Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

He says, "Here in it," in the gospel, "the righteousness of God is revealed from

faith to faith, as it is written, 'the just shall live by faith.'"

A verse taken from the book of Habakkuk in the Old Testament that is cited three times

in the New Testament.

As Luther would stop short and say, "What does this mean, that there's this righteousness

that is by faith, and from faith to faith?

What does it mean that the righteous shall live by faith?"

Which again as I said was the thematic verse for the whole exposition of the gospel that

Paul sets forth here in the book of Romans.

And so, the lights came on for Luther.

And he began to understand that what Paul was speaking of here was a righteousness that

God in His grace was making available to those who would receive it passively, not those

who would achieve it actively, but that would receive it by faith, and by which a person

could be reconciled to a holy and righteous God.

Now there was a linguistic trick that was going on here too.

And it was this, that the Latin word for justification that was used at this time in church history

was—and it's the word from which we get the English word justification—the Latin

word justificare.

And it came from the Roman judicial system.

And the term justificare is made up of the word justus, which is justice or righteousness,

and the verb, the infinitive facare, which means to make.

And so, the Latin fathers understood the doctrine of justification is what happens when God,

through the sacraments of the church and elsewhere, make unrighteous people righteous.

But Luther was looking now at the Greek word that was in the New Testament, not the Latin


The word dikaios, dikaiosune, which didn't mean to make righteous, but rather to regard

as righteous, to count as righteous, to declare as righteous.

And this was the moment of awakening for Luther.

He said, "You mean, here Paul is not talking about the righteousness by which God Himself

is righteous, but a righteousness that God gives freely by His grace to people who don't

have righteousness of their own."

And so Luther said, "Woa, you mean the righteousness by which I will be saved, is not mine?"

It's what he called a justitia alienum, an alien righteousness; a righteousness that

belongs properly to somebody else.

It's a righteousness that is extra nos, outside of us.

Namely, the righteousness of Christ.

And Luther said, "When I discovered that, I was born again of the Holy Ghost.

And the doors of paradise swung open, and I walked through."

For more infomation >> Justification by Faith Alone: Martin Luther and Romans 1:17 - Duration: 4:20.


Animals Farm Cleaning ! Farm Cleaning Game ! Game For Kids ! Funny Game ! - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> Animals Farm Cleaning ! Farm Cleaning Game ! Game For Kids ! Funny Game ! - Duration: 9:32.


Saw III / Testere 3 (2006) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Tobin Bell Filmi - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Saw III / Testere 3 (2006) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Tobin Bell Filmi - Duration: 1:08.


Wie geht Suizidprävention bevor es zu spät ist? | Hope for the Day #ad - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Wie geht Suizidprävention bevor es zu spät ist? | Hope for the Day #ad - Duration: 7:17.


Expertas responden dudas sobre sexo e intimidad | Dr. Juan - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Expertas responden dudas sobre sexo e intimidad | Dr. Juan - Duration: 5:05.


Youtube Está Acabando Con Nuestra Amistad 👭💔😭 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:54.

For more infomation >> Youtube Está Acabando Con Nuestra Amistad 👭💔😭 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:54.


DM Galaxy - Our Weapons (ft. Q'AILA) (Ento Remix) - Duration: 3:30.


We're far away through love and back

Lost in vain

And we've never returned from that

Clouds are rolling in

Let the glorious times begin

Storm is raging

Reload, reload

Get your weapons ready

For tonight is our battle

Reload, reload

Your gun shoot through all but missing me

When you left me there to die


And never give up hope to maybe

One day make it up to me

We're gonna


Our weapons

We're gonna reload

Our weapons, our weapons

I can't count how many times I made

Plans to go back home

We've gone through so much struggle just

To move along

Take my hand

We can go through this together

We can look to find a shelter

Reload, reload

Get your weapons ready

For tonight is our battle

Reload, reload

Your gun shoot through all but missing me

When you left me there to die


And never give up hope to maybe

One day make it up to me

We're gonna


Our weapons

We're gonna reload

Our weapons, our weapons

For more infomation >> DM Galaxy - Our Weapons (ft. Q'AILA) (Ento Remix) - Duration: 3:30.


Why do the Yen and Yuan have the same symbol? - Duration: 2:04.

The yen was adopted as Japan's official currency in May, 1871.

Like many other countries, the roots of the currency lie in silver.

The yen was originally designed to weigh approximately 24.26 grams of pure silver, or 1.5 grams of

pure gold.

Although currently, yen coins are made of aluminium.

The word "yen" is actually pronounced as "en" in Japanese.

And the word Yen translates to "round object," describing the shape of coins used by other


The "Y" used in the yen symbol was likely adopted due to the tendency of foreigners

to pronounce the word "en" with a "y" preceding it.

the word yen in Japanese is related to the word yuan in Chinese and until language reforms

both languages used the same character symbol.

