Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 19 2017

You won't be able to tell.

It's a gun.

It's a pleasure gun though.


It's always a good excuse to come down to Harajuku to get this whenever we run out.

It's a good day out for us when we get it.

Hey Youtube we went to the streets of Tokyo and asked Foreigners what they actually bought

on that day in Japan.

So let's go and ask foreigners in Japan.

I love that he is carrying all the bags.

What did you buy today.

Show us please.

Shall I hold your sweets while you do that?

Okay I am gonna start first.

First I don't care because used to manage a sex toy shop...

I have no shame.

Wait a second there are kids around is that...

Don't worry. You won't be able to tell.

It's a gun.

It's a pleasure gun though.

I had to it's so cool.

I am so glad we interviewed you today.

I got a pink one for myself because I thought it was cool and a green one for my bestie

back home because green is her favourite color and I thought she would appreciate it.

And then from here...

It's not melting though?

It's good right?

And then I got this one from the ACDC clothing store.

ACDC raq.

Super cute.

I do like the eyeballs and I got these socks from there too.

That's another thing I learned.

In Japan they put the little tape on all your bags to keep them closed.


Whoop colorful socks.

As you can see, I am addicted to these colors.

Okay so that's that.

And then I got from this really cool shop, actually that one just across the street actually.

These are all handmade and they are all printed.

Each one of them is different.

None of the two are the same.

So this is banging, I am gonna wear this with a pair of booty shorts.

Cause it's long so it's ok to have half your butt cheek hanging out.

Then I went to the nikey store.

My friend works for Nikey and he is a huge Nikey fan so I was like I am in Harajuku and

he is like "oh see if they got anything."

They had Japan exclusive shirts so I got one of those.

And this is my favourite.

So Winter Flavor taste...

Listen Flavor.

Listen Flavor, my bad.

We have this in New York at a store called Tokyo Rebel but it's mad expensive so I didn't

have the money.

But when I saw it was here I was like hell yeah.

And so I got this shirt.

It says Teddy on it.

It's two little teddy bears.

Super cute.

And super long.

And again these are my colors.

Aquas and pinks and whatnot.

And then I got these earrings.

One earring but it's huge.

I am a fan of wearing the single earring.

So I got this one.

Oh my gosh it's huge.

I am all about... yeah check it out.

I can walk it over if you want.

I got you.

Okay so it says love and just look at how good that's gonna look on me.

Just saying.

But I love Japan.

I love it.

I never thought of New York as the big city honestly because it's so easy to get around

and figure things out.

Here I have been so overwhelmed but in an amazing way.

I feel like you could be here forever.

We are here for two weeks but we are only in Tokyo for a week.


It's just amazing.

Everything is amazing.

I am getting my life.

Let me just say.


I got... you know what I noticed?

How Japanese girls do their makeup.

And I love it.

It's very simple I think.

I bought some blush.

There you go.

Kind of like typical blush I think.


You put it right under your eye right?

So I bought that.

And I bought some candy and some tea.

And that's it.

I went to Closet Child (second hand store).

Oh my god what did you get?

I got some well rock-ish stuff from Ghost of Harlem.

Oh nice, pretty cool.

Oh the back is open!

How much was that?

I think i was like 1000 yen.

That's a bargain.

Anything else you wanna show?

It was just sickly cute.

I don't even know if it suits me but it's so cute.

It's like a Romper.

It's from "Super Lovers".

What attracted you about this one?

It's the cute and the not cute.


You haven't been shopping yet?

I did some.

Oh you did?

Hide shopping.

Wow, what did you get?

Normal stuff Hide fans would buy.

Towel, just Hide.

Awesome, where did you get that?

From the shop here.



I bought these new shoes.

It's my birthday today.

Happy birthday!

He treated me to some shoes.

We also bought face wash at Kiehls.

Can you show us?

Do you have it with you?

Big fan of Kiehls out here.

Do you not have it back home?

We do...

It's just hard to find.

Then also we had lunch at Mr Farmer.

Really good restaurant.

Mr Farmer?

It's on Omote Sando up there just straight out of Harajuku Station.

It's nice.

You got your Kiehls can you show us?

Yes it's always a good excuse to come down to Harajuku to get this whenever we run out.

So it's a good day out for us when we get it.

Ultra facial oil free cleanser.

Why this one?

Makes my face amazing.

I have used it for so many years that I just cannot use anything else.

Good learned something.

I am looking for a cleanser.

I am glad we met.

We can recommend it.

It's really good.

What did we buy?

I bought this hat.


We got lollies, we go one of those.

And then I got some sunnies.

Some funny sunnies.

Like Coco looking ones.

Hats and glasses, can I have a look at the lollipops?

I don't think I have a lollipop.

Oh this hat goes with your shirt.

My outfit and my sunglasses I got a really cool rainbow scrunchie that

I will use, probably a lot.

You need to wear your hat.

Why are you not wearing your hat.

It's not that sunny.

Doesn't really offer that much sun protection.

Did you buy this shirt in Japan?

I was wondering when I saw it on you.

No I own this.


Well then it totally fits to Harajuku right now.

I dressed for the day.I knew.

She is color schemed. Today Harajuku.

Yes wearing pastel today.

So recent things we shopped in Japan.

We had a couple of nice things, actually one of the recent things I shopped is...

The Cathy Cat kitten pillow.That was actually in the 100 yen store it was 200 yen though.

But it was so cute, I was like I am Cathy Cat and there is a massive Cat pillow.

As most of you guys who watch my personal channel know, I have moved into Tokyo now

I haven't quite settled down yet.

I don't have a washing machine, I don't have a fridge.

There are quite a lot of things I Don't have yet.

I am saving up for it so I might get them hopefully next month... or the month after.

Right now I have to go to the coin laundry and always go eating out.

Hopefully I can get enough money together for the stuff, so I am buying lots of little

cute items in the meantime though that I can afford for example my cute little kitty pillow

and you know little things like ... cups so I can have a drink here and stuff.

Not quite assembled yet once my room is done and looks nice I will do a video on my channel

about that.

Be sure to check that out.

So what's the most recent purchase you did?

Anything fun you bought recently?

Let us know, looking forward to reading your comments.

Don't forget to check out some of the other videos we have done.

Thank you very much for watching and I catch you soon on Ask Japanese.


For more infomation >> THE WEIRD STUFF THAT FOREIGNERS BUY IN JAPAN - Duration: 8:39.


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For more infomation >> Sao Nhập Ngũ SS4 cặp đôi Hương Giang Mai Ngô leo sào Vượt Tường như phim Hành Động - Duration: 10:06.


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