Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 31 2018

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For more infomation >> Jason Momoa Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 4:46.


Learning Street Vehicles for Kids | Monster Truck for Children | Cars and Trucks | Good vs Evil - Duration: 10:40.

Learning Street Vehicles for Kids | Monster Truck for Children | Cars and Trucks | Good vs Evil

For more infomation >> Learning Street Vehicles for Kids | Monster Truck for Children | Cars and Trucks | Good vs Evil - Duration: 10:40.


Convex Earth: Experiments with boats and the horizon line - Duration: 13:51.

For more infomation >> Convex Earth: Experiments with boats and the horizon line - Duration: 13:51.


The Magicians 3x13 Promo "Will You Play With Me" Season Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> The Magicians 3x13 Promo "Will You Play With Me" Season Finale (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:20.


[K-ICM] Thần Thoại - Đàn Tranh Kết Hợp Dj Max Hay | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 4:45.

Than Thoai - Khanh Nen Dan K-ICM

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For more infomation >> [K-ICM] Thần Thoại - Đàn Tranh Kết Hợp Dj Max Hay | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 4:45.


Premium Photoshop Tutorials By Kevin Roodhorst - Duration: 2:05.

Hi everybody, this video is about the announcement of my Premium Tutorial Collection.

The reason I started a Premium Collection is because I received a lot of comments from

you guys about wanting to know more in-depth techniques, tips and tricks.

And are also interested in a more precise explanation about certain steps during the process.

I'm going to offer my premium collection on Gumroad.

Gumroad is one the most popular sites to sell directly to your audience.

You can find the link in the description.

So instead of a quick 3 minute walkthrough of my photo-manipulations,

you will have access to a more in-depth version of 45 minutes.

In my premium versions I'm going to explain how certain effects are made and also which techniques I used.

You have to keep in mind though that I won't be creating my photo-manipulations from scratch in the premium versions.

I'm just going to demonstrate the techniques I used to create it.

I'm also going to make premium tutorials about grading, shading, masking and other techniques we use in the design industry.

I also would love to hear from you guys what kind of tutorials you would like to see.

Creating these tutorials is very time consuming as you know.

Although all my loves goes into making them, I don't earn anything with it.

That's why your support would mean a lot to me!

If you want to get notified when I publish a new premium tutorial you can either follow

me on gumroad, keep an eye on my premium tutorials behance project or follow my digital art facebook page.

You can find all the links in the description.

Thanks for watching and for your support, which I appreciate a lot! see you around! Take care!

For more infomation >> Premium Photoshop Tutorials By Kevin Roodhorst - Duration: 2:05.


[TÜRKÇE ALTYAZI ]Mucize:🐞Uğur Böceği - Sezon 2 Bölüm 12 - Captain Hardrock - PART 3 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> [TÜRKÇE ALTYAZI ]Mucize:🐞Uğur Böceği - Sezon 2 Bölüm 12 - Captain Hardrock - PART 3 - Duration: 4:31.


Vlog #3 GrecoLatinoVivo Seminar Day 2, Part 1 (Tours in Latin) / (Peregrinationes Latine) - Duration: 10:00.

Altero die Seminarii! / The second day of the Seminar!

Marta Giannico

loquitur de Escape Game / talks about the Escape Game

ludus quo discipuli / a game by which students

animos suos allicere possint / can get excited [about Latin]

Vukasin Milkovic

nos docuit / taught us

Graecam recentiorem / that modern Greek

utilissimum instrumentum esse / is a most useful instrument

ad linguam antiquam Graecam intellegendam / for understanding Ancient Greek

ego hodie ad vos / and today

non venio / I come to you

magister, sed potius discipulus / not as a teacher, but rather as a student

ego sum discipulus et disco / I am a student and I am learning

linguam Graecam recentiorem / modern Greek

et linguam Graecam antiquam / and ancient Greek

mihi persuasum habeo / I am convinced

has duas linguas esse conjunctissimas / that these two languages are highly connected

et illa prorsus de causa / for which reason indeed

credo linguam recentiorem / I believe that the modern language

non dico recentissimam, non dico novissimam linguam / I don't mean the most modern variant

sed recentiorem / but the more recent version

multum adjuvare posse / can aid a great deal

doctrinam vestram linguae antiquioris / your methods of teaching the ancient language

ed illa de causa / and so

nominavi / I have titled

orationem hanc meam / my talk

"De Integro" / "Out of the Whole"

