Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 19 2017

Hey gang!

Drex here from and today we are going to put LED handles to the test.

In the past few years, LED handles have grown as a market for prop makers driven by demand

from poi spinners learning gunslingers as well as juggling.

Today, I'm going to test four different options for LED handles to see how they stack

up and which ones are the best fit for you.

Before we dive in, I just want to take a moment to give a shout out to the friends of the


Big thanks to Dark Monk, Emazing Lights, Flowtoys, Spinballs, and Ultra Poi for helping to make

the videos on this channel possible.

You can visit them all on the web by following the links down in the description of this


Now on with the show!

I didn't start to see LED handles out in the world until just a couple years ago.

For the most part, poi spinners have been happy to just let their handles be dark and

the heads be the center of attention for both LED and fire spinning.

Unlit handles make catching poi throws in the dark really challenging and quite frankly

gunslingers just don't look like anything at all if the handles aren't visible to

the audience.

So, I'm going to take four of these options and grade them according to six criteria:

ease of use, features, durability, brightness, battery life, and cost.

For the first four categories, I'm going to be grading each handle on a 3-point scale:

1 is does not meet expectations, 2 meets expectations, and 3 exceeds expectations.

After I lay all this out, I'm also going to include some of my own thoughts, too.

There are a lot of possible ways to put LEDs in handles, so I've come up a couple criteria

to limit which options I cover here.

The first criteria is the handle must be commercially available.

That is--anyone can buy it.

It's not a one-off solution or hack someone has posted a photo or video of.

Second: only one handle per manufacturer.

This meant that I usually went with the most popular or most recent product that they've


The other criteria is that I have to be able to connect it to a set of LED and fire poi,

so it has to be able to connect to ropes, swivels, or loop handles.

With those criteria in mind, 4 options made the cut.

They are: electron handles from Emazing Lights, Ultraknobs from Ultrapoi, IllumiGripz with

Nite Ize from Sheridan Miller and Protobeam, and capsule handles from Flowtoys.

Okay, I have to drop one quick caveat with regards to the Illumigripz.

The Illumigripz themselves are 3D-printed inserts.

To make a complete set of handles with them, you also need Nite Ize LEDs and the handle


They're meant to work with both Pomgrips as well as Propbox Approved handles.

I went back and forth on this for a little while because getting a complete set of these

means purchasing parts from three different companies.

Ultimately, though, there's nothing involved in putting them together that's really a

hack per se.

You're supposed to be able to remove the Nite Ize lights to change the batteries and

you don't have to modify the inserts or handles at all.

So...they do pass muster but just barely.

Cool, so let's start with ease of use.

I have a test when it comes to LEDs of all stripes.

Can I get something out of this product that I like without having to look at the manual?

The answer?

Well, with the electrons the answer is absolutely not.

For starters they ship in lock mode, so you both have to know what that is and how to

disable it to even turn the handle on in the first place.

For the record: you've got to hold down the button for 3 seconds until it flashes


Once the lock mode is turned off, programming these lights is not an easy or intuitive process.

I've looked through the manual a few times now and can do some basic mode programming

but by and large they're still pretty mysterious to me.

I'm going to have to spend an afternoon at some point working through this stuff to

get off-book.

They get a 1.

Ultraknobs are pretty intuitive.

Pushing the button cycles through a series of colors and holding it down cycles through

different strobe modes for each one.

Not difficult at all!

They get a 2.

I'm really, really torn on the Illumigripz.

On the one hand, Nite Ize are super intuitive.

You just push them and turn them on and off or push twice to get a strobe mode.

You really can't get any easier than that.

On the other hand, the Illumigripz inserts themselves can be a little confusing.

I wasn't sure when I got them what these small rings were for.

It turns out that you're meant to put the LED through them and then place the full assembly

inside the handle plug.

They don't come with instructions on how to do this.

Kind of frustrating.

Given the ease of the Nite Ize but the lack of documentation for the inserts, I'm going

to split the difference and give these a 2.

The capsule handles from Flowtoys totally pass my no instructions test--super easy!

Getting deeper into the modes can be a little bit more challenging, such as if you want

to select one specific color to display on them, but I'm giving these a 2 as well.

Now let's talk features!

How versatile are these handles?

How many modes do they have and can they be edited?

I'm going to start this off by confessing that I'm not a modes geek.