圓 – this is because the Japanese adopted many elements of Chinese to create their writing


This symbol is the basis for the internal Yen and Yuan symbols – the Chinese simplifying

it to 元 and the Japanese to 円

This relationship is the reason why both currencies use

the same symbol.

For more infomation >> Why do the Yen and Yuan have the same symbol? - Duration: 2:04.


Lehrplan Sexualerziehung – von der Aufklärung zur Umerziehung? | 25. Oktober 2017 | - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Lehrplan Sexualerziehung – von der Aufklärung zur Umerziehung? | 25. Oktober 2017 | - Duration: 1:22.


HUNDREDGOD - BOLNA (AUDIO) - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> HUNDREDGOD - BOLNA (AUDIO) - Duration: 3:17.


People Are Awesome 2017 😎😎😎Most Epic Wins Compilation Part 3 - Duration: 10:15.

Help me 1000 Subscribe! Thanks you for watching!

For more infomation >> People Are Awesome 2017 😎😎😎Most Epic Wins Compilation Part 3 - Duration: 10:15.


J-FASHION HAUL - MERCH UNBOXING | Visual Kei • Cosplay • Anime - Duration: 3:40.



Rabbit Shappo「SAN-X - Sentimental Circus」 Keychain plush

Anna Sui Bag「Luxurious Brand of Japan」

D'espairs Ray Shirt「jap. Bandmerch」

D'espairs Ray Shirt「jap. Bandmerch」

D'espairs Ray Shirt「jap. Bandmerch」

Hatsune Miku Wig「Vocaloid」


Visual Kei Trousers「Brand: PUNK RAVE」

(again) Belt

Accessoires「Brand: No Name & Gothic Lolita」

"I love" Necklace

transparent Necklace

racoon necklace

earrings, bracelet & necklaces「Brand: Gothic Lolita」

Visual Kei Dress「Brand: Gothic Lolita & Punk (G.L.P.) 」

For more infomation >> J-FASHION HAUL - MERCH UNBOXING | Visual Kei • Cosplay • Anime - Duration: 3:40.


Energy Update – Letting It All Go - Duration: 7:51.

Energy Update � Letting It All Go

The change in the air is palatable.

We know that things are moving much quicker now and there is a weight of responsibility

with this knowledge.

We are being asked to let go of it all.

All that we thought we were, all that we identify with and all the limitations we have put on


Some are feeling deep depression and anxiety.

This can be due to feeling the pull of the higher timeline while pieces within are still

operating from a lower perspective.

This is causing all that we have not completely healed within to be pulled up at a deeper


It is the time we clear up all that we were not ready to face before.

It can feel like torture until you realize that it can be the final goodbye to that pain

if you are willing.

Others are finding the need for quiet and stillness.

There is much shifting within and the deep changes require patience.

It is a fascinating time as some are finding that their guides are backing off to allow

for the integration of the higher self.

Others are finding their higher-self embedding deeply and this is allowing access to greater

contact within the universe.

It is as if a quarantine has been lifted and access to All has gotten much stronger.

This is the time of disclosure.

While it isn�t �out there� yet, it is happening within.

It is time we own all of our stuff, all of our dysfunction, and most importantly our


Spiritual teachings tell us that we must not identify with our stories that they are simply


Yet, I am reminded of Sananda saying �To look at your life and call it an illusion

is to negate the incredible work you have done.� What I am coming to understand is

that we need to honor our stories, but let the emotions that tie them to us go.

Our stories, our history, what has happened to us, are what has shaped us into who we

are now.

Often it is through difficult life experiences that we grow the most.

We have been forged, purified and strengthened in the fire.

It is understanding that you can honor your stories without having them limit your perception

of all that you are.

When we are unable to let go of the emotions that we attach to events in life, these can

then become part of our identity and secure us firmly into a reality we don�t want to

be in.

Releasing these emotions can be much like the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining,

depression, and acceptance.

Except, it is crucial to add forgiveness and the releasing of judgments we have of self

and others.

We cannot wish away the truth behind our experiences with positivity and love and light.

We must feel it, own it and then and only then can we release it.

Looking at the #metoo movement (where women are admitting to being sexually harassed or

abused) we can see where people are moving into the stages of release.

We can see where some are admitting things for the first time publicly, for others it

gives an outlet to release anger and sadness.

There is also a grouping that is saying #metoo and in those simple words, they realize that

the events no longer hold power over them.

Each person needs to be allowed their process and it doesn�t matter how messy it may seem.

If you haven�t been able to release it yet, now is the time to honor those emotions and

how they have changed you (for the good and bad), release all judgments and set yourself


There is an external energetic push to heal all of this now.

Allow the energies to help you leave behind the pain of your stories and turn them into

your story of triumph and overcoming.

All change happens from WITHIN.

What I have come to understand is this not only means within ourselves but within institutions,

belief systems, and concepts.

I came to this understanding while discussing the education system with my highest self

in regards to my 9-year-old daughter.