"Quomodo Graeca lingua recentior / "How modern Greek

nobis subvenire possit in lingua antiqua discenda" / can help us learn the ancient tongue"

et incipiam / and I'll start

ab his verbis / with these words

poetae — est poeta inter notissimos / of the poet — he is among the most famous

ex recentioribus / in modern times

sic dicit: "inde ab eo tempore / who says thus "since

quo Homerus locutus est / "Homer spoke

cecinit / sang

loquimur / we speak

spiramus / we breathe and suffer

eadem lingua" — certe / in the same language" — surely

cum Georgius ille / as Georgios

sit poeta / is a poet

poetice etiam dicit sed / he speaks poetically but

inest quaedem veritas / there is some truth

hac in re et illam prorus / in this and that's what

conabor vobis persuadere / I'll be trying to persuade you of

primum incipiam / I'll begin first

velim vobis persuadere has duas linguas / I'd like to persuade you that these two languages

non esse tam diversas / are not so different

et incipiam ab hac re / and to start

est quaedam fabula quam videtis / here is a story as you see

hic est fabula admodum stulta / a fairly simple story

de timore / about fear

de montibus / about mountains

de lupis, et nescio / about wolves, and I don't know

quali alia re / what else

sed / but

inest aliud maximi momenti / something of import

huic fabulae / exists in this story

non totam legemus sed / we're not going to read all of us but

mirum est credo / I think it's amazing

et fortasse quoque vobis mirum videbitur / and maybe you'll see it as equally amazing

hanc fabulam / this story

potuit / even

exstitisse fabula illa

legere Platon / even Plato could have read it

et intelligere omnia quae scripta sunt / and understood everything

hanc fabulam quoque / and this story

unusquisque Graecus nostri temporis legere potest et intelligere / any modern Greek can read it and understand it

nescio utrum aliquid simile / I don't know if something similar

possit fieri / is possible

cum lingua Italica et lingua Latina / with Italian and Latin

sed si potest / but if it is

quaeso, scribatis ad me / please, write to me

et dicite; velim / and tell me, I'd like

et ipse videre talem fabulam / to see this story

iterum, quia in Italia semper opus est / yet again, since in Italy one must always

ēsse bene — mecum, quis es tu? / eat well — who are you?

ego sum Daniel / I am Daniel

salve, Daniel! / hi, Daniel!

et ut videtis nos sumus cum aliis, semper, cum omnibus / as you can see, we are with others, with everyone

est prandium! / it's lunchtime!

Robertus Carfanius / Roberto Carfagni

rector "Scholae Latinae" / the director of

nobis ostendit methodos suas / showed us his methods

Latine docendi / of teaching Latin

salvete, sodales! / howdy, parters!

salvete! / ciao!

hic mecum est / with me here is

Robertus Carfanius / Roberto Carfagni

ita! nomen gentilicium est Latinum / yes! my surname ist Latin

quandam inscriptionem vidi / I saw an inscription somewhere

etiam meum, i.e. / mine too

nomen seu cognomen, nescio quomodo bene dicamus / that is, my last name

est Ranierius / is Ranieri (Latinized "Rāniērius"

quia Pontifex fuit nomine Ranierius / because there was a Pope by the name of Ranierius

abhinc mille annos, ni fallor / about a thousand years ago, I think

num filius Pontificis es? / you're not the son of a Pope, are you?

non, Ranierius est nomen / no, Ranieri is a Viking name


id est Germanicum / that is Germanic

significatio / meaning

"regius miles" / "kingly soldier"

quod non mihi displicet! / which I can't say I hate!

[Robertus blanditias nimis generosas ostendit!]

Robertus hodie / today Roberto

sermonem habuit, orationem habuit optimam / gave an excellent speech

qua locutus est / wherein he spoke

cum discipulo suo Americano / with his American student

cum Skype, i.e. cum Σκῡπή / with Skype

Σκῡπῄ (cum iota)

ubi major, minor cessat / in the presence of a more important person, the less important one loses relevance.

ille una / he along with

cum discipulo optimo suo / his awesome student

juveni etiam qui...quot annos natus est? / a young man old is he?

