Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

Everything is bigger in Dallas Halo will be streaking in Denver

and there will be no rest in Bucharest

Join me on this little city walk we call the BluePrint

The second week of the Gfinity Elite Series has wrapped up with the Street Fighter boys

taking a 4-2 victory over Epsilon, and the Rocket League guys find their first win of

the season with a 3-1 victory over the same Epsilon team.

The CS Academy team fell 12-16 to Infused on cache.

Catch all the action this Friday and Saturday the 20th and 21st as all three squads will

face off against Method and Endpoint.

The Halo Championship Series Fall Finals are here!

We head to the LAN Finals at DreamHack Denver as the top seed after a sweeping the regular

season 7-0.

Fun fact..

Denver is the mile high city in more ways than one..

We will be keeping the streak going this weekend October 20th through the 22nd.

This is one you HAVE to tune in for.

We are just past the midpoint of the Paladins Pro League regular season.

The boys fell 1-2 to G2 and came back with a 2-1 victory over Splyce to even out the


We will have our hands full coming up in week 4 as we take on SK and Renegades on October

22nd in the 2nd and 3rd series of the day.

The Counter-strike squad took a 0-2 loss to Faze in the ELEAGUE Premier quarterfinals.

The Envy CS team then returned home to prepare for the EU minor qualifiers where we move

on to the LAN after a 16-8 win over Heroic on Nuke.

The EU Minor takes place in Bucharest, Romania November 2nd through the 5th, where 8 teams

will battle for 2 spots at the Major qualifier.

Fun fact..

More than 10,000 people are bitten by stray-dogs in Bucharest every year.

Not sure if that's a FUN fact..

But it blows my mind!

We are in the final stretch of ESL Pro League with just 2 weeks to go as we face Heroic

on Thursday, October 19th.

ECS Season 4 has Envy CS facing off against Astralis on October 20th.

In Overwatch news: Our League roster is currently being finalized

and you can expect an announcement very soon.

Meanwhile tell us who you expect to see, or would LIKE to see, in Dallas Fuel blue?

Fun fact..

The very first Seven Eleven was opened in Dallas.

Slurpees all around boys!

And here is the play card showing you where you can catch all the action.

Thanks for tuning in once again and thanks for following us on all the social outlets..

I'm Kat Gunn and I will see you next week on the BluePrint..

We really do appreciate it..

And that's a fact!

For more infomation >> Team EnVyUs - The Blueprint - Episode 46 - Duration: 3:09.


ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 23 по 29 ОКТЯБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 23 по 29 ОКТЯБРЯ 2017 года по ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА - Duration: 12:30.


BIG news! - Duration: 6:30.

I have got something very interesting to share with you guys today I filmed and

posted the very first video for the Art of Photography on October 8th 2008 this

is October and I just realized that I've been making videos now for nine years

which blows my mind I feel like I'm just getting started sometimes but yeah

it's been nine years I've made over 600 videos I'm not really sure what the

count right now is for the total but it's over 600 videos in those nine years

in fact this video that you're watching right now is video number 103 for this

year I number of my files that's how I know that but yes it's been nine years

now and I will say that the last nine years have changed my life in a more

profound way than any job that I have ever had and there are two components to

this one I get to make videos which I love to do and I get to talk about

photography which is the subject that I am the most passionate about I enjoy

making photographs myself I enjoy the history and work and the people that

have come before us I enjoy what's going on in the art world right now I enjoy

what's going on online it's amazing it is my favorite subject to talk about but

more importantly is the second component and that is you I try to tell you guys

this every now and then but having an audience is well one its essential to the show

if I didn't have an audience I wouldn't be able to make these videos but two that

relationship is something that I cherish more than anything else that I do around

