Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

Hook: Elon gave us all an update on SpaceX's plans

to colonize Mars, build a base on the Moon, and let people travel anywhere across the

planet in around 30 minutes.

And it all depends on the BFR.

The Big, uh, Freaking Rocket.

Introduction: For the last couple of episodes, we've talked

about NASA's plans to explore deep space, with the Space Launch System and the Deep

Space Gateway.

That's fine and all, but many of you wanted to know how all this would compare to what

SpaceX is planning for the colonization of space.

It had been a while since we got an update from Elon Musk, but on Friday we got a big

announcement from the SpaceX CEO, and it kind of makes your head spin.

At the International Astronautical Congress in Australia - the home of the newly announced

Australian Space Agency, congrats Australia, you totally deserved it.

What what I saying?

Oh right, at the IAC, Elon Musk announced what they've been working on since last

year's announcement of the Interplanetary Transport Ship.

All of SpaceX's current rocket fleet: the Falcon 9, the Falcon Heavy, the Dragon spacecraft,

it's all going to be made obsolete by their "all in" investment to build the one rocket

that'll do everything: the BFR.

Address the question: The BFR looks very similar to the previously

announced Interplanetary Transport System ship that we saw last year, but a little bit


It'll stand 106 metres high, with a mass of 4,400 metric tons.

About half the height comes from the first stage booster, and then the rest of the height

comes from the second stage spaceship attached to the top.

The booster is equipped with 31 Raptor engines, which will blast off from the reusable launch


Then the spaceship portion will separate and continue up to orbit using its own rockets.

Both the booster and ship segments of the vehicle are designed to be reusable, which

means they can land, be refueled with methane and liquid oxygen, and then stacked up for

another flight.

The BFR spaceship won't even have landing legs.

SpaceX is so confident on their ability to land that the rocket will return precisely

to its launch structure, and be clamped down before it falls over.

In its proposed configuration, the BFR should be capable of delivering 150 tonnes into low

Earth orbit.

Compare this to 22 tonnes for the Falcon 9 and you can see this is an enormous boost

in launch capability.

In fact, this is even more than the Saturn V or the Space Launch System in its Block

2 capacity.

But the BFR will be fully reusable.

The lower booster stage will return to its launch mount, and the upper stage can too.

If the rocket is launched without reusability in mind, it'll be able to loft 250 tonnes.

Here's where it gets really interesting.

The ship is equipped with 2 thrusters used in atmosphere and 4 thrusters used in vacuum.

It can make a powered landing back on Earth, using either of its redundant thrusters.

Or it could make a powered landing on a world with much less atmosphere, like the Moon,

Mars, or I don't know…


There are a bunch of features that Musk announced, which will make the BFR a very useful vehicle

for a variety of missions.

It'll have fully automated rendezvous and docking, which means that upper stages will

be capable of docking together, and transferring fuel.

One ship could launch, fully loaded with the crew and life support supplies, while a second

spacecraft could launch with the fuel.

Then they could dock, transfer fuel, and the crewed vehicle could fly to the Moon or Mars

carrying dozens of people.

The spaceship has a massive cargo capacity, which means that it can launch satellites

with a 9-meter diameter.

The Hubble Space Telescope is only 2.6 meters in diameter, and James Webb will be 6.5 metres

in diameter.

In other words, bigger and heavier than anything else in space right now.

For humans going to space, the BFR spaceship will contain 825 cubic meters of pressurized

volume, enough room for 40 cabins, common areas, central storage, and a kitchen.

It'll even have a shelter to protect the crew from solar storms that might be passing

through the area.

Just for comparison, this is the same as the internal volume of the entire International

Space Station, but in one launch, fully reusable.

Again, the mind boggles.

Patreon Bumper Now you know what the BFR is and how it's

going to work, it's time to talk about what SpaceX is going to do with it.

But first I'd like to thank:

Cat Stevens Aireyean (Air-Re-Yin) Smith

Francis Frey

And the rest of our 777 patrons for their generous support.

If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to

Bend their minds: What can be done with a rocket this big?

During his announcement, Musk gave us a few hints.

For starters, obviously, the rocket will be used for delivering cargo and satellites to


In fact, the even though it'll be the largest rocket ever built, its reusability will bring

the launch costs down below the current Falcon 9.

With its vacuum and atmospheric engines, the BFR spaceship could be sent to the Moon, to

support the new resurgence of interest in going back to the Moon.

Of course, Musk wants to see the BFR go to Mars.

When the BFR spaceship refuels in space, it should be able to carry 450 tonnes of crew

and cargo to the surface of the Red Planet.

Once there, solar powered generators will be able to make rocket fuel from water and

carbon dioxide to power a return trip to Earth.

In fact, this same process would be making fuel here on Earth, using a carbon neutral

solar power to make methane.

If all goes well, SpaceX will launch its first two uncrewed BFRs to Mars in 2022, to test

out the technology and search for deposits of water on Mars.

Those will be followed by 4 more in 2024 including a human crew, who will begin the creation

of the new Mars colony.

And I'm not going to lie, this sounds like a stretch.

SpaceX needs to build and test an entirely new reusable rocket system at a scale we've

never seen before.

In addition to that, they need to develop the technology for extracting fuel on Mars.

And to make the 2024 launch window, they need to develop all the various hardware and techniques

for actually living on Mars: power, fuel, plumbing, electronics, closed-loop air systems.

Not to mention training astronauts to survive in an environment humans have never even set

foot on.

Even if the BFR does arrive on schedule, I suspect all these details will bog engineers

down for decades.

How will SpaceX pay for the development of the BFR and colonization equipment.

Musk said they'll be funding it with upcoming private and government contracts.

And they're going "all in", sunsetting all the older rocket models, including the

Falcon 9 and the still, yet to be launched Falcon Heavy.

They'll keep a few of the old Falcon rockets around if a customer wants to launch on old

flight-tested hardware.

