Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017


We've just received a report from Master Kenobi.

He has engaged General Grievous.

We can only hope that Master Kenobi is up to the challenge.

I should be there with him.

It's upsetting to me to see that the council...

doesn't seem to fully appreciate your talents.

Don't you wonder why they won't make you a Jedi master?

I wish I knew.

More and more I get the feeling that...

I'm being excluded from the council.

I know there are things about the Force that they're not telling me.

They don't trust you, Anakin.

They see your future.

They know your power will be too strong to control.

You must break through the fog of lies the Jedi have created around you.

Let me help you to know the subtleties of the Force.

How do you know the ways of the Force?

My mentor taught me everything about the Force.

Even the nature of the dark side.

You know the dark side?

If one is to understand the great mystery...

one must study all its aspects...

not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi.

If you wish to become a complete and wise leader...

you must embrace a larger view of the Force.

Be careful of the Jedi, Anakin.

Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi.

Learn to know the dark side of the Force...

and you will be able to save your wife...

from certain death.

What did you say?

Use my knowledge. I beg you.

You're the Sith lord.

I know what's been troubling you. Listen to me.

Don't continue to be a pawn of the Jedi Council.

Ever since I've known you, you've been searching for a life...

greater than that of an ordinary Jedi.

A life of significance...

of conscience.

- Are you going to kill me? - I would certainly like to.

I know you would.

I can feel your anger.

It gives you focus...

makes you stronger.

I'm going to turn you over to the Jedi Council.

Of course. You should.

But you're not sure of their intentions, are you?

I will quickly discover the truth of all this.

You have great wisdom, Anakin.

Know the power of the dark side.

Power to save Padmé.

For more infomation >> Palpatine Reveals Himself | Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:49.


Meal Prep - Low Carb Chicken Tetrazzini Recipe / Tetrazzini con Calabaza Espagueti - Duration: 4:32.

what's up guys and welcome back to the fit men cook kitchen today's recipe is

a meal prep recipe but it is also a comfort food makeover and a nod to the

fall we are making a delicious chicken tetrazzini be me okay I wasn't gonna

say anything but now I have to because I'm laughing in this show this goes to

show you all how much like maybe he's trash TV that I watched so do you

remember a few years ago on the Maury Povich Show which is a show here in the

u.s. it's a talk show there was a lady who was complaining that her best friend

was stealing her husband or her boyfriend and she was luring him in with

her homemade chicken Tetrazzini recipe do you remember that you think over with

chicken I don't know what she do with the chicken Tetrazzini but I love it

Dominika cook but I know she seducing my man with a chicken Tetrazzini you gotta

do internet search and find the entire clip because it's pretty funny but the

tick away is this if you're ever having trouble trying to wifey someone or

trying to hook someone then just make them chicken Tetrazzini because it

worked for her and probably work for you too

this recipe is low-carb we're gonna be swapping out the noodles and replacing

it with spaghetti squash which is a nod to the fall we're also gonna be taking

out the milk and the flour that's used to make the creamy base and we're

placing that with coconut cream it's gonna be very delicious you're going to

love it and I can't wait to see how you are going to tweak it for your diet

check it out oh yeah if you're not already guys I want to invite you all to

follow me on Facebook and Instagram at fit man cook I'm sharing daily meals and

other healthy living content that I don't get to share here on YouTube plus

I want y'all to be a part of my official countdown to my cookbook all right guys

check it out first we're gonna cut a spaghetti squash into range

doing it this way creates longer noodles remove the inside and place them on a

baking sheet spray the pieces with olive oil then sprinkle sea salt and pepper

bake for 45 minutes at when they're done we're gonna set a bowl

on a food scale and add the spaghetti gently push it out and pull it apart

now you can more easily calculate your macros for the recipe

next buy our rotisserie chicken from your local grocery store then remove the

skin from the meat weigh the chicken then pull it apart with forks to a

nonstick skillet we're gonna add olive oil garlic and chopped leeks cook for

three minutes until they're soft then add rosemary and thyme squeeze in a

little lemon and pour in some chicken broth then add the coconut cream and

season to taste with sea salt and pepper

next we're going to fold in the chicken and remove the skillet from the heat add

the spaghetti then gently fold everything together and allow it to cool

and thicken garnish with parsley next select your bakeware you can use a small

foil tin a baking dish or Hamitic jars if you use the jars be sure to get a

size that corresponds with your serving size these range from 7 ounces all the

way up to 21 ounces I like these because you can easily remove the metal rings

and reheat in the microwave spoon out your portion in the jar

and top with Parmesan and panko or wheat bread crumbs bake for 25 minutes at 400

boom fist bump that like button then head over to fit in and cook that calm

to get the full recipe and remember to download the fit man cook apps for

iPhone and Android for more easy healthy practical meals

For more infomation >> Meal Prep - Low Carb Chicken Tetrazzini Recipe / Tetrazzini con Calabaza Espagueti - Duration: 4:32.


10 Lies You're Told About American Slavery - Duration: 11:17.

Slavery remains one of the most uncomfortable subjects in the history of the United States

of America.

Indeed, it can hardly be relegated to being only American "history" as we'll soon

see in greater depth.

There are large groups of historical revisionists that have a vested interest in trying to downplay

it or reshape it in a way that's more comfortable for their agendas.

There are also some people that have grown up with overly simplistic versions of slavery

in the past and its current state.

We here at TopTenz will strive do our small part to push back against both.


"Abolitionism was a Popular Northern Movement"

The idea that Union armies marched with the intention of freeing slaves is integral to

the romanticization of the American Civil War and the lionizing of Abraham Lincoln,

as seen in speeches like the one that Jeff Daniels gives in film Gettysburg.

It gave a long, grueling war a sense of purpose that was meant to help everyone feel better

about the end result.

It's also not really what the situation actually was like in the North.

The New York Times reports that as recently as 1860 an abolitionist movement called the

Liberty Party ran a candidate that didn't win a majority in a single county.

The largest abolition newspaper in the country only had a circulation of around three thousand

at a time when the combined population of the Northern states was more than twenty million.

Even among the black population that joined the Union Army, the vast majority were former

slaves recently freed by the army they joined.

When the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1862, it led to a spike in desertions among

Union troops, some of whom were explicit about how emancipation was the motivating factor.

In brief, it could hardly have been said that the average soldier would have been moved

by a speech about freeing slaves.


"The American Civil War was Not About Slavery"

In order to defend fetishizing the Confederate flag (or rather the Army of Northern Virginia's

battle flag) and other aspects of America's confederate heritage, the lie has been spread

that the Civil War was fought over the rights of States, not the freeing of slaves.

There are a number of aspects that can be cited to support this claim, such as the fact

Lincoln himself denied that the war was about slavery in the early days since, as said,

many people in the North were opposed to the idea of fighting a war to end slavery.

However, the Southern states all included in their Declarations of Causes for their

rebellion that it was either the "superiority of white races" or the issue of slavery.

South Carolina, the first state to secede, charged the North with the crime of "…elevating

to citizenship, persons who, by the supreme law of the land, are incapable of becoming


Mississippi's called slavery "the greatest material interest in the world."

However much people today might try to muddy the waters, back then the motivation for the

rebellion was crystal clear.


"Slaves Fought for the Confederacy"

When someone wants to claim the American Civil War was about defending homes instead of slavery

(more on this later) they would be in line with common revisionist rhetoric to say that

slaves and black people fought rank and file with their white associates.