here and over the last nine years I've gotten to meet many of you online we've

had discussions back and forth whether that's in the comments or whether that's

on Twitter or Facebook or something like that and I've met many of you in person

and it's always a really special thing to get to do that and when I say I've

done this show nine years I know some of you have been watching all nine years

which blows me away we're not talking nine weeks we're talking nine years this

job has enabled me to do some things that I didn't think I would ever be able

to do like for instance the artist series I got the opportunity through

doing these videos to do a short series of documentaries on

my heroes I've become friends with some of them in real life in fact David

Brookover who I did one of the artists series videos on he is coming to Fort

Worth tomorrow and he's going to spend a couple days with me we're gonna do some

video stuff and it's amazing I never thought any of that would be possible

nine years ago when I made my first video but back to the topic at hand it

is a strange way to make a living and essentially what I do

is I produce content to be made to you guys available completely free of charge

it is not paid content you can watch it and because I have an audience around

that it affords me the luxury of being able to support that with ads and that's

actually how I pay my bills not the perfect model I get it ads are intrusive

they're the party crasher but it keeps these lights on and it keeps the roof

over my head now I do have something new and very cool to share with you guys

today if you're watching this video on a desktop computer if you look underneath

the video next to the subscribe button you're going to see a second button that

says sponsor now what this is is a new feature that YouTube has rolled out to

only a handful of creators but it's called sponsorships and this enables you guys

to contribute to the channel and in return you're gonna get some rewards and

a few cool perks now this in no way changes the regular content that I do on

this channel it does give you some additional things that you might find

interesting for example

I review cameras and lenses from time to time and one of

the things that I'm going to start doing is offering downloads of the RAW image

files so if it's something that you're interested in you can download the RAW

files stick those in the Lightroom or Photoshop and play with them until your

heart's content another thing I've been doing a lot of lately are Lightroom

tutorials and we're gonna start getting into color processing and I'm going to

have some image presets that I will make available to download as well and then

also when I do DaVinci Resolve tutorials I'd love to be able to offer LUTs as

downloads so there's gonna be a lot of extra stuff that you guys can get in

addition to the standard videos that I produce

so photo assignments are a very big part of what we do here on this show and it's

something that I would like to continue to find ways to create more discussion

around now one thing you're gonna notice is on this channels homepage we now

have the community tab and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to offer

sponsor only posts in there so you'll only be able to see them if you're

sponsoring the channel but it'll be a way for us to do a little more with

photo assignments and I can make posts in there that are specific to an

assignment that we are working on and answer questions and it gives us a

little bit of a community aspect into that as well

and finally once a month

I'm going to be doing a live stream that will only be available to sponsors now

this can be a variety of topics we can continue to talk about photo assignments

we can do Q&A we can really vary that up what I like about this idea because it

is sponsor only it allows us to scale down to a smaller group so it has a

little bit more of an intimate discussion type of feel and particularly

with Q&A types of things if you guys have something you want to talk about

it's a great way to be able to directly ask me what that is so really quick a

few frequently asked questions

wait wait wait how does this affect me can I no longer see your content I want

to make it very clear that this does not impact the regular videos that I produce

for this channel this is simply a way for you guys to contribute to the

channel and for me to give you something back in return so yeah you'll be able to

get a couple perks and rewards out of that but it will not directly impact the

content that you already have access to

man I can't afford this missing out

content you sold out well I am not selling out I

just have bills to pay like everyone else now listen I can't stress this

enough this will in no way shape or form impact the regular content that I make

on this channel nothing that's going behind a paywall you'll still have

access to all the videos that I produce I will not change that at all and I

realize that sponsorships really aren't for everyone not everybody has the means

to participate with that but for those that do it will enable the channel to do

more and you'll get some cool rewards as part of the process one thing I do want

to stress about this is sponsorships are in beta and what that means is every now

and then there could be a little bug in the system and so for instance right now

you can't sign up for sponsorships on mobile you can only do it from a desktop

now you can get access to all your perks and rewards from mobile you just won't

have access to do that until you go to the desktop to sign up so there's a

little things like that but YouTube are committed with working with me on this

and we're going to get it all sorted out you have my word

so there you have it sponsorships are something that I am very excited about

it's been an incredible nine years so far and I'm looking forward to many more

with you guys and things like this open up more opportunities and more doors and

they make more possible and so I want to thank you guys for supporting me over

the years if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment I hope you will

consider sponsoring this channel I will see you guys in the next video until

then later

For more infomation >> BIG news! - Duration: 6:30.


TREINO RÁPIDO PARA PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM EM CASA! Como Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> TREINO RÁPIDO PARA PERDER BARRIGA E AUMENTAR BUMBUM EM CASA! Como Perder Barriga e Aumentar Gluteos - Duration: 6:14.


