Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 30 2018

hey, hey...

Have you noticed something about me?

I feel like right here

is growing little by little!

hey, hey...

Are you interested in me?

Hey, you don't have to be surprised

Its alright if you get a little closer

and keep your eyes on me

"Eh? It's a misunderstanding?"

You were trying to make me feel embarrassed?

"That's what's cute about me?!"

Stop teasing me!!

I hate dense men

After all, you didn't didn't didn't didn't realize this at all

Even if a pineapple was added

and a orange accompanied it,

I don't need them to make my thoughts turn sour

I want to know the truth

But, I can't can't can't can't attack you with all my might

I don't feel like I can win by being mean like before

Even if I turn into an adult, I won't be able to catch up

For more infomation >> I can't defeat all these boys!! - Duration: 1:46.


SPONGEBOB, PATRICK & BIKINI BOTTOM!! (GTA 5 Mods) - Duration: 11:35.


For more infomation >> SPONGEBOB, PATRICK & BIKINI BOTTOM!! (GTA 5 Mods) - Duration: 11:35.


YouTube Expert Sean Cannell: Opportunities for Journalists in New Media - Duration: 2:00.

Where do you see opportunities for people with like a background like mine

or someone who was a news photographer or like a TV reporter? Great question

yeah let's say number one I would say that the advantage there is for most of

your colleagues you probably you already have great communication skills which

the funny thing about like online video is really it's just a medium online

video itself is not a means to an end it's the bridge between you and the end

consumer that is visual audible and you can just get across any message you want

whether you're updating people on the news teaching people about sewing

helping people find cameras so you already great at communication crafting

stories crafting headlines those are huge skills for things like

YouTube because you want things to be provocative the same way as you think

about trying to hook viewers attention as you do a treatment on a journalist

piece is you wanted poke viewers attention no matter what kind of content

you put on YouTube so all of those skills are very very transferable I

would say hard skills and soft skills hard skills like learning even just

camera operation or switching and things like that and then soft skills like even

just EQ and spotting trends and all those types of things on the flip side

though I would say that there's also things that people would probably want

to unlearn one person to study is Will Smith who has recently kind of gone

all-in on digital he's vlogging on YouTube and things like that but what's

interesting is other celebrities people who've already had influence and

credibility and already known have actually tried to transfer to digital

unsuccessfully and I think the reason why is because again they bring the old

ways into the new platform so I think you want to bring a lot of skills along

with you but you also want to unlearn and and now learn the skills needed to

thrive say on YouTube in particular

For more infomation >> YouTube Expert Sean Cannell: Opportunities for Journalists in New Media - Duration: 2:00.



what is up guys



丸モチーフ 4【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Round Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 17:19.

For more infomation >> 丸モチーフ 4【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Round Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 17:19.


수제슬라임을 구매할수 밖에 없었던 토깽이만의 이유는?! 하늘슬라임 5만원 랜덤박스 리뷰ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> 수제슬라임을 구매할수 밖에 없었던 토깽이만의 이유는?! 하늘슬라임 5만원 랜덤박스 리뷰ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 12:51.


Easter Candy Mukbang With A Touch Of ASMR - Duration: 15:00.

we got Britney C's peanut butter ideas braces pain Hey buddies its your friendly buddy bear

