Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

The new Attack on Titan Anime focusing on Mikasa and Annie is coming soon!

So What's up guys!

Foxen here.

That's right!

The new Annie and Mikasa anime is almost here.

The new Attack on titan project focusing on these two got announced a while back.

Here's the latest info on it.

You know get to know who's the lucky girl.

It turns out that you're going to be getting Annie's lost girls story first.

Annie's story part 1 is going to be bundled with volume 24 of Attack on Titan.

That's coming out on December 8th.

So two month to go.

And you heard that right.

I did say part 1.

Annie got even luckier by getting a two parter.

The second part of Annie's two parter is going to be bundled with volume 25 of Attack on


That one will be out April 9th 2018, which is just as Attack on Titan Season 3 begins.

By the way are you guys ready for Attack on Titan Season 3?

That's coming out in under 6 month now!

The time really just flies by at for me.

Anyway as for Mikasa's lost girls story, that comes out last.

I guess best for last?

Mikasa's story is going to be bundled with volume 26 of Attack on Titan.

That one comes out on August* 9th 2018.

So Far it's been confirmed that all these AoT OVAs will be 25 minutes long so basically

regular episode length.

The author Isayama will be personally involved as the supervisor, which is definitely pretty


However, here is something weird.

It is really interesting to see that Annie is going to be getting a two parter.

I have actually bought and read the Lost Girls Novel and 25 minutes doesn't feel like enough

time to do either of their story.

I guess it might be like Levi's no regret Story which'll mean some parts will be cut

or they're just going to speed through some of it.

Another thing to notice is that there's no mention of the third shorter story.

This one actually focuses on the interaction between Mikasa and Annie.

So either, they're going to show it at the end of Annie's part 2 or they might just skip


That would be disappointing but here's finger's closed that they keep it in.

By the way I don't think it's a coincidence that Annie's story is coming out soon based

on the current events in the manga!

Anyway Question of the Day for you!

Are you happy or sad to see Annie's story coming out first and Mikasa's story coming

out last?

That one's almost a year away!

And also, which lost girl are you a bigger fan of, Mikasa or Annie?

As always, please be sure to give a Colossal thumbs up and subscribe!

Especially if you love my Attack on Titan videos!

If you're a huge fan of either Mikasa or Annie, I suggest checking out my breakdown videos

for them and I'll see you guys later

For more infomation >> NEW Mikasa & Annie Anime UPDATE!! Lost Girls Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin Lost Girls) - Duration: 2:33.


Giant Zombie Edition Plants vs Zombies - Minigame Beghouled | Episode 11 - Duration: 4:16.

Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos :)

For more infomation >> Giant Zombie Edition Plants vs Zombies - Minigame Beghouled | Episode 11 - Duration: 4:16.


Natasha Denona Drops Joya & Aeris! Gigi Hadid Collabs with Maybelline! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:01.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for October 10, 2017.

Gigi Hadid will be putting her name on a collection for Maybelline sometime in the very near future...and

that's about all the details we have for now.

Natasha Denona's Holiday collection dropped at Beautylish today.

Two five pan palettes called Joya and Aeris - $48 each.

Kathleen Lights said this photo inspired her purchase.

Will you be buying them?

Tomorrow, tomorrow...get your black rose brushes tomorrow at noon central...only at

Very limited quantities!

- $55

Let's take a quick look at some Advent Calendars!

NYX offers the Lippie Countdown Advent Calendar - $65.00 at ULTA

Also at Ulta, the 12 Days of Beauty - $18 the L'Occitane Advent Calendar, now at Sephora

-$69.00 and here's a name you haven't heard for a

while...the Montgomery Ward 24 Days of Beauty Calendar - $29.95

That's it for now.

We'll see you tomorrow!

Remember we have Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and Don't forget our full-length

weekly newscast, What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Natasha Denona Drops Joya & Aeris! Gigi Hadid Collabs with Maybelline! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:01.


Learn Colors with Sunny Bunnies - Finger family song Nursery rhymes Kids songs for Babies & Toddler - Duration: 3:24.

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Sunny Bunnies - Finger family song Nursery rhymes Kids songs for Babies & Toddler - Duration: 3:24.


Pontiac Sunfire 1990, о котором вы точно не знали! Забытые машины и новинки авто 90-х - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Pontiac Sunfire 1990, о котором вы точно не знали! Забытые машины и новинки авто 90-х - Duration: 1:49.


Дом 2 новости 11 октября 2017 (11.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 11 октября 2017 (11.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 5:46.


Turmoil & Triumph - A Call to Service - Ready For Dialogue - Duration: 1:00.

NARRATOR: Reagan presses Shultz for information about

Soviet leaders.

I knew the Soviet leaders because when I was secretary

of the treasury earlier, I had met with them and

done a lot of negotiation with the Soviet leaders.

And I began to see, this man is dying to interact

with these people and to try to work them over

in his way of thinking.

NARRATOR: Given Reagan's stand on communism,

no one on his team has ever recommended that he meet a

Soviet leader.

Shultz has other ideas.

So I said to the president,

"Ambassador Dobrynin is coming over next Tuesday,

five o'clock.

What if I bring him over here and you talk to him?"

He said, "Oh, that'd be great!"

And he had said to me,

"It'll be a very short meeting because all I want to

say is that if his new boss, Andropov, wants to

have a constructive dialogue, I'm ready."

For more infomation >> Turmoil & Triumph - A Call to Service - Ready For Dialogue - Duration: 1:00.


The Sexuality of Christ - Duration: 11:47.

We all know these iconic Renaissance representations of the Madonna and Child.

These images are so familiar to us we don't even notice anymore

a yet curious detail:

The systematic nudity of Christ

with a recurrent emphasis on the Child's genitalia.

Most Art Historians explain this curious feature

by Renaissance's artists interest in naturalism

and lifelike depictions of human beings.

But is it the only explanation for such an unusual dramatization of nudity?

In 1983, a controversial essay by American art critic Leo Steinberg

cast a new light on the subject.

The hundreds of Renaissance works revealing the Infant's body

may not find their roots in mere imitation of actual babies

but in much deeper theological concerns.

Together, let's investigate The Sexuality of Christ.

You don't have to go far in the Bible to find mention of Nudity.

In the 2nd chapter of Genesis, God creates Adam (the original man)

and put him in the Garden of Eden.