But perhaps the strangest way they could fund the development of the BFR is with Earth-to-Earth

suborbital rocket launches carrying travelers from place to place here on Earth.

In a slick video, SpaceX showed how the BFR could carry people from pretty much any city

to any other city on Earth in around 30 minutes.

Although Musk didn't say exactly how much this'll cost, he's hinted that the price

will be roughly the cost of a similar economy airline flight.

And with the redundant rocket engines, he thinks these suborbital flights should be

as safe as commercial airlines.

And that's where I'm going to get really really skeptical.

Rockets are pretty much controlled explosions.

Suborbital flights are still going at thousands of kilometers per hour, and any mistake means

destruction and death of everyone on board.

There's a lot of work to be done to make these things truly safe and affordable.

Probably not within the timeframe to get that Mars colony up and running.

There is another idea that SpaceX is working on, however, that I think will cover the costs:

high speed internet for everyone on the planet.

Earlier this year SpaceX announced that they're working on a constellation of nearly 5,000

satellites that will go into low Earth orbit.

These would fly at an altitude of 1,100 km or higher and deliver the same kind of bandwidth

as a broadband fiber optic line.

Imagine what kinds of revenue SpaceX could generate if they could supply competitive

internet to every single human on Earth?

And this kind of constellation could be done with just a dozen launches of the BFR.

In fact, that's what I think SpaceX is betting on.

If they can truly build a fully reusable rocket, bringing launch costs down to a fraction of

their current levels, we have no idea what ideas suddenly become affordable.

Space based power generation?

Asteroid mining?

Space tourism?

Suborbital flights?

Interplanetary colonization?

Conclusion: Is this really going to happen?

Obviously, we need to be skeptical.

The promises Elon Musk made about the BFR are mind bending.

Humans on Mars by 2024?

Come on!

At the same time, we need to look at the 16 rockets that landed back safely back on Earth

as proof that SpaceX has some skills when it comes to building and flying rockets.

And yet the Falcon Heavy is years behind schedule, with SpaceX planning to retire this rocket

before it even gets built.

We know that SpaceX has seen its share of failures and setbacks, teetering on the edge

of bankruptcy before getting into the launch business.

We've seen their rockets explode, and fail to land safely on Earth.

But even if things take longer than planned.

Even decades longer than planned, I think it's an amazing path Musk is proceeding

on, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

And as Musk said in his announcement, "having a multi-planet species would be better than

a single-planet species.

It would be cool."

Cool works for me.

Ask for Comments: How do you feel about this announcement?

Do you think SpaceX will pull it off?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Next Episode: In our next episode, we'll be talking about

where comets come from, and what could cause them to come hurling down into the Solar System

Suggested Playlist Time for your playlist, all about the new

SpaceX announcement, of course.

First, we'll start with Elon Musk's actual announcement, then the cool video they did

about point-to-point travel on Earth.

Then a reminder of last year's Interplanetary Transport System announcement.

A hilarious video of rocket failures.

Finally Scott Manley's take on the announcement.

For more infomation >> SpaceX Goes All In On The Big Freaking Rocket. Humans To Mars by 2024? - Duration: 11:15.


HOY JUGAMOS EN LA MAIN )? - Duration: 2:28:39.

For more infomation >> HOY JUGAMOS EN LA MAIN )? - Duration: 2:28:39.


Baby Driver | Color Coded Characters - Duration: 13:44.

Edgar Wright's latest film Baby Driver has been one of the most talked about films of

the year, and while there's been no shortage of praise directed towards the car chases

or the soundtrack, there is one piece that I think deserves a little bit more attention,

and that's the costume design.

Costume design is one of the many underdiscussed aspects of film, like sound design or set

decoration, an integral part of the audiovisual experience that often stays in the background,

but can be an important tool for establishing characters and revealing information about

them in a more subdued way, and it's something that Edgar Wright has been using since the

very beginning.

"As far back as the TV show that I did before Shaun of the Dead, Spaced, I remember somebody

saying something about that show which really stuck with me.

They said that, 'Oh, the characters are all really easy to draw.'

And I think 'Oh that's an interesting way to put it' and from that point on in all of

my movies, and Baby Driver being no exception, I'm always looking to kind of color code the



Not only does this help the audience keep track of who's who when the action gets going,

but it also serves to tell us more about each character.

Let's start with Baby.

Baby is dressed mostly in black and white, which could be interpretated as a parallel

to the two very different lives that he leads, the darkness of the criminal underworld, against

the lightness of his home life with Joe and new romance with Deborah.

It also reflects his old-fashioned and romanticized view of the world, like an old feel good black

and white film, that stands in direct contradiction to life of crime that he's involved in.

He often turns a blind eye when faced with violence, and will even go as far as directly

preventing it when given the chance.

But there ends up being a lack of consequence for Baby, until he finds something he cares

about enough to fear losing.

"Oh, and your waitress girlfriend, she's cute.

Let's keep it that way".

The rest of the crew don't mind the violence, some of them even enjoy it, but there isn't

so much as a hint of remorse from the rest of Doc's gang, with exception to Baby, and

there's even plenty of doubt cast upon him because of this, with Doc always stepping

in to protect him.

The film shows us that Baby has little in common with his peers, it's made clear that

this is no more to him than paying back what he owes, one way the film suggests this is

showing him as the only one without coffee at the meetings, or as the topic of this video

might suggest, through the costuming.

By designing his ensemble to fit into a monochrome aesthetic for most of his scenes, while the

rest of the cast are dressed in bold, vibrant colors, it singles him out visually, you could

watch the entire film without the sound and just by paying attention to the costume design

you'd know that he didn't quite fit in with everyone else.

The black and white aesthetic also carries with it some trademark Edgar Wright foreshadowing,

simultaneously used to show Baby's idyllic vision of what his future with Debora could

look like, as well as the reality he's faced with when he has nowhere left to run.

