Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

I literally just spilt glitter.

All over!

Real queer lyfe!

There's glitter everywhere ALWAYS. You can never get rid of it.

[upbeat music]

Hello, my name is Jackson Bird and today is

National Coming Out Day!

If you want to learn more about the history of the holiday and get some advice on coming

out or how to react when someone comes out to you, you can watch the video I made last

year for part of my Queerstory series.

But today, I want to make a video specifically for anyone who just came out today.

If someone came out to you, share this video with them!

If you came out today, welcome to the family!

This is your introductory video to out and proud queer life.

I'm going to tell you everything you need to know.

So listen closely.

So now that you are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, you may start noticing certain

superpowers that our cis heteronormative pals do not possess – chiefly among them, the

ability to rattle off really long initialisms with grace.

LGBTQIA+ whaaaaat!

Don't be alarmed if your vocabulary suddenly includes an increase in puns.

Queerly beloved, we are gathered here to gay.

(laughs) I'd make more queer puns, but I can never keep a straight face.

(audience groaning)

This is just your standard level power, keeping you in tip top fighting shape for when you

gotta go into battle in which case you'll be able to use your new super power, witty

clapbacks at haters.

It's super effective.

You've also now been endowed with a complete knowledge of the astrological zodiac, an unironic

appreciation of rainbow, and the superhuman ability to totally own alternative lifestyle


Now onto some housekeeping notes:

Be sure to download the GayOS 2.1 software update to recalibrate your gaydar for optimum

safety, solidarity, and cutie perusal.


By now you should have received a copy of The Gay Agenda in the mail.

And uh, be careful when you open the package as it is filled with glitter.

Though don't worry about it too much.

Now that you're out, you will constantly be finding glitter in your house, on your

clothes, on your skin without any recollection of how it got there.

Also Included in the package is a rainbow flag, some pastel hair dye, a box set of Steven

Universe blu rays, a Tegan and Sara album, this petition for Wonder Woman to be openly

bi in the next film, and a copy of the documentary Paris Is Burning because if you're going

to be vogue-ing at queer night clubs now, you best know who created vogueing.

And it wasn't Madonna.

You'll also receive a list of all of the homophobic and transphobic legislators in

your local area, along with their addresses, phone numbers, and some suggested talking

points for every time you have to call them

Uh hi, yeah, my name is – RECORDING: INSERT YOUR FIRST NAME


- and I'm calling to urge you to vote against RECORDING: INSERT LATEST DICKBAG MOVE CONGRESS


- But wait! There's more!

Also in your Queer Starter Kit, you'll find: 5 pieces of poster board and some glitter

pens for making protest signs, a coupon for 15% off all organic body soaps at your nearest

local feminist co-op, a bedazzler, some extra glitter, and a jean jacket, complete with

pronoun buttons.

Oh and if you're trans, don't worry.

You'll be getting the Transgender Expansion Pack in the mail soon.

It includes such fun additions as: noise-cancelling headphones so you don't hear misgendering

and verbal harassment, a power-up bonus for calling even MORE legislators to remind them

that you exist, and a Marauder's Map style smartphone app download for finding trans-friendly

bathrooms anywhere you go – it even includes features like a birth certificate with the

gender you identify as so you can get into those tough to access bathrooms.

And a realistic fart noisemaker for covering up those unwanted sounds like the opening

of sanitary napkins.

And if all else fails, your expansion pack also includes this reusable titanium bottle,

which you can pee in at your own convenience anywhere!

Who even needs bathrooms?!

Stay safe kids!

Alright, all joking aside, I have put a list of real resources down in the description

box for you to turn to when the homophobia and transphobia of the world gets to be too

much or if you find yourself in need of shelter, legal protection, or other basic necessities.

Sometimes coming out is dangerous.

Sometimes just existing as an LGBTQIA+ person is dangerous.

But I hope the start of this video also showed you that it can be super fun and that you

have a lot to be proud of.

The most important thing to remember is that you are worthy of love.

Even if your family and everyone in your social circle is unaccepting right now, the LGBTQIA+

community has an amazing history of found family.

We're here for you.

And we're so happy to have you.

So happy National Coming Out Day to everyone!

If someone came out to you today, please share this with them and maybe it will brighten

their day.

And if you liked it, please hit that like button, comment below, share it on social

media, and subscribe for more videos like this one.