After all, who could deny the need for white people to defend their home state if even

black people and slaves would set aside their differences for it?

The problem is that for the longest time, the Confederate government wouldn't have


All black people, even those free born, were banned from serving as soldiers in the Confederate

armies for almost the entire war.

They served as camp followers that had to cook and clean as slaves, but they were not

permitted to take up arms.

When the Confederacy tried desperately to create black regiments in 1865, it was with

the offer of freedom instead of to defend the South, and it happened so late in the

war that they were never able to see combat.


"Slaves were Rarely Killed by Labor"

The logic of this one is pretty straightforward and seemingly sound: Since a slave is likely

going to be expensive, it's in the best interest of the owner to treat them well to

make sure they can get more years of relatively less grudging work out of them.

Noam Chomsky described how a prevailing argument among slave owners was that industrial wage

workers had it worse than a slave because "we take care of our slaves.

You only rent them."

However, it wasn't an approach that actually appealed to slave owners going by the available


A slave owner in Louisiana named Bennett T. Barrow was unremarkable in describing almost

daily beatings and torture for slaves.

Food and housing standards were generally minimal, as much for a show of power as a

means of cutting costs.

A slave cemetery that was discovered in 1997 showed that many slaves died before the age

of twelve, and of those that survived into adulthood, many had lesions in their bones

where their labors literally wore away the muscles to the bones.

It seems that for most people rich enough to own slaves at all there was enough income

that even expensive human labor was disposable.


"Freed Slaves Took Control of Southern Governments After the American Civil War"

For a century this lie was used in the South for policies designed to take away voting

rights from black people.

The narrative essentially boils down to how, after slaves were freed, they immediately

began voting for politicians that were so vile that they had to be forcefully removed

from office for the good of all, exemplified by the fact the majority of the new elected

leaders were black.

The landmark film The Birth of a Nation from 1915 is basically devoted to this falsehood.

The truth was that during the high point of African-American power during the South in

the late 1860s, they only had a legislative majority in South Carolina.

Other than that, it was much closer to Mississippi, where only

roughly 17% of elected legislators were black.

What was actually happening was a wave of terror in the South where black people and

sympathizers were being murdered basically en masse, particularly black servicemen.

In Louisiana alone in 1868 more than a thousand people were murdered for this reason.

In short, the truth was much closer to terrorism we mostly associate with the Middle East today

being inflicted on freed slaves.


"Slaves Were Only Owned by the Wealthiest"

As evidence that the average Southern soldier didn't fight in the Civil War to defend

the institution of slavery, it's put forth that the vast majority of them couldn't

begin to afford a slave.

The average price of a slave in 1860 was $800, which certainly sounds above the pay grade

of a soldier making $11.00 a month as the average Confederate private was when they

first enlisted, so it sounds even more reasonable.

However, you have to consider that among the people that fought for Southern armies such

as the Army of Northern Virginia, slave ownership was much more common than you think.

One in ten soldiers owned slaves.

Another twenty-five percent of the soldiers, who did tend to be only around the age of

twenty-six and naturally wouldn't have saved up to buy their own, lived in slave-owning


In the officer class, half were slave owners.

That's not even factoring how many aspired to own slaves, worked on plantations as overseers

or related jobs, or the number who felt that keeping black people in chains was the proper

order of things.

If there were soldiers that fought only for states' rights, they certainly were not

the overwhelming majority.


"Even if the South Won the Civil War, Slavery Would Have Ended Shortly After"

As part of the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery, some claim it was

dying out on its own.

For one thing, the fact that every major trading partner for the Confederacy had outlawed slavery

(and that it was unpopular enough that the South wasn't officially recognized) is offered

as a sign international pressure would have led to it being banned.

Also, advances in technology would have allegedly made slavery obsolete.

In fact, slavery was so profitable at the time that an average slave owner could expect

a 100% return on their investment within ten years, and considering the light costs, that

meant each slave was almost pure profit for decades if they lived to even middle age for

the time.

And nearly a century later, Nazi Germany put millions of people into highly profitable

slave labor.

Even today some countries still find use for it.

So if the Southern states had indeed become a separate nation, it would have meant a long

time where millions of people lived and died as property.


"The First Slaves in America Were White People!"

An argument used to downplay the atrocities of the slavery of black people in America

is the claim that Irish immigrants were an overlooked group that also got enslaved.

Irish people certainly were put into forced labor under the more sophisticated sounding

label "indentured servitude," and doesn't that show just how phony and shallow the feelings

of people opposed to slavery of black people are?

However, there were significant, immediately tangible differences between indentured servants

and slaves.

Indentured servants still retained basic human rights such as the fact neither they nor their

children were designated property.

It was contractually possible to get out of indentured servitude through labor, something

no slave could hope to get through anything more than their master's whim.


"Slavery was a Southern Problem"

For the average American the first instinct when the issue of slavery in America is brought

up is to imagine a slave being worked to death on a plantation while the enlightened Northern

states were their only hope of freedom.

It helps natives from those states feel that their hands are much cleaner of the peculiar

institution and allows unambiguous condemnation of the South as just a bunch of racists.

In truth, many Northern states didn't merely tolerate Southern slaveholding for a long


There were many active participants.

Almost all the ships that brought slaves through the infamous Triangle Trade originally set

sail in New England even well after it was banned in that region.

Northern states also allowed slavery much later than history textbooks usually admit.

In Pennsylvania, for example, there were still hundreds of black slaves in 1850 even though

it had been banned under state law in 1780 because the Gradual Abolition of Slavery Act

allowed them to remain slaves until their twenty-eighth birthday.

So the taint of slavery is much more prominent on Northern states than a passing knowledge

of history indicates.


"Slavery is Illegal in America"

As a means to try and put the openly slave friendly time behind us, revisionists that

want to downplay slavery will mention that it became illegal more than 150 years ago,

so why continue to claim it's still important?

Indeed, Steven Spielberg's biopic Lincoln treats the passing of the 13th Amendment to

outlaw slavery as an unambiguous triumph.

Unfortunately, as made clear in Ava Duvernay's documentary 13th, the 13th Amendment contains

a loophole that allows people to be put into forced labor as a form of punishment for being

convicted of a crime.

While chattel slavery was outlawed by Franklin Roosevelt in the 1940s to prevent it being

used for Japanese propaganda in WWII, the amendment is still in place.

Duvernay's documentary also points out that 25% of all people that are incarcerated in

the world are in the US and thus vulnerable to being pressed into slavery.

Indeed, in January 2017, Sheriff Thomas Hodgson in Massachusetts offered local inmates as

slave labor to help build the border wall with Mexico.

So it's not so much a dirty secret that slavery is still legal in America as it's

an unpleasant truth hidden beneath the surface that we're only now shining a light on.

For more infomation >> 10 Lies You're Told About American Slavery - Duration: 11:17.


Pusnakts šovs septiņos - 5. raidījuma kopsavilkums - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Pusnakts šovs septiņos - 5. raidījuma kopsavilkums - Duration: 4:26.


"Mit unseren Fans zurück in die Erfolgsspur!" - Jupp Heynckes im Interview - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> "Mit unseren Fans zurück in die Erfolgsspur!" - Jupp Heynckes im Interview - Duration: 5:41.


Sir-A ft Klajdi Çaushi - Shpirtrat mbi Qiell - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Sir-A ft Klajdi Çaushi - Shpirtrat mbi Qiell - Duration: 3:30.