17 annos natus est ille / 17 years old

et ille homo / this guy

ille juvenis optime loquitur Latine / this young fellow speak Latin beautifully

et Italice! / and Italian!

et Anglice, quod mirum videri potest! / and English, which might be the real wonder!

et Anglice! / English too!

perpulchre! / so awesome!

interdum videtur oblivisci Anglicam / sometimes he seems to forget his English

ipse quoque linguam Anglicam numquam memini / me too, I never remember any English

hic in Italia / here in Italy

tantummodo Graece, Latine / just Greek, Latin

tu has ad fines deponis usum Anglicae! / and so you forget your English!

spatium habeo fortasse / I probably have the space

tres, trium linguarum tantum / for just three languages

de quibus rebus locutus es hodie, Roberte? / so what did you talk about today, Roberto?

de lingua Latina docenda / about teaching Latin

in scholis secundi ordinis / in secondary school

sive gradus hic apud Italos / in Italy

ubi sunt plures, fortasse quam in patria tua / where there are more, even perhaps in your country

qui studeant, non omnino qui discant linguam Latinam / who study, but don't exactly learn Latin

et ergo de lingua Latina / and so I spoke about the way to

viva ratione docenda discendaque / teach and learn Latin as a living language

et de eius studio conjungendo cum / and how to connect this with the study

studiis scriptorum, quod interdum aliquid aliud est / of literature, which sometimes is hard to do

sane, et coram omnibus / yeah, and in front of everyone

per Skȳpē, per Σκῡπήν / through Skype

fecit lectionem, i.e. scholam brevem / he had a lesson

sic ut jocum fuit his hominibus optimis / and as if it was a joke or a gam e for these awesome dudes


"o spectatores, eligite / anyone in the audience, choose

quamlibet paginam! / any page you want

(Linguae Latinae Per Se Illustratae)" / in LLPSI

Partis II! quae perdifficile est / Part II! which is very difficult

scriptores continentur / it has the real literature

ut Ovidii versus, et de his versibus / poetry by Ovid, and you discussed these lines

locuti sunt, et Latine, semper Latine / in Latin, always in Latin

res mira! / an amazing thing!

jucunda! / it was fun!

et noster amicus hic Lucius / and our Luke here

pulcherrime legit Salustium / read Salust beautifully

satis bene, R et M

legebam [errorem feci] / [I messed up the reading of one of the words]

paenultimum vocabulum! eras fessus, fortasse / the second-to-last word! you were tired, probably

tu etiam more / also, you speak

more Classico uteris loquendi / using the Classical pronunciation

non tam pulchre ut tu agis / not as lovely as you

non assentior quia / I don't agree because

ipse ut Americanus, ut Anglophonus / I'm an American, an Anglophone

non habeo / and I don't have

notitiem / the familiarity

ut tu Italus habes, vocalium / as you, as an Italian, have with the pure vowels

qua de causa opus est nos Anglophonos / for which reason we English speakers

nisi Italicam / if we don't learn Italian

vel linguam Hispanicam discamus / or Spanish

opus est phoneticam harum linguarum discere / we need to learn the phonetics of these languages

sed doctrina tua / but your methods

vincit naturam meam / overrule my nature

ambo poterimus mundum Latinitatis / well, together we can improve

adjuvare / the world of Latinity

certe! hoc est propositum, nonne? / right! that's the idea, isn't it?

bene, gratias, Roberte! / thanks, Roberto!

gratias tibi, vobis, et valeatis omnes! / thank you, and all of you, and take care!

parte IV perget! / continued in part 4!

For more infomation >> Vlog #3 GrecoLatinoVivo Seminar Day 2, Part 1 (Tours in Latin) / (Peregrinationes Latine) - Duration: 10:00.


LẦN ĐẦU BÓC THỬ TRỨNG Zàini Surprise Eggs (Chuối Thí Nghiệm) - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> LẦN ĐẦU BÓC THỬ TRỨNG Zàini Surprise Eggs (Chuối Thí Nghiệm) - Duration: 8:45.


