Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 30 2018

Released by Square Enix in 2015 on the Nintendo 3ds, Bravely Second: End Layer would be the

direct sequel to Bravely Default.

Directed by Kensuke Nakahara, who directed the first game, and written by Tomoya Asano,

who produced both this game and the original, the game would continue events two and a half

years after the original installment.

For story, the game features a knight named Yew, a warrior from the moon named Magnolia

that we saw previewed at the end of the first game, and returning are Tiz and Edea from

the first game.

For progression, things are essentially unchanged from the first game, reusing the same systems

for levels, gear and jobs, though there are now 30 distinct jobs.

For gameplay, the game brings back the same battle system, though instead of rewarding

consecutive 1 round K0 victories with random encounters, any battle with a 1 round KO has

the option of leading directly into a followup battle with no break, which may be chained

for enhanced rewards.

Most of the original dungeons, maps, and musical tracks are revisited here, though new locations,

enemies, music, and dungeons are also introduced, expanding the world of Luxendarc.

The game was previewed at the end of the first game and demoed with a standalone chapter

named the Ballad of the Three Cavaliers that is essentially non-canon.

The story only gets larger from here, so let's cut it down to size with a RECAPitation.

The game begins immediately in conflict as Kaiser Oblivion, leader of the Glanz Empire,

crashes a peace treaty signing between the Crystal Orthodoxy's Pope Anges, and the Duchy

of Eternia's Grand Marshal Braev.

Anne (an-nah), a crystfairy accompanying Kaiser Oblivion, expresses their intent to crush

both powers on the eve of their assumed victory.

To aide the Grand Marshal is the Dark Knight Alternis, and by Anges's side is Yew Geneolgia,

Cavalier and leader of her Crystalguard.

Oblivion's power is overwhelming, and as Anges attempts to summon otherworldly aide with

her pendant, Oblivion quickly shatters the crystal.

With the group utterly defeated, Oblivion picks up Anges and leaves the rest to their


The next thing he knows, Yew wakes up in the bedroom of his manor, and he's been out for

7 days recovering from near-fatal wounds.

Blaming himself for his failure to protect his ward, he finds a fragment of Anges' pendant

in his possession, and hurries to raise the forces of the other Crystalguard.

Finding the sanctum ransacked, he sees the Bishop Nikolai and Fencer Janne and learn

almost the entire Crystalguard was also wiped out.

Nikolai directs his attention outside where the Kaiser's air fortress, the Skyhold is

currently beseiging Eternia now.

Undeterred, Yew vows to storm the skyhold and rescue the Pope, and reluctantly, Janne

and Nikolai opt to help him, bonded as their roles as the Three Cavaliers.

With the remainder of the crystalguard as an advance unit, their plan is the sneak aboard

the Skyhold.

Passing by a curiously familiar adventurer and facing down the threats of the woods,

they see the advance guard, and Nikolai breaks off to tend to the wounded.

As they pitch camp, Yew reflects on his school days with his friend Janne, where Yew aspired

to be a scholar, and was often bullied because of his family's nobility.

Thanks to training with Janne, the two of them quickly rose to being the top swordsmen

in the school.

After this, Janne offers to take the first shift as Yew sleeps, though he's waken up

by screams.

Investigating, he's horrified to see Janne finished killing the rest of the crystalguard

himself, confessing now to have always been a spy for the empire planted here.

He offers Yew a chance to defect, but Yew refuses to budge as Janne now moves to kill


Just then, the voice of Anges comes in through the crystal shard on his person, urging him

to flee.

After escaping via a river, Yew now hurries to tell Nikolai about Janne, only to see the

empire has attacked and killed everyone else in the sanctum.

Nikolai also urges Yew to give up his pursuit of the empire and flee, before collapsing.

Meanwhile, the Kaiser is keeping tabs on Janne through Anne, noting that Yew specifically

still lives.

He then sends Dark Vestal Bella to deal with Yew, and delegates occupation of Eternia to

Cu Chulainn (ka-hoolan), a charioteer.

On the road again, Yew is still determined to save Pope Anges, alone or not, but returning

to the woods where the crystalguard fell, he is now surrounded by the haunting spirits

of the dead.

Terrified, he's soon met by Bella but is too scared to fight back.

Suddenly, he's chastised by the voice of a girl who leaps out to save him, Knight-Captain

of Eternia, Edea from the first game.

Bolstered, Yew stands to fight and together they defeat Bella and gain the Wizard asterisk.

Yew is starstruck at meeting Edea though Edea doesn't think much of being a hero of light.

She explains she was actually guided here by an astrologer who conveyed Yew's mission

to save Anges and his location, so naturally she wants to join the endeavor.

As they leave the forest, the connection to Anges opens up, who is glad to see Edea once


Edea now directs Yew back to Eternia, where she introduces him to the Astrologer that

led her to him, and he explains that in order to stem the impending darkness he forsees,

they must now awaken Tiz, who has actually been asleep for the past two years since the

end of the last game.

In his comatose state, Tiz's body is an empty vessel, and until they can reunite him with

his soul, the Astrologer provides them with a soulstone that can fill Tiz with the energy

of the Celestial realm for now.

Edea is more than willing to take a chance this will work for her friend, and though

Tiz is in Eternian Central Command, it is currently occupied by the Empire.

Choosing to sneak in from the side, they rest in Gravemark Village, where Yew notes a magnolia

tree, and like a scholar, its reported effects.

That night, a crash nearby wakes up Yew, who sees a strange, wrecked ship.

Within, he finds an unconscious girl, and thinking of magnolia outside, he uses its

strong scent to wake her.

Speaking in French, a moonspeak unknown to Yew, it turns out she speaks his language

as well.

She is taken aback by his presentation of a flower to her, and weeps tears of joy, which

surprises Yew in turn.

Yew introduces himself, and she hesistates before revealing her name to be Magnolia,

like the flower.

She explains she's from the Moon, and despite their disbelief, is here on thier world since

her home was destroyed and she is here to seek vengeance on her enemy within the Skyhold.

Since their destination is the same, and she insists on traveling with Yew, they welcome

her aboard the team.

Magnolia then introduces to them a special hourglass, that allows them to use the Bravely

Second maneuver, which stops time for all but the party, gaining a massive but brief


Bella and Cu Chulainn bar their way again, but with Magnolia proving a strong companion,

they put down the pair and gain the Charioteer asterisk.

Despite Yew not understanding Magnolia's obvious infatuation with him, they enter Central Command

and use the Soulstone on Tiz.

As they wait in Edea's room for the soulstone to work, Magnolia goes to fetch Tiz in events

we see from the original Bravely Second Trailer.

Tiz indeed wakes up as if from a long slumber, as Edea is overjoyed to see him alive again,

and Yew is humbled to meet his hero.

Agnes greets him with happy tears as well, as Tiz is now focused on saving Anges too.

As they reach the top of Central Command, they are about to board the Skyhold, when

Janne and Nikolai, who faked his death and was also a mole for the empire, present themselves

to bar Yew's path.

Yew is forced to leave his all life and allegiances behind as he faces down the men he once thought

of as brothers, and in turn, gains their Fencer and Bishop asterisks.

Yew still refuses to kill them, allowing them to retreat, though the Skyhold now gets away

as well.

As a new chapter in their adventure begins, they use the pendant and Anges's observations

to determine the Skyhold is heading for the land of Harena down south, but there is an

ocean between them.

Just then, they are met by Edea's sword master Kamiizumi, who has survived since the last

game, as he offers them his own boat and boasts of his new cat companion.

Magnolia takes notes of Yew's home life as they learn Yew originally aspired to be a


Meanwhile, the Kaiser meets with Janne and Nikolai to move their plans of finding a compass,

while mentioning an assassin sent after Yew.

As Yew and crew sail to Harena on Kamiizumi's dingy, they now encounter a strange little

girl dressed as a cat, who notes the cat in Kamiizumi's arms.