It's important to realize that in a film, almost everything you'll see on screen is

there by design, certainly when in the hands of someone as detail oriented as Edgar Wright.

Costumes are just another opportunity for communicating ideas or themes, one that's

present in all of his work.

So when you're watching a scene, pay close attention to what each character is wearing

and ask yourself, what can this tell us about the character?

Edgar Wright worked closely with Courtney Hoffman, the film's costume designer, to establish

a different color set for each character, to give them each their own unique look, with

one notable exception.

"Oh Deb-o-ra, always looked like a Zeb-o-ra."

"A zeb-o-ra?"

"Like a zebra I guess."

"Ha, well I am wearing black and white so you can call me debra"

Clothing her in the same aesthetic serves a few different purposes, one, it establishes

the connection they share as some of the only characters in the film who have and/or want

no part of the life of crime.

Two, it better sets up the payoff that I mentioned earlier, but there's another layer to it that

I find really interesting.

We find out in the first act that Baby's mom used to work at Bo's diner, likely wearing

the same outfit that Debora now wears.

It all feeds into this theme we see of Baby romanticizing the pastand never really letting

go of his demons.

He just continues on this path, caught in a loop, another phonecall, another coffee

pickup, another meeting, another job, with no real image of a future outside of that


And then he meets Debora.

"It's like she's the first real person that he meets in the movie, like, he has a particular

persona that he puts on as a front with the rest of the gang.

He has his home life with Joe, his foster father, where they communicate in sign language,

and then when he goes to... he goes to kind of the diner, which is somewhere he's been

many times and she's the new person working there, she doesn't know anything about him

and she sort of immediately forces him into making a connection, she asks him questions

that he has to answer.

So suddenly our hero who hasn't really said much for the first twenty minutes of the film

is talking for the first time.

And so I think it's that thing of just, just the idea that in a world of crime, and this

idea where people are like, sort of, kind of creating personas about themselves, and

um, you get the sense that all of the people in the gang, Baby included, are putting up

this sort of front, in terms of this mythical persona around themselves.

But then when he meets Lily James, he realizes both that he can be normal with her and that

actually he wants, he starts lusting after a normal life."

It's clear that Baby has a troubled past, and anyone who's found themselves on that

kind of darkened path can have a hard time imagining a brighter future, but she gives

him that hope.

She's the first person that really starts to open him up, we hear him mention at the

laundromat that he had spoken more to her that day than anyone else in the previous


"You know why they call him Baby right?

Still waiting on his first words."

And again, there's an opportunity there to communicate that to an audience, to really

illustrate their connection as they start to fall in love, and the film does so by literally

bringing color into his world.

While Debora's work uniform dons her in black and white, her wardrobe outside of work is

full of color, specifically denims and yellows, she is metaphorically and literally, brightening

up his world.

It mirrors the same effect used in The Wizard of Oz, or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Using bright and vibrant colors to illustrate a shift towards something magical, which is

exactly what falling in love feels like.

And that is absolutely necessary for the plot, for the audience to get behind their love

story as it ends up motivating almost everything that happens in the second half of the film.

Using the same technique previously used to establish a magical fairy tale world to instead,

establish a romantic connection is just brilliant.

And ends up saving the film from having to resort to the techniques that a lot of other

films use to justify a romance between two characters.

The shift from black and white to color could also be interpreted as a symbol for Baby's

growth, he starts out seeing the world in a very black and white way, but as he gets

deeper into the uglier parts of his job that he's tried to avoid, he realizes that things

aren't so straightforward as he may have thought, and things delve heavily into a moral grey


Courtney Hoffman created separate stages for Baby's undershirt, so that it becomes darker

as the film progresses to reflect this idea, it's subtle, but when you compare this shot

from earlier in the film to this shot taken from the end, you can really see the difference.

And we even see Baby's outfits change towards the end of the film, seeing him even in denim

throughout a good portion of the final chase sequence.

Really sending home the idea that he has changed, and that Debora played a significant role

in him making that change.

Every step of the way, the costumes and the colors are used to inform us of important

information, regarding the characters and how they transform throughout the film.

Like how Red is associated with Bats, the most violent and psychotic character in the


And how after Darling is killed in a shootout with the police, red is used to show Buddy's

descent to madness, now bent on getting revenge, he is washed in red light while inside the

police cruiser throughout the final car duel.

Or how green, notoriously used to represent greed is used in the costuming and set design

revolving around Doc.

But he's not just the stereotypical crime boss who only cares about money, he ends up

sacrificing himself to protect Baby and Debora, literally taking a bullet for him.

He clearly cares a great deal for Baby, and this is alluded to by the heavy use of grey

in his wardrobe.

Sure, he threatens him, he applies pressure when needed to keep Baby in the game, but

if there was no connection beyond a professional one I can't imagine that he would give his

life to save him.

This is also hinted at by the similarities in Doc's nephew and when we see a younger

Baby in flashbacks, both with the blonde hair combed down, wearing a blue plaid shirt and


There are details upon details packed into every frame of this film, and frankly, all

of Edgar Wright's films for that matter.

Costume design is just one of the many layers that come together to complete the final product.

There seems to be a lack of discussion on the importance of costume design, and typically

if you hear people raving about the costumes of a particular movie, chances are it's set

in the past or in some fantasy setting.

In fact, every single winner of the Academy Award for Best Costume Design for the last

twenty years has either been a period piece, a fantasy film, or both.

While I can understand why that is, the immense production of such elaborate designs certainly

deserves recognition, but so does something designed to fit into a contemporary aesthetic.

Nothing that the characters wear in Baby Driver stand out too much from what you'll see in

the real world, they're bold and unique, but could easily blend into any real world setting,

and still manage tell a story about each character, which is the ultimate goal every costume designer

is tasked with.