Then, God makes Eve (the original woman) from Adam's rib

so Adam is not alone.

The two are described as "both naked and not ashamed"

wandering unclothed, just like other creatures.

The rest of the story's known as The Fall.

Tempted by the snake/devil, Eve eats the forbidden fruit

and shares it with her mate.

Modesty - and clothing - is the first of the dramatic consequences of The Fall.

And because all humans descend from Adam & Eve

we all inherited this same need to cover our "shameful parts".

To redeem mankind from the weight of Adam's guilt

God decides to send His Son on Earth.

The Holy Spirit impregnates the Virgin Mary

who 9 months later gives birth to a child:

Jesus Christ, Son of God.

The mystery of God's "enfleshment" is named the Incarnation.

Literally: "to make into flesh".

"Truly God and truly man"

the dual nature of Christ wasn't an easy subject to deal with for early Christians.

Anyone could believe there once was "a man of excellent wisdom"

named Jesus, somewhere in Judae.

But it was much harder to convince Jews, Pagans or Heretics

this very same man was actually God.

Thus, theologians and artists were emphatic about the divine part of Jesus.

The Child looked less like an actual baby

than like a tiny grown-up, with the face of an old man

blessing people like a sovereign.

A symbolic way to figure the Wisdom of God.

The mystery of Incarnation gained in importance through the ages.

But in a firmly christianized Europe

the divine nature of Christ was no longer subject to debate.

In the mid-XIIIth Century

Franciscan piety put the stress on the human nature of Christ

using the following motto: "Naked to follow the naked Christ".

This new theological paradigm soon impacted Christian Art.

While former representations of the Christ Child

focused on the higher part of the body, symbolizing the divine nature

XIIIth Century artists started revealing the Infant's lower limbs

showing his uncovered legs or replacing his robes with a transparent cloth.

By the XVth Century, the representation of the Infant's body

had evolved into a choreographed withdrawal of garments.


or... "accidental".

The motif became more insistent through the years

eventually moving toward total nudity.

Yet it remains to ask why so many of these paintings

pay a special attention to the Child's genitalia.

Phallus (the male sexual member)

is a common object of worship in numerous religions

where it signifies power and fertility.

But the attention given to the Infant Jesus' penis in Renaissance Art

is of a very different kind.

The Child's genitalia serves as a synecdoche

for Christ's human nature taken as a whole.

In the representations of The Adoration of the Magi

it is frequent to see one of the Kings gazing at the Infant's genitals

as if to make sure the Son of God is "complete in all the parts of a man".

Christ's self-exposure is the pledge of his full humanity

dispelling mistrust forever.

Likewise, the iconic type of the Maria Lactans

shows the Infant sucking at his mother's breast

eyeing the viewer as if to call attention.

Again, showing the nursling subject to hunger

assured the believer Christ's body was dependent on food

and hence fully human.

In this 1543 painting by Flemish artist Jan Van Hemessen

Mary even seems to press her child's flesh

as a palpable proof of the Incarnation.

Sometimes, in a movement of maternal tenderness

the mother shields her son's frailest member with her hand.

Far from the aggressive virility of pagan phallus

Baby Jesus' genitalia symbolizes God's assumption

to human weakness and everlasting chastity.

Moreover, the nudity of Christ echoes the doctrine of Original Sin.

For as the first effect of Paradise lost was the punishment of modesty

transmitted across generations via sexual reproduction

such shame couldn't concern the Son of God

Virgin born of a Virgin.

Thus, the Infant frequently adopts immodest postures

so as to signify He's the new Adam, delivered from sin and shame.

The Redeemer, freeing human nature from the contagion of guilt

and reconciling nudity with innocence.

Beside the emblematic representations of the Madonna

the Baby's genitalia plays a central role in a specific chapter of Christ's childhood.

On the 8th day following the Nativity, the Child was circumcised.

Submitting himself to the Jewish Law

Jesus set an outstanding exemple of obedience.

But, seen through a theological perspective

the Circumcision of Christ bears a deeper signification.

For the first time, Christ made gift of his blood

prefiguring the sacrifice of the Passion

and initiating the Redemption (the salvation of mankind).

A process that will ultimately ends

on the Cross.

Being familiar with the nudity of Baby Jesus

one may be surprised to find the crucified Christ

systematically covered with a type of loincloth

known as Perizonium.

In the Roman Empire, crucifixion was reserved to slaves and lower classes.

It was a cruel and gruesome punishment

meant to dissuade rebellion against the authorities.

Nudity was a part of this staged humiliation.

Thus, the condemned were stripped naked before being put on the cross.

Deference due to the Son of God might be one of the reasons why

Christian artists very rarely dared to depict Jesus' genitals

when representing Christ's baptism or crucifixion.

However, this trivial explanation shouldn't dim

the theological motives behind the pattern.

From conception to death

the whole life of Jesus Christ is a model of perpetual virginity.

His covered loins are a reminder of this willed abstinence.

However, by renouncing human sexuality

the Son of God didn't forsake any idea of procreation.

While the ostentation of the Child's genitalia symbolized the Incarnation

in the images of the Infant Jesus

paintings of the Crucifixion dramatize another ambiguous detail:

The bleeding wound in Christ's side.

The fertility of Christ doesn't lie on genital reproduction

but on a higher type of conception, where blood acts as semen.

The Church, symbolized by the Virgin Mary

is the spiritual Bride of Christ

born from Jesus' rib, just like Eve was from Adam's.

Defying the laws of Physics

the Holy Blood draws a symbolic hyphen between Crucifixion and Circumcision.

In the joining of Christ's first and last wounds

the Passion is brought to perfection.

In such an elaborate symbolic system

painters found a place for one last stunning detail.

Sometimes, the blood drips further down the Cross

ending its course...

on Adam's skull.

From Adam's fault to Christ's sacrifice

From Creation to Passion

From Alpha to Omega

The whole story of Redemption here comes to an end.

Or as one may say:

"It is finished".

If you enjoyed this video, please give a thumbs up

leave a comment or subscribe to our channel.

For further insight into Crucifixion as an iconographic theme

have a look at our video about Dreux Budé Master's amazing panel.

See you!

For more infomation >> The Sexuality of Christ - Duration: 11:47.


Saying Goodbye to Abraham Lincoln | Spielberg (2017) | HBO - Duration: 4:53.

