Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

Hey guys, it's me Sillas and welcome back to my channel.

So today, I'm gonna be doing a Q&A video a lot of you guys have been asking me questions about myself and my

Job, so I wanted to answer these for you a lot of them are quite similar

So I just put them together and generalized the questions

And I'm gonna try to answer them in the most informative way possible for you guys, so yeah, let's get started I

I Am 24 years old.

Was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and when I was about two

I moved to Sydney Australia and lived there until I was about 13, from 13 years old to

21 I lived in LA and then when I was 21 I moved to Dubai.

I Do try to go work out a couple of times a week whether it's the gym or go to yoga class

It's quite difficult though because during the time that I'm supposed to be awake. I'm sleeping. I just need to push myself because

Or else I'm just gonna be a big blob.

so I guess

Workout tip that I can give you is find something that you enjoy doing and be consistent.

So, I get this question quite a lot on almost every time I fly with a Korean

Colleague, they always ask me "are you more comfortable with english or korean?

Then I would kind of say that

I am more comfortable

I mean I'm comfortable with both to be honest

But when it comes to working or something where I have to be more professional

I would definitely prefer English I could express my feelings better rather than in Korean, but what it's

Conversational, Korean isn't a problem for me if you speak to me in Korean then I'll definitely answer back in Korean.

So yeah, I guess I don't really have a preference, but only when it comes to work.

I try to take care of my skin by moisturizing a lot, I have really dry skin

Actually my skin has changed over the two years that I've been here when I first joined

It was very dry and then it became oily and now I feel like it's dry again

I feel the dryness in my face

so I try to moisturize sometimes I use really thick moisturizer or

recently I've been using a oil.

I bought this one in Australia, let me show you guys. It's the trilogy

trilogy rose hip oil

Anyways, It looks like this and I think it's really good

I just need like a couple of drops

And I just like massage it into my face before I do my makeup and everything else

I don't feel the tightness around my eyes or like my cheek area as much as I did before.

During a long-haul flight

We usually get a CRC

Rest which means it's a crew rest compartment. That's where we get to pretty much sleep

on a long flight, but when I go to LA or Australia and we go into the CRC I

Always take off my makeup

There's never a time where I kept my makeup on before I want to sleep because after you wake up.

dry and oily and that's when I start to break out so before

Even if it's so annoying to take off your makeup when you're tired, and you want to just sleep one extra minute

I never keep it on I always take off my makeup with makeup wipes and then I put on my lotion, essence,

Moisturizer, eye cream and all that stuff.

Before the break ends, I wake up 15 minutes before and reapply everything

And sometimes I don't

And also after a fight I always try to

Put a sheet mask on, but I don't do it all the time I used to but I think I've gotten a little lazy

Fortunately, we do get our own rooms which are very very thankful about because I can't imagine like

Sharing a room with someone that I don't know and I think it's just quite uncomfortable. You can't really rest well and

Going to the bathroom , I think it's gonna be a big issue

There wasn't a specific hot new climate when I joined it was just an arm reach where it's

they put like a tape on a wall at

212 centimeters, and you have to like stretch out your arms and try to reach that line

but it has to be with your shoes off and

You can tiptoe as long as you reach that line. That's fine. I just checked on the website

It has a hundred sixty centimeter height requirement plus the arm reach

Pretty much, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone

I wanted to explore a new country a new city

And I wanted to feel uncomfortable for a bit like I wanted to be more aware of my surroundings

Because when I was in LA I think I was getting too comfortable where I was but besides that

I wanted to leave the u.s.. I just wanted to explore something new and

I wanted to travel the world. Emirates flies to so many

Destinations that a lot of the airlines in the US don't fly to, and they provide us with housing

Don't pay for any utilities like gas and water and they provide us with

transportation to and from work

How amazing is that?

I've been working with Emirates for two and a half years now almost two and a half years. I joined on June



So I think I'm very lucky because I applied once and

Pretty much got the job

After one try, I know a lot of people doing multiple times before they join, but I think I was just very lucky

I can't say that it was just all luck because I did really really really really really really work hard for it. I

I Think, I wouldn't say that it's not difficult because it is quite difficult

We had exams almost

Every day or every other day because we have training for about eight weeks and in those eight weeks four of the weeks is

safety and emergency procedures and then two weeks of

GMT which is medical which was the hardest part for me. Trying to memorize all the

medicines and signs and symptoms

Just couldn't process it in my brain. It was just so hard for me

But it was definitely doable. It's not impossible everyone does it and everyone passes or almost everyone passes

And if you don't need to get another chance

So it's not too bad, and then we have about a week of

Security and then that's where we learned how to restrain passengers and all that stuff.