Whenever doing costuming for a film that takes place in the present day, the director or

costume designer could easily just walk through a shopping mall and pick out things that would

photograph well, but undercutting every choice with a real sense of purpose gives not only

a unique visual flair to an already incredibly stylish film, but really expands the story

and personality of each character.

That's what I love so much about Edgar Wright, he has such a respect for every craft that

goes into filmmaking, and none of them are left by the wayside.

It's why video essayists are particularly fond of him, because there's always more to

discuss about his films.

The way he writes, the way he edits, how he uses symbolism and foreshadowing, and basically

just makes every other comedy director out there look lazy by comparison.

And I know Baby Driver wasn't necessarily everyone's favorite film of his, personally

I have to admit I prefer the Cornetto trilogy, but horror and comedy are some of my favorite

genres, when combined together so perfectly like he did with those films, that's hard

to top in my book.

But Baby Driver was a step in a different direction for Wright, and one that he pulled

off flawlessly.

It's one of the most intensely satisfying action films I've seen in years, and shows

off his range as a filmmaker.

It still has the Edgar Wright flair that we know and love, but it really takes on its

own voice and personality that stands out from his other films.

Love it or hate it, you can't deny the prowess of Edgar Wright in terms of achieving his

vision, and putting a passion into what he does that is quite rare.

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For more infomation >> Baby Driver | Color Coded Characters - Duration: 13:44.


Artists I'm Loving this Inktober · Inktober Day #11 - Duration: 5:12.

Hello guys!

It is Day 11 here, and as one of my instagram followers commented a little while ago, we're

more than a third of the way through this challenge.

Doesn't that just make the prospect of carrying on til the end seem a little bit more within


Anyway, today's haunted house is slap bang in the middle of a cemetery, and so it's

found itself under siege from some unfriendly undead.

I was saying on instagram earlier, zombies are my favourite scary thing.

I love scary films, that's probably my favourite genre, like I'll happily watch even the

most rubbish, budget horror film, and it's almost become a tradition for me and my mum

to watch the awful movies they show on the horror channel at least once a week.

I love stuff with like evil spirits, possession, crazy axe murderers, but the main thing for

me, you can't go wrong with a zombie film.

My favourite film of all time is 28 Days Later.

I used to be fully obsessed with The Walking Dead.

I've also watched quite a bit of Fear the Walking Dead.

I feel like you're learning a lot about me here.

My secret guilty pleasures.

I'll tell you what though, I watched a film the other day on the horror channel, not expecting

anything special.

Cos I've seen so many, I really don't get spooked by films a lot, I always know

when a jump-scare is coming and I can always kind of predict the twist.

But this film… it was called The Boy.

I just remembered I watched it on Amazon Prime not the horror channel.

But it has Lauren Cohen in, who plays Maggie in the Walking Dead.

Me and my mum watched it kind of for a laugh cos we read the synopsis and were like this

sounds ridiculous.

But it really reels you in.

It really creeped me out.

And it really surprised me, plot-wise.

I went to bed that night properly a bit shaken.

And for the next few days after, me and my mum were leaving creepy notes around for each

other to find just to freak eat other out even more.

Okay, tangent.

Proper tangent.

That should've been a video topic in itself.

But today I wanted to actually talk about the artist's I've been following, and

been loving this Inktober.

This should be called, 'artists I've always loved and didn't think I could love any

more but here we are' but that would be too much of a mouthful.

There are so many, I really couldn't name them all so sorry to the peeps I don't mention

but here we go.

First off, a quick honourable mention to my internet friend Shelby, whose channel is called


You might recognise that from her blog, which is where I found her quite a while back.

She does great bullet-journalling stuff and has just started a series on her channel where

she's making videos everyday in watercolour.

Not inktober-related but a great little pop of colour to go with our daily dose of ink


Speaking of colour, I'm also loving Furry Little Peaches videos, another person I've

followed forever, this time on instagram, but she is also now on YouTube and taking

part in inktober with a lovely limited colour palette and the most adorable and creative

interpretations of the prompts.

Her videos are nice and short, which is great when we have so many to catch up on every


And her vlogs are bang-tidy, top quality.

She just seems lovely.

Someone I've mentioned before, maybe like twice or three times already is Leigh Ellexson,

I just love her style, she's been doing daily drawings for almost a whole year now

so her instagram is just constant inspo and she also makes great videos and seems so cool

and down to earth.

New fave for me, is By Bun.

So, her name is Roxanne, she's another person whose vlogs I just live for and she's like

the halloween queen.

I love seeing what she creates, and the sketchbook she's using for her inktober drawings she

decorated really nicely as well.

Okay, moving on to my A-one since day one.

Artistic Author is doing these really cool like tiny drawings that I just find really

effective, really cute and interesting.

Like the style of them reminds me of something that would be in like an old book of potions

or something.

I'm rushing now cos I spent too much time talking about horror films.

Okay Love Teacup Kisses, another person I've mentioned before.

Tatyana's inktober videos have a real story to them, really great to follow along with

as you kind of get to know her characters more and more, plus she's just an actual

ray of sunshine in general.

Like if you need a pick me up, Love Teacup Kisses is the place for you.

And finally, I saved this one for last cos…

I dunno how to pronounce it.

I'm gonna say Wero No Yume, but yeah I find their style really captivating, kind of moody

and watery but also colourful and light and airy.

I can't describe it but definitely worth checking out.

We're gonna leave it there or else we'll be here all day.

I'll have links below so you can find them all.

Follow them on YouTube, follow them on instagram.

They're amazing, and if I love them, I know you will too.

That is all for today, I hope you enjoyed this video.

Looking forward to see you tomorrow for the next one.

What else would you guys like me to talk about?

Let me know.

Okay, Bye.

For more infomation >> Artists I'm Loving this Inktober · Inktober Day #11 - Duration: 5:12.