None of us wanted to let go of Lincoln.

I, especially did not want to let go of Lincoln.

I had a real tough time...

when Daniel had been with the accent,

and in the character for so long,

and then we finished the movie, we finished the last shot

where Daniel was actually dead, lying on the bed

with his legs curled up

'cause the bed was too short for-- to fit his body, an actual point of fact.

And we did it that way too.

And Daniel went back to his trailer,

I made a speech to the crew and to the cast,

and I went into Daniel's trailer to see him

'cause we had just finished the film,

I had wrapped the company.

Daniel was speaking to me as Daniel.

I hadn't heard his accent.

I hadn't heard Daniel speaking in that accent

for so many months.

And of course, I broke down again!

I just fell apart.

The second he started speaking to me as Daniel Day Lewis,

and he always called me Skipper,

but when he said, "Hello, Skipper"

in his English accent, I was gone. That was it.

That was it.

And I knew that that was...

would be the end of my relationship with Abraham Lincoln.

I don't like rehearsals.

You know, I find that rehearsing takes the virginity away

from everyone who speaks the line for the first time in a room,

and the words go into the air or into my ear.

And it's hard sometimes to recapture that first time.

The first time the actor says that line,

not in rehearsal to a mirror or whatever their process is,

but on a-- on the floor of a movie set.

And I want the camera to roll,

and I want the actor to speak the line for the first time,

and I want a device in the space to record the moment.

I want it recorded. I want the--

often the first takes are the takes I use.

I often use first, second, third takes in my movies.

There are actors though that get better and better and better,

so sometimes I'll do 16, 17 takes

if the actor requires that many takes

to reach a level that I think "That's it.

That's the one."

But, um, I just don't rehearse for that reason.

Well, light for me is a force.

I mean, it is a force.

I mean, it's the-- it's looking over my shoulder

during my first movie, The Greatest Show On Earth

and watching the light dancing down to the screen.

Being more interested in the light

than the images the light was casting,

and, you know, projecting.

So, light's always been important to me.

You know, Christmas lights on the streets

that we didn't get to have.

Um, you know, sunlight and just--

And the full fact that this art form is about light and shadow.

And I never saw myself as an artist in those days.

I didn't ever use the word "artist."

I thought that was pretentious to ever refer to oneself as an artist.

I was a moviemaker, I was a movie director,

I was a filmmaker.

That's as far as I would go with pretentiousness

is to call myself a filmmaker.

Um, and I always thought there were two very distinct

interpretations of those words.

A moviemaker is somebody that makes Indiana Jones,

and a filmmaker is somebody who makes something that's artistic.

Ask any filmmaker, it's a very, very lonely...

uh, business.

Especially for the most collaborative art form in the world today.

For a director, it may be the loneliest art form in the world.

Um, I think what exacerbates the loneliness

is having so many people around you.

So you've got so many lifelines, but often,

I don't go for the lifeline, I need to work it out myself.

I was having a tough time with my German actors

because they were in the uniform,

and they were wearing the-- the skull,

and they were SS officers.

And these were-- these were German actors,

Austrian actors from stage, stage actors,

some movie actors, film actors.

And I didn't want to talk to them.

I just wanted them to do the work.

I didn't want to have any interaction.

If I didn't like something, I would correct it,

you know, for take two or take three.

But I had no social interaction with anybody 'cause the uniform.

And the ac-- and the words, and the German,

and the German, and the German.

It was just so noxious to me.

In context with what we were doing,

not in context with who they were.

And then I remember, um, Passover happened.

We were gonna have a Seder, a communal Seder.

And all the Israeli actors came to the Seder,

and I came to the Seder with them,

and we had a lot of people at the hotel,

the hotel for this communal Seder.

And then all of a sudden the German actors came in

all wearing their regular clothes,

and they sat down next to the Israeli actors,

and the German actors put on yarmulkes.

And the Israeli actors shared their haggadahs.

And I watched this happening to the left of me,

to the right of me.

And I just burst into tears.


And nothing was the same since.

Nothing was ever the same after that.

For more infomation >> Saying Goodbye to Abraham Lincoln | Spielberg (2017) | HBO - Duration: 4:53.


Pusnakts šovs septiņos - spēle "Reāla bilde vai nav reāla bilde" - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Pusnakts šovs septiņos - spēle "Reāla bilde vai nav reāla bilde" - Duration: 2:13.


Wise Old Owl | Learning street with Bob | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:09:42.

Hey Kids!

You know who I met last night?

The wise old owl!

A wise old owl lived in an oak..

The more he saw the less he spoke

The less he spoke the more he heard.

Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

The wise old owl sure is so wise!

A wise old owl lived in an oak

The more he saw the less he spoke..

The less he spoke the more he heard.

Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

"Wasn't that fun?

See you soon, with Bob the Train!"

For more infomation >> Wise Old Owl | Learning street with Bob | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:09:42.


Aminé - Spice Girl - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Aminé - Spice Girl - Duration: 3:55.


Jason mask and machete - Friday the 13th - Duration: 13:30.

TDCSH now show you how to make the machete and Jason Mask

The protagonist of the Friday the 13th saga

Have fun this Halloween spooking your friends with this costume

Learn to do today in TDCSH

We need to make the mask surface flat we can mess

On it will mask template blank and will fix tape

You can download the templates on the link that I have left in the video description

And also on our website:

Where you have this and all templates we use in our videos

With a piece of paper or plastic film kitchen

We cover the workforce and the surface

We stretch very well so that there are no wrinkles

And we can see perfectly the template

The first thing we will do is mold clay mask

Although you can also use plasticine

With clay you will have to make the mold all ye masks

Knead clay to make it soft

Then we extend to the edge of the template

Modeling started making holes the eyes

We will remove clay until we see eye template

Then you look at the image of the mask to start shaping

Giving relief on the edge of the eyes, nose and other features

The good thing is that it takes much clay to dry and can change again and again the mold

It's a matter of patience and review a and again the traits that do not convince us

To finish the entire surface smoothed

Although we will not give the depth of the original mask

If we round the whole edge

And give sufficient height to the nose and the eyes

The curves are less pronounced in the forehead and chin

When dry the clay cover with paper film

Making sure it is well covered even in the hollow eyes

Prepare a mixture of white glue and water 50%

And a roll of toilet paper

Although you can use other types of paper

Cover the mold with glue mix

And we cover completely with pieces of paper

Back to moisten

And we put another layer

We begin to press the paper against the mold to take shape

We moisten again and continue to shape

Using a brush remove bubbles

While we soften the surface

We continue moistening and by layering up it is all covered with a thick paper mache

