Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

(heavy rock music)

- Hey y'all, Shawn with Custom Offsets,

Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

Got another Match Up for you,

gonna show you what this wheel size

and this tire size look matched up.

So it's gonna be a 22 by 12, negative 40,

American Force,

and it's gonna be on a 305/40 R22.

305/40 R22 basically equates out to be about

31 and a half, 31.6 I think, by 12 wide.

So because you've got a 12 wide wheel

and a 12 wide tire,

you pretty much end up with a straight sidewall.

You will see that it tips back a little bit,

and remember that's because even on a 12 wide wheel,

you're 13 inches from bead to bead

on the inside of these beads.

So the measurement is taken at the bottom of that bead,

but the actual width that this tire

has to bead out to is 13 inches.

So that 12 wide is gonna have just a little bit

of stretch and give you a little bit

of angle at the top.

But if you look at the bottom,

you still have just a shed of protection

before you're gonna get into the wheel,

but you'll see it is definitely

a low profile tire.

So speaking of profile,

you're looking at the top,

wanna go from the top of the wheel there

to the top of the lug,

you're about four inches of sidewall,

and only about three and a quarter

from the top of the wheel here to the tread line.

Was only, what did I say?

Three and a quarter? Yeah.

Three and a quarter.

So definitely a low profile tire,

a lot of your 22 inch wheels

are gonna end up having that low profile

tire with the 22 inch tire

unless if you start going in to the mud tires.

But any of the all-terrains like this,

and just for reference this is the

Terra Grappler, I'm sure it's a G2,

I'm going with G2.

So this is, they're all-terrain

and you'll see that it's definitely

a low profile tire.

That's all I know about that. Peace.

(heavy rock music)

For more infomation >> Custom Offsets Match Up: 22x12 on 31.5x12 - Duration: 2:09.


Pastor, vereador de Ponta Grossa cita boato e ameaça prender Pabllo Vittar - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Pastor, vereador de Ponta Grossa cita boato e ameaça prender Pabllo Vittar - Duration: 3:56.


The Last Jedi Trailer - Hux Reacts - Duration: 3:42.

well hello friends

it's your old pal Armitage

and i've had a few drinks

and when you have a few drinks

sometimes you get some delightful ideas

and i got a delightful idea today

i decided i'm going to do a reaction video

to the latest Last Jedi trailer

isn't that perfect?

i'm in the movie you see

i'm in the movie and i'm going to react to it

let's roll this thing

oh of course there's Ren's backside

you're welcome ladies

the gorilla walkers or whatever they're called

more Ren of course. Ren, Ren, Ren

wait a minute

didn't the scavenger destroy that lightsaber at the end of The Force Awakens?

her yes her. didn't she destroy it?

you mean he made one just like it? it was s**t why did he do that?

(singing along) dum, dum, dum, dum, dum

he needs a haircut

don't fall

wouldn't it be great if she just fell?

that'd be hilarious

he really needs a haircut

i mean look at that he looks like a shaggy dog

oh sorry i nodded off

oh him again great

oh i wonder what he's gonna do

ooh he's going to break some s**t of course he is

oh spinny spinny spinny i'm such a great pilot

i'm better than every...oh

are you going to kill your mother?

no, no you're not going to kill your mother

you're such a big baby

whah, is that penguin flying the Millennium Falcon?

he's gay

oh that gave me a h**d on

oh sorry

cut your hair, oh those are cute

i guess he didn't kill his mother

stop blowing up our Tie Fighters

oh hello Supreme Leade...

ooh you're torturing her

good move good move

oh what?

oh no, no, no, no, no

that's complete misdirection

that is not going to happen

never going to happen

wait a minute

is this the end of the trailer?

is that it?

okay let me see if i have this straight

you got a shot of a penguin flying the Millennium Falcon

but you didn't get a shot of General Hux?

not one moment featuring me?


is ridiculous

i hate this movie

i hate it

i'm not going to see it ever

For more infomation >> The Last Jedi Trailer - Hux Reacts - Duration: 3:42.


2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Opening Tease - Duration: 1:58.

I don't believe people will remember you for making it to Quarterfinals.

In order to be remembered you have to continually perform well on a higher stage.

Just getting to Quarterfinals is a feat in and of itself.