СПАРТАК - СЕВИЛЬЯ: Это НЕВЕРОЯТНО! Манчестер Сити - Наполи | Лига Чемпионов ОБЗОР - Duration: 6:41.



champions league


man city

For more infomation >> СПАРТАК - СЕВИЛЬЯ: Это НЕВЕРОЯТНО! Манчестер Сити - Наполи | Лига Чемпионов ОБЗОР - Duration: 6:41.


Дом 2 новости 19 октября 2017 (19.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 19 октября 2017 (19.10.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:32.




For more infomation >> BEST BH7 BASE DESIGN With Replay PROOF | BUILDER HALL 7 BASE Layout TROPHY BASE | CLASH OF CLANS - Duration: 12:13.


Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Colours for Kids Animation Education Cartoon Android Ios - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Baby Learn Colors with My Talking Tom Colours for Kids Animation Education Cartoon Android Ios - Duration: 3:30.


Gigi Miu Diary #09 Thoughts about UTAU - Duration: 10:06.

Hello everyone I am Gigi Miu.

Today I will reply to Luca Lai's comment where he was asking me what I think of UTAU.

As I told you all in one of the previous video diaries,

I produced this huge project called Mitsume Temo and the Round Earth Committee,

but something I haven't had the chance to tell you yet is that I produced an UTAU library as well.

The recording where made by a japanese voice actress that was working with us in Temo's project.

So, I have direct experience not only of UTAU, but also in making an UTAU library.

So, let's start and discuss about UTAU.

So, UTUA is surely a useful tool,

because it let's you create your own music library without having to worry too much of licensing contracts.

So I can see how UTAU may be appealing to small productions and companies,

who have the need of their own original library without having the funds to license a vocaloid engine and make their own.

And, I mean, it's not a shame if you don't have huge funds to make a Vocaloid.

from my personal experience in the field,

things are a little bit more complex than this though.

Now if you are not an expert in the entertainment field, what may follows may be quite difficult to understand,

specially if you are just a fan, someone who listens to UTAU song but hasn't ever tried it.

I will do my best to keep this simple.

Ok let's pretend I have started a new project and made an UTAU for that project.

Let's pretend Mickey Mouse never existed and that I have just invented it.

At the very beginning, before Mickey Mouse will become very very famous, I have a small budget, so I decide I want to use anUTAU to give Mickey a voice.

But then Mickey Mouse start becoming famous and I start making a lot of money.

In that very same moment I don't need UTAU anymore.

Because from that point on, I would be better make a VOCALOID for my Mickey Mouse.

There are several reasons why at that stage a VOCALOID would be better.

All things related to brand image, visibility, accessibility, and the fact you can freely sell it in the shops.

So, UTAU, is like saying "I want a VOCALOID but I don't have the money to afford to make one yet".

Mind that this is my own personal opinion, based on my personal experience as producer.

Mind that here in Japan I have had chance to meet some of the companies and creators revolving around the Vocaloid scene.

Without revealing personal informations and other stuff that that should be kept under privacy, I can tell that I have met the creator of Zunko,

because this information is in the public domain, since we both exhibited and we bot received a prize at the Creative Market Tokyo 2010.

So, don't get me wrong, UTAU is good tool and has helped a lot the diffusion of the concept of having synthetixed voices.

Still, I think its success is also linked to its limitations.

So, do you really need an UTAU? Your own UTAU for your project?

Mind that, again, this is my own personal opinion.

I have noticed that most of the creators that end up making an UTAU is because they want to do what they want in the way they want.

To me, seems like that these creators have a limited vision of what is the scenario around them. They are more interested in doing what they want regardless of the scenario.

They value their own independence above everything else.

To me UTAU seems like a closed system. You make an UTAU for yourself. Even if you share it probably all the other creators using UTAU will end up making their own one.

Seems like a self-satisfaction circle for me.

So YOUR utau's community (I mean the community revolving around your own tau, not the tau community in general) is small.

If your community was big enough you would probably afford to make a Vocaloid.

Do not get me wrong! UTAU is good. I am just telling you what I think of UTAU as a creator.

If you are not a creator is really hard to understand what I have tried to say so far.

It's hard for me to try to explain these concept to someone who is not in the entertainment industry.

