Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 30 2018

Tall Tale TV!

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Story Audiobooks.

So today I have a story that's.

. . a little different.

I had to take some time off this week to get a few side projects finished, and decided

to share something from one of my favorite websites.

So without further ado.

. .

Two Mean Uncles Jogging to the Beat A randomly generated story written by

Tristan Bishop looked at the tiny magic book in his hands and felt worried.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his grey surroundings.

He had always loved picturesque Thorndale with its vacant, vague volcanoes.

It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel worried.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone.

It was the figure of Beth Snozcumber.

Beth was a violent academic with curvaceous fingernails and handsome eyebrows.

Tristan gulped.

He glanced at his own reflection.

He was a cute, noble, beer drinker with greasy fingernails and fragile eyebrows.

His friends saw him as a massive, manky mage.

Once, he had even brought a vain baby back from the brink of death.

But not even a cute person who had once brought a vain baby back from the brink of death,

was prepared for what Beth had in store today.

The clouds danced like sitting giraffes, making Tristan irritable.

As Tristan stepped outside and Beth came closer, he could see the unnatural smile on her face.

"Look Tristan," growled Beth, with a delightful glare that reminded Tristan of violent ostriches.

"It's not that I don't love you, but I want a fight.

You owe me 2317 pounds."

Tristan looked back, even more irritable and still fingering the tiny magic book.

"Beth, Is that real leather," he replied.

They looked at each other with jumpy feelings, like two different, difficult donkeys gyrating

at a very sinister funeral, which had drum and bass music playing in the background and

two mean uncles jogging to the beat.

Tristan regarded Beth's curvaceous fingernails and handsome eyebrows.

"I don't have the funds ..." he lied.

Beth glared.

"Do you want me to shove that tiny magic book where the sun don't shine?"

Tristan promptly remembered his cute and noble values.

"Actually, I do have the funds," he admitted.

He reached into his pockets.

"Here's what I owe you."

Beth looked anxious, her wallet blushing like a better, bitter banana.

Then Beth came inside for a nice drink of beer.

Ok, so if you hadn't noticed, this story was randomly generated.

I used the website I'm not affiliated with this site, and I'm

not getting paid to say this.

I honestly just love the webpage and wanted to give them a bit of promotion!

It's great for beating writers block, or just killing a bit of time.

It's completely free, just pop on over and follow the prompts.

It's kind of like those Mad Lib games where you chose an object, put in a couple adverbs,

name a place, an emotion, etc. . . and then it kicks out a story.

You can also hit 'random' and the website chooses for you.

It's definitely worth checking out if you like silly stories!

And, I'll admit, I've gotten inspiration from one or two of them and wrote entire short

stories based off an idea it gave me.

Sometimes all it takes is a bit of absurdity to get the words flowing.

Check them out at or look for the link in the shownotes.

But before you go, be sure to subscribe!

I'm Chris Herron, and that's it for Today's Tall Tale TV!

For more infomation >> Two Mean Uncles Jogging to the Beat 🎙️ a randomly generated short story - Duration: 4:25.


7 Advertising Strategies to Crush Your Competition (Ryan Deiss, Ezra Firestone, Irv Shapiro & MORE) - Duration: 6:11.

In this video I'm gonna talk about my favorite ad strategies from Growth Everywhere

which is a podcast where I nerd out on entrepreneurship and I interviewed

world-class entrepreneurs so enjoy the video.

--so when you drive query-based

traffic you don't have to do a whole lot okay here's my product you know buy it

here's a picture of it here's a description of it you were looking for

it anyways when you're driving contextual traffic it requires more than

that you have to move someone from looking at a picture of their friend to

making a buying decision and the way that we do that is we send people to

what's called a free sell engagement page an article that engages them in a

conversation about a topic or a problem that they are interested in that alludes

to a solution that is our product and so what happens is instead of us being like

hey buy my stuff or like hey check out this article and then in the article

there's a transition into the conversation amount of product so it's

like hey I had this experience I had diabetes and I started eating well and

it was amazing and I feel so much better and I used this particular supplement

and then they click the link for that supplement and now they're chasing the

offer and then they go to the sales page if you're just starting out and you have