PAYONEER | Como Ativar o seu Cartão Payoneer - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> PAYONEER | Como Ativar o seu Cartão Payoneer - Duration: 4:37.



hello guys



Triple Bi-Pass Burger Challenge w/ Eggs & Grilled Cheese!! - Duration: 7:42.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! extra extra excited tonight I've been wanting

to take this challenge on forever! ever since my friend Dr. Ramsey "The

Mantis" Hilton beat it a few years ago but I am in Bend, Oregon which is in Central

Oregon I am going for overall a number 461 in my fifth in the state of Oregon

but I am at Sideline Sports Bar I'm taking on their Triple Bi-pass Burger

Challenge! Now there are six seven ounce burger patties there's about ten slices

of cheese I think they're out along with a whole bunch of healthy vegetables and

then there is some bacon and ham and then the top and bottom bun are grilled

cheese sandwiches with more cheese along with we've got 1.5 pounds of fries but

I've got one full hour to finish this thing if I fail it's going to be about

$27 but if I win I'll get the meal free I'll get a sweet t-shirt and I'll be one

of the few people up from the Wall of Fame but let's get this challenge


all right so my friend Molly Schuyler she's done this challenge as well and

her time was about six minutes which is ridiculous, so I also did that massive

breakfast challenge in Corvallis earlier this morning but let's just go for the

win I've got one hour! 1, 2, 3... Boom! Now this thing is attached to

the wood so I'm just gonna break it down as I go!

there's also three fried eggs on this, it's freaking delicious extra juicy that

they made a medium-rare just like I wanted so awesome challenge!

Six minutes hen I've just got like two burgers left then we did the grilled

cheese than the prize delicious so to see it's really going down good!

Nine minutes ten seconds all the juices have been soaking into this so this is

going to be the toughest part once I get this down with the help of the diet soda

will be all good!

twelve minutes forty seconds in all the burgers gone now we just have 1.5 pounds

of fries they look awesome really well-seasoned so let's get the win!

1, 2, 3 look at that food go! Boom!

patting it down I don't know how many minutes like seven!

17 minutes and 40 seconds is the official time before the Triple Bi-pass

burger challenge here at sideline sports bar but awesome awesome challenge that's

definitely my favorite burger that I've had in a long long time yeah how juicy

it was the eggs the cheese the bacon to him that entire thing was awesome and

then even the fries were good along with the grilled cheese but 17 minutes and 40

seconds I'm gonna get the $27 meal for free I'll get a sweet t-shirt and I will

be one of the few people up on the wall of fame joining my friends Dr. Ramsey

"The Mantis" Hilton and then Molly Schuyler and then a few others but yeah

so awesome challenge thank you to Sideline Sports Bar it was my fifth and

final win in Oregon we're off to Boise, Idaho now and it was overall win number

461 but we're here had been for the night I asked for a good Oregon beer

let's party!

For more infomation >> Triple Bi-Pass Burger Challenge w/ Eggs & Grilled Cheese!! - Duration: 7:42.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer Reactions, Dave Filoni Talks Rebels Season 4, and More! - Duration: 9:59.

Hey did you know there was a new trailer for The Last Jedi?

Wait, what!?


It's important for us to know these things!

This week on The Star Wars Show!

Andi sits down with the one and only Dave Filoni!

We check out your reactions to The Last Jedi trailer!

And much, much more.

Now from the Lucasfilm Headquarters it's The Star Wars Show!

Hey I'm Anthony Carboni And I'm Andi Gutierrez, and this is

The Star Wars Show, a show who's writer doesn't understand football so he expects

us to make a joke about how we don't think it works

Yeah there's like a whole thing on the screen right now about how we don't get football.

What a stereotype!

Nerds and jocks am I right guys?

Star Wars!


Kicking things off with a little trailer news, that's football.

We know football.

Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire, the "hyper-reality" experience coming to Disney Springs in Orlando

and Downtown Disney in Anaheim released a trailer of their own this week.

Secrets of the Empire allows guests in groups of four to go undercover as Stormtroopers

to capture intelligence vital to the rebellion…all untethered, allowing you to interact with

items in the virtual environment in real time.

We are living in the future Andi and I love it!

Tickets and more information about Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire are available at The

Last weekends New York Comic Con may be an Schwan sauce flavored memory, too soon.

But the con did bring a TON of new Star Wars info.

Hasbro revealed new black series figures for 4-Lom, Dengar, Jabba's Palace Disguise Lando,

Rey, and DJ, Benicio Del Toro's character from The Last Jedi.

Hasbro also revealed new 3.75 inch figures for Maz, Finn, Phasma, and C'ai Threnalli.

During a Lucasfilm publishing panel Timothy Zahn announced he's currently writing a

sequel to Thrawn which according to him, might be called "Alliances" not because of the

plot but because of the alliance between Timothy Zahn and me Anthony Carboni.

I am now going to be writing the Thrawn novel with Timothy Zahn who also agreed to be my

new father.

And Daniel Jose Older is working on an as yet untitled Star Wars novel.

All of this stuff is real.

For more about everything Star Wars, including a look at the Last Jedi Prop Gallery check

out Star

It's just an honor to be making my debut as a writer with the great Timothy Zahn on

Thrawn Alliances.

Finally this week, you might've seen the trailer for a little indie film called Star

Wars The Last Jedi.

The trailer gave us looks at Rey training on Ach To, Luke looking and sounding shocked,

Kylo sporting what looks like to me like a space band-aid over his scar and piloting

his TIE silencer like his grandfather.

And it wouldn't be a Star Wars trailer without lots of teases of space and ground combat,

However, if you ask the internet the standouts were clearly Chewie and his porg side kick

and THOSE ADORABLE CRYSTAL FOX GUYS And wouldn't you know it, our beloved Star

Wars Show audience loves filming themselves watching a trailer.

So we decided, hey, why not mash up our favorites into this fun little segment.


You are watching The Star Wars Show!

Shh shh!!

"When I found you…"

Oh my god

OH The AT-M6s

"I saw raw, untamed power."

