Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

This... is Evelynn, Agony's Embrace.

Eve lures in her prey with the promise of love... then subjects her victims to unspeakable torment.

Welcome to the Evelynn Champion Spotlight.

Evelynn's passive is Demon Shade.

After leaving combat for a few seconds, Evelynn is enveloped by Demon Shade.

If Evelynn's health is low, she'll recover it quickly while this ability is active.

Starting at level 6, Demon Shade also grants camouflage.

This makes Evelynn hidden from view to all except nearby enemy champions, control wards, and turrets.

Evelynn's Q is Hate Spike.

She lashes out, dealing damage to and marking the first enemy hit.

The target receives additional damage from Evelynn's next few attacks or abilities.

If the marked target is a monster, a significant chunk of Hate Spike's cooldown will be refunded.

Even if Hate spike misses, Evelynn can recast the ability up to three times to fire a line

of spikes through the nearest enemy or whatever Evelynn is currently attacking.

The spikes deal full damage to all enemies beyond the first.

Evelynn's W is Lust Dust.

She temporarily curses a target champion or monster.

Hitting the cursed target with her basic attacks or abilities will expunge the curse, damaging

and significantly slowing the target, and refunding Lust Dusts's mana cost.

If Evelynn leaves the curse untouched for a few seconds, Lust Dust will charm the target

instead of slow and shred their magic resistance.

If the target is a monster, the length of the charm will be increased and the spell

will deal even more damage.

Casting Lust Dust does not break Demon Shade, but it does show your opponent a little indicator

that points to your location when the W charge completes.

Evelynn's E is Whiplash.

She impales an enemy with her lashers, applying on-hit effects and dealing damage

as a percent of the target's maximum health.

Evelynn is then granted a short burst of movement speed.

Entering Demon Shade resets Whiplash's cooldown and empowers its next cast.

When casting Empowered Whiplash, Evelynn pulls herself to her target, deals additional damage,

and hits all enemies in a line through her target.

Evelynn's ultimate is Widowmaker.

She unleashes her demonic energy, becoming untargetable and cleaving enemies in front

of her before warping backwards.

This ability deals bonus damage to low-health enemies.

Targets vulnerable to the bonus damage from Widowmaker

will have a marker above their head, but this does not necessarily mean they'll die to it.

Evelynn is very reliant on mana for her clear, so it's a good idea to take blue buff early in your route.

Evelynn's got an agonizingly weak early game.

Her mana pool is limited, and before she unlocks Demon Shade's camouflage, her ganks are very telegraphed.

Before 6, she'll need extra help from laners with crowd control to pull off successful ganks.

Be mindful of how you use your Q when clearing camps.

Land the initial cast of Hate Spike on the biggest baddie so your subsequent casts deal bonus damage to it.

Try to maneuver the smaller critters in the camp into a line to make the most of all that

hate you've got pent up inside.

Once Eve hits level 6, though, she becomes a terrifying, invisible murder machine.

Keep opponents on their toes and emerge from the darkness when they've got no chance of escaping.

Evelynn's ultimate, is great for stealing, er... securing kills.

But you can even use it to do a spooky drive-by on dragon or baron.

It's also a great clutch defensive tool for evading enemy skillshots or getting over walls.

Surprise opponents by aiming it backwards to use it as a gap-closer.

Try not to blow it too early, though once it's gone, you've got no reliable way to get back in.

Once you enter the late-game, Evelynn's job is to end fights before they start.

Look for clueless supports in the jungle to evaporate, or just pop out of nowhere and

1v1 their squishies when they think they're safe.

After dumping all your damage on your primary target, it's ok and often optimal to weave

in and out of combat to re-enable Demon Shade and Empowered Whiplash.

This way you'll get even more damage out of it and regain your cooldowns to eviscerate

your next target.

Thanks for watching the Evelynn champion spotlight...

Want to learn even more?

Check out these links to submit to Agony's Embrace.

For more infomation >> Evelynn Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends - Duration: 5:09.


What is a Content Hub? - Duration: 2:40.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to talk about content hubs which have become a trendy concept in publishing.

First let's talk about what a content hub is.

Content marketing is the process of creating quality, valuable content to attract and engage

an audience to a brand which might be a publication or publisher.

The content hub is the center or hub of these efforts.

Content hubs are centralized destinations to showcase the breadth of what the brand

or publication has to offer.

They show the full scope and capabilities of the brand, including all its different

forms such as text articles, videos, educational modules, infographics, white papers, and much


A content hub is more likely to be topic or content focused versus a site that covers

the whole spectrum of a subject or discipline.

It should show the thought leadership from the organization or brand or publisher.

This differs from the website which carries all the materials in a navigable fashion.

When a reader or customer is looking for the state-of-the-art thinking on a topic, your

content hub should be the place they would want to turn to.

The content hub is deeper than simply a blog or single piece of content.

It should be deep in both perspective and the wealth of the content.

Key elements will include being able to navigate or burrow in by subtopic using deep tagging

and filters.

Personalization is likely an important feature.

It should all be owned by the organization; a content hub is not an aggregated play.

The term content hub will either continue to evolve and grow, or fall out of fashion.

If the term fades away, the concept will continue as readers want deep content sites from recognized


Well that's it.

I've released an eBook called, "The Request for Proposal in Publishing: Managing the RFP


It is a short, focused guide to this essential business task that associations or societies

use to find potential publishing partners.

See the link in the notes below for more information on the book or how to purchase it.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on this video for information on working

with a publishing consultant.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> What is a Content Hub? - Duration: 2:40.


Anakin Becomes Palpatine's Apprentice | Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:28.

You're fulfilling your destiny, Anakin.

Become my apprentice.

Learn to use the dark side of the Force.

I will do whatever you ask.


Just help me save Padmé's life.

I can't live without her.

To cheat death is a power only one has achieved...

but if we work together...

I know we can discover the secret.

I pledge myself...

to your teachings.



The Force is strong with you.

A powerful Sith you will become.

Henceforth you shall be known as...

Darth... Vader.

Thank you, my master.


Because the council did not trust you, my young apprentice...

I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot.

When the Jedi learn what has transpired here...

they will kill us, along with all the senators.

I agree.

The council's next move will be against the senate.

Every single Jedi...

including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi...

is now an enemy of the Republic.

I understand, Master.

We must move quickly.

The Jedi are relentless.

If they are not all destroyed, it will be civil war without end.

First I want you to go to the Jedi temple.

We will catch them off-balance.

Do what must be done, Lord Vader.

Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.

Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side...

to save Padmé.

What about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy?

Their betrayal will be dealt with.

After you have killed all the Jedi in the temple...

go to the Mustafar system.

Wipe out Viceroy Gunray...

and the other separatist leaders.

Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy!


we shall have... peace.

For more infomation >> Anakin Becomes Palpatine's Apprentice | Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:28.


Jak wymienić końcówka drążka kierowniczego w VW LUPO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:21.

Use an open-end wrench №13 and №22

Use a socket №19

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

For more infomation >> Jak wymienić końcówka drążka kierowniczego w VW LUPO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:21.