Finally I smoothed everything well we can

And let dry completely

While dry we will make the machete

The image of the center is to guide you in the decoration

Those of the side we cut with a scissors

The paste above a cardboard

And we cut silhouette with a boxcutter

In the handle portion

We stick a piece of cardboard on each side

To give you a little thick

With the fingertips pinched edge carton should be sharp

The machete also do it with paper mache

The process is the same

But we have to do it on both sides

Also we tweaked to make the edge of machete

And we hammer a wire in the handle for hanging and dry without support

When the mask has completely dried the mold remove

The clay can keep to all copies you want

We can also remove the clingfilm

And trim any excess with scissors

Eye holes we cut by the back with a boxcutter and very careful

Then we open all holes the mask

First we drilled in the center of the holes template

Then we cut eyes and white border

So we can align our mascara

And mark the points in the papier-mâché

We perforate all points with a punch

And we enlarge the size of a pencil

We will look something like this

It's time to start painting

Using the template

White, black, red and yellow paint

We make a mixture with the four paints

We need a very dirty white, almost brown

All painted with a layer mask

Then we make eye shadow and some of the holes of the mask

Using the same paint, but darkening and adding a little red

After painting with a brush

We blur a bit with a piece of paper hygienic

We darken all parties want to give our touch

Then with a pencil

We draw the triangular marks

These also make our taste

Cover with tape contour markings

And we painted in red

Finally we remove the tape

And let the paint dry thoroughly

The machete paint it gray in the sheet

And black on the handle

To finish we put some spots blood red paint

We need to give some strength to the mask so that it is not deformed by the use

For this we use a piece of wire thick

We outline shape of the mask

And let a piece of wire left over to unite them with tape

We join the reinforcement to mask the edge Hot-melt silicone

So we need to get the stiffness

To decorate with some good scratches den personality

Paint it first with a red pen

After review with a brown marker

And we blur the finger along the lines

Finally we review with a blue pen or black

To finish our mascara

We 3 fixings for attaching to head

The do with foami or black rubber eva

Cut three strips 2 cm. wide and about 25 long

We hit two sides, at the height of eyes

In this way

The last we stuck in the top, centered

To take the action we have to put mask, joining the strips at a point

Adhesive glue and cut the excess

Then we make three balls with a piece of foil

The crush to shape hamburger

And paste each at the end of one of strips

We have the machete and mask Jason finished

Give us your like if you liked the video, Share on your social networks

And check out the other videos in our channel

For more infomation >> Jason mask and machete - Friday the 13th - Duration: 13:30.


Top 10 Insane Prison Riots - Duration: 8:22.

Top 10 INSANE Prison Riots Prison riots are the absolute worst case scenario

in the prison system.

They can lead to absolute chaos, deaths, severe injuries and they can cost the tax payers

a lot of money.

So here we are counting down the top 10 insane prison riots.

Alright things get out of control in at Number 10 with Montana state prison.

On April 16, 1959 three inmates doused a guard with gas and made torches from mops and rags.

They threatened to light the guard on fire so he surrendered his rifle and keys.

The three of them then released the other inmates from their cells and then they took

all of the other guards as hostages.

They also made their way to the Warden's office and shot him in the chest with the


During the riot, one prisoner was taking to the media and he claimed that they started

the riot in order to improve the conditions of the prison.

Well that was just a diversion because they were trying to dig a tunnel to escape the


However, their plans ended when the National guard stormed the prison and most of the inmates

surrendered peacefully and the hostages were rescued.

But two of the inmates continued to fire at the guards until finally one of the prisoners

shot his friend and then turned the gun on himself.

Getting violent in at Number 9 with Oklahoma State Penitentiary.

On July 27, 1973, one of the worst prison riots in the US broke out.

The prison erupted in violence and inmates stabbed two prison workers before taking 21

other prison officials hostage.

Three hours after the riot began, the prisoners had gained control of the hospital and the

prison was set on fire.

The prisoners eventually released the hostages but kept control of the prison until August

4th. (play clip over me talking 0:15-0:25) The riot caused more than $25 million dollars

in damages to over 20 buildings.

Three inmates lost their lives and another 21 inmates and guards were injured.

Things get even worse in at Number 8 with the Strangeways Prison riot.

This occurred on April 1, 1990 and it was a 25 day prison riot and rooftop protest at

Strangeways prison in Manchester, England.

Prisoners took control of the prison chapel and the riot quickly spread throughout most

of the prison.

One prisoner was killed during the riot and 147 prison officers and 47 prisoners were


A lot of the prison was damaged or destroyed that resulted in 50 million pounds worth of


This riot sparked a series of disturbances in prisons across England which resulted in

a major reform of the prison system due to the intolerable living conditions.

Number 7 brings us to this violent riot that occurred over in the Colorado State Penitentiary.

On October 3, 1929, a group of five convicts captured and disarmed several guards while

another group of convicts set fire to the mess hall, two cell houses and the chapel.

The authorities blockaded the cell house that had the five convicts with the hostages in

it and the inmates threatened to kill the guards if their group wasn't released.

Well the Warden didn't listen to their threats so the inmates began shooting at the guards.

The warden then attempted to dynamite the cell house but it didn't work.

They threw tear gas into the windows but the leader of the inmates didn't want to be

captured so he killed his four accomplices and then he killed himself.

In all, eight guards and the five prisoners died.

Number 6 brings us over to The battle of Alcatraz.

Alcatraz was considered to be an inescapable prison that housed some of America's most

dangerous criminals.

Over the years of its operation, there have been countless of escape attempts but the

most serious one by far occurred in May 1946.

A gang of five inmates ambushed a guard, stole his keys, rifle and a pistol.

They unlocked a bunch of other prisoners from their cells and they managed to disarm all

of the guards in that part of the prison.

However, their plan to escape failed when they accidentally jammed the lock and trapped

themselves inside.

They attempted to kill all of the hostages so that they wouldn't be able to discover

who started the riot.

So finally, after two days of rioting, three convicts were shot to death, two guards were

killed, eleven guards and one uninvolved inmate were injured and the two surviving convicts

were later executed for their role in the riot.

