Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

(gentle music)

- Hi, my name is Hoan Do, and today I'll be giving

the most important speech of my life.

For nearly a decade, I've had the opportunity to

speak at colleges, companies, and conferences

around the world, but today 'll be giving the

most important one as I propose to my girlfriend.

I knew after our first date that she'd be a special

person in my life, and on this day, July 25,

it's been three years to this date that we've met.

In meeting her, she's helped me to teach me

how to be more compassionate towards others,

how to be more patient, and she's added color to my life.

In preparing for this proposal I wanted to include

all her family and her close friends, and we're

actually gonna recreate one of our old dates.

Two and a half years ago, Anh Thu had mentioned to me

that there's a Before I die wall in Minneapolis.

Essentially to help people to pause and think what

they wanna do before they die.

So instantly I knew this would be a great opportunity

to have a date where we'd write on it together.

As I flew in from Washington State to the freezing cold

of Minneapolis, I decided to go figure out

where this wall is before I meet up with her,

so I don't look like a huge doofus walking in

the wrong direction.

Once I get to the spot, all I see is the empty parking lot.

I find out that the wall was taken down

during the summertime.

Rather than giving up, I decided I'm gonna create

my own wall.

I ran to Target, bought all this chalk, and I started

writing on the brick wall in the parking lot.

As we were on our date, I said, hey, let's go for a walk.

As we were walking to the location, I turned to her

and said that I know there's no longer a

Before I die wall here, but I figured we can create our own.

Now, thinking back and preparing this proposal, I thought

this was only fitting to do it on the day that we met

three years ago July 25, but since we didn't get

a real wall last time, I figured we'll get a

real wall this time.

(upbeat music)

So I contacted the Before I die organization; they gave

us the okay, they gave us the materials on how to make it,

and we had gathered all her family, her closest friends,

my parents, flew them in from Seattle.

We came here three days ago.

My dad made blueprints to make sure we can do it to scale,

and what we wanna make sure the case to kinda prop it up.

We painted it.

We spent three full days to put this thing together

and I know it will be all worth it once I see her,

her reaction.

(upbeat music)

(record scratch)

(pouring rain)

What had happened was right when we were ready

to rock and roll, she was on her way over, it just

started raining hard, and as you can see, erased everything.

But, it's about working through this, and everything

happens for a reason.

So, everything's washed out, but I just rewrote

propose to Anh Thu, 'cause that's what's most important.

(upbeat music)

How's it going?

- Good.

How are you?

- As you can see, it started raining.

We had the whole board filled out, and it started pouring


(laughs) Forget it. You know what?

It's only fitting that it started raining, 'cause

when we were on our Before I die date, it was snowing.

- Yeah.

- And I want you to know that after our first date,

I knew that you'd be very special person in my life.

It was three years ago today that we met

and I can say that meeting you was the best

birthday present I've ever received.

- Oh, thanks baby.

- Only thing that would make me happier than

having you as a girlfriend is having you as a wife.

- Oh my God.


- Anh Thu Le, will you marry me?

- Yes.



Oh. Oh my God.

It's beautiful, baby.

- Not only is it you and me and your best friends,

but we have our family, and your closest friends here

to celebrate as well.

(upbeat music)

One down and many more to go.

For more infomation >> The Best Wedding Prosposal - Before I Die Wall - Duration: 5:03.


USDA Organic Infant Formula Contains Pesticide Labeled As A "Nutrient" - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> USDA Organic Infant Formula Contains Pesticide Labeled As A "Nutrient" - Duration: 9:14.


Como o outro me vê é o que eu sou? - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Como o outro me vê é o que eu sou? - Duration: 1:27.


5 TL'YE SOFTBOX NASIL YAPILIR ? ( El Yapımı ) - Duration: 24:47.

For more infomation >> 5 TL'YE SOFTBOX NASIL YAPILIR ? ( El Yapımı ) - Duration: 24:47.


The first FLYING TAXIS will be in Dubai! The future is now! - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> The first FLYING TAXIS will be in Dubai! The future is now! - Duration: 2:17.


Paytm Earn money 5 Minutes Work Earn Easy Rs-20 Rupees [ Hindi ] - Duration: 4:34.

Popular Tech

Daily update video

For more infomation >> Paytm Earn money 5 Minutes Work Earn Easy Rs-20 Rupees [ Hindi ] - Duration: 4:34.


Bitcoin education beats traditional edu! Bcash a bigger player than Bizcoin? Ethereum CAHF update - Duration: 18:26.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to today in bitcoin today is October the 9th 2017 buy-and-hold strong

hand happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all the people in Canada all right

remember check out yesterday's show and Saturday shows they're linked to below

and follow me on twitter at tech ball eech be alt that's what yesterday's show

from Facebook was all about that I also put on here I you know YouTube has had

many issues and I've been having issues with YouTube mostly because I'm in a

place where it's I can't do live shows because of the internet connection but

I'm evolving my social media presence and I need everyone to follow me on

Twitter at Tech vault-tec HB alt because you're gonna be able to find out what

I'm doing live shows where I'm doing the live shows because the format is gonna

change here and I'll get into that later but and this week we're not gonna have

this week in Bitcoin most likely because I cannot do that live show here in Spain

is just in the issues with the technology and everything but everyone

should be excited about the new format that I'm going to be bringing to YouTube

very soon but you're gonna have to to stay and it's not always gonna be live

so Twitter will be a great way to stay live with me because I'm always updating

Twitter again at Tec bought on Twitter te CH B alt that's like technology

Baltimore and you know we can't depend on just YouTube all the time now I have

to branch out to other places and so let's diversify here not decentralize

from from YouTube and it's going to be much more efficient

for me and it'll be more efficient for you guys to trust me when we do this new

format so learning and Bitcoin and education and Bitcoin we're all used to

our traditional education you know going middle school high school then college

and graduate school and then you're supposed to get a good job or just high

school and then you get a an okay job or college and you get a pretty good job is

that really the case are you really learning skills that are

gonna is gonna put you it's gonna put you in a new a new economic zone a new

just a more comfortable place in your life or should you really learn about

new technologies like Bitcoin I remember in the days of the internet and I talked

about this in yesterday's Facebook show with some of you probably missed it it

really if you look back on it if you learned about the Internet in the early

2000s you've probably got a better education in terms of being able to make

more money now than you did going to a good college

so teach your children well get them in the Bitcoin now teach yourself well you

can this is the key to self-employment getting into debt and going to an okay

university or even a good university probably is not gonna get you on the

road to being self-employed Bitcoin education and it's again things are

rough right now in Bitcoin like in terms of it's hard to understand for most

people so if you can grasp the concepts and if you're able to teach others or if

you're just able to somehow make your own business out of it you're just way

ahead of the curve here and you're gonna be able to beat work for yourself and

make good money and more and have true freedom and I'm living the life here man

I mean I people gonna say well no you went to a good color but my current

lifestyle I've done very well from Bitcoin because I know about Bitcoin now

that's propelled me to a whole new area yeah I had been self-employed for quite

some time from since before Bitcoin but again we're in an area now where this is

your key to being self-employed okay don't get into debt College goes up in

cost every year it's free to learn Bitcoin okay it's $50,000 a year to go

to Johns Hopkins or wherever or brown or Washington University where I went

so remember pound that like button subscribe to this channel check out the

links below follow me at Tech vault-tec HB alt all right ID link to the vortex

show below but lo I was supposed to be on it right when it started I got kicked

off because of the internet connection and I'm really sorry about that it was

it was obviously a good show I like some of the guys that we're on there have

been on my show before it's just so unfortunate this internet connected this

internet issue again you can't just put all your eggs in one unit two basket and

I'm I'm not going to be doing it anymore so it you know I've learned a lot from

these uh being kicked off the internet I came up today when I was walking around

al beer Spain that's where I am I came up with all these new ideas for the new

format for the new show we're gonna have here and it's gonna be 8:45 in the

morning Eastern Time every day I don't know when it's going to start but it

that's just going to be our start time 8:45 in the morning Eastern Time so it's

going to be a regular time so everyone can get used to it and it'll probably be

a shorter show it'll be not as many topics as this we'll get into the name I

got the name and everything alright so aetherium community activated hard fork

people that crypto dividend that I only I have been talking about for the last

few weeks a theory of three aetherium

proof of work they updated me we will reveal our homepage and repositories

very soon thanks for your interest all right so we're getting closer to the

etherium hard fork are these guys going to make their aetherium 3 here is this

really going to happen are we gonna get etherium

crypto dividends for just holding aetherium because yeah some of us hold

the theory I'm for whatever various reasons and yeah bring it on I'm a

Bitcoin guy of course but dude if a theory wants to do it too if these guys

do it good luck good luck to them so as soon as I know

more information about this I will tell you but again their website is CAH CAH F

dot C oh right oh god I don't even have it in front of me but I'll keep everyone

updated email me at a dimitra's or help calm if you have any information about

any future crypto dividend issuance on any coin and of course if you need a

crypto consultation I I do that for people remember no fancy set of graphics

here just information and I am proud of the information that I'm giving given

the viewers out here this is the best YouTube channel out there baby you

better believe it in terms of information you know in terms of fancy

graphics I don't know go go learn about steam or something no steam it is good

don't buy steam they said another one of my sayings is that gonna be a theme or

something someone should draw like a little caricature of me like screaming

that kind of stuff people have done funny characters yours of me there's

some good artists out there you know with this hair you can make all sorts of

crazy pictures that you have to laugh at yourself people you cannot take yourself