very little traffic going to your site what we recommend is um our quizzes

really worked well with Facebook Ads and you know you don't have to be a big

spender on Facebook in order to see huge results from it so we recommend driving

Facebook traffic from Facebook ads to your quizzes and advertising it what

ends up happening you get a ton of engagement on your ads where people are

sharing the quiz adds itself commenting and putting their results and Facebook

sees the quizzes as like a highly engaging content add content so it

drives down the cost of your ads so for some of our customers and users there's

like they're able to capture leads at 5 cents so you love to you know 90 cents a

lead and depending on the type of quiz that they're running to their website

you know I said I'm impressed was done some retargeting and we found Facebook

is where we're seeing a lot of response where people are entering our funnel

after we retarget them to that that channel I you know I love LinkedIn we

certainly run stuff with targeted ads like viz oh it is more expense

certainly than Facebook or Twitter but there's a good you know the good there's

good targets on LinkedIn and our sales team of courses is very active social

selling and using LinkedIn I'm most interested in setting a retargeting

pixel so I can follow up with them through retargeting ads so what we're

doing now is we're buying advertising and the list that I'm interested in

building initially at least is not a you know list of demos you know not a list

of subscribers even but I'm interested in building our pixel audience list so

how many people can we pixel with Facebook retargeting and Google

retargeting so that now we've given value in advance right they came to our

site they read it I didn't make him jump through a hoop it wasn't quid pro quo

it wasn't hey give me your name and email address and then I'll give you

some content it's a I'm so glad you're here here's some great content you know

maybe they click around but now I know they came to my site and I can follow up

I get multiple bites at the Apple through retargeting and then it's in

those retargeting ads where we ask people to you know give us their name

and email address or take a demo but it's only after we delivered value in

advance but now the brand advertisers are also getting into the game and newer

ways of correlating what happens when you invest allow these brands to really

see the impact of their spending so you can really see these days also with with

mobile location data you can see if someone has seen your ad actually visits

your store and then you can correlate that with your point-of-sale data let's

see if you actually sold more things so it's an exciting time for marketers they

can really see better how their money is working for them but it's also a super

confusing time for marketers because digital is so much more complex than

just buying a newspaper ad or a television spot and we have Pixability

tried to provide clarity to those brand advertisers with great content unique

but really adds value to your cast no matter if they are customer or they

will never buy the throttle and then when you have great content Facebook

advertising becomes a really huge weapon to maximize that content so content is

booked advertising to reach as many users as we can with a content and when

we have give the funnel so once you visit our blog with website custom

audiences from Facebook advertising we will target you and we tell you hey we

also have this great ebook that you can download

we only want your email for example or your email and your name we can work

them into leads and then we use HubSpot to do lead nurturing and with time

convert them into face customers so in any of these cases they found that by

putting the ability to engage with their call center right up front be a

telephone number increase their call through rate we call a phone through

rate and because they knew what AdWords and ads were driving those calls they

were able to optimize around those calls and those calls are the best quality

leads because there's immediate urgency nobody's picking up the call it they're

not seriously thinking about going to your resort where somebody might down

click on an ad or fill in the contact form just to gather information for next

year so the interesting thing about our use of telephones of mobile devices of

smart phones is they communicate to the brand a certain level of urgency that

you don't necessarily get from a click

For more infomation >> 7 Advertising Strategies to Crush Your Competition (Ryan Deiss, Ezra Firestone, Irv Shapiro & MORE) - Duration: 6:11.


日本人告訴你,惹毛日本麥當勞店員的方法《奕寬Vlog - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 日本人告訴你,惹毛日本麥當勞店員的方法《奕寬Vlog - Duration: 2:29.


King loses his virginity - Gustav III & Stanisław August Poniatowski, part 2 (eng subtitles) - Duration: 15:21.

And now it becomes clear why I decided to combine Gustav III and Stanisław August Poniatowski

Because whenever I thought of Gustav III I associated him with his cultural reforms

And when I found out what changed in Swedish culture thanks to him

Stanisław August Poniatowski came to my mind, what he did to Polish culture

-Sure, old thinking, the king was hopeless but amazing minister of culture

-Instead of focusing on some regime reforms, which where obviously important under Gustav III

and changed the country sufficiently, I wanted to mention those who seems maybe unobvious

or those who aimed to improve people's lives or on contrary, to dog them

Gustav abolished torture entirely and death punishment was restricted to king's decision

Besides, despite the opposition from Church of Sweden, he introduced the freedom of religion

only for immigrants at the beginning, but it was already a huge change

Gustav also allowed Jewish people to settle in Sweden, again, only in three cities, but it was also a great change

One of the failed reforms I can mention an attempt to monopolize the production of aquavit

About aquavit I wrote a text, to which I leave a link in the box below

-And now... -In Poland monopolization of alcohol was impossible

-Well yeah, a bit different culture of drinking -Yes, a bit different

-Stanisław August, after the attempt of assassination, wrote a text "Suum cuique"

which means "to each his own", he described the history of Poland, how the anarchy developed to it's present form

And so he wrote that under the reign of August II the country started to drink heavily

The greatest man of 18th century Lithuania, Karol Radziwiłł "My Dear Sir"

he was a professional alcoholic since the age of 8

-Okay, so is it worth to mention any of the reforms from the Poniatowski reign or maybe...

-Is it worth...

-Well I wouldn't mention...

"It wasn't worth it"

-Sure, so allowing Jews to settle in the country, taking care of the middle class, abolishing torture

they were issues proceeded in the Polish Parliament, but of course SAP couldn't act as quickly

as an absolute ruler of Sweden. In Poland the position of the king was definitely weaker

So SAP used the small steps method, gradually bringing enlightenment to the people

He established Corps of Cadets, Commission of National Education, institutions of enlightenment

for the people from the very young age of noblemen to start with

SAP constantly negotiated with Russian ambassadors about what he could gain for his country

-What was established in Stockholm thanks to Gustav III?

For sure I should mention the Royal Opera, created in the first years of Gustav's reign, where later he was assassinated

as well the Royal Ballet. 10 years later, in the 1780s, the Royal Theatre

Gustav tried to reform the Academy of Art, which was established already in the 1730s,

but now it gained the best benefactor in the person of the king with the change of the name into Royal Art Academy

Gustav supported as well the Swedish Academy. How was it with SAP?

-SAP also has his accomplishments in the cultural area. He valued the artists and art itself.

He created a big collection of paintings with around 2500 items in the moment of 3rd partition of Poland

In SAP's diaries he mentions that when he was on his Ground Tour, he bought his first painting

and then he felt "that a true treasure he acquired". Since then he has been developing his collection.