Two weeks of Service training or maybe it's a week and a half. I don't know a week and a half to two weeks

It's service training the eight weeks each day seems so long, but after those eight weeks

It seems like you went by it just like that. It was so fast. It was long, but it was fast and

It was difficult, but it was definitely doable so nothing is impossible

you guys can definitely do it guys work hard for it then

Nothing's impossible

Like I said earlier I was born in the US and I was pretty much

Raised in Sydney and America so I grew up speaking English. I didn't really have to go to like

tutoring or anything for it.

I've had many jobs before I joined Emirates. I used to work in retail

as a sales associate, and I was a waitress back in high school and in college. I was working those two jobs together

while going to school and then I

Started working in an office at a mortgage company, and then I started working for fashion

I had another retail job just for a short time while I was preparing for this job

And I came here.

most of the jobs that I've had I worked for more than a year and a half each

So I send my open day in San Diego.

They didn't have one in LA at that time so I drove down with my mom

For the open day.

So the open day itself was really really long. I think mine started around 8:00 or 9:00 a.m.

And by the time I finished it was about 9:00 p.m.. They start off with the introduction

So the recruiter I had one recruiter

And she introduced herself and the company and she showed us videos about how?

Great the company is and things that they provide for us and then after that we would do a CV drop

so this is where you turn in your resume one by one and

While you're dropping in that resume you pretty much have like a minute or even less

Than one minute with the recruiter and in that short amount of time you have to make an impression. I walked up to her I

Said her name. I said hi


My name is sillas and here's my resume kind of thing and then she looked at my resume

And then she asked me a question related to my resume, and then I just answered and that was it

so it's a very quick interview like not even an interview. pretty much seeing how you talk how he walked how you smile and

How you present yourself and with that first impression,

that determines whether you make it to the next round or not.

We had about

450 to 500 people who came for the open day and only one recruiter, so after everyone finished

She said come back in like two hours after that she said that she was going to post the results on who made it on

The wall next to your name

There's gonna be a number and you're gonna be that number for the day pretty much

She posted the results and almost half or more than half of these people didn't make it just from that short

first impression


I was I made it so I was really really happy because it was one step closer to becoming a cabin crew

Something that I could always dreamed up, and then the first activity. It was a group assessment, and it was

She would hand out a picture on a card, and we were in groups of

Four I believe four was five.

She handed a picture of a card

and it was a picture of a city. different cities for different groups and

Within the group you had to discuss what you can do in this city.

during this time

She gave us about maybe five minutes. The recruiter will walk around and pretty much observe

She doesn't make any facial expression. She just walked around and you have no idea what the heck

She's thinking there was a lot of people that didn't make it from there. Maybe like more than half actually

And there we some people that really stood out I would say oh, she's gonna get the job for sure

But then this next part where we did the arm reach

She couldn't reach


It was like bye-bye from there. You don't even get a second chance. if you don't if you can't reach it

Then that's it.

Even if you did really well on the assessment and you made an impression. if you can't make that arm reach

Then you can't make it to the next round.

so the next activity was with a partner

She would give us a card and on the card was a picture of an object


With that object you have to discuss and share amongst yourself what you can use this object as, either than its actual purpose

if you guys know what I mean.

so for example

Mine was a shoe, a picture of a shoe. I had to think of another

Purpose that the shoe can hold. after the five minutes is up. We would have to present again, and I

Think this is where I made a really good impression with something very small

I'm gonna tell you guys later, so I made it, but my partner is gonna make it and I will tell you the reason why

in a little bit, but

Let's move on and then the last activity was a group assessment, and it was a scenario

So we had a scenario where a flight was overbooked and we had to choose. What kind of

Passenger we would choose. like whether it was elderly or young children or a honeymoon couple or something like that.

we had to explain why

to the recruiter

obviously, the answers that we gave probably wasn't even right

But there is no right answer and then after this she would eliminate more people and I think about from

400 to 500 people

About less than 20 people, maybe 18 people made it for the final interview. I think it was the first one

For the final interviews so I went the next morning dressed in the same outfit same hair

Makeup all that stuff final interview was about an hour long was supposed to be an hour long

but I think mine was about like an hour and 15 minutes and

during that time the

recruiter looks at your CV and ask you questions based on your CV I

Thought I messed up, and there was a time where i said " can I answer this again. I'm so sorry" and

At that time I was like so heartbroken because I felt like I made it so far, but I just messed up

but she said it was totally fine and give me another chance and

I'm here now.