Warframe Flash Guide: How To Scan Enemies, Items, Fragments, Oh My! - Duration: 2:15.

Ahoy thar, Legion!

With Plains of Eidlon rather close and all the New Tenno likely coming' in shortly

I figured they might need some tips to help 'em along the way.

So what better time than now for a Flash Guide!

Today's topic is: How to Scan things!

The fastest method would be to visit your Arsenal, access your Gear, select an open

slot and choose the Codex Scanner.

These are basically camera ammo, luckily they are fairly cheap and can be easily restocked

this way should you run out.

When in a mission, open up the gear wheel and equip the Scanner.

Zoom in like you would with any ranged weapon and you'll likely see a Christmas Tree of

orange lights.

I suppose a Halloween Tree would be more accurate.

Good book, too!

All enemies and even items like windows and plants can be scanned.

Just line up your target, fire off the scanner, and keep the target painted a short time.

If they move out of the way or you slip, you have to start over.

If they turn blue and your scanner counter goes up one, you know you got it.

You might want to scan enemies while stealthed or without alerting them for an easier time.

That's of course easier said than done XD

so jump kicking them or locking them down with a crowd control ability can do the trick too!

Later on in the game you'll have access to Simaris Scanners, and while they can work

in place of the default Codex Scanners, they are much more expensive and are mostly meant

to gain reputation with the Relay Cephalon with no personal boundaries.

More on that in the guide poppin' up now.

Scan items and enemies enough and they will permanently change from Orange to Green, letting

you know you don't have to scan them any more.

Some even unlock details or lore entries in the Codex, so lore junkies and collectors

with be sure to have fun with that challenge.

Kuria exist like easter eggs in certain parts of levels across multiple planets, but to

be honest I don't have the desire or patience to blindly hunt them down XD

Data Fragments on the other hand are much more interesting and easier to find which

not only reward lore and artwork,

but some history of a little blue box ya might have yappin'' at ya on your Liset...

We got a guide all on how to efficiency hunt those right here.

But without further adu, Welcome to Warframe, Tenno!

Thank-you for watching, and until next time, take care!

[ Music ]

For more infomation >> Warframe Flash Guide: How To Scan Enemies, Items, Fragments, Oh My! - Duration: 2:15.


Tutorial Photoshop diseña una portada de informe by @ildefonsosegura - Duration: 12:17.

For more infomation >> Tutorial Photoshop diseña una portada de informe by @ildefonsosegura - Duration: 12:17.


Making Harley Quinn's Club Dress-Suicide Squad | Part 3 (FINALE) - Duration: 12:21.

This video is brought to you by my supporters on Patreon.

I'm just explaining real fast what I'm doing. I'm going ahead and

making the lining for the dress, using the pattern we drew up earlier.

I also painted a jump ring gold because I only

had ones that were silver. I used spray paint.

I have sewn together this

edged to make a

basically copy of the gold and black dress.

Now I'm going to sew this

lining to the dress.

I'm sewing the two wrong sides

together (like facing outwards).

Only go along the top though.

These two sides will get sewn together.

Then I'll flip it inside out.

Next thing I'm doing is taking

this dress and then turning it

right side out.

So I've gone ahead and pinned down along all the edges

and folded it the right side out

Now I'm going to sew along

all of the black diamonds first.

Now I'm going through with some

gold thread over the gold.

Alright! I've finished the dress

Er, not finished it. But I finished top stitching

all the edges down. Now it's laying flat and how I want.

I'm going to go ahead, though,

and add a strip of fabric...

This is the bottom part of the dress, right.

This is the bottom part of the black part. I haven't hemmed it yet.

What I'm going to do is attach

a piece of fabric that goes across

like this. Almost kind of like a pair of underwear would be.

This is in order to keep the dress in place.

The chains and everything will keep the dress in place this way.

But the dress likes to hike up.

So to keep that from happening, I'm going to add

a piece of fabric. I already measured out

length of the fabric I'm going to need. I just need a basic

rectangle because it doesn't need to be underwear, because that's not going to be my underwear.

It just needs to be fabric that's going to keep it

up my back.

I have my piece of fabric here.

I'm going to go and fold over the edges to make it a clean line.

Then attach it to the skirt. I'm also going to fold the edges

of the skirt over, as well,

and sew that down so that it has a clean line. Then

attach this. So everything will look nice and clean.

So I have hemmed around this side

and the bottom of the dress.

I'm going to go ahead and

fold the bottom of the dress exactly in half.

Then fold this

exactly in half.

Then pin it like so.

This is the seam line on the back so I know where the half mark is.

There is no seam line on the front, which is why I need to fold it in half.

Okay, I have the dress on...

kind of. Like half way/partially on.

I'm going to figure out the length of the different chains

that I need. She has

a jump ring that goes in the back right here,

and then a chain here and then here. I

only need to measure out one side because I want it to be even.

She has one that comes from the side right here.

About here or so.

Then she has one that comes from about here.

And these two are on both sides, obviously.

And then she has only one chain that comes up from the very middle

and attaches to the jump ring. So I'm going to

figure out the measurements for

those while I'm wearing the dress.

To help me along, I'm going to pin the dress on my shirt where I want it.

So I don't have to keep holding it and I have two hands to use to measure everything.

And I know. There's mannequin right behind me.

You can do it on a mannequin if you want. This mannequin's a little bit the sense that it's shoulders just aren't ever going

match the measurements of my shoulders

Real quick! Because I forgot to make note of it,

I am NOT sewing the front two chains directly onto the dress.

Instead I'm attaching a little clasp

to the chains and then sewing a large

jump ring onto the front

ends of the dress.

Otherwise, I will not be able to get in and out of it.

So! This is my finished Harley dress. I

added the chain to the back

and the front. And it's done!

Thanks for watching! I hope you guys found this helpful.

If you want the pattern to this dress

it will be available on my Storenvy at some point...

And it was available on my Patreon

for the month that I made this dress. So

if you want to know what my patterns are and want to get them

than they're released on my store, Patreon is the place to go.

If you want to see photos of this stay tuned

to my Facebook page (if I haven't already posted the photos there).

Thanks for watching! I hope you have a lovely day! Bye!

For more infomation >> Making Harley Quinn's Club Dress-Suicide Squad | Part 3 (FINALE) - Duration: 12:21.


Evelynn Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends - Duration: 5:09.

This... is Evelynn, Agony's Embrace.

Eve lures in her prey with the promise of love... then subjects her victims to unspeakable torment.

Welcome to the Evelynn Champion Spotlight.

Evelynn's passive is Demon Shade.

After leaving combat for a few seconds, Evelynn is enveloped by Demon Shade.

If Evelynn's health is low, she'll recover it quickly while this ability is active.

Starting at level 6, Demon Shade also grants camouflage.

This makes Evelynn hidden from view to all except nearby enemy champions, control wards, and turrets.

Evelynn's Q is Hate Spike.

She lashes out, dealing damage to and marking the first enemy hit.

The target receives additional damage from Evelynn's next few attacks or abilities.

If the marked target is a monster, a significant chunk of Hate Spike's cooldown will be refunded.