He constantly thought of establishing the Academy of Art

There was a project for it but never fullfiled

On the other hand, his first court painter, Marcello Bacciarelli, had a Painting Academy

where young painters were taught. -Here you mentioned that SAP started a collection

With Gustav it was pretty similar. In the 1780s he visited Italy. There he bought e.g.sculptures of Apollo and his Muses

And this whole collection became a base for the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm

-Was it similar with SAP? -Of course. He had some Italians

-Standard. -Yes.

-And he was constantly interested in the new trends in art and architecture

Thanks to him classicism is introduced in Poland, although SAP had a sentiment to baroque

which created something called the Stanislaus style in the architecture

so a joyfull transformation from baroque to classicism

-Alright, so as we speak about the artists, maybe we'll show some of their work?

I mentioned that Gustav visited Italy and in Rome worked a Swedish sculptor, Johan Tobias Sergel

Regarding the painters, my favourite is Alexander Roslin

And I really like the painting made by Roslin, where he portrayed Gustav and his brothers

So we have Gustav III in the golden mantle, Charles XIII and Fredrik Adolf

What can you show me from SAP?

-For SAP the main painter was Marcello Bacciarelli, mentioned before

Besides, Stanisław said that the recognised himself fully in Bacciarelli's painting

on which he was presented in the coronation costume

It's the most famous image of Stanisław August

Although it wasn't the first coronation portrait ordered by SAP

Before Bacciarelli settled in Poland, the king ordered his coronation portrait at the painter called Werner

Where he resembles a bit a garden gnome

So no wonder that he wanted another one from another painter

And Bacciarelli created numerous amount of king's portraits

From the artists which didn't work on SAP's court in Warsaw

We have a very interesting figure, Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun

-A woman. -A woman.

Which emigrated to Petersburg and there she met Stanisław, who, after the 3rd partition, was a guest at tsar's court

She painted two images of the king, here is one in Henry IV inspired dress

And another one, located today in France

Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun made a scene once, afterwards she apologised to the king

Cause she was working at her studio and she heard someone's coming

So she started to yell and scream that her peace was disturbed

She discovered that she was simply visited by SAP so later she was coming to him to apologise

And Stanisław, appreciating artists, knowing that they need peace and quiet -He forgave

-He did and didn't blame her.

Such a good man.

-Good man. It's interesting that you mention female artists, cause on Gustav's court we can find one

I have a problem with Ulrika, cause she mainly painted previous kings the way she thought they looked like and dressed

-Our Matejko. -Yes.

She tried to style kings in the previous fashion. -Jesus, it cannot be good.

So she made Johan III looking like renaissance, the same with Gustav Vasa

From Lorens, Ulrika's brother, who, in my opinion, is pretty decent, I can show this one, so yes, pretty decent

From funny things one can find in the national museums:

Portrait, ehh, a painting presenting SAP from the early 20th century

The king in Petersburg in despair over the faith of Poland looking at a painting of Łazienki

And you see that he is drying his tears looking at the Palace on the water

-We move on to the final segment of our video - to the women.

Gustav was destined to marry a Danish princess, Sofia Magdalena, famous of her beauty

They were coeval, both born in 1746, so both at the age of 20 got married

Fun fact, probably until 1778, the marriage was not consumed. It was said that Gustav simply did not know how to do it.

So a problem emerged. On Swedish court in the 1770s a nobelman appeared - Adolf Fredrik Munck.

Who was famous for his romances. He became a friend of the king and the queen.

So a suggestion came up - Munck will help the royal couple to conceive a baby.

There was even a caricature showing how it was done.

-Wow. -The man behind is Munck.

It a caricature from the 1790s.

According to a protocol from this... session, Munck touched both the queen and the king to help them.

This of course caused rumors that the heir to the throne is a son of Munck and Sofia Magdalena, not her and Gustav.

-How was it with SAP? In the end he did not marry Sofia Albertina or any other woman.

-He didn't, until the Great Sejm he deluded himself into getting marry a princess

-Lack of official wife caused lack of children?

-No. SAP often surrounded himself with women. The most famous romance of him is the one that put him on a throne

A romance with Catherine the Great, while she was still a wife of the heir to the Russian throne

-Something was born out of this?

-Yes, something was born. A girl, which unfortunately died at young age.

Emperor Paul also thought that SAP was his father, but it's impossible due to the time line.

Romance with Catherine was very passionate. She, educated woman from Germany

came to the Russian court with no companion to talk to

Her husband, as Catherine said herself, was a drinker and an impotent

so he couldn't satisfy her needs, so Stanisław, for couple of months, was the person to, hmm, keep up with everything

What more, it was a first sexual experience for Stanisław: "due to interesting turn of fortune, being 23 years old

I gave her what I haven't given to anyone before."

-Aww. That's romantic. Although it didn't have romantic happy end.

-Nope. Catherine was not the only love in Stanisław's life.

During his reign he met with many different women. The longest relationship he had with Elżbieta Grabowska.

This relationship resulted in offspring. Their children were still present on Polish political scene later on.

Their son, Michał Grabowski, was a soldier, who fought and died during Napoleonic Wars

Another son, Stanisław Grabowski, was a Minister of Education in the Congress Poland.