CERESO state prison riot in Ciudad Juarez terrorizes its way into number 5.

This riot occurred on March 4, 2009 and during this violent riot, at least 20 people were

killed and 15 others were injured.

The riot was a fight that occurred among several rival gangs and it lasted for about two hours.

14 members of one gang threatened a guard with knives and stole his keys.

They then opened several cells, releasing 170 prisoners.

The prisoners forced their way into rooms where the other gang members were meeting

with family and friends during conjugal visits and attacked them.

In total, prisoners set blocks of prison cells on fire, stabbed each other with knives, beaten

and were thrown from the second story of buildings.

In Iquique, Chile a deadly riot occurred and this brings us to number 4.

26 prisoners burned to death during a riot in a northern Chilean jail after protesting

inmates set fires in jail cells.

There wasn't a clear motive for the protest at the jail but authorities are claiming that

overcrowding of the prison was probably the cause of the riots.

A prison spokesman said that there wasn't any break out attempts and there weren't

any clashes between prisoners and guards.

Taking number 3 hostage, we have the New Mexico State Penitentiary riot.

This riot took place from February 2-3, 1980 and it was one of the most violent prison

riots in the history of the American correctional system.

33 inmates were killed and more than 200 inmates were treated for injuries.

12 officers were taken hostage but thankfully they were not killed however, seven of them

suffered from serious injuries that were caused by beatings and rapes.

The riot began as a result of overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, poor quality of food

and cancellation of education, recreation and other rehabilitative programs.

El Porvenir Prison punches its way into number 2.

A massive prison riot left 86 prisoners dead and dozens of others injured.

The riot began with a fist fight between rival gang members.

Other prisoners began setting mattresses and furniture on fire in their cells and the flames

quickly engulfed one of the prison's buildings.

Of the 86 people who died, some of them were burned to death, others suffered from smoke

inhalation and the rest were killed by inmates who were armed with weapons.

It took fire fighters, police officers and prison guards more than three hours to control

the flames and restore order.

Finally in at the number 1 spot is the infamous Carandiru massacre.

This prison riot is considered to be a major human rights violation in the history of Brazil.

This is because military police raided the prison and killed 102 prisoners.

Survivors claimed that the police also fired at inmates who had already surrendered or

were trying to hide in their cells.

The riot originally began on October 2, 1992 after an argument between two inmates quickly

spread with rival gangs facing off.

Well due to the brutal nature of these police officers, the commanding officers was initially

sentenced to 632 years in prison for his involvement in this massacre but this verdict was overturned

because of a mistrial.

Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Insane Prison Riots - Duration: 8:22.


LIVE - DAY 5 !! Sankirtan Yatra Europe !! HOLLAND !! संकीर्तन यात्रा हॉलैंड #DeviChitralekhaji - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> LIVE - DAY 5 !! Sankirtan Yatra Europe !! HOLLAND !! संकीर्तन यात्रा हॉलैंड #DeviChitralekhaji - Duration: 5:36.


RUSSIANS REACT TO MEXICAN MUSIC | El Ezequiel - Chico Enamorado | REACTION - Duration: 3:49.

I showed Mexican music videos to people who've never listened to it

They said it sounds very cool

You should have said "R" more clearly

True. It's because of my French

It's like Mexican country music

He has a gun in his hand

He's walking with a girl and a gun

Perfect date

Not a good idea to be drunk with a gun in your hand

That girl isn't enough for him, he needs a gun too

It looks like a parody. Write in the comments if it's a parody

Hummer limousine

Nice boots

Gangster in flip-flops

Gangster in flip-flops, that's funny

Gangster forever

I think he's with a different girl in every scene

Yeah, he changes them fast

Is that a kitty or a puppy?

They're going to war?

Everybody has a gun in this video

It's so funny

Bandit life

Yes yes

Armed to the teeth


This is called "Gangster till I die"

That was so funny, it was awesome

I showed Mexican music videos to people who've never listened to it

They said it sounds very cool

It does sound cool

This song is like traditional Mexican sound like the Mariachi band

This sounds so purely Mexican

And the video is funny. Lots of guns

I know that Chico means "boy"

But I don't know what Enamorado means

Maybe it means "bad boy"?

It means "guy in love"

Well, I see what he's in love with

With his guns

And he changes girls like his guns

I thought they were going to war or something

It was funny, It got me smiling

It was awesome

Salute Mexico!

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO MEXICAN MUSIC | El Ezequiel - Chico Enamorado | REACTION - Duration: 3:49.


【反黑】OCTB|19(4K 中英文字幕)(Chinese & English Subtitles) - Duration: 44:04.

I told you to take extra care of her!

Where the hell did you go in the middle of the night??


Now that the baby died,

how do you feel, bastard??

There's nothing to compensate.

I quit. You happy?

They're all yours.


I'm not your boss anymore.

From now on, you're the team leader

of division B1-1.

All seven streets down there

were run by different triad families.

Since this man came along,

they all became his territories.

What's his name?

The General.

I thought you knew?

Ever think about teaming up?

The door,

I have already opened.

Whether you want to swim alone,

or party with me,

you make the choice.

If you want a huge comeback,

find the Dragon-Head Baton,

and bing it back.

I will be first to make you Chairman.

I want you...

to deliver this package for me...

the money is yours...



Still at work?

Almost done,

just a little work left.

Had dinner yet?


Little Phoenix needs to eat,

we won't wait up for you then.

enjoy yourselves.

Have a nice meal.

How about you?

You want me to take you

to supper tonight?

I thought you were on a diet?

I have no choice,

my boyfriend comes home late from work.

Supper it is.

I'll be back in a bit.

Close the shop,

I'll see you at home.


Drive home safe.

Take care.

I will.


Good bye.



Can't ever finish the paperwork.


That's it.

Off we go.



Everybody left

but you?

Yes, sir.

Not done my job yet.

I see.


got a minute to talk?


What is it?

Tell me,

what is Wong's current situation?



he's in some trouble.

What do yo mean?

After his wife's miscarriage,

her parents got really angry

and is not allowing their daughter

to go back home with Wong.

She returned home to her family,

and eventually never went back to Wong's.

Wong needs a good talk with her.

Communication solves everything.

I met his wife Yee before.

Doesn't say much,

but she's got quite the temper, you know?