The girl takes her leave as the cat suddenly becomes enraged and slashes the swordsman


Concenrned, Yew directs them to Al-Khampis nearby, the city of learning, as it turns

out he's an alumnus of the esteemed university.

As they brush past some of the students, Yew mentions how everyone is assigned a star ranking

representing their status in the school and ranking, the more stars per higher ranking,

resulting in literal class discrimination.

Asking around, they learn the Skyhold was spotted recently, and Yew runs into an old

underclassmen named Rifa who always admired him, much to magnolia's annoyance.

Rifa mentions her research on Ba'als, powerful lords of monsters, and a word that Magnolia


She mentions a sleeping one that crashed down a year ago that the researchers are studying,

and Magnolia quickly insists on a detour to see the Ba'al.

Along the way, they see Jackal the Thief and Red Mage DeRosa again, who are in dispute

over whether to use a magical source of water to sustain the people of the desert or use

it for an experimental new clean energy source, and leave it to Edea to choose.

As they approach the crater with the Ba'al, Magnolia gets a call on her unique wristband

communicator, as she is contacted by her commander on the Moon, who gets an update on her situation,

and is alerted that a Ba'al is headed her way now from the Moon.

Revealing her profession to be a Ba'al buster, Magnolia leads the way against busting the

giant Ba'al with the party.

After its defeat, she repeats how her people on the moon have been fighting Ba'als for

centuries, protecting Luxendarc from this threat all this time.

However, one immeasurably stronger than the others emerged and wiped out nearly everyone

on the moon.

Her and her commander gave chase as it moved from the moon to Luxendarc, but her ship crashed,

leading her to meeting the party now.

She recognizes the miasma here in this crater as the same from the one she was chasing,

which she suspects is on the Skyhold now.

Prepared to chase it alone, the party affirms they are committed to helping their new friend

in need just as she is helping them save Anges.

Speaking of, they learn from Anges that the Skyhold is above Anchiem now, but the city

is surrounded by an unnatural wind barrier now.

Seeking aide on the matter in Al-Kahmpis where its revealed Yew was a rare-elite 6-star status,

they run into the old astrologer from before who turns out to be a legendary professor

Norzen here.

As it turns out, he is the one who summoned the massive sandstorm around Ancheim for the

purpose of knocking down the Skyhold, regardless of the danger to the city, or Anges within.

At an impasse, the party is forced to contend with Norzen, defeat him in order to quell

the sandstorm, and take his asterisk.

After his defeat, Norzen then asks them to recover the legendary compass of space and

time, which he knows the Kaiser is seeking.

However, a nearby cat turns out to be the spy for the strange cat-girl they met earlier

named Minette, who turns out to be working for the Kaiser himself.

She powers up the cat to deal a fatal blow to Norzen, and rushes off to get a head start.

As Norzen dies, he urges them to get to the compass first, and as they check in on Kamiizumi,

he has already left, leaving them a small task to deliver a letter to a pupil of his

in Anchiem named Gho.

Arriving in Anchiem, they meet Gho, who is working with the Summoner Mephilia on summoning

the legendary Amaterasu, and Edea must choose to encourage him into being a Swordmaster

or Summoner.

Traveling now to the Harena sea caves, they spot the compass, but Minette is one step

before them to claim it, and finish her task of also killing Yew and friends.

She fails to do so, but in distracting the party, Janne is able to grab the compass and


Catching up to him, Yew confronts him on betraying the Crystalguard, and Janne points out years

ago, it was the Crystalguard that betrayed everyone.

When the Anti-crystalists were overthrowing the orthodoxy, Yew's house, which has led

the crystalguard for generations, was one of the houses that surrendered when the duchy

opposed them in order to the spared.

However, Janne's house, house Balestra was one of those that opposed the surrender and

in turn his parents were killed and his house was erased from history.

Since then, Janne has made it his mission to avenge his house, especially to house Geneolgia.

Anne interrupts them to retrieve Janne, who gets away in Skyhold as the party is then

forced to back off when a sniper provides cover fire.

As the next chapter begins, Janne's words hang heavy with Yew, but bolstered by his

friends his faith in his mission is renewed.

Speaking with Anges, it seems the Skyhold is above Mt Karka in the Eisen region now,

but the distance seems far for their small boat.

That night, Yew is approached by a mysterious patron who knows of his journey and trials,

and informs him of a shortcut to the Eisen region without revealing himself.

When sailing, they find the stranger's information to be true and safely land in Eisen.

While docking in a small port, they spot a weakened girl, and as Yew helps her up, she

introduces herself as Yoko, princess of Yunohana, who is out here searching for her missing

brother on her own.

As the party continues their pursuit of the skyhold, she insists on tagging along until

she finds her brother, and Yew chooses to allow it, though soon finds pampering the

princess to be a chore of its own.

Still, Yoko is immediately smitten with Yew, inviting him to marry her, which infuriates


Making it to Eisenberg, they run into Commander Goodman again, who is under seige by the sniper

from before, the Hawkeye Aimee.

She fires at Yew, who is saved by Magnolia, but Goodman is struck instead.

Tiz calls for a retreat and has Goodman brought to Hartschild nearby for medical attention.

Fortunately, they save him in time, and notice a festival outside, which has been sponsored

by a legendary confectioner.

Unfortunately, he's sold out of his sweets by the time the party arrives, and so they

enjoy the rest of the festival.

Edea sets the scene for Yew and Magnolia to have an impromptu date and Magnolia notes

a flower girl and remarks that flowers are very rare and valuable on the Moon.

Later, Yoko has Yew get a flower for her, and he also gets one for Magnolia, but suddenly

Magnolia is upset and confused, as on the Moon, it's custom to give a flower when asking

for a lady's hand in marriage.

Yew is startled by the misunderstanding, and Magnolia is flustered and embarassed at thinking

this whole time Yew and her were engaged.

Magnolia dashes away now, though Yoko is thoroughly amused by all of this.

The next morning, Yew and Magnolia try and put last night behind them, but strangely

enough, the entire town is suddenly deserted.

Yew now notes the mysterious stranger who guided them across the sea has written a message

for the group in his journal, yet they don't notice anyone following them to do so.

More surprisingly, Yoko spots her missing brother here in town, Danzaburo the swordsman.

He offers to help them cross the bridge against Aimee so that Yoko may return home, and stands

alone against her as the party moves to flank Aimee and catch her in close range.

During the exchange, Yoko is shot as she takes a blow meant for here brother, and the groups

now duels with the Silver Sniper, taking her out and earning her Hawkeye asterisk.

With the path to Yunohana clear, Edea and group run into the Merchant Profiteur and

White Mage Holly, and settles a dispute about a fisherman selling his family's land to turn

into an industrial dock, or let it stay in the family and preserve the natural scenery.

Now arriving in Yunohana, the girls take Yoko to soak in the healing hot springs the country

is known for.

The guys relax as well, as after their bath Yoko approaches Yew and asks him if he's heard

of the Sword of the Brave, as her brother seeks to aquire it in order to become the

next ruler of the kingdom.

Slyly, she manages to coax it out of Yew, who warns her the blade is cursed, but with

this new information, she leaves immediately.

While chasing her, the party enters the old Grapp Keep finding the Black Mage Ominas Crowe

with his dragon Bahamut, and the Ranger Artemia acting as his bodyguard.

When a cave-in occurs, it's up to Edea to decide if rations should go to the strong

who can get them out, or split evenly until help arrives.

Racing to catch up to Yoko, they find her before the sentient Sword of the Brave, who

asks if she will pay the price to accept its power.

Despite Yew's warning, she accepts, and as payment, the sword claims one of her brother's

sword wielding arms.

Yew goes into shock, as he suddenly recalls that he too once had a brother, who was challenged

to find the same sword in order to become head of house Geneolgia.

Yew found the sword and his brother warned him the sword was really a demon, but when

Yew claimed the sword anyway, it also took his brother's arm and vanished.