Even if Hate spike misses, Evelynn can recast the ability up to three times to fire a line of spikes

through the nearest enemy or whatever Evelynn is currently attacking.

The spikes deal full damage to all enemies beyond the first.

Evelynn's W is Lust Dust.

She temporarily curses a target champion or monster.

Hitting the cursed target with her basic attacks or abilities will expunge the curse,

damaging and significantly slowing the target, and refunding Lust Dusts's mana cost.

If Evelynn leaves the curse untouched for a few seconds, Lust Dust will charm the target

instead of slow and shred their magic resistance.

If the target is a monster,

the length of the charm will be increased and the spell will deal even more damage.

Casting Lust Dust does not break Demon Shade, but it does show your opponent a little indicator

that points to your location when the W charge completes.

Evelynn's E is Whiplash.

She impales an enemy with her lashers,

applying on-hit effects and dealing damage as a percent of the target's maximum health.

Evelynn is then granted a short burst of movement speed.

Entering Demon Shade resets Whiplash's cooldown and empowers its next cast.

When casting Empowered Whiplash, Evelynn pulls herself to her target, deals additional damage,

and hits all enemies in a line through her target.

Evelynn's ultimate is Widowmaker.

She unleashes her demonic energy,

becoming untargetable and cleaving enemies in front of her before warping backwards.

This ability deals bonus damage to low-health enemies.

Targets vulnerable to the bonus damage from Widowmaker will have a marker above their head,

but this does not necessarily mean they'll die to it.

Evelynn is very reliant on mana for her clear, so it's a good idea to take blue buff early in your route.

Evelynn's got an agonizingly weak early game.

Her mana pool is limited, and before she unlocks Demon Shade's camouflage, her ganks are very telegraphed.

Before 6, she'll need extra help from laners with crowd control to pull off successful ganks.

Be mindful of how you use your Q when clearing camps.

Land the initial cast of Hate Spike on the biggest baddie so your subsequent casts deal bonus damage to it.

Try to maneuver the smaller critters in the camp into a line to make the most of all that

hate you've got pent up inside.

Once Eve hits level 6, though, she becomes a terrifying, invisible murder machine.

Keep opponents on their toes and emerge from the darkness when they've got no chance of escaping.

Evelynn's ultimate, Widowmaker, is great for stealing, er... I mean securing kills.

But you can even use it to do a spooky drive-by on dragon or baron.

It's also a great clutch defensive tool for evading enemy skillshots or getting over walls.

Surprise opponents by aiming it backwards to use it as a gap-closer.

Try not to blow it too early, though. Once it's gone, you've got no reliable way to get back in.

Once you enter the late-game, Evelynn's job is to end fights before they start.

Look for clueless supports in the jungle to evaporate, or just pop out of nowhere

and 1v1 their squishies when they think they're safe.

After dumping all your damage on your primary target, it's ok and often optimal to weave

in and out of combat to re-enable Demon Shade and Empowered Whiplash.

This way you'll get even more damage out of it and regain your cooldowns to eviscerate your next target.

Thanks for watching the Evelynn champion spotlight.

Want to learn even more?

Check out these links to submit to Agony's Embrace.

For more infomation >> Evelynn Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends - Duration: 5:09.


Games That'll Blow Everyone Away In 2018 - Duration: 14:14.

Pre-planning is the name of the game in the entertainment industry.

More often than not, video games get stamped with release dates long before they're ready

to hit the shelves, and 2018's release calendar is already jam-packed with sensational new


Here are the games that will blow everyone away in 2018.

Far Cry 5

The latest installment in Ubisoft's first-person shooter franchise, Far Cry 5 is set in fictional

Hope County, Montana in a small town that's seems like a slice of perfection.

Stare a little longer, though, and the violence, racial tensions, and a faith-obsessed sect

emerge from the shadows.

At the bloody heart of Far Cry 5 is that very band of believers, hell bent on seizing a

chunk of the American midwest and transforming its residents into god-fearing faithfuls.

Early reactions to Far Cry 5 have all seemed to echo the same sentiment: from the game's

captivating landscape to its "uncanny ability to anticipate modern cultural and political

trends," it simply doesn't get more raw than Far Cry 5.

Mark your calendar for when it releases on February 27.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Almost entirely crowdfunded, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is currently in development

with former Castlevania head honcho Koji Igarashi.

Unsurprisingly, this trippy side-scrolling platformer has been marketed as a spiritual

successor to the dark-fantasy-themed game series, but will feature gameplay that post-dates

1997's Symphony of the Night.

You'll traverse the monster-filled world as Miriam, a young orphan plagued by a curse

that slowly turns her skin to crystal.

Surpassing its Kickstarter goal with ease, Igarashi's return to form looks like it'll

shine in its two-and-a-half dimensions — and knock your socks off in the process.

Be prepared to buy the game in March 2018 on a variety of system platforms.

Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter is a sensation in the gaming world, selling over 40 million games since

the franchise's debut in 2004.

And yet the series has struggled to gain traction outside of Japan.

Monster Hunter: World aims to fix that.

It says as much right in the title.

Like before, hunters prepare in town before embarking on excursions into the wilderness,

where they'll need to adhere to carefully planned strategies in order to take down the

game's massive beasts.

But Capcom, the game's publisher, is making some changes, too.

Instead of tromping through a series of smaller, walled-off areas, Monster Hunter: World takes

place in an open and dynamic environment.

That's right: no loading screens.

The series' notoriously deep learning curve has also been softened, and the interface

has been streamlined to accommodate new players.

As executive director Kaname Fujioka explained it: "The grammar of games in the West is evolving.

And being able to say 'We speak your language' is a great chance to get more people on board."

This is a title we're definitely looking forward to in early 2018.

God of War

Kratos is back, but this isn't your father's God of War.

Sure, 2018's installment in the signature PlayStation franchise will be just as gloriously

violent as ever, and yes, the demigod in the face paint once again plays God of War's hero

— but that's where the similarities end.

Instead of the sun-drenched Mediterranean, this new God of War takes the action to snowy

Scandinavia, pitting our hero against characters from Norse mythology.

Instead of the over-the-top, pulp vibe that characterized the original games, God of War

has a slower, more serious tone.

This time, Kratos is joined on his quest by his son, Atreus.

That changes everything.

Not only does Atreus help his old man during combat, but God of War devotees know Kratos'

need for vengeance began when Ares tricked the warrior into killing his first family.

Director Cory Barlog says that Atreus is "the humanity that Kratos has lost [...] He's that

mirror that is reminding him that there's a different way — a way he might have forgotten

long ago."

But before you start worrying that God of War trades action for introspection, rest

assured that underneath the mature storyline is a brutal and exciting adventure in the

classic God of War style, albeit with a more modern flavor.

Instead of fixed camera angles and linear solutions to problems, God of War gives players

the tools they need to proceed, then lets them find the best solution to the game's


The tone might be new, but at its core God of War will still be the god-murdering simulator

we've all come to know and love — like its hero, it's just grown up a little.

Look for it early 2018.

System Shock

Completely revamped from the 1994 original, this System Shock remake takes no prisoners.