I like to turn my poi on and not have to worry about them.

That said I'll do my best for the geeks out there.

So to start with, the electrons.

Not gonna lie: I'm pretty sure these lights are smarter than I am.

When you have a grasp on how to program them, you can select exactly what color or colors

you want and choose from 16 different unique strobing modes to get pretty close to just

about anything you can imagine with a single LED.

I know that these lights have been created specifically with modes geeks in mind, so

I'm giving them a 3.

Next, the Ultraknobs.

These give you 7 colors to choose from and 4 additional modes that use multiple colors.

There's not a lot to say here.

I feel like there's enough to choose from but that I could easily imagine something

they wouldn't do.

There is one weird thing: the white mode isn't actually white.

It's kind of a weird off-violet.

Kind of strange but not the end of the world.

I give them a 2.

When it comes to the Illumigripz, because the lights are Nite Ize you only get to pick

one color at a time.

Your only two modes are solid or strobe.

The exact things that make them easy to use also limit their feature set.

They get a 1.

Finally, capsule handles from Flowtoys.

Here you get access to 13 different modes that each have several different sub-modes

depending upon what strobe pattern, color, or response to motion you want.

The capsules are really flexible but it can take some time to get the setting you want

out of them.

I'm giving them a 3.

Next up, let's talk durability!

When it comes to poi and especially poi tosses, they're going to take a lot of shocks.

I haven't used electrons as much as some of the other handles on this list, but they've

been able to take every beating I've put to them.

Drops, gunslinger spiral wraps, more drops.

The lights stay in and stay functional.

I'm a little leery about them in the long-term, but I don't have hard data to go by on this,

so I'll give them a 2.

Those of us who've used Ultraknobs know that durability is their biggest Achilles

heel right now.

It's super easy to knock the lights out of the handles whether you drop them or are

just holding them.

In addition, the boards inside are pretty delicate.

I've now broken 3 of these handles--one of them actually broke as I was performing

these tests.

I've had the mini-USB jack break off the boards of two handles--once when the handle

landed on grass!

In the other, the button stopped functioning properly.

I'm told they have fixes on the way for the next version of these handles, but in

current form I'm giving them a 1.

Despite the fact that there's nothing but friction holding in the Illumigripz, they

seem to be surprisingly durable.

I've been using them heavily for several weeks now and both the boards and inserts

seem to be taking all my abuse like a champ.

I really, really wish I could give these a 3, but there's just one problem: the 3D

printed inserts are pretty durable inside the handles, but not outside of them.

I tore one insert and it's actually made it pretty difficult now to use the button

in that handle.

Illumigripz get a 2.

I've been using capsules in various forms for 4 years and I've yet to be able to break


Some of them have had battery defects, but that's the only issue I've ever come across.

Especially when housed inside the handle casing, these things are pretty durable and dependable.

I've used them more extensively than any other type of light on this list--capsule

handles definitely get a 3.

Next, brightness.

To test this I tried each handle paired against both my LED contact poi as well as a set of

my fire poi.

This is kind of a difficult comparison to make, because 3 of these handles are small

enough to fit in the palm of your hand, so your hand blocks out quite a bit of the light

that they produce.

That said, this property is also a consideration when looking at which handles you might want

to buy!

Here are all of them with my LED poi.

Doing some gunslingers.

Now some throws.

And some contact.

And here are the exact same handles with my fire poi.

Showing off gunslingers.

And throws.

Which ones do you think are which?

I'll let you know at the end of this section.

Without a doubt, the biggest surprise to me were how bright the electron handles were.

These handles are the smallest ones I tested and I thought they'd be nearly invisible.

I was totally wrong!

They show up just fine with both LED as well as fire poi.

They get a 2.

Also surprising was the Ultraknobs.

I've been using them for months and thought that they would be among the brighter options.

Turns out they were the least bright handle I tested.

They work just fine with LED poi but I noticed that they disappear in that first minute of

a burn.

I'm giving them a 1.

The Illumigripz were bright and clear with both LED as well as fire.

No caveats here--they just work!

I'm giving them a 2.

Finally, in a result that should surprise no one, the brightest handles by far were

the capsule handles from Flowtoys.

They occupy the largest form factor and quite frankly they're the same lights that are

in the heads of my LED poi, so they come off at just as bright.