With that, his brother could not become a knight and left house geneolgia forever, and

this spurred Yew to join the crystalguard in his brother's stead.

However, Yoko now laughs, as she reveals Danzaburo to actually be an elaborate illusion, and

herself to actually be a yokai who was specifically forcing Yew to confront his painful past.

She then mocks the party, asking Tiz if finding a new little brother replaced the pain for

letting his actually little brother die, and asking Magnolia if busting makes her feel

good in light of all her people dying.

She then turns to Edea, about to expose her dark secret, when suddenly the Dark Knight

Alternis dashes in to save her.

She overpowers him easily, and reads his thoughts, amused at the troubles in his life, and then

chooses to revert back into Yoko, advising them to travel to the temple of fire if they

wish to learn what the Kaiser's intent truly is.

As Edea tends to Alternis's wounds, he eases her with news that her father the grand marshal

is safe but in no shape to fight.

Though he wants to help them save Anges, he says his current goal is to pursue Yoko and


Now investigating the Fire Temple, Tiz notes the crystal is outputting too much light,

and like last time, if all fours crystals get out of control, then this world links

to another and a giant chasm between the two will open up.

However, normally only a vestal can commune with a crystal, and Anges is the last one

and she hasn't done anything.

Noting the Kaiser has already visited three crystals, they know their next destination

to be the water crystal in florem.

Janne now steps in to impede their progress, but they overpower him as he tumbles over

the edge, and now seek to charter a ship to Florem.

Meanwhile, the kaiser minds his mechanical hand, and Nikolai expresses concern over Janne

not returning.

The patissier Angelo from before turns out to be in employ of the emperor, and offers

to deal with the group on his own.

Back with the group, they enjoy a meal as they observe Former Knights-Captain Heinkel

and Kunoichi Kikyo are now investigators, now solving a murder mystery with which Edea

helps their nephew choose a career path for himself.

Back in Yunohana, the lord there cannot help them with a ship for now but invites them

to eat, especially since a famous confectioner is catering.

Yew declines the sweets, so the rest dig in, finding the desserts to literally die for,

and thus what happened to the people in Hartschild.

Angelo now comes in, claiming ownership of the attack and assaults the group, though

they defeat him and claim his patissier asterisk.

Using the bath waters to rid themselves of the debilitating cake effects, Yew and Magnolia

stay an extra bit and Yew takes the opportunity to apologize about the flower misunderstanding.

Magnolia isn't bothered anymore since she was the one who jumped to a conclusion, though

she admits she was thinking about accepting the proposal from him, but declines to share

why for now.

Suddenly, the mysterious stranger helping them chimes in, saying he's uncovered Yunohana's

secret, revealing the entire town to be a giant floating ship.

The lord is pleased to see the ship restored to function, and the first stop for Yew is

using the healing water to save the people of Hartschild and then chase the Kaiser to

the Temple of Water.

Making to Florem, they spot the skyhold overhead as they are shocked to witness a purple beam

fire out and strike the skyhold, damaging it significantly.

As the next chapter begins, Magnolia gets notified by her commander on the moon that

the beam just now was a massive output of SP energy, the same energy Magnolia has in

her time altering hourglass.

Meanwhile, the Kaiser is concerned who fired on the Skyhold as it does indeed deter their

mission, as he sends another group down to investigate.

As the group enters Florem, the land of radiant flowers, they find they're in time for the

Sacred flower festival.

Once devolved into a beauty pageant, the culture has changed and now the festival winner is

based on inner beauty and even men can compete.

They inform the matriarch of the city about the Skyhold's pursuit of the water crystal,

and she sends their new young vestal Sylvie with them to put up a shield around the crystal.

Returning, they stay for the festival, only to see the Empire crashing the party interrogating

the people of Florem for information on who attacked them.

Leading them is Geist the Bloody, who delights in using his reversal powers to inflict pain

continuously on his victims.

He encroachs upon Edea, but Alternis intervenes again to save Edea, still bearing the ribbon

Edea bandaged him with.

Geists ability to inflict pain mean nothing to Alternis' Dark Knight powers that are fueled

by pain and so he retreats for now.

The crowds of Florem cheer for the two, naming them the winners of the festival and saviors

of the city, though a man in crowd notes the moonspeak Magnolia talks in.

He approaches them, introducing himself as Lotus of the Sagitta tribe, who live in the

forests of Florem, who make it their mission to battle the Ba'als, just like Magnolia and

her people on the moon.

On their way to meet the tribe, Edea is appointed as Superintendent for an upcoming school in

Florem, and she must choose between the co-ed school patroned by the Monk Barras, or a separate

gender school endorsed by the Valkyrie Einheria.

Now making their way to the hidden sky village of the Sagitta, they meet with the elder who

says his people did once come from the moon ages ago and have always held to the mission

of defeating Ba'als though this is the first encounter they've had in ages.

They intend to kill the Ba'al within Skyhold regardless of whomever is within, and so urge

them to save Anges before that happens.

They learn more about how the same SP they use to stop time is actually a recognized

energy source harnessed from the flow of time, and the Sagitta harvest and store it.

Along the way they also meet Pellar the third, descendant of the famous bard, Arca Pellar,

who needs Edeas help in sorting out a dispute between the Performer Praline and Pirate Barbarossa,

who argue about whether to remix a lost classic song, or preserve it for the modern day.

Exploring some old ruins of the Sagitta, they learn of a Professor Altair (all-tire) who

created a compass that would allow one to leap to a specific point in time, as a last

resort in the war against Ba'als.

However, one day the compass went missing, forcing the head of the base Director Sagitta

to accept responsibility for the incident, and repent by spending his life personally

protecting Luxendarc.

Meanwhile, Altair would die from disease in the newly founded kingdom of Eternia, pining

for Vega on his deathbed.

They see more records of the inventions and contributions of Altair, from rice cookers

to flying battleships, of which they take note of as a means to reach the Skyhold.

They ask Lotus about it, and he points out the giant cannon they use is all that's left

of the mighty battleship Sagittarius.

Yew investigates around town on his own that night, joined by Magnolia, and when they get

a quiet moment together, Yew revisits his commitment to the mission, and Magnolia points

out how much Yew inspires her.

She reveals that on the Moon when a man gives a woman a flower, it comes with the promise

to protect them for the rest of their life, essentially a marriage proposal.

She knows Yew didn't know that when he gave her the flower when they met, but she was

still so encouraged by the action.

In turn, Yew admits Magnolia has been a source of strength for him as well ever since.

Suddenly, their mysterious stranger speaks up again, guiding them to the secret of how

the village floats, but Yew tumbles over the edge, Magnolia leaps after him, and while

falling, Yew thinks quickly, figures the secret is with the stones outside the village and

lands them safely on some debris.

Recovering and moving quickly, Yew confronts the mysterious stranger, who turns out to

be Tiz with a strange voice.

He introduces himself as Altair, who is inhabiting Tiz's body, and is about to reveal the Kaiser's

true objective though is interrupted as Geist followed them here and attacks.

Altair sees Geist's reversals as localized time manipulation, and floods the area in

SP energy, smothering Geist's abilities and allowing the party to defeat him and gain

his exorcist asterisk.

Afterwards, Altair now reveals the Kaiser likely intends to use the spacetime compass,

power it up with the cosmic light that appears with the breach of dimensions, and activate

it to travel to the past and change history.

For now he bids them farewell, as he can only use Tiz's body at night when the moon is out.

The next day, Tiz easily accepts having a second soul inside him, though Anges now chimes

in, alerting everyone that the skyhold is on its way to the Water temple.

When they arrive they are shocked to find Anges is the one breaking the seals on the

crystals and overloading them, though under some strange posssession.

Anne shows up to collect Anges and laughs at the plight of the party, and Nikolai shows

up to expose the former crystalguard for the weak and corrupted group it was while attempting

to persuade Yew to their side.