Portland-based developer Night Dive Studios has enlisted a dazzling team of industry veterans

to craft a high-powered new game that centers around a keenly resourceful hacker who's taken

prisoner by a money-hungry TriOptimum executive — basically a scarier, cyberpunk version

of a Wall Street Banker.

2018's System Shock catapults players into the post-apocalyptic landscape of Citadel

Station — which is now inhabited by brainless robots, corrupt cyborgs, and grotesquely mutilated

creatures, all of which are engineered to obey the merciless A.I. known as SHODAN.

And if that wasn't enough, Night Dive Studios promises the world of System Shock has "never

been more immersive or terrifying" than in the upcoming reboot.

We're excited to find out if that's true in the second quarter of 2018.

Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3 was originally supposed to come out in 2016, and then it was pushed back to

November 7, 2017.

Now the open-world adventure is set for spring 2018.

Will the third time be the charm?

Microsoft regrets the delays, and admits it revealed Crackdown 3 a few years too early.

Hopefully, the finished product will be worth the wait.

As in previous installments, Crackdown 3 lets you control a super-powered agent who hunts

down criminals, but the game's real draw is that you can destroy anything and everything.


By offloading some of the game's processing into the cloud, Crackdown 3 features fully

destructible environments — at least in multiplayer — setting the stage for some

truly epic battles.

If you can see it, you can wreck it.

Now that developer Sumo Digital has the the extra time it needs to make sure Crackdown

3 shines, the game could represent a major breakthrough in terms of technology as well

as open-world warfare.

Besides, blowing stuff up is fun, and Crackdown 3 explodes things real good.

That's good enough for us.

"Forget dropping bombs!

You're dropping BUILDINGS!


Red Dead Redemption 2

Although there's a "two" tacked onto the end of its title, Red Dead Redemption 2 is actually

the third installment in the action-adventure franchise, and the first built from the ground

up, eight years after Red Dead Redemption and 12 years after the original Red Dead Revolver.

The follow-up takes vintage Americana vibes and atmospheric inspiration from its predecessors

to bring forth an "outlaw epic" featuring plenty of gun-slinging cowboys and roughed-up


We'll have to hold out a bit longer than originally planned to get our hands on Red Dead Redemption

and its cast of scruffy characters, but considering the game's near-limitless landscape and fierce

narrative, the days spent waiting may well be worth it.

Look for this sequel in spring 2018.


In Insomniac's upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive, players will slip into a new version of Peter

Parker's iconic red and blue suit and guide the wallcrawler through the island of Manhattan

on a map that's reportedly four times bigger than the one in the developer's last open-world

game, Sunset Overdrive.

Players will swing between buildings, take on Spidey's foes, and use all the tricks and

tools at Peter's disposal to rescue civilians and save the day.

Judging by the game's extended E3 2017 demo, Insomniac has lifted the best parts of recent

superhero games and combined them into something both new and familiar.

Combat looks like it's inspired by Batman: Arkham City, allowing players to sneak and

swing among the rafters and take down thugs with various attacks, or drop down to street

level to engage in some rhythm-driven fisticuffs.

But the cool stuff for Spidey fans doesn't end there.

It looks like the developers are including some of the newest additions to the Spider-Man


Mr. Negative, a modern take on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, plays a prominent role.

Insomniac also confirms that classic Spidey villains will surface — the Kingpin briefly

appeared in Sony's demo.

All in all, this is a Spider-Man that embraces everything that makes the franchise great,

retro, modern, or in between.

Spider-Man is set for release in the first half of 2018.


BioWare isn't the first developer you'd expect to make an open-world multiplayer shooter

— until now, the studio has stuck almost exclusively to role-playing games, with classics

like Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age.

But if the game's E3 trailer is anything like the final product, the veteran studio will

knock everyone's socks off.

Who hasn't wanted to fly around and kick butt with a jetpack?

Anthem looks like it'll be worth it for that gameplay hook alone.

Players join the ranks of the Freelancers, intrepid explorers who journey into the wilderness

to fight vicious beasts and gather loot.

Players can team up to tackle particularly tough challenges in Anthem's sprawling shared

world, assuming different classes like the all-purpose Ranger or the tank-like Colossus,

each of which plays a different role in battle.

Massive "Shaper Storms" promise to shake up Anthem with their "world-altering" consequences,

while players can zoom using the jetpacks built into their Javelin exosuits, flying

across the map or taking to the air to snipe opponents on the ground.

Maybe a little of BioWare's storytelling magic will rub off on Anthem, too.

Drew Karpyshyn, lead writer on the first two Mass Effect games is penning Anthem's story.

Hunting for loot in games is always great, but having a good reason to hunt for it is

even better.

If BioWare can fuse a strong narrative with Destiny's addictive gameplay loop, Anthem

might ending up being very, very hard to put down.

Look for it Fall 2018.

Detroit: Become Human

David Cage's games, which skirt the line between point-and-click adventure and interactive

movie, aren't for everyone.

Heavy Rain received positive reviews on release, but some of the game's odder features haven't

aged quite as well.

Cage's follow up, Beyond: Two Souls, looked and sounded great, but didn't include much

in the way of interactivity.

But every time Cage and the team at Quantic Dream put out a new game, the formula gets

a little more complex — and Detroit: Become Human might be where they get the balance

between story and action just right.

Like Cage's other games, Detroit lets players guide multiple characters through a branching

storyline that changes based on the user's decisions.

As in Heavy Rain, death isn't the end, either.

If one character dies, the story continues, and adapts to that person's absence.

Three androids — Kara, Connor, and Markus — serve as our guides into a near-future

setting where artificial lifeforms struggle to find their place in the world.

With the player's help, they'll find a way to settle peacefully alongside humanity, take

to the streets in a full-fledged revolution, or something in between.

Just don't expect any easy answers.

Cage says: "There is no big message to humanity in this game.

[...] It's just interesting questions that may resonate with your own personal values

and just confront you with the consequences [of your] actions."

Detroit: Become Human is set for release in 2018, although as of this video it doesn't

have an official release date.

Kingdom Hearts 3

At long last, it's coming.

Kingdom Hearts 2, the last numbered entry in this Final Fantasy and Disney mashup, came

out way back in 2005, and fans have been waiting for a proper follow-up ever since.

And now we're finally getting it.

As before, series hero Sora and his pals will travel to lands based on popular Disney properties

while fighting the evil Heartless.

Kingdom Hearts 3 doubles down on the Disney, too.

Sora can unleash powerful summon attacks based on Disneyland and Disney World attractions,

while the new settings take full advantage of Disney's expanded corporate portfolio.

That's right: both Pixar and even Marvel characters are set to make their Kingdom Hearts debut.

Look for it in 2018.

The Last Night

It's not often that an indie game threatens to steal an entire E3 press conference, but

in 2017, The Last Night almost did just that.

By fusing a Blade Runner-esque environment with modern cinematic effects and flashy pixel

art, The Last Night oozes style, and almost brought Microsoft's presentation to a standstill.

The Last Night started as small prototype developed during 2014's Cyberpunk Jam, and

designer Tim Soret only decided to flesh out the game into a fully-fledged project after

it won the event's top prize.