I have offered to homeschool her or to find a school that is better suited for sensitive


Her answer to me has been the same since she was five �Mom that is where I need to be.�

There are moments when I know she is speaking from a higher wisdom and I simply have to

trust even if I don�t understand it.

I turned to my team for understanding and they explained that all change happens from


This does not apply to just within the person but within institutions like schools, government,

healthcare and even concepts such as how women are treated in this society.

This is one reason that so many are feeling the pressure to �get back out there�.

It is time to shine the light in all areas of life on earth and allow change to happen.

It is time to see where each of us has played a part in what has been created and help fix

it by simply shining the light and our truth.

We are also being asked to let go of the ways that we have identified ourselves on this

spiritual journey.

I remember merging with Archangel Raphael and my guides telling me, �Don�t identify

with this, for you are so much more.� As we awaken and find our 3D identity stripped,

we can cling onto new identities.

These also must go as we step into the new.

It is not that it is a problem to claim yourself as a lightworker or however you define yourself

as long as you understand that is an extremely limited definition of all that you are in

your totality.

We are being asked to let go of the box we were put in or that we created for ourselves

and to instead experience ALL THAT WE ARE.

While it is a challenging time energetically, physically, and collectively, we are being

asked to let go of all resistance we still have and simply let go.

This was illustrated for me during a lucid dream:

I was on a whale watching boat and the seas were extremely rough.

I was standing on the back of the boat with another person when a huge wave came and knocked

us off.

We hit the water just as a whirlpool was created and we were being sucked down.

I looked over and the other person was fighting with all his strength to not be sucked under.

I began to fight as well when my higher-self says �Stop fighting, you have a life jacket

on.� So I stopped, took in a big breathe and allowed myself to be pulled deep below

the sea.

The suction began to ease, the sea began to calm.

I opened my eyes to see whales swimming nearby as I began to rise towards the surface.

I looked over to see that the person who had fallen off the boat with me, had lost all

his air and had died in the struggle.

I reached the surface took a giant breath of glorious air and saw the sun shining brightly.

I heard my higher-self say �All of you have life jackets, stop resisting and allow it

to help you.�

Upon returning from this vision, I asked my higher self what she meant by we all have

life jackets and she said that the soul�s natural disposition is to always rise to the

light, it is our life jacket.

Feel your life jacket and know that even though you may feel like you are being sucked under,

that you will rise again.

Your soul knows no other way.

Sending you all lots of love and calm seas.

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Letting It All Go - Duration: 7:51.


SHARP Swords on Bucklers? How do they react? - Shield Knock 2017 - Duration: 5:57.

Hey there everybody, Julian Schuetze here from Blood and Iron Martial Arts.

I recently had the opportunity to teach at shield knock, which is a shield based, HEMA


The event itself consisted of many miscellaneous events with lots of different styles of shields

and instructors, and tons of free sparring.

But additionally it had a lot of interesting scenarios that people would go through.

I managed to catch a ton of footage throughout the entire event, and to put it simply, there's

too much for just one video.

So what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be taking lots of the little cool ideas

that happened throughout the event, put them as their own little videos and release them

throughout the week for all of you to watch.

Then I'm going to be putting forward my official review of the event at the end of the week.

One of the first interesting scenarios was the effects of a sharp sword, on a regular


Now the event itself was quite noisy since it was shield based, so there's a lot of noise

in the background which might make it a little difficult for you to hear what the presenters

are saying.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to manually go through all the closed captions and subtitles,

and make sure they are completely accurate.

So if you are having a hard time understanding what they're saying, turn those on and hopefully

that'll help out.

Stuff like this.

Right, it doesn't work.

Another thing is I cut the shield, it comes in and makes incidental contact.

Stuff like that, right?

So what everyone is going to get the opportunity to feel, is what it feels like

To have a sharp sword hit a buckler.

And it's going to behave, you're going to notice a couple things that are going to behave

a lot different.

So hold that buckler up

So I'm going to stick...

Now, push my sword around.

See how much control you had over that sword?

Back up

Try and move my sword.

There's tons of control.

So now I'm going to cut into it

Huge, huge huge difference.

Go ahead shuffle it over to someone else.

Moves around, right?

Push me.

See how much control you had?

Lots of control.

So all those cuts, all those cuts that you try to roll off of and hit the leg.

And look how easily he could feel

It's like, alright, you're going there.


He can feel it, he can follow it.

So those things, a lot of the cuts, the things, the nonsense that you see in Sword and Buckler,

You hit the shield, go to the leg, go "Ah I Got you"

It wouldn't happen.

Let's take a look at the thrust.

And that's a light, I'm barely sticking that.

Imagine someone really, Driving that thrust in.

So I'm going to cut you.

Oh jeez, yeah.

No fooling.

These are just like, little cuts right?

Imagine how it would be if someone is really cutting at your head.

I'll give you one more cut.

You watch how much control you have?

Hand it off.

Even in the steel.

So this is actually in the steel.

He is able to move it around with the metal bosse

These tests were super interesting.