That's Snoke talking to Kylo Ren.

"And beyond that, something truly special."


Look at that lightsaber blade.

Oh she looks so good with that lightsaber.

"Something inside has always been there."

Oh my gosh, this is crazy guys!

"And now it's awake, and I need help."

Rey with a lightsaber! Rey with a lightsaber!


Already, man.


I've seen this raw strength only once before.

"It didn't scare me enough then.

It does now."

God, DUDE!

"Let the past die."

Oh no "Kill it, if you have to."

"It's the only way to become what you were meant to be."

Oh don't do it!


Don't you dare!

(Chewie roar, Porg squeak) "We'll light the spark, that'll light

the fire that will bring the First Order down".

Yeah come on!


"This is not going to go…the way you think."




Whoa what was going on there "I need someone.

To show me my place in all this."




No no no! (screams)

I think he's heading for that small moon!

That's no moon.

We like each other so much we dressed alike today.

Welcome Dave Filoni back to the show!

Hey guys, Andi how are you?

You know, just flannel.

It's autumn.

Yeah I love this time of year, so why not.

Yeah Rebels season!

Rebels season it is, I never thought of it that way.

We got Rebels starting this week.

Fourth and final season.

I know…

How does that feel for you?

It's weird.

It's obviously sad for me but it's had a really good run.

I'm really proud of it.

I think it started off and it had to grow and we had to figure out a slightly different

way of how we were going to produce it from Clone Wars.

But by the end here we've really figured out our storytelling and the characters.

And I love these characters, it was very different to go from Anakin, Obi Wan, Ahsoka and Rex

to this Ghost Crew.

And for a while you're like, who are these people?

They've really come to form these characters and their arcs are clear to me.

And the actors have done a brilliant job.

You know I see them pretty consistently for the last 4 years but I don't see the guys

as much anymore.

Yeah, because we're done recording it.

Only if we pick up lines every now and then I call them in.

Sometimes I call some lines just to make them come in.

Obviously you can't, and wouldn't want to tell us about what'd coming up, but what

should we prepare ourselves for?

Everything is going to happen this season because it has to.

I think things that you want to happen and things you'd rather didn't happen but

it makes sense for the story.

And a lot of people are dancing around with what's ultimately going to happen but no

one's really quite hit it yet.

It is, I would say our best season.

It is the one where I think we got more things right than we got wrong.

There is no throwaway episode.

No filler.

There was no filler episode.

But there never was.

I know!

What we reveal now …that's what you find out!

None of it was filler.

I've been saying that for years!

Whether that was our intention when we started or not, is debatable.

Generally speaking did you know from the beginning how the arc of the series would play out and

how it would end?

A lot of the times you'll find that characters along the way tell you where they want to


I wouldn't say I knew this was the ending when we started 4 years ago but I was always

driven from Day 1 at where are we going with this.

How is this different than Luke.

How is this a unique Star Wars storytelling experience and yet maintain the same values

and goals and things that George set down as being important things for Star Wars to

do as a story.

There is an overriding core of selflessness that drives forward the idea of the Force

and what it means to be a hero.

It's not about one person saving everybody else, it's about people saying I can be

like that too and we can all be a hero unto ourselves and inspire other people.

It's come together in a way because we've driven at it every year.

I think we have the right answer that revealed itself over time.

There's some weird stuff coming up though.

There are some deep dives.

It gets a little weird.

Working in animation gives you the freedom to do some of those weirder things in the


Because the galaxy's a weird place.

I think so.

Maybe people are more accepting of it I don't know but there's definitely some weird imagery

and things coming up that echo things we were doing a long time ago which I think is exciting

for some fans and we'll see what the rest think.

They'll let me know.

That's what I love about Star Wars fans Oh yeah!

They'll let me know whether they like it or they don't.

Sometimes it's almost more entertaining when they don't like stuff because they

can't do anything about it.

I'm trying to do a lot of things now and it makes things complicated but in the best

possible way because hopefully it means I get to tell more stories, which is what I

love to do most of all.

Is to tell great stories for the audience.

Yo Steve Blum here voice of Garazeb Orrelios also known as Zeb on Star Wars Rebels and

you're watching The Star Wars Show.


Well that was And you know the best part was that we didn't

just learn a lot about Star Wars, we learned a lot about ourselves.

Yeah, in here.

It's real special.

That's where it was.

Thanks for watching and remember to watch the season premiere of Rebels on DisneyXD

Monday the 16th.

That's this Monday and as always may the Force be with you.

How excited are you?

So excited that I just stood here and nodded.

She's in shock.

She's got into a fugue state over the premiere of Star Wars Rebels.

I know how football works.

I really like football.

You can like Star Wars and know how football works

Alright half of the hosts only know how football works

Why don't I get to know how football works!?

Do you?


Who doesn't know how football works!?

For more infomation >> Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer Reactions, Dave Filoni Talks Rebels Season 4, and More! - Duration: 9:59.


Top 10 FINAL Pictures Before Death – Part 2 - Duration: 5:29.

Life is short and for many of us, we forget that tragedy can strike at any moment.

These pictures are the very last photos to ever be taken of these celebrities before

they passed away.

For every picture you see, there was also a tragedy so let's take a look back at the

top 10 final pictures before death – part 2.

Starting off this disturbing list in at number 10 we have Whitney Houston.

This is the last picture of Whitney Houston before her death and she was seen leaving

Tru Hollywood nightclub looking intoxicated.

Her cause of death was accidental drowning but heart disease and cocaine use were the

contributing factors.

She was found submerged in the bathtub of her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel

one day before the Grammy Awards.

Now coming in at number 9 we have Freddie Mercury.

He was famously known as the lead vocalist of the rock band Queen and he wrote many of

the hit songs such as Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer queen and somebody to love.

This is the last picture taken of Freddy Mercury in 1991 before he died of bronchial pneumonia

that resulted from AIDS.