As far as the actual gameplay goes, Soret describes The Last Night as a "cinematic adventure

game," while publisher Raw Fury says it'll feature "a diverse, inclusive cast of complex

characters to interact with through meaningful, branching dialogue."

Hopefully The Last World will be a game everyone can enjoy when it arrives on the Xbox One

and Windows PC in 2018.

Death Stranding

The infamously ambiguous Death Stranding is a definite possibility for release in 2018,

as its creator Hideo Kojima has given more than a few hints that point to a debut sometime

next year.

During the 2016 Tokyo Game Show, Kojima stated, "It will be out before the Olympics.

[...] To go a little further, there is a movie called Akira, and it will be out before the

year in which Akira is set."

The former references the 2020 Tokyo Games, the latter the year 2019.

Whether or not it actually arrives in 2018, Death Stranding has already piqued many gamers'


From the minute we saw a CGI Norman Reedus cradling a baby on a deserted beach in the

middle of nowhere, we were hooked.

Since then, it's been revealed that Hannibal actor Mads Mikkelsen and director Guillermo

del Toro have joined the project, which blends open-world gameplay with unique elements and

an intricate plot.

Color us excited and counting down the days until this hopeful 2018 release.

Code Vein

When gamers got their first glimpse of Code Vein, few knew what to make of it.

From the team behind the sci-fi action-adventure series God Eater, Code Vein packs some serious

vampire heat, throwing players into a dystopian dungeon to play as a blood-sucking Revenant

with a network of supernatural powers laid out just beneath his thumb.

Or, rather, behind his teeth, as bearing down on some fresh flesh grants him new unique

abilities — ones players can put to the test throughout Code Vein's massive, interconnected


Get ready to fight the Vein in 2018.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Games That'll Blow Everyone Away In 2018 - Duration: 14:14.


Terkedilmiş Garajlarda Bulunan 5 EFSANE ARAÇ - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Terkedilmiş Garajlarda Bulunan 5 EFSANE ARAÇ - Duration: 5:09.


প্রতিদান/Pratidan episode-50 | 9th-October 2017 | Full episode review Star jalsha Serial#Pratidaan - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> প্রতিদান/Pratidan episode-50 | 9th-October 2017 | Full episode review Star jalsha Serial#Pratidaan - Duration: 5:20.


Ciência Explica - "Como o espelho é fabriciado?" - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Ciência Explica - "Como o espelho é fabriciado?" - Duration: 1:10.


Hvordan bytte endeledd på VW LUPO BRUKSANVISNING | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:21.

Use an open-end wrench №13 and №22

Use a socket №19

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

For more infomation >> Hvordan bytte endeledd på VW LUPO BRUKSANVISNING | AUTODOC - Duration: 3:21.


How to Choose Best Friends - Duration: 9:03.


I know we don't know each other well but,

I feel we should be

best friends!

I have no idea who you are

or what's going on.

How don't you know?

I even felt a connection

when I saw you.

It was either your cellphone

connecting to wifi

or you got a message.



now we're best friends

and there should be no secrets

between us.

You don't even know my name!

What did we say about secrets?


We didn't say anything

because we aren't anything!

Hi Fer, what's up?



who is she?

Hey, unknown person,

look, this is my real best friend


Are you cheating on me?

I don't even know you!

What's going on?

This crazy girl comes,

her phone connects to wifi

and she thinks there's a connection

between us

and that we have to be best friends!

Are you ashamed of me?

After everything

we've been through?

We haven't been more than

a couple of seconds together!

And you do not value that time?

Wait a minute!

You have another best friend

and you hadn't told me?


But I am

- his best friend! - No, I am his best friend!

*I have no idea what are they saying*

Why Lord?!


Through life we all have to...

Hey, haven't you seen that

we never say hello in these videos?

How rude.


in this video we're gonna talk

about how to choose our best friends

because in life

we all take important decisions.

Like what to study,

where to work,

what series to watch,

what movies to watch...

That's important,

you spend 2 hours there

so you have to decided well.

As we were saying,

we have to take important decisions

and one of them

is choosing our best friends.

It's important to choose well

because if not we end up

with our "best friend"

telling our secrets,

betraying us,

lying to us.

Or sending us to find a bathroom

and when we come back she has left...

I knew I shouldn't trust Maria Puchujensa.

It is very important

to know how to choose well,

because our best friends influence us

and we end up being alike.

And we should try to have good influences,

if we want to improve ourselves at least...

When moms tell us

"If your friends jump off a cliff

are you gonna jump too?"

it isn't literal,

it's a metaphor about influenc-


is the question serious?

but who would do that? I wouldn-

forget it...

Those around us influence

how we think and act

and our best friends do even more.

Just look at how they think alike

and do the same things sometimes,

it's scary.


Should we tell him?

I don't know, what if?

Good point, we better not.

What's going on?

Why are you laughing?


hey, what if uhu?


and then we go and-

An then you come and,

you know it.

Of course.

But I don't know, what's going on?

He isn't ready.

What's going on?!

Should I tell him?

Go ahead.

Ok, there was once

a chicken called Corny,


he was very hungry

so he ate himself.

*And that's why none of us are comedians...*

What does that have to do with me?

I told you he wouln't get it.

You know what?

I was just passing by so goodbye!

Now what?!

He won't comprehend.


Then keep your laughter,

jokes, sights and comprehension.


So we need to choose well,

so we're gonna give you the tips

on how to choose your best friends

before you come with pitchforks

because it's already half video

and we haven't answered the question...

How to choose our best friends?

The first advice is to

look for someone who

helps us become better persons every day.

Someone who motivates us to move forward,

who helps us in moments of need

but that also tells us the truth.

And that's something

that sometimes we don't like.

We make the mistake of wanting

our best friends

to support us in everything

without telling us when we're wrong.

And sometimes those who try to do it

we push away.

But someone who truly cares about us

will tell us the truth even if it hurts

because it's for our own sake.

Hey Grisela, how do I look?

You look gorgeous, pretty, beautiful,

very outstanding.

Alex, Alex! What happened?

Did you have an accident?

What happened girl?

*In spanish we said "hija"

which is "daughter" but like when you

call someone "son" in a friendly manner,

I guess it doesn't work in english...*

I had a what?

But tell me, how do I look?


*Sounds of trying to think something that won't get you killed*

How do I say it?

I'm not too much into that outfit.

Are you calling me fat or ugly?

No, what happens

is that you don't look too well

in that outfit.

If you want just say

that I look like a newborn whale!

Alex, relax,

how can he know anything about fashion?


maybe because I have eyes?

How dare you?!

Because I care about you I'm telling you,

you look ugly with those clothes-

Wait, give me a second.

If you don't believe me just look.

I'm passing out!

Franklin, look what you've done!

Alex, wait,

that mirror is probably broken.

It is also important

to look for someone

who has demonstrated to have integrity

and good moral values.

Someone who isn't a hypocrite, thief,

liar, gossiper or something like that.

Because what he/she does to others

is very probable will be done to us too.

Because sometimes some

who call themselves "best friends"

hurt, lie, betray

and create gossips of their best friends.