So yeah, that was how my open day was. It was really long

I was very tired and my mom waited for me throughout the whole day

And I very very lucky that she was so supportive of it

So besides the obvious like looking the part like doing your hair your makeup

The way you dress and putting a smile on your face besides all of those obvious things

I think one of the most important thing is to refer the recruiter

As well as other people that you're in a discussion with, by their name.

another one is

Don't try to outshine everyone

But don't be a fly on the wall.

By this I mean, contribute to discussion, but don't

Try to show off too much, but also don't be so quiet and not say a word.

During the partner assessment

After my partner and I we discussed our


objectives or whatever

We stood up, and we didn't discuss who was gonna say something first

We just stood up and we both happened to say something at the same time.

We both kind of looked at each other

but I said to her "oh, I'm so sorry you can go ahead first" and

She went ahead, but the recruiter was like shaking her head while looking at me and wrote something down on the paper

I didn't think too much of it. When she put our names on the wall afterwards,

my name was on there but my partners name wasn't

so I think that really really helped me because she saw that I was able to

What's this word "yang bo"

"What's yang bo again?lol"

"why did i forget all of a sudden?"

Anyways that I was able to give up my opportunities to speak first

Rather than being selfish and trying to get all the attention

Anyways, thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope I was able to answer most of your questions

If you guys made it this far you guys are amazing!

if you guys have any other questions write them down below

and then I will try to answer them in the comments for you or maybe I'll make a separate video so

yeah, I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> ✈️ How I became an Emirates Cabin Crew | Q&A #1 | 에미레이트 승무원 Q&A #1 | HeySillas ✈️ - Duration: 17:00.


タピオカミルクティーだけじゃない!台湾人が好きな飲み物を調査しよう! - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> タピオカミルクティーだけじゃない!台湾人が好きな飲み物を調査しよう! - Duration: 5:47.


Gospel of the day Thursday, October 19, 2017 - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> Gospel of the day Thursday, October 19, 2017 - Duration: 13:04.


Meet the Terriers – Ep. 3 - Duration: 1:41.

Scotiabank put together this competition and the winner

is going to go to Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada.

Angels! Do you want to know who you're up against?

Come on Terriers! It's important my players learn to be selfless.

We wanted to help someone. We decided we were going to get them to work 40 hours.

And they pooled their money together, and we found Grayson.

Grayson had a heart transplant when he was three.

With his heart condition, he can't play competitively.

The Orillia Terriers sent us by limo to a Toronto Maple Leafs game.

They gave Grayson such a gift. It was beyond hockey.

Orillia Terriers are my favourite, they just are.

It's taken a tremendous amount of teamwork to get to this point.

Terriers, I've got someone special for you guys today.

Your mentor is 1989 Stanley Cup champion, Lanny McDonald!

I can't believe this!

Couldn't be prouder of you. We're ready to kick some butt!

Angels, your mentor is two-time Olympic gold medalist Cassie Campbell-Pascall!

So proud of what you guys have accomplished in helping to promote women's hockey in Vancouver.

We have one more special person that's going to tell your story to the nation.

Want to know who it is?

For more infomation >> Meet the Terriers – Ep. 3 - Duration: 1:41.

------------------------------------------- - I'm STARVING!! [1 vs All Zombies] Part 1 - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> - I'm STARVING!! [1 vs All Zombies] Part 1 - Duration: 8:39.


TERRY CREWS - Before They Were Famous - Biography - Duration: 11:47.

Before Terry Crews was a bonafide TV star, with recurring roles on shows like Everybody

Hates Chris, Arrested Development, The Newsroom, Are We There Yet?, and Brooklyn Nine Nine.

Before appearing in movies like Scary Movie Five, Bridesmaids and White Chicks.