However since we got to Finals last year

in order for us to be satisfied, we have to get to Finals.

Our opponent is an NA team.

Shouldn't we show that China is better than NA?

The name SKT itself is synonymous to winning a title.

I think, from making it out of Groups and getting into the Quarterfinals, Semifinals

these are all just part of a process.

Regardless of the sport, everyone always remembers the champions.

For more infomation >> 2017 World Championship Quarterfinals Opening Tease - Duration: 1:58.


The Untold Truth Of Malia Obama - Duration: 6:10.

Former President Barack Obama's daughters managed to keep a pretty low profile during

their time in the White House.

But now enrolled at Harvard, and stepping out from her parents' shadows, Malia Obama

is making headlines of her own!

All-American birthday

July 4th b-day girl Malia has spent many birthdays in a hotel room, basically spending her whole

life celebrating in between her father's political appearances.

The Chicago Tribune reported that in 2008, "She spent the evening in a Holiday Inn Express

hotel room in Montana.

During a break in campaigning, the family partied in the hotel room, ordering in dinner

and a birthday cake and dancing to her favorite songs from artists such as the Jonas Brothers

and Hannah Montana."

But in 2009, she was the first in her family to have a birthday in the White House.

And it was epic.

Around 20 of her friends joined her at Camp David in the days before her birthday, followed

by a South Lawn barbecue and fireworks back at the White House, along with a giant sleepover.

But does any of that compare to her 18th birthday bash with Kendrick Lamar and Janelle Monae?

That's a tough call!

Choosing a pet

During her father's campaign, one of the things he promised Malia and Sasha was that, win

or lose, he'd get them a dog.

But that was easier said than done.

Obama told the press, "We have two criteria [for deciding on a dog] that have to be reconciled.

One is that Malia is allergic so it has to be hypoallergenic."

The other criteria they hoped to meet was adopting from a shelter.

After an exhaustive search, in April 2009 the world finally met Bo Obama, a Portuguese

water dog that was a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy.

It seems Bo wasn't an issue for Malia's allergies, considering a second Portuguese water dog

named Sunny arrived in 2013.

Driver's Ed. with the Secret Service

Sure, she might have Secret Service to drive her around, but like any teen, Malia was excited

to learn how to drive herself.

Admitting that driving is a part of normal life outside of the White House, Michelle

told Jimmy Fallon,

"We're gonna have to figure that out.

Ladies and gentlemen in DC, watch out.

Malia Obama on the road."

CNN reported that Michelle revealed to Rachel Ray that the Secret Service wouldn't even

let her get in the car with Malia — and took on the task of teaching her themselves.

College bound

According to the New York Times, the president told his daughter "not to stress too much

about having to get into one particular college," reporting that Malia was choosing between

"Ivy League schools, liberal arts colleges and at least one top-ranked public university."

Malia graduated from Sidwell Friends in 2016, but the Times reported that instead of heading

to college that fall, she would take a year off.

Not only did she want to wait for the end of her father's second term, but her final

college choice — Harvard — actually recommends gap years.

As the website states it, "Harvard College encourages admitted students to defer enrollment

for one year to travel, pursue a special project or activity, work, or spend time in another

meaningful way," claiming that about 80 to 110 students defer their start date each year

— including the president's daughter!

Protesting the pipeline

Though Malia took a gap year from school, she didn't take a break from politics.

During her time off, she protested the Dakota Access Pipeline.

In an interview with Seth Meyers, Shailene Woodley revealed that Malia attended a protest

at the Sundance Film Festival, saying:

"I thought that was really moving and inspiring…

It was neat to see her be invested personally and separately from her family in these causes."

She can't run for President 'til 2033, but it looks like Malia might have a future in


High profile intern

Malia has taken on some serious internships — though she definitely wasn't picking up

anyone's Starbucks order.

In 2014, she got to work as a production assistant on the set of Halle Berry's Extant.

Then in 2015, Malia worked on the set of HBO's Girls.

And she went on to learn even more about the film industry, thanks to an internship with

big-league Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

But all this was no surprise to the Obamas.

Michelle told People back in 2012, "Malia has expressed some interest in filmmaking.

Just like her father, she is an avid reader, and she enjoys movies."