too seriously okay so be cash is it's a bigger issue than the 2x biz can

whatever you want to call that one in the long run whether people like it or

not there is a be cash community out there

Simon Dickson talked about being at a big cash event in in Hong Kong on this

very channel he talked about that and I just interacted with a guy from Perth

who's a big cash fan so is there anyone on social media though other than these

heads of corporations or whatever that support the 2x that support biscone I

know no they're not so that that's point number one out there I mean there are be

be cashiers out there like it or not and so the this

thing is here you can call it a nuisance or whatever it's going to be there for a

while as a threat and I bring this up because the you know people are saying

that there are former be cashiers supporting biscone and they're not

former beacon I mean these guys still like be cash

they're supporting biscone which is the 2x fork because the biscayne thought the

more they support basically the more Fudd there is going to be and it's going

to cause some people to fear biz coin taking over which it's not going to take

over the bitcoin name it is not but if you're a be cash or if you're really

malicious and not all be cashiers are malicious like it some of them were

prominent people out there but if you're a malicious BK sure I mean you want to

cause as much fear as possible and so that people just hold on to their

Bitcoin hold on to their busy own there is paralysis because people are fearing

the replay attacks they don't know what is going to be the real bitcoin so

they're just holding on everything and so then they have created a problem

there's gonna be at least no matter what happens P and I know I'm not spreading

the FUD here there is going to be even if there is no threat of Bitcoin even if

everyone is totally cool on that day and everyone isn't because of these people

spreading this FUD but there is going to be a slowdown in terms of Bitcoin moving

because people are scared of these replay protections how big the slowdown

is how but if there's a paralysis at that point depends on how much we

retweet these guys how much we talk about these biz corners or be malicious

be cashiers but yeah if if this happens though there's a probe there's going to

be a problem and so the malicious be cashiers will present their solution and

their solution will be at that point well we at B cash we're not we're not in

this at all just we're the real Bitcoin you don't

have to worry about replay attacks on on be cash mark I mean I can see it now

people I can see it now so don't say like that there are there people saying

oh king of the trolls has left be cash to to go to a bitcoin no no don't worry

it's all big strategy it's all a big strategy so at that point - once they

start pumping up be cash in that way they'll start selling their Bitcoin

they're busy own their be gold just the further punt and we got into

this on a previous show of line but I think it's it should be brought up again

this whole how this could play out so everyone does not panic and does not

sell their Bitcoin that that is the bottom line here is not not not to sell

your Bitcoin now again I understand why people are saying oh be cash is dead be

of and because the price is going down so much well think about it why then why

is the price of B cash going down now as we get closer to the be gold and 2x or

is Bitcoin fork because you can't get crypto dividends with B cash you can

only get crypto dividends those two crooks of diamonds that I just mentioned

with Bitcoin so people are song there be cash to get

the Bitcoin so they can get the B gold and get them to get the Bitcoin so of

course the the price of Bitcoin is going up and of course the pretend bitcoins

going up for other reasons too but of course the price of B cash is going down

as now's the time to get rid of that because you can get your other crypto

dividends but dude I'm sure that the the bad dudes out there are liking that the

price of B cash is going down and they're probably gonna buy it all up for

cheap and then start the pump äj-- once November comes along and once all the

scenario that I just mentioned previously starts to happen and they

dump their be gold and but again again and it would not shock me in the least

that once we get rid of by this November stuff again so yeah I think B cash is

going to pump again in November during some times of relative uncertainty how

uncertain people are going to be is up to you guys how

you stay and I'm saying have a strong hand through this but it wouldn't shock

be once they get through that gimmick the be cash people come up with a

post-november gimmick where maybe they start up creating crypto dividends for

be cash and thus making be cash something that well it's the only other

coin besides a theory I'm in Bitcoin that are doing this crypto dividend

thing I better get this BK so I mean they've got all sorts of gimmicks up

their sleeves so I'm not I'm not a fan of e cash but I'm not gonna pronounce it

dead when I know that it earned the long run it's there to stay

whether it be through sincere community members whether it be through bad actors

I think to s is just the tool okay it's just a tool of the bad actors that'll be

dumped I don't see how that sticks around at all because they don't have a

community there is no community out there of people who what's the point to

believe in it except for people who signed some agreement I mean that's out

there I mean someone should make a Twitter poll what do you just what do

you prefer be cash or biz going no don't don't put any be gold or Bitcoin in

there we've seen those polls maybe I should do this poll yeah I'm the one

who's talking about Twitter and everything anyway Allison Alistair Milne

has a tweet out there and it's an article advantages of the

legacy chain okay so if you want to hear good news about Bitcoin read this

article again this coin what the heck because some of you need reassurance I

mean every day I see people panicking all these replay per day what we're

gonna do what are we gonna do hold your Bitcoin don't worry don't don't get

greedy here and we're gonna get to that in a second toward the Meester's uh has

a very interesting tweet Bitcoin breaks through the 5 million won barrier all

right and he says he's buying into that rally whatever I mean buy and hold

people of course but 5 million won is a very round number in Korea so it's

interesting maybe that's part of the Bitcoin pump and I like when we get

International flavor and when we see a denomination in a different currency you

know it's it's something it's important to sometimes see what bitcoin is is in

if it's a nice round number in a number in another currency and especially in a

market that is growing like South Korea so five million won they are above now

so that that's very interesting good good tweet okay so some people

there was a guy in my comment section that said I'm just gonna store my

Bitcoin on the exchanges right before to biz coin a hard fork so I can just trade

my so I can I'll get my Bitcoin there and I'll sell my biz corn for a lot of

Bitcoin because that last time people did that they did well because it was

hard to get bitcoins onto the exchanges and you know yadda yadda yadda that's

that's a bad idea dude it's a bad idea it is not worth it

remember you are getting this for free eventually if through you know once we

understand the replay protection if there is reflection it's going to be

free whether you make 10% off of it or 5% off of it it's free there's no need

to risk your Bitcoin a hundred percent in order to get five percent more okay

because you're putting your Bitcoin and a third party that's a no-no all the

time especially now you don't think the hackers out there know that there are

people out there with your mindset that that want to get greedy and want to you

know store their real coins on these exchanges with the hopes of being the

first ones on there to get the split coins they know that they're probably

maybe there's a hacker who's already figured out a way onto these exchanges

that's just a winner just waiting for everyone to do this and then he's gonna

go hack crazy on it so this is definitely the worst time to take that

risk and you know what maybe nothing's gonna happen and everyone will be like

Oh Adam why do you tell me you got to do nothing dudes again it's free

so either you risk a hundred percent of your Bitcoin

you're a hundred you know for what if you're one Bitcoin you put it on there

you're risking 100% to get five percent more or you just be patient and you'll

get your five percent of eventually you think long term come on think long term

the risk is not it is not worth the risk alright finally I'm gonna link to a

video I took on the beach at Al beer on Sunday where I am on where I am in Spain

so all of you can see it if you're interested in that type of thing i'm

adam meister the bitcoin pound that like button I'm an advisor to bitcoin meister

the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video

share this video do check out the notes section below and of course pound that

like button see you later

For more infomation >> Bitcoin education beats traditional edu! Bcash a bigger player than Bizcoin? Ethereum CAHF update - Duration: 18:26.


Efectos de la fuerte disciplina y los castigos físicos en nuestros hijos - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Efectos de la fuerte disciplina y los castigos físicos en nuestros hijos - Duration: 5:39.


Joni's Corner: Let Us Break Bread Together - Duration: 1:41.

Hi, I'm Joni Eareckson Tada and I always love the chance to take Communion.

When the bread is passed, my husband Ken, he holds my little piece of cracker,

And then, when our pastor tells us to

Ken will put the bread up to my mouth,

and then he will takes his—

same with the cup.

and I just love that,


I not only remember Jesus

and the oneness I have with Him

through His death during Communion,

but in a way, when we share the Lord's supper I celebrate my oneness with the person next

to me who feeds me the bread and cup.

I can't take communion by myself. My hands don't work.

I need a member of the body of Christ.

To me that's such a beautiful picture of the way Christians are suppose to be knitted together.

Ephesians says that we are one in Christ… we are His body, we prove that

when we lean and rely on each other.