Before becoming the face of Old Spice Before Nip Syncing Ebony and Ivory with Jimmy


I've actually wanted to tell Terry's incredible before they were famous story for some time


He grew up in a house hold riddled with domestic abuse, and made it all the way to the NFL,

where he experienced a different kind of abuse.

And before making it as an actor, he worked as a courtroom sketch artist, he did temp

jobs, he swept factory floors, he was an extra in Training Day, and he worked as part of

the security detail for Ice Cube.

What's going on guys?

I'm Michael McCrudden, documenting the remarkable life and career of Terry Crew prior to fame,

here for you on Before They Were Famous.

In the past, I've covered other actors and comedians like Ryan Gosling, Tommy Wiseau

and Hugh Jackman.

I've also covered other athletes like Tristan Thompson, Ezekiel Elliot and Kyrie Irving.

Be sure to check out those videos, and let me know who you want me to document next in

the comments down below.

Terry Alan Crews was born on July 30th, 1986 in Flint Michigan.

He grew up alongside his brother, Marcelle in a strict Christian household.

He was raised mainly by his mother, Patricia, was a housewife, before taking up a receptionist

job McLaren Flint.

His father, Terry Crews Senior, also known as Big Terry, worked at General Motors for

30 years.

Big Terry was a dedicated, hard worker, but he was also an alcoholic, who frequently abused

young Terry's mother.

As Terry put it,

"I used to watch this happen over and over again.

It was a post-traumatic-stress experience for me.

I used to watch my father hit my mother in the face and watch her go down, and there

was some things that just affected me more than i don't think anyone could realize."

For years, Terry had serious issues with his father over the abuse.

But, in an op ed for the Huffington Post, Terry Crews has gone on to explain how he

eventually came to forgive his father.

"I started giving Big Terry credit for what he did do.

He was a good earner.

He was a good provider.

I never excused what had been wrong, but also being able to see the positive finally changed

my perspective."

Terry also explained that for better or for worse, his childhood made him who he is today,

and he if he was able to chose for himself any parents in the world, he would pick Patricia

and Big Terry.

Terry Crews began working out early.

And fitness has been a lifelong pursuit.

Terry is 49 years old at the time of this recording, and he still exercises for two

hours each and every day.

Let's take a quick look at his work out routine.

From a young age, Terry was a kid with many talents.

He was athletic, strong, and also, very artistic.

He actually got attention for his drawing and painting talents as child, before he ever

started playing football.

In fact, Terry's first job in entertainment was drawing courtroom sketches for the worst

murder case in Flint, Michigan history.

Still, his lifelong dream was to become an actor.

But despite his many talents, Terry wasn't perfect.

From the age of 12, Terry began watching pornography.

Pretty typical stuff, but for Terry, it was the beginning of what would become a secret

addiction that would last for years and years.

Terry would continue to struggle with his porn addiction in until around 2009, 2010.

He talked about the struggle for the first time in his 2014 autobiography, (Manhood:

How to Be a Better Man or Just Live with One), and in a series of YouTube and Facebook videos

released in 2016.

But, obviously we're not there yet.

For high school, Terry attended Flint Southwestern Academy.

After graduating, he got a Chrystler-sponsored art scholarship to attend the Interlochen

Center for the Arts in Interlochen, Michigan.

Following this, he got an Art Excellence scholarship to go to Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo,


But they probably took one look at Terry and realized he would be a strong asset on the

football field.

He was a walk on player for the WMU Broncos, and earned a full ride athletic scholarship,

All-Conference honors, and the 1988 Mid-American Conference Championship.

But football was both a blessing and a curse for Terry, as he suffered multiple concussions

during school.

Terry also said that he had trouble attending his art classes, because football practice

was eight hours a day.

But, he did find time to marry the love of his life, the former beauty queen and Gospel

singer, Rebecca King.

Together, the couple have three daughters, Azriel, born in 1990, Tera, born in 1999,

and Wynfrey, born in 2004, and one son, Isaiah, born

in 2007.

Terry was selected by the Los Angeles Rams in the 11th round of the 1991 NFL draft.

His pro ball career would include stints for six different NFL teams, including the Philadelphia

Eagles, the Washington Redskins, and the San Diego Chargers.

During his time in the NFL, Terry was always at the end of the roaster, and often got cut

from teams.