He replaced at the position of Minister of Education Stanisław Kostka Potocki, who was removed from the office

after the wrote a book "Journey to the Backwardness"

He is known as not too appealing person. In some diaries Stanisław Grabowski was described when

he rode on his horse to the University of Warsaw, gathered all students at the yard

and gave monologues lasting many hours about the need of education which were not too passionate.

-Ugh, it had to be an unpleasant experience.

-Probably. The student life is not east at all.

For more infomation >> King loses his virginity - Gustav III & Stanisław August Poniatowski, part 2 (eng subtitles) - Duration: 15:21.


1,2,3.. 5. Не пи**и я 1 - HARD PLAY начало стрима, угарные моменты со стрима - Duration: 0:16.

oh blyat nahuy ya nachal stream

1,2,3 что за хуйня 5. Ублюдок, мать твою, а ну иди сюда говно собачье, решил ко мне лезть? Ты, засранец вонючий, мать твою, а?

пiшов нахуй я 1 колхозник ебаться в телевизор

For more infomation >> 1,2,3.. 5. Не пи**и я 1 - HARD PLAY начало стрима, угарные моменты со стрима - Duration: 0:16.



online sultans



Video: Few showers possible - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Video: Few showers possible - Duration: 2:05.



For more infomation >> SPOTLIGHT: MICHAEL MEADE - Duration: 11:14.


Majlis Pertunangan | Azehar & Amira - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Majlis Pertunangan | Azehar & Amira - Duration: 3:12.


Рай Там Где Ты - Красивая и Нежная Песня о Любви | Артем Орлов - Duration: 3:45.

Paradise Where Are You, Gentle Song of Love, Artem Orlov

For more infomation >> Рай Там Где Ты - Красивая и Нежная Песня о Любви | Артем Орлов - Duration: 3:45.


Scoring The Last Jedi: a 360 VR Experience - Duration: 6:52.

- The beauty of "Star Wars" it's not a science fiction film.

It's a musical, where the orchestra starts

with a trumpet blast, and it sort of

ends with a trumpet blast.

And everything in between is the score.


- Everything about the experience with John Williams

was magical.

To sit on the sound stage and to hear that 100-piece orchestra

light up, and he's up there conducting,

and to feel that music hit you, it's an emotional experience

unlike anything I've ever had.

- Remember that E flat will just continue.

- OK.


- We have actually recorded him with the orchestra 183

minutes of music, which I think is something of a record


It's more than "Force Awakens."

- So with "Canto Bight," I had always figured, OK,

that was going to be source music, which means it's

not an abstract score playing.

It's supposed to be music that's actually in the scene.

And I didn't know whether John was going to want to do that

or not.

And he really wanted to do it.

He was so-- [LAUGHING] he was like, nope, I'm doing that.


And the day we were recording it,

he was having so much fun because they

were like playing, like, plastic trumpets.

[LAUGHING] And they were like--

they had all the wacky instruments out.

They went to a wacky drawer.


He was like a little kid, just kind of like experi-- oh, what

if we do that?

And what if we try-- can you try using that thing

as a plunger in that thing?

It was so much fun to watch.

And then you see it in the movie,

and it's got this wacky, beautiful life to it, you know.

It's pretty cool.


I've had my morning coffee on the Millennium Falcon.

I've had I've done some pretty cool stuff.

And nothing compares to sitting there next to John

when he's at work.

It's hard to separate the emotional reaction

of the movies that you grew up with and John's score.

And you can't pull them apart.

They're merged.


- Well, I don't feel any different than I

might have done 40 years ago.

I'm no less excited by bringing it to life with the orchestra,

maybe more so.

You can never stop learning.

You don't want to retire from music anymore

than you retire from breathing.

This is probably the only time in the history of cinema

where a composer has had the opportunity

to do eight episodes of something,

using material from episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 always--

and then adding something new every time.

What a treat to be able to have had

the good fortune to do that.

Quite happy to continue on with it, if I'm able.

It's been too much fun.


- What does it do? [LAUGHTER]

- Can it conduct?



- Sean, I got distracted.




New orchestra member.

A soloist.

For more infomation >> Scoring The Last Jedi: a 360 VR Experience - Duration: 6:52.


Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2018 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas 2018 | Part 20 - Duration: 10:41.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 2018 💄 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas 2018 | Part 20 - Duration: 10:41.


Luxury Brand HAUL! Only One Unboxing - Duration: 5:05.

Hi guys, it's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

For today! For the first time of my life!

I bought a luxury brand item for myself!

If you've seen my last clip, the department store VIP clip,

You'll know that I visited a Gucci store recently

But there was something that caught my eye

So, for the first time of my life

It's the first luxury good for me

I just closed my eyes and bought it

Since I'm a student, and I started Youtube recently, it's not such a big business

So, I can't buy many luxury brands to show you

So, I bought only one

You guys are going to be with me, unboxing my first luxury brand good

Shall we start, together?


What do you think this is?~

Let's open it together!

If you see the shopping bag first, can you see?

It's tied into a ribbon!

I'll open it



Isn't the box smaller than you expected?

It's in a long shopping bag, even if the box is small

Ta da~~ isn't it so beautiful?

It's just a basic Gucci box, but since it's my first,

I'm happy, even just seeing the box

I'm touched, right now

I'll see what's here, first

It's just a receipt LOL

It's about 700,000 won

Guess about what's that price in Gucci!

Now, I'll really start to unbox it

This is not mouth sound

If you open it, it's in a dust bag like this

Can you guess what it is?