Now, you probably don't need any assistance when taking Communion,

but the next time the cup and crackers are passed, take a moment to look around you,

and thank God for your brothers and sisters—the body of Christ.

For more infomation >> Joni's Corner: Let Us Break Bread Together - Duration: 1:41.


Little Jack Horner | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs | Learning Street with Bob By Kids TV - Duration: 1:15:00.

Hey kids!

Look at Little Jack Horner!

He's got a plum pie!"

Little Jack Horner Sat in the corner,

Eating a Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb,

And pulled out a plum, And said 'What a good boy am I!

Little Jack Horner Sat in the corner,

Eating a Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb,

And pulled out a plum, And said 'What a good boy am I!

Little John Parden Sat in the garden,

Sipping a lemonade; He spotted a bug,

Along with a slug, And ran right out of the gate!

Little John Parden Sat in the garden,

Sipping a lemonade; He spotted a bug,

Along with a slug, And ran right out of the gate!

Little Jim Packard Sat in the backyard,

Reading a comic book; His friend came by then,

And Jim saw him stand, And said 'Come you too can look!

Little Jim Packard Sat in the backyard,

Reading a comic book; His friend came by then,

And Jim saw him stand, And said 'Come you too can look!

For more infomation >> Little Jack Horner | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs | Learning Street with Bob By Kids TV - Duration: 1:15:00.


HOW TO MAKE MINIONS COOKIES -Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:28.

Materials ● 200 gr butter ● 1 cup of powdered sugar ● 1 egg ● 3.5 cups of flour ● A pinch of cinnamon To decorate; ● Yellow sugar dough ● Gray sugar dough ● White sugar dough ● Food pencil

1 hour in the refrigerator

Bake for 15 minutes in a preheated 180-degree oven

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE MINIONS COOKIES -Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:28.


I'm Looking For Guest Videos, and Other Plans For 2018 - Duration: 2:46.

In January, I'm going to be taking a break.

I do this every nine months or so, to give myself a rest,

and each time I'm gone, I invite some other YouTube folks

to take over my channel.

And one of them could be you.

Guest video-- ppfh!--

Guest videos are some the most popular and most viewed on my channel every year,

and they send thousands of people subscribing

to the brilliant channels of the people who made them.

So if you have a good idea for a video,

for Things You Might Not Know or Amazing Places or Built for Science,

or frankly for anything that would fit here,

and if you have a YouTube channel that you've been consistently uploading to for a while,

then go to the link on screen or in the description for all the details.

Read what's there,

and if you think you've got something that might work, send it in.

Your subscriber count doesn't matter, it just matters that you're making good videos.

I am particularly looking for videos from lesser-known and underrepresented channels,

or about stories that I couldn't tell.

So if that's you, you should definitely send in a pitch.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to say no if you've got a million subscribers, either.

And of course, I will share the YouTube ad revenue with you.

You have until October 26th to get your ideas in.

That's just the idea, not the video.

All the details are over at the link on screen or in the description.

A couple of other quick updates:

Season 7 of Citation Needed has a release date.

As I record this, I've just finished the video edit.

And I've got to do the audio edit!

And it's also going off to a professional transcription company for subtitling.

Good luck to them.

They're going to need it!

Barring disaster the new run of six will be up on Thursday November 23rd.

The first episode, at least.

There are going to be some new recordings in 2018,

we're going to release dates for them

and details of how to get a seat in the audience

in the new year.

The joint channel that we run, it now has 100,000 subscribers.

Thank you!

Thank you so much, we have some interesting plans there, including...

Why we're on this boat!

We've also got, recently up there, some rejected ideas from this channel,

and our trip off to America to see the solar eclipse.

I'm reopening my general call for interesting things.

I've got some big plans for 2018,

so if you are connected with somewhere that would make a good, visual story,

then get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

It might take me a while to reply, though,

because every time I say this I get a very large flood of emails.

And finally, thank you, as ever, to everyone who subscribes here.

I don't know how long it's going to be until "this too shall pass", but while it's here...

Thank you!

Thank you to all of you, and as ever, I'll see you on the internet.

For more infomation >> I'm Looking For Guest Videos, and Other Plans For 2018 - Duration: 2:46.


The Quests of Wild Hunt - Witcher Documentary - Duration: 29:36.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- A living, breathing world is all well and good

but it's not really worth much

unless the time you spend there is fun.

So for a fantasy role playing game like The Witcher,

that means quests, main quests, side quests,

interesting quests, stories quests

with unique things going on in them.

And above all of those, quest variety.

Today, we're gonna take a look at quests

from a number of different angles,

and dive into the design of some of The Witcher 3's

most memorable ones.

But this story starts with the first quest

the team ever made for the initial release demo,

built on the first piece of land designed

by the level design team.

A quest entitled, The Lord of Undvik,

where Hjalmar went to slay an ice giant.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- To be honest, in general, our approach to the open world

changed throughout the production

so at the start, we still had the habits from Witcher 2.

For example there was this quest with the ice giant.

That's basically Hjalmar went to this island

and he wanted to kill the giant.

So at first, when we were thinking

with categories of Witcher 2,

we would say, yes, so we need this path,

this has to be closed before you kill the giant,

this has to be closed, you know?

Then you have these two paths so we have triggers there,

so it's all scripted and so on.

But then we felt, it doesn't feel open world.

It feels like this island is closed up series of tunnels

which basically is not open world,

it's more like multiple paths, island, basically.

So we changed that but then obviously

some issues started arising, so what happens if you go

through the lake that you were not supposed to go.

At first we like, "Yeah, you'll drown

"because the water is super cold."

But it's like some new system that we didn't have.

(laughter) You know, things like these.

Later on, you would say well, what if he goes

through the lake, whatever?

Like we just covered the option and something else happens.

Like this quest, especially,

because it has so many side things you could do.

For example, you could have helped this guy

that the trolls wanted to eat.

And then basically, after you helped him,

he would join you and he would follow you around the island.

It was the issue of the lake again

because the NPCs cannot swim in our game.

Only some exceptions like Siren can.

So there was an issue like he's staying there

and what happens to him?

And we thought well, maybe he should just die there

because he left him, you know?

Stuff like that.

So we basically decided to cover the options

and in this case also, basically this quest

is open to you from the start of Skellige.

But the quest giver is actually Crach an Craite,

who tells you that in the main story line.

But you can go to the island before you talk to him,

before he talks about his son going there.

He says that basically, Hjalmar disappeared a few days ago,

and it'll be weird if Hjalmar wasn't on the island

at the time, right? - (laughs) Right!

- So you basically, to have to cover the option

that you found Hjalmar-- - He just went to that island!

- Yeah!

You found him but you didn't talk to his father

and he's like, "What are you doing here?"

and Geralt is like, "Well, I'm just exploring or something!"


- [Danny] I'm just out on my boat!

- Yeah.

So, I mean, the quest would still progress

and everything would work but the dialogue

was changed, basically.

- [Danny] And then when you eventually meet up

with Crach an Craite--

- Yeah, he mentions it.

- [Danny] He's like, "Oh, gee, you got my son!"

- I already done that, yeah.


So it made the game much more complicated

but in the end I think it's impacted the quality very well.

I think it's much better a thing to do

rather than just wall something off

or de-spawn the NPCs.

In most cases, players probably will play it

as you intended, but when the players won't,

and they will see these weird quest places

that something obviously is happening here

but not yet, because he didn't talk

to the quest giver, right?

You can feel that something is wrong

and the immersion is breaking suddenly.

You can see it's Hollywood, you can see that basically,

the back stage, you know. - How difficult was it

to anticipate all of those permutations?

- It was crazy.

I won't give you an exact number, obviously,

but it was a huge amount of different combinations,

and different things that we had to cover

and some of them we didn't even think about

until QA pointed it out that, "Yeah, we played it

"in this order," and we're like, "Oh, fuck yeah,

"you can do that." (laughter)

- [Danny] While The Lord of Undvik may have been

the first quest the team tackled,

they had a very different series of initial quests

in mind for the player.

On-boarding players into an open world game

is always a difficult challenge.

But this is especially true of a series

that never had a true open world before.

The opening level in Kaer Morhen worked as a tutorial

for the game's basic mechanisms

but to teach the players how to interact

with this new open world, they'd have to create

a very special place.

They called it White Orchard.

- First was a basic tutorial of the game.

And this we covered with Kaer Morhen sequence

with the dream and then we basically thought,

"Okay, we need to introduce the open world,"

This is a new feature in The Witcher games,

and people should feel basically,

how do we approach the open world in general.

But we don't want to open up the whole map to them

from the start because they will be overwhelmed

with all of it, you know?

And they didn't learn all the basics yet.

So we thought, yeah we need, like you said,

we need a smaller version of what we have in general,

so a small region that will be open for the open world,

but smaller in scale in which you can basically explore,

learn the ropes of every system,

learn more about characters.