In order to survive, he relied on his visual arts skills.

After getting cut from a team, he would go back into the locker room and ask the players

if they wanted their portraits painted.

He stated,

"It would literally take me about two months to do a painting, and they would give me like

five thousand dollars and I would survive off that, my whole family survived off that."

After retiring from the NFL in 1997, Terry moved out to Los Angeles to pursue a career

in Hollywood.

But, things didn't come together right away.

He was doing temp jobs, sweeping factory floors, and working as part of Ice Cube's security

detail, during the filming of Next Friday.

The relationship would eventually lead to Terry's breakout film role in Friday After


But this was not Terry's first role as an actor.

In 1999, he appeared as T Money on the short lived tv series, Battle Dome.

He played Vincent in The 6th Day, in 2000.

And, in 2001, he had an uncredited blink and you'll miss it role as a gang member in the

Denzel Washington masterpiece, Training Day.

After appearing in Friday After Next, Terry picked up a role in 2002's serving Sara, and

one in an episode of The District.

He appeared in Deliver Us from Eva, Malibu's Most Wanted, Platinum and Baadasss in 2003.

The next year, he appeared in Starsky and Hutch, CSI Miami, and Soul Plane.

But his most memorable role would be as Latrell Spencer in White Chicks.

He would go on to appear on My Wife and Kids, All of Us, and Harsh Times in 2005.

That year, he also appeared as Cheeseburger Eddy in the Longest Yard.

Adam Sandler must have taken a shine to Terry, because he would repeatedly bring him back

for movies like Click, Sandy Wexler, and the Ridiculous Six.

In 2005, Terry picked up the role as Julius in Chris Rock's hit sit come, Everybody Hates


The show ran until 2009, and while working on the series, Terry continued to work on

numerous other projects.

He was in 2008's Get Smart as agent 91.

He worked as a voice actor on The Boondocks, voicing several roles from 2005 to 2007.

He also appeared in the Mike Judge cult classic, Idiocracy, as President Camacho.

In 2009, Terry worked on Middle Men, Gamer, and Terminator Salvation.

The next year, he was in the Expendables, and Lottery Ticket.

This is also around the time that he overcame his pornography addiction, by going into rehab.

From 2010 to 2012 he starred in the tv adaptation of Are We There Yet, as Nick Persons.

During that time, he also snagged a role as the Boot Camp Instructor in Bridesmaids.

He also started uploading videos to youtube in 2011.

Since then, he's dropped over 60 videos, and built up a following of over 200 thousand


In 2012, he appeared as Hale Caesar in the Expendables 2, and got a recurring role on

the Newsroom.

In 2013, he picked up perhaps his most iconic role to date, the role of Terry Jeffords in

Brooklyn Nine Nine.

Since then, he's gone on to pick up more roles than I can name...

At the time of this recording, there's four new Terry Crews projects to look out for.

In 2017, he will appear in Where's the Money and Do You Want to See a Dead Body?.

He'll also be in Sorry to Bother You Scheduled for a 2018 release.

And, he's currently filming for the movie The Willoughbys.

Recently, Terry Crews was also trending in the news.

In the midst of the Harvey Weinstein revelations, Terry bravely came forward about his own experience

of being groped by a powerful Hollywood executive.

Terry had been man handled at a party in 2016, but did not publicize the incident at the

time, for fear of retaliation.

Through the years, Terry's been an artist, an athlete, a writer, an activist, and an


So what's next for Terry Crews?

Man, this dude can do it all.

As for the rest of the story, well, we'll have to wait and see, because this is Before

They Were Famous.

My name's Michael McCrudden, thanks so much for watching.

I've got two more video suggestions for you down here.

Remember to subscribe if you haven't already, and let me know who you want me to document

next in the comments down below.

For more infomation >> TERRY CREWS - Before They Were Famous - Biography - Duration: 11:47.


Post Malone's "Rockstar" May Have Hit No. 1 Because of This YouTube Trick - Duration: 2:15.

What's up, guys?

Beija here for Complex News.

Post Malone's song "Rockstar" featuring 21 Savage is now officially the number one

song on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart though, the track might have used a shady trick to

get there.

A video on YouTube posted by Republic Records that is listed as "Post Malone feat.