I heard from Wong

she's even going to work now.

Just now,

he found out where she was working

and immediately left the office.

I see.


keep an eye on him.

I will.

We all will.

Don't worry, boss.



I best be going.





from now on,

if you hear anything about Danny,

make sure you report directly to me

without notifying Wong or Pang.

How come?

Don't ask.

Is there gonna be a problem?

Don't misunderstand me. I'm cool.

Got it?


Understand, boss.


Go home soon.

I will.

Good bye.


Directly to you?



I want you to know

that your presentation

was excellent.

Thank you.

Thanks to all your tips.

How are you gonna repay me?


there's a steakhouse nearby.

Take me to dinner,

that would be very nice.


Excuse me, and you are?

You're asking me?

I'm his husband.

Who the hell are you?


Relax, little buddy!

We work together!

Don't be pissed!

What are you saying?

Me no talk english!

Get out of here!

Stop holding me back!

You okay?

Do you need the police?

I'm a police.

Excuse me, officer.


may I please have a few words.

There's nothing left to say!!

Do you know that was my boss just now?

How am I supposed to go to work tomorrow?


He's got those rat eyes,

kinda like a dingo!

I'll bet he wanted to get in your pants.

He should feel lucky

I let him go!

What do you want??

Ever since I moved back to mother's,

you've been calling hundreds of times a day!


when I changed my phone number,

you went crazy and called all my friends

to help you search for me.

Now that I have my own job,

you're messing with my boss!

Why are you doing this to me??


I've changed.

Give me a chance, and I'll make it up to you.

I've had enough of you!


may we please discuss this?

I told you from day one,

my parents didn't like you!

Do you know how much pressure

I went through marrying you?

If only you made it to inspector,

I could prove to my parents I made the right choice!

But in the end,

you failed me time and time again!

Don't you see why I'm working again?

It's because my parents want us to divorce!

Just say no!


You are my husband,

but they are my family!

The owner of this night club

ran into some personal problems

and had to leave town.

Everything here

is still brand new.

Clean up the place a bit,

and it will be like brand new.

How about,

I'll discuss it with my boss,

try and get a better deal

on the price for you?

No worries. I'll take it.

Really? That's great!

When are you planning

on starting your business?

As soon as possible.

That's great!

I'll get right on the paperwork.

Sorry ma'am,

but you still haven't given me your name.

Call me Mrs. Lui.

Mrs. Lui.

Who are you looking for?

Your boss.

And who are you?

Tell your boss

the Horse of Portland street is here!

What's all the fuss?

Mrs. Lui.

Mrs. Lui?


the little pony.

Dare you come

crashing my party?

I dare not.


were you planning to start this night club,

without notifying me first?

That's kinda rude.


Didn't you hear?

I run the street of Portland these days. All seven of them.

I see.

I was wondering which big triad boss had this much power.

Turned out to be Mrs. Lui.

You do your thing, I do mine.

However, we're both Hung Lok.

The way you're handling things,

you're asking for it!


Tell me, boy...

where was the Hung Lok family

when my husband Zeus was killed?

Mrs. Lui.

Are you here today

to bring us back old memories?

Old memories I keep short.


this night club

will be a long term business.

If you're feeling blue,

come by sometimes, spend some money.

If you're unhappy,

then just get the hell out.


Conversation's over.

Consider today my welcoming gift.

You, and your pieces of pony shit,

Get out of here!

Get out!!

I'll be seeing you,

Mrs. Lui.

You alright?


I'm fine.

Shit happens.


What do you think?

This is messed up.

I can't believe the Lard would mail

such an important thing to her.

Damn it,

the biggest problem is

she holds a grudge

towards our family.

Tell me, do you know anyone

who has better relations with her?

Come on,

even till today,

she's known for telling everyone

how the Hung Lok and the Wo Hing Sing killed her husband Zeus.

The widow of thunder is back,

and she's back with a bang.

Boss, it's done.

Clean up the mess.

You alright?


You know how pissed Horse was just now? He looked hilariously funny.

You know him personally?

I grew up in the triad world since I was just a little girl.

I see him around a lot, growing up.

I mean, we were both kids.

Mrs. Lui sure seem to hate him a lot.

Didn't my mom ever tell you?

My father Zeus,

he was a huge tyrant!

High up on the hierarchy.

He married my mom when he was 50.

You know,

people were always thinking that

I was his granddaughter instead of his daughter.

Oh but he loved my mother and I so much.

I remember when I was about six or seven,

this one night,

dad gave mom a lot of money,

and sent us directly to Canada.

Soon after, we found out about his fatal car crash.

Why do you think Mrs. Lui

wants a meeting with the Ghost?

My mother says my father didn't die an accident.

She says the Hung Lok, along with someone called Godfather,

teamed up to murder him.

Mrs. Lui never mentioned this before.

It would seem

she doesn't have trust for me.

Don't be silly,

mom trusts you a lot.

Why do you say that?

You know why?

I heard one night you were fighting some cops at a bar.

My mother was there.

She told me all about you,

She said you used to be a cop,

and that you resigned

just to protect one of teammates.

She said

that it's very rare to meet someone so loyal these days.

She really think so?


my mother,

discreet as she is,

has her own ways

to get her information.

I heard you went back to the same bar every night,

and that you were always drunk.

An officer on patrol came passing by one time.

You guys had a fight,

and you were charged with assaulting a police officer.


Since you've both been betrayed, mom probably thinks that

you might understand how she feels.

That is why

she reached out for your help.

I see.

So that's how it is.

Did I say something wrong? Are you unhappy?

I'm fine.


how come I never see you

dating anybody?

Who would dare!

Why not?

My mother runs a night club,

but she's actually a very strict parent!

One time this guy hit on me,

poor kid was afraid after he didn't even return home.

Can you imagine?

No one dares to try.

To be honset, all these years,

I think you're the only guy

I feel I can really talk to.

Even though, we are being followed by your crew.

What is it, General?


it's nothing.

Head home.

Take Ms. Lui home.

Yes, General.

Is something wrong?

I'm fine. Get going.




There he goes again.


Call me around ten or so,

make me come all the way here,

and look... drunk again!




I'll never forgive you!

I'll bet his in-laws yelled at him again.

I mean, just look at him.


can he stay at your place tonight?

No way!

My place?

I have no choice!