Dove's Controversial Ad! + Jeffree Star's THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:00.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 9, 2017.

The weekend buzz was largely about a Facebook ad from Dove, captured by NayTheMUA, which

showed a black woman shedding her tee to become a white woman (in the extended version, that

woman also sheds her skin).

As some pointed out, this is the third item from the company that has stirred racially

insensitive controversy.

We'll have more this Sunday.

Jeffree Star sneaked "THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION" which will Launch on October 21st.

This is the velour liquid lipstick box set which will have SIX new shades

What's better than gifts inside gifts?

Wake the Dead Scrubs offers a set with masks and scents inside cute mason jars!

$30 on their site now

And you can Grab this creepy cute bundle of the Baby Bat Beauty Black Magic collection,

4 shades in limited edition coffin gift boxes, TODAY for $40 + free U.S shipping

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length

weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Dove's Controversial Ad! + Jeffree Star's THE STAR ⭐️ FAMILY COLLECTION | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:00.


The Secret Payoff of Being Introverted - Duration: 6:05.

The Secret Payoff of Being Introverted

Introverted individuals as a whole may at times come to be viewed by society as a shy,

weird, problematic, standoffish, reserved, and socially awkward bunch of people.

Some studies have pointed to introverts not having enough immune boosting properties to

ward off infection and pathogens in the environment, primarily because they tend to avoid large

gatherings and its perceived cesspool of germs.

Other studies point to a link between introversion, depression, and anxiety.

While these studies may point to a correlational link and nothing directly causal, it is unfortunate

that from a social and perhaps health viewpoint, introverts have come to be perceived this


In reality, we can learn a lot from their behavior, and keen level of introspection

and observation.

Let us examine the psychological health benefits of being an introvert, and why the unique

traits they possess could serve them well throughout life, and maybe in every chosen


Likewise, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the



Introverts truly listen.

Introverts can make good friends and confidants as they have mastered the art of truly listening,

making others feel heard, understood and acknowledged.


More action, less talk.

While introverts plan in terms of action, they engage in very little talk.

They can be truly more action-oriented than their extroverted mates, who at times just


Introverted individuals also seem more likely to complete goals they are working on, simply

because they actually get to it, and get into it.


Cautious or prudent.

While this can drive extroverts, or those in between, nuts, introverts think before


They analyze and ponder and usually end up executing decisions that they feel confident


Their lack of impulsivity can be a good thing.


Less obese.

Introverts tend to be more health conscious but, again, there are plenty of exceptions

to this rule.

The idea behind this theory is that they have more of a prudent personality in general,

and as a result more conscious of what goes into their bodies.



Introverts tend to be very creative, not just artistically, but also with regards to pursuing

opportunities that others may pass over for a variety of reasons.


Introspective and reflective.

Introverts take the time to reflect, with many of them reporting reflecting for a few

minutes at the end of the day.

This intuitively helps them to learn from their mistakes by trying to improve the next

day and gives them the inner confidence to see what they did right.


Great leaders.

Introverts can make great leaders with their good listening skills and high emotional intelligence.

This combination of traits can draw out the best qualities in their employees, keeping

them motivated and engaged.


They frown on people-pleasing.

While polite, introverts generally don't aim to please others, at the expense of their

own health, or resources.

They are able to naturally establish boundaries between work, social, and their personal lives.

This helps them to not over commit to certain obligations and then under deliver.

Usually they do the opposite.


They de-stress in times of distress.

Since introverts tend to reflect more than other types of personalities, they know what

to do when they feel stress coming on.

They listen to their bodies and minds, because they intuitively know that the two are inextricably



Enjoy solitude.

Introverts enjoy spending time by themselves.

Besides recharging when they feel drained, they truly enjoy their own company, because

they know themselves quite well, aren't afraid to be alone, and are at peace with


They also keep a small, but close network of friends, whom they trust by their side.


Dismiss noise.

Introverts find ways to decrease all of the mental and internal noise that consumes most

people daily.

This usually happens when they retreat into themselves, which others might call, going

into their shell.

This is a purposeful move.

Learn to emulate it.


Not all that concerned with what others think.

Even though everyone can fall prey to what others think, and it is perfectly normal,

introverts have projected a quiet, inner confidence that prevents them from getting trapped in

what other people may think of them.

Well, surely there are many more qualities to introverts than those stated on this video

that truly set them apart from others in a very positive way.

That being said, most people in this world are neither truly pure extroverts, nor truly

pure introverts.

Most fall somewhere in the middle, at times exhibiting different characteristics depending

on what is going on in their immediate environment.

Despite this notion, it should serve us well to learn from what makes this group so very

special and at times, very successful.

Doing so can enable you to slow down and live life more fully in the present, with the added

bonus of not being restrained by what others think of you.

This way, you can live the life you actually want.

So, Really cool information isn't it.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Secret Payoff of Being Introverted - Duration: 6:05.


[Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.4 [4/4] - Duration: 9:30.

Don't play house with me.

You can't even manage to play a yo-yo.

But I'd rather play house with you.


Stop crying now, Liftoil.

I don't like a crybaby.

If you don't stop, I won't play with you.

Good, I don't like a crybaby.


Smile more!

Let me teach you. Watch.

Padlom, come here.

Come here.

I have a new trick to show you.

What trick?

What are you doing?

Isn't it cool?


No? I practiced so hard

Wait a sec.

The other day you couldn't trace our family tree

So I made you this

You have the funniest face.

We have a big family

But are we really related?

Are we? No, we don't look alike.

One person here, one over there

Decide among yourselves.

You go there, I'll go over there.

But we're here together.

Can't we just stay together?


I'll go over there, you stay here


Our 3390 hotline has a web page for giving support.

Check it out but don't type anything

I have a crush on my cousin. Is it weird?

Padlom, can you set a table for 4, please?

Who's coming?


Sawasdee kha.

Sawasdee ja, Padlom.

Hi, Padlom.

My alley is flooded. We couldn't get to our house.

Can you let us stay over for one night, please?


Make yourself at home

I haven't seen you in a while, Padlom

You're all grown up, looking beautiful like your mom.

I get that a lot

Aunt Aom and mom are close, aren't you?

Of course we are, otherwise, we wouldn't come over to spend the night

Padlom and Liftoil used to run around together

You used to even bathe together naked.

That's true.

I used to pair you guys up.

Let me find it.

You still keep it?

I found it. Here

Watch out, hon.

Let me have a look

So cute

Isn't it cute?


After we're finished, please set up space for Liftoil to sleep

Yes, mom.

He can sleep with Padlom.

They used to sleep together as kids.

No, they're all grownups.

Your T-shirt smells really good.


Thank you….

Padlom, ever since you called me a crybaby,

I've never cried once.

When my Dukdik died during 11th grade,

I didn't shed a tear

I don't like to see you cry.

Not like that.

When you cry, your face looks like a butt

A butt? Like this?

Yeah, like that.

Guys, it's getting late. Go to bed.

I'm turning in.

Sweet dreams.


I'm turning in.


if you're going to bed

let's go together.

You're the only one who makes me laugh this hard.

Haven't you ever crushed on someone?

I may have a crush on a friend

Your face looks a bit plumper.

You go to the gym regularly, right?

Take Padlom with you.

Let's weigh you first.

What are you doing?

You can hold on my waist.

I won't take it as a hug.