Likewise, I've seen people using them in the wild for fire poi and they do not disappoint


Loud and clear against the fire heads no matter where you are in the burn.

An enthusiastic 3.

One quick note here: the next generation of capsules are due next year and they're going

to be capable of being even brighter!

Be on the lookout! again are those 4 comparisons labeled.

Here's the LED.

And here's the fire.

Which ones do you prefer?

Okay, now onto batteries.

To test the batteries, I wanted to give each of the handles the most punishing test I possibly

could, so I charged them up or put brand new batteries in each of them and then turned

them all onto their brightest solid white setting.

Then, I let them sit for the night with a camera going to let me know when each of them

went dead.

Okay, so this is where I have to insert the first caveat because for each of these handles

there are actually multiple answers for how long they last.

Each handle lasts on solid white mode for a certain amount of time, but most of them

can still operate in different colors for a little while longer.

The Ultraknobs and Electrons both do this thing where, as the battery runs down, the

green and blue LEDs slowly go out but leave the red LEDs still going for a little while


Because they default to fading into red, I'm going to talk about this red zone with the

Ultraknobs and electrons.

The reason here is that if you're spinning LED heads the handles on red, they're still

usable whereas they're too dim to be seen with fire heads.

So, how did each handle do?

On full white mode, the electron handles last somewhere between 9 and 10 hours.

I actually kind of goofed on this one.

When I did this test overnight I set my camera going with about 9 hours of space on the memory


I was meant to wake up as the camera ran out of room.

Then I overslept by an hour.

So somewhere between when the camera ran out of space and I woke up is when the electrons

went to red.


So how long was the usable battery life for the electrons, including the red zone?

26 hours!

Crazy, right?

How about the Ultraknobs?


More caveats!

When I did this test overnight, the ultras went red after roughly an hour and a half

and were unusable by 2 hours into the test.

This seemed kind of strange to me, so I reran the test the next day with a control.

There's now a version 1.5 of the ultraknobs that has a better button and some improvements

to the board.

I have both versions, so I charged up both and compared them to each other.

The older handle had the exact same performance: red zone after an hour and a half and unusable

at 2 hours.

The newer handle, though, went about five and a half hours before dipping into the red

zone and topped out at 6 and a half hours of usable battery life.

I don't know if that means that the battery goes downhill after a few charges, they've

switched over to using different batteries, or the new handles have slightly different

boards that use power more efficiently, but it sure seems like when it comes to battery

life that the newer ones with the clicking buttons are the better call.

Testing the Illumigripz is a little weird because it's really just testing the Nite

Ize but hey, why not?

The package the Nite Ize comes in says that they last for 20 hours.

I am here to tell you that they are actually underestimating that number!

By 22 hours they start to noticeably dim.

They don't go dark for at least 26 hours but they may not be useable for fire after

that initial 22.

Let's just say the batteries in these last longer than my patience.

Finally, the capsule handles.

These had the most consistent behavior of any handle that I tested.

Unlike the other handles, there is no dimming period.

When they start to run low, they blink twice and then go dark.

I found in my overnight test that on solid white mode they'd last 4 and a half hours

before they'd blink out.

Now, like the ultraknobs I have several capsules in my collection and I decided to double-check

my findings.

The result?

Exactly the same!

Whether old or new, the capsules would blink out after four and a half hours on white.

I've heard lots of anecdotal stories about how long these can last in other modes and

from what I gather, like the Nite Ize these can be made to last far longer than my patience.

Of course, many of these handles also have other color and strobe modes that can increase

battery life--I'm not going to test them all for this video, though, because it would

take me months to go through each and every setting on these LEDs.

I just wanted to present to you guys a worst-case scenario.

Final note on this: only the Ultraknobs and the Capsule handles use rechargeable batteries

and both charge off a micro USB cable.

The electrons use 1602 watch batteries and the Nite Ize use 2016 watch batteries.

You can find both at hardware stores or by ordering online.

Alright, last thing we're going to discuss: price.

Electron handles are available for $24.95 a pair at

They come as-is with the lights and batteries preinstalled.

Make sure to take them off of lock mode when you get them.

You'll find them in the orbit section of the website.

Ultraknobs are available for $50 a pair at

They also sell these as individual handles as well as replacement parts.

To assemble the Illumigripz, you'll need parts from at least 3 different online shops.

You need to order the inserts at Protobeam's etsy shop and they cost $20 a pair or you

can buy them for $10 per insert.