In addition I am here in Japan, where we surely have a different scenario than in Italy.

Maybe a producer much important than me is watching this video and is thinking that I do not understand anything...

and maybe this is the case, because in this field you never stop learning something new.

At least what I can say is that I have had personal experience both in making an UTAU and both in talking with people related to the VOCALOID industry.

Back on my project, Temo, I wish I had the money and the influence enough to get an official license from YAMAHA to make my own Vocaloid.

That project wasn't big enough, maybe one day I will make one worth making a VOCALOID for (and with the funds needed to make one).

So, I think that many UTAU producers, pick up UTAU because they were in my same situation.

You want a Ferrari sports car, but you can only afford an used bycicle.

Wait! Wait! I think I just found the perfect comparison!!

To put it short, if you need a car, any car will do. You do not need a sports car.

but if you want a Ferrari you better work hard to get one, cause no other car would be remotely similar to a Ferrari.

I hope this comparison is good and simple enough.

If any of you want to add something to this discussion, please write in the comments.

The next diary is on GIGI RE MAGI, the song with Rin and Len.

See you next week!

For more infomation >> Gigi Miu Diary #09 Thoughts about UTAU - Duration: 10:06.


La periodista Laura Fa desmiente a María Patiño y se avecina tormenta en Sálvame - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> La periodista Laura Fa desmiente a María Patiño y se avecina tormenta en Sálvame - Duration: 4:45.


Give Me YOUR Requests! (Competition) - Duration: 2:00.

hello my little lovelies it's your friend Thandi here again I hope you're having a wonderful day now this

is a public service announcement the yes guys I'm going to be going away again I

know I'm going to going away again for another three months so I'm starting to

pre film all of my own reactions that I'm gonna be releasing whilst I am away

this is your moment to shine so yeah I'm going to do only requests I'm going to

do only your requests so it's going to work like this I want 10

videos on ten suggestions so in the comment section each person can make one

suggestion so not loads and loads of suggestion guys just one suggestion for

one song or one video that you want me to react to and the top ten videos so the

most rated the most up rated videos are going to be the ones that I react to

whatever you thumbs up whatever the most highly rated top ten videos are I will react

to and I'll be releasing them when I go away again in November so yeah that's

all start releasing the videos from November I will let you guys know when I

finally go but from that moment on it will be purely your requests so you

guys take a look at the suggestions thumbs up what you want to be reacted to

aswell and I cannot wait because I know you guys are gonna give me some awesome

suggestions I know some of you guys been waiting forever for suggestions so to

get them in this comment section get them to thumbs up to your friends to thumbs

it up your boyfriend your girlfriend's get it your mom your dad to thumbs up

your suggestion and I know will make it for you so yeah thank you so much

guys and I will see you next time for another reaction! xx

For more infomation >> Give Me YOUR Requests! (Competition) - Duration: 2:00.


Gigi Miu Diary #10 About Gigi Re Magi song - Duration: 9:09.

Hello everyone I am Gigi Miu!

This week we discuss about Gigi Re Magi song.

Gigi Re Magi is part of a series of video which are born from a direct request from a fan or from a discussion with one of them.

There will be more of these kind of videos and they will all have a strong link with my fanbase.

I have been getting lot of requests to have a particular Vocaloid sing in italian, or to make a song of a certain genre,

and I would like to thank you all for the interest you have in me. I will do my best to fulfill all of these requests.

For instance, I have been asked to make a song using Rin and Len and as you can see I have had them sing for Gigi Re Magi.

Speaking of that, the list of Vocaloids that my fans would like to hear sing in italian is so long that it will keep me busy for at least 6 months.

So, let's get back on Gigi Re Magi. Not only the voice of the singer is from a fan request,

but the concept itself was born from a conversation I was having with my fans during a live chat.

So, in this chat i was telling that when i went back to Italy last month i trough some action figures to a friend of mine

and someone in the chat started calling me Gigi Re Magi.

You have to know that the Biblical Magi used to bring gift to Jesus, so in Italy we not only have Santa to bring presents, but the Magi have been considered for a while as a "gift giving" myth, more or less like Santa.

So, since I was bringing actions figures as a gift, this person told me that I was like a biblical Magi, bringing gifts from a far away land.

