Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 25 2017

Hi folks I'm Bob Schrupp physical therapist. I'm Brad Heineck physical therapist. And together we are the

most famous physical therapist on the internet. you know say no more Bob. My

wife would actually sit down with you for three hours and talk to you about

this but okay today we're going to talk about how TENS can help you help your

pain neck pain back pain shoulder pain knee pain basically I don't know how you

use a TENS unit Brad but with I have it with patients mostly it's it's kind of a

treatment of last resort kind of almost last resort you know there are some

variations but yeah because the biggest thing is because even if they are

successful you still have to deal with the wires and there's a bit of

inconvenience that sometimes doesn't so it doesn't know you know yeah it's not a

it's not an easy thing to use all the time although a lot of times you can

just put this thing in your pocket and the wires you can run up through the

sleeve won't even see it sure they've they've you know Brad and I have

the benefit of age in this one I and I've been at this longer the Brad has

actually and I remember when tens units first came out sure and I and we

actually had representatives I was working at the Mayo Clinic and representatives would come

down from EMPI and they were showing us this new thing I mean so uh and back

then the you know back then the pads were so terrible and you put your own gel on

and then needed to tape the pads on- oh my gosh it was just awful and the machines

were bigger. People don't care about that. okay alright let's go ahead let's start

talking so what we're gonna do but wait Bob Oh 372 people just walked in in case

you've made a mistake of clicking on our channel we might as well make another

mistake and subscribe to this we provide videos on stay healthy fit pain-free and

we upload everyday also please go over to the Facebook and like us because Brad

and I asked children we're traumatized and not liked and

therefore we'd like you to turn that around for us. We're catching up now

all right so we're today what we we're going to use is a tens unit from I don't

know how do you say this Brad Oh hu hu (Ohuhu) and they call it a

mini massage which we don't quite understand yet

but we thought the price intrigued us and the quality of it the price is

incredible yeah it's a really good price though we did more research and we've

been working with it trying to see you know is it really gonna do the job and

so far it's passed and everything with A pluses yeah our only criticism is the

use of the mini massager because it's not a massager it's a TENS unit sure and

secondly it doesn't go into the different modes I want to talk a little

bit about those today Brad because you're not gonna know which mode you're

on I mean I'm guessing which mode we're on right we know things as high tens and

low tens and burst right and and obviously I can feel those but I can

tell when I when I'm on one of them but the average person's not gonna know

right okay all right so let's let's do this first off what does a TENS unit do

Brad so when you're getting pain I'm glad you're answering it I'm gonna

answer this so when you get pain let's say you you hit your thumb I'll put a

big thumb right there oh and it hurts and you hit it with the hammer cuz

you're like me and you don't know how what you're doing it sends a signal I'll

use to red for that yeah a little fiery red so it sends a signal all the

way up through the nerves up into your brain and that's why this guy looks sad

yeah cuz this unit what it does it stimulates the A beta nerves

no you're gonna keep get some eyes glassed over so these nerves actually

when you stimulate them they inhibit the passing of this pain message okay so it cuts

it off and it's called the gate theory gate theory I distinctly remember that in school

and so I cuts it off there's just no pain now my experience with TENS units

is that generally I don't know maybe 40 to 50 percent of the people find it

helpful right and I'd say about the same and some people really like it and some

people think it has not worth it all right so if you buy one of these

understand that you might be one of the people that it doesn't help I mean it

just it just doesn't make any difference but I have an uncle he's had some severe

injuries from being electrocuted and he's 87 years old and he's been using

for 20-30 years yeah they they off they used to use them after surgeries

and sometimes implanted the leads Remember when they used to to implant them yeah so it you know there's

definitely it if they have some merit to sit the research shows that it works a

little bit better on acute pain than chronic pain but again it's there's

the big thing about this is really no side effects

you know there's certain conditions we don't want you to use it on we might as well go

over those now sure I mean I got these written down to make sure pacemaker

right you don't want to do it over the carotid sinuses you want to show where

that is Brad over the neck- if you have a blood clot you don't want to

use it if you're pregnant I wouldn't use it over the pelvis trunk low back you

know anywhere around by the baby alright I just stay away stay away Yes use a

cold pack yeah if you have decreased sensation I wouldn't use it

alright good point you've got neuropathy right right good point skin irritation

open wounds right if you have a high fever if you have an infectious disease

they said high blood pressure - I'm not sure why I'm the machine it said that

the machine that's probably being pretty cautious because yeah on that one okay so

let's let's start off with this particular unit Brad you're not going to

be able to see some of this because it's so small but what this unit has is it

has basically well maybe I could show it on here Brad oh yes it has an M M as in

Mary as in mode mode it has a circle here and then like this and O for the

control button yeah the control button then it has a T and that's time and over

here it's got a positive and over here it's got a negative you know Bob I'm

thinking of people are you know 35 years or 40 years or younger they're just

gonna figure they're gonna figure it out quicker than we are but I just

by pushing the M button that's the mold button and it's got six

different pictures on there and that's my other criticism of this you've looked

at these pictures right Brad yeah there you can't tell what these are I have no

idea what they have little one looks like a little kidney almost jumping

around and another is a brain or I don't know so you're just gonna have to try

the different modes and then we can talk about which ones are which okay so you

got the little machine you're gonna take you get two sets of

leads all right this is this is called a lead and it goes into the bottom right

yep okay and it's got two sets 2 types of pads

it's got larger pads it's got smaller pads there's a small one is a small one

now the the larger ones are going to be obviously for a larger area of the body

if you're doing like the calf muscle maybe I'd use two small muscles or small

pads right but if you if you're doing it almost any other area you could use the

one of the larger pads I've got them stuck on my arm right here hey why don't

you go and hook yours up Brad okay now the other thing is is these pads are

sticky and they're they're good pads I'm impressed with them however if you are

putting them on an arm and you're a hairy person you gotta shave

yeah you really need it works much better when there's no hair you want to

clean the skin actually probably put some alcohol on it right and then the

other thing is these pads don't share them between people just like

needles and also to prolong the pads life a lot of times just put a few drops

of water on there and it'll it'll kind of revive - revive them yeah and

you can buy additional pads for for these units right so online yeah can we

do everything on Amazon so he's right now he's gonna turn it on which the

switches up here and he flipped that on and then he's gonna hit the M mode maybe

we couldn't how is that Lonnie can you a little bit so then he's gonna hit the M

mode which picks which mold here I am I'm gonna hit that now I'm on this

second one now I went over this so it looks like it has to me looks like

a stomach and this one looks like maybe for headaches this one has a little foot

then this one has a ear really don't know what the little things mean but

what do you what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna hit the mode and then I