We had to take into consideration that it might have been

the first time you played the Witcher games,

so you might not know who Geralt is

and there are also all these new subjects

that we had to introduce like Ciri, Yennefer.

Nilfgaard invaded, who's Nilfgaard?

Who's Temeria?

There were a bunch of things like these.

- [Danny] Introducing the player to the main quest

was critically important but so, too,

is showing them how to take on and complete

the game's broad range of side quests.

One of the most memorable of these from White Orchard

was the Witcher contract Devil by the Well.

- It's interesting because basically,

at the point we were doing this,

we didn't have a

ready formula about how we want to approach monster hunts.

This was like one of the first ones.

Our designer basically had to sit down

and he had to think how to include all these elements

of investigation in there to

make it work but also how to set them up in a way

that it won't be too hard because at the beginning

of the game, you might not be familiar with the systems yet.

Initially, the place where you were supposed to learn

about these systems was the griffin hunt

and they're all laid out in there.


we thought basically, yeah why not?

You should be able to do all these side quests

and open White Orchard as well.

And yeah, you can go there first.

You don't have to hunt the griffin first,

right? - Right.

- So in every one of these places,

you would have to learn about the

witcher senses for example.

How do they work, how do they tie in

with the quest system and so on.

So it was a difficult task and I remember

this specific quest,

it was very cool but it had a lot of possible solutions

because we didn't want to block the player

from entering the well, for example.

So if you wanted to rush through it,

you could just jump right in without inspecting anything,

and take the ring.

So we opted for basically taking

your actions into considerations instead of blocking you.

I know in some games you would get, for example,

the well would be closed until you do something, right?

But in here, it didn't make sense

so we decided not to close it and we decided to keep it open

and if you decide to do it in different order,

fine, you will just get to a different outcome.

- [Danny] If White Orchard was the Witcher

with training wheels still attached

and Velen was when the player was fully free to get lost,

the team at CDP meticulously designed the opening area

of Velen to ensure that players hit certain points

while still feeling free and in control of their destiny.

They used heat maps to track where most

testers went and what they did.

And dotted side quests and activities on the way.

For instance, the vast majority of players bump

into the monster nest side quest very early on

which was perfect as this was also designed

as the monster nest tutorial.

Throughout the development process,

Velen was heavily tweaked.

In fact the focus of the quests in this area

and even the baron himself changed quite a lot

over the course of development.

- The northernmost area of No Man's Land,

probably one of the areas most ravaged by the war.

This is where both fronts clashed.

We had the idea of showing how the plague,

which played a (chuckles) much bigger role

during our development back then, had affected the area.

We came up with the Devil's Pit,

which people liked to have all sorts of conspiracies

about that.

At some point for us in development,

it used to be this quarantine zone of pestic people.

- Well, the initial idea for a bloody baron

was there from the beginning of the story.

Although in the first versions,

it was not as deep thematically.

So we weren't planning to touch so much

on the alcoholism problem on his family issues and so on.

- It was much more about problems with the baron's soldiers,

must more about being him as a warlord

of that space.

And it was changed but to be honest

I was thinking that the first draft used to be nice

and fits to the atmosphere of the Velen

but I was wrong and they did a good job of that quest.

- The general idea in the beginning

was that he was this warlord that was,

he took these lands for his own

because it's not strategically important

and no army is actually claiming them

so he's gonna claim them.

And the idea was that you as a player

will meet another father that lost his daughter.

So you have similar goal, kind of.

Obviously there are differences like his daughter left

on purpose and yours

is gone for other reasons.

We decided at some point to explore the theme

of alcoholism more and the reason of why

his daughter left him and why his family's like this

and so on, and it was a very difficult subject, obviously,

because it's a very serious subject to everyone

so we wanted to do it right.

The baron was rewritten so many times,

I couldn't count it (chuckles) basically.

Even after recordings we did rewrite them.

- [Danny] How did you space out the quests

throughout the world?

I feel like when the Witcher 3 came out,

it was around the time where people were starting

to get fed up with mini-maps full of quest markers.

- Well,

there is no golden method for that,

it's trial and error.

The general idea was to basically,

aside from the main storyline, obviously,

it will make these,

every village has some contracts for you.

And it's like a small quest hub basically.

And then when you're done, you're moving on

to the next notice board and, you know,

this is the gameplay loop, basically.

- Something that was a bit of a running joke

in our development as well because,

if we didn't know (chuckles) what it was,

we can say, "Yeah, let's make it a bandit camp,"

and we quickly realized that

that's very much the easy way out,

so we tried to make it thematically consistent with the area

and still try to give it flavor.

You'll find a lot of notes, for example,

that describe, "Man, this bandit wasn't actually

"really a bandit, he was just in it

"because he traveled with these guys and he needed safe travel

"and he needed to get to this place

"and then his wife was waiting for him."

So we tried to give meaning to these things, right,

its context.

One example again would be the cannibal ones.

This is technically a simple bandit camp

but given the context that

there's a famine in this part of the world,

so this part is also a bit more remote,

it's further away from most of civilization,

we thought, alright, so how could these

people have behaved in this scenario?

There's no food,

it's easy to come to the conclusion

of cannibalism taking place there.

So we came up with this one village

which used to be much nicer, more civilized, you could tell,

and had been raided.

Nearby you'd find this cannibal camp,

and even further away, I think there's like some people

worshiping this weird bird statue.

We made this the crazy part of No Man's Tow--

No Man's Land, No Man's Town. (laughs)

No Man's Town! (laughter)


Yeah, let's have fun in No Man's Town! (laughs)

What happens in No Man's Town stays in No Man's Town.


- [Danny] While the way in which you found side activities

and their variety was critically important,

a game like The Witcher 3 lives and dies on its quests,

be it them part of the main quest line

or stories off the beaten path.

And The Witcher 3 is full of these stories.

Be it tower fulls of mice, drunken witchers, or lost goats,

these stories stick with the player

long after they've walked away from the game.

So we asked the team to tell us about

the design of some of your absolute favorites

and some of their favorites, too.

- I remember that I saw the first draft

of the Towerful of Mice,


I read it and it was like, "Wow!"

And I remember that the quest hasn't changed

like a bit.

It was written by Joanna Radomska and then

without any changes on the reviews,

he was like in the final game.

- [Danny] It's one of the quests in the game

that feels the most like a Sapkowski--

- Exactly, exactly. - Short story.

- Like from The Witcher 1, you feel the atmosphere

of the horror and the wicked romance story,

and devotion and love and it was real nice.

And the whole story in that quest was perfect,

in my opinion.

- [Danny] And the ending of it is--

- Yeah, exactly. - Haunting.

No matter what happens, it's like an awful--

- There's no happy ending.

It is happy ending but not for them.


- [Danny] Actually another White Orchard classic,

The Frying Pan--

- Oh yes, this one. (chuckles)

It's funny, because I remember,

our project lead was very skeptical of this quest.

- [Danny] (chuckles) No!

- Why are you making me look for a pan? (laughs)

- [Geralt] And some old scars.

The kind a soldier might have.

- [Old Woman] What's that, dearie?

- [Geralt] Nothing.

- We were very convinced that it will be fun,

little quest to have.

Basically, we wanted to have this

foreshadowing of one of the characters

that appears later on in the story, Thaler, basically.

And we thought, yeah, it was a cute little quest

and why not make it and exactly, because it's different

from the other quests and it stands out,

it's unexpected, right, that you would get that.

- [Old Man] Princess, my goat!

She's fled!

- Those men must have scared her off.

Can we get back to the auguring?

- Princess quest, as far as I remember,

was done by the same guy who also went

into the baron quest line, go figure. (laughs)

- So it was a quest of one of our designers,

Pawel Sasko,

and basically, we're looking for

inserting some more gameplay in that quest.

So he got the task to think what you could do in that quest,

make it actually have more gameplay in it,

because it was very dialogue heavy.

So basically he thought, "So yeah, there is this guy,

"and he has a goat and basically you already had

"to go to him and what if he lost that goat

"and you have to go and find it?"

You know, she's his best friend.

- [Danny] Let's not get into

that relationship! (laughs) - Let's stick

with this version, yes! (laughs)

It's fun to put Geralt in situations

in which he doesn't naturally fit in.

- (sighs) Will you help me if I bring the goat back?

- He sees the absurdity of the situation

and he comments on it but he,

you know, what can you do, I have to go with bell,

and bell on is goat so she will come after me.

And then now, I don't know, she got distracted

with strawberries or something. (chuckles)

It was funny.

It was funny and yeah, I mean,

the base idea was to add more gameplay in the quests

but I think it was nice and cute idea

so I'm glad it made it in.

- [Geralt] Do I really have to keep ringing this bell

for you to follow?

(bell rings) Come on, dammit.

Where'd the hell did you go?

Bear, bear!

Run, you stupid piece of shit!

