Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

Hey guys.

Are you ready to learn how to make the purest virgin coconut oil ever?

You want to go from this to this?

Let's go!

I will be making this purest virgin coconut oil with 2 coconuts.

Break them with a blunt object and pry out the meat.

Rinse with cool water.

Cut into pieces to help your blender.

Blend with warm water.

Sieve it while pressing the chaff in the process.

Blend again to get out more oil.

We need to milk this coconut as much as possible.

Then sieve with a chiffon or cheese cloth,

the cloth for sieving akamu or ogi in Nigeria.

Pour that into a transparent plastic bag like this.

You can also pour the coconut milk into a transparent plastic bucket

especially if you are will use method number 1 for the separation.

More on that later.

Gather the bag in such a way that it is pointy at the bottom.

Then tie it up.

And hang somewhere like this.

If you are using a bucket, keep in a place where it will be undisturbed.

You will immediately see the mixture separating like a fresh water saltwater line.

Those who work at sea know what I am talking about.

You see that?

And within 20 minutes, you will see a very clear separation like this.

Leave it right there and after 24 hours this is what it looks like.

You will see the first signs of fermentation and some virgin coconut oil forming.

After 48 hours the oil is more prominent.

The fermentation of the top part is what gives the coconut oil.

The time it will take for this to happen depends on the temperature in your kitchen.

If you do this in the winter when kitchens are sometimes as cold as a fridge,

fermentation and subsequently the appearance of the oil will take longer.

But if you do this in Nigeria where the weather is often hot and humid,

this may even happen in only 24 hours.

So keep an eye on it because you do not want it to become rotten.

If the top part becomes mouldy, you know that black thing that

appears on bread that has gone bad,

your virgin coconut oil will smell badly.

You don't want that.

So now that the virgin coconut oil has formed,

we need to separate it from the other unwanted elements.

I have 2 methods of doing it.

For the first method, you need a fridge.

This is also the method where you can put the coconut milk

in a bucket especially if you are making a large quantity that you will sell.

Put the plastic bag in the fridge in the same way it was hanging in your kitchen.

This way, it will be undisturbed hence the oil will not mix with the fermented part so


Within a few minutes maximum 1 hour, the virgin coconut oil will solidify.

You can see that some of the fermented particles stuck to the virgin coconut oil.

You can scrape some of that off with a knife.

Rinse with cool water.

And pat dry with a paper towel.

Place in a container and leave it on your kitchen counter till it turns to liquid oil.

If it's so cold in your kitchen, you can put it

inside a cupboard or inside an oven that is turned off.

Again if your kitchen has the right temperature,

this will happen in no time.

When it has melted, leave it to sit there for some time

and the fermented bits will settle at the bottom.

Slowly decant the oil leaving the fermented bits behind.

And you will get this.

The second method which is my fave method is:

once you see the oil, puncture the plastic bag at the

bottom of the virgin coconut oil line.

This is the complete rig up,

you need a receptor directly below the pointed end.

So puncture it all around the same line.

This one is coconut oil acupuncture!

And watch the purest virgin coconut oil drips out into the container below.

This is why you want the plastic bag to be pointed at the end.

Leave it there to slowly drip till there's no more oil in the bag.

Now you can go and drink some coconut milk while that happens.

Please note that because no heat was involved

during the making of this virgin coconut oil,

it can go solid at room temperature depending on the temperature in your home.

Virgin coconut oil has so many uses.

You can use it as a body cream, as a hair cream

and for coconut oil pulling.

You can also use it to cook.

Thanks because I know you've liked the video already. ;)

Please share this video to help your family

and friends learn the best way to make the purest virgin coconut oil.

Byeee see you soon!

For more infomation >> Purest Virgin Coconut Oil | All Nigerian Recipes - Duration: 9:16.


Sonic Forces - Launch Trailer [Subtitled] - Duration: 0:31.

Our cities are falling.