It's really

I was only staring at this, at the Gucci store

I really wanted to buy it, and wanted to know the price

So, I asked the price

And thought that the price is reasonable

Because it's my birthday soon!

So, I bought this to give myself as a present

I'll show it now

It's a Gucci belt, guys

The belts have sizes also, and this is the smallest one

Since it's for men, I don't know if it'll match me

Fortunately, it matches my waist

It matches so-so, here

But, I bought this to fasten it higher

And, since I like belts on coats

If I take this to the Gucci store, they'll punch some holes for me

So, I'll punch some holes to match the waist better

It's obvious that holes shouldn't be here

This isn't a new product, guys

But since I don't care about new products, I chose this

Anyways, I really like this

( Eye contacting ) I'm eye contacting with this tiger LOL

Anyways, I got a 700,000won belt!

Let's take a closer look

Luxury brands have a number on the products, like a seal

That's why this has a number, also

The point that I really like, is the thickness

This thickness looks good on coats and other outers

And the color point of this tiger will be pretty with red or white looks

Definitely with black

There's a sad point thought

The inner leather is a type that weakens easily

I didn't search for the material

The outside is slippery, but the inside is a week one

If you see the back side, the sewing is done very carefully

It's a luxury good, for sure~

But, since the buckle is too fancy, I don't think that I'll use this much

You'll see this sometimes on my daily look photos or my clips

Well, this won't be used often, unless I have many luxury goods.

Well, it's just one unboxing, but I hope you guys enjoyed it with me

Well, this is the end of this clip

If it was fun or useful

♥Likes and subscribes on the bottom, please~♥

See ya in the next clip~


For more infomation >> Luxury Brand HAUL! Only One Unboxing - Duration: 5:05.


İnsan Nesli 50 Yıl İçinde Tükenecek! - Duration: 11:04.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

İnsanlar teknolojinin nimetleri ile günümüzde tarihin hiçbir döneminde olmadıkları kadar

rahat yaşıyorlar.

Üzülerek belirtmem gerekiyor ki pek çok insan bu rahatlığın getirdiği rehavetle

bu durumun sonsuza kadar süreceği yanılgısına düşüyor.

Aslında zaman aleyhimizde işliyor ve kaçınılmaz son hızla yaklaşıyor…

Yaşamın dünya üzerinde ilk var olmaya başladığı günden bugüne milyonlarca

belki de milyarlarca yıl geçti.

Canlılar var olup çoğalmaya başladıkça zaman içerisinde ortaya hakim ırklar çıktı.

Dinozorlar var olduklarında tüm dünyaya hakimlerdi.

Her istediklerini yapacak kadar güçlüydüler.

Yinede bilinçleri olmadığı için dünyada çok fazla iz bırakamadılar bir şekilde

sonları geldi.

Ardından türler içinden bir başkası çıktı dünya sahnesine Primatlar familyasından


Bir aslan bir maymundan daha kuvvetli diye düşünebilirsiniz.

Ancak maymunlar daha organize daha kalabalık ve daha zekiydi.

Böylece birkaç yüz yıl dünyada hükmettiler yine de onlarda kalıcı bir etki bırakamadılar

türler tarihinde.

Sonra başka bir tür çıktı sahneye.

Yine primatlar familyasına mensup Homo sapiens yani insanlar.

Homo sapiens dinozorlar ve maymunlar döneminde de yaşam döngüsünde vardı aslında.

Ancak sayıca çok azlardı.

Maymunlardan egemenliği aldıklarına sayıca göreceli olarak yine azlardı ancak çok

daha organize ve zekiydiler.

Göz kamaştırıcı bir hızla gelişip değişmeye başladılar.

Hız dediğime bakmayın bu süreç milyonlarca yıl aldı.

İnsanlarda dahil olmak üzere dünya üzerinde ki tüm canlılar hem zihinsel hemde fiziksel

olarak sürekli gelişip değişmektedir.

Örneğin Afrika'da yaşan insanların burun delikleri Asya'da yaşayanlara göre daha


Bunun sebebi ise sıcak havada iyice kuruyan havadan daha rahat oksijen sağlayabilmektir.

Daha anlaşılır bir örnek vermek gerekirse insanlar birkaç on yıl evveline kadar 32

diş ile dünyaya geliyordu.

Hatta halk arasında gülünce 32 dişi görünüyor diye bir söylem dahi mevcuttur.

Fakat günümüz bebekleri 28 diş ile doğmaktadır.

Çoğu din adamı bunun evrim olduğunu savunmaktadır.

Evrim dini çevrelerce şiddetle red edilmektedir.

Bilimsel çevrelercede şiddetle savunulmaktadır.

Kısaca evrim yaşayan her şeyin tesadüfler sonucu bir araya gelen tek bir yaşayan organizmadan

yine milyarlarca tür canlının yavaş yavaş zaman içerisinde evrilerek dünyadaki hayatı

oluşturduğu teorisidir.

Dünya'daki genel kanı evrim teorisinin Charles Darwin tarafından ortaya atıldığıysada

bu görüş yanlıştır.

Evrim Teorisinin kökeni antik Yunan'a dayanır.

Darwin söylemesede teoriyi buradan alıp geliştirmiştir.

Hatta antik Yunanda bu konu hakkında çok bilindik bir anlatım olay vardır.