That is it for now.

I wish all of you nothing but good things.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see ya next time!

[upbeat music]

For more infomation >> WATCH THIS AFTER YOU COME OUT - Duration: 4:41.


The Untold Truth Of Bruno Mars - Duration: 6:26.

He's a superstar who may have the name of another planet, but in reality, Bruno Mars

is remarkably down-to-earth.

Mars' journey to fame has been marked with highs and lows.

While his laid-back demeanor doesn't hint at his troubles, Mars has had more than his

fair share of hardships.

Think you know everything there is to know about this icon?

Think again.

He lost his mother

Bruno Mars comes from a tight-knit family.

He and his mother Bernadette San Pedro Bayot were especially close — and her death in

2013 from a brain aneurysm devastated him.

In 2017, Mars opened up to Latina magazine about his loss.

He said,

"The woman who taught you to love, showed you what a woman is supposed to be, when that

goes away, a little more than half your heart goes away with it."

He added that he would trade music to have her back.

He grew up poor

At one time, his family was so poor that they crowded into a small home with no bathroom.

Despite this, Mars said his childhood was "the best" in an interview with 60 Minutes.

He said,

"We had it all, you know.

We had each other."

Mars added that there were days when his family didn't have electricity but they stayed positive

and figured it out.

He says that he takes on that same mentality when it comes to music.

He wrote his first song at the age of four

Mars wrote his very first song when he was just four years old and dedicated it to his


In an interview with Inquirer Lifestyle before her death, she explained that Mars sang before

he talked.

She also said how she bought him a piano at two years old, and he picked it up in no time.

She explained,

"...he went on the piano and just started playing tunes, not just banging on it, but

he'd play actual tunes!"

He was (tiny) Elvis!

Not only did the pint-sized Bruno write his first song when he was just 4 years old, he

was also the youngest Elvis impersonator at the time, which he started doing at just 2

years old as part of his parents' band!

He was such a great tiny Elvis that he performed at the 1990 Aloha Bowl and played "Little

Elvis" in 1992's Honeymoon in Vegas.

And people loved him.

He was featured in the 1990 documentary Viva Elvis, and appeared on multiple television

segments, like with Pauly Shore on MTV and, according to Rolling Stone, he appeared on

The Arsenio Hall Show by the time he was just 6.

So why Elvis?

He said,

"I like his singing and his dancing and his lips."

The kid was born to be a star!

A musical family

If Mars' stage presence and smooth singing voice seem effortless, there's a good reason

for it.

Music is in his blood, and the singer/songwriter grew up performing.

His dad was a Latin percussionist and his mom was a hula dancer.

That charm brought together Mars' parents who collaborated for years in a cover band

called The Love Notes.

That's the very band that Mars joined as an Elvis impersonator by the time he was two

and through which he became something of a local celebrity.

Today, Mars keeps the family tradition alive.

His older brother, Eric Hernandez, plays the drums in Mars' band.

And let's not forget about Mars' sisters — Tiara, Tahiti, and Presley Hernandez — and Jaime

Kailani Bayot,

They're part of a group called The Lylas and landed a reality show in 2013.

Fighting racial stereotyping

The son of a Puerto Rican Jewish father and a Filipino mother, Mars has had to work hard

to fight off stereotypes.

Born Peter Hernandez, Mars told GQ that in the early years of his career people would

say things like,

"Your last name's Hernandez, maybe you should do this Latin music, this Spanish music….

Enrique's so hot right now."

While Mars didn't want to be forced into a genre of music on the basis of his race, he

explained to Latina Magazine that there's absolutely no truth to the rumor that he adopted

his stage name to hide his Puerto Rican heritage.

The reason behind his name change?

Mars says, because it, quote, "sounds bigger than life."

He gets frustrated when people try to put him and his music in a box.

He says, "My music is for anybody who wants to listen to it."

Named after a famous wrestler

Even as a young Elvis impersonator, Mars wasn't going by his birth name of Peter Gene Hernandez.

So where did the name Bruno come from?

Mars explains in an interview with Rap-Up,

"Bruno is after Bruno Sammartino, who was this big fat wrestler.

I guess I was this chunky little baby, so my dad used to call me that as a nickname."