The World is being conqured,

by Dr. Eggman.


To take back our home,

We'll need Speed,


and Courage.

It'll be tough.

But we need you.


The War to take back the planet,




Thanks for watching : MB.

For more infomation >> Sonic Forces - Launch Trailer [Subtitled] - Duration: 0:31.


What My PARENTS Think | Scamp 13ft Trailer - Duration: 3:41.

The fact that I also grew up in a trailer house,

two bunk beds, myself, Tori, Roxane and Vall,

All in that size. So I've been there done that, I know it's possible.

So I had confidence in you, I knew you had looked into it for a long time

and I knew that it could be done.

I imagine it would have been the case of any real experience

and you and Barron in that kind of close confinement

you know, would find yourselves to be truly compatible and at the same time

what a great way to find out.

I've kind of build my career on less is more and from an 80/20 rule

you know, 20% of what you do, everybody does, is 80% of results so focus there.

So we had the Scamp here

the door faced out this way.

I'm for it, I guess minimalism is an effort of

reducing crap and what doesn't matter

and so I mean you're certainly

taking that to a large end as far as size and footprint and all of that and

most people would not have the boldness to do that

and I'm really proud of you for doing that and

you know, we'll see where it goes there's no requirement

that that now has to be your ongoing existence in life but at the

same time it may be and/or more likely you will find aspects of it that will definitely

be lifelong

Well, I'm an Iowa boy and so my very first job is a thing called de-tassle corn

and it was a nasty job getting up 3:00, 4:00 in the morning taking a bus to fields

an hour away and then being in the wet corn only to have the afternoon

just you know burning hot in the high nineties and it's hard work and you're

literally able to take the harvest and sustain yourself with it so what you

guys are doing is direct food product. It's great to get your fingernails dirty

and realize, you know, at a ground level (wink wink) you know where our food source

comes from, so very cool.

When I learned was..

I'm gonna say experienced. I experienced what I assumed

and what I had pictured

I experienced it viscerally.

I'm just gonna continue to be a student. You are kind of the teacher in this regard for me.

Be safe, be good, be happy.

Live in the moment.

Thank you, dear. I love that you would wonder my thoughts on this stuff.

On to the next adventure!


For more infomation >> What My PARENTS Think | Scamp 13ft Trailer - Duration: 3:41.


Seymour | Movie [HD] | Roof Raven studio - Duration: 1:23:49.

"Roof Raven" studio presents

a Daniel Haroutunian film


All of those, of whom about I write, are living in me

and with their presence I prove that until this moment

every record about them is fake.

And it sounds fake because I think of them with everlasting love.

Here this sentence is already feels fake to me…


I'll start from regular author's prologue.

What about to present to you is not a story, but an amateur movie.

Those who have watched the filmed material

warned me to better leave any hope about having a big profit.





It has been many years since I'm keeping your notebook

with its' 187 poems.

At the age of 22 you have gathered many poems.

After mine any written work, I could imagine they would go on sale immediately.

And I was urging you to get your poems published.

It's forbidden, yet it's forbidden.

Those poems are too eastern, too "Lotus-like".

It feels like the author turned his back on surrounding world.

I eat the food from our refrigerators,

drive our soviet cars,

confidently take our medicine when I'm ill

and having high hopes with our soviet army.

But not a single line in my works depicts that reality.

In this passing years I understood one strange but an incontestable fact.

I desperately need for people to talk with me,

ask questions,

find out everything about this dead man.

Now everything is clear.

I am driven by a split overwhelming confidence

that I know you better than anyone in the world.

Seymour is getting married.

At that time I was at hospital because of pleurisy.

I was given just two days.

That meant that I hardly would be able to get to wedding,

stay a couple of hours and be back.

I was late for two hours

but it turned out that I could go even later

because Seymour didn't showed up for some inexplicable reason.

Can't remember such a hot day.

How does your dearest mother doing?

You're Carlen, right?