Something to keep in mind though is that it's not a revolutionary game changer.

It's not like when they through a strike into your buckler that they are immediately stuck

and that's it, game over.

But it definitely creates an extra element of control that can go your way.

And these were still really light shots.

If Kyle was throwing some powerful cuts, or powerful thrusts, I'd imagine that the degree

of control would be even stronger as it would be embedded even further into the buckler.

This is not something that is relatively obvious, when using steel or synthetic blunts against

another buckler.

So as Kyle mentioned before, this is definitely something to keep in mind when someone throws

the strike, it hits the buckler, it skips off, and then tags you in the leg or the torso.

Chances are, it wouldn't do very much.

Now this buckler was made of leather, so obviously the sword sticks into it easier.

But, he has reported that he has had similar results with a steel buckler as well.

So it doesn't make that much of a difference.

It's not so much a matter that the buckler acts as a magnet.

The main takeaway, is that the defender now has additional methods as to feeling out what

their opponent is doing, since their sword is lodged in their buckler.

It acts as an extra source of feedback.

For more infomation >> SHARP Swords on Bucklers? How do they react? - Shield Knock 2017 - Duration: 5:57.


The Time I Saw A Ghost (Story) - Duration: 5:47.

I was about...

12 years old at the time.

It was otherwise a normal day

Sunday night

about 10pm

I had to go to school the next day so I was about to go to bed

so my mum asked me to find the cat and get him in for the night.

So I looked out the front door and was like


yes our cats name was Brian just..

just don't ask


and then…

I looked left into the street across the road from ours.

I don't know why but I just

looked at the space between two houses…

and that's when I saw it.

Growing up I believed a lot in things like the supernatural and magic

and I was the kind of person who'd salute at magpies

and avoid cracks in the road so I wouldn't get bad luck.

But now I'm much more of a "see it to believe it" kind of person.

I'm not sure what sparked this change

but one day I was just kinda like


none of this makes any sense at all.

Okay so I have to admit this

the title of this video is misleading.

Yeah, yeah I know, clickbait, whatever.

But I actually saw ghosts..

two times.

"But wait how can you call yourself a sceptical person if you believe in ghosts?"

Well actually I don't believe in ghosts

"But then how-"

Yeah yeah I know it doesn't make sense

actually I'm not sure if I believe in them or not…

let me just explain what I saw and maybe you can help me out

So when I was 12 and looking for my cat and I looked at the street to the left of mine

I saw…

a man.

he was wearing an old-timey suit

like from the 1920s or something,

and he had a top hat on.

He looked translucent, I could see partially through him, and he was blue and glowing.

Yeah, exactly like how ghosts are depicted in every horror movie ever,

I know it sounds stupid but

I'm just remembering what I saw..

or at least what I think I saw.

The most spooky thing, though, was the way he moved -

he took long strides that looked kind of..

graceful, in an uncanny way.

I saw him for maybe like..1 second.

But it proper spooked me.

I was like

"mum I think I just saw a ghost!"

and I showed her where I saw it but she didn't see anything of course

So that was the first time I saw a "ghost" and like I said it wasn't the last.

But the second time it happened was a bit more..


It happened maybe a year or two after I saw the blue man.

So opposite my house there was an apartment and in the top flat i'd always see at night

this weird light flashing in an otherwise dark room.

Thinking back on it now it was probably just a TV

but back then I'd sit and stare at it every now and then

and try to figure out what it was.

But one day when I looked over..

it wasn't a person this time it…

or "they" were like..creatures.

Like goblins or something,

but their faces were contorted in a horrific way

and they appeared and reappeared frantically.

They had a similar glowing, translucent appearance to the man I saw

but this time they were a sickly greenish-yellow colour.

I could only look for a few seconds before something inside me dragged me away.

I felt an intense kind of fear that told me to get as far away as possible.

I never looked in that window again.

Well..until I grew older.

I looked over there a few times since developing the more "sceptical" outlook on life.

The light was still there but…

I honestly just think it's a TV.

So after everything I've seen why do I still not believe in ghosts?

Well to be honest I'm not entirely sure if I believe that I actually saw what I just

described to you.

As more time passes since it happened I question it more and more.

Maybe it was just..a really realistic dream?

The thing is..I don't want to believe in ghosts, because it just doesn't make sense to me.

Why would ghosts exist, and why would only some people see them and only sometimes?

What's the point of that?

Did I only see them so I could make this video?

Anyway, that's my experience with the "supernatural"

so now I want to know what you thought of my story.

Have you had any similar experiences, or do you think there's an explanation for what

I saw?

Either way I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> The Time I Saw A Ghost (Story) - Duration: 5:47.


10 Remakes Too Dangerous for Hollywood | China Uncensored - Duration: 10:40.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

10 movie remakes you won't be seeing from Hollywood.

Sponsored by a Hong Kong film

that Hollywood would never allow.

Hi, welcome back to China Uncensored.

I'm Chris Chappell.