And we don't want that to happen right?

And then he came back

and Maria told him to get a bathroom

and then Maria left him

and I couldn't believe it.

So shameless.

So, as I was telling you,

I think I'll have to repeat

the english test

but don't tell anyone.

No, I could never.

I'll be right back.


Hi Grisela, is everything alright?

Ugh, you have no idea what Alexa told me,

she has to repeat her english test.


That that's just shameful, i would nev-

What are you doing?

I... emm..

nothing... nothing...

Don't tell Alexa.

I can still hear you!

I'm dissapointed, I trusted you my secret.

No... it was because...

Franklin told me that if I didn't...

if I didn't tell him he would choke me!

Release me you maniac!

What's your deal?

Grisela, I trusted you!

Don't leave me talking alone Grisela,

come back! Stop!


The last thing that's super important is

that we choose someone we know deeply.

Choose someone with whom

we've been friends for a while,

and with whom we care for each other.

This way we know how she/he thinks,

how he/she acts,

what she/he likes

and we avoid unpleasant surprises.

Finding a best friend isn't a fast thing,

we've gotta be careful who we trust

and who influences us.

But if we take the time

of looking for someone

who has integrity, who tells us the truth,

with whom we have things in common

and that we know well

we'll find someone with whom we'll share

lots of beautiful moments

and who'll be a blessing to our lives.

Blessings, Let's impact in 360°.

Break your neck if you want.


It felt really good.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." Proverbs 17:17


As we were saying,

we have to-

When moms tell us

"If your friends jump off a cliff

are you gonna jump too?

It's something literal,

it isn't a metaphor.

You said it backward.

For more infomation >> How to Choose Best Friends - Duration: 9:03.


We walked kilometers to get a Starbucks - Duration: 10:47.

calm down


we're going to a park

to take some pictures

we're walking

i'm poor and I don't have a car

just kidding

I don't wanna ask my mom to take me there

I don't have a car of my own yet

so we're walking

we're almost there

and then we're going to Starbucks

and then we're going to visit Mirian at her work

at McDonalds

so we're going to see her

Mirian is the one from Honduras

yes, the one from Honduras

so let's see what happens

did you know that people are actually watching us from Zacatecas?


why didn't you tell me?

I told you!!

they also mention where exactly they are watching us from

but I don't know the names


greetings to all the people watching us from Zacatecas

Zacatecas is so beatiful I love it

I wanna go back

we found this cool place to take pictures

we're trying to go to the other side

but there's a lof of water


there's a lot of mud


we wanted to go there

but there's a lot of mud

do you wanna kill yourself?


we could step on that rock

and then there's another rock

those pictures would look so cool

oh I know where

mission accomplished, we were able to take pictures there

we want to take pictures here

but I think i'm going to fall

mission accomplished guys

we were able to take some pictures

I was falling

me too

I look like if I was dead

do you see those spiders?

oh my god

look at this

it's huge

today is Sunday

but tomorrow we don't have classes

I don't know why

we have a free day

no school

you won't let me move

thank you

so we had nothing to do today

so we came here to take pictures

there's a lot of insects here

don't upload this

it's a long way to get to Starbucks

if we would've gone that way we would've gone too far

thankfully we came this way

we're going for a Starbucks

i'm so hungry

look at my hair

it never looks good

we're on our way to Starbucks

we're almost there

what is this?

why is this here?

i'm going to cry


what's wrong?

i'm going to cry

there are dead rats here

who does that?

i'm going to cry

I didn't see them

we were walking and Meliza told me, what is that?

and I was like whattt?

imagine if I would've stepped on them

that's disgusting

this is so sad

rest in peace

we're walking behind some backyards

and it smells like carne asada

it smells so good

it smells so good

look in there

I don't know if you can see

it smells so delicious

it smells like ribs, steak, onions and some sausages

she's hungry

it smells so good I swear

so good

it smells delicious I can't

yes it does

they should invent something

that could transmit the smells of something

so you could smell what i'm smelling

it smells so good

I can't get over this

it really smells so good

I thought we were almost there

and we're still so far

I think we're a few blocks away

I'm tired

just kidding

that was your mom

no, that's not my car

the sky looks so pretty


it looks so cool

a picture would look good

do you want one?


I do

finally, after walking so much

we walked like 30 km to get here

just kidding

I think it was like

3 km

I don't know

but we're finally here

after so long

we're finally here

we have our drinks

it's getting darker

I love how the sky looks

now we're going to visit Mirian

where she works

it's in front of Starbucks

it's not a lot of walking

but then we have to go back to my house

and it's getting darker

what a good adventure

just kidding

my love

where are you going?

oh this way?

hello my love

you look pretty

don't record me

we're here

come to buy fries

from McDonalds


i love you


we're going back to my house

Mirian gave me fries

from McDonalds

so now we're on our way back

i don't know how many km are in total

but here we go

I know you can't see me, but we're on our way

I look so dark

I think

it's supposed to be a little bit more of 1 km

my gps says 0.8 miles

I think one mile is one km and a half

so I think it's like one km and a little bit more

so we're on our way

we're walking through the backyard that smells like carne asada

it smells so good


it still smells so much

I want to make carne asada

Dad if you're watching this, let's make carne asada please

we're arriving to my neighbourhood

my house is the last one

so we have to walk a little bit more

we're here

mission accomplished

we're home

look at my face

we're so tired

my clothes

so this was today's adventure

I hope you liked it


For more infomation >> We walked kilometers to get a Starbucks - Duration: 10:47.


HAIR SPRAY PRANK - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> HAIR SPRAY PRANK - Duration: 1:55.



Hello everyone, I'm David Paulo and this is the factory Shape

In this video I'm going to talk about running tennis from the beginning

I'm not a person who usually runs every day every week.

I'm more of a part of the weight training gym but over the course of this

last school year I trained during the school year but arrived

at the end of the year and that I have to leave my workouts a bit

more to focus more on my studies

so since that time I've only been doing some exercises in

home some races and curiosity about the race arose and from now on I

I have the thought that many people just buy expensive tennis and tennis

good starting right from the start to running being started in this area and then I