But will she ditch Washington for Hollywood?

We'll just have to wait to find out.

Secret trip

While the public knew that Malia was going to be spending her gap year vacationing with

her parents and interning, no one knew she was also going to Bolivia and Peru through

a Colorado-based organization called Where There Be Dragons.

The organization's three-month gap year program helps students "examine current political

trends, social movements, and environmental conservation efforts in the mountains and

jungles of Bolivia and Peru."

When we say that no one knew she was going, we're talking no one other than her family

and the Secret Service — and that includes the guides.

While guides were aware of the need of American bodyguards, they didn't know who the guards

were there to protect.

One guide told The New York Times, "There was a blonde girl, and we assumed she was

the important one," only much later learning, that it was Malia Obama who had joined them

on their trek.

Low-key Ivy League

When Malia moved into her Harvard dorm in August 2017, many people at the school were

excited about her arrival, with some in the area rushing to take photos — but Malia

wasn't having it.

TMZ showed footage of her clapping back at a woman trying to get a photo of her:

"Are you just gonna take it in my face like an animal in a cage?"

Fortunately, her fellow Harvard students are more laid back about her attendance.

One student told the Boston Globe, "It's not unusual that we have some well-known students

here, either because of their parents' name or because they've done something incredible...I

would just treat her like any other student."

Normal teen, extraordinary life

If there's one thing all of this reveals about Malia, it's that she's, well, normal.

Her dad's presidency is just that: his.

She's still looking to make a name for herself and by the looks of it, is doing a pretty

good job!

Her dad told Ellen,

"She's just a really smart, capable person, and she's ready to make her own way."

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Malia Obama - Duration: 6:10.


Grings - Limites de Funções Definidas por Várias Sentenças - ( Aula 5 ) - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Grings - Limites de Funções Definidas por Várias Sentenças - ( Aula 5 ) - Duration: 11:23.


Hand Body Painting - Coloring Pages Hands for Babies - How to Draw Hands for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:20.






Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Hand Body Painting - Coloring Pages Hands for Babies - How to Draw Hands for Children - Art for Kids - Duration: 1:20.


[ENG] Gfriend biting each other, Sinrin, Unnie line, Main line, Tom and Jerry, Tall line - Duration: 4:39.

*Yerin's hobby: Biting her members*

*1st attempt* Sinrin


*act as if she was sneezing* *2nd attempt*


*revenge, bite ear?*

*Unnie line, bite hair*

*Yerin thinking: Sophrodite's hair?* *Yuju too*

Yerin: we ate something like this (hair) just now (for sowon's birthday) *they ate pasta*

*next, eating face?*

Sowon: Congratulation! for last broadcast (for fingertip)

Yuju: Thanks for coming to the fan sign just now

Eunha: Yes, but what is this, who bobo here? Her mouth is really huge!

Sinb: Yerin-unnie, what is this!

Eunha: She bobo with her mouth open this widely!!

Yuju: Isn't it this? Eunha: Her mouth is really huge!

Umji: Only one possible culprit, this person here

Eunha: Her(yerin) hobby~

Sowon: What is this? Sinb: Yerin's bobo, like this

*Yuju learnt well from gayerin, biting face?* Sinb: Why is everyone doing this to me?


Sinb thinking: eunha's bear ear hairband is blocking me...

*bite, throw*

*Sinb biting Yerin's finger*


*Other victims of face biting*

*Sinb squeezing unnie to the side wall*

*revenge: head bite!*

*1st attempt, failed*

*accidentally hit Omuji behind*

*2nd attempt, Forehead BITE!*

*Arm bite! and sin's bobo*

*Eunha too, shoulder bite! during love whisper 1st win* *Yujeuna <3*

*Talking about the difference in their bites?* Yerin: Sowon-unnie is violently "A-ing!"

DJ: Sowon-shi why you do that? What is the feeling?

Yerin: It's really painful!

Sowon: I like the "flesh filling my teeth?" feeling

Umji: Eat meat instead. Eunha: she always leave teeth marks

*Tall line* *forearm BITE*

*Satisfied Sowon*

*Tall line ON FIRE* Yupup: Head BITE!

*... smells ... *

*forearm BITE*

Sinb: Yeah!