On November 22, 1991, he issued a statement that confirmed that he had been tested positive

for HIV and AIDS and just over 24 hours after this statement, he died at the age of 45 in

his home.

President John F. Kennedy comes in at number 8.

He was the 35th President of the United States from 1961 until his infamous assassination

that occurred on November 22, 1963.

While he was on a political trip in Texas, he was shot once in the throat, once in the

upper back and once in the head.

This photo was taken just seconds before the shots were fired.

Even though he was the President for such a short time, he has gone down in history

for his involvement with the Cold War, the Space Race and the African-American Civil

rights movement.

Moving into number 7 we have The Notorious B.I.G.

He was arguably one of the greatest rappers of all time but unfortunately, he suffered

from an untimely death.

This picture was taken within an hour of his death and the crime has yet to be solved.

While Biggie was in Los Angeles promoting his second album he was shot four times by

an unknown gunman in a drive by shooting on March 9, 1997.

Tupac Shakur sadly makes it onto this list in at number 6.

On September 7, 1996 Tupac was fatally shot in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas.

He was shot twice in the chest, once in the arm and once in the thigh.

He died six days later from respiratory failure that led to cardiac arrest.

This is the last known photograph of Tupac that was taken just before he was killed in

the drive-by shooting.

Up next in at number 5 is Princess Diana.

The death of Princess Diana was a highly controversial incident that resulted in many accusations.

An investigation that ended in 2008 concluded that the death was a result of negligence

by the chauffeur Henry Paul who was struggling with substance addiction at the time.

The investigation also said that the paparazzi drivers in the vehicles ahead of the car that

Princess Diana was in also contributed to the accident.

This picture was taken by one of the paparazzi photographers in the front of the vehicle

just moment before the fatal car crash.

Bob Marley comes in at number 4.

This picture is the last known photo taken of the reggae legend before he died of cancer

on May 11, 1981.

Bob Marley's weight had dropped to 77 pounds and after fighting cancer without any success

for 8 months, he decided to leave Germany and go to his homeland Jamaica.

Sadly, he never made it back to Jamaica alive.

After landing in Miami, Florida he was taken to the hospital where he passed away at the

age of 36.

Number 3 brings us over to Elvis Presley.

This is the last known photo of the King that was taken as he was pulling into Graceland

after a night out on August 16, 1977 at 12:28am.

That same afternoon Elvis Presley was found on his bathroom floor dead by his fiancée

Ginger Alden.

It is suspected that he died from an overdose of prescription drugs that caused his heart

to stop.

Next in at number 2 is Michael Jackson.

This is a picture of him rehearsing for his sold-out show at the Los Angeles Staples Center

two days before his death.

Michael Jackson died from a cardiac arrest that was caused from a drug overdose.

It was later concluded that his death was a homicide and his personal physician was

convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2011 and served a two-year prison sentence.

Coming into number 1 we have Paul Walker.

This picture of Paul Walker smiling in the passenger seat of his friend's Porsche was

taken just moments before they smashed into a post and later died in a fiery crash.

This occurred on November 30, 2013 at a charity fundraiser in Santa Clarita, California.

An autopsy concluded that he was killed by injuries from both the impact and the fire

and authorities claimed that he was dead on arrival.

The death of this beloved actor shocked the world and he has been missed ever since.

For more infomation >> Top 10 FINAL Pictures Before Death – Part 2 - Duration: 5:29.


Blindspot Season 3 "It's Time" Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:41.

You thought you could just hide forever?

Start some fresh new life?


You betrayed me, sis.

We all have our prisons.

These tattoos are yours.

I'm doing this to make you bleed.

What's happening?

New tattoos.

I don't know, there's a lot of covered up areas.

If you want my comprehensive analysis, I will require full nudes.


On October 27th, Blindspot returns on a new night.

Jane has 33 new letters and numbers along her spine.

The new tattoo interacts with the old one.

What's LXT 917?

It's nuclear material which will wipe out the Eastern seaboard.

We follow the tattoos, we take Roman down.

We don't have to do this, Jane.

Yes we do.

Please, Kurt.

Do this for me.

For us.

You're my wife.

So whatever we face, we face together.

I'm tired of running.

You are very quickly running out of time!


We gotta get out of here, fast.

Oh man!

I gotta buy me one of these!

Blindspot returns on a new night Fridays starting October 27th on NBC.

For more infomation >> Blindspot Season 3 "It's Time" Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:41.


What Happens if YOU Kill "THE REFEREE" in Clash Royale!? - Duration: 13:50.

What Happens if YOU Kill "THE REFEREE" in Clash Royale!?

For more infomation >> What Happens if YOU Kill "THE REFEREE" in Clash Royale!? - Duration: 13:50.


Meena Cartoon New Epidose - Meena's Three Wishes (HD) - Teaching Children Educational Meena games - Duration: 7:18.

Meena Cartoon New Epidose - Meena's Three Wishes (HD) - Teaching Children Educational Meena games

For more infomation >> Meena Cartoon New Epidose - Meena's Three Wishes (HD) - Teaching Children Educational Meena games - Duration: 7:18.


Neden Koreli kızlar yabancı ülkede 5 dakikada yatağa atılırlar / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Neden Koreli kızlar yabancı ülkede 5 dakikada yatağa atılırlar / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 5:38.


Eminem Just Woke To NASTY Surprise From Trump Today After Slamming Him In Racist Rap Last Night - Duration: 4:07.

It took weeks for the National Football League to get the clue that Americans are sick of

racist and anti-Trump rhetoric mixing in with entertainment.

However, performers are now picking up where these players were forced to leave off, keeping

the problem alive and well on that end of the industry.

This was seen last night when white rapper Eminem used his stage time to send a sick

message to the president and Trump supporters that he had wasted time and effort on creating

for those he hates.

It's ironic that for as much as celebrities hate President Donald Trump, they like to

use him to make money by publicly slandering him.