Hollywood loves remakes.

They're seen as less risky investments—

compared to actually coming up with original ideas.

Which explains why there have been

12 different Batman movies and counting.

Or take Karate Kid,

the beloved 1984 classic that taught the virtues

of waxing both on and off.

But a few decades pass,

and it's time to make more money.

So Sony Pictures decided to do

a Karate Kid remake in 2010

that taught the virtues

of sucking up to the Chinese regime—

because China has the second largest

movie market in the world.

They did this by, for example,

by setting the remake in Beijing instead of Los Angeles.


Don't you know that everyone practices kung fu

on the Great Wall?

It's only a two-hour drive from Beijing.

Also, can I just say,

as someone who who does

actual Kung Fu every morning,

Kung Fu is not the same as Karate.

But don't worry,

it was only called the Karate Kid in the US,

in order to suck nostalgia dollars from our wallets.

In China, t

he movie was called The Kung Fu Dream.

But anyway,

Hollywood did what it had to do

to reach the Chinese market,

even if it meant casting Jackie Chan

as the Mr. Miyagi character,

seen here beating up children in the courtyard.

He then goes on to lecture the kids about

why Chinese people shouldn't have freedom.

Ok, that was a joke.

But since Jackie Chan is now appearing

in Communist Party propaganda videos

that play before every movie that's shown in China,

it's not that far off.

But sucking up the Chinese regime

is a relatively new phenomenon in Hollywood.

There was a time when movie studios

didn't care about the Chinese market.

But these days, well,

some of those movies

will never get Hollywood remakes—

because it would cost studios access to that precious,

precious Chinese market.

So here's ten movies that will not be getting remakes.

Number 10: The Mask of Fu Manchu ​

There were several films about the evil Fu Manchu,

a character created by British author Sax Rohmer.

But The Mask of Fu Manchu is considered

the worst-slash-best—

depending on how you look at it.

Let's see, there's racist slurs.

"You hideous yellow monster!"

There's the Chinese bad guy played by a white actor.

And the whole terrible depiction of Chinese people in general.

"Then conquer and breed!

Kill the white man, and take his women!"

Even during its original release in 1932,

the Chinese government launched a formal complaint

through its US Embassy.

Not that Hollywood cared at the time.

They were too busy making movies

for the German market.

Number 9: Macao

When this movie was released in 1952,

Macau was still a Portuguese territory.

And it was no stranger to gambling,

prostitution, and all the exciting corruption

that goes along with it.

Just like today under Chinese rule.

But now, of course,

Macau's dark underbelly is more embarrassing,

since it's frequented by corrupt Chinese

political and business leaders

laundering their ill-gotten gains.

So this one's probably not getting remade.

Number 8: The Sand Pebbles

This film takes place on the Yangtze River in China in 1926.

It involves an American crew aboard the fictional USS Pablo.

But during its filming in the early 1960s,

Mao Zedong was busy killing millions of people,

and foreigners weren't exactly welcomed in China.

So it was filmed mainly in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

It was nominated for eight Oscars,

including best actor for Steve McQueen.

But despite being a great film,

its depiction of American gunboat diplomacy of the era

means this story will never be remade by Hollywood.

Number 7: Year of the Dragon

This film was about a New York City detective

fighting gangsters in Chinatown.

Some loved it; some hated it.

But objectively, it flopped—

losing millions of dollars in theaters.

But that's not why Year of the Dragon

won't be remade by Hollywood.

It's because of complaints from the Chinese community

about racial slurs, and the general depiction

of Chinese people as thugs, criminals, and triads.

Sure, there are triad movies

made by Hong Kong directors,

but Chinese government draws the line

at foreigners airing their dirty laundry.


I mean, since they censored a scene

in Mission Impossible III

when Tom Cruise walked past laundry

hanging from balconies in Shanghai.

Number 6: Big Trouble in Little China

The Chinatown-themed movie also flopped

when it was released,

but it has since become a cult classic.

Sure, there was some talk about a remake

a few years ago,

starring the Rock.

But I doubt that's going to happen.

Is it because of China's current box office clout a

nd Hollywood's aversion to offending Beijing?


Two words: Chinese wizards.

Although now that I think of it,

if anyone could defeat Chinese wizards

to get the movie made,

it would be the Rock.

But even the Rock

couldn't get this movie shown in China.

Chinese villains and making fun of Chinese culture

is a total nonstarter,

regardless of the intentional buffoonery.

I don't know if you've noticed,

but the Chinese Communist Party

doesn't exactly have a sense of humor.

Number 5: The Last Emperor

This film won all nine Oscars it was nominated for,

and pulled in $109 million at the global box office.

It was based on the life of Puyi,

the boy who became emperor

of the Qing Dynasty at age 3,

and died during the Communist Party's

Cultural Revolution.

Amazingly, the production got the official blessing

of the Chinese government at the time.

But this was in the mid-80s,

when China seemed to be reforming

and its leaders were craving international recognition.