want you to hit the intensity which you only have to hit it like one or two

right so on the bottom bar here tells the intensity there's only one bar there

I can barely feel a tingle so this feels like pins and needles now you have to be

careful that you don't go up too fast if I hit the plus you'll see the bar here

there are two bars now I have this on a trigger point on my muscle that's why my

muscle is yeah I was gonna hold it Brad and really movies but then watch what

his arm is doing- can you see that Lonnie now it's pulsing yeah now look his hand

is curling up like that he didn't do that you did it I mean the Machine did

that see no this is for a pain I would move these pads because I don't

really want to have my muscles contract right you know what I'm saying

yeah if I move this pad over here I probably wouldn't get that why don't we

turn it off I'll do that quick well the other thing is Brad that you could do if

you went on a wider area I think I mean you could use the smaller pads there but

you know but I'm think that's it's an actual trigger point isn't it a muscle

trigger point yeah it probably is right there we'll see all right I'm gonna let you

turn it up cuz I don't want to be I don't want you screaming like

a young girl or young boy now this is uh this Mode is going on and

on now I've seen a lot of them where there will be a light that flickers and

there we go this is getting pretty strong I'm amazed at how strong see I

would probably turn this down because this is too strong for me I'm gonna go

down and I don't like this Mode it's ramping up up up up up really strong and

then it turns off that's why it's gonna be really important for you to try the

different modes on this I found mode number one was one of the more

comfortable Modes okay I think that's what we used to call High Tens Brad so

that's a high frequency rate and the high frequency rates tend to be more

comfortable so and the low ones the ones that are more uncomfortable Brad those

tend to be the ones that remember this can naturally stimulate the opioids

in your system the endogenous opioids You've been doing your homework Bob yes I

have so the different settings will do different things you have the gate

theory and then you have the the opioids and some of them might do both sir then

is the burst one you you felt that burst one brad where it kind of it's almost

like gunfire sir that that also is for the opioids so you have to plan on

spending not a lot of you know you might spend twenty minutes to an hour going

through different modes because the instruction book on this is not real

detail no it's not you know it's $30 I guess they figure you're I don't know

what they figure but the quality of the tens it's strong again Brad every time again

because of our age we recall when these units used to go for a thousand dollars

right and and and even as of like five years ago they were going for like seven

hundred so I mean this to us is just amazing that is where you get a unit for

thirty bucks I mean you can't buy pain pills that cheap you know and the other

thing is there's no side effects on there right no side effects the other

thing is what I really like about it is it it recharges Brad because remember we

always had to get batteries a 9-volt batteries I still got some up here right

near the old ones that have the 9-volt batteries so you can plug this in your

computer yep into your computer or you got this piece right here that'll go

right into the olivet so it's just like a phone charging a phone well so what do

you say we'll give it a err I'll give it an a but I give it a you

know a c-minus for instructions and for the description it's not a massager

right and oh just real quickly bread oh so pads so placement yeah for placement

so again like if you're if you're doing your neck you know you could try it on

each side of the of the pain if the pain is right here this is the backside

that's why there's no face sir so now let's say it's across the entire upper

back I would put two of them at a slant bread like this okay now let's say

you're having sciatica I would put one on the top of the sciatic

and one down on the leg in the distance sir you uh if you go really far apart it

may not be strong enough for that you just have to play with that and see how

things go calf muscles I put to the side by side so you can yeah you can put them

you know horizontal like this you can put them at an angle like this or you

can put them side by side vertical they always should be at least an inch apart

okay so yeah all right well I think we spend enough time on this bread but it

is it is gonna to invest a little time and learning how to use it and which

mold to use right yeah it's a complicated unit to go through

everything and you know ten minutes so yeah we're doing our best all right

thanks everybody for what we care for


For more infomation >> How "TENS" Can Help Your Pain-Neck, Back, Shld., Knee Pain (Non-Drug Approach) - Duration: 14:12.


(ENG/RU/VN Sub)Balance2]EP1. Kungfu Master w/ SH Kim - Blade and Soul PVP - Duration: 21:57.

Welcome, Viewers

Topic that creates a lot of discussion, Balance.

Starting from this episode, there will be a weekly episode of balance on youtube.

Each episodes will have one class,

And we'll talk in depth about the spotlight class.

Before we begin i would like to explain how the episodes will be organized.

Surveys taken from top 50 in Korean ladder,

interview with a representative for each classes.

Today's topic is KFM.

Looking back, KFM placed 5th on the balance ranking that korean professional players picked.

Which means it's decent in terms of balance

The opinions differ between classes

but for this episode, we have SuHwan Kim.

We'll see what opinions they have about balance.

Let's take a look.

First question, How long have you been playing KFM?

5 years,

You've only played KFM for 5 years right?

Yes, only KFM.

What made you play PvP a lot?

There were a lot of KFMs who started the classes like me

There were a lot of rivals in the game and beating them were a big achievement for me.

After beating my rival it became easier to beat other people.

When was it that you surpassed your rival?

About a year and a half after starting the game?

Seems like everyone is similar.

Let's ask how long have people played in top 50.

2 years at least and 5 years max. Majority has played 4 years to 5 years.

Least were 2 years

Second question.