There's no denying that he has the golden touch, as we've seen with this massive improvement

in the economy and stock market.

This benefits the entire country, regardless of your personal feeling about his politics,

and celebrities are trying to cash in on his name by driving divisiveness in the country

deeper with their paid performances on the field or stage.

This tactic just perfectly backfired on rapper Eminem who should have learned from the fallout

in the NFL.

It's no coincidence that Colin Kaepernick doesn't have a job as it's proof of the

consequences of mixing politics where people don't want them.

He's now become a martyr for the cause and instead of learning from his demise, other

degenerates in the entertainment industry, such as Eminem, are celebrating him as a hero

while trashing Trump by blaming Kaepernick's demise on him.

The problem was never the president, it was always the fact that Americans are disgusting

by the abuse of public platforms to send disrespectful messages.

It didn't take long for the rapper to get his wake-up call of reality after hopping

on the wrong train.

With the failure of the NFL and Kaepernick's career, Eminem should have seen that the country

is ready to something new, not more of the same rhetoric.

Now, Trump is getting the last laugh just 12 hours after being trashed.

"Eminem's unhinged cringeworthy attack on President Trump at the BET awards only

helped to strengthen Trump's re-election campaign," Red State Watcher reported.

As soon as the video came out of his performance, Twitter was ablaze with irritated people on

both sides of the aisle wondering why these self-entitled entertainers can't just do

their jobs and leave the president out of their performance.

Eminem's freestyle rap suggests that perhaps he's obsessed with Trump and the power he

has over him and is disguising it as fake outrage to his career advantage.

"The washed-up aging rap star unveiled his disgusting song during Tuesday's BET Hip-Hop

Awards," Prissy Holly reported about the performance.

"The lyrics declare a literal war on Americans who dislike Kaepernick, and the new NFL unofficial

anthem says 'F YOU' to anyone who supports President Trump."

"This is for Colin (Kaepernick), ball up a fist

And keep that (expletive) balled like Donald the (expletive)…

Any fan of mine who's a supporter of his (Trump)

I'm drawing in the sand a line

You either for or against…

The rest of America, stand up."

It's ironic that the blunt Eminem pushed in his rap that the "lines have been drawn

in the sand," is actually reality, but not in the way of what the rapper thought he was


Liberal entertainers in a variety of venues have drawn the line between themselves and

the rest of the country who wants to be entertained, not politically preached to by these people.

Rappers and racist athletes didn't draw the line, citizens did by not paying to participate

in their rhetoric.

NFL coaches also did who refused to hire race hustlers like Kaepernick and moviegoers who

picked different flicks that didn't push a divisive message.

All these things led to a major financial demise in these parts of the entertainment


The line is drawn that you are either for the country and actual unity or are on the

losing end of a really tired talking point.

No amount of rhetoric elitist entertainers spew about the president will stop him from

making America great again and the fact that he kept his promise is what these people are

really mad about – they were proven wrong.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Eminem Just Woke To NASTY Surprise From Trump Today After Slamming Him In Racist Rap Last Night - Duration: 4:07.


Dream League Soccer 2017 #32 - Android & IOS Gameplay 2017 - Duration: 13:30.

dream league soccer 2017

For more infomation >> Dream League Soccer 2017 #32 - Android & IOS Gameplay 2017 - Duration: 13:30.


CalTV Comedy: Ollie Olgerson: Witch Detective - Duration: 2:26.

Hi there. I'm Ollie Olgerson, child detective

and I'm back, using my hard-earned recess to solve this school's biggest mysteries

This is '15 Minutes!'

Today, I'm going to solve one of the biggest mysteries this school has ever seen

I'm going to prove that my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Epstein...

...Is a witch!

She loves cats

Witches love cats

Oh, hi Ollie

Hi Mrs. Epstein

A classic witch's greeting

She's eating hot soup, but there's no microwave in the classroom

How did it get hot?

Ollie, there's a microwave in the teacher's lounge

I saw her coming from near this car this morning

and it's red, a classic color for a witch's car

Yeah, uh, I'm a witch

You don't even know it but you just gave yourself away Mrs. Epstein

So you'll see, Mrs. Principal, I have definitive proof that Mrs. Epstein is a witch

Ollie this is the seventh time this month you've come to me

with information that a teacher is a witch

The truth never quits!

Ollie look at me...

They're all witches, you go to Mrs. Flannigan's Witch School for Young Witches

So I was right!

Yeah, technically, but you're still using a lot of the media club's resources

the fact that there are witches at this school is not a mystery

But I still solved it


Join us next time on 'Fifteen Minutes'

where I take on yet another of our school's biggest mysteries:

Is the cafeteria lady....

...a witch?


For more infomation >> CalTV Comedy: Ollie Olgerson: Witch Detective - Duration: 2:26.


Attraction - Syndrus - Copyright Free Music - Duration: 4:32.

Now playing: Attraction by Syndrus. Copyright free music brought to you by audioHUNK.

For more infomation >> Attraction - Syndrus - Copyright Free Music - Duration: 4:32.


Goldberg Entrance | WWE 2K17 vs WWE 2K18! [HD] - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Goldberg Entrance | WWE 2K17 vs WWE 2K18! [HD] - Duration: 1:53.


COOKIE MONSTER Egg Surprise - Duration: 12:34.

Cookie Monster Egg Surprise

It's a Sesame Street Party with Cookie Monster Surprise Eggs.

Hey Dino Pals, this is Toy Rex here. Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

There's 1,2,3,4,5

A total of Five Cookie Monster Toy Surprise Eggs

Do you guys know what's Cookie Monster's favorite food?


Cookie Monster is a super cute blue monster

That lives on Sesame Street. He has a pair of googly eyes.

And he has a huge appetite for Cookies.

Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum

Alright Shake Shake Shake. I think there's a surprise toy in there lets see.

Who's that?

Wow it's Marshall from Paw Patrol.

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