Happy Kid-Sowon *Sinb saw the teeth marks*

Sinb: Members always tease me like this...

*Many fake bites too*

*Arm BITE!*

*Bonus: Super cute eunha =)* Sowon about to end the broadcast.

Super cute Eunha: Don't turn off yet Sowon: We will end here

*and Omuji explaining yerin's hobby*

[thanks for watching!! Subscribe and comment if you found other biting scenes. haha xD]

For more infomation >> [ENG] Gfriend biting each other, Sinrin, Unnie line, Main line, Tom and Jerry, Tall line - Duration: 4:39.


Amrat velha good morning - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Amrat velha good morning - Duration: 0:32.


Corina Dorrego - Why Did I Start a YouTube Channel? - Duration: 5:37.

This is like my sixth time trying this.. Hi guys!

My name is Corina, and I'm 18 years old and this is the start of my YouTube channel.

I kind of wanted to start up my first video talking a little bit about how I got to this place

of starting a YouTube channel.

When I was very young my sisters always told me that I would be so curious

when they we do their makeup, and I would watch them

do their makeup for hours and

well it felt like hours to me because I still have very vivid memories of that. So, when I was very young

I think maybe 10.. my mom would give me these makeup samples

And I would try them out and see how I could use them, and then when I was about 11

11 or 12 actually

I really want to set out to find out more about how to use products and how to use them properly

so I started doing research, and I started watching a lot of makeup tutorials and makeup videos on YouTube and

I would watch what they would do and then I would practice and

I would do all this research because I just wanted to find out

so much more about makeup and I ran into Pat McGrath's work. So, when I saw her work I

had no idea that being a makeup artist was a career that somebody could pursue and

once I

saw, how artistic her work was.. and still is... and how how much of an impact she was making in the

makeup industry I

kind of decided in the moment

I want to be just like her and I wants to pursue this in my life. After

Researching and finding out about all of this

I just started watching more and more makeup

and I I tried to learn as much as I could so I could practice on myself and get a good base and then

start practicing on other people. So, for about two years, until I was fourteen, I

Started at practicing on myself, learning as much as I could about eyeshadows and foundations, and trying

out different formulas and

building up a kit. A year- When I was 13

I had actually practiced this on my friends doing their makeup things all sorts of different looks. Doing natural looks, doing

you know, more traumatic looks or completely reshaping their brows

stuff like that and then when I was 14 once those two years of learning for

You know, over, I

actually started out doing some freelance makeup to learn even more on more people that were out of my immediate circle

and it's been four years of doing that now and

actually a year ago- a year ago on Halloween. So, Halloween

2016? 2016.

was doing makeup for my friends for a party. They asked me, why don't you do a Youtube channel? and

well.. what I answered was what I was telling people for many, many years when they would ask me this question. I felt that I was..

too young, but I felt this when I was about

14 years old when I was really starting to take it very seriously um I just didn't want to put myself in

the social media

platform and kind of expose myself to all this hate

I was just very afraid and

when I told them this they told me well, I mean you're kind of older now

why don't you start up an Instagram account? so,

I took their advice and I started up an Instagram account and

It's been a year since I've had that and it's been an amazing learning experience. I have worked with many different people and skin tones

eye colors, eye shapes

facial structures, it's just amazing. I- I love it all.

And I have worked with a few photographers, and I have worked with some models


It's just been

an amazing, amazing, amazing learning experience. Through that year of even more learning, I kind of decided

you know

It's been

6 years of me now experimenting with makeup

Why don't I start up a YouTube channel? So, this is what I am doing now and

you know, I should have started this a while ago and I was very-

You know, taking the plunge is a little hard at first but

I've taken the plunge I am going just start a YouTube channel

and I'm going to make makeup tutorials

If you guys want to see other content, let me know.

Thank you for watching this video and listening to me talk about my makeup journey

Yeah, please subscribe, so you can see you more videos and

Thank you so much for watching me

Um I will post more things and we'll see where this goes this will be a learning experience for me

And you guys will accompany me through this journey and let's hope I get the hang of it pretty soon

So thank you. Thank you so much. Please subscribe to see more and leave a comment if you have a question or

Just whatever you want to say

Thank you so much, and I will see you in my next video. Bye!

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