What are the easiest matchup for KFMs?

You might be thinking of few classes,

We'll hear it from SuHwan Kim before looking into other people's opinions.

Does it include mirror matchups aswell?

Well, easiest matchup would be summoner.

KFMs can get max agility easily against summoners and

when we get that buff, there aren't many things summoners can do.

So during that time KFMs can freely catch summoners.

Second sould be Destroyer.

When we're at max agility,

there aren't many things that destroyers can do.

KFMs are a lot more mobile than destroyers so that makes an advantage point also.

Third easiest matchup would be KFM mirror.

Although the matchup could go either way

the one who can take the lead first can win easily.

Let's see what top 50 players have said.

As expected, with no surprise,

it's a summoner

Same reason

that summoners are vulnerable to giving KFMs max agility.

As long as KFMs can use their strafes to their advantage

well, it is really difficult for summoners to deal with KFMs.

Not a lot of reliable defense disables besides Power Pounce.

2nd place would be mirror matchup ironically.

When I was taking this survey I was originally planning to not include mirror matchups

however a lot of them answered that they have easier time fighting other kfms than other classes.

Moving on to rank 3

which is Destroyer.

Run around for 6 seconds after disabling movement

and strafe rinse and repeat

Very annoying from Destroyer's perspective

If there is a easy class to go against,

there is also harder classes to go against

What might they be?

Let's hear it from SuHwan Kim.

First would be warlock.

To start they have two tab escapes;

econd wind and Void Walk. Timewarp does not reset Void walk,

however all the other skills gets reset 3 or 4 times.

They have too much utility with untargettable sanctum which lasts too long. The matchup really is bad.

It's unfair to fight warlocks?

Yes. For skills like Imprison, it would be better if you could use imprison when i'm only branded but that's not the case.

Our only reliable iframes are blocking the projectiles that the thrall throws at you.

However nowdays, people are getting better at controlling their thralls with untargettable sanctum so the matchup got a lot harder

Sins are second hardest class to fight against.

It's not as bad as before since catching people in stealth got a lot easier

with the Gale fist in our kit and increased range of Ice guard to 16m.

Although we can combo 100-0 easier now but our biggest weakness would be the opener

More than 85% of the time we either lose the opener or tie

We already know Assassins has two tab escape with insane mobility and low cooldown on their CCs

Unlike before, their backstep has iframes slightly after they used it so it's harder for us to engage on them since

it's also on low cooldown.

If that's a charateristics for a class, there has to be some disadvantages in other factors

however, they have a lot of strong CCs, Strong damage, Good opener against kfms

It would be better if we could win opener since they have two tab escape but that's also not the case.

They can also run away in stealth against all classes to force their cooldowns to come back

This is why i think Sins are second hardest matchup.

I'm not sure if a lot of players will agree to this but I have toruble against soul fighters.

It sure got a lot weaker after nerf

however there are not a lot of soul fighters to practice against

One or two aerials you are left with 3-40% HP, with lower cooldowns

Classes that has faster rotation of cooldowns with mobility counters KFMs in my opinion

Warlocks cooldown are really long but they reset their cooldown which makes it hard.

Let's hear it from other top KFMs on our ladder.

Assassins take the first place

and just like our previous question,

"what's the easiest class to play against?"

and KFMs gets picked a lot for assassins

They have countered KFMs for very long time and the matchup still has a lot of disadvantages for KFMs.

Second would be Warlock

I let SuHwan Kim pick the rank 1 2 and 3, and for surveys i let people pick only one.

I collect the votes after. For KFMs a lot of people voted for Sins and Warlock

Sin vs KFM is a really difficult tast for NCSoft too.

They've tried changing their Ice Guard to 30m, etc.

Gale fist also got introduced

but we feel that the gap of the matchup has not been closed that much.

Fourth question

It could be different between hard matchup and a matchup you personally ha te to play against.

4th Class that you hate to play against.

I would say boring more than hating the matchup which is Blade Master.

I have a higher winrate vs Blade Masters than the classes i listed earlier

Not super favored for BM like before and it could come as 50-50.

Both classes hesitate to go in first starting from opener.

The game just goes like you hit first? do i hit first? Then whoever takes lead just kills in 1 combo.

Therefore I do not like facing against Blade Masters.

Rest is Warlock and Sins.

Rank 1 and 2 is same.

You hate to play against it because it's really difficult to play against it

Rank 1 would be Warlock,

2 would be Assassin,

and the third class that people hate to play against is Blade Master.

Warlock Sins are just difficult matchups so they just don't want to face them and third is like what SuHwan Kim said which is just annoying to play against

There are a lot of points we expected and also have not expected

I have asked SuHwan kim and also top 50 players about how the system of arena should be changed in order to make PvP better experience.

There are not a lot of players left who play arena, and is difficult to pull in the playerbase from PvE side of the game.

It would sound really impossible but i think it would be better if they made a server exclusively for PvP without the PvE content.

Other players said,

Rewards are too low compared to how its difficult to approach PvP.

Queue dodging should be penalized harder.

People who abuse arena continues to do it.

There should be an option to choose which map of the arena we want to play in.

Frame drop bug can be fixed by re-entering the arena, but would like a solid fix.

Were the opinions.

We have looked at SuHwan Kim's opinions and top 50's opinions.

I would like to hear from SuHwan Kim about what he wants to say to NCSoft and viewers,

I will be leaving first,

Subscribe and Like helps me grow,

Thank you for watching and see you on next episode!

I understand that NCSoft people are trying to balance the game to help make the game

game better and i believe the day where KFM can win is not too far, maybe this year or next year?.

I would like to be the first KFM to win the worlds and even if other KFM player wins

I will congratulate them since they really deserve it.

NCSoft is really trying to help fix balance and make each classes better to play

so i would like to tell KFM players out there to hang on and have fun while playing the game.