- [Danny] And I love the fact that when the bear appears,

I think Princess gets her own health



- (laughs) I don't think she can die in that sequence

but Pawel did it on purpose

so you would stress out about her

and to make it even funnier.


So it's actually one of my favorite quests in the game.

I laughed every time I played it on the reviews

even though I've seen so many times.

So this one was, our designer, Dennis Zoetebier.

He worked with a writer

It started off pretty small, actually,

and it grew as it went on.

We talked with Dennis that it would be cool to have,

it would be cool to have a small quest for every witcher.

Because you could have not played Witcher 1,

so you might not know them. - Right.

- So it's nice to learn more about them

in some situations not just dialogue.

And that was already pretty long,

it was supposed to be just one quest

and it grew up to be like three.

And the culmination of this as you met them already,

and as you talked with them about what you're supposed

to do with Uma was basically this witcher reunion.

So basically the witchers sitting together

and drinking, talking about you know, what happened to them

in the meantime, after Witcher 1.

And yeah, the guys thought what would be cool

to add in the sequence to make it funnier.

I remember Dennis really liked this quest in Witcher 1

with Shani and there was a party at Shani's place

and there was this moment that you were drunk

and you had to go and get the pickles, basically,

from the storage downstairs.

And you have to be careful so her grandma wouldn't hear you.

(laughs) So he was aiming for the similar mood

here, basically.

I think at some point, yeah, at some point,

there is this moment that Eskel gets lost

and you have to find him and you find him

with a goat and so on.

And yeah, and then they have this idea

to call the sorceresses.

Yeah, it was so absurd, it was basically,

yeah, one of the best moments for me.

On the review, I remember people coming in

because we were laughing so hard

to see just what we were doing,

why we were laughing so hard.

- [Danny] Was there ever a worry that like,

"Oh, maybe we shouldn't have them."

Like call the sorceress, that's like too much! (laughs)

- Oh yeah, for sure.

But then we said, well, let's just go with it.

It's so funny that I think people will like it.

- Given the amount of work I put in on the enhanced edition

of The Witcher 1,

I missed the first year


the life of my elder daughter. - Right.

- My younger daughter was born in December of 2008.

The Witcher 2,

work on The Witcher 2 occupied very,

a lot of

the first year of her life.

So I think the quest (laughs) that resonated with me

for The Witcher 3

was Geralt looking for his adoptive daughter.

In general,

a lot of the saga and a lot of the three-game series

is actually

about Geralt,

in spite of being an itinerate monster slayer

and dealing with a lot of nastiness and sleeping around

with sorceresses and

making questionable moral decisions,

is about Geralt trying to

figure out

how to

re-establish himself within a nuclear family.

- [Danny] Geralt's quest to find Ciri

is the essential quest of the entire game.

But even this was changed radically during development.

A quest where Geralt infiltrated the Wild Hunt dressed

as one of them in order to assassinate one of the generals,

was cut as they felt the endgame was getting too long.

So too was the far larger version of the universe,

jumping 'Through Time and Space.'

Originally, it was planned so that each world wasn't

just a single level

but individual White Orchard-style quest hubs.

- I think in the final version, we had the desert,

we had this darkish valley with the green

and red toxic grass, I think.

Then we had this underwater bit

and then the frozen wasteland, right.

And of course the Elvin bit.

I remember, we were going through so many different versions

of what this could have been.

(chuckles) And it took us quite a while

to actually settle on this final version.

- [Danny] Yeah, people told us that there were,

at one stage there was actually they were hub worlds.

So they were like zones with quests in them

that you like to spend time in as well.

- Yeah, but that (laughs)--

We realized pretty quickly that's

a lot of extra work. (laughs)

- Like, there would be the sequence

that you would be in prison,

and you would do different things.

And this wild portal throwing you into the prison

and other dimension and you have to now flee

and but they think you're crazy

because you're talking about other dimensions

and how you got there and they were like,

"Oh, right, okay. (Danny laughs)

"We should lock him up." (laughs)

But the problem was that basically,

first of all, it was getting super long.

I remember even on the reviews,

without the assets and all that,

it was taking us a lot of time.

So the issue of quests when you're traveling

between dimensions, if you want to do interactions

with people from another dimension,

it would be nice if they weren't exactly like people

from our dimension, right?

And if you do that, it's starts becoming confusing

and increasingly difficult.

And if you don't, it feels like,

"Yeah, they tell me it's a different dimension,

"but they behave like us, they look like us."

So in the end we opted for the option

with like these vastly different landscapes,

the unnatural landscapes you couldn't see in our world.

At times we discussed cutting it

even because it was so costly

but in the end, I'm glad we didn't obviously,

because it worked out to be pretty cool.

- [Danny] Designing a variety of quests

meant creating a lot of bespoke systems

that would ensure these quests worked properly.

But of course that doesn't mean that the team

didn't sometimes take shortcuts

resulting in unforeseen bugs.

For instance, opening every door in the game by accident.

- So the issue was that basically,

all the doors in the game, they had a tag,

which is 'door', basically.

And a designer, at one point,

wanted to close all the doors for his quests

because basically, in this point of story,

you weren't supposed to go in

and it was happening on one street or something.

And there were a lot of doors in that street.

So he thought instead of tagging them uniquely

and closing them separately,

I'm gonna just lock all the doors.

It works, obviously, and then I'm gonna unlock them

because the quest is over so now they can be opened.

So, fine, but all the doors in the entire game

will have the same tag so basically he would open

all the doors in the entire game,

even the ones that were closing the interiors

that you were never supposed to see.

Interiors that were empty, basically.

A lot of fixes we did,

after the game was released,

we had to take into consideration which point

of the game you were in, right?

But if there was a fix that was supposed

to apply to everyone, it was difficult.

Because we didn't know where the signal in the quests is.

- Right. - In our tool, basically.

So we had this one quest structure, basically,

that would control all the traveling merchants

that would travel I think somewhere in Novigrad,

or something, or in Velen, I don't remember.

It doesn't matter, but the point was that

this phase of the quest would keep the signal always.

It doesn't matter, did you finish the game or not,

did you go to the baron yet or not,

the traveling merchant was always active.

It was one thing that was always active.

So I remember we thought, "Oh, that's a good place

"to put the fixes in."

And if you opened this phase

in the quest-- - No!

- Yeah, he contains all the fixes for the different bugs

we got (chuckles) from users.

- [Danny] So the traveling merchant

is like the god of the game. - Yes, he is.

We have his poster in the quest room upstairs

because we appreciate his help

in the production process. (laughs)

- [Danny] The length of a game is always a talking point

prior to release.

And initial reports that the game was over a 100 hours long,

actually proved to be conservative.

But despite that, in truth, the designers at CD Projekt

were terrified that the game didn't have

enough content right up until its release.

- One thing you need to know about CD Projekt,

we are really bad at estimating play time. (laughs)

And we always underestimate the play time for our games.

So the first objective we got for Witcher 3,

the estimation was we need to get 100 plus hours.

And when we implemented all that we have

in the game right now,

we actually had even more because we cut some content.

And we were worried that it won't be enough

to fill it in to get have 100 plus hours of gameplay.

And you know, it was our first open world game

so obviously we weren't sure how to pace it

and how to

make it dense enough.

So, yeah, we thought, oh this is like 60 hours at best.

We have to add more stuff.

Seriously, it was a big worry late and alpha and even beta.

And later on when the actual dialogue started

to get recorded and when you would get actual gameplay in,

it would change because it looks much different

when you're playing in alpha with god mode

or with opponents that are, you know,

they die after one hit.

And it gets much different when you actually get

these gameplay systems in and when you play this

as a game, not as separate parts.

I remember designers coming up to me

and they were like, "Are you sure we should do this?

"I mean, we were supposed to have 100 hours of gameplay

"and I don't think we're gonna get it now."

And now we're doing it again

with (chuckles) Gwent campaigns.


- [Danny] Not to mention Hearts of Stone.

- Yes, not to mention Hearts of Stone

or Blood and Wine


yeah yeah.

We're not very good at estimating play time

so please don't ask me about this ever. (laughs)

(dramatic guitar music)

(crow caws loudly)

For more infomation >> The Quests of Wild Hunt - Witcher Documentary - Duration: 29:36.


Top 4 Most EMOTIONAL Auditions on Got Talent | Got Talent Global - Duration: 23:43.