You awfully look like him, no one told you that?


Are you spouse's friend or the fiancé's?

Frankly I'm…

You better be quiet if you're spouse's friend.

If I could have him for few minutes...


I'm not kidding.

Did anyone saw his relatives?


Part of them are in Moscow, the other part I don't even know where.

I wish I could see them.

And what would you do?

Don't know,

I would tell them everything.

I can't stand such things, my blood is boiling.


You can't just burst into people's lives and then just disappear like that.

Unfortunately I never saw the young man.

Lately I've found out that Mira got engaged.

No one saw him, not even I.

We rehearsed the wedding two times

and each time Mira's poor father was replacing him,

because he wasn't able to find a car to come from Karabakh.

He finally came at 1:00, yesterday night with some stupid military car.

And that late he calls Mira, like a crazy, and asks her to come to that hotel.

poor boy really had to "talk" with Mira.

You know Mira, pure soul.

Every stranger exploits her naivety.

And that boy

talks with her in that disgusting hotel until seven o'clock of the morning.

Which hotel was it?

Don't know in which hotel.

What do you care?

Are you his friend?

We... Grew up together.

You're a happy man.


I'm sorry.


His head!




Yes, Zozo.

Did you missed me?

You haven't changed a lot from our last meeting,

Only your hair has gone.


Come on!

Let Seymour have a rest.

Did you see that?

How can a person drive like that?

What if he hits us?

Indeed, he must not drive like that.

Neither the policeman doesn't know a thing.

He said we should wait until the car is moved.


We'll just going to sit here? I'm dying of heat.

Could you move a bit? I'm choking!

But I can't move no more!

Give me a smoke at least.


What about you?

Thank you, I don't smoke.

And you soldier?

Me neither.

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry,

can I take a look at your cigarette box?



Thank you.

"Stolen from Gor's and Edita's house".

Gor's and Edith's

Very interesting,

I've never seen such a thing before.

That thought was given to me by Mira's parents.


I swear, I never seen such good people.

You can't even imagine how many books her mother have read.

I wish I had read 10 percent of that.

But did she approved the marriage?

Lately I was in Moscow for that reason…

She was far too intelligent to intervene in such questions.

This morning I saw her first time being upset like that.

And it's because of Mira's disturbance.

And what was she saying?

Nothing in particular that could be considered offensive.

She only said

that Seymour is potentially homosexual

and is afraid of marital responsibilities.

You see, she was attending to a psychologist for years now,

she is very wise.

Ah, yes, yes...

And what took that woman to such a conclusion?


Why does she think that way?

How can a normal person behave like that?

He can't, really.


how can a normal person, a night before his marriage

say some stupid things to her bride.

When Mira explains, like to a child,

that it's not possible because everything has already been organized,

her father spent lots of money.

He answers that he's sorry, but now he's just too happy now and he needs a rest.


Judge yourselves if you have a brain,

Does it looks like a normal person?

Or a person that needs to be in jail?

Oh God, oh God I don't know…

What to say.

Anyway, I truly believe that…

Alright, be quiet for a minute.

Do you know Shushanna Abrahamian?


A theatre actress? She used to be in radio.

Yes, yes.

And did you ever noticed that

she have a crooked smile, like on only one side?

Yes, I did noticed.

It turns out that she have some sort of a disorder

and do you know why?


They say that it's your "normal" Seymour hits her.

Аnd they put nine stitches on her face.

Are you serious…?

May I ask?

I allow.

Mira's mother told me

two hours ago.

By the way,

you know, who I think you are?

I think that

you're Seymour's brother.

You even look alike, judging by his stupid photo.

and I know that his brother had to come. Someone, I think his sister told Mira.

Are you his brother?


I knew it.

I'm not that stupid, I assure you.

As soon as you sat into the car I knew who you are.

Didn't I told you that he's his brother? Didn't I?

Yes, you did.

And I know very well that your brother does not operate calluses,

no need to be witty about it.

