Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 30 2018

hey, hey...

Have you noticed something about me?

I feel like right here

is growing little by little!

hey, hey...

Are you interested in me?

Hey, you don't have to be surprised

Its alright if you get a little closer

and keep your eyes on me

"Eh? It's a misunderstanding?"

You were trying to make me feel embarrassed?

"That's what's cute about me?!"

Stop teasing me!!

I hate dense men

After all, you didn't didn't didn't didn't realize this at all

Even if a pineapple was added

and a orange accompanied it,

I don't need them to make my thoughts turn sour

I want to know the truth

But, I can't can't can't can't attack you with all my might

I don't feel like I can win by being mean like before

Even if I turn into an adult, I won't be able to catch up

For more infomation >> I can't defeat all these boys!! - Duration: 1:46.


THE ROSE (더 로즈) PLAYS THE IMAGE GAME! | (PART 2) - Duration: 8:19.


Welcome to Part 2 of our virtual interview with The Rose.

This time we're gonna have the boys play the IMAGE GAME.

Let's learn even more about this amazing a fun group

in the most entertaining way possible.


For more infomation >> THE ROSE (더 로즈) PLAYS THE IMAGE GAME! | (PART 2) - Duration: 8:19.


SPONGEBOB, PATRICK & BIKINI BOTTOM!! (GTA 5 Mods) - Duration: 11:35.


For more infomation >> SPONGEBOB, PATRICK & BIKINI BOTTOM!! (GTA 5 Mods) - Duration: 11:35.


「No Game No Life Zero」ความฝันกับจักรวาล [Cover : Gibraltar]【AMV】ᴴᴰ - Duration: 5:23.

It's like an indigo prison in the middle of the dark sky. It's like I've been deemed guilty and will be punished

How millions of lightyears away it is to the edge of the prison's borders? And who created it? Just thinking about it scares me

It's like I'm living to play the part heaven decided for me. My body whithers and fades, hurting until I cry

Circling without end, revolving in the pain. Who wrote my story? Just thinking about it scares me

But at least whoever that was still left me with my dreams. There might still be compassion for my weak heart

The image of my dreams are like the raindrops, washing off my heart, making me continue on. However dark this world gets, the night still has starlight

Millions of confusions for the purpose of me learning. However good or bad it is, I'll look, the rules of sin teach my heart

I have heaven waiting, the fires of hell burning. And who will choose for us? Our hearts must choose themselves

Telling heaven that this man will live his life meaningfully. Please still have compassion for the twinkling stars, shining and leading the way of my life

When you're suffering alone, make it meaningful. However dark one life gets, the night still has dreams

A dark life

make every night have dreams

still have dreams


Telling heaven that this man will live his life meaningfully. Please still have compassion for the twinkling stars, shining and leading the way of my life

When I take my last breath, the path will continue on through the dark universe. I just want to dream, if I won't get free

Every night in this indigo prison, only dreams make me happy

For more infomation >> 「No Game No Life Zero」ความฝันกับจักรวาล [Cover : Gibraltar]【AMV】ᴴᴰ - Duration: 5:23.


丸モチーフ 4【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Round Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 17:19.

For more infomation >> 丸モチーフ 4【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Round Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 17:19.


수제슬라임을 구매할수 밖에 없었던 토깽이만의 이유는?! 하늘슬라임 5만원 랜덤박스 리뷰ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> 수제슬라임을 구매할수 밖에 없었던 토깽이만의 이유는?! 하늘슬라임 5만원 랜덤박스 리뷰ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 12:51.


Episode 02 | Exploring Shanghai - Duration: 7:16.

Ooh, there is a thing.

Let's go watch that thing.

*Music Plays*

So uh we are now in the taxi and we finally got out of the airport which took probably

as long as the flight did.

Took about an hour, yeah.

Took way to long.

It was pretty bad, we were wondering the same spot for about 30 minutes.