Bird Set Free singing Talking Angela (Sia) - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Bird Set Free singing Talking Angela (Sia) - Duration: 1:44.


ТОП 5 ЛУЧШИХ фильмов на NETFLIX. #ЧПНВ №8 - Duration: 7:20.

For more infomation >> ТОП 5 ЛУЧШИХ фильмов на NETFLIX. #ЧПНВ №8 - Duration: 7:20.


CS 1.6 / 3.000.000 SENSİTİVİTY İLE OYNADIM !!!!! - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> CS 1.6 / 3.000.000 SENSİTİVİTY İLE OYNADIM !!!!! - Duration: 7:59.


Kim Kardashian's KKW Concealer Review - Duration: 6:35.

Hi everyone today I would like to show something I received from KKW Beauty.

This is a Kim Kardashian brand for the ones who didn't know.

She has created this cute contour kit which can be used to conceal.

You get three items, one is a brush with a sponge on the other side, and then you get

light and dark concealer.

The dark one has two dark shades and

the lighter pen has a light concealer for covering

any irregularities

and also has a highlighter in it.

Quite cute

this highlighter.

Ok so let's try this to see if it's any good.

Ups one fell on the floor. Ups it happens. I'll try and look myself into the phone instead of mirror.

It's a bit

hard. Let me regulate the lightning a bit.

apparently you have to use the light side under the eyes

and middle of the nose so you have a straight line

and the forehead

I'll use it my way and play with it

don't know the rules

Ok and now cheeks

to emphasise our cheek line

and people tend to shadow next to the hairline

And hmm tricky part for me is the nose shadowing.

I admit this is like drawing on yourself.

This one seems a bit lighter.

You have two in one. Darker brown and a bit lighter one. I have ordered Medium Kit.

So with the sponge I believe it's best to go over the lighter parts.

I usually get the sponge wet and you can also use water you don't need any special products.And

so then blending the light concealer with the sponge.

You blend it in nicely.

It covers up nicely

and you also have blend-in brush

so you have a nice shadowing

And the brush is really cute and soft.

Goes nicely into the skin.

I like it.

I think that the cheek line has to be defined so I'll just use a lighter stick a bit.

Here we go aha I just saw I almost forgot about this one.

almost missed it

And now the nose part. We blend it in

Many girls use this to make their nose appear thinner or hide any irregularities.

and the middle of the nose

and in case you missed a spot

And now time for the highlighter

such a nice shine.See?

And tiny bit on the nose


then you blend again.

So the shine is as natural as can be.

You can also try with the sponge.

Whatever you think works best.


What do you think ?

I think these products are cut I will definitely use them.

You can order on their webpage KKW Beauty

and happy contouring.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian's KKW Concealer Review - Duration: 6:35.


Quarterly Check-In | March 2018 [CC] - Duration: 12:03.

Hi everyone!

My name is Frede and today, I'm gonna be doing a little reading goals check-in because

we're at the end of March so that means the first quarter of the year is over.

Which is awful kind of.

But yeah so I decided to do kind of quarterly check-ins with my reading goals to remind

myself of what I wanted to do this year, to keep myself accountable for actually doing

these things.

And so I went back and watched my reading goals video which I uploaded in December and

also my Clean Slate Book Tag which I uploaded in January.

Because in both of those videos I talk about things that I wanted to do this year, reading-wise,

channel wise.

So let's have a look at how I'm doing so far.

Also sorry if my camera position is different or anything right now, my battery just died.

So the first goal that I set myself was that I set my Goodreads goal to 30 books because

I knew this year was going to be extremely stressful given that I had uni, I had an internship

for a month, I have my undergrad dissertation in front of me basically, and also I thought

I would be doing or starting my Master's degree as well this year.

So I'm now at this point where I'm done with my internship but the next big thing

that is waiting for me basically is my undergrad dissertation.

Which I'm not quite sure when I'll start writing that but that will be really stressful


However, I have already read 16 books as we're speaking.

And I'm probably gonna finish the 17th today.

So I will raise my Goodreads goal to 50 books because I think that's still manageable

but also maybe still at least somehow a challenge.

But I will not start my Master's degree this year even if I get done with my dissertation

on time.

I'm going to take some time for myself to refocus and look at what I actually want to

do with my life.