Çok tanrılı yunan parlamentosunda evrimi savunan filozoflar çok bilgin bir adamın

halka yaratılış kavramını anlatarak halkta büyük etkiler yarattığı haberini almışlardır.

Bu adamı fikren malub etmeleri gerektiğini düşünürler ve halk içinde söz düellosuna

davet ederler.

Aralarında bu söz düellosunu kaybederlerse 2.

Bir plan olarak adamı öldürmesi için cellatları hazır bekletmeye de karar verirler.

Düello günü gelir çatar.

Ancak vakit gelmesine rağmen bilgin kişi ortalarda görünmez.

Evrimci senatörler hemen adamın korkup kaçtığına dair bir söylenti çıkartır.

Halk arasında adama inanlar uğuldamaya başlar bu arada adam çıkagelir.

Senatörler adama nerede kaldığını sorarlar.

Adamda yol üzerinde azgın bir ırmak olduğunu ve kayığının çalındığını bu yüzden

geciktiğini söyleyerek özür diler.

Senatörlerden bir tanesi Bildiğim kadarıyla oldukça ıssız bir yerden geliyorsun.

Bahsettiğin ırmakta da ne bir kayık ne bir gemi yok yoksa seni ırmaktan karşıya

seni yarattığını iddia ettiğin tanrı uçarak mı geçirdi diye alaya alır.

Yaşlı bilge ciddiyetle hayır efendim ırmağın başında bir süre bekledim sonra ırmağın

yukarısından birkaç tahta parçası yüzerek inerken birleşip bir kayık oldular bende

bu kayıkla karşıya geçebildim der.

Tüm senatörler gülmeye başlar.

İçlerinden bir tanesi halka dönerek adamın açıkça deli olduğunu dikkate alınmaması

gerektiğini söyler.

Derken yaşlı bilge söz alır.

Sizler bu denli kapsamlı bir canlılığın muazzam organların harikulade gözlerimizin

duyan kulaklarımızın zaman içerisinde tesadüfler sonucu oluştuğunu iddia ederken

benim sadece basit bir kayığın oluştuğunu iddia etmem sizin deliliğiniz yanında oldukça

hafif kalmıyor mu?

Aslında bilim insanlarının evrim teorisini şiddetle savunuyor olması Din yobazlarının

durumuna hayli benzemektedir.

Nitekim matematiğe göre yaşam olmayan bir dünyada pek çok maddenin tesadüfler sonucu

bir araya gelerek yaşayan bir organizma oluşturması ve bu organizmadan yine tesadüfler sonucu

dünya üzerinde ki milyarlarca farklı yaşam formunun evrilerek ortaya çıkması istatistiksel

olarak imkansız olasılık hesabıyla çözümsüz bir problemdedir.

Aynı şekilde bilimin diğer türleri içinde teori ispat edilememektedir çünkü günümüze

kadar ulaşan yaşam çeşitliliklerinin milyarla yıl içerisinde triyonlarca ara geçiş formu

olması gerekirken henüz 1 tane dahi ara geçiş formu fosili bulunamamıştır.

Bilim adamları evrimi savunurlar çünkü Çoğu zaman dünya tarihini değiştiren

buluşları ile Labaratuarlarında Tanrıcılığı oynamayı severler.

Bu yüzdende yaratılışçılığı şiddetle red ederler.

Canlıların çevreye uyum sağlamasını evrime kanıt olarak gösterirler.

Ancak bunun adı sadece adaptasyondur.

Daha önce pek çok videomda bahsetmiştim.

İnsan nüfusu haddinden fazla kalabalık kaynaklar hızla eriyip bitiyor.

Dünya'nın dengeleri bozuluyor.

Şahsen belki bir nükleer felaket belki bir virüs belki de doğal afetler neticesinde

nüfusun büyük kısmının ortadan kaldırılarak dünyanın dengeyi tekrar sağlayacağını


Yine'de bunlardan hiç birisi insan türünü tamamen ortadan kaldırmayacaktır.

Burada soru şu gelişimimiz aynı hızda devam edecek mi?

Biz farkında değiliz belki ama aslında büyük bir salgın yaşanıyor ve bu salgın

2000lerde başladı.

Dünyada yeni bir tür ortaya çıktı.

Bu yeni tür sinsi.

Katlanarak çoğalıyor.

Bölgesini sürekli genişletiyor.

Ve en önemlisi, bağımlılık yaratarak mecburiyetlerle adapte oluyor... hem de insanlardan

çok daha hızlı.

Bazı yazarlar bu yeni türe tekniyum demişti.

Açık bir dille ise teknoloji.

Şimdi saçmaladın dediğinizi duyar gibiyim.

Ama durun size resmin arkasında ki gizli köşeleri göstereyim sonra karar verin.

Burada yapay zekayla çalışan robotlardan bahsetmiyorum.

Çok daha derin bir şey anlatmak istiyorum.

Eğer insanlarla teknolojinin birleşeceğine inanmıyorsanız, etrafınıza bakın.

Yarım milyar yıl önce Kambriyen Patlamasıyla gezegenimizde aniden yaşam belirdi.

Gezegendeki türlerin çoğu neredeyse bir gecede var oldu.

Bugün, Tekniyum'un Kambriyen Patlamasına şahit oluyoruz.

Her gün yeni teknolojik türler doğuyor, yetişilemeyecek bir hızla gelişiyor ve

her yeni teknoloji diğer yeni teknolojileri oluşturmakta bir araç haline geliyor.