hood booger I was like you know what I've always wanted to do a mukbang video

and for those who don't know my mom is like eating show just eat and I love to

eat and it's unique and weird but whatever bicycle what do I eat candy and

javi was like oh easter is coming up you should do eat certain I was like yeah

great idea so that's what we do today I'm so excited

now with the title you can tell or it might just be in the description box I'm

doing this with a touch of ASMR I'm a loud person okay and I talk a lot very

fast and very loudly the parts that will be ASMR would be the unwrapping of the

candy or treats and me eating them I'm actually excited to hear how this is

gonna sound because that's kind of unique kind of unique can you hear it

can hear hopefully you heard that help they sound good

okay so just present those words so I go on a lot of stuff let me show you a lot

of stuff okay now I'm gonna go through each one of these things so I got Heat

boom Cadbury Creme Egg buddy here's KitKat Hershey's

cream bunny receive eggs I'm so excited for these so exciting some lifesaver

gummies bunnies and eggs mini milk chocolate with a sugar shell Cadbury

eggs with the mini eggs nachos bobble telephones that's a racks

or breaches of rockets whatever you say gel Rhymes whoppers Robin eggs a malted

milk candy and crunchy chef's we also have some for you peeps this is the

marshmallow peeps flavored cream Oreos limited edition and this is the thing

I'm most afraid of because I haven't eaten peeps since I was a kid I don't

remember them being really that great so I'm nervous about my favorite cookie

having that in there and I got this it's a big Lindor irresistible smooth milk

chocolate truffle eggs last but not least Ottawa it's important to drink

water and it's got ice in it because I'm warm as heck in this onesie and this

little Florida and floor doesn't have spring weather it's just hot so yeah

okay it's not horrible I'm not a big fan of the world I do like the initial

crunch like the egg they got the egg counts egg out the exterior down pat

it's not too hard not too soft it's just right

also I have this water cuz I didn't eat lunch and I don't want to get a sugar

high or diabetes keep the egg theme going we're gonna try one of these milk

chocolates Cadbury mini eggs thank you for doing it right Cadbury for having a

writable bag Walker get on your stuff

let's melt like if you melted this this would be a really great hot chocolate it

looks interesting a little bit of showing on my guns okay it's actually

pretty good I was waiting for like the other foot to

drop for it to not be good but it's actually good and I do like the crispy

shell I think they did a good job I think the walkers crispy shells better

but I think these guys this guy's foul son so I'm working what I'm you know

lost time now let's try the big guys these are the Cadbury cream eggs and in

the commercials I was always grossed out by these candies as a kid because you

have they use the same commercial every year they have not ever changed in since

I've been alive I don't know about before me but it's the thing we've got

all these animals pretending to be a like the but it's a bunny and they hired

bunny and I show you the egg and it looks like like egg yolk and everything

inside of a freaking chocolate I'm like that's disgusting

ASMR I'm the opening it oh yeah okay so I think they're wrapping is really cool

like I didn't take enough time in it had my valid but I think this wrapping a

super cool I'm nervous please don't look like yolk

cuz that's then burst me out oh no it smells good it smells so good it smells

really good okay

hmm it's like very sweet that color is kind of future and it's moving out I

don't have any napkins and I'm like stuck in this corner all right well this

is just gonna melt on the other side of the table however it the lady that I

knew that was like addicted to these I don't see why you'd be addicted to them

it's not addictive because Brittany sees peanut butter razors pain food my

friends know this watching a tasty video i watch and I'm like oh my goodness yes

I freaking love boob hashtag not sponsored but I want to be good but over

full disclosure I have you sees eggs last week but it is the baby you gotta

let the Easter eggs fly the reason I got two different types of jellybeans is

because I love Star Wars jelly bean to the freakin fast I'm having a little

Ashley that's all I had it like a few weeks ago I haven't had rock brick

whatever how do you say this be our branches or britches the racks rocks

whatever I haven't had them and I think in a very long time like they remember

these as kids cuz I see licorice oh my gosh this is gonna be boring mmm bread

is really good cuz that's strawberry or cherry actually I think it's just red

I really don't think they put much done what it was there's this aftertaste

though that's a little soapy I've got orange

mmm I felt orange it makes me look this particular going like gummi Maya out

remember you might be from these people I don't know the thing with these so

it's like you get the taste at the beginning and after it they all taste

the same like most grab this other flavor like

you got the lime and got the orange you got the whatever ripe was and then it's

like at the first couple choose that third shoe is another flavor and they

all have that flavor I don't like licorice so I'm gonna taste

this and see what's gonna be like oh oh

yeah I still hate you licorice I hated it when I was a kid I hit as adult

oh no oh no I got Dunkle's jumbles

I know I'm gonna love these so this isn't even like a thing about will I

love these or will I like these it's just tasting the different flavors that

they have now let's try it let's try the let's try the purple and get it over


great thank Jesus and then with liquorice would happen in this video and

then pink bunnies I've never had Easter candy have like kick-ass I will have to

say I'm like this rapper that it comes in and I didn't realize it was gonna be

like a full bar oh just you can see they're like two bunnies these are their

ears normally when I'm eating KitKat's I break them individually but since we

were doing this video and they have ears I didn't break it yet and oh my break it