I wished that your wish comes true.

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.4 [4/4] - Duration: 9:30.


GTA5 [人生] 代購/代刷/0鎖率/包賠/升等/刷錢/全解鎖 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> GTA5 [人生] 代購/代刷/0鎖率/包賠/升等/刷錢/全解鎖 - Duration: 5:23.


[Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.4 [2/4] - Duration: 14:24.

It's stuck.

Anyone, help me.


Hello, Spoil.

Can you hear me?

Yes. Why are you screaming?

I'm stuck in the elevator. Help me.

Shit! Really? Which one?

The glass elevator in Building 3.

I'm at Building 18. I'll hurry there.


Can anyone hear me?

All the sacred beings, please help me

I don't want to die.

I haven't finished school.

I haven't lived my life. I've never had a boyfriend.

I'll dance as an offering. Please help.


Help! Help me! Anyone, please help!

Can't anyone hear me?


What are you doing?

Can you get a security guard?


Stop asking questions. My friend is stuck…


What are you doing? Bodyweight exercise?

I was trying to help you

No need. The security guard already did.

How did you know I was stuck in the elevator?

I was walking by and saw you dance in the elevator

That's nuts.

Who would dance in the elevator?

Padlom, if something like this happens, call me.


"For you, Padlom.

From a smiling bear."


What's the matter? You seem jittery lately


Here, for you

Today is World Smile Day.

So, smile a lot.

You will look as cute as you do in the pictures.

Can you give these to Spoil? Cute, huh?

I didn't take any photos of Ghost. She never smiles

Thank you.

P'Gent asked me to give you these.


He said today is World Smile Day.

Why aren't you smiling?

I am

If he had given the photos to only you but not me,

I would have guessed it was him.

I wouldn't say it's P'Gent.

He always gives things to me face to face.

But the Bear never does

Oh, I just got a plant.

A plant?

The Bear is getting weirder and weirder

I can't think of anyone who likes plants

Today we talked about music therapy.

I'm afraid you won't miss me after class

so I'm giving you an assignment.

Pair up with your classmate and do a report on

the relationship between music and human emotions.

It can be in any format: paper, clips, slides – anything.

This is due when we meet next time.

Any questions.

Okay, class dismissed

Let's pair up.

What are you stressed out, Fan?

What did you call me?


Why did you call me that? I'm not your fan.

We are not a couple. But your name means 'fan' in English.

Fan means Padlom, you know?

I know but my name is Padlom, not Fan

Do you want to be called by a Thai translation of your name?

Do you want to play me, hon?

Seriously, what's on your mind?


What song is it?

You feel better, right?

If you want to feel better,

come and see me play at the park

I'm asking you

I don't get it.

Why do we have to do an interview here?

We see him often at the campus.

He told us to meet here.

Padlom, can I have a fan?

I'm doing you a favor by being your cameraman here.

No, that one. I don't want air from your mouth.

What did you eat this morning?

Liftoil! Don't even!

Bad breath.

Stay here. I'll get some water.

It's so hot.


Wait here!

We can share.


It's good that we come out here.

Why is it good?

There are lots of trees. I like trees. Refreshing

Refreshing? It's hot as hell.

Hot? Come closer.

Do you get the air?

This is too close.

You have it. Use it to cool down

Take it.

Where are you?

Are you about to start?

We've been here a while.

It's frigging hot


That's not a good picture of me.

You look cute.

It's ugly.

Let me take another shot then

What for? Can I take your photo instead

Just one more photo.

I'll take your picture.

He looks kind of cool.

Pick up your camera.


Have you taken any shots?

Hey, this is nice.

Clap for him.

Ready? 5 4

Wait, should I look at the camera or you?

At the camera.

No, I'm camera-shy.

At me then.

That makes me even shyer.

You can look at me instead.

5 4 3 2 Action!

All right, as a musician,

what is your view on the impact of music on human emotions?

For me, listening to music is like looking at pictures

Each picture gives off different vibes.

So does music.

Each chord and melody triggers different feelings


Could you please explain this to non-musicians?

Let's say I play the major scale.

It radiates ...

happiness and brightness

But if I play the minor scale using the same chord.

It echoes melancholy, sadness and loneliness

Let's guess what emotion I'm trying to convey through the guitar

Let's do it.



This is the last one. Listen carefully.

I don't know.

It's very clear. Come on, try.

I really don't know.

Take a guess.

Feel good?

Too broad.

I don't know

This type of music is emoting 'love'


Why, Liftoil?

The battery died.

He kept going on and on about something we don't understand.

The battery just died.

We were just getting to a good bit.

I charged the battery full last night

We can do another take

What's wrong with it?

Do you usually play music in the park?

I thought you only do it in pubs and bars.

Playing music in pubs is to earn a living.

Playing music here is all about the feel.

I like the greenery. Easy on the eyes

You like trees?

He is playing this song for you.

No, he's just doing his job.

You are in my territory

You can't just drink water.

Drink only a little

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.4 [2/4] - Duration: 14:24.


Audi R8 LMS + awesome racing simulator! 🎮 - Duration: 12:04.

Hello and welcome

back again from the Nürburgring

Today is a VLN race

and there is lots of stuff going on already

the cars are getting ready for the start

and here are so many people walking around

I've already seen some well know people who drive the cars

I'm excited how the day will be like and I'm gonna take you with me of course!

Next to me is Philipp

you are an engineer at Phoenix racing right?


and you and your team take car of this R8?

Yes! So, the car you see here is the Audi R8 LMS

which is prepared for the VLN championship

here on the Nordschleife

the car has more than 500hp

the performance depends on which BOP we are in

BOP means balance of performance

they try to make the cars equal so that they have the same speeds

within the different car brands

if you like I can show you the car?

yes please!

and this is the car that you use tomorrow right?


you can film the inside where you see that there is a huge difference to the street legal R8

this is all made for motorsports

you can see that there is a big roll cage

so that the car is very safe for the driver

and way stiffer

there is a custom made bucket seat

the passenger seat has been removed

I can feel how light the door is

If you want you can have a seat?!

Do I fit in there?

yes, for sure!

what is the best way to get in?

like this, right leg first

grab the roll cage


It is more like a falling into the car

okay, that is the interior of our R8

again, everything made for motorsports

many carbon fiber parts to save weight

first thing you probably notice is the steering wheel

there are many buttons to play with

most important one is e.g. the radio button

where you can speak with the team in the box

there is a drink system

there is an alarm button

if there are engine parameters with wrong values

you can reset the alarm here

or passthrough the alarm to the box

that is traction control

ABS settings

you can adjust the traction control and ABS with different values

do you do that during the race?

yes, if weather conditions change then you have to adjust it there

usually the drivers must have the skills to control that

but in case it is dry, sunny and warm

then you can adjust it before you race right?

and then it stays like that correct?

yes correct, when the weather conditions remain the same then you don't use that button

pit-speed limiter to avoid beeing to fast in the pit lane

otherwise you'll get a penalty

this is why we have that limiter. It is set to 60km/h during VLN races

windscreen wiper and flashing light

that's important so that the slow cars let us overtake

we can adjust the pedals and move it forward and backward

same with the steering wheel

just like in a LaFerrari where you can only adjust the pedals and the steering wheel


what can I do here?

these are different buttons for...

most racecars have "main" and "ignition"

to enable the main switch and to start ignition

ignition must be enabled before you start

to put it in reverse you have to push a button

what happens when I push the big red button called "fire?"

nothing, because ignition is off, but when it is on the fire extinguisher starts

and the whole interior is covered in a white foam

why are those buttons so nice and red that you want to push them?

this is why there is a cover on it so that you don't push it

thank you very much for showing me

I can't wait to see the car in action tomorrow

Thank you very much, now I need to figure out how I get outta here

how do the racecar driver do it?