For more infomation >> (ENG/RU/VN Sub)Balance2]EP1. Kungfu Master w/ SH Kim - Blade and Soul PVP - Duration: 21:57.


Jupiter MX Drag Bike 155cc Carburettor Setting - Duration: 1:46.

Jupiter MX Drag Bike 155cc Carburettor Setting

For more infomation >> Jupiter MX Drag Bike 155cc Carburettor Setting - Duration: 1:46.


Lil Uzi Vert - Sauce It Up (Subtitulos en español) Musica + Video - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Lil Uzi Vert - Sauce It Up (Subtitulos en español) Musica + Video - Duration: 3:26.


DC's Legends of Tomorrow 3x04 Promo "Phone Home" (HD) Season 3 Episode 4 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

I'm in the paper.

And I'm dead?

There's a whole lot more where that came from.

I think I know what kills me.

I'm here to save your life.

Awesome costumes!

DC's Legends of Tomorrow, all new next Tuesday at 9/8c on The CW.

For more infomation >> DC's Legends of Tomorrow 3x04 Promo "Phone Home" (HD) Season 3 Episode 4 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


Swedens Weinstein is a Feminist Journalist (Eng subs) #MeToo - Duration: 31:03.

What is goodness? Is it the art of clichés?

Or is it how you behave in practice?

Aftonbladet's Fredrik Virtanen and Sweden's most self-righteous leftist-feminist raped Cissi Wallin.

Allegedly he's done the same to many others, and after she stepped forward

we've learned he asked a 14-year old for sex.

He nagged a 16-year old for 20 minutes to go home to him and drink booze, after she said "no".

A similar thing happened to a former editor at Veckorevyn.

She gave her number to Virtanen, and he called her at night to demand sex. He was threatening and didn't listen to her repeated No's.

The woman calls this a piss in the ocean compared to what other girls have experienced from him, but she still found it relevant in the context.

A 5th woman has come forward to say that Virtanen drugged her at 19 and tried to rape her.

She doesn't want to get into physical details but describes it as a severe sexual assault.

The girl who was 14 is today an adult, and says on Instagram that it's scary to share the picture

since they have mutual friends and work in the same business.

But Cissi Wallin's story made her realize that we must start talking about this, and several of the women were inspired like this as well.

And this shows how important it is to dare speak about abuse, because solitude is poison to victims.

Cissi Wallin says everyone in Virtanen's surrounding knew about this.

And when she first wrote about this in 2010 she was afraid to mention him by name.

She writes: "We decided to find more of his victims, and soon allegations poured in."

And here I just wanna inject that in a different article, Cissi said at least 20 women contacted her with similar experiences.

That's no small number.

She continues: "He'd grabbed a girl by the pussy at Spy Bar, he'd forced women into bathrooms and molested them under threat,"

"he'd call peoples girlfriends whores and tramps, and allegedly he drugged and raped yet another girl."

"We had enough for a group report, but the girl who was grabbed by the pussy didn't think it was that bad."

"Most of them didn't think their experiences were that bad, some even said "At least I wasn't raped."

"Some even tried to make it seem like this report was mostly for my sake, since I'd gotten it worst."

"So they dropped their charges, one by one."

"Today one of the victims, who doesn't think it's a big deal to be pussygrabbed against your will, works with this bastard."

"Many of the media-people who call themselves feminists also call themselves his friends."

"They attend his parties and write favorably about him in their blogs. Despite knowing what he's done to their co-workers and friends."

You, media-feminists, always talk about how men should claim responsibility for other men.

Men who don't rape should be responsible for men who rape, because "men are a social issue".

"It's about social structures and masculinity norms!"

"It's about daring to speak up!" ..... And yet you don't dare to speak up?

You feminists, with the biggest megaphones in society, journalists, the cultural elite with platforms on Sweden's biggest newspapers.

YOU don't dare speak up when one of "your own" acts like a pig, so how can you expect ordinary people to?

You accuse and demand things from us, that you yourselves are guilty of.

If one of my friends says something suspicious, inconsiderate, maybe a joke that's a bit much, that makes you wonder a little,

I will grill them for at least 20 minutes about that shit. I interview them.

What did you think here? What's your reasoning about these things? What are your intentions? Would you consider ____ to be problematic?

Even the people I know the best and think most highly of, even them - it's enough with one comment.

And I'm a "sexist, mysogynist, anti-feminist youtuber".

That's what I am, and I still do that shit. But YOU as feminists won't?

Every time I've researched predators it's the same pattern. Rapists don't appear as monsters.

It's nice guys, good-looking guys, popular guys.

It's guys with ordinary lives and healthy, functional relationships to other people.

Both guys and girls in their surroundings. A rapist doesn't attack every single girl he meets.

He chooses specific victims. I get that since I've read about it.

So even I as a antifeminist "sexist" knows that, and keep it in mind when dealing with people.

So that's also important to point out in this whole Virtanen-scandal, that it's not about feminism at core.

Many regular people have rapists as co-workers and friends, and hang out with them.

And if their actions are revealed, it often ends with people defending the rapist. Just like the journalist-elite have done here.

I don't wanna be that bad, so I'm willing to consider unpleasant things about the people I like the most and trust the most.

Because that's just the rational, intelligent thing to do.

Because everyone says they hate rapists. It's so easy to say. But nobody wants to think that someone they like could rape.

It's the most common reaction! Because "he's a nice guy. He's a normal guy. There's nothing strange about him."

That's what they said about Hagamannen too. Great co-worker, good grades, upstanding citizen.

Why? Because when you have darkness inside, there's a tendency to overcompensate.

You know you're shit, and that's why you do very well in all other circumstances.

I've adressed this numerous times. "Uppdrag Granskning - The Second Rape". Look that shit up.

Very insightful. What happened in Bjästa isn't unique.

When the perpetrator is a popular guy who's nice and attractive, and a bit higher on the social hierarchy

both guys and girls will side with him.

If you like someone you don't wanna believe bad things about them, it's that simple.