I got to a point and went to a normal sport zone store and went looking for

it will be that in this brand there are no good products at a low cost

for a person who is starting this practice so as not to soon give a baldness that is usually given

and then I questioned I went looking for and the tennis I found were the

tennis that have already seen in the picture these are the tennis is brand of Outpace's

sport zone and are the Outpace Fin these tennis I will not be here to explain

which material is made up neither the insole nor the laces because it is

everything on the site of the sport zone you can see in one I'll leave

underneath I'll just leave the experience I had when I started

to run with them these tennis shoes have a very low value

I was able to buy for 24 euros and on the site are 20 euros at this moment in

I'm doing the video I'm going to give some indications of what I found

about these tennis you can see that the sole

have these peaks are to better grab the ground and honestly I thought

was not going to be as effective or would have some problem in regards to this

just an aesthetic part but not sincerely me as soon as I tried them out

that movement in traction on the floor I saw that really the tennis are pretty good

and grab enough to the floor this shoe I experimented on bike paths

the normal road tar and are simply quite firm to the ground

rest guys I've had several problems with the inside of the tennis

in this part here ahead begins to make a hole in the fabric and we can not

use the tennis when it starts to tear and this interior is quite strong

inside and out I think I have not used many more times yet

so I've already used and already use other brands of tennis

I think this is a strong thread in relation to the fabric here in the front and that

also breathing at the same time is not a tenu covered the only point of the

sight that I think is less good is even the insole the insole is a

simple insole without great height and I already have experience already tried

other players who now have that new insole that has the memory that is

Memory technology that when we sit the foot insole is more

thick and has more foam than the specific material and when we settle it way

the foot and as soon as we take it it takes a few seconds to get up and stay normal

intact and this gives a fairly large comfort what these still do not have what

I think it is only disadvantage if it is a tennis to run many

kilometers I think this tennis is not advised because

cutting will create a lot of impact on the knee joints

in general I think this topic is pretty good to start, which is my case

start starting races do a few kilometers a few kilometers

to get used to the corridase system are in the same

situation that I start these adventures of starting to run slowly

without great intensities and without wanting to spend balances on branded tennis

but important in the range of the race I think that sometimes these lower ranges

are somewhat censored for lack of good equipment or good materials

we have to try, of course, that of everything, good things, things more, but

think so before trying never let us know if it exists or not

something good in that range I hope you have enjoyed

the video and the tennis itself if you have any questions about the tennis

or about something I can help with

leave in the comments that I will respond to all people

For more infomation >> THE BEST TENNIS TO RUN | OUTPACE FIN - Duration: 5:15.


Why People Watch Videogames - Duration: 14:55.

"this is an experimental computer system"

(Takeshi laughs manically)


"You don't Knoooow m- "

It could be argued that Videogames prove to be the ultimate form of entertainment,

as you're not relegated to being a mere observer of media,

but have an active part in entertaining yourself.

This is something that many people today recognise and so will sometimes be taken aback to hear

that someone would subjugate themselves to watch someone else play a game instead of

playing it for themselves.

You'll have to allow me to get a bit meta here, as I'll discuss the appeal of watching videogames.

The forms that watching somebody playing a videogame takes can differ quite a bit.

Walkthroughs and playthroughs provide vicarious experiences for viewers, allowing them to

observe games from the past, passively experience a game's story or get an idea of what a game

looks and plays like from another perspective, but Between 2011 and 2014, YouTube had become

a hotspot for Let's Plays: videos where a personality or group of people came together

to play games and broadcast them to an online audience.

This kind of content comes in the form of singular personalities like Jacksepticeye

and Markiplier, group dynamics akin to the Game Grumps and Achievement Hunters and content

that maximises comedic highlights or montages from gameplay, the kind of quality content

that Funhaus and Dunkey produces.

Singular channels and channels with group dynamics both gain audience appeal due to

the hosts present in the video, and this is due either to their personality or their reactions

and thoughts to the game they're playing.

While montage esque content is similar in that regard, their strength stems from the

comedic ability of the personalities combined with sharp edits by whoever is assembling the video.

"I'm gonna destroy you, and your friend here!"

[fire crackling]

[laughter and fire crackling]

This kind of content is designed to highlight the best moments of a gameplay session and

will often yield higher retention rates than a standard gameplay video of 30-40 minutes,

since all the "fun" is distilled into a few minutes.

It's easy to dismiss this Let's Play content as easy to produce, though as with all forms of production,

this factor depends entirely on the hands involved in producing the content.

So while larger channels often release content daily, they almost always do this through

the assistance of an editor or two, who cut a session of gameplay into segments- with each segment

being its own video- or who cut between the different viewpoints of people playing in

the same session for a single video.

Conversely, some choose to edit their own content, with the complexity of their edits

and the quality of their hardware directly impacting the amount of effort and time gone

into a single video.

On a surface level, watching Let's Plays gives the viewer insight into the kind of

fun they can expect from playing a game, regardless of if it being a single or multiplayer title.

It's also almost always interesting to see the different ways people choose to play a game,

whether that be through inventive ways to play a title, playing to win

or just screwing around and making jokes about a game and with each other.

Unless you're producing silent walkthroughs or guides,

the personalities become the brand of the content being produced.

As the viewer becomes more familiar with the channel,

they tend to stick with them they as they realise how entertaining this content is to consume.

While entertainment becomes the primary reason why people consume Let's Play content, there

there is a deeper social aspect as to why people will follow channels, and this often stems

from the viewer forming a bond with the personality through the screen.

It's not uncommon to find that people afflicted by anxiety find this kind of content enriching,

as it allows you to laugh along and experience a game vicariously with people whose personalities

or stage personas mimic a live, social environment.

As humans, we require casual social interaction, and it's not uncommon to find people who

enjoy watching this kind of content due to growing more familiar with the person or personalities present,

either due to enjoying their style of humor or enjoying what they have to say

about, anything, really.

If you listen to podcasts, this analogy is easy enough to understand.

You choose to listen to to a podcast because you enjoy hearing the candid conversations

that people you've grown to know are having with each other.

In a sense, its artificial company with people who might reflect your personality or share your interests.

Incidentally, Let's Plays share an identical format with podcasts, and similarly, people

choose to watch Let's Plays for the company of people that resonate with them- and this

is the underlying reason why people of all ages choose to watch Let's Players- as watching

people play videogames proves to be more than a vicarious experience, and more like hanging

out with friends you've come to know.

As a result, fans become more invested in the content being produced due to the personalities

involved as opposed to the game being played, as they're watching a video to hear the thoughts

and view the experiences of the game from the person playing it as opposed to watching

purely for gameplay.

That said, the game being played still has a major bearing on whether or not most people

will choose to watch a video.

If the game isn't something popular or interesting to watch, most viewers will opt not to watch

that video and watch something else instead.

It's the reason why games like minecraft and GTA V

are still being played by gaming channels years after their initial release.

The immortal popularity of those titles tends to attract a recurring audience

as well as the general public to a video,

and potentially introduces new viewers to more of a channel's content in the process.

When it comes to services that host this kind of content, YouTube is the leading space for

content creators, with Twitch being the only real competitor that YouTube has.

While the later primarily acts as a video hosting platform however, Twitch serves as

the go to service that many use in order to broadcast themselves streaming videogames

and other creative content.

While videos posted to YouTube can have segments and errors edited out before a video is published,

Twitch broadcasts gamers playing live, so depending on the experience of the steamer,

gameplay sessions tend to be far more candid than a standard YouTube video.

Livestreaming also results in fewer total live viewers than you'd see on a YouTube video

over a period of time, but also translates into streamers often having a far more dedicated audience,

one willing to pay a paid subscription and tips through Twitch itself to ensure their

favourite streamers can continue doing what they do.

"Thank you for the 4 months."

"Good to have you guys here."

"Good to have you here :) "

While streams from larger channels are often archived and able to be watched later,

there's nothing quite like watching a stream and engaging with the broadcaster as part

of a live audience.

Indeed, Interactivity between streamers and viewers is one of the strongest aspects of

Twitch as a service, and the viewer is able to voice their thoughts to the broadcaster

through *THE CHAT*.