I can't get out!

thank you!

Now I'm here with Linus

you can probably tell me something about the chassis and outer appearance?

and also some differences to the road legal R8?

one big difference to the road legal R8 is the chassis with is all carbon fiber

everything is a bit wider

the bonnet is carbon fiber, these parts are carbon fiber

we have flicks here

to gain for more downforce

the underbody is closed

which is carbon fiber as well and made of one piece

that gains more downforce too

the whole car is wider than the regular R8

just a little bit right?

yes, a bit

here is a wheel well venting

these are different to the road legal car

you cannot find those on the regular R8

on the front and the rear axle

and of course it has the huge rear wing

which cause an enormous downforce

and you can talk to the driver through that tiny window?

do you know how much that car costs about?

I do not know the exact price

but it costs new between 400.000€ to 500.000€


okay, thank you very much

we'll go upstairs to the lounge and see what's going on there

behind me there is some action going on

somebody is in the racing simulator which I will try next

I can learn the track in there

the cool thing is, that it is in a real former racecar

you have the same seat and it is very authentic

let's go in and see how it works

Now I have to get in again

I'm sweating, it is like a real racecar!

you must be 100% focused

I imagined if there was a crash it was a real crash so i was cautious

it is really not easy

you have to get used to the screen first

in real life you have a different view than in here

you can estimate things better with your eye in a real car than on a screen

if there is a corner you can't see clearly how hard it is

but I think after 20-30 laps you know the track quiet good

I definately need someone who can show me where the brake points are

but thanks a lot Phoenix racing that you have made this possible!

and thank you to my instructor

he showed me the simulator

time to go home!

thanks for watching, I hope you like the video!

if you like it please click on thumb up

I will watch the rest of the VLN race now

which is over soon

so, thanks again for watching everyone

please don't forget to subscribe

see you next time! Ciao!

For more infomation >> Audi R8 LMS + awesome racing simulator! 🎮 - Duration: 12:04.


SPINN - Home - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> SPINN - Home - Duration: 3:26.


VÉLO DES ANNÉES 90 !! CA ENVOIE !! - Duration: 7:05.

Hi everybody, It's Aurélien FONTENOY

I'm at Reunion Island

and i asked you on Instagram

if i have to test this bike

a bike from 90's

i will do a check up first

it's a Monty bike

in iron

around 17 ..18 kg

they used it i world cups in the past

there was a seat

but we cuted it to be better

we grind the frame and do tunning on it

there is hydrolic brake !

but doesn't work...

same for the rear brake

it's a s**t

and the chain...

Strong !

but the tension is bad

that will be fun

here it is

a cool bike !

The challenge start NOW !

first challenge is to jump on this rock

apx 50 cm to start


let's try it

the image is moving because i'm laughing


there is a cool line here

i will brake the fork

my challenger

the first who jump on this rock


your turn first, show me

clean the floor


i could be world champion in 90's

wait i will give you something magic

magic rock

come on

10€ the magic rock !!! :)

clean the floor a little

i sweat with this bike

it's hot

let's go

careful the brakes don't work

i will die here may be

i go ahead

don't forget the fork

yeahhh !

the choc ..... Boammm

everybody are watching you

that will be on the best of !

ok ! it's funny this bike

it's a little heavy

i wil grab my actual bike

8 kg

may be half

i will do same tricks and may be MORE ;)

it's going bad ....

your feeling ?

don't show that on the video

too late

we will not show that on the video....

or may be YES

video is over

hoping you like this new challenge Old shchool VS new school !

BIG LIKE !!!!!!


and as we said here

if the video is dangerous, put a blue Thumb !!!


For more infomation >> VÉLO DES ANNÉES 90 !! CA ENVOIE !! - Duration: 7:05.


❥ TAG | THIS or THAT avec Anastasia Beverly Hills 💜 - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> ❥ TAG | THIS or THAT avec Anastasia Beverly Hills 💜 - Duration: 15:09.


[Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.4 [1/4] - Duration: 13:38.

P'Padlom, I'm so sorry.

For what?

For starting a string of events leading to your shoes getting ruined.

Wait, Padlom.

This is not how you tie shoelaces

They're white and easy to get dirty.

Thanks for the ride and for dinner.

You have a low-grade fever, do you know that?

I know you're too lazy to get to the infirmary

So I brought this here.



What are you doing here?

I don't have a place to hang out

I stopped by the club earlier but P'Alan wouldn't let me in.

I don't know why.

What's with the long face?

I accepted to review a double T-shirt.

But I don't have a partner to wear it with.

Can you be my model partner?


If you say yes,

I'll join your club for the entire year next year

You made that promise when I let you sleep on my lap.

That didn't count

I was crossing my fingers then

But this time is for real. Please, please, please.

Please. Please.

We can talk about this later. I'm not making any promises

Why didn't P'Alan let you in?

I don't know.

He looked all serious and said, "do not disturb."

I'm sure it's nothing.

He was guarding the door like he hid something inside

Was it his wife?


You never know.

I've got to go.

Look to the camera.

Hey, are you checking me out?

No, I'm just passing by.

Where are you going?

To the canteen.

You like to eat, don't you?

I thought you only liked doing nothing.

No, please don't take a photo of me

It's against your club's rule.

I look ugly.

See you.

It's ugly.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3

Cotton candy.

What's this for?

To thank you for guarding the club when I was asleep

That's fine.

You do everything.

You are a model student, drum major first class.

You're on cutouts around the campus

You're the head of a club


Is it because you want to be famous?

No, that's not the reason.

I formed the No-Human Photo Club because

I suck at taking human portraits.

My friends always delete the photos I take of them

Open it.

I'll eat this at home.

I bought it for you. You should eat it now.

I'd rather eat this at home.

Don't tell me you don't know how to get the rubber band off the bag

You looked stunned at my stupidity.

No, I'm not saying you're stupid.

I'm just perplexed

Don't you feel that rubber bands in Thailand are the most difficult to get off?

I don't know what systematic method they use.

A systematic method?

How could you survive this long?

Normally, I use the scissors or my teeth.


There is one main strand. I bet you never look for it.

If you find it, your problem is solved.

Here, see?


It's funny how the smartest person in the campus cannot do the simplest thing.

It's true how you can't judge a book by its cover.

Hello, ma'am.


Neo, is it?


Glad to finally meet you.

Now I know why P'Padlom is so cute.

She has such a beautiful mother.

Sweet talk.

I meant it

Of course, Padlom takes after her mother.

Oh, I brought you some snacks.

Thanks. You shouldn't have.

You brought so many things.

Come in.


Make yourself at home.

Can I have a copy of your house keys then?

Another joke!

Are you coming in?

Yes, ma'am.

If you're not, I'm going to lock the door.

No, please let me in.

I'm going in now


Neo, this is too big for me. I can't wear it.

You can.

You're not the only one wearing it.

Hi there. Welcome to another episode of Neo Super Review.

Let's see who's here.

Come and like this video, guys.

Today, I have a special guest.

Give a Like to P'Padlom.