Yew chooses now to stay by his new friends, and so the two clash, with the group victorious,

as Nikolai falls.

The kaiser notes the heavy losses sustained as Anne returns to him, though Janne now shows

up, alive after all.

With all 4 crystals overloaded, Tiz recognizes the Holy Pillar that is set to tear down the

boundary between worlds though at this time, their hotsprings ship Rubadub has now become

a flying vessel thanks to the efforts of Lotus and the Sagitta.

Looking past the point of no return, Yew and crew now chase the skyhold into the holy pillar

as a new chapter unfolds.

As Yew finally boards the skyhold, Janne moves out to intercept, and the group finds the

room Anges was kept in now empty.

Suddenly, Magnolia becomes possessed, attacking the group, claiming herself to be Revenant,

the ghostly son of Geist who is mad at Edea for striking down his father.

Possessing a nearby suit of armor, Revenant strikes, but is taken down by the party, who

gains the Guardian Asterisk and quells the sons soul with the final words of his father.

Janne now steps in to cross blades with Yew specifically, and as the two former friends

clash in this personal duel, Yew ends up the victor, now weeping over the fall of his friend,

who admits there was some sincerity in their friendship before dying.

With nothing between them and the Kaiser now, Yew reflects on his early failure, to which

Magnolia encourages him with the words Bravely Second, an expression on the moon that simply

mean the courage to try again.

Meanwhile, the Skyhold has now entered the Holy Pillar, and with Anges in hand, the Kaiser

notes the group now walking in on him a second too late as he produces the spacetime compass

and warps away with its power.

Anne now laughs as she points out anything that touches the Pillar of Light is warped

to the next world, including the moon, as she directs the crystal the Skyhold is on

to redirect the Holy Pillar light directly into the moon.

Shocked and in awe at the feat, the party now contends with Anne the crystfairy who

succeeds in delaying the party.

As they exit the skyhold, they note the world seems eerily still, and Magnolia speaks out

that its been said that the Moon bring outs the night and day, not the other way around,

so with the moon gone, it's like the world is frozen in time.

Tiz is frustrated they never got to even fight the Kaiser once, but Yew suddenly has an idea

as he beseeches the player personally to bring everything back to the beginning.

Resetting the game, things turn back to the intial duel with the kaiser, and this time,

Yew uses the stored time and memories in their hourglass to call forth bravely second, bringing

forth Magnolia, Edea and Tiz back in time to deliver thier custom Coup de gravy as the

next chapter begins.

Fighting and defeating a bewildered Kaiser, they defeat him, shattering his mask, and

revealing him to be Yew's long lost brother Denys (denee).

Meanwhile, Anges is overjoyed to see Tiz alive and on his feet to her rescue.

They recount their tales, which Anges says feels familiar somehow and that's likely because

her memories were stored in the hourglass as well.

However, just because the Kaiser is jailed, with everything reset, his army, the Skyhold,

and the Ba'al within are still around.

Soon enough, Nikolai and Janne break the kaiser out of jail, with Bella and Cuchullain close

behind to cover their escape.

This time, Yew chooses to show mercy to their defeated, showing them the othrodoxy can change

for the better for the problems caused in the past.

With the worlds' nations now united against the Empire, they call all their allies forward

now, with a plan to capture the skyhold and protect Anges from the kaiser's capture again.

Meanwhile, the kaiser and his minions understand that they also have memories of the past,

and so understand Yew knows their plans, now hurrying to get to the spacetime compass first.

Geist and Revenant get the jump on the group to get the compass, though as the group defeats

them, they learn the regret Geist carries with him is he knew patient Zero of the Great

Plague and allowed her to infect the world.

Regardless, Edea and her father point out what good such an oversight had produced too,

and in doing so forgive and allow the two to live.

While now answering a call from Kamiizumi, they visit the old Grandship, and find Alternis

there assisting the poor who benefit from the social programs funded the huge taxation

in the bankrupting nation.

However, they find former King Khamer who seeks to lower taxes mainly to benefit businesses

so the nation can prosper as a whole and Edea must settle the dispute.

Meeting up with Kamiizumi they see Aimee and Angelo have realized each other's feelings

and have left the empire on their own to start life anew.

To which, after a short spar, Yew agrees to sponsor their shop in Gathelatio.

Finding a large congregation of cats, they figure Minette's spy network of cats in afoot

and so plant false information to lure the skyhold to Sagitta.

The plan works and the Sagitta's cannon strikes true against the fort.

Minette chooses to buy time for the kaiser now, and falling against the group, Minette

fears being abandoned again, though this time, Kamiizumi comes in and chooses to show compassion

and adopt Minette.

At this time, Professor Norzen chimes in, saying he knew Minette's mother, who was a

researcher under him during the great plague.

When a second plague was showing signs of emerging, her mother noted it did not affect

cats and created a vaccine to save everyone, especially her daughter, though her life would

be claimed as well thus dying for the greater good.

Still, he and the other students in Al-kahmpis use their magic to trap the skyhold in a spell

over the ocean to hold it for Yew and the others to enter now.

As they infiltrate the fort, Altair now mentions the woman he used to love named Vega and that

they both came from the Celestial Realm.

They were married too, and left as the celestial realm was on the verge of being wiped out.

Altair realized too late Vega did not make it aboard the escape vessel in time with him,

and urges the party now to leave no regrets of love before the final battle, talking especially

to Yew and Tiz.

As the party moves on, Janne and Nikolai block their way saying the Kaiser has already moved

on, and though they remember the reconciliation they had in the last timeline, they will still

stand in Yew's way.

After the clash, Yew chooses not to kill his friends and urges them to join him again into

reforming the crtysalguard into what they wanted it to be and not the corruption it

formerly was reminding them revenge is a savage cycle.

As proof, his house and others relinguish control of the crystalguard to the orthodoxy,

Anges gives her blessing, and other leaders around the world, including the duchy promise

to aide in the reform as well.

Moved by his actions, Nikolai reconsiders, and then reveals the location of the Kaiser,

who is now in the tunnels beneath Gathelatio, the Genelogia mausoleum.

When he catches up to his brother, Denys exposes the whitewashed history of their house, something

that drove him to his goal to using the spacetime compass to go back in time to slay the founder

of their house and stop the path of destruction wrought at the source.

Understanding him, yet not in agreement, Yew faces his brother as their convictions clash,

defeating him and gaining the kaiser asterisk.

Showing mercy again, Yew brings his brother home to recover and says that despite his

crimes, he can make amends to a better future in this world.

Anges now takes him away as he surrenders, wishing to see his comrades in death but instead

she shows him his comrades who have chosen to live for a better future in this world.

Despite his failings and crimes in the past, Anges offers Denys a chance to have the Galnz

Empire similarly join the other nations in having the courage to try again.

Accepting, the future seems bright, as both brothers are reunited, and at dinner, Yew

minds that Magnolia may be leaving soon after her mission is done, and Tiz spends some overdue

time with Anges.

As they talk privately, Denys has noticed Yew's feelings for Magnolia and also encourages

him to at least tell her his true feelings.

Yew makes up his mind to do so, but suddenly they are shocked when the Holy Pillar suddenly

bursts open and Skyhold is somehow heading to it.

Intercepting, they are surprised to find the Matriarch of Florem and the vestaling Sylvie

under control of Anne.

Denys strikes Anne's pendant before she can power it up to take the moon away, and Anne

revealed she was the one who sabotaged him destination into the future last time to make

sure he didn't interfere with her plans.

She now communicates with her true master, who authorizes her to use Diamante, the mightiests

of the Ba'als, and who destroyed Magnolia's people to come forth from within the Skyhold's

crystal and attack the party.

The group is pushed to their limit in a tough battle against a nightmarish pale rider, only

for Anne to mock them that Diamante is unbreakable and will continue to the extinction of all

life on Luxendarc.