21 Savage - rockstar" and has the same exact length of the song isn't actually the full


The audio posted is a loop of the chorus of "Rockstar."

Under the video, Republic shares a link to a page that directs users to stream the full

track from a list of streaming platforms that include Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, and others.

By doing this, Post Malone can possibly get double the streams as streams from YouTube

count towards the Hot 100.

So the song gets one stream from the the initial YouTube hit and another from the user switching

over to a music streaming platform to hear the full song.

The number of times the "Rockstar" loop has been played isn't insignificant either.

It currently has over 43 million hits.

Malone's "Rockstar" knocked down Cardi B's summer anthem "Bodak Yellow" to

the number two spot after it spent three weeks in the number one spot.

"Rockstar" is both Post Malone and 21 Savage's first time getting to the number

one spot on the Billboard Hot 100.

The closest Malone has reached the number one spot was earlier this year with his Quavo

assisted track "Congratulations" which peaked at number 8.

The closest 21 has gotten was with his track "Bank Account" which got as high as number


"Rockstar" is the fifth rap song to clench the number one spot this year.

The other rap tracks that did so were DJ Khaled's "I'm the One," Kendrick Lamar's "Humble,"

Migos' "Bad and Boujee," and Cardi B's aforementioned "Bodak Yellow."

The last time five songs got to number one in a year was all the way back in 2006 with

D4L's "Laffy Taffy," Nelly's "Grillz," Sean Paul's "Temperature," Chamillionaire's "Ridin',"

and Ludacris' "Money Maker."

Malone released his debut album Stoney back in 2015.

Though there's been no word on an official release date Malone has been teasing his follow-up

album for a while now.

The project is tentatively called Beerbongs and Bentleys.

"beerbongs and bentleys isn't a song....

It's a whole project.

also a lifestyle and it's coming"

For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez and coming November 4th and 5th is the Second Annual

Complex Con, where we bring all things Complex to life.

Catch live performances, score some exclusive fits, take in informative panels and crush

some delicious grub.

Cop your tickets over at now.

For more infomation >> Post Malone's "Rockstar" May Have Hit No. 1 Because of This YouTube Trick - Duration: 2:15.


Young DL X Łopata - POSEJDON [Official Video] - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Young DL X Łopata - POSEJDON [Official Video] - Duration: 3:18.


Tea Timer- Short Film - Duration: 1:14.



Do not drink that tea!

What are you supposed to be?

If you drink that will be space-time consequences you would never believe..

For more infomation >> Tea Timer- Short Film - Duration: 1:14.


Schlimmste Mitfahrgelegenheit [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 1:49.

Hi you are christoph, right? I put my bag in the trunk ok?


That is my first time

I mean my first ride

not that you use the situation shamelessly

where do you have to go in Munich?


we can duke ourselves. I'm not that old

what do you think how old I am?




how long do we have to drive?

approximately 6 hours

enough time


to sing

At 45 years life begins

With 45 years there is fun

at 45 years..

For more infomation >> Schlimmste Mitfahrgelegenheit [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 1:49.


Top 10 Harry Potter Movie Mistakes – Part 2 - Duration: 5:15.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

And as you scroll through that comment section, maybe stop by that pretty little subscribe

button if you haven't already.

Join us.

It's blisssss.

Anyway, you guys wanted more Harry Potter Movie Mistakes and I have some for ya!

I love love love Harry Potter, but as with any movie it is not free from little boo boos.

So let's giggle at the goofs they made.

Wands out, it's time for the Top 10 Harry Potter Movie Mistakes…

Part 2!

Number 10: The case of the missing shrubbery.

In Prisoner of Azkaban, when we saw the outside of #4 Privet Drive, we saw a bench and window

next to some shrubbery.

But then later when Vernon comes back out chasing after Aunt Marge, the shrubbery is


Where did it go?

Did the bench eat it?

Was it stolen?

I need answers!

Side note: Is this even shrubbery?

I think it is, but maybe it's a bush.

If anyone knows plants, let me know!

Some Knights have been bugging me about it.

Number 9: Toast.

Here's one from Goblet of Fire that is… well, it's not really a big deal, if I'm

being honest.

When Harry's eating breakfast, we can see a rack with toast on it.

Unfortunately, as so often happens, the amount of toast changed from shot to shot, since

the scene was a combination of a number of takes.