Bilgisayarın icadı, akıllı telefonlardan uzay gemilerine ve robotik operatörlere kadar

uzanan yeni araçlar geliştirmemizi sağladı.

Zihinlerimizin alabileceğinden çok daha hızlı bir yenilik patlamasına şahit oluyoruz.

Teknolojinin bizlere olan faydaları saymakla bitmez belki ama haddinden fazla kullanıyoruz..

Otobüs duraklarında birbirleriyle konuşmayan insanlara bir bakın kafalarını telefonlara


Sabah kalkar kalkmaz ilk yaptığımız şey aile fertlerine günaydın demek değil telefonumuza



Dinozorları hatırlayın o zamanda insanlar vardı ancak hakim olan onlardı çizelgede

bakmak gerekirse dinozorlar tüm dünyayı kaplarken insan oğlu minnacık bir noktaydı

zamanla nokta büyüdü her şeyi kapladı.

Teknolojide şu an bu şekilde minnacık bir nokta.

Kötü haber şu ki gelişip her şeyi kaplayabilmesi için birkaç 10 yıl yeterli olacak.

Akıllı telefonlarımız.

Bilgisayarlar tabletler kısacası teknoloji bağımlılığımız.

Bunlar, ortak yaşamın ilkel başlangıcı.

Avrupa'da İnsanlar üzerine labaratuarlarda yapılan teknolojik tıp uygulamalarında

Artık beyinlerimize doğrudan bilgisayar çipi yerleştirmeye başlıyoruz, içimizde

sonsuza dek yaşayacak kolesterol yiyici nanobot'ları kanımıza enjekte ediyoruz, kendi zihinlerimizin

hükmettiği sentetik uzuvlar geliştiriyoruz, genlerimizi degiştirmek için CRISPR gibi

genetik yazılım araçları kullanıyoruz ve kelimenin tam anlamıyla kendimizin daha

gelişmiş türevlerini tasarlıyoruz.

insanlar başka bir şeye doğru değişim geçiriyor.

Biyolojiyle teknolojinin birleşiminden türemiş hibrit bir tür oluyoruz.

Bugün bedenlerimizin dışında var olan akıllı telefon, işitme cihazı, okuma gözlüğü,

ilaç; gibi araçlar elli yıl içiinde bedenlerimizin içine aktarılacak ve artık kendimizi Homo

Sapiens yani insan kabul edemeyeceğimiz bir noktaya geleceğiz.

Belkide derimizin altında ki çipler hem kimliğimizi hemde kredi kartlarımızı barındıracak

beyinle senkronize çalışan kol bacak gibi uzuvlar başlarda sakat insanlar için bir

kurtuluş olsada zamanla kendisine daha kuvvetli mekanik kollar taktırmak isteyen insanlar

gerçek kollarını kestirip belkide bunları taktıracak yahut daha hızlı koşmak isteyen

atletler bacaklarından kurtulup bu biyonik bacakları kullanacak.

Gece görebilen kızıl ötesi gözler beynin çalışma hızını arttıran silikon çipler.

Belkide 40 sene sonra kadınlar labaratuar ortamında ki yapay rahimlerde çocuklarının

doğaca güne kadar oluşumunu izleyecek.

Biyonik uzuvlu yapay rahimlerde oluşacak olan bu yeni karma tür artık kesinlikle

insan olmayacak!

İnsanlık hayal edilemez bir ahlaki belirsizlik dönemine girmek üzere.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam etmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV'ye abone olmayı unutmayın.

Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar.

For more infomation >> İnsan Nesli 50 Yıl İçinde Tükenecek! - Duration: 11:04.


【遊戲點評】靈魂系列最終作,是糞還是神?《Dark Souls 3 黑暗靈魂 3》(中文字幕) - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> 【遊戲點評】靈魂系列最終作,是糞還是神?《Dark Souls 3 黑暗靈魂 3》(中文字幕) - Duration: 7:50.


Who has a tupé or not? | Praktisk Info med Jon Almaas | TVNorge - Duration: 5:12.

The goal to tamper with your hair

is to get a hair style that fits your personality.

But how easy is it to see if the hair and person fits

if you don't know the person?

This is what we will find out.

Now, you two will try to figure out

who has a tupé or who doesn't have a tupé.

It's time for

Tupé or not Tupé?

We will now get in people with different hairstyles

and you will be guessing if they

have a tupé or not.

Welcome, come in.

You can stand here.

Ingela, what do you think?

I don't know, can you turn around?

- Looks very natural. - It does?

- The age is worrying me. - Yes.

Smallest issue.

I think it's a tupé.

Yes, and you Ingela?

- I say no. - You don't think it's a tupé?

The only way to find out is the painful way

Sorry buddy.

Oh it was a tupé.

Okay thank you.

We'll get in a new person.



We can see that the glasses and nose

are bought in a store, but that's not the point.

I'm just kidding.

- Is it a tupé or not a tupé? - No

- Ingela? - No.

- Says no. Calle?

If it's a tupé it's a very good tupé

because it is made very scruffy looking and..

in it's style.

There is only one way to find out.

- You say not tupé? - No tupé, no.

This is attached.

Great, thank you.


- It's only the hair we're after? - Only the hair.

The hair on his head. Ingela?

This is more like a man you like

which isn't boring and conservative like me.


- Oslo East. - I don't think it looks real.