And therefore this isn't fundamentally about feminism, or the patriarchy.

It's about people being cowardly idiots.

It's about "goodness" being a term we need to problematize, and maybe stop using altogether.

Because nobody understands what goodness is.

Goodness is not when you give people a good impression.

Cissi Wallin is backed by Camilla Läckberg, who writes:

"I'm ashamed. I've known Cissi for many years, and the rape too. I don't doubt the credibility."

"There's too many other girls who've testified to his behavior, and has been for many years."

"The few times I've dealt with him I've acted like nothing. Like one night in New York when he and my ex had too many dry martinis together."

"I knew back then. I had no doubt. Yet I didn't say anything. I just smiled and rolled along."

"Now I'm ashamed both for myself and the media. They're doing big stories on the #MeToo-campaign,"

"but say nothing about how the Swedish avalanche of courage started with Cissi Wallin's accusations towards Aftonbladet's Virtanen."

"They've known. We, in the scene, have known for many years, and we should be ashamed of our silence."

"Cissi is NOT alone. I've heard from so many others about the same man for years."

"And yet silence. From me, towards him, against him, about him and now from media. It's a social illness."

"Aftonbladet write a whole page about how I dropped my sandwich with the buttery side facing down, might even make a headline if news are dry."

"But where's your news coverage now?"

I wanna give big cred to Camilla Läckberg for admitting her part in this, and owning her mistakes.

That's strong and the only way to evolve in the right direction.

And she's the only celebrity I've seen thus far whose backed Cissi Wallin.

And that's strong in todays PC-media where the group pressure is pretty heavy.

Cissi has gotten lots of support since she confessed, which she's happy about since she apparently expected a hate storm.

So feel free to write her and give some support, she needs it, it's not easy to accuse someone in your social circle with that big of a power position in society.

So send some love her way, okay.

So Wallin broke the news on her instagram on Monday the 16th of October, and since then it's been pretty quiet in the media.

First on the 18th Svenska Dagbladet publish a mild article about Aftonbladets "lacking principles".

There, they don't even write which of their employees it's concerning.

The 19th SVT publish this anonymous, shy, little article scarce with details where they don't mention any name either.

So when it comes to so called "press ethics" SVT choose to pixelate criminal immigrants and Fredrik Virtanen.


So when police ask for help to catch these human smugglers, or this immigrant who beat up a mother,

SVT think it's appropriate to hide identity. Because of press ethics.

Same with the men convicted of the livestreamed Facebook-rape.

But when it comes to tax evaders, a CEO mocking feminism, or a nurse running an anonymous facebook page about the health crisis,

then it's okay to reveal their identity. Despite bad consequences and harmed reputation.

Very. Interesting. Press ethics. There.

I can almost promise this article was written as a quota. They wait 4 days to report, hoping it will blow over,

but when so many victims step forward that you can't ignore it, you agree to write something just so the nationalists can't criticize the media for cover-ups.

Which is precisely what they're doing. Aside from this there is no mainstream-media that's made a big deal about it.

For example, the only thing Metro wrote about this is a defense of why you shouldn't name Virtanen.

They interview an EXPERT that basically just says journalists shouldn't be treated as public figures.

He says Virtanen should be in the same class as athletes and actors, people who merely entertain. Which is complete bullshit.

Virtanen is an opinion-maker with a power position at Sweden's biggest newspaper.

Without a doubt he belongs to the group: "people who build our society."

And therefore this expert contradicts himself. Your title is not worth more than your arguments.

And another expert interviewed by Nyheter Idag, Mårten Schultz which you probably recognize from TV,

says there's no legal obstacle to naming Virtanen.

Which is made clearer when Expressen names Martin Timell in the accusations towards him.

Which speaks against Metro's expert since Timell is hardly an opinion-maker.

This proves the cover-up is due to political reasons, not legal reasons.

A media blackout isn't about not writing anything at all, rather it's about reporting on one much less than the other, even though they're the same.

Just because you write a small article doesn't mean it counts as news, because unless it's big headlines in cohesion with other papers people aren't gonna find out.

So seriously. Consider how crazy this is.

Do you remember the headlines about Anders Borg recently, for how he behaved at private parties?

They had no problems making big headlines about that.

Remember the media frenzy about Hanna Wigh and her sex harassment accusations towards the Sweden Democrats?

Massive headlines, TV4 do broadcasts, Kalla Fakta a report, a humongous topic broadcasted everywhere.

And the media believed her even though there was no police report filed, it even ended with SD reporting themselves because they felt so certain.

But when it comes to Cissi Wallin who's basically in the same situation, then the media is totally quiet?

What does this mean? That the media only cares about nationalist women who get hurt?

That can't be true. They've never wanted to report about how nationalist-women are harassed by leftist-men, women and immigrants.

So what conclusion are we supposed to draw?

The conclusion is that there really is a rape culture in Sweden, and it takes shape in the media-houses.

It takes shape in the trendy bars, and home parties, and all other contexts where the cultural elite resides.

Where the journalists are. Where the famous feminists are.

The definition of rape culture is when perpetrators are given a social license to operate, because social norms and stereotypes surrounding rapists don't fit reality.

But it's not a mentally ill, filthy, homeless lunatic hiding in the bushes.

It's a man who calls himself feminist. It's the popular guy. The nice guy.

The one you'd consider last to do such a thing.

For 10 years Cissi Wallin has been talking about this event, and for as long others have talked about how Virtanen behaves towards women.

But nothing happened. The Aftonbladet-man could continue developing his career as a power factor at Sweden's biggest paper.

If you read Wallins text from 2010 she says how she didn't file charges, despite evidence in the shape of damages, SMS and testimony from loved ones.

She was afraid her co-workers wouldn't believe her, but your co-workers are progressive feminists?

So what does that say? Exactly what I'm pointing out here.

I personally believe many women don't want to report feminist men precisely because they are feminist men.