So there will be less stress than I had initially thought there would be.

So I think I can safely raise my Goodreads goal to 50 and I should be able to do that.

The next thing that I wanted to do was read more German literature because I'm able

to do that so I might as well you know I might as well do that.

So far I'm not sure how that has worked.

I've read three books in German so far this year but they were all non-fiction which was

not what I had intended when saying I want to read more German literature because I was

thinking about novels.

So- I am still planning and that ties into my next goal kind of to read Kafka which obviously

is German literature.

I mean he wasn't German but he wrote in German.

So that plan still exists, I just haven't really done much for it yet.

So need to do better with that.

And also with the Kafka goal I have, as I said in my reading goals video, I have his

entire collected works in this huge book.

It's 1,000 pages, or 1,003 or something.

I mean the book is huge, it's as big as my head, and when I did that video I said

that I was on page 70.

And then at the beginning of the year I realised that I don't remember a single thing that

I read in the first 70 pages because I read that three years ago.

So I decided to start from the beginning and I haven't really got very far yet.

Right now I'm still very early in his work and I haven't even completed the first kind

of collection of stuff he wrote.

But I hope to do that today because it's not very long.

So I really hope to be getting on a bit more with this one as the year progresses.

My next goal was also something that I only recently picked back up which is I wanted to continue

reading Les Misérables.

And in the Clean Slate Book Tag I also said that I wanted to continue this sort of series

that I had started, which isn't even really a series yet because there are only two videos

by now.

But I have finally continued reading.

So I still have to do some reading in order to be able to do the video but I am trying

to get back on that.

It's just- books that are as huge as the Kafka one or as Les Misérables, it's just

really intimidating.

But I need to kick myself in the ass and continue with that.

So I now have reminded myself of wanting to do that and I hopefully will.

The next goal I talked about in my reading goals video was that I wanted to read more

translated fiction.

And it's so interesting because when I did that I didn't really think about it, but

a few weeks ago, Sophie over at Portal in the Pages did a video about translated literature

and how about it's very intimidating to her.

And she was talking about kind of tips for reading translated literature and things like


And then her comment section was saying that it's so strange having someone put such

emphasis on the fact that a book is translated because if your first language isn't English

you grow up with translated literature.

And it's so interesting because it's so true but I never really was aware of that.

So I also obviously grew up reading a lot of translated literature because the only

language I knew was German, but there were a lot of books that I owned that were originally

written in another language.

But when I got to a point with my English levels, I was like okay why should I bother

reading the translation when I can as well just read the original?

And I think only from that point onward I really only started reading books that were

originally written in English.

Which is really strange so- I've read two translated books so far, one was originally

written in Spanish, one was originally written in Korean.

And I'm hoping to continue that.

Because as I said, this development of only reading books that were originally written

in English is a recent development which I wasn't aware of but now I'm aware so I

can try and do something against it.

Another thing that I wanted to do that I talked about in my Clean Slate Book Tag was I wanted

to read more poetry this year.

This hasn't really happened yet.

I have some poetry collections in my head that I would really like to read at some point

but I haven't really got my hands on them yet.

I haven't really got any closer to just knowing that I want to read them at some point

but I will eventually but just not yet. [laughs]

Another thing that I also wanted to do which

hasn't happened yet but which I also didn't think would happen this early on in the year

was reading a book in French.

I have two unread French language books on my shelf and I will probably only really read

them when I've got the energy to do that which I don't have right now.

But I was aware of that when I was making the reading goals video that this will not

happen in the first three months of the year.

But I'm still planning on doing that.

The next thing I wanted to do was buy less books and if I did buy books buy them from

authors that are not from Northern America or Europe.

And then another thing that I also wanted to do was generally being more conscious about

buying books, not buying them online and buy them in chain bookshops but rather second

hand or in independent book shops.

So I'm just gonna sum all of that up together.

I have unfortunately acquired more books that I had intended this year.

Most of them I didn't actually buy but they were gifts or I found them in those public

bookshelves where you can put books you don't want anymore and take books that you find interesting.

Actually I think apart from one of them all of them were from authors from Europe or Northern


So I kinda failed with that.

As I said I have not bought a lot and those that I did buy, I only bought one online.