It may not seem like revolutionary concept, but the chat truly serves as the springboard

for the community surrounding Twitch.

While smaller channels would see the activity within the chat be a sporadic space of questions

and speculation towards the broadcaster and about the game, larger channels often have

chats which behave as hive minds, often acting in unison in relation to the actions of the broadcaster

Twitch remains a creative space for streamers, spectators and developers and is one of the

most unique cornerstones when it comes to watching others play games, as it's a platform

which capitalises on its strong social aspects unlike its competitors, who're trailing

behind when it comes to the kind of experience Twitch presents the streamer and the viewer.

YouTube had responded accordingly by revamping it's livestreaming capabilities and creating

a "gamer" centric viewing hub back in 2015, but their focus over the last few

months has been on reforming YouTube into a "family friendly" platform.

This was of course, much to the detriment of gaming focused content creators, for it

jeopardizes the viability of their content in particular on the platform.

Whether or not YouTube realises it should make their alternatives to advertisers globally

available is their own prerogative, however, many channels of all kinds have been dying out

as the service aims to become something it's not- making cultivating a

Twitch subscriber-base one of the best alternative revenue sources for larger content creators worldwide,

but newer, smaller channels without a dedicated following willing to buy that merch or support

creators on Patreon simply face extinction with the road YouTube is heading down.

Was that too meta?

As streaming became more accessible to masses, more and more people began broadcasting the

games they were playing to the general public as a hobby, opening the eyes of many to high

level play from various games in the process.

As people began watching talented players play a game, their own skill and the skill

of their competitors rose in tandem, thus creating a unique, perpetual learning environment-

the likes of which we only could have imagined less than two decades ago.

People often watch streams and video guides to learn how to play games in ways they may

not have thought of, not just to be entertained, but to enhance their competitive potential

by watching and learning from other players, with this concept taken further in the form

of streams of competitive gaming tournaments… aka, esports.

"ready for THE DUNK!!!"


The allure of watching people play games extends beyond entertainment's sake, as there's

something truly magical about watching people play a game with what appears to be effortless

talent and skill.

High skill ceiling games such as League of Legends, Counterstrike GO and the Tekken franchise

are just a few of the titles that many choose to watch for the thrill of seeing some of

the very best duke it out, but also proves to be a chance for viewers to observe and

learn the mechanics and tactics to take advantage of what they've learned in their own games.

While Esports has exploded in popularity throughout the asian peninsula, it remains a buzzword

to the west; and so in an effort to reach outside of its sphere of influence,

eSports related events have become increasingly sensationalised over the past few years

as it's thought that if the event appears spectacular, that the game must be fun to watch and play.

"ONE MILLION DOLLAR BONUS for being the grand-slam winner."


[crowd cheers with the enthusiasm of a dead fish]

"yeah alright"

However, this is the contrived train of thought by both game developers and event organisers

which prohibits the growth of esports and competitive gaming as a whole, as it's lead

to more of a focus on the spectacle of the tournament as opposed to focusing on the tournament itself.

In order to be a successful event, it's essential for a tournament to have the following:

a videogame with player influenced suspense due to being a skill based game,

personalities or teams that the audience know and want to see succeed, and finally, incentive to participate

in the tournament in some capacity, weather that be as a spectator or as a player.

It's the reason why Valve's Dota 2 tournaments in particular, while stumbling at times, continue

to flourish.

Valve ensures that the lens is primarily focused on the matches taking place, but from the beginning,

has also made sure to shed light on the teams and players participating to

grow audience attachment within the community itself and intrigue the general public.

While there is an effort made to ensure that the tournament's presentation is spectacular,

the true "spectacle" mainly emanates internally, usually in the form of new events, features

and cosmetics added in-game during tournaments.

Valve also actively makes an effort to draw in new players, done by tweaking the game

to guide new players in the right direction and incentivising their playerbase to get their mates

into playing the game.

Meanwhile, seasoned players are keen to watch a tournament like this go down, and Valve

simultaneously and effectively capitalises on their player base in order to fund portions of their tournaments.

Some might call the way they do this unscrupulous to be sure, but Valve's business practices

are a topic for another day.

The Speed running community is another fascinating cornerstone of what makes watching video games

entertaining, yet interesting and educational.

Depending on the category and restrictions in place, players exploit the various bugs

or mechanics found in a game in order to complete it as quickly as possible.

By following strict rules in various categories, speed running has become a way for skilled

players to complete games as quickly as possible in a uniquely competitively casual blend,

and watching players shave seconds off their times can prove to be quite mesmerising.

It also proves to be a great way to effectively learn game design.

By observing how speedrunners are able to exploit sections of a game being played,

it opens one's eyes to technical flaws evident in a title, but also how enemy placement,

level design and gameplay mechanics are designed to either reward or punish the player- proving

to be a great way to learn things that should be avoided or implemented when designing your

own game.

Speedrunning has inspired the creation of charity based events like Games Done Quick,

which not only promotes the niche of this activity, but actively supports charities

such as "PCF" (Prevent Cancer Foundation) and "Doctors Without Borders."

While speedrunning has almost always been a part of gaming culture, it's relevance

has only continued to grow over the years.

Meanwhile the influence of e-sports has started to break out into the mainstream in the West

and will likely continue to see exponential expansion in both it's playerbase and audience margin.

Both speed running and esports encompass what I call "skilled based gaming"- so what makes it so enthralling

to watch?

Well, lets take both of these scenes into consideration.

What do you see?

[crowd cheers]

Engagement and passion.

It's what makes any sport exciting to observe and adding a prefix of "e" is no different

when you think about it.

They're both scenes depicting people watching others perform activities that require practice

and effort- no footballer was born a genius of the craft just as players weren't born

owning mid or setting world records.

As humans, we enjoy watching others do well at activities we enjoy - but we also derive

joy from hilarity and the company of people we enjoy.

By virtue of watching a game or following a channel, you become a part of a community

of people who enjoy the same content as you.

In essence, watching videogames is no different from watching a television show or some sports;

they're both passive, time consuming experiences to be sure, but they're all still something

that stimulates engagement and gives way for conversation - in the end however, it all

comes back to seeking entertainment.

If you actually chose to continue watching this video, I'm sure that you already realise

you have the power to entertain yourself as you see fit, and watching others play video

games has filled an odd void for many people seeking a bit of fun in their lives after

a long day of work, a gruelling week of school or to momentarily escape from what ails their mind.

It may not seem like much, but truly, just that bit of fun, really does make a difference

for some.

For more infomation >> Why People Watch Videogames - Duration: 14:55.


Learn to Count | One to Hundred | 1 - 100 | Kindergarten Learning Songs for Children by Farmees - Duration: 3:35.

I can count my numbers...

Will you count them with me!

I can count my numbers...

Will you count them with me!































































For more infomation >> Learn to Count | One to Hundred | 1 - 100 | Kindergarten Learning Songs for Children by Farmees - Duration: 3:35.


i'm afraid of istanbul - Duration: 0:12.

i'm afraid of istanbul

photostory /new episode every week

cihan demiral

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