There's already an idea in society that "nice guys can't rape". That notion is enforced when you add politics to the mix.

Because then "good" political orientations get confused with good character.

But we, who live here in Sweden, really must learn that nice words really isn't the same as nice actions.

We must learn to look at behavior, and not what is spoken.

Far too often people allow themselves to be fooled by labels.

Are you left or feminist then you're good. If you're right or nationalist then you're evil. Reality is not that simple.

By the way, this is the headline if Virtanen had been a member of SD. ("EXTRA - VIRTANEN EXPOSED AS GOOBER RACIST")

Big thanks to Marcus there for the brilliant satire.

Now, keep this in mind.

In December of 2012 Aftonbladet published this article about Cissi Wallins rape.

They write: "Just a year ago she pressed charges." Meaning she reported it by the end of 2011.

And yet nowhere in the article it's mentioned that it's someone from THEIR OWN OFFICE who's the rapist!

Do you understand how sick this is? People sometimes claim the media cover up when it comes to rapes, but this really takes it to a new level.

Especially since Aftonbladet just published this article, where they write:

"It's been 2 turbulent days at Aftonbladet. It's a tough situation to deal with for all of us, no least our accused co-worker."

Yeah because we should feel sorry for the rapist. Very tasteful description there.

She also writes: "So what happened? What do we know?"

"In 2011 a media-profile reports one of Aftonbladets staff for rape. It was allegedly committed 5 years prior, in 2006, at a party."

"Police start an investigation and hearings begin. In 2012 they drop it because "crime cannot be confirmed"."

"The same year Aftonbladet publish an interview where the media-profile gets to tell her version."

Really? Tell her side of the story?

NOWHERE in this article does Cissi say WHO raped her, and that he works at YOUR paper.

So don't try to brag here, because you know you did wrong.

Aftonbladet is a paper who've often preached about how Sweden is a rape culture, while a rape culture took place in their own office.

And why is the media quiet about this? Because the perpetrator isn't a Sweden Democrat.

He is feminist. And leftist. And works at Sweden's biggest social democrat newspaper.

He doesn't fit the image of a perpetrator. It's angry, nationalist men who have a bad view of women. Not nice, tolerant leftist men.

The same people preaching about equal value and women's rights are quiet when their co-worker is assaulting young women.

And by keeping it a secret they make sure he can keep raping new girls, more girls, for all eternity.

How can someone be a succesful serial rapist in a feminist landscape, with other feminists who know what you're doing - but nobody does anything about it?

Is that what it means to be a feminist in Sweden today? Because you media-feminists have lost the right to complain.

This is what your own are doing! The feminist media corridor in Sweden have maintained this.

Solitude is poison to victims.

When Cissi first talked about this in 2010 she said it wasn't until she met other victims that she dared pressing charges.

It became a group report, but the victims started downplaying what happened - possibly because he is a "good" feminist with a good reputation.

And ultimately they pulled out, and everything disintegrated. But now when Cissi finally has the courage to speak, others find courage as well.

Which demonstrates how it is precisely loneliness that ruins so much, when it comes to finding courage to talk about abuse.

Swedish media have enforced that solitude.

They've protected this perpetrator just to maintain the image of themselves as "good".

Now that's privilege. They keep quiet because he's against homophobia! He's pro-abortion!

He thinks everyone who wants to deport age-cheating migrants should be ashamed for their inhumanity!

He criticizes the right for their misogyny, he stands up for nurses and feminism!

He supports Hillary Clinton! ....which isn't weird considering her husband is a rapist too.

He thinks society would be better if men weren't allowed to vote! Because women know better.

Because women are more often left, and women know more about oppression.

Well Fredrik, I think you've personally seen to that women know a little about oppression.

If they didn't know about oppression before they met you, they're guaranteed to know afterwards.

Isn't it amazing how Virtanen wants women to have a voice, but he refuses to listen to their voice...

When they say no.

His feminist struggle is about overcompensation.

For years he's blamed his behavior on other men who don't have that behavior.

And he's not the first to do this. Many of you remember Göran Lindberg, or "Captain Dress", the most extreme example of this.

Can you imagine the scandal if a journalist from alternative media had rape allegations against them?

Imagine what the media would've done if Avpixlat had those allegations against them? Or Fria Tider?

Imagine how long they would've fretted that.

Aftonbladet defend Virtanen by saying that crime cannot be confirmed. (according to police investigation)

No, of course it can't. The rape took place 2006, she was afraid to talk about it until 2010, she filed a report in 2011 and by that time the evidence was ruined.

And I fully get the principle of justice. Of course nobody should be sentenced without trial, mere accusation shouldn't be enough, I get that.

But when numerous girls testify to his behavior, towards many girls, over and over, maybe you should see that something fishy is going on.

Obviously this is about more than just a bad reputation.

And now that the 5th woman has stepped forward to talk about a rape attempt, first now Aftonbladet appoint an internal investigation and Virtanen takes timeout.

So that's what was necessary for feminist Aftonbladet. It wasn't enough with one woman. Hm. There we see how much a woman's voice is worth.

I also think it's funny how you have the nerve to blame me for the school massacre in Trollhättan.

Solely with a guilt-by-association reasoning. But you don't think you've contributed to rapes by maintaining this man's good reputation as a feminist?

So when it comes to the media, guilt-by-association doesn't apply. But when it comes to a junkie youtuber I have all the influence in the world.

I know journalists watch my videos, so I'm gonna turn directly to you now.

You do not have the right to complain about people who read "racist media" anymore, because that's where we learned the truth about this.

You DON'T have the right to complain about how we are losing trust in you.

Whether it's about immigrants raping or feminist-men raping, you've made it very clear that you have NO principles, NO sense of justice and NO interest in truth.

You deserve to disappear, and you know it.

Timbro writes: "Everyone who suspected that the media circuits in Stockholm are people holding each others backs,"

"and double standards where you judge others but cover up for your friends, have had their suspicions confirmed."