Denys now steps forward to use the compass to sacrifice himself to bringing Diamante

to the far limit of the future and save this world today.

As the next chapter begins in a familiar bedside manner, Magnolia's commander notes the defeat

of Diamante and orders Magnolia to return as soon as she is able.

Though in Caldisla with old friends, Tiz and Edea struggle to remember anything about it

until now, like there is a strange hole in their memories.

Alternis now steps in, saying the same has happened to him, while also mentioning he

was the one who brought them here from the skyhold to safety.

Edea thanks him with a rare blush, and Alternis continues that for all this, the Yokai Yoko

is why, telling them to return to the grand marshal and Pope Anges for thier next move.

Visiting the King briefly, Tiz is geeted royally, and even sees Egil is doing well for himself

as Junior Captain, though he reports a large monster attack nearby.

Tiz offers to investigate, though at the same time, Edea is confronted by her father on

her readiness to lead a nation.

Helping her with this, her father gives his approval for her maturity and after a duel,

imparts the Templar asterisk.

More importantly, Edea is passed on the title of Grand Marshal, ruler and authority of Eternia,

as he himself looks forward to a well-earned retirement.

Now exploring the monster report, they are shocked to find a new Ba'al somehow more powerful

than even Diamante, adorned like an undead bride, though manage to bust it despite it

somehow slipping past the moon's security measures.

Checking in on the King, they see Anges and Alternis there speaking on how strange the

people within the kingdom likewise somehow forgot the rest of the world in isolation,

complicated more by the mysterious appearance of Ba'als.

Altair steps in, now confirming what he has always suspected, and that is that Ba'als

are the manifestations of the unresolved feelings of his beloved Vega, born from their shared

memories, but even he is unsure how they start as feelings and end up as weapons of mass


He suspects the missing link may lie with Anne, and suggests they seek her out.

Meanwhile, we see Anne before the great chasm the holy pillar once created and Anne gleefully

celebrating how she can create endless Ba'als now with this link to the Celestial realm.

Back with the party, they travel to the Vampire castle, and within find the signature dark

knight helm of Alternis within.

Within, they find the paitings now reveal the past of Yoko who appears before them,

admitting this castle was formerly called the hall of truth, despite how hard some truths

are to face.

Her shrine was once raided by a man who sought her treasure hoarde and sealed her within

the body of a young girl he brought along, who became patient zero for the great plague.

As they learned before, Geist was asked of the church to cure her, but it was disease

and not spirits that availed her.

The man who raided the shrine and essentially started the plauge incidentally was none other

than Yew's own father, something confirmed by the writings left behind by his father.

Learning his folly quickly, his father had nearly his entire fleet poisoned and killed,

and himself returned to Gathelatio with all the treasure, thus gaining great favor from

the church.

Afterwards, Braev Lee was a young priest who urged the elders to use the power of the crystals

to treat the sick but was denied, letting his home village be quarantined and die, this

causing him to resign from the church and lead his revolution later, beginning with

asking Norzen to investigate the origins of the plague.

Norzen as well as all reasearchers worked furiously and sacrificed everything to stave

off the second pandemic, even using himself as a test subject.

Eventually, Minette's mother saw the immunity in cats and learned how to transfer the antibodies

to Minette to survive the disease and create a vaccine.

As the authority of the church was crumbling at the same time as Templar Braev's uprising,

Yew's father issued the order to disband the Crystalguard in order to save his own house

and those he kept close, while fighting those that sought to keep the crystalguard intact,

like Janne's former house, with soldiers like Nikolai who were horrified at the atrocities


By killing off the other houses, House Geneolgia consolidated power to form its own army, and

used it to defeat unemployed soldiers who had turned to banditry, thus gaining favor

with smaller villages.

They also killed Bella's family on charge of withcraft and starting the plague, thus

earning more favor from the church.

Ironically, Yew's father would die of a common illness afterwards.

Now, Yoko speaks of herself, who wishes simply to change the world and help lift it into

\a higher plane.

Now in her true form, she continues from where she left off, now analyzing the secrets of

Edea, who despite her overt motivations, was also seeking approval from her father when

she ran off years ago, and feels lonliness by everyone having companions around her except

for her.

In truth, Edea did have her heart on someone, but he left her behind, and that man was Ringabel,

who oddly on cue, now enters the scene in his dark knight armor.

In fact, it was really him, not the Alternis of this world, who was really there to save

her the many times before.

With tears of joy she runs into his arms, and seeing his old friend Tiz again, he urges

his companions to aide him in chasing down Yoko.

He explains he is part of the Planeswardens now, here to protect a multitude of dimensions

from threats like Yoko, a S-class villain who has reveled in creating chaos and torturing

people for centuries.

With Ringabel as support and backup, the group now confronts Yoko, defeat and strip her of

her asterisk, and learn the final truth.

As it turns out, Yoko met two travellers from another world, and in a laboratory on their

ship, a deadly disease became mixed with one from Luxendarc, resulting in a potential Plague

that would kill everyone in the world.

So, Yoko took the disease within herself and asked to be sealed away.

It wasn't until thousands of years later that the founder of the geneolgia house arrived

and gave her hope that one of his line would find a cure for her.

Later was when Yew's father would come by, seal Yoko inside a girl in hopes of curing

Yoko as promised, but ended up causing the Great Plague instead.

She points out a lot of good things happened because of these events too, so its not all

bad, though with that she disappears.

Ringabel now also bids farewell to the group and a teary-eyed Edea, but leaves them with

the mission of destroying 7 deadly sin beasts now free in the world since Yoko has left.

Now confronting Anne at the great chasm, the group learns Anne doesn't create the Ba'als,

only transport them here, while here true master, Lord Providence of the Celestial Realm

actually creates them.

Before he makes his entrance, it was he who sent the Ba'als to cleanse the world first,

prioritizing the destruction of the moon since they put up the biggest fight to repel the


She laments having to deal with the aftermath of her little sister's plans in the first

game, but also finding someone here who wanted to summon the holy pillar.

Amused at the stuggles of the party, she ascends to a larger form to deal with the party before

her master descends, to which Tiz questions what faires are anyway.

She expains fairies are born from the will of the gods to serve them, and thanks them

for saving the Celestial Realm from Airy and Ouroboros in the first game.

As they defeat Anne, Altair comes out to say Providence likely has control of Vega, but

this Great Chasm is the portal they need to invade the Celestial Realm and defeat Providence

before he destroys their world.

Seeking the aide of the player personally, the black mists blocking their way are cleared

and together the group enters the celestial realms.

Beyond they find a pathway filled with images of Vega's memories, as Altair explains them.

For example, one such image is when Altair first met Vega at a ski resort and produced

a flower to her, and another when, almost by fate, he was transferred to the same research

facility she worked at the next year.

Also, sharing an umbrella in the rain as well as attending a festival together, coyly parallels

Yew and Magnolia's experiences together.

He continues on how they worked together on shared dreams and hypothesis, and how after

much success and toil, he asked her to marry him, even without a wedding ring, and she


He eventually saved up for one, and gave it to her, before he traveled to Luxendarc and

was separated from her ever since.

Despite that, he was glad to be able to bravely default on the expecations of others and encourages

them to have the courage to defy the world as well.

Arriving at an elaborate altar, Altair is amazed to find the soul of Vega still there.

She asks why Altair left her and reveals that after he disappeared, she was lied to about

where to find him, led into a trap, and killed.

Suddenly, Providence appears, pleased at the reveal of such despairing news.

Feeding on her negative emotions, he wanted to eliminate her lingering hope and love for

Altair, and so set his sights on destroying Luxendarc to that end.

The group declares their will to fight and deny this false god, and wishing to crush

the light before him, Providence attacks the group.

As he tries to feed himself more power from Vega's despair, Altair counters by feeding

her hope to save her and poison the strength of Providence.

The light overpowers the dark, and love saves the day as the souls of Altair and Vega are

reunited, and Luxendarc seems safe at last.