A link to that Etsy shop is down in the description.

You'll also need a pair of Nite Ize Spot Lits.

You can either get these at a local pet or hardware store or by ordering them from Amazon.

Either which way they'll run you $14 a pair.

Finally you'll need the handles themselves.

You can go with either Propbox Approved handles or Pomgrips from

Each cost $10 a pair or $5 for each individual handle.

Links to both are in the description of this video.

So to summarize: for a pair of these LED handles, you're spending at least $44.

Finally, capsule handles are available from for $110 per pair.

They come with the capsules, casings, and leashes to go with them.

If you're going to order from Emazinglights, Ultrapoi, Lanternsmith, or Flowtoys I'm

going to ask you to do me a favor and use my promo code "drexfact0r" with a zero

instead of an "o" at checkout.

Doing that helps out both me as well as this channel.

Cool: so final thoughts.

Here's the 800-pound gorilla in the room: size and weight.

Some people prefer heavier handles and it should be said that there's really no way

to do that with the Electrons, Illumigripz, or Ultraknobs.

There's limited space and thus limited weight that can be added to these.

At the other end of the spectrum are the Capsule handles, which are heavy and can't be made

any lighter.

I personally find them difficult to throw and do contact with, but I'm sure there

are people out there who've gotten used to them.

For folks who like their handles super duper light, the Electrons might actually be the

winner here--they're easily the lightest handles I tested.

Ultimately it's going to come down to what fits you and what fits your style the best.

I know I've laid out a hell of a lot of information here, so if you like I've made

it up into a nice chart that's available as a PDF download on my website.

Link is in the description.

I hope this was helpful and that I see a whole lot of you out there in the coming months

enjoying your new LED handles.

Thanks so much for watching.

If you got anything out of this video, please hit that like and subscribe button to help

my channel grow!

Special thanks to all my awesome supporters on Patreon--you guys are the ones that make

these videos possible.

If you're not a current backer and would like to sign up to support the work that I

do, please go to

Thanks again and peace!

For more infomation >> What are the best LED poi handles? (2017 buyers guide) - Duration: 15:03.


Watch Stranger Things Gaten & Noah Shock a Fan with an LG OLED TV | LG USA - Duration: 1:47.

(Doorbell rings)

(screams) OH MY GOD!!!


So you're looking for a TV...

You're thinking of going 4K?


The colors are freaking amazing.

Love Stranger Things.


it's so incredible.


That would look amazing on this.


(Doorbell rings)





We had to come find you because we heard that

you take your TV very seriously.

I do. Oh my god.

What's your favorite show?

Um... Stranger Things!

Heck yeah!

Thank you!

We like it too.

Look at you guys!

I'm freaking out right now.

Do you have a toaster?

I do have a toaster-r-r.

Do you mind warming these up for us?

You guys brought Eggos?

We're gonna set this up while you make those.

(squeals) We're gonna set this up while you make those.

And then we'll eat Eggos and binge.

Alright, you good?

Yep. Alright, you good?

Awesome. Yeah, this way.


Hope we don't destroy her house.


Very graceful.


That's nice.

Oh, it's light!

It's light, right?

Oh, she's gonna love this.

I know, I love this!

Oh... Yesssss!

So Tish, you might want to sit down,

because we're going to watch the whole first season over again.


That's my favorite part.



For more infomation >> Watch Stranger Things Gaten & Noah Shock a Fan with an LG OLED TV | LG USA - Duration: 1:47.



You won't be able to tell.

It's a gun.

It's a pleasure gun though.


It's always a good excuse to come down to Harajuku to get this whenever we run out.

It's a good day out for us when we get it.

Hey Youtube we went to the streets of Tokyo and asked Foreigners what they actually bought

on that day in Japan.

So let's go and ask foreigners in Japan.

I love that he is carrying all the bags.

What did you buy today.

Show us please.

Shall I hold your sweets while you do that?

Okay I am gonna start first.

First I don't care because used to manage a sex toy shop...

I have no shame.

Wait a second there are kids around is that...

Don't worry. You won't be able to tell.

It's a gun.

It's a pleasure gun though.

I had to it's so cool.

I am so glad we interviewed you today.

I got a pink one for myself because I thought it was cool and a green one for my bestie

back home because green is her favourite color and I thought she would appreciate it.