He used to take part in "Smart kid" show.


On the radio, right?

Yes, yes.

On the radio. Yes, yes!

It's wonderful,


My husband…

It's some kind of a mystery,

their whole family was with made up names.

Alright, stop it! Relax!

I'm not going to.

They say his brother is ridiculously smart.

College at the age of sixteen, perfect diploma.

But if he's considered smart after all this

then I'm Mahatma Gandhi.

Sorry, Sorry…

My goodness!

We need to do something,

we need to call Mira and tell her we're going to be late, poor will go insane.


There's a café on the corner.



Let's go drink something and I'll call!

You too.

We want to go drink something, then call, care to join us?

We want to drink something, then call, will you join us?

I think he dont hear you.

We want to go drink something! Will you come?!

I understood, I understood!

He's Mira's father's deaf-mute uncle.

Oh God...

There's a cafe' on the corner.

We can go, drink some coffee and you'll call.

It's closed!

I don't know of any other near cafe's.

We'll hardly find a taxi here also.

Аnd what do you suggest?

We could...

Our apartment isn't far from here,

10 minutes of walk.

We can go have some rest

and you'll call.


What if you brother is there?

I don't think so, surely isn't.

Then let's go, I'll call at least.

I'm married to the most predatory being in the world.

How much do you smoke a day?


Remember how I put you in front of this bike when you were five

and circled you around the whole stage?

Sometimes I feel like I never got off from that bike.

Those were good days.

Do you remember that game?

You loved it when you were a kid.

The point of the game was to hit the wall with a ball

to make it bounce back above opponents' heads

and make it hard for them to catch it.

I wasn't so bad at that game.

Wasn't so bad?

You were great at that game. Don't be unnecessarily modest.

So great, that no one was willing to play it with you.

And for that reason I was usually playing alone.


Buddy always tried to play like you.

Same way of throwing the ball…

was moving like you.

In other words, copying you.

But none of that was working, he was always losing.

It was only a play for us and victory didn't really mattered.

You're being modest again.

You always wanted to win

and you knew very well that you're better than everyone.

"Wisdom, before taking an action

always bothers and suspects

and that is why he always wins"-

Zhu ZI,

book number...


Buddy got sad every time he lose.

And you were getting angry at him claiming that there's no reason to be sad.

I never wanted him to be sad.

He was very sensitive.

Even in his childhood.

Buddy loves you.

I know.

You're being too rude with him.

My love to him is so big and pure

that I can't even show it to him.

Eh Seymour, Seymour…






It seems that he's not here.


It's even hotter here than outside.

Just a second.

Excuse me.

Go on.

I wouldn't mind a drink.

I'll call later,

my mouth is so dry I can hardly speak.

Let me look.

And don't forget the ice,

if there is any.


What are those pictures?

Those are the photos of children who participated in our program.

Never heard about it.

Was it a kids show?

Not really.

It was before Seymour showed up and after he left.

When he was around it was something different-

just conversations between kids around a round table.

Were you in it too?

Yes sir.

I'd like to see how they'd make my child take part in such stupid thing.

I would never let my kid to show off in front of everyone.

Their lives always go wrong.

And since his childhood was ruined he'll never grow up.

Mira's mother was saying so.

Your brother will never learn how to behave in public.

He won't adapt to this marriage.

Mrs. Naira said it just like that. She was, right?

I don't give a damn what Mira's precious mother was babbling about my brother!

Or what some dilettantes and sons of bitches talk about him!

Since Seymour was ten he was already being discussed

from high intellectuals to professors.

He had all the right to be smug about himself, but he wouldn't do it!

Seymour is a poet – a true poet!

And even if he hadn't written a single line

you still wouldn't be worth a single hand of his.

I'll go get some drinks.

I'm sorry,

can I call from here?


Very well, We'll wait.

Yes, yes.

What happened Seymour?


Seymour you're always sad. it can't go like this.