Come on.

Neo, your face is so smooth and bright.

Thank you.

Who is that?

Is she your girlfriend?

Is this your couple debut?

No, guys, she's not my girlfriend… yet.

Just kidding.

This is P'Padlom. She is my close friend.

P'Padlom, please introduce yourself.

I'm Padlom

So tense. That's okay.

Today, we will review a double T-shirt.

This is not your typical matching T-shirts.

Not your ordinary boy-and-girl matching shirts

It's a double shirt for two people.


Let's try and see how cute it looks

Come on.

What about the other hand?

We can hold them like this.

You are both beautiful and talented.

Mom, I went to the bathroom for a second.

Is he bothering you?

No, he's been such a good help

We're almost finished packing.

If you want me to review your food, please let me know

I'll do it for free.

I'll give you one set. If you find it delicious, review it.

How does that sound?

Absolutely. I'll do whatever you, the beautiful mother, says

I can't keep my feet on the ground now.

Come visit again.

Now I know that Neo acts cute around everyone, including my mom.

I was going to treat you lunch as a way to thank you.

Aren't you full?

I am. Look at how much your mom gave me

It's really delicious.

The vegetables are so fresh.

Look, the fans gave us a lot of Likes

Do you think...

they will ship us?

That's nuts. Go home.

Are you done?

I'll put this away.

This put Neo and Alan at the top.

I think...

Neo has never asked me to go anywhere

He acts particularly damsel-in-distress around you

He must like you.

By this logic, he must like my mom as well

He was sweeter on her than me

He knows what he's doing.

He charms your mom to get to you.

That's insane.

You're just embarrassed.

Can I have these 5?

Take them. Take them all.

Who will you pick?



If he had given the photos to only you but not me,

I would have guessed it was him.

It's good that we come out here.

There are lots of trees. I like trees.

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] SECRET SEVEN เธอคนเหงากับเขาทั้งเจ็ด | EP.4 [1/4] - Duration: 13:38.


BREAKING 100 EMERALD BLOCKS! (LUCKY?) | Growtopia - Duration: 11:31.

Hey guys welcome back to a brand new video!

Today I'll be breaking 100 Emerald Blocks.

For more infomation >> BREAKING 100 EMERALD BLOCKS! (LUCKY?) | Growtopia - Duration: 11:31.


【反黑】OCTB|18(4K 中英文字幕)(Chinese & English Subtitles) - Duration: 46:26.

Episode 18

They just received new orders

to stop all investigations on Junior.

These guys from the Special Branch,

they wanna take Junior back with them.

Let them do their jobs.

I'm guessing that there is an officer

with huge beneficial relations with the triads.

Now we know who he works for.

They're going to incarcerate Junior for 48 hours,

and then set him free,

letting the Godfather do this dirty job.

The Dragon-Head Baton,

and the Seabed, where is it?

I don't know.



already set up an escape plan

to send Junior back to Taiwan.

I'm guessing you're not here today as a police officer

hoping to protect Junior?

If we survive this,

you owe me a drink tomorrow.


What about tonight?

How are we doing this?

Mr. George has personally confirmed

that Junior really knows nothing at all.

He long no longer has value.

Uncle Phoenix,

I will never forget how much you're willing to help tonight,

but this is triad business.

From now on,

I'll handle this myself.

Get him out of here.

This is all I can do for you.

Whatever road lies ahead,

you're on your own.

Get out of here.

Sweetheart I'm not feeling well.

Why wasn't I invented to the party?

I can't believe this!

Am I a part of this team, or not?


you're retiring in a few years.

I discussed this with Pang,

we didn't want you risking

anything with your temper.

I understand.

Come on, smile!

Just relax, man.

Where's boss?

It was really serious business last night.

He's already having a chat with Officer Leung.

I hope everything's fine.

Nothing really happened,

I'm sure it'll be okay.

I'm sure it'll be okay.

Man, I was so scared last night!

Seriously nerve-racking.

Almost pissed my pants!

Officer Chan,

we were surprised he showed up at all!

He had to sneak out of the house, you know!

He had to sneak out of the house, you know!

He's really in for it now.

That's right,

have you called your wife back yet?


Totally forgot.


Not picking up…

Call again.

Hello, honey?



Which hospital?

I'm coming!

Sounds serious…


Hope it's not something bad…

Should be fine.

Stop being negative all the time!

Should be fine.

Hope she's alright…

What kind of cop are you, anyways?

How could you aid in the escape of a criminal??


I believe officer Cheung…

Shut up!

Shut up!

I'm not asking you!

The Special Branch

has been on this case a very long time!

I can't believe you messed everything up!!

You, and your boss,

You, and your boss,

and the whole OCTB

is asking to be shut down!!

is asking to be shut down!

When did your department start getting involved with triad business?

Then what is the OCTB?

Shall we begin reporting all triad problems

to your branch instead?

Better watch that attitude, officer!


let's just calm down a second.

We're all working for the police force,

let's not get ahead of ourselves with one or two cases…

Police force?

Your highest ranking official is the commissioner,

and our department?

We answer directly to the British government!

Direct commands from MI5!!

Direct commands from MI5!

Not even the same ballpark!

So mark my words!

My words are your orders!

If you can't give me a good enough reason for our loss,

I'll get you for this!


how would you like us to resolve this?

Officer Leung,

no resolving is needed.

I quit.

Calm down, officer Cheung!

We'll discuss this later!

Not necessary.

I thought this over.

I quit.

You happy now?

Dad! Mom!

You bastard kid!

I knew my daughter shouldn't have married you!

Stop hitting him!

Maybe he can explain.


I wanna beat him to a pulp!

I told you before

to take extra care of her now that she's pregnant!

How could you leave in the middle of the night??

It's your fault!

She had a miscarriage!

How do you feel about it now?

Oh my poor baby daughter,

there were so many guys after her

yet she didn't choose any of them,

but ended up with you,

you useless cop!!

you useless cop!

You're completely worthless!

Look what you did to your wife,

you miserable bastard!

you miserable bastard!

You… bastard!

Stop it

Calm down…

Come on…

Go to hell!

Go straight to hell!


you're a father now.

Stop swearing around the house,

the baby will hear you.

Got it?



This baby is adorable!

Chubby cheeks are so cute.

Chubby cheeks are so cute.

If our baby ends up having chubby cheeks,

he'll be so cute.

Promise me,

that from now on,

you will keep your phone on 24 hours a day.

I wanna be able to find you,


No problem.

I will bring both batteries,

and check on my phone every minute.


I'm sorry, honey…

I'm so sorry!!

Sorry, honey!


What is it?

Found out already?


Don't worry.

I didn't do it because of you.

Although we only began working together,

I truly believe

that you really love your job.

that you really love your job.

If not under extreme cicumstances,

you won't make these choices.

Were there any…

You should understand,

some things better be left unsaid.

Does your father know?


I don't know how to tell him.

Don't worry though,

he'll know soon enough.

I'll leave my father

and his work with you.

and his work with you.

Do visit him more.

You know, Danny…

The path you chose

is not an easy one.

You best think it through.

It wasn't an easy decision.

I'm sure you understand.


how's Wong doing?

His family refuses to see him.

I told Pang and Heman to look out for him.

I'll have a chat with him soon.

See how he is.

We have a good team, Chan.

They're all yours.


I'm not your boss anymore.

From now on,

you're the boss of division B1-1.

you're the boss of division B1-1.