However, just as they turn to leave Providence descends in its true form, unbound by Vega,

and Tiz, Awakened warrior of light, Edea the new Grand Marshal of Eternia, Yew Noble Knight

and Captain of the Crystalguard, and Magnolia survivor of the moon and Ba'al exterminator,

unite in friendship to confront the dark lord.

Curiously, Providence points out the group isn't fighting of their own free will, but

by the whims of another influence, the player themself.

Speaking to the player, Providence declares sovereignty and moves to delete the save progress

of the entire game to win, but Yew cuts past the fourth wall to deliver hope, saying the

player has only encouraged, not controlled, and is proud to fight for them too.

Going to title screen to collect the new message for the player, Yew takes the literal SP now

present, and uses it to power up as the entire ensemble of allies, former foes, and the bonds

forged come forth to lend aide in denying the will of the false god.

With the fight now over, Altair and Vega are reunited and there are no more Ba'als, things

seem better as they prepare to head home, but suddenly Tiz collapses again.

As he suspected, Altair's soul was keeping him alive, and he accepts his early demise,

despite all the things he wanted to do.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious adventurer who has been with them in the background since

the first game, approachs and thanks them for reuniting her friends Altair and Vega.

She would pay them back now, and reminds them that a soul is simply an embodiment of wishes,

dreams, and desires, as in the case of Altair and Vega.

She urges them to use the hourglass on hand to fill Tiz with the power of dreams, but

it seems low on power.

Borrowing it, the adventurer opens a portal to the past and hands it to the party right

before they went to fight Providence, and by now, expects it to be full of the hopes,

dreams, and wishes of them and everyone whose lives they touched.

The hourglass ends up in the hands of Anges who hurries over to Tiz, as the adventurer,

named Deneb, bids them farewell.

As the game ends, we see the lives of the many asterisk wielders who have moved onward

with renewed hope, as Anges pours the energy from the hourglass into Tiz, and his soul

is finally restored for good this time.

For Edea, the path as Grand Marshal is filled with trials, though this world's Alternis

is always there to help her with her new duties like he had with her father.

For Tiz, he returns home to live his quiet life, and as Anges's duties as Pope are completed

after the treaty and with a new vestal in training, she approaches him telling him she

wishes to abandon the name Oblige for the name Arrior instead and live her life as his


For Magnolia, she returns to her ship and fixes it up, preparing to leave for the Moon.

However, Yew dashes after her, frustred he never got to tell her his feelings.

As it turns out, she never left after all, and now hears him out as he confesses his

love for her, and in return, she tells him her true name, something done on the moon

only with those who are married.

As the credits thank you as the player, we now see the moon, and hear Ringabel speak

with the Vice President, confirming the demonic Sword of the Brave as the missing third key

they seek.

Bravely Second: End Layer has enjoyed the success of selling over 700 thousand copies


This RECAPitation was chosen by Gavin Ng.

Thank you for supporting the show as a patron, you really help me out.

If you would like to support the show yourself, please follow the patreon link in the description


Thanks for Watching and I'll see you on the next battlefield.

For more infomation >> What happened in Bravely Second: End Layer? (RECAPitation) - Duration: 41:29.


saira movie motion poster teaser | new look | sye raa narasimha reddy | chiranjeevi | amitha bachhan - Duration: 1:39.

copy rights

For more infomation >> saira movie motion poster teaser | new look | sye raa narasimha reddy | chiranjeevi | amitha bachhan - Duration: 1:39.


TAG : SI J'ÉTAIS .. - Duration: 11:11.

I'm gonna laugh editing this video

with my girl crying,

her spit

and my cough. it's gonna be a challenge !

Hello everyone

It's Melly welcome back

welcome if you are new

Today i wanted to film a TAG that i saw on Tite-Caro channel

and that i liked so i thought

why not doing it

the noise is from my baby girl !

So without further ado,

if you are interested, then keep on watching

First question, if i was a season

i would be spring

because sun comes back, flowers

sprout all around, birds are singing

I come back to life

in the same time that nature

I'm very sensitive to sun,

and little happiness that nature can bring

birds's songs

flowers .. I feel happy

Simple pleasure

So I would be spring, even if I would enjoy more warmth

because now it's spring

And it's rainning ..

If I was an animal

I like wolf and otter

but would I choose

to be wolf or a otter..

maybe not the wolf

because of the negative image

and I would be dead by a gun in no time

is the otter haunted

by men?..

Probably .. we hunt everything :(

I'll go for the otter. it's cute, it snuggles

it plays

If I was a country .. Spain

I like the language

even if I find it hard to speak

I knew how

but if you don't practise, you loose

obviously : sun !

after we eat

more or less good

So now I hesitate thinking about food

Spain or Italy, sun in both country

culture in Italy

and pasta !

Ok I changed my mind,

I would be Italy

If I was a band

I really don't know

I don't really listen

band more singers.

The first one to come to my mind is Kyo

that I listen a lot when I was younger

So Kyo

If I was a drink

Soft white


Don't know which one

but a soft white

If I was a dish

a sea dish

japonese dish

sashimi !

If I was a fruit


If I was a veggie


It's fresh and yummy

and green ^^

If I was a candy

I don't like candy

Wait, I forgot one question

Sorry, I had to take care of my girl

So if I have split, that's why

I keep going, if I was a chocolate

I would be a milk chocolate

with fudge

salted caramel


If I was a candy, I don't like them

If i was a dessert I would be

an apple crumble

I just love the texture between the crumble

and the moist of the apple

It is delicious

If I was a restaurant

I would be a crêperie

because I used to go there with my husband

to talk

when we were just friends

If I was a number


don't know tho

If I was an adjective

It's hard !


not for me obviously !

but because it's positive

when we say about something or someone

it's magnificient

we immedialtely feel good

that brings smile, happiness

positive thinking


You feel good after hearing it

I speak more and more with my nose that's splendid

very glamour


If I was a day of the week

I would be


because it's before the week-end

last day

If I was a job

Ok for fun, if i could tell anything

I'll say actress

because why not

If I was a room of the house

I'll be the living room

everyone gathering

coffee talk, cocooning

If I was something useless but that we keep

a button I guess..

If I was a character from a video game

Tomb Raider, love it

If I was a jewlery, earrings

or rings. I generally buy earrings

because it's cheaper

I love rings

but expensive rings

with diamonds and everything

I don't like wearring

"cheap" rings

I like next level kind of rings

so it's easier

to buy earrings

So, are we going to succeed?

Where are the question..

If I was a animated pictures?

Obviously you all know the answer if you know me

I just can't stop talking about it

I'm waiting..

yes beauty and the beast

I just love the romance of this story

it's not a see someone

and i fall in love just like that

there's a complicity

there are becoming friends

and only after they are asking themselve questions. so it's super romantic

and for me there is the best kiss of disney

so beautiful

at the end i'm just in an other world

i'm just in love

when the beast transforms himself in prince

and he says to her "Belle it's me"

and here replying "Yes it's you"

You lost me

I just can't

so romantic

If I was a social network : youtube


I just love watching videos, the sharings

the comments

If I was a kind of book

I would be a fantastic novel like Harry Potter, my favorite book

If I was an object

Good question.. a book

If I was a means of transport

a plane, cause you can go far

If I was an element : the air

If I was a smell

monoi flowers , love that smell

If I was a perfume

Well I don't know, I don't have one favorite perfume

Plus, I like to change

so not sure

the one i'm thinking of

I like

Don't remember the name

it's the bust (Jean Paul Gautier)

So here it's the end of the tag, hardly on my part

with the crying

the cold and all that jazz


I hope you enjoyed

I'm gonna tag some people you don't have to do it

If you want it only

So who I'm gonna tag

Melanie Casado Perceval

Pomme Poire Orange

and Clotilde Coconut

Thanks for the support

I'll catch you on my next video, bye bye

For more infomation >> TAG : SI J'ÉTAIS .. - Duration: 11:11.