I think it's a tupé.

- You think it's a tupé? - Yes

I don't think it's a tupé.

He has the barbarian look so I don't think it's a tupé.

You think it's his. So you are divided here?

It's his real hair, you can see that.

Only one way to find out.

Yes, thank you.

Yeah, new person.

- Why are you laughing Calle? - I have already decided.

If that is real..

No, it's a tupé.

- Tupé. - You both think tupé?

Why do you say that, Ingela? Why are you so sure?

- It's so even.. - It's a bit to even.

No imperfections, no..

It's too symmetrical.

Too perfect to say it so.

Only one way to find out; the old way.


Atle Antonsen's little brother.

Is it?

That one is hard.

What do you say Ingela?

What do you think of Guttorm Antonsen?

Does he have a tupé or not a tupé?

I think it's a tupé.

You think its a tupé. What do you say Calle?


No you know what, I think it is a trick hair question.

That is a hair style you think is a tupé immediately.

But therefore I flip it and say it's not a tupé.


You think it's double trick.

- Ingela? - I think it is.

You think it's a tupé.


It is stuck. Sorry.

I saw it was a trick.

That was the last one and we'll announce a winner.

And the winner is..

Calle! Congratulations.

Ingela Lundin Kvalen, thanks for joining us.

For more infomation >> Who has a tupé or not? | Praktisk Info med Jon Almaas | TVNorge - Duration: 5:12.


Woher kommen unsere Pakete? | Fulfillment mit den Elbe-Werkstätten | Hairsystems Heydecke - Duration: 2:58.

Welcome to Heydecke TV, my name is Nils Schirrmacher,

I am the contact person

for fullfilment, storage and logistics at the Elbe-Werkstätten.

The Elbe-Werkstätten are Germany's largest workshop for handicapped people.

Now I'll show you how the whole warehouse,

logistics and shipping process works.

And therefore I'm looking for Mr. Heydecke.

Nils Schirrmacher: Nicole, do you know where Mr. Heydecke is?

Andreas Heydecke: Ah hello Nicole, I finally found it.

Nicole: Did you really have to hide? Andreas Heydecke: Mmh, yes.

Nils Schirrmacher: Mr. Heydecke, unfortunately, this is not how it works in here. Let me show you how it works correctly.

Mr. Heydecke, here we stand in front of your products.

Now your order ends up on our scanner

and gets picked by the colleague.

Thank you, Nicole.

Now we are at another workstation.

Mr. Heydecke is currently with Evelyn and can be

shown how we continue to work on the process here.

Dominik is with Simon,

he will pack your products and make them ready for dispatch.

Your products are pre-packaged and ready for delivery.

Dominik: Many thanks to the Elbe-Werkstätten. We really enjoyed the day a lot.

That means for you, you can now place

your orders in our online shop.

The link from the online shop can be found in the description and

of course from the Elbe-Werkstätten too.

I say thank you again. Subscribe to the channel now. How?

Nicole: On YouTube and Instagram.

Simon: And on Facebook.

Dominik: And at the end, of course, leave a like.

For more infomation >> Woher kommen unsere Pakete? | Fulfillment mit den Elbe-Werkstätten | Hairsystems Heydecke - Duration: 2:58.


Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) Movie CLIP 12 HD (Blu-ray) | CoolestClips - Duration: 4:50.

We are turning this into a new computer center.

But before we do, it has to be cleaned out.

These old magazines are bound for the recycling plant.

But they have to be prepped before they go.

It seems all the staples must be removed.

Whatever you don't finish today, you finish tomorrow.

- Tomorrow's Saturday. - Because I wouldn't play football?

- I don't think that'll work. - That's fair.

- Shut up. - So I suggest you get started.

Choose your weapons.

Hey, what the hell they need with a bowling ball?

Seriously, no reception?

- Okay, can today get any worse? - Are you gonna help?

Or are you too pretty?

I'm too pretty.

Hey. I was watching you with Coach Web today.

I wasn't watching you, I wasn't... Not, like, in a weird way. I just...

I was in the room. We're in the same class.

I thought you were saying some really smart things...

...about why P.E. sucks and...

...about other subjects.



Yo. What's this?

- I don't know. - What is it, like...

...some type of old-school Nintendo?

I don't think so.

I don't recognize it.

"A game for those who seek to find...

...a way to leave their world behind.

Jumanji. "

Staples, people. Staples.

- "Jumanji"? What does that mean? - I have no idea. Never heard of it.

Which one do I pick?

I don't know. I don't think it matters that much.

"Jefferson 'Seaplane' McDonough...

...pilot and rascal. "

- It's not working. - Okay, try another one.

"Franklin 'Moose' Finbar. "

He sounds like a badass.

And he's a zoology expert, which is awesome.

- You pick. - Okay.

"Dr. Smolder Bravestone. "

Bethany, you in?


I'll be...

...Shelly Oberon...

...the curvy genius.

Hey, yo, Staples, come on. It's your turn.


- No, thanks. - Wait. Just for a few minutes?

- It'll be fun. - She's not big on fun.

Okay. Fine.

This may be the lamest thing I've ever done.

I highly doubt that.

Welcome to Jumanji!

What's going on?

I think it's shorting out.

Unplug it!

What's going on? What's happening to your hands?

- What's wrong with you? - I don't know.


Oh, my God!

What the hell, man?

Oh, no.

Holy shit...

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