Yeah and we don't know how to use a Chinese ATM to save our lives.

So we bought a taxi.

Anyways taxi ride so far has been very.

* Taxi radio goes off * Very interesting Uhh we gave the dude the

money and.

It's like a small business.

It's basically a small business, so we gave one guy the money and the other guy drives.

It's really weird.

Yeah except the moment we gave the dude money dude bolts out of the car so we were a little

confused there for a little while.

uh other than that we are on our way to the hostel and well.

See you there.

*Music plays*

I did get to wake up to an awesome view of

Pudong and we actually made it to our hostel around

6 or 8 at night.

It's pretty awesome.

So ill keep you updated.

We finally made it to the tower in the middle floor?

No, we are at the top ball.

We are at the top ball, very highest itsssssssssss hundred some meters in the sky.

Super high up its very cloudy out and

so far we just went walking today *laughter* Since

we have woken up we have yet to eat so we gotta figure out how to do that.

Taco Bell sounded like a pretty good Yeah, we passed a Taco Bell on the way here.

Asian Taco Bell that or a dumpling restaurant that's near us

I should probably do one at the hostel but oh wait I already did one this morning that

right but yeah, so far we just got the sight of the river and all that stuff.

So yeah there's that so do another video later if I can get the internet because so far we

haven't had any internet any luck with it.

Its off and on, its weird.

Yeah, so keep you updated.

So here we are at the base of the, da ba, something.

The something tower Oh, wait The oriental pearl tower.

The Oriental Pearl Tower.

Can I get in here, please?

No your not allowed in the photo.

So we just got out of the tower we only spent a few minutes in there because we couldn't

understand half the stuff that was going on but we got some.

And it was freezing cold.

It was freezing cold, but we got some awesome views anyway just got down from the bottom

and I came down here with Trystn because I heard some.

You gotta put us both in the video otherwise it makes no sense.

No I'm too important Anyway so we just got down here and we were

walking back to go get some Taco Bell that we passed by and I had noticed some instruments

playing so I was like OOOh there's a thing let's go watch that thing.

And it was a Chinese band.

Oh, they left.

So as I was going to take a photo of the band playing this group of people just came out

of nowhere grabbed me by my arm and started hand like I'm some ape thing (Sign language...xD)

* laughter* next thing I know I was in a photo with them.

So yeah so far I'm 1 for 0 on Trystn on randomly getting photos taken so.

And im 1 for 0 on him for having my head been rubbed.

When did you get your head rubbed?

When we were up there somebody walked by me and did it.

Your a bad liar anyway so we will keep you posted probably going to go eat then do some

stuff later or were going to go back to the hostel and figure out our wifi situation.

Figure out, yeah so.

Whats up guys I'm doing the intro this time.

Um we are currently sitting in a Chinese Taco Bell because we didn't want to go real Chinese

food and the closest thing we found was this.

It looks nothing like a Taco bell back home as its much much nicer the people are much

much friendlier and well as you can see its much nicer

How are you doing Max?

Sup. are you ready to eat your food your Chinese

Taco Bell.

Also, it was funny we heard Kary Underwood while we were at the tower.

Oh yeah that's true when we were there they uhh, One of the stores was playing.

What song was it?

Do you know what song it was though?


Ok, he has no idea.

No, it was the uhh * Intangible singing* Alright.

That song.

Leave it in the comments if you can figure that out because I don't know country music

that well.

Alright, what up people.

I'm uh we went on a walk here.

Hi. we don't really know where we're going now we are going to the way, wait we are going

to the water or are we just going to look around?

Wa- wa- water and then we, Yeah then the hotel then the mall tomorrow.

Alright so we are going to look at the bay now or the river.

Or as my brother would call it the Hanzo river because he's a filthy Hanzo main (Overwatch

charicter).Shut up.

Nobodys going to get that.

* laughter* Umm at the moment were.

That way.

This way?

Ok were going this way now apparently.