Trump says could 'hold up' South Korea trade deal for North Korea issue - Duration: 2:12.

U.S. President Donald Trump might be planning to put a hold on the recent changes to America's

FTA with South Korea.

He says he would use it as a card in his negotiations with North Korea.

As our Lee Seung-jae reports, it's not obvious what the U.S. would stand to gain from that.

Before the ink has even dried on the newly amended South Korea-U.S FTA,...

President Trump said he may 'hold up' the trade deal in order to use the deal as leverage

in any upcoming negotiations with North Korea and their nuclear program.

Calling it a 'strong card',... Trump made it clear how he wants to use the trade deal.

"Just this week we secured a wonderful deal with South Korea.

(cut) And I may hold it up till after a deal is made with North Korea.

Does everybody understand that?

You know why, right?

You know why?

Because it's a very strong card and I want to make sure everyone is treated fairly and

we're moving along very nicely with North Korea we'll see what happens."

Observers say it's unclear how holding up the trade deal with South Korea, one of America's

closest allies, could help the U.S. in dealing with North Korea.

This comes as U.S. diplomats have emphasized that any meeting between Trump and Kim Jong-un

would simply be a meeting,... and not a formal negotiation on the North's nuclear weapons


Meanwhile... the South Korean government on Thursday demanded the U.S. correct a recent

statement on the U.S. Trade Representative website, stating that the U.S. Treasury Department

is leading discussions on currency with South Korea's finance ministry.

Adding to the dispute was a fact sheet issued by the U.S. Trade Representative on Wednesday,...

stating that 'a memorandum of understanding is being finalized on robust provisions to

prohibit competitive devaluation and exchange rate manipulation.'

According to Seoul's Ministry of Strategy and Finance,... the exchange rate issue is

entirely unrelated to the FTA, as such an agreement would likely deal a heavy blow to

South Korea as it's such an export-dependent economy.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump says could 'hold up' South Korea trade deal for North Korea issue - Duration: 2:12.


Top 8 Bollywood Divas Who Did Not Wear Red At Their Weddings - Duration: 3:26.

Top 8 Bollywood Divas Who Did Not Wear Red At Their Weddings

For more infomation >> Top 8 Bollywood Divas Who Did Not Wear Red At Their Weddings - Duration: 3:26.


Good Friday Service 2018 - Duration: 2:00:31.

For more infomation >> Good Friday Service 2018 - Duration: 2:00:31.


After To Nick The Mii UTTP Got Closed Account - Duration: 2:14.

Yes! Finally! That is this Nick The Mii UTTP just got closed account,

once again! FINALLY!! 2x

just because this terminal a circuit race just 2 community guidelines strikes and the

doubles they copyright strike, here are no misses a piece of the bullet yet

it's over just got this closed account, once again! save me like a got terminated him,

This is a ridiculous, Nick The Mii UTTP, takes a lot!! Alright, now no one Nick The Mii UTTP,

be this arrow the Earth's true that's not true nick the mii uttp, is got away

this is this or this is lost nick the mii uttp. Is goodbye, you nick the mii uttp

this STAY OUT!!!! ON YOUTUBE! it to I'm gonna tell her and I get nick the mii uttp never come to

back on Youtube!!! this over you can mistakes generally there's everything

with it this is a get Jessica to get did in his DVD goodwill, then one hour that we

should you get since this is closed account once again.

The kids are singing anymore! Goodbye Nick The Mii UTTP! SEE LONG, SUCKERS!

For more infomation >> After To Nick The Mii UTTP Got Closed Account - Duration: 2:14.


How to improve your sound for Youtube videos - Duration: 6:25.

In this clip I will show you how to improve your sound on your videos for Youtube,

There are some very simple things, so stay up to the end to learn them all.

If you're interested in tricks or tips to help you dominate Youtube and Google,

I invite you to subscribe to this channel

Hello, I'm Ionut from, welcome to a new clip.

The program I'm introducing to you is called Audacity. It can improve the audio quality of your clips,

Audacity is a free program that you can download at any time without having to pay

No amount of money, so I say it will help you a lot,

It works very simply,

Upload the audio file of your video,

It will look like this,

First we have to remove the clicks from your video clip.

If in the background there is a click noise it will automatically remove it,

Effect and Click Removal

Because you have not selected anything, it will select your entire soundtrack,

You press Ok, and any click noise is removed.

Then to remove the background noise,

Let's say you have a noisy fan, let's say you hear background noise of various types,

It's a very simple thing,

Experts recommend that at the beginning of the clip leave a few seconds of silence

To be able to get the background noise pattern,

If you have not done so, zoom in until you find an area where you have not spoken,

For example, this one.

Click to select it, Effect and then Noise Removal,

In Romanian it is Noise Removal,

And now you have to press Get the noise profile,

It will take this area and if there is background noise, It will understand what to remove from your video,

From the sound of your video,

I clicked once, then with CTRL + A, I selected everything,

Again Effect, and Noise Reduction, and press Ok,

You see, it has to be checked here Reduce, Okay,

And it will remove all the background noise from your video,

If you did not succeed first, try again

I repeat, first select the area you have not spoken into,

Zoom in until you find an area of ​​this kind,

After removing the noise for no problems,

Then, let's say you recorded quite low,

To increase the sound on your video, you'll have Amplify here,

Of course, you can not do much, because there will be all sorts of other noises,

But a bit you will still be able to increase the sound of your video,

You see that at some point you'll need to tick Alow Clipping, otherwise you're not going to raise the sound,

The level of sound,


And see, the level of the sound changed

So, the last thing I want to show you, change the height,

Again CTRL + A and change the sound height,

If, say, you want to have a higher sound, a higher voice,

You will have to go to the right side, attention here to these letters,

In principle choose from the big letter to the small letter,

If you still do not really understand what this is about here, simply from this cursor

When you go to the right you will increase the height of the sound,

It will become more high-pitched, so to speak,

But, it's very important to grow a little the gravity of your voice,

Not to much, but it will give you a professional sound feeling,

If you drop a little. Let's say you have a high-pitched voice and then you have to work from here,

But even if you have a normal voice, a little more serious can really help you, your sound.

Press Ok,

And this is added,

These things I recommend to you to make all your clips,

With improved sound,

Of course, it does not compensate, say, if you have a weaker microphone,

Use the phone mic to record the sound,

The microphones on the phones are usually pretty good, because they were made to remove

The background noise,

Also be careful that the room you record in does not have much echo,

Very often, professionals also used warehouses for clothes,

Because it really absorbs the noise,

Also, it's good to have a rug on the floor to stop the sound dispersion,

There are tricks that the professionals also use,

So if you do not have a super microphone, you can try to improvise,

Also, use Audacity with confidence, because it will not disappoint you.

If you learned something useful from this clip and would like to see similar videos in the future,

The first step I advise you to do is subscribe to this channel

Also, if you have among your friends people interested in this kind of topic ,

Please send the clip to them, to help them,

And I until next time I wish you good SEO.

For more infomation >> How to improve your sound for Youtube videos - Duration: 6:25.


나린이는 학교 끝나고 뭐하고 놀까요? 나린이 방과후 일상 최초공개! Vlogㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:19.

For more infomation >> 나린이는 학교 끝나고 뭐하고 놀까요? 나린이 방과후 일상 최초공개! Vlogㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:19.


President Moon meets with Chinese special envoy Yang Jiechi on outcome of Beijing... - Duration: 0:41.

President Moon Jae-in is meeting with Yang Jiechi as we speak... at the Presidential

Office of Cheong Wa Dae.

The meeting kicked off about half an hour ago.

President Moon is expected to get a briefing from the Chinese State Councilor on the recent

exchanges between Beijing and Pyongyang.

Yang has insisted that Kim Jong-un's recent surprise visit to Beijing and his meeting

with President Xi Jinping will only benefit the April 27th summit between the two Koreas.