So I think in some way I am more conscious about my buying but still not in the way that

I want so- So I hope I can actually move forward with this awareness and try not to buy so

much shit and if I do, not to buy from the places that I always buy from.

But we'll see, as I said, more books than I had intended have been added to my TBR this

year, so actually my physical TBR and so I might just try to really not acquire any books

for a while.

We'll see.

Then in my reading goals video I said a few things about like channel goals.

I wanted to not do hauls and not do monthly wrap-ups which I haven't done this year.

I've done recent reads videos, I've not done a single haul, I'm not interested in

doing that right now anymore I don't know.

But I don't miss that at all.

I like having the flexibility of doing the recent reads format.

And I have only watched like a handful of bookhauls this year.

So I didn't do many bookhauls before either but I don't feel like doing them at all

so yeah I'm glad about that decision.

And then another thing that I also said was that I would like to be more creative with

my videos.

And I think I've been moving in the direction that I want because at the end of January

I did a video which is just called Winter where I went on a really pretty walk and I

filmed some stuff and I really enjoyed like putting that together.

And I have another video like that kind of planned.

And then something else that I have planned which just requires a bit more work than just

sitting here, talking to my camera.

So I think making the decision to do stuff that's maybe a bit different from what I

usually do was good because it's making my brain work.

And although I haven't really been putting out a lot of like really creative stuff I've

been thinking about things and yeah, that's good.

Something that has actually worked pretty well and that I'm really happy about is

a consistent filming and uploading schedule.

I have a lot of videos filmed at this point that I'm filming this right now that I haven't

even edited.

But that's good because I just have to edit them and caption them and you know, put them


But I don't have the stress that I think I had at the beginning of the year where I

couldn't even keep up with filming.

So that's good but also I currently don't have class so that probably has a lot of things

to do with that.

But yeah so I think I'm doing pretty well with that.

I'm putting up a video a week which I think is decent.

Sometimes I think I would like to put up two videos a week but that would just require

so much more work that I don't think I would do that.

We'll see, but I have some stuff that's coming up that I just need to edit and I think

I'm doing quite well with that.

And then the last thing that I talked about in my Clean Slate Book Tag as kind of a challenge

and something that I really want to improve on is being a bit more active in the BookTube

community, talking more to people on here, commenting on more videos that I watch.

Because I watch a lot of videos, I just don't really comment on a lot of them.

And I think I've got a bit better at that, but I still think I could do better.

I have definitely met some very lovely people this year so far because I have tried and

commented, but there are still so many people that I wish I talked to more.

But I think the difficulty with that also has to do something with just the person that

I generally am.

Because if you met me in real life, I would be really quiet and I wouldn't really talk

very much if we like just met.

So I can't really expect myself to be very much different online.

I'm trying but I'm just not a very talkative and outgoing person so I can't really force

myself to do that.

But I think I'm doing a bit better with that than I did last year.

And I'm trying [laughs] So yeah, this was a bit of an update of my

reading goals and stuff.

So I need to try and continue a bit with my Kafka and Les Misérables to get on track

with that because I'm really not on track with that at all.

I will get there, it was good that I filmed this video to remind myself of this.

If you have also filmed a reading goals check-in video, please let me know because I love watching

these type of videos.

I think it's very interesting to see how people are doing with what they planned to

do at the beginning of the year.

So yeah, thank you for watching this video and I will see you in my next one.


For more infomation >> Quarterly Check-In | March 2018 [CC] - Duration: 12:03.


Video para criança | Caminhão Bruder | Brinquedos para crianças | PaGo Brinquedos Infantil - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> Video para criança | Caminhão Bruder | Brinquedos para crianças | PaGo Brinquedos Infantil - Duration: 10:36.


Kuching City Hash Club - Duration: 0:48.

Kuching Film Production

For more infomation >> Kuching City Hash Club - Duration: 0:48.


Bhojo Gobindo (31th March 2018) Episode - 304 - Duration: 3:18.

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For more infomation >> Bhojo Gobindo (31th March 2018) Episode - 304 - Duration: 3:18.


আপনার হাতের লেখা আপনার সম্পর্কে গোপন কথা বলে !! What does Handwriting Say about You?( Psychology) - Duration: 6:28.

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