The Tiananmen Square massacre a couple years later

pretty much erased all those efforts.

A remake of this story

in today's hyper-sensitive Chinese political environment

would be problematic—

because, despite Puyi's eventual loyalty

to the Communist Party,

the Party treated him pretty badly,

and no one wants embarrassing things like the truth

to come out.

Number 4: Red Corner

In this film,

an American businessman visits Beijing

and is blackmailed for murder

by corrupt Chinese businessmen

and government officials.

It's critical of the Chinese government,

plus it reinforces some of the sexist

Western stereotypes about Chinese women.

This is also one of the films

that got Richard Gere banned

from most Hollywood productions—

although his remarks at the 1993 Oscars

supporting human rights and the Dalai Lama

had already put him on many studios' blacklists.

In Hollywood,

you're free to criticize the US government all you want,

but criticizing the Chinese Communist Party is a no-go.

That's why Hollywood studios are hesitant

to cast Richard Gere in any role these days.

They know that it will make it hard for them

to get their films shown in China.

Number 3: Seven Years in Tibet

This film is based on a true story.

It stars Brad Pitt as a heroic, sexy


Well, he was Austrian,

and he was cleared of any crimes.

But anyway,

he was trying to climb a mountain in the Himalayas

when World War II started,

and he spent pretty much the entire war

in a British POW camp in India,

until he escaped to Tibet in 1944.

Anyway, Brad Pitt—

I mean his character—

meets the Dalai Lama

and a lasting friendship ensues.

But the important part here

is that it shows the CCP's benevolent "liberation" of Tibet

as more of a brutal invasion.

That is way too accurate for Hollywood.

So yeah, this film is not going to get remade anytime soon.

Number 2: Kundun

Another Tibet-related film,

released in the same year.

This one tracks 20-plus years

of the Dalai Lama's life,

from childhood through when he flees Tibet

after the CCP's "liberation"—

where he was liberated from his throne

and very nearly liberated from his life.

This one will also forever be banned in China,

and therefore Hollywood.

And Number 1: Spy Game ​

A-listers Robert Redford and Brad Pitt

ensured box office success for this spy thriller,

but when your third act climax

involves a US Navy SEAL team

landing on Chinese soil

to extract two American political prisoners

held by the People's Liberation Army,

you know you'll have problems

getting the film into Chinese theaters.

But of course back in 2001,

China's box office was negligible,

so that wasn't a major factor for Universal Pictures.

If Spy Game were remade today,

the third act would probably involve North Korea.

Like that terrible,

terrible remake of Red Dawn.

It was terrible.

Now I'm not saying Hollywood is bad.

I'm just saying...

it's pure evil and feeds on the souls of innocent children.

But no judgement here.


Hollywood has so much power,

that it's hard for smaller movies to get made—

even if they're potentially really,

really awesome.

Which brings me to an indie film

that both the Chinese Communist Party

and Hollywood will censor:

"The Last Days of Hong Kong."

The producer and I worked together

to bring you this episode.

"Last Days" is a political thriller

about a maverick private detective

who uncovers a plot that threatens

the lives of all Hong Kongers.

And it takes place on the eve

of Hong Kong's complete turnover

to Chinese communist rule

in the year 2047.

Not only will this film anger the Communist Party,

but it will also feature actors and artists

who've been blacklisted in China.

So it's really not getting made by Hollywood.

And that's why it needs your support.

Click the link below

or here in this box

to watch the teaser.

They've just launched a kickstarter campaign,

and if you can help them raise 500,000 HK dollars—

which is about 64,000 US dollars—

by November 17,

it'll actually get made.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

I'm Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Click the box and help make a movie.

For more infomation >> 10 Remakes Too Dangerous for Hollywood | China Uncensored - Duration: 10:40.


Harry Potter Pumpkin Carving! - Duration: 3:33.

Hello you beautiful eagles, snakes, lions and badgers! We are in the Great Hall of

all places and you know it's that time of year's Halloween and we're

decorating! So I've got Ravenclaw Ruth with me!

Hello! and we've got everyone's favorite Gryffindor Paul. Not everyone's... in fact...

he's a great man. Hey Paul did you know that I'm gonna go

as a Gryffindor for Halloween! Yeah you'll never get away with it! I Would...I could

blend in ! *Cackle*! So because we know that you don't have all day because you're busy

busy wizards we're just gonna give you the highlights... magic these up in front

of you and have a good old looksee at what we're hanging this year! *casts spell* Pumpkinus Schmumpkin!

Some fine work! So what have you done here? Well I have made a slightly evil

Draco! Urrrmm..are you trying to say that Slytherins are not for life they're

just for Halloween? Because I've got some thoughts about that....

Slytherins ARE for life guys and we ARE NOT the bad guy's! The teeth... the teeth are

frightening! And what have you got here, Ravenclaw Ruth? I mean I went

pretty open plan.... I have got a big aperture... yeah now I went for an "R" for Ravenclaw...

and I've got a very classy gold lust. Some may call it ravenclaw bronze. Yeah

exactly. Very nice. And will the candle burning sort of be

like the flame of eternal knowledge... Yeah the blue flame of eternal knowledge.