From one side I was really intrigued with this concept. Also, the catch copy "Gigi Re Magi" was short enough and somehow musical with all these repetitions of "Gi" inside it.

At the same time I though that the concept needed to be evolved more. In particular I found weak the fact that I was considered a Magi for bringing a mere action figure.

If I had to be a Magi is because the gift i bring is not a toy. You can buy a toy only from a lot of websites.

What I am gifting is not a mere toy but a brand new sound. I am making Japanese Vocaloids sings in italian, this is my gift fro you all.

this may sounds quite a superb assumption and indeed I wanted to be a little bit superb here.

I do indeed like picking verbal fight, discussions for the sake of discussions and sometimes say stuff that is really out of my reach just for the sake to see what happens.

This attitude has sometimes brought be troubles in the past, but I still love do it from times to times.

Anyway, back on topic, so this song is originated from a Rin & Len request, and from an interesting discussion on Gigi Re Magi.

But there is another reason on top of this.

Since the Biblical Magi are religious mythological characters, I thought that it would have made a perfect logical continuation to my previous song Ave Miku.

At the same time, even if the topics linked and fitted very well together, I knew that making another song linked to a religious topic in such a short temporal spawn would have created me some problems.

So, it was hard to take this decision. If creating something that was making perfect sense but at the same time face the eventual rage of the fanbase.

Even if i love my fanbase I am an art director in the deep of my should. So I quickly realized that picking the option that was more coherent with my previous worshippers was the best choice to do.

As art director for me is really important to make separate parts sticking tighter and make them coherent the one with the others.

At the same time I wasn't wrong on the consequences of this decision. An interesting discussion immediately took place on my Facebook page around the religious aspect of my song.

Agnese, who has by the way some amazing cosplay pics on her Facebook page, immediately expressed her dislike for that song.

To see Agnese pics you can probably check the comments in my Facebook page were we discuss Gigi Re Magi song and then click on her name.

I feel sorry for her, because I have the feeling she misunderstood the real reason behind the origin of this song.

I mean, religions one of that thematics that are at the center of every human culture. Even the absence of religion is. So speaking of religion is something I do not dislike at all.

But at the same time me talking of a mythological biblical character like the Magi has no "political" or "catholic" nor "anti-catholic" meaning.

Same for the previous song! The use of Ave even is strongly linked to a catholic prayer is also a word that has latin origins.

And, again, Gigi Re Magi would have never been originated if I haven't had that chat online!!

Speaking of religion, I would like to let you know that my first album will be around the theme "Genesis".

In this case, again, Genesis is not the "gospel" Genesis, but genesis in its semanthic meaning of "origin - generation".

Of course the genesis I am referring to is the genesis of a new era of sounds. The sound generated by Vocaloids singing in italian.

Back now on Gigi Re Magi and I would like to show you the t-shirt I am wearing now.

This t-shirt which has printed "Sounds Jerusalem" a phrase from Gigi Re Magi.

I would like to tell you how I ended up making this t-shirt.

Here in Japan I have a friend of mine, Simone, who has an university degree in Sociology.

When he heard Gigi Re Magi for the first time he immediately asked me to make a t-shirt with "Gerusalemme Sonora" written on it.

I was honestly surprised of his request but I immediately ended up making two of them, one for me and one for him.

If you turn off the captions for few seconds you should be able to see at least a part of it.

If you also desire to have one of these t-shirts or if you would like me to design an original one for you, just let me know in the comments.

I am still not able to imagine who, apart from Simone, would ever desire to have a t-shirt with made by me, but if you want one I will gladly make one for you and it can be original or just like this one.

Thank you so much for watching and do not forget to subscribe! See you next week!

For more infomation >> Gigi Miu Diary #10 About Gigi Re Magi song - Duration: 9:09.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 18 EKİM 2017 | SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ | SETENAY CANKAT | Youtube - Duration: 10:22.


Malta Vlog #2 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Malta Vlog #2 - Duration: 2:49.


Belén Esteban hace polvo a Paz Padilla con un feo desprecio y arde Telecinco - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Belén Esteban hace polvo a Paz Padilla con un feo desprecio y arde Telecinco - Duration: 2:27.


3 Simple Life Hacks & condoom Ideas - Duration: 3:28.

3 Simple Life Hacks & condoom Ideas

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