Every time he's drunk,

he refuses to go home.

Problem is, when he gets to my place,

he thinks my mother are his in-laws,

and starts yelling the crap out of my mom!

Mom made it clear

that he is blacklisted.

Come on, man.

You know I have no choice.

Bring him to a hotel!

Two guys? Walking into a hotel?

You can't be serious!

You take him to a hotel!


So now what?

Test of true friendship. Come on!

I'm a girl!

How am I supposed to take him home?

Boyfriend's at home, right?

Just leave Wong on the sofa!

Come on! Just do it!

It's midnight already!

We better take care of this

before it gets too late.

Damn it!

Alright, alright!

Alright, alright!

Let's go!

Come on, we're going now!

Where we going?

We're going to my pad,

let's go!

Be careful!

Don't think we've met before.

I know, we haven't met.

But I believe,

you know exactly who I am.

Han, right?

I heard of you.

But that was many years ago...

Did you hear it from Phoenix?

Or senior officer Cheung?


Boss Han is indeed admirable.

Done your homework.

Of course.

Under the current situation,

Friend or foe,

nobody knows.

Best be cautious.

If you know about my past,

what brings you here today?

Aren't you afraid of what happened

nine years ago?

Undercover cops

usually come straight from cadet school.

Rarely do we see

a senior inspector resign

then go undercover.

If you are indeed undercover,


you must be after

the biggest fish in the sea.

I'm definitely not the big fish.

Any chance for a little collaboration?

Interesting how time changes a man.

If you asked me this six months ago,

I would have arrested you already.

But these days,

all I can say to you is,

that we are from different families.

there should be no collaboration.


the old folks used to say

to stick with your boss for life.


the triad world is like a business.

Whoever pays up,

you do business with them.

I'm sure you understand.

How about,

you tell me what you want.

What kind of collaboration?

Haven't a clue.

I'm only here today,

to meet you for my own eyes.

This is my number.

If you think of something,

or wish to discuss any further,

call me.

We'll see.

Close the door!

Damn it!

Thought you were living with your boyfriend?

Tell him to help out!

Put him over there!

Steady, steady...



This took forever!

Gosh, it's two already?

I gotta go!

Hey, hang out a bit.

What's up?

Just... will you please?

You're scared of him?

Just leave him here and go to bed!

He'll go home the moment he wakes up.

It's not that...

Just stay a little longer.

What is it?

I don't have a boyfriend.

I stay here alone.

I see, that's why you're nervous.


I heard for a long time that you're... you know?

Well, are you?

So what if I am?

I feel perfectly fine not having a boyfriend!

I have good taste!

So why'd you tell everyone you're living with your boyfriend then?

I wanted people to stop harassing me about my sexuality!

Stop running!


Where were you?

Why didn't you call me back?

At a friend's house!


What friend?

Guy or girl?

You're so annoying!!

Why are you back then?

Why do you keep coming back??

Look who's talking??

You think you're innocent??

Look at you!

In for a little threesome?

Hey, wait a minute!

We're colleagues!

Shut the hell up!

I don't care!

You have explaining to do!

Who you been hanging out with?

Why do you have to know?

Who else has the right to know??

Wong, wake up, you gotta see this!


I'm done arguing with you. Come here.

What's your problem!

I'm here to grab my stuff!

You've been annoying all these years,

leave me alone!!



Leave me alone!!!


Forget about her.

I mean, that chick just now

wasn't even hot.

If it didn't work out, just let it go.

What the hell, man?

Tung's my sister!


Your sister?

Officer Yeung.

What took you so long?

Something came up.

Sorry for being late,

officer Yeung.

Quite alright.

At least you came.

Do you know why

I chose this location?

This is the same place we first met.

What's up?

Han came looking for me.

What for?

He asked for a collaboration.

Are you going to?

Not unless it's necessary.

I turned him down.


If you agreed so easily,

he would have turned suspicious.

That's a good answer.

I was wrong about something else.

I expected the Godfather

to be the first to contact me.

Or maybe even the Ghost.

I never expected it to be Han.

I'm not surprized.

Han has been low profile for months.

The moment Fire-Shit is released,

he begins setting up his army.

He is planning his every move

slowly with a calm state of mind.

All this I have expected.

And I was right.

From your experience,

what do you think Han's next move is gonna be?

My sources tell me

that Han promised the Godfather

the Dragon-Head Baton.

Is that piece of antique

really so important to them?

I don't know.

All I know is,

that's probably the reason he asked to see you.

So what's our next move?

Absolutely nothing.

No rush.

The minute I have an update,

I'll contact you.

Yes, sir.

What is it?

Go ahead and ask.

The death of Zeus. Mr. Lui.

Anything I should be aware of?

Why do you ask?

I never understood

why you wanted me to befriend Mrs. Lui.


I recently learned that the death of Zeus

was no mere accident.

About fifteen years ago...


the Godfather,

and Hung Lok's new rising power Ghost,

they were running the scene.

The infamous triangle.

People always wondered

where Zeus got all his money.

Obviously, a huge financial superpower was backing him up.

Who was it?

Remember the 1981 stock market disaster?

Stock market disaster?

Zeus was involved?

That year,

China and Britain

began discussion regarding

Hong Kong's handover to China.

This effected the stock market greatly,

and the market began to crash.

The Hang Seng index

dropped 70%

that year alone!

People suspected

that Zeus was ready ahead of time.

He sold everything before the crash,

ended up making a fortune.

Are you saying,

that the one who ate up the stock market was Zeus himself?


For some reason,

friendship couldn't last between Zeus and friend.

Word is,

his financial superpower

put a hit on Zeus,

making sure to kill him off.

Both the Godfather

and Hung Lok's

last Chairman,

they took the reward.

In other words,

Zeus' death

was no accident.

What's most important,

is the identity of this financial superpower.

Let me guess.

The Special Branch?

I did a lot of research at the office,

and every piece of evidence

is telling me that this was

no car accident.

To be honest, during my days,

the only department capable of intercepting

would be the Special Branch.

Is this the reason why you want me

to befriend Mrs. Lui?

I can't guarantee she's up to no good.

However, I can guarantee

that we can learn more hanging around her.

I understand.

Best get on with it.

I'll be calling.


What is it, sir?

Take care of yourself.

Thank you, sir.

Boss Ghost,

everyone knows I run these streets!