And then from here...

It's not melting though?

It's good right?

And then I got this one from the ACDC clothing store.

ACDC raq.

Super cute.

I do like the eyeballs and I got these socks from there too.

That's another thing I learned.

In Japan they put the little tape on all your bags to keep them closed.


Whoop colorful socks.

As you can see, I am addicted to these colors.

Okay so that's that.

And then I got from this really cool shop, actually that one just across the street actually.

These are all handmade and they are all printed.

Each one of them is different.

None of the two are the same.

So this is banging, I am gonna wear this with a pair of booty shorts.

Cause it's long so it's ok to have half your butt cheek hanging out.

Then I went to the nikey store.

My friend works for Nikey and he is a huge Nikey fan so I was like I am in Harajuku and

he is like "oh see if they got anything."

They had Japan exclusive shirts so I got one of those.

And this is my favourite.

So Winter Flavor taste...

Listen Flavor.

Listen Flavor, my bad.

We have this in New York at a store called Tokyo Rebel but it's mad expensive so I didn't

have the money.

But when I saw it was here I was like hell yeah.

And so I got this shirt.

It says Teddy on it.

It's two little teddy bears.

Super cute.

And super long.

And again these are my colors.

Aquas and pinks and whatnot.

And then I got these earrings.

One earring but it's huge.

I am a fan of wearing the single earring.

So I got this one.

Oh my gosh it's huge.

I am all about... yeah check it out.

I can walk it over if you want.

I got you.

Okay so it says love and just look at how good that's gonna look on me.

Just saying.

But I love Japan.

I love it.

I never thought of New York as the big city honestly because it's so easy to get around

and figure things out.

Here I have been so overwhelmed but in an amazing way.

I feel like you could be here forever.

We are here for two weeks but we are only in Tokyo for a week.


It's just amazing.

Everything is amazing.

I am getting my life.

Let me just say.


I got... you know what I noticed?

How Japanese girls do their makeup.

And I love it.

It's very simple I think.

I bought some blush.

There you go.

Kind of like typical blush I think.


You put it right under your eye right?

So I bought that.

And I bought some candy and some tea.

And that's it.

I went to Closet Child (second hand store).

Oh my god what did you get?

I got some well rock-ish stuff from Ghost of Harlem.

Oh nice, pretty cool.

Oh the back is open!

How much was that?

I think i was like 1000 yen.

That's a bargain.

Anything else you wanna show?

It was just sickly cute.

I don't even know if it suits me but it's so cute.

It's like a Romper.

It's from "Super Lovers".

What attracted you about this one?

It's the cute and the not cute.


You haven't been shopping yet?

I did some.

Oh you did?

Hide shopping.

Wow, what did you get?

Normal stuff Hide fans would buy.

Towel, just Hide.

Awesome, where did you get that?

From the shop here.



I bought these new shoes.

It's my birthday today.

Happy birthday!

He treated me to some shoes.

We also bought face wash at Kiehls.

Can you show us?

Do you have it with you?

Big fan of Kiehls out here.

Do you not have it back home?

We do...

It's just hard to find.

Then also we had lunch at Mr Farmer.

Really good restaurant.

Mr Farmer?

It's on Omote Sando up there just straight out of Harajuku Station.

It's nice.

You got your Kiehls can you show us?

Yes it's always a good excuse to come down to Harajuku to get this whenever we run out.

So it's a good day out for us when we get it.

Ultra facial oil free cleanser.

Why this one?

Makes my face amazing.

I have used it for so many years that I just cannot use anything else.

Good learned something.

I am looking for a cleanser.

I am glad we met.

We can recommend it.

It's really good.

What did we buy?

I bought this hat.


We got lollies, we go one of those.

And then I got some sunnies.

Some funny sunnies.

Like Coco looking ones.

Hats and glasses, can I have a look at the lollipops?

I don't think I have a lollipop.

Oh this hat goes with your shirt.

My outfit and my sunglasses I got a really cool rainbow scrunchie that

I will use, probably a lot.

You need to wear your hat.

Why are you not wearing your hat.

It's not that sunny.

Doesn't really offer that much sun protection.

Did you buy this shirt in Japan?

I was wondering when I saw it on you.

No I own this.


Well then it totally fits to Harajuku right now.

I dressed for the day.I knew.

She is color schemed. Today Harajuku.