No, because we have to go like past the tower.

The rivers over there.

Oh yeah.

Whoops sorry trying to get used to this camera thing still.

Ah no, it's not.

Umm so yeah we're going to the river at the moment trying to find more food to eat.uhh

it's warm actually.

Its hot.

Its hot.

everyone else is in jackets, 3 layers of jackets two layers of pants and were here in shorts

and a tank top and everyone looking at us like were weird-os That wind feels really good.

So uh we will update you once we get nearer to the water and I will hope we get food somewhere


We just did an update video on the Honzo river but we walked downstream some bit so we can

actually, record hanzo river?

Shutup Honzo

HonJo Hon-Jo

Joe Bob billy bob Anyway we finally made it to where all the

boats and stuff are and Uh there pretty interesting So basically there apartments that float

so yeah those are pretty cool there It's like Portland but there free.

Yeah It's like free shipping

And they overcrowd yats yeah there's like giant yats and stuff

sorry there's like yats over there houseboat right

there and then there is a dock over there with some

other stuff and the tower.

There's a crowd of people I'm sure we are going to get (rushed by?)

Yeah a crowd of people so well probably going to go the opposite way from that

but other then that uhh nothing much has changed other than its windy and really cool out.

Yeah, just a little update.

Be sure to subscribe! -->

For more infomation >> Episode 02 | Exploring Shanghai - Duration: 7:16.


Cómo Curar Por Siempre LA DIABETES en 5 Días Con Clavo y Canela - Nunca ha Sido Tan fácil. - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Cómo Curar Por Siempre LA DIABETES en 5 Días Con Clavo y Canela - Nunca ha Sido Tan fácil. - Duration: 2:42.


In Christ Alone cover request | Happy Easter and Blessed Good Friday! - Duration: 2:59.

In Christ alone my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This Cornerstone, this solid Ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My Comforter, my All in All

Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone! Who took on flesh

Fullness of God in helpless babe

This gift of love and righteousness

Scorned by the ones He came to save

Till on that cross as Jesus died

The wrath of God was satisfied

For every sin on Him was laid

Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay

Light of the world by darkness slain

Then bursting forth in glorious day

Up from the grave He rose again

And as He stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me

For I am His and He is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

For more infomation >> In Christ Alone cover request | Happy Easter and Blessed Good Friday! - Duration: 2:59.


Famous and Rich with Problems Get Their Dreams - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> Famous and Rich with Problems Get Their Dreams - Duration: 6:35.


Thermometer animation | Royalty free after effect animation | Crazydivers - Duration: 0:34.

hello there

welcome to the freebie of the month video

You can use this after effects animation for free in your videos

You just need to credit us with a little link on your video

feel free to comment with your creation, i'd love to see what you've done

If you want you can also go to our patreon

to receive them in your email inbox every month

you can also subscribe to make sure you are notified

everytime we post a new freebie

See you next month!

For more infomation >> Thermometer animation | Royalty free after effect animation | Crazydivers - Duration: 0:34.


CARE - Icon com tradução/legenda - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> CARE - Icon com tradução/legenda - Duration: 3:44.


ギャラクシーという言葉!響きが良くてかっこいい!面白い雑学 - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> ギャラクシーという言葉!響きが良くてかっこいい!面白い雑学 - Duration: 2:17.


VLOG || NIGHT OUT WITH US! - Duration: 4:15.

I'm in love with wai wai

Hey guys, so we are currently going to dinner

celebrating choki's 20th birthday

I'm so cute, she's actually cute, she's being serious

we're at the city

say hi

aye look at that slit

downtown guys, hey Anjana, do you wanna look



where are we going tonight?