Continuity errors like this are pretty common, especially in a scene with a bunch of hungry

teens who want to eat all the toast.

Number 8: Voldemort's sleeve.

This is another mistake from Goblet of Fire, and strangely it involves the veteran actor

Ralph Fiennes.

When Voldemort is being a jerk and touching Harry's forehead, in one shot his sleeve

is rolled down to his shoulder.

But right after, the sleeve is rolled up again.

(Change sleeves) It's just surprising that he wouldn't notice this.

(Change sleeves) How hard is it to not realize your sleeves keep changing from shot to shot?

(Change sleeves or take off overshirt) Have some pride in your work!

(Maybe in a dress?)

Number 7: The New Room of Requirement.

In Deathly Hallows Part 1, we see Dobby and Kreature adorably return to Grimmault Place

with Mundungus Fletcher.

It's a great scene, and the room looks super cool and well dressed, but in two different

shots while they enter, we can see that the table has different items on it from one shot

to the other.

But hey, these things are to be expected in a magical world, I suppose.

Number 6: The revenge of Peeves.

In Philosopher's Stone, when the kids are fighting the troll in the bathroom, we see

a shot of a towel behind them that's all folded and crooked.

But in the next shot, the towel's looking prim and proper.

The only possibility I can think of is that Peeves was so angry at being left out of the

movie that he got his revenge in the evilest way possible: By, folding a towel, a little


And fixing it again right after.

(Rub hands) Haha, I've ruined your precious continuity!

Number 5: Dudley's duds.

In Order of the Phoenix, we see that Dudley grew up to look exactly how you'd expect

a child bully to look, complete with the shorts with logos all over the place.

But later on in the tunnel, we see that he's wearing a DIFFERENT pair of shorts with logos

all over the place.

Bit of a whoopsies by the costume department I guess, but the only thing worse than owning

a stupid pair of shorts like that is owning TWO stupid pairs of shorts like that.

C'mon Dudders.

Number 4: WHERE'S THE BOX??!

When the gang was having that fight in the diner in Deathly Hallows part 1, they weren't

exactly careful with their spells.

Glass is smashed, tables are blasted, and pizza boxes go flying.

But apparently one of the boxes just couldn't be stopped, because it managed to find its

way back onto the shelf between shots.

Then it's gone again.

Number 3: What's on the nooooote?

Yep, gonna make two Seven references in one video.

Come at me.

In Goblet of Fire, we see one of the twins pass a note to Ron that says "Get a move

on or all the good ones will have gone".

Yeah, not trying the accent, I've embarrassed myself enough.

But the thing is, when we first see it, there are clearly 4 lines of writing on it, but

when Ron reads it there are only 3 lines.


I must know, but it's too blurry to see.

If anyone has superman eyes, please let me know, I bet it's hilarious.

Number 2: Harry Changes Sides.

Don't worry, I don't mean he started working for Voldemort.

Although you would know that since you presumably know Harry Potter if you're watching this


Look, it was a bad joke, let's just move on.

Anyway, in Philosopher's stone when Harry first sits at the Gryffindor table, he sits

opposite Hermione.

But then later when the food arrives, he's on the other side next to Percy.

This is like… such a huge mistake, I don't really understand how it made it through.

I GUESS it's possible that he changed sides between him sitting and the food appearing,

but like… why would he?

Number 1: Oooo magic candles!

Way back in Philosopher's stone, we were introduced to Hogwarts, the magical castle

where magical things happen and everything is magic!

One of these magic things was the candles!

They floated like magic!

But sadly, when McGonagall is rallying the teachers to find the troll in the dungeons,

you can very clearly see the wires that were holding the candles up.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

This was my second time writing this video because my stupid computer ate my first one.

It was sad.

Let me know the worst time YOU lost work because of stupid computers in the comment section

down below!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Harry Potter Movie Mistakes – Part 2 - Duration: 5:15.


Haunted Places: Liverpool, England - Duration: 5:44.

After researching all the hauntings of Liverpool, it's no wonder the Beatles were crying for


Liverpool began as a small settlement on the west coast of England in 1190.

In the 1800's, Liverpool's port was expanded, making it the center for trade across the

country, and Liverpool was quickly considered the second most important city in the British


Today, Liverpool is known for its culture, diversity, and for being the home of The Beatles.