Yes wearing pastel today.

So recent things we shopped in Japan.

We had a couple of nice things, actually one of the recent things I shopped is...

The Cathy Cat kitten pillow.That was actually in the 100 yen store it was 200 yen though.

But it was so cute, I was like I am Cathy Cat and there is a massive Cat pillow.

As most of you guys who watch my personal channel know, I have moved into Tokyo now

I haven't quite settled down yet.

I don't have a washing machine, I don't have a fridge.

There are quite a lot of things I Don't have yet.

I am saving up for it so I might get them hopefully next month... or the month after.

Right now I have to go to the coin laundry and always go eating out.

Hopefully I can get enough money together for the stuff, so I am buying lots of little

cute items in the meantime though that I can afford for example my cute little kitty pillow

and you know little things like ... cups so I can have a drink here and stuff.

Not quite assembled yet once my room is done and looks nice I will do a video on my channel

about that.

Be sure to check that out.

So what's the most recent purchase you did?

Anything fun you bought recently?

Let us know, looking forward to reading your comments.

Don't forget to check out some of the other videos we have done.

Thank you very much for watching and I catch you soon on Ask Japanese.


For more infomation >> THE WEIRD STUFF THAT FOREIGNERS BUY IN JAPAN - Duration: 8:39.


Chỉ cần đâm nhẹ vào mặt đất có một thứ gì đó sẽ nổi lên như con giun - Duration: 12:14.

Thank you for watching the video remember to register your channel offline

For more infomation >> Chỉ cần đâm nhẹ vào mặt đất có một thứ gì đó sẽ nổi lên như con giun - Duration: 12:14.


Bangla Live News Today 19 October 2017 Channel 24 News Bangladesh Latest News Today Update News - Duration: 14:46.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> Bangla Live News Today 19 October 2017 Channel 24 News Bangladesh Latest News Today Update News - Duration: 14:46.



For more infomation >> SOCIAL TRAPPOLONE - 'HANNO PRESO UNA MIA FOTO,...'-I STARS NEWS - Duration: 11:00.


A vibrator for your voice (Sound) - Duration: 6:31.

hi it's Elissa Weinzimmer founder of Voice Body Connection and it is time for

another How to Warm Up video

How to Warm Up

in today's how to warm up video

we're gonna talk about using external vibration and yes I do mean a vibrator

for your voice so this exercise falls into the category sound and for those

following along we have different categories in this how to warm up series

if you're interested in learning more about them and how to construct your own

full warm-up then go to the intro video to learn about all of that so why use a

vibrator for your voice well here's the thing vibration external vibration

both releases muscle tension right we know that we can kinda get one of those

big thumpers for our back to release our back muscles and also our voice is

vibration so when we use vibration to enhance our resonance it can help us

understand what that feels like so for this exercise today we're gonna focus on

the tension release around the throat since we are focusing on sound and the

movement and freedom of the vocal cords themselves here's what you do

we got to have a vibrator this is the one I'm recommending recently it's available on

Amazon for under $10 I hope that remains the case as you're watching this in the

future and what we do we just have two settings on this device it can go slow

you can hear that pretty clearly I'm sure and it can go fast okay now there's

many different exercises we can do with the device but we're gonna use it on the

front of the throat today in order to release the muscles along the sides of

the larynx fancy word for those muscles is the strap muscles because they sort

of look strapped like or they strap the muscles in they strap the larynx I

should say into place so there are muscles that come down from the root of

our tongue which is right up here underneath our chin they come down

towards a bone called the hyoid bone which is right about here which suspends

the larynx from it it has muscles coming down that suspend the larynx and then

the muscles come down along here so we're really gonna focus along this long

rectangle that I'm drawing on either side of my larynx by the way

that's the fancy word for your voice box it's right here it's got kind of hard

cartilaginous edges and your vocal cords are inside of it and as we massage these

muscles we're trying to get them to release down you may remember this from

when we did the laryngeal massage exercise that we're working on releasing

all of this down so the larynx can sit lower in the throat so start by turning

on the device a little bit lower and we're also going to combine something

we've done in another how-to warm-up exercise which is the humming thing so

we're gonna hum from high to low on an EM sound it'll look something like this

now a couple things to say about this first of all I haven't even mentioned

yet this exercise is part of vibrant voice technique which is a specific

technique using a vibrator for your voice and there are many different

exercises that work on tension release and also on enhancing the sound quality

and ease of your voice it was created by David Ley my former graduate school

professor and now business partner in this endeavor who had a client who said

that she really couldn't touch the front of her throat and so he thought what's

small and vibrates that could help break up that tension ding light bulb and

hence this was born so you can learn more about this whole thing at and also learn all of the exercises in that online course