He was once arrested for cocaine possession

While Mars has largely managed to avoid scandal, he was arrested for cocaine possession in


As part of his plea deal, he was required to serve 200 hours of community service.

Mars later told GQ that the arrest was a reality check for him.

He believes it was a lesson that everything he's worked for his whole life could be taken

away in a second.

Maybe it's that very lesson that has so far otherwise kept Mars out of the news for anything

other than his successes.

He's incredibly generous

During the torturous Typhoon Yolanda, Mars decided to do what he could to give back to

his mother's native Philippines.

The Philippine Star reported that while Mars was in Manila for his Moonshine Jungle Tour,

he presented the ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation with a donation of $100,000.

And in the wake of the Flint water crisis, Mars was also quick to lend a helping hand

to Michigan, donating $1 million to help recovery efforts.

In a statement released by Mars via Rolling Stone he said,

"Ongoing challenges remain years later for Flint residents, and it's important that we

don't forget our brothers and sisters affected by this disaster.

As people, especially as Americans, we need to stand together to make sure something like

this never happens in any community ever again."

He wants his music to speak for itself

Bruno Mars is still a young man, so we can expect to see even more hits from him in the


The singer rarely does interviews, preferring to let his music speak for itself.

He told Zane Lowe of radio station Beats 1 that he wants to be known for his work.

According to Complex, he told Lowe,

"I hope that my music does the talking.

I just want to do music.

I don't want to be known for any…scandals or controversy.

I want to be the guy that brings joy to your life through his music.

That's it.

And I want to go home.

Throw on some Netflix and live a life."

Who could argue with that?

Thanks for watching!

Click The List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Bruno Mars - Duration: 6:26.


People of Night City - Cyberpunk 2077 lore - Duration: 16:38.

Greetings earthlings!

Welcome to the MadQueen Show, I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 lore video for you, and today we're

going to talk about the people of Night City

Like a coral reef, each area of the City holds its own type of native lifeform

Some are strong, secretive and deadly: the sharks of the urban future

Some wrap themselves in the camouflage of the Street, the better to get the jump on their prey

Other go for protection, like hermit crabs, they take their heavy armor and bristling

weapons wherever they go

In Twenty-first century America, socio techs and demographic experts recognize seven distinct

types of urban reef dweller: Powerdealers, Corpzoners

Movers, Edgerunners, Mallplexers, Beavers, and Street Scum

Let's take a stroll now to the Urban Reef

Maybe you'll recognize some familiar faces or even your own

For whether you live in the shadow of an urban arcology megastructure, or an Agricorp grain

storage tower, you'll soon see that in 2077, where you live determines who you are

Powerdealers are Elusive

Powerful, Secretive

Powerdealers are the elite, Corporate Presidents and CEO's of the major Megacorporations,

world-famous media personalities, and the most influential or international politics

Power dealers live in a one-of-a-kind suite at the top of the towering monoliths of the

Corporate Center, lavishly appointed with Euro-designer furniture, expensive rugs, hardwood

floors from the South American rainforests, and the best technotrimmings euro can command,

the world of the power dealers start at the 50th floor and never descends to street level

unless the AV-7 is in the shop

And then you take the armored Rolls Fanlimo

Powerdealers dine in only the best restaurants, the sort where even popular luminaries like

Johnny Silverhand cannot get in

Their faces are rarely seen unless in the news and their movements never reported

Powerdealers are the rulers of the XXI century: remote, powerful, and guarded by the ultimate

in both: physical and etheric security

If you're a Powerdealer you work anywhere you want

You have an entourage of flacks, flunks and freaks just waiting to carry out your orders

Well, work for you means a quick call to the president of one of the EuroNations to suggest

a change in trade tariffs.

Corpzoners are executives who arrived

They live in exclusive apartments in and around the corporate zone itself, although not in

the penthouses of the Powerdealers

Whether a townhouse or an apartment, Corpzone living is elegant and cutting edge

United Express Delivery, Continental Catering, Execu-clean are all standard, and most have

personal servants as well

Corpzoners travel from expensive nightclubs

to the theatre by armored company car, lobby-summoned

taxi, or occasionally, AV-7 personal aerodyne

If you don't have a vehicle, you can rent one with a driver from Executive Transportation Services

If you don't have a date, you can rent that from International Companion Network

Great company, who doesn't remember their tagline?