"It's especially weird how competing Expressen seems to think the accusations towards the Aftonbladet employee have no news value,"

"while they've reported for days about Harvey Weinstein, a name that's been unknown to most Swedes up until recently."

That's a good point actually. It's not like Expressen have any problem publishing rape accusations otherwise.

And when it comes to double standards it doesn't get more obvious than this.

We, as truth-seekers, are told that we're paranoid racists when we say that the media cover up the truth.

But you don't get to use that accusation anymore.

Another scandal around Aftonbladet that will likely be ignored is Jan Gillou.

He recently went out in Aftonbladet to call Katerina Janouch a racist.

And according to Janouch it's because he's been tryna fuck her for several years.

With inappropriate caress and sleazy comments, even when his wife is a few feet away, but Katerina always said "No".

Well Jan, if you think Katerina is such a terrible racist, why are you trying to sleep with her?

It's interesting how one accusation leads to several.

When one girl dares to speak it gives other women courage as well.

Right now there's a campaign called #MeToo, meaning Me Too (Jag också)

encouraging women to speak about abuse. This, in combo with the accusations towards the Aftonbladet-man, has lead to TV4 and SVT having their own scandals

And now yet another journalist from Aftonbladet has been accused of rape.

So there seems to be 2 perpetrators just inside Aftonbladets office.

So let's do some math. Aftonbladet has 340 employees, not all work with writing articles so let's be generous and assume that 70 are precisely journalists.

2 of these are allegedly rapists. Last year 10'500 molestations were reported and 6500 rapes.

We put those numbers together and get 17'000. And 90% of rapes are never reported, so let's be really generous and include unreported crimes.

That amounts to 170'000, and if we count percentage of Sweden's population that's 1.7% of citizens that are committing rape.

That number is less than the rape percentage at Aftonbladet, which is 2.9%.

So there's bigger risk of being raped in Aftonbladets office, than by people in general.

And that's without including Aftonbladets unreported numbers.

So if women wanna feel safe they just have to avoid Aftonbladet.

Y'know, all this makes me think of feminist-profiles in the media who say: "There's a rape culture in Sweden committed by white men!"

Nah, I think we've found the real rape culture here and it's concentrated to a certain profession.

Everything is falling into place here, think about it!

You know all the loudmouthed media-feminists talking about how disgusting all men are, who problematize around "destructive masculinity".

I understand them. Because consider what they've been surrounded with.

Media men! Rich white men, who are leftist and call themselves feminists, and think that entitles them to rewards every now and then.

THAT is their environment! So no wonder they have that view of masculinity and patriarchy.

In the 90's there was a big media profile working at Aftonbladet called Tom Hjelte.

He was very popular, but suddenly he disappeared. He left Aftonbladet in 1999 after working there for 10 years.

And afterwards he was convicted of raping and assaulting his girlfriend.

So this Virtanen business isn't anything new to Aftonbladet, it appears.

For more infomation >> Swedens Weinstein is a Feminist Journalist (Eng subs) #MeToo - Duration: 31:03.


DJI Mavic Pro The Art of Form - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> DJI Mavic Pro The Art of Form - Duration: 3:01.


35 Best Bathroom Trends 2018 - Duration: 6:26.

Bathroom although ignored many a times is a very important space in any house.

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For more infomation >> 35 Best Bathroom Trends 2018 - Duration: 6:26.


DJI - 매빅 Pro - 자유롭게 달려 날아오르다. - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> DJI - 매빅 Pro - 자유롭게 달려 날아오르다. - Duration: 1:23.


DJI - #MyMavic - Tech Geek (feat. Kai Man Wong) - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> DJI - #MyMavic - Tech Geek (feat. Kai Man Wong) - Duration: 0:58.


Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Laguna Woods CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Laguna Woods CA - Duration: 1:04.

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For more infomation >> Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Laguna Woods CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning Laguna Woods CA - Duration: 1:04.


DJI - DJI 매빅 Pro 소개 영상 - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> DJI - DJI 매빅 Pro 소개 영상 - Duration: 4:44.


DJI - 매빅 Pro - 파도를 쫓아 - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> DJI - 매빅 Pro - 파도를 쫓아 - Duration: 3:43.


DJI - 매빅 Pro - 벽화 예술 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> DJI - 매빅 Pro - 벽화 예술 - Duration: 2:56.


Memory of the Hoopoe | Drunk Review - Duration: 5:46.

Cheers! and welcome to another drunk review!

today I am reviewing the ashport archives, memory of the hoopoe

I think I pronounced that right

the sad thing is, I've heard the author say the name a couple times

and it's even phonetically said in the book

so yeah we're just gonna go with hoop-way

the author is my friend Stephanie

you may remember her from the box swap we did together

she makes YouTube videos. I will put a link to all of her stuff down below

so go check her out cuz she's awesome

it is also the second in the ashport archives, the first one being search for the Phoenix

this is the first time I've ever reviewed something that a friend of mine has done on this channel

and it feels a little weird

also when she signed the book for me, she said:

"to Catie, others may forget you but never forget yourself"

and I thought that was just a super cheesy thing to sign the book with

but after reading it I'm like: oh, okay I see what you did there

love you too, steph

you know what I terrible of these things, I'm just gonna read the back

"things have been going great for Leven Connolly ever since she took on the role of

conservator of ashport with only a few minor hiccups

that is if you don't count unleashing the evil Queen Mab back into the world

or possibly killing her best friend other than that everything is running

smoothly for Leven and the rest of the ashport gang

she definitely hasn't been accused of breaking treaties with vampires

nor has she been sentenced to attend a college for aspiring conservators

to prove she has what it takes to be one

her classmates definitely welcomed her with open arms

and the staff just love her. she most certainly does not have a new Alchemist

babysitter watching her every move, and in no way does she have a beautiful

eccentric and possibly insane stalker nope everything is just splendid

she can handle all of these problems without breaking a sweat

or revealing her true identity to the whole of the conservator community

everything is fine nobody panic

and since we just read that we might as well start with the negatives

get those out of the way quickly

the sarcasm not coming from an actual character and

rather being in the narration is a little weird

and the metaphors and similes don't always work because

sometimes they just get too long also

the chapters are freaking ridiculously long

I mean oh my god

that's the first chapter. it is 19 pages long

but it's worth it because the story is really compelling and like really intriguing