I've been singing ever since I was a little baby this has been my dream I

just can't believe I'm here today do you think you can win this show I will do my

best I've always learned to fight through

different circumstances I've gone through like what a leaky a few years

ago I was diagnosed with focalin geffen itis what's happened it's an

inflammation of the brain which meant that I couldn't speak read write walk

Wow my mum would do everything for me she would feed me bathe me and Aliki

just finished her first year at university life was just starting for

her and within the first two weeks I have been back from uni her speech was

starting to slur she was getting confused about simple tasks we started

to realise that something was going terribly wrong

we went to seek the doctor's advice and she was diagnosed with and careful itis

it was very frightening time she couldn't walk

she couldn't feed herself it was really like everything that she'd known had

been rubbed away the doctors really couldn't say to us that worry she'll be

fine because they'd really didn't know if she

would be it was heartbreaking you didn't want to believe that this is how things

were going to be there was one knife it's just really key in the hospital

room so I just started to hum songs at likud enjoyed since she was very young

and all of a sudden we just heard this wonderful clear humming coming from

Maliki and she just could remember all the tunes which was absolutely amazing

it was just a sign

it was a very gradual recovering but she's a very strong young lady music has

been such a big part of her than the fact that she could respond to music

when she was so very very poorly I think that's made an extra-special part of her

life I'm very proud of Aliki she deserves the world and the hope she gets

it I really do I wish you the best of luck thank you

down into my core where I've become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping

somewhere cold until you find it need it


insight without your touch without your love darling

Thank You lychee Amanda what did you say my goodness me I can't imagine what your

mum must be thinking because that's practically an anthem for her the words

bring me back to life hear my voice

it was amazing evacuation tell me a little bit about you guys how you met

well we've met at dancing cause we've been dancing together since we were

about five yeah but this group came together because I've got scoliosis so

sorry don't it what is that scoliosis is like a curvature of the spine right my

wants quite there because it's more common to like have an accident thing

get it but I was born with it so I have to have surgery soon and after surgery

we have to dance so this is like my last chance because I've always wanted to do

are you serious yeah you got an amazing attitude I gotta tell you thank you good


like a small boat on the ocean sending big motion

on the ocean sending big waves into motion like how a single word can make a

heart but I can make an explosion


David well it was absolutely stunning performance obviously when you told us

that story we're all hoping and praying it would be fantastic but it it's so far

exceeded all our expectations it's a beautiful story about friendship and a

and a stunning performance and your friendship and strength together is just

fantastic it's lovely to watch and it was an amazing dance routine Alicia I

mean I have so much admiration for you girls right now I can't tell you and

just just seeing how you've all come together with this beautiful friendship

that you've got and when you're passionate about something I could not

imagine not being able to ever do that again

I really couldn't and you know and that's that's what we all were why we

all live for the for the things that we love to do it really touched me so much


if I could do that ever again

hi how are you come what's your name Mandy Harvey and who's this my

interpreter what's your name Sarah nice to meet you Sarah nice okay

Mandisa I think I've worked this out so your death yes I I lost so my hearing

when I was 18 years old Wow and how old do you know 29 so it's 10 years Wow

Mandy how did you lose your hearing if you that might be asking I have a

connective tissue disorder so basically I got sick and my nerves deteriorated

so you were singing before you lost your hearing

yeah I've been singing since I was four so I left music after I lost my hearing

and then figured out how to get back into singing with muscle memory using

visual tuners and trusting my pitch so your shoes are off because you're

feeling the vibration is that how you're following the music yeah I'm feeling the

tempo the the beat through the floor and Mandy what are you gonna sing I'm gonna

sing a song that I wrote called try okay can you tell me what it's about after I

lost my hearing I gave up but I want to do more with my life than just give up


good for you okay well look this is your moment and good luck okay

I don't feel the way I used to


and I'll take my place again if I watch

there's no for me too cuz I know


I don't live the way I want to

that whole picture never came into view but I'm getting used to

Mandy I don't think you're gonna need a translator for this


that was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in her career

my hair wasn't really like my choice um I'm a survivor of stage 3 ovarian cancer

last summer we were on vacation and my mom noticed a lump in my stomach

we took her into the doctor and the doctor said your child has cancer it's

probably the worst the worst things you can hear as a

parent they're words that you just don't want to hear and yeah it definitely took

my breath away when I heard that I got chemo over the whole summer I

remember I was like running my fingers through my just wash one day and it just

started kind of like falling out that was definitely the day that I think I

cried the most yeah it was anything but normal for a teenager to go through that

but she's a fighter I'm so proud of you they look at it and I think oh my gosh

you're so much stronger than I am you got this

I was sick in my hospital bed I always try to be happy and look at the positive

side of things I always had on my headphones and I was always listening to

music songs can really help people through any situation she loved music

and she loved singing there was something special with her voice singing

makes me feel happy and that's pretty much that's the one word that I can

really fit and on August 28th they told me I was

intermission definitely one of the lucky ones that

kind of motivated me to want to do more and was singing you want to say I know

she'll pull girls us but in the back your mind it's always you're really just

hoping because there's always that whatever

or just to grow up and finish high school I'm only a sophomore right now

I'm here now so obviously be positive about what you have keep pushing and you

keep trying and never stop believing in yourself I kind of came here today to

show people that no matter what you've gone through to keep chasing your dreams

what a great thing you're an inspiration we can't wait to hear you

thank you

like a small boat on the ocean sending big waves into motion like how a single

word can make a heart open I might only have one match I can make an explosion

and all those things I didn't say wrecking balls

can you hear my voice this time this is my body

like a small boat on the ocean sending big waves into motion like how a single

word can make a heart open I might only have one match but I can make an


you have gone through an obstacle far greater than anybody much older than you

could even imagine going through and then you come to this point and you make

choices and you made the choice of singing that song and that's your fight

song yeah and it was so heartfelt and so inspirational I just want to say thank

you thank you so much it was amazing your tones look the way

that you fell off the Noah was just on point couldn't have gone any better for

you I don't think you do have a beautiful voice and I can't believe they

only 16 years old I mean it's incredible well done thank you it's just I love

everything about you so much just you know what I just had this

feeling when you walked I can't explain it just your spirit the choice of song

your voice I think you're really special I've just got this really incredible

feeling about you thank you I really do

I think everyone in this room felt there and I think that look you were nervous I

could hear that but you know you get past this stage I predict great things

are going to happen for you there's something about you

For more infomation >> Top 4 Most EMOTIONAL Auditions on Got Talent | Got Talent Global - Duration: 23:43.


Backlight Bliss: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman - Duration: 2:09.

Hey there, I'm photographer David Bergman

and this is Two Minute Tips for

AdoramaTV. Today we're going to talk about

exposure options for backlit subjects.

What does it mean when your subject is

backlit? Well generally it's when you

have more light hitting your subject

from the back than from the front.

Sometimes you're forced into a

backlighting situation because you can't

move your subject or yourself, and that's

just where the light is coming from.

Other times you might choose to light

your subject that way because it just

looks cool, and you can really make your

images pop. Getting proper exposure on a

backlit subject can be a bit tricky.

You generally have two options, your first is

to meter for the background and let your

subject become a silhouette. This works

well if you have a nice sky in the back

or if your subject is something

recognizable, even in shadow. The other

option is to expose properly for the

front of your subject. In this case I'll

take a spot meter reading on Becca's

face to get the proper settings. A bright

background like the sky will usually be

blown out, and you won't see much

separation where her head ends and the

background starts. That might be the look

you want, however if I turn around and

put her against a dark background it'll

accentuate the backlight, giving the

image a unique look. Oh and one more

thing, you know what looks really great

when it's backlit? Sorry to say Becca

but the answer is water. Raindrops show

up really well when backlit against the

dark background.

I'll slow my shutter speed down just a

bit, to get some motion as the drops are

falling. Now you see we can create a

really fun portrait with just a little

help from a standard garden hose.

So remember whether you find yourself in

a backlit situation, or create one

yourself, use the light to create unique

images that stand out from the background.

Thanks for joining me today on AdoramaTV.

Don't forget to subscribe

for more amazing videos.

Follow me on social media @DavidBergman

and go to the Adorama Learning Center

for lots of other great tips and tricks.

For more infomation >> Backlight Bliss: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman - Duration: 2:09.


Autumn Tag | 🍁🎃 + ENGLISH SUBS - Duration: 5:59.

You can't really see that can you? Oh shit. Wait a second.

Isn't that great?

Cheerio you guys! And welcome to a new video

My phone just popped because of this awesome thing right here.

Great, right?

It's almost like the intro from "Bibisbeautypalace".

"Hello my dear friends!".

Today I decided to do the "Fall Tag" for you.

In wich I answer some questions about fall and myself.

Because fall/autumn is my favorite season

in case you didn't already know----

in case you didn't already know that about me!

So I put together some questions that I found online.

And then translated them into German because those kind of things are always english.

Because Americans always invent stuff like that.

The weather is just awful outside

so I figured it would be the perfect time to shoot a video like that.

Ok. Let's start.

What signifies the beginning of fall to you?

For me... I guess it's the air that signifies the start of fall.

In english you would say...

This muggy, humid summer air passes.

It's getting windy.

And uhm...those are the first signs for me that fall finally is coming around (yeah).

What's your favorite scent in the fall?

The smell of the leaves.