See you around.

Take care.

Do take care.

Six months later,

Phoenix Chan became Senior Inspector,

and replaced Danny Cheung

as team leader of division B1-1.

After his resignation,

officer Cheung went missing.

The Wo Hing Sing sacred item

Dragon-Head Baton was never found.

Stop running!

Stop running!

Alright, alright!

Officers, it's a misunderstanding!



You sure? You sure??

Please, officer.


Do you know how many blocks we ran?

How many blocks??

Stop beating, officer!

How many blocks?

How many blocks?

Do you know?

How many blocks??

Enough, enough, enough!!

Enough, enough, enough!!


He's still young,

give him a chance.

Didn't you hear?

"Stop beating officer",

he never said stop beating him.


Get up.


Are you okay?

File for injuries?


Alright then.

Why did you run away?

You up to something?

Natural instinct!

I forgot I didn't even

have anything on me today.



Fine. Fine!


Get out of here.

We're giving you a chance to cooperate with us.

If you are willing to, we'll let you go.

What you want?

We recently heard

that someone else is running these streets now.


I guess.

Who is it?

I'm not sure,

but their boss is definitely a big shot.

A few days ago,

he even asked me to follow under him.

Big shot?

What do you mean?

You see,

all seven streets down there,

they were run by different triads families.

Since this guy came along,

it only took him a matter of weeks

to take over these streets for himself.

Isn't that incredible?

What's his name?

Speak up.


he's a friend.

What's his name?


Didn't you hear?

No bullshit?

Come on officers,

I don't want you kicking my ass again.

Come here.

You got nothing on you?


Spread open your legs.

You better not be bullshitting me.

Or you're in for a beating!


Got it?

Yes, I got it.

Get out of here.


Call us if you hear anything.

Alright, I will, I will.



wait till we tell them about it.

Let's go.

Come in.

Officer Chan.

Excuse me,

officer Leung.

Quite alright.

What's up?

Something on your mind?

What's wrong?

I'm alright.

I was just passing by for a meeting,

so I decided to come by.


I heard there's some action again.



Since Hung Lok made deals with Wo Hing Sing,

there was obviously less trouble

the last couple of months.


ever since businesses in Macau blossomed,

they began their fight for territories again.

What about the elders?

Have they not interfere?

Macau is a multi-billion dollar business.

They all want a piece of it!

Nobody's going to interfere, of course.

The world

runs on money these days, you know?

Isn't that right?

So, who's top priority these days?



I thought he was different now?

A new man?

A new man,

away from triad business?

away from triad business?

On the surface.

However my scouts have reported

that he is secretly

assembling his army.

I don't expect him to stay quiet for long,

before joining the action.

Have you met Han again yet?


Officer Leung,

what's on your mind?

I was just thinking…

since you two have history…

especially because…

I mean…

Isn't it a little too personal

for you to be handling

Han's case?

Officer Leung,

don't worry.

I'm fully aware.

That's good.



Been a long time!

About nine years…

How's that leg?

I was pretty young back then,

recovery was not bad.


What's up?

You're not here

to pick me up, are you?

Don't worry,

my thugs are picking me up.

You know,

I was released about six months ago.

I saw a whole new world.

a lot has changed these days.

Those that fought hard for you

all those years ago

are either dead or went missing.

The ones with power these days,

they don't know you, Fire-Shit.

They don't know me either.

And the Godfather?

We can get him to

elect a new Chairman.

Six months ago,

Godfather made some fresh blood

the new Chairman.

The kid went missing afterwards.

Under the tradition,

the spot must be untouched for two years.

No chairman?

What is the family thinking these days?

What a load of garbage!

Do they expect me to find a desk job somewhere?

Listen, how about teaming up with me?

If I remember correctly,

we used to hate each other.

Aren't you afraid?

Ten years ago,

it was money that pulled us apart.

We were money driven individuals, after all.

For the same reasons,

we could be pulled together.

As partners.

As partners.


How is that

going to work?

Didn't you say it's a whole new world?

The Godfather probably doesn't care much

about us anymore.

How the hell

are we supposed to make it as partners?


you have the muscle.

I have the money and background.

Why should we be following orders?

We should be the ones making order.

If we're gonna do this,

I suggest we start our own triad family.


A new family?

You're kidding.

A new triad family…

You really think

it would be that easy?

it would be that easy?

The door…

I've already opened for you.

Whether you want to swim alone,

or party with me,

you make the choice.

We're not young anymore.

Think about it.

Han, own any restaurants?

We'll need a full stomach

if we're gonna screw with them.

Let's go. *Laughter

Wong, Pang,

come here a second.


smells like trouble.

Tell me,

any news I should be worried about?






I heard someone by the name of General

causing some serious mess out there.

So you heard?

I guess we have…

Wong, Pang…

we're police officers.

We mustn't let our personal feelings get in the way.

I understand very well how close you are with Danny Cheung.

I miss him as well.

But if he's doing something illegal out there,

we still have to do our jobs.

We can't just pretend we didn't see anything.

You miss him?

I doubt it…

What do you mean?

Officer Chan,

if it wasn't for you,

Danny wouldn't have lost his job…



let him talk.

Now that you have his office,

you have no idea what it's like

for toopers like us to be working out there,

fearing the day

that we might have to be the ones

bringing him back in handcuffs.

He was our leader.

I can't believe this…

First off,

I want you both to know,

that I took full responsibility

for everything that happened with Junior.

As for Danny's decision to quit,

that was his own decision.

From the moment

he decided to quit this job,

the Danny that I used to know

is no long my supervisor.

Officer Chan,

a minute please.


I'm not sure what's gotten into Danny recently,

but I truly understand your struggles.

No matter what,

we cannot treat Danny

like the rest of the criminals.

If you're really insisting for us to treat him the same,

we'll have no choice but leave this team.

I agree.


I respect your decisions.

From now on,

I will personally follow up on Danny's case.

If there isn't anything else,

get back to work.

Phoenix Chan.


Officer Chan,

thank you for your time.

Hey, no worries.

Let's be honest…

Why did you come here

to see me today?

Do you have any idea

what's going on with Danny?

what's going on with Danny?

I haven't seen him in ages myself.

How is he?

Since his resignation,

his whole personality changed.

his whole personality changed.

Back then,

he used to discuss everything with me.

he used to discuss everything with me.


I have no idea what's on his mind.

I'm sure you heard

what happened the night he resigned…

I do.

That very night,

he got in a fight with some of his old colleagues.

He was arrested for assaulting a police officer.

Officer Leung stepped in to help,

but Danny was still charged for his actions.

There's no turning back now.

Because of this,

he began to act irrationally,

constantly surrounded by weird people all the time.

I argued with him a lot.

Then recently, he simply moved out.

I haven't seen him a long time,

and I'm worried about him.

If he continues on, he will end up hurting himself.

Officer Chan,

you guys were colleagues.

Please help him out.


don't worry.

No matter what happens,

I'll be sure to get involved.

Make no mistake,

I believe boss to be a genuinely righteous person.

Tell me, do you know something I don't?

You know about as much as I do, I think.


visit senior officer Cheung lately?


You know how it is.

Even though he's retired,

gossip and news still gets to him.

When I met up with him,

he knew everything already.

How did he react?

He was calm…

However one night,

he said something a little off…

What is it?

Here's your spaghetti.

A cup of

iced milk tea, please.

