic! It shows

just how stories follow you and how you grow with them and

how you you read them again and you get something else out of them every time!

And that is phenomenal! Love the book! It is following the characters of Ewilan,

well, mostly the character of Ewilan but also the character of Salim who is

her best friend and the adventures that they get up to and yeah I just think

it's fantastic! Unfortunately it doesn't exist in English that I know of! Which

means I can't share it with you guys unless you read French or German because

it was translated to German before English! There must be a reason maybe

there was an audience for it in Germany that they could immediately tap into! I

don't know, but it exists in those two! So if you can read either of those, I

definitely recommend it! 314 pages long! So book 10 that I read

this year was A Study in scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This was a book that

I had been wanting to get around to for a long time because it's the first

Sherlock Holmes story that I actually read and I know, ridiculous! I watched all

of the Sherlock series and the films and I still hadn't read any Sherlock stories!

So now I fixed that I've read one! I will read more, it's a start! I thought the way

it's written is very interesting! Now you do notice some of the words used are

slightly outdated but that just adds to it when you're reading it just like

immerse yourself into it where you're like oh yes, yes he is definitely in

London in this with its posh, posh English in some sense. You can

just imagine it because of some of the word choices and the way it's described.

Though one thing I found really strange about the book, now again, I listened to

this one so I don't know if it changes it but I, at some point in the middle, I

just got lost because there was a transition and I don't know if it's

because I was not paying attention at that particular moment that I missed

something but there was just a transition from you're there with

Sherlock and they're talking about the case or something and then next moment

you're following two completely different characters in a completely

different place and you're just wondering well What did I miss? What just happened?

And it's basically because there's a flashback but there's no actual clear

explanation! But otherwise very interesting, very interesting the way it

was done! Because I got lost and some things like that happened, three out of

five stars! And this audio book was 5 hours and 39 minutes. So now we've gotten

to these stats part of the video so basically what is the total of pages

read and the total of hours of audio books listen to! So the total pages

is *2012 pages and I listened to 26 hours and 49 minutes worth of audio books! I

hope you enjoyed this! If you did, feel free to subscribe! If you haven't seen

yet, the previous video is a really really cool video and I'm going to leave

it here so you can check it out because it's so good I loved doing it with jay

from captured in words! He may have appeared here as a hologram in my

previous video and I thought that was so cool! He edited that because I would not

have known how to start for that! Yeah, basically we are organizing a giveaway

and we're giving away 10 copies of The Name of the Wind, so if you want to check

out that video it'll have all the details of what you need to know to

enter! we're also doing a live stream on Tuesday! So feel free to check that out! I

would love to see you at the live stream! I hope you have a fantastic week! That's all

from me! Bye!

For more infomation >> Book Wrap Up 2017 Books 6 to 10 | Alffbooks [CC] - Duration: 10:10.


Advice | Episode 54 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 4:02.

[Episode 54 - Advice]

I mean, it's not like you couldn't go see her again, just to say goodbye.

- Oh, I said goodbye. Jamie Chettam even heard me say it.

It'd be just so embarrassing to-

Look, a first goodbye has like pathos.

A second goodbye is...pathetic.

- But...?

But there's so much I didn't get to say. I meant to. I mean I

basically wrote it all out it's just-

just when I saw her, we both just stood there, like

like we were slowly turning to marble. and

I mean I didn't even ask her how Casaubon's even

blackmailing her, or what she's going to do about it.

I'm such a mess, Adele.

- I can't argue with you there, but I really do think you should try again.

I mean, it won't be that big of a deal.

What's a little embarrassment when your heart's desire hangs in the balance?

- Did you hear about the party last night? With Raffles?

- Yeah, I- it's so, like-

Who could do something like that?

- I mean, I think Raffles is well on his way to expulsion. - He better be.

And I heard they're thinking about firing Bulstrode as well.

- You know, I'm almost going to miss him. - Almost.

Do you think that this could mean that Fred might...?

- I don't know. Maybe. I had been texting and calling him all morning but

he usually gets up a few hours from now, I will say, so- maybe?

- Well, we can work with maybe.

Morning! - Morning.

- Hi, Dot!

You know, Celia and I were just talking a bit, umm,

- Yeah, umm, we were saying that,

well, you've been so down lately and- and I know it's been super hard and- and this

might be impossible right now, but

don't you think it might be time to move forward?

If you- it's just, if you stay like sad

all the time, then don't you think that's kind of letting Casaubon win?

- Yeah, you know, and if if you want to move on, I know some people I could introduce you to.

I mean, you might be interested in them.

- Thanks, but I don't think that I want you know, like a rebound.

In fact, I don't think I want to date anyone again for a really long time.

It's just...too much.

- Anyone at all?

Even someone really wonderful? - No, not anyone at all. I-

I mean I have a lot of plans for the semester. I have classes to take, and

books to read, and documentary to film, so...

- As long as your plans make you happy.

- They will. - Good.


For more infomation >> Advice | Episode 54 | Middlemarch: The Series - Duration: 4:02.


LipStick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 Amazing Lip Art Designs & Ideas 💋 Diy MakeUp for Girls - #1 - Duration: 5:11.

LipStick Tutorial Compilation 2017 💄 Amazing Lip Art Designs & Ideas 💋 Diy MakeUp for Girls - #1

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