I'm not sad.

I'm rather happy,

although I'm not sure that it's what I need.

You need to sleep.

I don't want to.


do you remember your work? In which a boy catches a fish.

After catching the fish his lips start to hurt

and when the kid brings the fish home and puts it in an aquarium

he sees that the fish is wearing his clothes.


I think you wrote it for Walt.


You always wanted to show off your wisdom, isn't that right?

I wrote it in a whole different intentions.

Oh… of course.

With very kind intentions, you compared a child – your brother, with a fish.

We all live on the same ground,

and they, for your information, have the same right to live as we do.

For your information, fish live in water.

A joke… with good intentions.

Humans always considered themselves higher than...

for example – ants.

Maybe it is true,

but I don't think it's reasonable enough to squash a whole "family".

No, you haven't changed.

Before all… "that"-

what we're we talking about?


Once I called her.

It was strange, she was constantly saying



She almost hung up the phone.

I tried to convince her to run away and get married.

Only us,

nobody else.

How terrible it is

when you tell someone about your love.

And for an answer you hear-


Can't hear you,



Vedanta commands:

-Spouses must serve each other.

To understand,


teach and strengthen,


but above all – to serve.

To nurture their children-

with love,


and care.

The child is a guest in the house which we must love and respect,

but do not rule over him.

Because the child belongs to...


[pray - Our Father]

How delightful,


and wise.

And that's why it's true.

For the first time in my life I feel the wonder of responsibility.

Everybody sleeps.

I need too,

but I can't.

Someone needs to stay awake

with the happy man.

I'm here.

Ah, it's wonderful,


You know, it got so breezy and nice here.

Can I ask you a question?

Of course.

Excuse me,

but would it be considered ungraceful if I ask about that incident

of which Edith was speaking?

I mean about those nine stitches, do you remember?

Your brother must have...


Who's Edita?

My wife.

Yeah, sure.

Hm... yes.

So was it an accident or…?

What is this foolishness Mrs Susanna?

What did you say?

I'm sorry. I must have said something odd.

Young man…

I reached, at last, it must have took me an hour.

Is it cold?

Hm... Yes.

I have never been in such a hot room.

What did they say? Were you talking with Naira?

I was talked with everyone.

You can relax, everything is in order now.

What does that mean? What happened?

Means that our fiance' no longer suffers from "Happiness".

With whom you're were talking?

Already told you – everyone, except the bride of course,

she ran away with the fiance'.

What? what?

Oh God, why is it so sweet? what did you put in it?

Ran away?

What do you care? Don't bother, you'll live longer.

It appears so Seymour was already at their house when they arrived.

Mira packed her stuff and they left.

And now they're inviting us to a wedding.

What did Mrs. Naira say?

Mrs. Naira? Oh she's just wonderful.

It's hard to believe how she talked– very calmly and courteous.

She said that Seymour promised to go see a psychologist.

I don't know this all might turn out well.

Ah...I'm out of energy to think anymore.

Let's get out of here.

I'll take my cigarettes.

Wait, are you going there?

I don't know, if I go then only for couple of minutes.

Wait! Wait! I'm coming too.

Thank you.


Goodbye, thanks for your hospitality.

By the way Edie.

Have you read Salinger?


Do you have home?

Is there someone who takes care of you?

Seems that it's doves in the park.

You're sad again.

I'm not sad – I'm just not happy.

Can't sleep again?

You want some?



don't you think you're yearning for perfection in everything?

You can't do that. You must accept others' and also your own flaws.

I don't deny.

Could you...

Tell me about Shushanik?

Tell you what?


for example,

how did it turned out that she got nine stitches on her face?

Oh, of course,

it's your week spot, isn't it?

Did you got mad at the cat or the tenderly love she had for it?


Or maybe you understood, that she carres the cat for an another purpose.

Of course.

You were looking.

That was the reason.