in the package excuse me I'm so happy right now like a slow jam to my soul

growl so freakin good I think they toast the wafers a little

bit cuz the wait wafers have like a toasty taste

bunny super cute it's like a movement there's like a good taste like a little

relaxing that's my sugar it's just super sweet smells weird in there we're gonna

bite this guy's head off so just use a marshmallow picture it's absolutely fun

I don't see myself like having a craving for this these things just the taste

just like a regular marshmallow so I could see putting this in like a hot

chocolate or maybe a coffee or something just leaving a peopling dissolve slowly

into your coffee area hot chocolate not bad I'll put a whole

bag of jellybeans up my okay no keep your secrets keep your secrets oh my

gosh that's really good no that's really

really really really good this is way better than like regular Oreos this is

so good I'm so surprised at this last but not least but I prefer the peanut

butter I prefer that oil husband peanut butter

in time come on Joe Reese's but fancy ready for this big one - this looks

professional it's a lot of shine I don't know how like people normally eat these

really I could buy a mine grind through with my teeth is there stuff inside it

seems like a big version of a little one but since I can't bite through it I'm

gonna try to squeeze it with my hand see

oh I got squeeze right here oh it's it's hello hello pull it a little oh it

smells amazing though but it's completely hollow inside I could click a

regular hole inside but that was our journey on this Easter egg candy buh-bum

is a touch of I don't suggest you do like just buy a bunch of candy and eat

it share with friends don't overload yourself don't overwhelm yourself with

food any type of food no matter who you see do it this weekend when family comes

over they're probably gonna get a lot of it so fanfiction idea this is the MVP

though this ring this right here 7vp it blew me away with how tasted I thought

it was gonna be nasty if I was gonna be disgusting if I was gonna be gross but

it was so good and way better than regular Oreo so this may be a new cookie

favourite for me but this a lot of fun let me know if you would like to see me

do another month balm if so what do you want to see me eat fast food or regular

food or whatever let me know down below in the comment section if you liked this

video I'll out of that like button don't forget to subscribe and click the

notification bells so you're notified of one I'm closed I love you guys as always

and until next time

For more infomation >> Easter Candy Mukbang With A Touch Of ASMR - Duration: 15:00.


Episode 02 | Exploring Shanghai - Duration: 7:16.

Ooh, there is a thing.

Let's go watch that thing.

*Music Plays*

So uh we are now in the taxi and we finally got out of the airport which took probably

as long as the flight did.

Took about an hour, yeah.

Took way to long.

It was pretty bad, we were wondering the same spot for about 30 minutes.

Yeah and we don't know how to use a Chinese ATM to save our lives.

So we bought a taxi.

Anyways taxi ride so far has been very.

* Taxi radio goes off * Very interesting Uhh we gave the dude the

money and.

It's like a small business.

It's basically a small business, so we gave one guy the money and the other guy drives.

It's really weird.

Yeah except the moment we gave the dude money dude bolts out of the car so we were a little

confused there for a little while.

uh other than that we are on our way to the hostel and well.

See you there.

*Music plays*

I did get to wake up to an awesome view of

Pudong and we actually made it to our hostel around

6 or 8 at night.

It's pretty awesome.

So ill keep you updated.

We finally made it to the tower in the middle floor?

No, we are at the top ball.

We are at the top ball, very highest itsssssssssss hundred some meters in the sky.

Super high up its very cloudy out and

so far we just went walking today *laughter* Since

we have woken up we have yet to eat so we gotta figure out how to do that.

Taco Bell sounded like a pretty good Yeah, we passed a Taco Bell on the way here.

Asian Taco Bell that or a dumpling restaurant that's near us

I should probably do one at the hostel but oh wait I already did one this morning that

right but yeah, so far we just got the sight of the river and all that stuff.

So yeah there's that so do another video later if I can get the internet because so far we

haven't had any internet any luck with it.

Its off and on, its weird.

Yeah, so keep you updated.

So here we are at the base of the, da ba, something.

The something tower Oh, wait The oriental pearl tower.

The Oriental Pearl Tower.

Can I get in here, please?

No your not allowed in the photo.

So we just got out of the tower we only spent a few minutes in there because we couldn't

understand half the stuff that was going on but we got some.

And it was freezing cold.

It was freezing cold, but we got some awesome views anyway just got down from the bottom

and I came down here with Trystn because I heard some.

You gotta put us both in the video otherwise it makes no sense.

No I'm too important Anyway so we just got down here and we were

walking back to go get some Taco Bell that we passed by and I had noticed some instruments

playing so I was like OOOh there's a thing let's go watch that thing.

And it was a Chinese band.

Oh, they left.

So as I was going to take a photo of the band playing this group of people just came out

of nowhere grabbed me by my arm and started hand like I'm some ape thing (Sign language...xD)

* laughter* next thing I know I was in a photo with them.

So yeah so far I'm 1 for 0 on Trystn on randomly getting photos taken so.

And im 1 for 0 on him for having my head been rubbed.

When did you get your head rubbed?

When we were up there somebody walked by me and did it.

Your a bad liar anyway so we will keep you posted probably going to go eat then do some

stuff later or were going to go back to the hostel and figure out our wifi situation.

Figure out, yeah so.

Whats up guys I'm doing the intro this time.

Um we are currently sitting in a Chinese Taco Bell because we didn't want to go real Chinese

food and the closest thing we found was this.

It looks nothing like a Taco bell back home as its much much nicer the people are much

much friendlier and well as you can see its much nicer

How are you doing Max?

Sup. are you ready to eat your food your Chinese

Taco Bell.

Also, it was funny we heard Kary Underwood while we were at the tower.

Oh yeah that's true when we were there they uhh, One of the stores was playing.

What song was it?

Do you know what song it was though?


Ok, he has no idea.

No, it was the uhh * Intangible singing* Alright.

That song.

Leave it in the comments if you can figure that out because I don't know country music

that well.