That's it! You've got it. How about you? Um so what we've got here is Hedwig,

as you can see. Mm-hmm and Harry, Hedwig's best friend Harry Potter

himself, who for me as a Slytherin is a very scary scary scary kind of guy. If I

was Voldemort right now I'd be the most scared of this guy right here! Well I

think we better get these illuminated. How you feelin? Shall we?

Oh Yeah! LUMOS!


So thank you guys very much for joining me once again in the Great Hall! Thank you

very much to Gryffindor Paul, everyone's scare fest Halloween friend and to

eternal knowledge flame, Ruth Norris for joining us today!

And to our absent friend Danny Burke who's sending

his submission in by owl! But classic Hufflepuff, it's just not here on time. If

you're watching Danny, hellllooo!!!! So if you gyts like this video if you've made Harry

Potter pumpkins of your very own then let us know on social media all of the

links are down below. But for now if you liked it make sure you give this video a

good thumbs up share it with a friend and of course all of you eagles, snakes

lions, and Badgers stay subscribed for more fantastic Harry Potter videos! Bye!

For more infomation >> Harry Potter Pumpkin Carving! - Duration: 3:33.


Hammer Drones Presentation | Iron Man 2 (2010) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:46.

I'll keep the car down here, alright. - Thank you Happy.

Justin Hammer, his presentation will begin shortly in the main pavilion.

That's what I'm talking about! Thanks for coming.

Ladies and gentlemen, for far too long

this country has had to place its brave men and women in harm's way.

But then the Iron Man arrived and we thought that

the days of losing lives were behind us.

Sadly that technology was kept out of reach.

That's not fair. That's not right.

- And it's just too bad. - Oh, lord...

Regardless it was an impressive innovation one that grabbed headlines the world over.

Today, my friends, the press is faced with quite a different problem.

They are about to run out of ink.

Get that out of here.

Ladies and gentlemen... I present to you

...the new face of the United States military!

The Hammer drone!



Air Force!


That's a hell of a lot better than some cheerleaders, let me tell you.

But as revolutionary as this technology is,

there will always be a need for a man to be present at the theater of war.

Ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to present to you the very first prototype

the variable threat response battle suit

and its pilot Air Force Lt. Col. James Rhodes.


For America and its allies, Hammer Industries, is reporting...

For more infomation >> Hammer Drones Presentation | Iron Man 2 (2010) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:46.


10 HALLOWEEN MINECRAFT SKINS! (Top Minecraft Skins - PC/Java/Better Together) - Duration: 10:17.

Hey there!

What's going on guys?!

Today I am sharing with you 10 Minecraft Halloween Skins.

Given the amount of people who wanted to see some Halloween themed videos, I've

decided to put out two in a row!

Yesterday, I released an Optifine Capes video themed with Halloween capes.

Today, I'm sharing with you 10 Halloween Minecraft skins that

I've found or have been sent to me!

There have been some more Halloween themed skins in my previous Trending Skins videos,

including 2 skins in my last video so if you want

to check those out too, feel free!

Anyways, thanks for watching this video!

I hope you enjoy!

Let's get started...


To start off, we have this skeleton skin.

Well, I should say Skeleton Halloween costume skin.

As you can see, this girl skin is dressed in a skeleton costume which is, of

course, always a classic Halloween costume.

If you think of it, some classic Halloween costumes are to dress up as a pumpkin, maybe

as a scarecrow, and there's always going to be a skeleton costume showing up too.

I found this skin on The Skindex, or

It was posted over there by trindoesmc.

I just thought it was a cool skin.

I want to add in some things aside from just pumpkin themed skins into the video so I figured

this was a great skin to start off with!

The next skin was found on PlanetMinecraft and it was created by PlanetMinecraft user


If you want to know the full official name of this skin...

Well, it's OmgLookItsFinallyAnOriginalSkinWouldYouLookAtThat


But yeah, um, aside from the Halloween part, I don't think that really describes the skin

so let me explain it to you quickly.

If you don't already know, this skin is based off of the Headless Horseman.

The skin creator actually found a picture off of Google of the Headless Horseman

and based their skin off of that.

I actually think this is a really cool skin and there is a lot of small details within

the skin that make it really come together and look


As I said while talking about the first skin, I want to add in a bit of a variety of different

types of Halloween themed skins into this video.

So, why not add a skin that's literally from Halloween.

By that, I mean, a skin based off of the movie, Halloween.

So, that's what this is.

This is a Michael Myers skin.

For those who don't know, Michael Myers first appeared in the movie

Halloween which is a horror film, specificially a slasher film.

So why not feature a skin from the movie Halloween in this video?

Plus, I mean, the creepy character of Michael Myers would certainly make for a pretty good

Halloween costume too.