I think we are going to the hot pot

where we going, we are going to rundle mall, no

no we're not

we are.

aren't we going Rundle mall? guys stop fighting

not yet we're not

hey Jharna baby, how are you?

i'm good how are you?

i'm good too guys we forgot to cash out, sadly we don't

have any cash.

so yah, we are walking towards the ATM now, yep

she's rich guys.

you have to make it safe guys.

she's rich.

hi guys.

what else do you guys want to get?

i want hot and spicy soup but like i have to request for a vegan one.

i'm so thirsty.


i'm so excited to eat.

guys, we are starving right now.

guys, the food just arrived.

i can't see.


For more infomation >> VLOG || NIGHT OUT WITH US! - Duration: 4:15.


Dismasted off Falkland Islands - Duration: 2:53.

We were reaching at about 75 True Wind Angle in about 30 knots of breeze.

I was driving at the time.

Then there was a big bang and the rig broke just above the first spreader.

It was quite a bang.

All of the instruments jumped out of the bracket, the radar exploded,

the camera in the front of the rig exploded.

The top of the mast landed in the water with the stump sticking up.

Since then, we have made sure we look after the boat,

protect the integrity of the hull,

we have had to cut everything away.

And that is all away safely.

Glad to say everyone is safe.

Everyone is healthy,

no one was injured in the rig coming down,

and the boat seems to be good.

So now we are just getting everything squared away

and we are going to start motoring towards the Falklands.

I was in my bunk.

We healed over the wrong way pretty violently.

There was a pretty big bang.

Immediately in my head, I kinda known what had happened.

Bombing along at 30 knots,

double head reaching next to DongFeng.

That was one second, then the next second we weren't.

Everyone stayed calm, cool, and collected and we were able to get that thing over the side.

That was the diciest part.

But now we are about 100 miles from the Falklands

so we will motor to there and re-access what's possible at this point.

This is my third rig down in 6 races.

Lost the rig with ACB in the 01-02 race at Point [Nemo]

about as far away from land as you can get.

That was not a very nice experience.

Then with Puma in the 11-12 race.

Dropped the rig in the first leg.

Ended up on an island, Tristan da Cunha, in the South Atlantic.

Now we are going to be in South Atlantic again in a place called the Falklands.

Don't know what to say.


It's a challenge.

The whole thing is a challenge.

Whether you are racing the weather or the elements or the setbacks like this.

I think they just tells the story that this race about is about overcoming the difficulties.

We can't really overcome this one now but we can make a plan to go forward

and try our hardest to keep in the race.

For more infomation >> Dismasted off Falkland Islands - Duration: 2:53.


S01.E02 - On the road to the Death Valley N.P. / Tandem Bike touring in USA - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> S01.E02 - On the road to the Death Valley N.P. / Tandem Bike touring in USA - Duration: 9:34.


#0076-83 ZAMAC 50 Anniversary (Hotwheels 2018) - Duration: 8:09.

Hello Friends, Welcome to Wheels-O-Rama !! As I promised you a few days ago, today

We have a special program. Today I will show you these eight fabulous cars of the collection

special ZAMAC 50th anniversary of Hotwheels at 1:64 scale.

ZAMACs are unpainted vehicles that include tampographies and are only varnished

so that they do not spoil. The word ZAMAC is an acronym that comes from the initials

of the materials used for its alloy which are Zinc, Aluminum, Manganese and Alloy

coppermade. These special models appeared for the first time in 1998 as variations of

the basic series and 26 different ones were used. In 2003 they did the same but only with 5

models and the following year the figure went up to 38 and you could find them in stores

Toys R Us. They disappeared for about years and except in 2016, they appeared again

in 2013 to date in numbered exclusive edition of 18 pieces every year. This year the ZAMAC

they have crossed borders and have arrived to all parts of the world for being 50

anniversary of the brand and they have brought us This beautiful collection.

Due to the high metallic shine of the pieces, it has been impossible for me to use the chroma,

that I had to create a static background to show the pieces and it has taken me something

of time, but we can enjoy the pieces in all its splendor outside the blister ...

The number one of the collection is the Ford 1967 Mustang Coupe. This version brings

the crystals of a pretty orange slightly phosphorescent that attracts a lot of attention.