Cinnamon and Pumpkin.

Fall in a nutshell.

Sweet or salty pumpkin seeds?

I guess I would say salty because...

I'm the salty kind of person.


Store bought or hand-picked Pumpkins?

I've never really been to a Pumpkin Patch so...

you know I picked some flowers from a field before

but no Pumpkins really, but I plan on doing it so...

I would say "store bought" for now.

Wool or Knitsweaters?

I actually got something right here.

As a proof.

I'm a big fan of knitwear.

Knitsweaters are awesome because they don't get electrical.

Wool tends to do that sometimes.

And sometimes it even scratches the skin that's why I prefer the knitwear.

Halloween Party or exploring haunted places?

Definitely Halloween Party.

Because...why the hell would I want to explore haunted places?

Even if I wouldn't believe in ghosts...

Apple-pie or Pumpkin-pie?

I like pumpkins but I would prefer the apple-pie.

What is your favorite color in the fall?

Nope my phone didn't almost fall of my knee.


Everything in this room right now.

Calm, silent nights or rainy, stormy nights?

I gotta say that rainy, stormy nights are actually pretty nice.

Naturally, only if I'm inside.

Witches or Ghosts?

Well that depends on if we're talking about the witches in Harry Potter or

about witches like the ones in Hocus Pocus.

Because if the witches were like those in Hocus Pocus

I would prefer ghosts because I know some handy tricks from Supernatural (Thank god) on how to get rid of them.

Your favorite fall fashion trend?

Everything with big, fluffy scarves,

boots and flannel shirts.

And of course, the knitwear.

Leave raking or climbing trees?

Since you would find a lot of bugs in a pile of leaves I would prefer to climb on a tree.

Quija-Board or scary ghost stories around a campfire?

Ghost stories around a campfire because first: Campfire, duh.

And second:

I don't know I get kind of scared when it comes to those creepy games like Ouija or Bloody Mary.

Things like that. I would so not do it.

Even If I do not believe in ghosts like that...

but's making me uncomfortable.

October or November?

October, of course.

Your favorite fall drink?

Definitely tea.

It would be kind of cliché when I say Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks.

Hot chocolate, coffee.

Black cats or owls?

Definitely owls.

First off: Harry Potter. Second: I don't like cats at all.

Third: Supposedly Black cats are bad luck so...

why would I choose a black cat if I could have a badass owl?

Fireplace or candle light?

Why can't I have both?

Can't I just have the fireplace going and also put up some candles?

Monster movies or their classic book novel?

Since I'm not that big of a bookworm I'd say monster movies.

For which tv-series (new or old) are you the most excited about this fall?

I don't watch tv series a lot but I recently finished "Stranger Things" Season 1.

and since the new season is about to air on October 27th... I'm excited about that.

Because it fits into the season and it's kind of spooky so... yeah.

Last question: Carve out a pumpkin or paint it?

This is also a question where I'm like: "Why not both?"

I would carve it out so you can put in a little candle and paint it afterwards.

Alright everybody that's it for this vlog type of video and the fall tag.

If you also want to to this, feel free to just take the questions and use them for yourself.

The questions are in the info box below.

Now tell me, what is YOUR favorite season and why?

Don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment and hopefully a thumbs up.

I guess we'll see each other in the next video.

It will probably be a Google Translate parody. We'll see.

Alright. Bye!

For more infomation >> Autumn Tag | 🍁🎃 + ENGLISH SUBS - Duration: 5:59.


Assassin's Creed Origins - Lore Essentials EP 2: The Assassin Brotherhood - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Origins - Lore Essentials EP 2: The Assassin Brotherhood - Duration: 8:17.


ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 16 по 22 ОКТЯБРЯ 2017 года ПО ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:03.

For more infomation >> ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 16 по 22 ОКТЯБРЯ 2017 года ПО ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 13:03.


Retarded, Idiot & Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:08.

Right turn lane, no indicator, doesn't acknowledge me, doesn't say sorry.

Me: That's not how it works.....

Me: Your turn signal!

Me: You've changed lanes without indicating i got scared for a sec

*Excuses doesn't know the city very well...*

Me: No problem just use your indicator next time :)

She: Sorry!

*Big smile, apologies, understands the biker, nice to talk to

Me: No problem, have a nice day!

Me: No problem, just indicate

Left indication but turns right, doesn't apologize, ignores me,

Still going into my lane, gets mad beacuse in fault, brakes just to piss me off.

Me: what are you doing, what is that?

Okay then stop on the side!

Me: don't know how to use your mirrors?

Him: whats wrong?

Me: You almost ran into me!

Him: Who are you to talk to me like that Me: You almost ran into me!

Him: Well i should have run you over!

Me: You know what? Go f*ck your mother! Your mirror i'll smash that shit dumbf*ck

Me: No more mirrors!

Him: i'm a biker too !

Me: i don't give a f*ck!

Me: i don't give a f*ck then look at your f**king mirrors

Me: i don't know be a little intelligent morron !

Me: you almost run into me and don't even f**king look at your mirrors before turning!

Me: Are you dumb or what?

Me: Franckly i have everything on tape tonight on youtube my friend! Look it up ! RoadRage Lyon!

Look for it

Me: You'll search ! F*CK

For more infomation >> Retarded, Idiot & Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:08.


How to Wear Loafers - Fall/Winter - Justin Jeffers/J Butler - Duration: 13:28.

Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette.

If you remember, a few months ago we had a conversation about how to style loafers during

Spring/Summer season, and today, we're going to talk about how to combine loafers for fall/winter

outfits that rock!

Sven Raphael Schneider: Alright, next up we have green corduroys.

Justin Jeffers: Yeah, so it's kind of like a Christmas look here.

SRS: For holiday parties.

JJ: Yeah, you could wear it for a holiday party or if you're going to a Christmas party,

maybe that'll be a sweater party, and me personally, I'm not a fan of ugly sweaters. I don't know

if I see you wearing ugly sweaters.

SRS: Maybe, if it's a themed party, why not?

Probably not as a joke or something.

JJ: Yeah.

So, the idea here is to create a great holiday look, but it's truly a great fall and winter look.

We picked the green and red because of Christmas, and we kind of brought down that theme or

toned down the theme a little bit, with a navy cashmere sports jacket and a navy tie


It creates a really conservative, really classic look, and you can easily swap out the green

pants for brown pants or you can even maybe do a white corduroy or a cream colored corduroy,

it'll still be a really nice looking look.

SRS: We're a little more colorful again, again you like bolder colors which is nice.

JJ: Yes.

SRS: We'll show the full spectrum here.

JJ: This is a very playful winter look.

This look is not for a lot of guys, it's very colorful, very neon, very adventurous.

Kind of a throwback to the 80s with the neon colors and the fleece.

SRS: Resort look kind of.

JJ: Yeah, so this is like your apres ski look.

Maybe you're in the mountain and you're sitting by the fire, you want to kind of just relax,

or maybe you're at home and you want to take it easy, you're having a night in with your


SRS: And you want to stand out from the crowd in a bold way.

JJ: Yes or maybe you're going out to the bar or the corner store, you want to show

a little bit of leg or you want to have fun with your look.

We chose a caramel, lighter brown colored shoe to go with this look because it kind

of plays off the beige and the yellow of the lining of the pullover, and also of the pants.

Again, it's not a look for everybody but I love this look, I wear it out, it catches

a lot of looks and ladies always ask about it, which is an added bonus.

SRS: Yeah, next look, I mean fair isle sweaters, I really like them.

Very classic, Prince of Wales' well known for his picture.

JJ: Yeah, he kind of made that famous when he was golfing.

It's a great classic look and what's awesome about a fair isle sweater is you can pull

on a lot of different colors from the sweater.

SRS: Yeah and the sweaters only work because they have this nice mottled yarns and they

are actually many different yarns so it's very easy to combine because it picks up on

all kinds of colors.

JJ: Exactly!

So what we did here was we took the fair isle sweater and we took the suede shoes and we

have two different options for the pants to show that you know you have the shoes and

you have the sweater but what are you going to do in between?

Well you could easily do a navy blue pair of pants, corduroys, chinos or a brown pair.

I think it's important for guys to realize that the looks we're showing here are not


You can swap out any given item for anything else.

SRS: It's inspiration.

It's food for thought.

JJ: Yeah!

SRS: Like showing you something that you might not think about.

JJ: Yes.

SRS: So it's all bout food for thought.

It's like show you something that you might not have thought about otherwise.

JJ: Yes and the other thing going back to our early points is the setting.

Maybe during the day you want to wear the brown corduroys but maybe at night you want

something a little more formal a little more dark so you go with the navy blue corduroy.

SRS: Right the next look is a little bolder, a leather jacket in


JJ: Yeah so again we have a little more fashion-forward look.

It's not something that I would wear and or something you would wear but for a lot of

guys this is a great look.