Now that Mrs. Lui came barging in

without even saying hello,

that's disrespecting, man!

What do you want, then??

Get someone to mess her up!

Portland street is my street! I own these streets!


What do yo think?

What do I think?

Horse, I'll be honest with you.

She's just a damn woman.

Do we have to always think about violence?

What are you gonna do after you take her?

Beat her up? Rape her?

If you don't think about this first,

you would be her laughing stock!

I've had it up to here!

I need to vent!!

You wanna vent, do you?



give her a call.


Boss Ghost.

You're kidding me?

You wanna talk with her?

She's opening night clubs in our territory!

What else is there to talk about?

You're not scared of her, are you?


tell you exactly how I feel.

You're both running prostitution,

yet she's brought the famous Tsim East

Japanese night clubs to Mong Kok,

yet you're still doing massage parlours?

How you gonna make it big?

What do you mean?

What Ghost is saying

is you should learn something from her.



back then my father

was kinda like a partner with Zeus.

I'll give Mrs. Lui a call.

Maybe we can all work together.

Make some money.

How about it?

See that sounds like a good idea.

She took care of the all the expenses already,

now all we have to do is buy some shares.

Hang on a minute, guys!

You can't be serious!

Buy some shares?

What about my dignity?

Boss Ghost,

you're forcing me to a cliff here.


No I'm not.

We all understand

that in two years, is the great Handover.

Time is of the essence.

Best we make what we can,

as fast as we possibly can.

If you think you're not making enough,

I can cut some of my shares for you.

We're friends, right?

Why would I lead you to disaster?


Let's go.



Hey, what?

Wait for our call.

Renovate the place, bro.

Bro? Bro?

Since when did you consider me bro??


Any advice?


stay calm.

I doubt the Ghost and Mrs. Lui will work together.

Why so sure?

Think about it,

she holds such a serious grudge

against the Hung Lok.

Money can't always

buy you everything.










Who is it?





Another nightmare?

Have some water.

Thank you.

Too much pressure at work?

Try and calm down.

I don't know.

What was it about?

Might feel better if you talk about?

When I was undercover,

I used to nightmare about being killed by my friends...


I nightmare about killing my friends...

Even though,

I have no idea

what you are going through...

All I know is, you shouldn't keep it in your heart all the time.

What else can I do?

Talk with somebody.

I will.

What time is it?

You get more rest.

I gotta get up.


Go back to bed.

Alright. Thank you.


You're still so fit!

No I'm not!

I used to be able to do two more laps last year.

What did you wanna ask this time?

Tell me, sir...

how long has it been since you saw your son?

You haven't been seeing him at all?

Same here.

Aren't you worried?

What is there to be worried about?

He knows what he's doing.

So you know about it?

Whatever you know,

I can guess for myself.

How did you...

adjust your feelings?

What is it?

Too hard on you?


It's just that the positions have changed this time.

It's a little unfamiliar to me.

What goes around, comes around.

Look at it from another perspective.

Another perspective?


Should be easy for you.

You walked the path yourself,

no one knows better about it than you.

The things you wished to do,

the things you avoided doing,

no matter how many years passed

some things don't chance, right?

When you're in doubt,

just imagine what you would do in the same situation back then.

Problem is,

the mistakes I would make

won't necessarily be the same mistakes Danny will make?

He's only human. So are you.


Unless your heart is made of stone,

sooner or later, you'll get hit right in there.

Find a chance. Talk with him.

Talk with him?

This will only cause trouble.

If you still don't get it, I can't help you.

You should be familiar with

the rules of the game.

Shouldn't be something I still need to teach you.

I see.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Yes, sir.

Come on, two more laps.

Come on! Come on!


You serious?

Let's go!

One, two...

Come on!

Yes, sir!


Go check on the alcohol delivery.

Yes, Mrs. Lui.


Mrs. Lui.

Had a problem last night?

I'm fine.

Just an old friend,

had a good chat.

Who is it?


What did he want?

He asked for a collaboration.

And what did you say?

I turned him down,

but not indefinitely.

Don't mess with him.

You did a good job.

I was right about you,

loyal and smart.


I have something to tell you.

Do you know why

I kept this club named Paramount?


Because this

is where I met my husband for the first time.

I was so young when I pissed off that triad boss...

almost lost my life.


he saved my life.

He treated me nicely,

and promised me

that one day

he would buy me this exact club

as a present.

So sad,

that he never had chance to do so.


it's okay though...

Whatever he couldn't accomplish,

I'll accomplish it on his behalf.

This place,

will also be

my gift for Gillian on her wedding day.

I'm getting her involved

with the business.

I didn't think Mrs. Lui

would allow Gillian to work here.

She grew up in Canada,

so it's best if she started learning

about things as soon as possible.

Where to start?

How about...

A bunch of girls

are coming in for casting soon.

Tell her what you like.


Mrs. Lui.


say hello to the General.

Hello, General.


What is it, Ghost?


I remember my father once told me,

that Paramount was his favorite club...

Do you think...

The name's a little old,

maybe just a coincidence?

Hope so.

Let's go.


hang on.

What is it?

Mrs. Lui is known

to be quite the bitch.

Tell you what...

I'm gonna get Lil' Wah to ready some backup.

Just in case.

What do you say?


I'll take care of it.

Lil' Wah.

Yo. I need some guys,.


Step on it, will ya?

For more infomation >> 【反黑】OCTB|19(4K 中英文字幕)(Chinese & English Subtitles) - Duration: 44:04.


Arctic Foxes Destroy Filmmaker's Camera - Duration: 1:50.

Arctic foxes look, very different from red foxes, because they've got these very short

legs, short ears, short blunt snouts.

It's just an indication of the harshness of this environment that were place on foxes

when they expanded up into the north.

That's why they have such small appendages and small ears, to conserve body heat.

Jim Roth: They're really curious critters, these arctic foxes.

They're so bold.

Narrator: Their brazenness may come from having few predators in this landscape, or it could

be that living in a big family emboldens them.

Either way - it didn't take these pups long to walk right up to our motion sensor cameras

and have their way with them.

(crunching sounds)

For more infomation >> Arctic Foxes Destroy Filmmaker's Camera - Duration: 1:50.


FALL FAVORITES TAG - Duration: 4:06.

I apologize for the focus going in & out! Whoopsies🙈

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