It is also a large tourist destination that we were lucky enough to visit and see the

most haunted places around the city.

The Hotel Britannia Adelphi opened in 1914 and is the third hotel to occupy the site.

The first was built in 1826 and was replaced by the second hotel 50 years later.

Many guests decide to never check out, and instead spend eternity wandering the hotel


George, is an apparition that appears standing next to guest's beds on the fifth floor.

He is believed to be the ghost of a guest who fell, jumped, or was pushed out of a window

on the fifth floor in the 1920's.

There is also a ghostly young lady with long black hair and staring eyes who roams the

halls, along with a bell boy who was killed when he was caught between floors on an old


An apparition is often seen hanging out of a window of the Crosby Room.

Other ghosts include: a female pickpocket, 15-year-old pageboy, and the grey lady in

a Victorian dress.

We would love to spend a night in the most haunted room of this hotel.

The Philharmonic Dining Rooms was one of John Lennon's favorite pubs to visit.

He once said, "The price of fame is not being able to get into the Phil for a quiet


The Phil is also considered to be one of the most haunted pubs in the city.

A banshee can sometime be heard wailing in the cellars.

The spirit of an old man in a grey cap loves to settle into a quiet corner and mutter to

himself before vanishing.

Many of the city's ghost tours leave from outside of the Phil.

So, be sure to grab a pint before touring the most haunted places in Liverpool.

The Wellington Rooms were once the place for high society to gather for lavish dance balls

and wild parties.

It was open from 1816 until 1997 and has been the location of numerous Irish Banshee sightings.

The sight of or hearing a banshee's cry signals the death of family member to the

unfortunate victim.

Saint James Cemetery was built on the site of an Old Stone quarry behind the Liverpool


It was used as the main cemetery for the city from 1825 to 1936 amassing the graves of 57,000


In 1972, most of the grave stones were cleared to turn the cemetery into a park, leaving

thousands of unmarked graves and their restless spirits behind.

The most famous ghost of the cemetery is that of William Huskisson who is often seen limping

along outside of his mausoleum.

He was a member of parliament and the first victim of a railway accident in Liverpool.

Jenna Green was a supposed witch who lived near the site of the cemetery and is thought

to be responsible for the healing spring that flows from the cemetery wall.

A vampire is even said to make his home in one of the undisturbed tombs, and a woman

in black is often seen gliding along the walking paths.

It is believed over 20 different ghosts and ghouls haunt Saint James Cemetery.

Speke Hall is located on the outskirts of Liverpool near the city's airport.

It is a 16th Century half-timbered house on a manor that dates to the 1100's Speke Hall

is home to many ghosts that include a laughing Cavalier, a phantom priest from the 1930's,

a Victorian Gardner, a priest from the Cromwell era, a possible werewolf, and the white lady

of the house.

The tapestry room is believed to be haunted by Mary Norris a descendent of the very first

owner of the home.

Many visitors and staff have encountered a translucent figure that walks across the room

and vanishes.

Investigation of the grounds have revealed a series of secret passages on the property.

Today, Speke Hall host many different events.

Be sure to check out what's going on there if you ever find yourself in the area and

want to visit the manor.

The Tower Buildings are regarded as the most haunted buildings in Liverpool.

Built on the site of the Borough gaol that opened in 1256.

The Jail was an ominous tower that held hundreds of thousands of prisoners throughout its centuries

use, including 4,000 French Prisoners from the Napoleonic Wars.

Many of the prisoners died due to the inhuman conditions of The Tower.

Current residents in the new buildings built on the site have reported seeing ghostly images

of emaciated prisoners chained to the walls of the building.

Others have heard chains being dragged around The Tower.

Many are overcome with a sudden strange sense of sadness and dread in parts of building.

Exploring Liverpool is a must for any paranormal enthusiast.

Beatles aside, the city is full of culture, history, and even provides ghost tours around

the city.

So feel free to visit for yourselves and discover more about Liverpool's wandering spirits.

Just don't blame us if you come across any banshees!

Thanks strangers for watching.

Please like, comment, and subscribe to our channel us a and subscribe to our channel

for more strange content every Wednesday.

Also, check the description below for additional reading and sources for this video.

Until next time, stay strange.

For more infomation >> Haunted Places: Liverpool, England - Duration: 5:44.





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