"Look like a model, or just shoot like one!"

For Corpzoners security is tight, but restrained

They don't have to carry ID cards like Mallplexers, your doorman is trained to know everyone who

is everyone in the Zone, and he'd better not screw up and let some Edgerunner sneak

into your condominium

In the Zone itself, corporate police regularly sweep the area to roust out the nomads and

Streetscum: Armed solos and personal bodyguards maintain a vigilant but unobtrusive eye on

everything around you

Most buildings in the zone have remote cameras, but these are trained on the streets, not

the expensive videos of the Corporate Hierarchy

Many Corpzoners rely on private protection firms like Arasaka Security and Cleensweep Security

If you're a Corpzoner, you work in the corporate zone, of course

As a Corpzoner, you're one of the Executives, and you rate a real office with a view over

the smoke line

For you, working involves making the hundred of management decisions that control the departments

in your megacorp

Unlike a Powerdealer, who makes decisions involving nations, you just have to manage

a mere multinational corporation

At the lowest rung of the corporate ladder

are the Movers, ambitious young men, and women on the way up


The Mover is into housing for status, he wants location, security, and a place to stash the

expensive toys required to impress other Movers in your way up

For a Mover, getting ahead is everything

Competition is fierce, one slip, and you could be back in the Services department and sleeping

in the Mallplex

You want to maximize your housing advantage, it's got to be as expensive as you can get,

near the watering holes where the senior executives meet

And it's got to have access to housekeeping and food delivery

After all, you don't have time to clean or cook yourself

Movers usually live in cheaper apartments on the fringe of the Corporate Zone

Occasionally, they'll colonize a loft or townhouse near the Combat Zone, but never

too far from the most important services

And clubs

A typical Mover tactic: three or four low-level executives pool their coin and buy a rundown

tenement near the Zone, then use their combined resources to convince company security to

"clean up" the surrounding neighborhood

The movers buy the vacating houses for nothing, sell it to other Movers, and the cycle begins again

Gentrification at gunpoint, that is called

For this reason, an ambitious Mover relocating to an Edgerunner neighborhood is usually a

cause for alarm

And for assassination at the earliest opportunity

If you like in Night City in 2077, that's most probably who you are

Edgerunners are wealthy and successful members of the Underground City: The Cyberpunks

Edgerunners make it the unorthodox way: a Rockergirl with a string of braindance and

holo hits, a well-known and respected solo, a freelance media with a hot show

You don't often find nomads on this list unless they're successful smugglers

Fixers make it here as high talent agents, organized crime chieftains, and junk bond Kings

The thing that sets Edgerunners apart from Movers and Corpzoners is their occupations:

often illegal or dangerous

Edgerunners money gives their zone a "here today, dead tomorrow" air of excitement

Unorthodox jobs mean unorthodox housing and lifestyles

Edgerunners rarely live near the Corporate zones, the closest they want to get to the

"suits" is an expensive downtown apartment

A lot of them recondition Combat Zone houses, or take over abandoned warehouses and factories.

Edgerunners hang out in the wild clubs, the new places that the Movers don't know yet


The latest: whether is avant-garde braindance, arena kill-sports, neo-primitive artwork,

combat dance, violent painting or pure post-apocalypse nihilism

The moment any of this becomes trendy, it's history for you

You're out of there

Edgerunners are among the most heavily armed segment of 2077 society

The average Edgerunner packs enough firepower to waste a boostergang

and has the attitude to use it

The Mallplaxes are either mini-arcologies or mega-shopping malls, no one is sure exactly which

Most began life as heavily secured urban shopping malls around large, corporate-owned chain stores

Later, a business office tower would be added, followed by residential condos and apartments

By the early 2000s, Mallplexes were established in most American cities: through the Collapse

they remained heavily patrolled citadels of capitalism, impervious to gang warfare, food riots, and urban decay

The stability of the Mallplexes wasn't without a cost, however

As more and more Corporations used the Mallplexes as urban fortresses, the paramilitary mentality

began to govern their construction

Mallplex walls became impervious to anything softer than an ICBM strike

Sophisticated sensors and Apex automated weapon systems swept the surrounding streets

Mallplex cops became feared through urban America as the most draconian police force

since the Nazi police

Inside the Mallplexes, crowded living conditions reduced the average condominium apartment

to a single 12x10 room with attached bathroom facilities, built-in furniture, and white walls

For extra, you can even rent a window conapt with a real 5'x3' window!