You know we're here in Los Angeles at the Art of Charm headquarters this would be a

great look for Los Angeles or maybe New York or perhaps


We took a leather jacket, a beautiful black leather jacket with a Henley shirt.

You know sometimes I wear a Henley without any other shirts, I think it's a great look.

It's a more rugged look.

For the pants, we have kind of a black - it's kind of a cross between a jogger and a chino.

And then of course, we put black shoes with that.

We went with the Shipley Tie loafer in this case because I think it paired best with the

rest of the look.

But you could easily swap out those the tie loafers for a penny loafer.

SRS: Alright.

JJ: Keeping with the black theme, we stuck with a black sunglasses and black wallet.

SRS: All black.

JJ: All black everything.

SRS: You know sometimes guys want a slightly more modern look.

JJ: Yes.

SRS: Right now, camos are fashionable specially for younger people.

JJ: So this look there's kind of two focal point.

It's the camouflage as Raphael alluded to and there's the white jeans.

In the old school, you don't wear white between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

There's no such thing as winter whites.

In the new school thought the more modern look as you spoke of, you can wear white

in the winter.

So we took a white denim jean here and we paired it with a…

SRS: A thicker fabric probably.

JJ: It's nice thick fabric with a great quilted Navy top and the camouflage jacket which is

kind of combination of a couple different trends.

But it ends up being a very classic kind of preppy look but with a different twist on


More kind of a new school prep look.

SRS: Definitely.

JJ: In the wintertime it's great, you can throw on a hat and you know we have the navy

suede penny loafers that really bring in the color of the camouflage jacket down to the

shoes to really again frame the pants that you're wearing.

SRS: It's that common concept - framing the


JJ: Yes.

SRS: Using the loafers and the jacket.

JJ: Yes.

SRS: It's a theme that we've seen across many different outfits.

JJ: Yes.

SRS: Whether it's Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter.

JJ: And what you're doing a great with your outfit right now you have kind of the orange

in your pocket square and the orange in your shoes which the watchers can't see but it's

a great orange boat shoe that Raphael is wearing.

SRS: Next we have a good flannel outfit.

It's not your Grandpa's flannel outfit.

JJ: No, we changed up your typical gray or navy flannel and did a lighter blue flannel.

I think it's a beautiful fabric.

To me, tweed and flannel are the two fabrics of the winter and fall season.

Flannel being the more formal of the two.

So we started with the flannel suit and we wanted to do a monochromatic look so we took

a light blue shirt, navy blue suede bit loafer, and then the Navy knit tie which I think may

actually be a Fort Belvedere tie.

You guys have some great knit ties.

SRS: Thanks!

We usually say monochromatic.

To me, monochromatic invokes this like you know all gray, gray, gray with very light


Now technically navy is a shade of blue and so is a blue suit.

But to me they are so contrasting that to me it won't be quite monochromatic.

You know what I mean?

JJ: Yeah.

The same you know color family but yeah it's different enough but the same.

I think it gives off a very sophisticated very

elegant air and also shows that you're very much in control of your own personal style.

SRS: Absolutely.

JJ: Which I think is very important especially when you're wearing a suit.

SRS: Yeah.

I mean with this suit it's definitely a little lighter in color which makes it bolder so

you toned the rest down.

You took the tie then it kind of match the shoes so you can frame everything which is

that recurring theme we've been talking about with the outfits.

JJ: Yes and blue is also great because it works well with a lot of guys, you know with

complexions and hair colors.

So I think this is a very flexible look it'd be great if you're maybe having a dinner party

or a night out, a nice date, maybe an anniversary or something like that.

SRS: Next up we have like a sweater.

A lot of guys like to wear sweaters.

So thick ones, 6-ply, ply yarns.

What did you do here?

JJ: So we actually found the sweater and fell in love with the sweater.

It as you'll see in the photo has a lot of different shades of brown that are in the

sweater that are woven through.

It has a nice chunky knit and the Raglan sleeve is also kind of unique.

We ground that with a brown khaki and then the brown penny loafers.

It's a very simple kind of very minimal look.

It's different enough that it's not plain, it's not boring.

We have the texture of the sweater which is really really nice.

SRS: And it's just like a more muted outfit.

You have the mottled winter white yarn and going with the green-grey pants and then just

go a shade darker for every item towards the bottom basically.

JJ: Yeah and if you know if you wanted to change this outfit up you could easily throw

on a navy blue cable knit sweater or a burgundy v-neck sweater under maybe a white oxford

cloth button down.

It's a really flexible outfit with the brown shoes and the brown pants you can almost do

whatever you want on the top color-wise which is really nice.

SRS: Personally, I'm a big fan of dinner jackets and while I would not necessarily

wear a pair of loafers with them maybe a pair of slippers or velvet slippers.

What's your take on it?

JJ: Obviously, I'm biased on this one because I design loafers and I love loafers.

I wear them eight days a week and any chance I have to wear loafers I'll wear them.

A lot of guys may not be for them.

They want to wear you know when you said a Prince Albert slipper or a lace up or an Oxford.

I think this look, the idea was to create a look that is very nonchalant, very elegant,

very masculine.

So we took the velvet jacket, it's that nice deep burgundy color which looks great on a

lot of guys.

It's very unique.

The women love that feel of the velvet and the look of the velvet.

SRS: Because the light - the artificial light, it sparkles.

It's just a unique look and you will get lots of compliments wearing that.

JJ: Yes, a lot of compliments and of course it's one button on the front and it's peak

lapel which is very important.

We did everything else there is quite simple.

I mean the black…

SRS: Shell color would work too.

JJ: Shell color also will be great.

SRS: And no notch.

JJ: No notch.

Never notched.

You also see some sort of jackets that have the shawl lapels which is great or the frog

closure on the front which is also a great look.

The idea with pairing the tie loafer with this look was something that's playful- adventurous

but still masculine but kind of played off of the unconventional nature or the less common

nature of the velvet jacket on top.

So I think the penny loafer will work with this look.

The bit loafer would work with this but the tie loafer is really great because it is to

me the most kind of playful of our shoes and really of any loafer type.

You can even see an Italian gentleman wearing a black driving shoe with velvet jacket if

you really wanted.

I think the look like this is great if you're at a less formal black tie event, maybe a

black tie optional event or if you're hosting a black tie event at your house or an art

opening or something like that.

I wouldn't wear it to a wedding or more formal black tie event but those that are

less formal I think this is a great outfit.

SRS: I mean for most people black tie is very formal but there are some where you can have

this more casual blacks ones.

I mean I wear dinner jackets at home or for parties sometimes in winter.

I like them they're fun but I'm also like a dressier guy so having these dress codes

make it fun for people to experiment.

JJ: And some guys get bored just wearing a tuxedo at the same time, every time over and

over again.

It's nice to change it up little bit

SRS: Last but at least, we have a nice a sport coat outfit here.

JJ: This is a great look.

I think it's a great Fall/Winter look.

This look I think is a great fall and winter look.

It's a nice heavy tweed jacket.

We started with a jacket and said okay what can we pair with a jacket, it's very bold

strong statement.

This jacket you have there, the kind of the rusty brown color with the light blue check.

It's not a common color combination and you really have to pair it down and pair it with

other neutral and earthy tones.

So we took the cream-colored cashmere turtleneck which when you don't want to wear maybe a

tie or an open-necked shirt like I'm doing right now I think a turtleneck is a great

alternative especially in the fall and the winter.

It looks very sophisticated very composed.

SRS: It's really popular now.

You'd see a lot with people having the turtleneck.

I personally am not super fond of it.

It can look good, it's a personal thing, right?

It's more casual than having the tie.

I like wearing neckwear.

If you get a cold easily, I think turtlenecks can look good.

JJ: Yes, I agree on that and great point.

At the bottom look we took an olive green flannel pants.

It's a really heavy flannel.

It really pairs well with that thick heavy texture and kind of muted look of the tweed.

SRS: It's beautiful.

JJ: Thank you and at the base of that we took the caramel penny loafer.

The caramel obviously ties in really well with the color of the jacket and the penny

loafer I think given the strength of the jacket and also the turtleneck something very simple

at the feet is really what you wanted to look like this.

I think this is a very sophisticated elegant look and one that you can easily change out

the colors but keep the principles the same.

You have a great tweed jacket maybe have a brown or navy or red tweed jacket maybe switch

out the green pants for a gray or navy pants.

I think you have a really great look it's a more of a higher level look.

It's a little more adventurous, a little more out there.

I think it's a great look.

SRS: Awesome, I agree.

Previously we already discussed how we can combine loafers in Spring/Summer as well as

in Fall/Winter and if you haven't already done so please check out our loafer guide

and if you want to go over Justin's website where should they go?

JJ: You can find out more about Jay Butler at and you can email us at

and if you have any questions we'd be happy to answer.

SRS: Absolutely.


Thank you!

JJ: Thanks Raphael.

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