Iced milk tea!

Got it.

How's the food?

Not bad, right?

You know,

I spent so many years in prison,

eating all that nasty food in jail,

manure looks like a banquet to me now.

That's funny! *Laughter


such a huge restaurant

and you only got one staff?

What is it?

High salary?

Staff is not the problem.

Problem is the rent!

Rent is almost at 200K this part of town!

Since it's not so busy in the afternoon,

I decided to do this myself.

Save a buck or two.

You serious?

The rent here costs

almost 200K a month??

You can rent a space in Tsim East with that!


times has changed.

You think it's still the eighties?

You think people are going to back you up if you call?

The way it is nowadays,

they wouldn't help if you were a dollar short!

You're not really thinking of

spending the rest of your life with coffee and tea, are you?

What else can I do?

Under the circumstances,

us old folks can only stay home.

Accepting destiny.

Screw destiny!

Would you be interested,

in teaming up with me?

Listen, Han.

I heard you're a religious man now?

All goodie two shoes.

Of course I'm religious.

If I don't play good boy,

how do you think I got out so soon?



what's the plan?


I told you earlier

I wanted to start a new triad family.

I refuse to take orders from the old farts!

But that's disrespecting the Wo Hing Sing.

Godfather would never agree with you,


That's why I need you around to discuss things with the Godfather.


you've been out a while now.

Why come visit after all this time?

Have some tea.

Thank you.

Well, Godfather…

Han knows you were busy with Junior's stuff earlier on,

so we decided to wait until you're free.

Whatever you need,

just tells us… right, Han?


The three of us, we've already decided

to start a brand new triad family.


what kinda bullshit is this?


You know me as Fire-Shit, and I never bullshit.

For nine long years

Han and I have been incarcerated.

We went to jail for the family.

Nine long years,

and no one from the family ever came by for a visit.

Is that so?

The day we were released from prison.

Did anyone from the family care to pick us up?


The family has obviously forgotten about us.

I guess it's only customary

that we start our own loving family.

And you think you have been treated unfairly?

Do you have any idea how much trouble

your firearms caused us after the incident?

We spent millions on court cases alone!

What's your point?


Let's say we break even.

How about Han?


We caused trouble, you say?

So much trouble for you,

that you're still living in this mansion?

Trouble, would be an old folks home.

White-Hair, you're usually wise.

Come on, cut the bullshit.


you have been laying low since you got out.

Have you been waiting for Fire-Shit's release so he can shit on us?


White-Hair, show some love.

Be a little sentimental!

The old bosses,

they're dying off one by one.

Even Boss B is not with us anymore.

There are only a few of us left.

If we don't cherish each other,

we would be putting decades of relationship to waste.

You really wanna start your own triad?

It's not like we have to…

But we're not young anymore.

If we're gonna do this again…

Godfather, you know our personalities…

We either don't do this,

but if we do, we're do this the best we can.

We were interested in running as Chairman,

however, you made some kid Chairman just months ago…

Shit, we don't have much youth left in us.

In prison, I already lost nine years of my life.

If I wait another two years,

even Hong Kong is handed back to China.

God knows how it'll become.

So, the three of us

just wanted to meet up

with you, Godfather…

To see if there's any chance for a discussion.

Since you're here today to discuss matters with us,

it shows you still have some respect left for us.

We've known each other all these years,

I might as well

be honest with you.

Our family have seen better days.

First there was this bastard Jake,

he caused so much ruckus!

Then there's this kid Junior,

our sacred Seabed,

along with the Baton,

they all went missing.

Everybody knows about this

in the outside world.

Our family lost all dignity.

If you want a comeback,

as long as you're willing

to do something for us,

I, the Godfather, promises to disregard certain traditions.


as long as you're willing to,

whatever it is you want, we'll do it for you.

If you can bring back the Dragon-Head Baton,

I, the Godather,

will be first to make you Chairman.


you mentioned before

that we would be a laughing stock

if we made changes to a century old tradition?

That I did.


how many still care about tradition?


The whole triad world

is filled with people who couldn't care less.

They consider us stubborn

and unwilling to change.


I do hope you're a man of your words.

I, Godfather,

shall keep my promise.


Han believes you one last time.

We're going now.


I shall expect good news.


Good bye, Godfather.


are you really going let them do this?

Han is a sneaky snake.

Fire-Shit is a gullible fool.

Now that they have paired up,

there will be trouble.

I would rather the Baton

be in their hands,

than in the hands of others.

We are not the only people

looking for

the Dragon-Head Baton.

The employer of

the Ghost…

I wonder who

the caucasian really is.

Truly the untouchable.

Must have a very impressive background.

I have a thought.

We don't we…

Let Han do all the dirty work,

and attract trouble for himself?


Good idea, Godfather.

We shall sit back and enjoy.

Yes. That is correct.

Yes. That is correct.

I understand now.




are we really going ahead with the Godfather's plan?

What do you guys think?

We want to start a new triad.

Could the Godfather be up to something?

Long-Legs has been counting his dollars.

He's trained up some brain power.

Godfather's obviously sneaky…

He is the longest living member

of our family,

it is only certain that he is the sneakiest of us all.

You know,

going along with the plan

might not be such a bad idea.

You're saying

we actually look for the Baton?

Think about it,

no matter how much background,

how high up the hierarchy

the Godfather is,

he is only human.

He will die one day.

But not the Dragon-Head Baton.

In our family, our organization,

it is the highest statue of power.

It is a greater asset to us

than any other of our possessions.

As long as we have it,

we can do anything

and no one would dare disagree.

Those who disagree,

we'll beat them until they change their minds.

I'm with you, Han.


any kids out there that's capable these days?

I'm telling you,

these young kids these days,

they're getting worst by the hour.

Can't count on them!

Rather do things myself.

Yet there are some things we'd rather not handle ourselves.

Why don't we ask around,

see who's been making a name for themselves,

Invite them over for a talk?


This is the guy?


Took me a while, but I found out

it was him who made a delivery

for Lard that day.

Did he say

where the package was headed?

He didn't say.

That old fart gave you a lot of cash.


I… I don't remember.


You're a delivery boy,

then you quit your job.

Started your own company, right?

All that, and you're telling me you're not suddenly loaded?

I told you,

I won it off a lottery ticket!


I buy the lottery every week, and I never win!!

Just not willing to talk?

There's nothing else to know!

I mean…

I really know nothing else!

Lil' Wah.

Hey, where are you going?

Hey, stay away from me!

Want another go?

Tell me. What happened that night?


Are you alright, sir??

Need an ambulance??

Delivery this package for me…

and all the money you see…

is yours…

This… simple?


mail it to this address…

to this person…

specifically, this person only…

any questions?


Hang on…


When you're done,

quit your job.

Fly to another city.

If someone asks about this,

you must keep it to your grave.

Or else,

I will come haunt you as a ghost!



Tell me,

do you know what's in the package?

Of course not!

I… I dare not!

The address?

Where did you send the package?

I .. I promised him..

I can't tell, man!

So you promised him?

Lil' Wah. Do it.


Hey! Not again!!

Lil' Wah,

what the hell are you doing?

Setting up.

Why the back side?

Aren't you chopping off his head?

His head will lean forward afterwards.


His blood will be pouring all over the front!

Oh, right!

Move over a bit, Ghost.

Or else you'll be wearing a red shirt.

Don't!! I'll talk!! I'll talk!!


You wanna die?


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