Mallplexes are the home of the majority of the almost non-existent middle class of 2077

Low-level clerks at Megacorps, with a job not rewarding enough to have the corp buying

you a house on the suburbs like a Corporate, secretaries, service technicians in semi-skilled

jobs, salespeople of the malls or the surrounding business, these are a typical

cross-section of Mallplexers

Packed two to five people deep into small, antiseptic studio apartments, Mallplexers

are the faceless hordes on the Urban Jungle

Night City's Megaplex was officially established in 2010 as the New Harbor Shopping Redevelopment

and Residential complex

Most city-dwellers simply call it the New Harbor Mallplex

Built on the ruins of a previous shopping center destroyed in the 1990's, it is home

to roughly ten thousand inhabitants, as well as service workers and salespeople

The Mallplex is huge; it contains hundreds of apartments, stores, recreational complexes,

schools, broadcast stations, its own fire department, and private police force

Most of the residential and government offices are on the upper floors, a pass card is required

to enter any area except the two ground levels, which are open to the public at large

Acess to Mallplex pass card is tightly controlled, a lost or stolen card carries a 1.000 euro

bucks replacement fine, and second offenses will result in automatic eviction from the Mallplex

A derogatory street-slang word derived from

Leave it to Beaver, an old 20th Century vidshow

Beavers are the suburbanites on 2077

Made up of low-level corporate managers, mid-level executives and high-level techs, "Beavs"

live in corporate owned and controlled housing developments on the outskirts of the urban area

Corporate-controlled is the watchword here: minicams mounted on every light pole continuously

monitor the perfectly manicured greenbelts and hundreds of identical single-family homes,

while Corporate Police vehicles patrol the miles of wide, landscaped streets.

If you're an Edgerunner, you'd be smart to stay clear of Beaverville, the Corporate

police will usually run you out of town after dark

If you're a Streetscum you better not show your face around here at all, they're constantly

building at Beaverville and the landfill has always space for another body

Around the night city area, there are several Beavervilles, home to the thousands of drones

who man the keyboards of the Corporate Center

With picturesque names like WestWind Estates, The Oaks or Apple Corporate Valley, they are

all connected to the corporate center by various private maglev train lines

These lines enter the city through the lower level of the of the Night City transit center

To enter Beaverville train you need a special pass card which is keyed to each corporate

development, riders must pass through an entry gate constantly scanned by security monitors

Life in these corporate-controlled suburbs is not unpleasant: it's very clean, quiet,

and a great place to raise a family

Maybe the neat, orderly procession of the shopping center, housing tract, shopping center,

and park bothers the Edgerunners, but to a beaver, it's a lot better than living on the Mallplex

The homes are relatively comfortable and the low rent is automatically deducted from your

salary as a Corporate, as well as the fee for corporate maintenance services

They call themselves Streetscum: the urban poor who can't make the rent on a Mallplex apartment

Most live in the Combat Zone, clustered and decaying, half destroyed tenements

Those are the lucky ones, the unlucky ones are crammed into 6'x3'x3' "coffins",

sleeping cubes erected as mass storage modules for the millions of homeless

littering the 21st Century America

The really unlucky are living right on the street, in packing crates, under overpasses,

and in dumpsters

Not all the streetscum are victims: a lot of them are the victimizers

The Combat Zone is the home of the worst gangs, mondo cybered-up boosters, screaming dorphers,

crazies, culties, killers, hate groups; you name it

The chromers and posers stay uptown with the Edgerunners, Corpzoners, and Movers

Down in the Combat Zone, the gangs play for keeps


Dream on!

The City police don't even make patrols down here in the Combat Zone

The Corporate Law rounds up the worst of the scum and dumps it down here with suggestions

like "Don't let us catch you uptown again, scumbag"

There are a few places where the City or the ruling corporations have mounted minicams

up on high street poles, but scavengers usually tear them down and sell the cameras, pole

and all, for salvage

The minicams hidden on the sides of buildings are sometimes missed, but hey!

No one's watching the monitors anyway, right?