So, like two years ago, I had a video similar to this one.

I'm happy to say that I watched that video back for ideas and I think my content is much

better now than it was then but that's not the point of bringing

up that video.

The point is to mention a skin within that video.

Well, it is this skin.

The Pumpkin King.

Now, this skin has clearly been pretty popular, especially for Halloween.

It has over 16,600 downloads over the 5 years it's been on PlanetMinecraft.

Created by Kefka, this skin has really caught the

attention of a lot of people.

Oh, also, when you take the hat layer off...

Well, it's a bit terrifying if you ask me.

From time to time, people send me things.

I mean, I have a whole series on Optifine Capes that people send me.

In the past, I've had some videos dedicated to skins that

people have sent me.

One of those videos features skins from Noah Hensley.

He decided to send me some more skins that he has created.

Within the bunch of skins he sent me were some Halloween themed skins.

This is one of those skins.

This is the skin that Noah calls a Pumpkin Onesie.

I'm thinking that he created a pumpkin onesie for his usual

Minecraft skin that is his typical skin.

I'm pretty sure the skin looks familiar to me so that's why I say that.

He'll probably let us know in the comments if that's true!

This skin was just jumping on the bandwagon.

I found this skin here on PlanetMinecraft.

It was created by PlanetMinecraft user weepinq.

In the description of the skin, they said, and I quote, "Literally EVERYONE online

has a skin like this one so I'm just gonna jump on the bandwagon" with the little shurgging

face text emoticon at the end of the sentence.

They also said, and I quote, "Also this is probably gonna be the last Halloween skin."

I don't know, I happen to like this skin.

I find that often a lot of girl skins look similar.

I like this one a lot, though.

I really like the mask, and the small details of orange throughout the skin really pulls

the Halloween theme into the skin.

Next up, we have another skin submitted to us by Noah Hensley.

This is the second and final skin that I'll feature from him in this video.

I do have some other videos planned that may feature some of his skins though,

so if you like these make sure to look out in the future for more of his skins.

Just a hint...


This skin is what Noah calls his Formal Pumpkin skin.

This is one that I really like.

I like it because it's a bit different and unique.

Pumpkin themed skins are very much often onesie skins,

or hoodie skins... but this one is a pumpkin themed suit, equipped with a tie.

I just thought it was something a bit different.

I really like it.

We're going to end of the video with 3 skins that are more typical Halloween type skins.

What I mean by that is... from what I've seen trending... skins that people are using

for Halloween this year and what most people will be starting to use.

In other words, that's why these types of skins are trending right now.

You'll probably see some skins similar to this in my Trending Skins videos

or maybe you have already.

But yeah, this one is just a boy skin wearing all black with some bright orange pumpkin

themed designs on his clothing.

He's also wearing a mask.

The orange really stands out against the black of the clothing on this skin.

The third and final girl skin in this video is this skin that was created by SpookKitty

on PlanetMinecraft.

This skin is wearing a nice orange pumpkin themed sweater.

At least, that's what I believe it is.

It could also be one of those pumpkin costumes that so many people wear on Halloween.

You know?

Those pumpkin costumes that are really popular?

You probably know what I'm talking about but everyone from babies to adults wear those


Regardless, I still assume it's a pumpkin sweater and the girl is wearing some orange

pants to go along with the nice orange pumpkin sweater.

I just wanted a reason to talk about those pumpkin costumes, to be honest.

That's why I brought it up on this skin.

I'm not gonna lie about that.

To finish off this video, I wanted to end off with this skin that I found on NameMC.

If this looks familiar, it's because the mask is what I use on my skin.

Well, almost.

The mask I'm using has a black strap, this one has a whiteish greyish strap on it but

that's the only difference.

I wanted to share this with you because, well, it's been

used on 639 known profiles on NameMC.

You can either just use the all black skin with the mask, or you can add the mask to

your skin by editing your skin file.

That's your choice!

I should mention that underneath the mask there does happen to be a white face on top

of the all black skin!

I just thought that was something a bit funny that

I'd point out!

But yeah, here's this popular pumpkin mask that many people, including myself, are using

on their skins!

So yeah, that's gonna do it for me guys!

Thank you all so much for watching!

These have been 10 Halloween themed Minecraft skins for you guys!

If you want to see more Halloween themed skins, I can probably make

another video for you guys!

You just have to let me know if you want to see some more!

I'll leave the links to the skins in the description so you can find them there.

I featured a skin in this video from NameMC.

If you use NameMC and if you want to friend me on NameMC, plaese feel free.

I accept all friend requests on there.

If you like any of the skins in this video, be sure to show some love to the creators

of the skins!

They're the ones who deserve your support!

If you haven't already and you want to see more video from me or want to be notified

when I upload, please consider clicking subscribe, clicking the bell, and

turning on notifications so you never miss an upload!

Clicking the like button doesn't hurt either!

That's gonna do it for me guys!

Thanks for watching!

I'm outta here!

See ya!

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