Tampographies of red and yellow flames they make it even more beautiful on the sides and

on the hood. It also includes the logo of the 50th anniversary on the sides in the

back side. The rims are with profile Chromed red and black plastic base.

The number two of the collection is the Chevrolet Camaro Concept This version brings the crystals

light blue but with the interiors in black It makes them look darker. The tampographies

of the flames have a more similar shape a blue tribal on black in the

side and hood and also carries the logo 50th anniversary in the back. The

5-spoke wheels have a blue chromed profile and the base is made of black plastic.

Number three is the Plymouth Barracuda Formula S of 1968. This version brings the crystals

very striking yellows. The tampographies they occupy the entire side of the car full of

yellow flames with green border, very very beautiful. We also have the flames on the

bonnet and the Plymouth brand in the trunk. Also on the back is the logo

of the 50th anniversary. The rims with profile white are very common and the plastic base

black. The number four of the collection is the Buick

GSX of 1970. This version brings the crystals dark blue. Tampographies de las llamas

They are very simple and they occupy the hood and the sides of the car in yellow, red

and blue border with the 50th anniversary logo in blue. The 5-star star wheels

They are red chrome and the plastic base black.

The number five of the collection is the Oldsmobile 442 of 1968. This version brings the crystals

greens that also darken to be the black interiors He also brings in his tampographies

the yellow and red flames with green border on the sides and the hood and the logo

50th anniversary in black on the back. In the center of the hood also has a

black stripe from the peak to the entrance of air. The rims with yellow profile are

very common but it fits very well to this model and the base is black plastic.

The number six of the collection is the Dodge Demon of the year 1971. Bring violet crystals

dark and the tampographies of the flames occupy all the sides of the body, the hood

and the trunk. They are red with edge purple and we can see the Dodge brand in

the trunk and the 50th anniversary logo on the laterals. The rims are star

of 5 very nice copper colored sticks and the black plastic base.

The number seven of the collection is the Plymouth Duster Thruster. Bring the crystals in red

that again look dark when the interiors are in black The tampographies of the flames in

the sides have a curious design in black with red edge where we can see the

plymouth brand and the 50th anniversary logo. This model comes without a hood and shows us

your motor to the air. Tires are very common of 5 sticks in gold color and plastic base

black. And number eight of the collection is Copo

1968 Camaro. Bring the crystals too in green although clearer in this version.

Tampographies de llamas negras, verdes and blue on the hood and the sides

they make very nice and it brings its 50 logo anniversary in the back. The tires

of 5 sticks are common although in a blue chromed that make them very beautiful. The plastic base


Without a doubt, a special collection and spectacular where the absence of painting

it highlights more the lines of the body, and the pores that are appreciated give the cessation

of being directly touching the metal, although com I said at the beginning they are varnished. My

favorite of the collection is the Dodge Demon, maybe for being a model that had never

seen in Hotwheels or because it leads the flames also the trunk. What is your favorite?

You can leave your opinion in the comments. It is still possible to get this collection

in stores, so if you do not have it yet, I recommend that you do with her.

In another video next I will show you the other special collection of the 50th anniversary of

the golden and black cars ... I hope you liked the video today.

You can use the thumbs of Like and I do not like it for me to find out if the videos

are of your liking or you can also leave your opinions in the comments that

I will read and answer them gladly. Also if you subscribe to the channel and activate the little bell

you will receive notifications every time you upload a new video You can also follow me

on social networks like Facebook and Instagram and also on my website

for more news and information. Thanks for visiting and greetings to all!

For more infomation >> #0076-83 ZAMAC 50 Anniversary (Hotwheels 2018) - Duration: 8:09.


Easter wishes - funny story - Duration: 1:19.

Easter is one of the most beautiful celebrations.

Enjoy this amazing Easter with your heart filled with love and joy!

Happy Easter!

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