In the worst cities, ten foot high concrete walls divide the Combat Zone from the rest of the city

Heavily armed checkpoints straddle the few streets in and out, while AV-4 patrols sweep

overhead pinning the inhabitants in the glare of arc-spots

When things get too bad in the Zone, the Corps send a few ops squads in to "clean things up"

Or maybe the boosters fight back, and the whole thing disintegrates into a free-for-all

terrorfest with bodies pilled man-high

You know the drill here in the Combat Zone.

Stay low

Take no risks

Survive as long as you can

One day, you're going to get your hands on the power, the cyber and weapons you need

to take back the Street

One day, the Streetscum will rise and conquer the city

You plan to be there

Well, folks, thanks for watching

If you like what we do, please click that subscribe button to join the MadqueenArmy

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> People of Night City - Cyberpunk 2077 lore - Duration: 16:38.


Ben Affleck Gropes Hilarie Burton On TRL: Apologizes, Rose McGowan Calls Harvey Weinstein Out - Duration: 1:43.

Ben Affleck apologized for groping Hilarie Burton in 2003.

A day after condemning Harvey Weinstein's behaviour, Ben Affleck said he was sorry Wednesday

for groping Hilarie Burton. The actress and producer was a host on MTV's "Total Request

Live" when the incident happened.

Ben Affleck tweeted, "I acted inappropriately toward Ms. Burton and I sincerely apologize."

As for Burton tweeted Tuesday, "Girls. I'm so impressed with you brave ones" and included

a link to an "MTV TRL Uncensored" video in which she talks about Affleck grabbing

her left breast. "I had to laugh back then so I wouldn't cry. Sending love," she


In a statement on Tuesday, Ben Affleck said Weinstein's conduct made him "sick."

He was soon called out on social media by actress Rose McGowan and others.

McGowan tweeted, "'I TOLD HIM TO STOP DOING THAT' you said that to my face. The

press conf I was made to go to after assault. You lie."

McGowan reached a six-figure settlement with Weinstein in 1997. According to the New York

Times article, Weinstein and her had an incident at the Cannes Film Festival when she was 23.

What do you think about Ben Affleck's statements about Harvey Weinstein? Is he being sincere?

Did he know that Weinstein committed assaults? Let me know in the comments below and don't

forget to subscribe.

For more infomation >> Ben Affleck Gropes Hilarie Burton On TRL: Apologizes, Rose McGowan Calls Harvey Weinstein Out - Duration: 1:43.


Coloring Pages Happy Balloons for Kids - Drawing and Painting Coloring Books - How to Draw Balloons - Duration: 1:37.






Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Coloring Pages Happy Balloons for Kids - Drawing and Painting Coloring Books - How to Draw Balloons - Duration: 1:37.


North Shore Youth STEM Fair - Duration: 2:13.

This event is called the North Shore Youth STEM Fair and it is a partnership

with Family Services of the North Shore, Geering Up and Eng.Cite. We have come

together to showcase some local STEM organizations here and showcase what

they do and how they can impact youth to create, invent, and innovate in future careers in STEM.

My name is Celina, I am the local events coordinator for Geering Up and Eng.Cite.

I'm Julia Staub-French, the executive director of Family Services of

the North Shore. Family Services of the North Shore has been serving this North

Shore community for over 60 years, we do counseling support and education and our

vision is a connected community that cares for one another. I kept hearing

about all the great things happening at Geering Up and Eng.Cite, and I really

felt like we needed to make sure that everyone has the opportunity. The kids

that we work with that family services of the North Shore come from all

different backgrounds and so making sure that not only the kids who have a bit

more privilege in the world have access to STEM literacy and information, but to

have everyone have access to it. Science and engineering is not just about being

at a computer at a desk all day, coding or working on a laptop, it's about

creating and innovating, working with your hands and so we brought these

exhibitors here to showcase exactly what that could amount to by showcasing some

of the best work they'd done. We have a panel portion where we have

some UBC representatives and a representative from civil engineering,

that are going to speak to the general public about STEM literacy, STEM outreach,

answer any questions the audience may have, and just make them really excited

and interested in careers in STEM. What I'd like to see is continually changing not just

child by child but the system and our school system and how parents talk to

their children and how they support them because a well supported child can do

anything. We're not saying everyone should be a scientist, you can be a poet

you can be anything, but you should be able to have all the access and all the

tools and all the information and the support behind you to be able to succeed

and I think that's what we're doing.

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