and you just want to know what's going to happen

I love that The Big Bad isn't really an imminent threat

throughout the whole book because it lends more of a realistic air to it

sort of it like, you know, you have to live your life while you're preparing

for this giant battle and I think that's a really interesting way to tell the story

and I love how diverse the characters are

this book touches more on Leven's asexuality, which is really cool

and it more openly States Nigel and Sen's homosexuality slash relationship than the first one did

and that was really cool. I like seeing that relationship develop and I'm really looking forward

to seeing it develop more because they're fucking adorable together

and Darryn! fuck can I be Darryn please?

like she's so cool and confident and powerful

and I don't necessarily agree with how she uses that power all the time

but fuck I want to be that confident

I did miss Sadie through most of the book

I loved Sadie in the first book and I really hope that the next book sort of

follows her story a little more

Stephanie, uh... no pressure

yeah it's so weird making a video about something that the author's

actually maybe go see

I don't know if Stephanie watches my videos that much

Stephanie if you're watching just type dongle in the...[laughs]

oh my god

I don't know why I picked the word dongle but Stephanie if you're watching

type the word dongle in the comments

yeah I'm sticking with it...dongle

and everybody else if you've gotten to this point of the video

type dongle in the comments, just for the hell of it

anyway, um the only character I did not really care for, and did not find compelling in any way

like, even the characters that I wouldn't like as people are compelling characters

but Hal is just an idiot

he's very short-sighted, he is very focused, and not in a good way

he is driven to the point of stupidity

I don't like him

so Stephanie great work! keep it up

keep practicing you have the potential to be amazing

and if you need a second set of eyes on your next book before you publish it

I am more than willing to do that for you

don't forget to Like share and subscribe

check out Stephanie's info down below

and I will see you next time

[finger snaps] bye

For more infomation >> Memory of the Hoopoe | Drunk Review - Duration: 5:46.


Chhath Special Thekua Recipe | khasta Thekua Recipe | ठेकुआ | Quick & Easy Recipe - Duration: 5:32.

hello everyone welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to share with

you a very special recipe which is Chhath Special Thekua usually we need to

make Chhath Special Thekua in wheat flour and jaggery and ghee so let's get

it started to prepare a Chhath Special Thekua, I have this dry coconut which I

have cut it and I have had this in in a small bowl and I have jaggery and ghee

i am gonna use two cups of wheat flour. first thing i am going to do is, i am going to boil the water.

I have added the jaggery into this boiled water so once it melts I'm gonna

use this water to make a dough. now the jaggery has melted so now I'll turn off

the gas. I'll let it cool down when it will be

lukewarm, I'm gonna add ghee into this now it's lukewarm so now I'm gonna add 2

tbsp of ghee so with this water now I'm gonna I'm gonna make a dough. before

mixing this I will add this coconut

and now slowly I will add this jaggery water and i will make a dough

I'll cover this and I'll keep it this about half an hour now the dough is

ready so now I'm gonna make thekua so for this,

first thing I'm gonna I'm gonna take this much dough and I'm gonna do

I'm gonna make it circle. do like this

I'm just gonna press it press it like this press it with the help of this fork I'm

gonna make a shape like this

so now it's ready and again the same process I have prepared all of these so

now I'm gonna fry this I have heated the pan so now I'm gonna add oil so now the

oil is heated, so I'm gonna add this thekua over here

and I'm gonna fry this a medium flame

now I have prepared all the thekua and it looks like this I hope you guys like

the recipe if you like the recipe please give me a feedback and please don't

forget to subscribe my channel for more delicious recipes

thank you for watching bye bye

For more infomation >> Chhath Special Thekua Recipe | khasta Thekua Recipe | ठेकुआ | Quick & Easy Recipe - Duration: 5:32.


DJI - #MyMavic - Priceless Moments (feat. Ellie & Jared) - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> DJI - #MyMavic - Priceless Moments (feat. Ellie & Jared) - Duration: 1:16.


Yêu 5 - Rhymastic (Cover) | Official Video ✅ - Duration: 3:01.

New channel should be looking forward to everyone subscribing to follow ^^

Please press Subscribe / "Đăng Kí" (Y)

To get free tab, please message to fanpage face I Love Guitar 9999 (Link in description)

Have fun and practice successfully ^^ Thanks ^^

For more infomation >> Yêu 5 - Rhymastic (Cover) | Official Video ✅ - Duration: 3:01.


DJI - #MyMavic - Nomad Filmmaker (feat. Kylie Flavell) - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> DJI - #MyMavic - Nomad Filmmaker (feat. Kylie Flavell) - Duration: 1:15.


"Some surgeons said there was no hope for Eric" - Duration: 2:11.

I asked this little boy, "what do you think is wrong with your brother?"

And he said, "I don't know what's wrong with him, all I know is he cannot play football."

His world has been just a world of sound. That moves me a lot because

I would hate to lose anyone of my senses.

Eric has a lot going on with his eyes.

In fact some of my colleagues had a look at him and thought he doesn't have much of a chance.

Clementine did take him to school

and the teachers sent him back because they said he couldn't see.

His brother goes off to play but he has to stay here.

I was amazed by how far he lives.

Even with the mother willing to take him to a hospital how hard it would have been for them.

I'm hoping that Eric will be able to play football after this intervention.

He's walking by himself. No one is holding his hand anymore.

So I'm happy that we gave it a shot.

He can see exactly where my hand is, so that's great.

This is why I became an ophthalmologist.

There are many children out there who are still waiting to be found.

And this support makes it possible.

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