but for now let's just talk about what you would do if you're working on the

front of your throat here so this is like I said very similar to the

laryngeal massage exercise but we're just bringing in vibration so a couple

things to know one thing is it is really important to stay on this front part

this front rectangle of your neck because that's where the muscles are and

this helps release muscular tension so we don't know so much want to come over

here to where we would check our pulse because there's less muscle over here so

we're gonna stay right in the center through here another thing to say is

that we want to be moving the device over the muscles rather than leaving it

in one place what we're trying to do is get the muscles released so they're

lengthening and so the larynx is sitting lower in the throat so we want to be

gently with gentle pressure dragging the device down now you can use any

vibration device that works for you just obviously not something much any bigger

than this on the front of your throat because these muscles are small and

finally another thing to say is that do this for a shorter period of time then

you might be inclined to want to do the first time you try it just to see how it

feels and how you feel afterwards don't overdo it you can do it for a minute

maybe two and see if it really brings some freedom to your voice

ultimately what we hope is that this exercise is going to free some of the tension in

your throat so that more of your sound can flow through if you think of your

voice like a garden hose if you will with water

flowing up through the hose then it's not gonna flow so well where the hose is

being squeezed or tangled so this is going to help untangle some of the

tension in these deeper muscles so that your voice can flow through more easily

and we have more sound so let's just try it for one more moment here

working your way down along the sides not going straight down the middle because it's a

little bumpy bumpy hmm and maybe you get a little bit of

that jittery sound from the vibration that's totally fine

make sure to leave your tongue in your jaw relaxed

and that's probably enough and then continue on with whatever else you're

going to do in your warm-up enjoy this and this one might bring up a lot of

questions so feel free to ask down below the video

how to warm up

For more infomation >> A vibrator for your voice (Sound) - Duration: 6:31.


Orange Blossom Face Wash ASL - Duration: 2:36.

Hello all!

I'm going to show you the Orange Blossom Face Wash

from Young Living

This is a gentle face cleanser

that will not strip the natural oils from the skin on your face

I bought this recently, and have tried it

I like it, and I want my teenagers to try using it too

But I am worried that they will squeeze out way too much each time they use it

I notice when I use it that I only need a very tiny amount to have plenty to lather up for my whole face

So, I got this idea to use a foaming hand dispenser

I got an empty one to use.

And I put on some pretty duct tape to identify the bottle easier

(it was blank when I bought it)

I am planning to put a little bit of the Orange Blossom face wash, with mostly water, into the foaming dispenser

So that my kids can pump it out and use it for their face

to wash their face with this daily

so I will now put two capfuls of this face wash into the foaming dispenser


Now add some distilled water

not tap water

pour the water in slowly so it doesn't bubble up and overflow with foamy bubbles if you are too fast

you will need to leave some room at the top for the bulky foaming dispenser top attachment

I put in 8 oz of water, but it looks like it could hold a little more, but that is what I have right here for now

gently shake it up to blend it

I will mix it up and then I will put it in my children's bathroom

for them to use to wash their face with

I want to encourage them to wash their face more

It's good for the skin.

And I really don't want them to use way too much straight out of the original bottle!

Just a little bit will do!

It will last a long while

Good bye! Subscribe to My Friend Phoebe for more videos like this!

For more infomation >> Orange Blossom Face Wash ASL - Duration: 2:36.