He also said China will continue its support for both the inter-Korean and U.S.-North Korea

summits,... while working with Seoul to realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

and to establish lasting peace in the region.

For more infomation >> President Moon meets with Chinese special envoy Yang Jiechi on outcome of Beijing... - Duration: 0:41.


驚くほどの体重で保護された老猫。2年かけて体重を半分に減らすと…【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> 驚くほどの体重で保護された老猫。2年かけて体重を半分に減らすと…【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:37.


Versi degli animali per bambini piccoli | Animali della foresta | Video imparare animali divertenti - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Versi degli animali per bambini piccoli | Animali della foresta | Video imparare animali divertenti - Duration: 5:08.


VPN for Gaming: 4 Reasons to Use a VPN - Duration: 0:45.

If you play online games only once in a while, a VPN might not be for you.

But for hardcore gaming, a VPN might put you on the leaderboard.

VPN connection might reduce your ping time making your game more responsive.

With a VPN, your data is encrypted and your connection won't slow down from ISP throttling.

Using a VPN can increase your protection against DDoS attacks.

And, of course, a VPN gives you access to the games you love, wherever you are.

So up your game - pick a VPN that has a higher number of servers giving you more options

for a fast connection.

For more tips on using a VPN don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> VPN for Gaming: 4 Reasons to Use a VPN - Duration: 0:45.


Deutsch lernen mit videos für kinder | Geeignete waldtiere geräusche-Lernen Name und Klang tiere zoo - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Deutsch lernen mit videos für kinder | Geeignete waldtiere geräusche-Lernen Name und Klang tiere zoo - Duration: 5:08.


Les 7 bienfaits intéressants de la racine de maca pour la santé de la femme - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Les 7 bienfaits intéressants de la racine de maca pour la santé de la femme - Duration: 7:57.


Como instalar VirtualBox en Linux virtualizacion - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Como instalar VirtualBox en Linux virtualizacion - Duration: 8:23.


Moscow expels U.S. diplomats, shuts consulate in tit-for-tat move - Duration: 2:07.

Russia has announced the expulsion of more than 150 diplomats, including 60 Americans,

in a tit-for-tat response to the West's move over the poisoning of a former Russian spy

in England.

Ro Aram reports.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday that Russia is expelling 60 U.S.

diplomats and officials in retaliation for identical U.S. measures announced earlier

this week.

They have one week to leave and the U.S. consulate in St Petersburg will also be shut in retaliation

for the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle.

"U.S. ambassador Mr. (Jon) Huntsman has been invited to our ministry, where my deputy Mr.

(Sergei) Ryabkov briefs him on our response to the US.

These measures include the expulsion of the same number of diplomats.

And this includes our decision to withdraw the licence for the U.S. consulate in St.


Lavrov has blamed Washington for leading the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats in the

West, and said Moscow will enforce similar measures on countries that joined it.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said the Russian move was unjustified.

"I want to remind you that there is no justification for the Russian response.

Our actions were motivated purely by the attack on the United Kingdom…..

So we are reading this.

We are reviewing it and we'll respond accordingly."

More than two dozen nations have joined the UK in pointing the finger at Moscow for the

nerve agent attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury earlier this month.

The Kremlin has repeatedly denied involvement and Lavrov again described the actions against

his country as provocative.

He added Russia is also seeking a meeting with the leaders of the Organisation for the

Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to discuss the case.

Meanwhile, doctors treating Sergei Skripal's daughter Yulia say she is recovering quickly.

She is known to be conscious and speaking, but her father remains in critical condition.

British police believe the Soviet-era Novichok nerve agent had been left on the front door

of Mr. Skripal's home in Salisbury.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Moscow expels U.S. diplomats, shuts consulate in tit-for-tat move - Duration: 2:07.


MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE VIDEOS | Happy Background Music Instrumental - Duration: 2:21.

You can purchase a license to use this track in you future video or promo project and monetize it!

For more infomation >> MUSIC FOR YOUTUBE VIDEOS | Happy Background Music Instrumental - Duration: 2:21.


Two Koreas to hold 2018 inter-Korean summit on April 27; no agenda yet - Duration: 2:29.

So yesterday, the two Koreas agreed to hold the highly anticipated summit between South

Korea and North Korea... on April 27th at the inter-Korean border... although the agenda

for the meeting is still up in the air.

Our Oh Jung-hee has more.

The two Koreas will hold their third, historic summit on April 27th... at the Peace House

located on the South Korean side of the truce village of Panmunjeom.

The announcement came after high-level delegations from Seoul and Pyongyang wrapped up their

meeting at Panmunjeom on Thursday afternoon.

"South and North Korea agreed to work together to successfully hold an inter-Korean summit,...

in view of the historic significance it would have in terms of the denuclearization of the

Korean Peninsula, building peace, and improving inter-Korean relations.

With the agreement of both leaders, the South and the North have decided to hold the 2018

Inter-Korean summit on April 27th at the Peace House in Panmunjeom."

For now, it's expected that the Seoul-Pyongyang summit will only last a day.

To prepare, the two Koreas will hold a couple of working-level talks.

The first round will be held on April 4th to discuss protocol, security and press coverage

for the summit.

The second meeting will cover communications,... but when and where it's held hasn't yet been


Seoul and Pyongyang will continue exchanging documents as they prepare.

South Korea has had three major topics for President Moon Jae-in to discuss with North

Korean leader Kim Jong-un -- denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, building a lasting peace

with lowered tensions,... and finally improving inter-Korean relations.

The two Koreas agreed Thursday that the three items should be taken up at the summit, but

the topics couldn't be narrowed down any further.

Asked about the agenda of the summit, North Korea's Ri Son-kwon only said...

(quote)"our agenda covers everything in inter-Korean relations."

Seoul has also left open the possibility of holding another round of high-level talks

in April... to iron out the details.

"The North Korean side did not mention anything about denuclearization at Thursday's high-level


But, South Korea's unification minister reaffirmed... that denuclearization is a central topic that's

been discussed since the January 9th high-level talks and during several trips back and forth

between Seoul and Pyongyang.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Two Koreas to hold 2018 inter-Korean summit on April 27; no agenda yet - Duration: 2:29.


6 Degrees of Separation Book Tag! Stick with it! It's Less than Two Minutes! - Duration: 1:48.

Hey gang!

I was tagged by booktuber Silje for a Six Degrees of Separation Book Tag.

They want you to find connections between unrelated books.

My first book is The Brother Karamazov.

This is an indictment of pre-revolutionary Russia, told though the story of two feuding

brothers, each representing a philosophical world view.

And what other philosophical treatise features two brothers feuding?

Double Dragon, though they actually didn't feud in the comic, I think, It's been many

years since I've read it.

But they did feud in the first video game.

And what else was a video game I played till my eyes wept blood and my thumbs were calloused?


This is the tale of a youth set on a journey of self-discovery though the training, care,

and needless battling of Pokemon.

Though clearly, Professor Oak sent him on this journey so's he could pork Ash's


And what other book features torrid, life-destroying affairs?

Madame Bovary.

This book was scandalous for its time, in fact, Gustov Flaubert was tried (and acquitted)

on obscenity charges.

And who else sparks outrage from the easily offended?

Dennis the Menace by Hank Ketcham?

This was a brilliantly illustrated single panel cartoon, featuring an uncontrollable

child who made the lives of his father and neighbour a living nightmare.

And what other book has vicious, irresponsible characters with descriptive nicknames?

Wiseguy by Nicolas Pellegi.

It's got Jimmy the Gent, Two-gun Tommy, Jimmy Two-Times, Stacks Edwards.

They're all lovable ragamuffins.

Thank you to Silje for tagging me.

I hope I'm pronouncing that right.

I'll have her link in the description and at the end of the video.

Thank you to comic book community folks for listening to me drone about books, and thank

you to book tubers for listening to me drone about comics.

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