Alright, what up people.

I'm uh we went on a walk here.

Hi. we don't really know where we're going now we are going to the way, wait we are going

to the water or are we just going to look around?

Wa- wa- water and then we, Yeah then the hotel then the mall tomorrow.

Alright so we are going to look at the bay now or the river.

Or as my brother would call it the Hanzo river because he's a filthy Hanzo main (Overwatch

charicter).Shut up.

Nobodys going to get that.

* laughter* Umm at the moment were.

That way.

This way?

Ok were going this way now apparently.

No, because we have to go like past the tower.

The rivers over there.

Oh yeah.

Whoops sorry trying to get used to this camera thing still.

Ah no, it's not.

Umm so yeah we're going to the river at the moment trying to find more food to eat.uhh

it's warm actually.

Its hot.

Its hot.

everyone else is in jackets, 3 layers of jackets two layers of pants and were here in shorts

and a tank top and everyone looking at us like were weird-os That wind feels really good.

So uh we will update you once we get nearer to the water and I will hope we get food somewhere


We just did an update video on the Honzo river but we walked downstream some bit so we can

actually, record hanzo river?

Shutup Honzo

HonJo Hon-Jo

Joe Bob billy bob Anyway we finally made it to where all the

boats and stuff are and Uh there pretty interesting So basically there apartments that float

so yeah those are pretty cool there It's like Portland but there free.

Yeah It's like free shipping

And they overcrowd yats yeah there's like giant yats and stuff

sorry there's like yats over there houseboat right

there and then there is a dock over there with some

other stuff and the tower.

There's a crowd of people I'm sure we are going to get (rushed by?)

Yeah a crowd of people so well probably going to go the opposite way from that

but other then that uhh nothing much has changed other than its windy and really cool out.

Yeah, just a little update.

Be sure to subscribe! -->

For more infomation >> Episode 02 | Exploring Shanghai - Duration: 7:16.


박근형 아내(부인)이경자와 자살 시도했던 과거 ► Youtube 순간 ► - Duration: 17:07.

For more infomation >> 박근형 아내(부인)이경자와 자살 시도했던 과거 ► Youtube 순간 ► - Duration: 17:07.


In Christ Alone cover request | Happy Easter and Blessed Good Friday! - Duration: 2:59.

In Christ alone my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This Cornerstone, this solid Ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My Comforter, my All in All

Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone! Who took on flesh

Fullness of God in helpless babe

This gift of love and righteousness

Scorned by the ones He came to save

Till on that cross as Jesus died

The wrath of God was satisfied

For every sin on Him was laid

Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay

Light of the world by darkness slain

Then bursting forth in glorious day

Up from the grave He rose again

And as He stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me

For I am His and He is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

For more infomation >> In Christ Alone cover request | Happy Easter and Blessed Good Friday! - Duration: 2:59.


Clipe: La Jugueteria - Original [Legendado] (1976) - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Clipe: La Jugueteria - Original [Legendado] (1976) - Duration: 3:41.


ギャラクシーという言葉!響きが良くてかっこいい!面白い雑学 - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> ギャラクシーという言葉!響きが良くてかっこいい!面白い雑学 - Duration: 2:17.


YouTube expert Sean Cannell analyzes success of Philip DeFranco, Joe Rogan + Will Smith - Duration: 2:08.

I think learning the new skills the new you know if good or bad Phil DeFranco

breaks a lot of rules compared for you know traditional media and even maybe

journalistic best practices but on the same side I think everybody listening

should study Phil DeFranco because he's got the eyeballs didn't no matter what

you say about him he's got the attention and something that a lot of people

haven't been able to figure out 100% and also study his show format study his

style you might critique that he's sitting in kind of maybe a seemingly

more immature type of an environment compared to a traditional newsroom but

that's creating a bridge same thing people are paying attention to Joe Rogan

and he doesn't look fancy in his in a studio the way it's built out but then

also what's the content format it what story Phil DeFranco everything about his

show is intentional the order of what stories he chooses where he does serious

and less serious content his call to action to start a conversation to get

the audience engaging in the comments so for anybody wanting to pivot into this

space and potentially build something in this space I would want people to go on

a journey of saying what are the new rules of success what's different about

this what's the same can I bring over but what do I need to unlearn so that I

can actually thrive on this channel and circling back to Will Smith other

celebrities have tried to transition in vlogs but it's working because he's

learned the new rules he's being himself he's letting go of where there's a block

for a lot of people is there's over polish in traditional media movies are

polished traditional news is very polished I think that it doesn't mean

you can't be professional but if you're overly polished that's not something

that's winning online or even really offline lately the new generation new

generation is more skeptical we want more authenticity we want more we want

more relatability without having to sacrifice sacrifice being professional

you can still kind of step into this new arena but it takes new nuances of skills

branding and positioning

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