hey guys it's your girl Kaelah and I'm back with another video today today I'm

going to talk about a music academy called Isina if you all arent aware of

who they are and this video is particularly gonna be for those who are

interested in music who those who are trying to have a career or some kind of

job profession in the music industry this is a video for you all its like a

music Academy actually this they say is a worldwide music Talent Search you send

your music u send these into professionals you have Babyface you have

Walter Afanaseiff if I'm saying that right I'm sorry if I butchered your last

name Walter I apologize um you know he's I think he's the creator of Isina and

Kenny G you have Paul Oakenfold and Humberto Gatica like you have all of

these mentors all of these renowned professionals that have been in the

music industry for years they're the ones that actually sit there and they

listen to your material it's pretty cool to actually have a professional sit

there and critique you in something that you have you know put your heart and

your soul into I highly recommend those singers songwriters musicians

instrumentalists producers and DJs if you're just in the music industry period

even if you are a listener you don't even have to be like you know trying to

make it into the music industry you can be on there as a fan and just listen to

all of these amazing talented artists from around the world and this is

something else that's really cool about it is because this is a global quote on

quote kind of like competition you know it's open to everybody around

the world and they have roughly around I guess fifteen maybe thirty people like

oh I'm just gonna say per season because I'm not exactly sure

how that works out I actually just heard about the not too long ago and they just

now had around 15 maybe 16 people flying out to LA to be a part of this Academy

and they teach you everything from like performing on stage writing and

producing music in vocal training and playing instruments I mean they they go

in depth with the whole program I think it's like either a six or eight

week program I'll have to look again I forgot it's actually a program that's

paid for everything is paid for you they pay for you your flight they choose

around fifteen or thirty people that I believe they think might have the

potential to make a star you know and they fly everybody out to LA everybody

lives in this big mansion and it's you know of course everybody has their own

rooms and stuff like that I highly recommend you all to check it out go to do some research I did send in a original song of mine it's

called save me and they give you a review it is 100% guarantee that they will

review your music and they will give you feedback off of it which is the

number one thing I think is very interesting with this program so I only sent

in one song of course I'm gonna send in you know another one because I really

want to know where I am with me producing and writing my own material

like I want to know where I'm at and I think they give some pretty

interesting pretty distinct feedback they critique you buy individuality style

potential and artistry and I got a three out of five out of all different

out of those three categories music is basically for the listener it doesn't

matter if you're a professional or not music is such a powerful tool there's no

such thing as a bad song of course there's gonna be music people

don't like or they feel you could have done differently

you know um that's that's the great thing about music you know you're not

gonna please everybody all songs have a charm about them that goes back to me

saying you're not gonna please everybody you know the song was intentionally

written for it to be a kind of a happy loving fun kind of song music can be

interpreted so many different ways just to hear what people's opinions are so I

absolutely would love to hear y'all's opinions on save me I'm gonna continue

to sing them songs just just to see like where I am on the spectrum of being a

singer songwriter and producer you know I mean we all have our own style our own

taste and that's what makes music so much fun because music can go any kind

of way it can go any kind of way you just need the following the following is

what makes the artist popular it doesn't matter what the song sounds like and

I've learned that you just need to market and promote yourself more than

anything you don't even have to be that great of an artist all of that can come

later all of that can be taught but finding the following finding the

audience your fans your supporters who are gonna be there to buy your shit finding

them is what's gonna be a little difficult that's what you need to focus

on and that's what I'm trying to focus on now so go check them out y'all there

that's really really cool and follow them on Instagram and Twitter and all

that kind of stuff and see what they've been up to they've been doing some

really really cool things I hope that I can be a part of that next time around I

mean just to go up there to LA and to learn from legends really for free oh

I mean c'mon now I definitely want to be a part of that

definitely want to be a part of that that's it for today's video I hope this

kind of gave you all some kind insight on what this company is this is not

sponsored video or anything like that I just recently got some feedback and I

just recently found out about them couple of weeks ago really I was quick

to jump on the bandwagon and submit my song this is 100% percent guaranteed

I'm gonna get feedback from a professional well let's try it it's only

$30 and I did so for those who have not already know make sure y'all follow me

on Instagram and follow my youtube channel just be able to look out because

I'm trying to get my shit together I'm trying so hard to get my shit together

y'all like for real follow me on Facebook and Twitter all that would be

down in the description box below and also don't forget to click that

notification bell because if you don't you will not know that I am posting

videos so make sure you click that notification button and I hope you all

enjoyed this video and I will see you all later

bye guys

For more infomation >> ISINA- SONGWRITERS, SINGERS, MUSICIANS, DJ'S LISTEN UP! - Duration: 7:45.


ROBLOX ESCAPE FROM THE SUPERMARKET! A cartoon ABOUT the GET a Fun video for kids and toddlers - Duration: 5:04.

ROBLOX ESCAPE FROM THE SUPERMARKET! A cartoon ABOUT the GET a Fun video for kids and toddlers

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