It is typical in poetry,

especially in poetry that bears a Chinese or Japanese influence,

to depict everything in very bare manner, deprived of anything ornamental.

It was typical to your poetry too.

The day of your suicide you wrote a little thing

on paper that was on a hotel's table.

In it you wrote about a little girl,

that sitting in a car was turning her doll's head

so it could look at the poet in a car next to her.

Boo-Boo even once said that the girl really existed.

Even if that really happened, which I doubt,

that girl wasn't going to turn her doll's head in my direction.

She completely identified herself to this made-up story.

I'm happy,

and scared at the same time.

I love her so much.

How I need her tender heart.

She was fascinated with this animal

and wants me to be fascinated too.

Even in the dark, I can sense her estrangement from me.

It's always like that,

when I can't be fascinated by the same thing that she is.

My mother said when you'll be free

for longer time

you should visit our home again.

Poor girl,

she listens to you only when her mother does.

I dined at their house last month.

There was food made by Mira on the table too.

Tears filled my eyes.

Saigyō wrote:

"I don't know why, but appreciation always flows with shining tears".

My mother, just out of curiosity, wanted to know

if there was anyone with mental illness in your family?

Don't get me wrong, you know how worried she is– wants to know everything.

Her mother was concerned about a whole other thing.

Three things, to be exact.

The first one is impossible to explain.

The second one is that there's definitely something strange about you

if you haven't yet...

"Charmed" Mira.

And the last one...

She's still worried about that time when you said you want to be a dead cat.

When her mother asked…


What are you going to do after the war?"

You answered-

That I think it's never going to end

and I know only one thing-

if it ends

I'd wish to be

a dead cat.


you're crazy. Go to the doctor Sirunian."

I know that you were joking. If you explain to her – she'll understand.

So explain Seymour! Explain! She's begging you.

In one of the legends of Zen Buddhism, the master have been asked:

"Which is the world's most precious thing?"

And he answers:

"A dead cat, because it is priceless."

She calmed down.

But can't wait to go home and share this with her mother.

This kitty is so pretty, isn't it?

She's not saying "cute" anymore.

"You scared her so much that she changed the way she talks."

Mira. Do you know what is sentimentalism?

We're sentimental, when we're more tender whit any being, than god.

Of course, god likes little cats,

but probably without worn shoes, like in colour movies.

That artistic details he left to the screenwriters.

She worries when her love either comes or goes.

Аppears and disappears. She doubts that her love is real,

because it's not so joyful and sweet

like this cat.

Lately I was afflicted by a question.

Isn't the true poet or a creator, the only one?

Of course, you can't give that title to a scientist or, especially a psychologist.

Although, among psychologists there was a great, epic poet – Freud.

Dear reader, In your opinion

what's the most important, soft organ for a visionary?

Of course – the eyes.

You can yet again remember my quotation from Kafka.

Is it all clear now?

Do you understand that shout comes from the eyes?

A specialist can insist that death comes from pneumonia, loneliness, or...

a suicide.

Isn't that clear– the real reason of visionary death.

Seymour, you're smiling rarely. It's wrong.

There, much better.




Did you really think that I'm your grandpa?

Where are you?


I'm here Seymour.

Don't you see me?



Leave that and come to me.

Where are you?!

Why have you came?


What do you think?

Why are people afraid of the dark?

See, In instance, for blind people it's always dark, right?

But they're not afraid.


what about non-blinds? They're afraid that they won't see and will fall?


People are afraid, because in the dark they see themselfs.

They're left alone with their own fears.

Oh! look who's here…

An interesting creature, right?

Does she love you?


No! You're wrong!

She's in love with only a marital life!

She instinctively plays in her little cage!

Her anticipations about marriage are both nonsensical and dramatic!

She want to buy some curtains, clothing for pregnant women…

She even wants to leave her paternal home,

wants many children that'll look like her, but not you!



What else could you expect from a child that runs around her mother? Huh?!

If you love her so much, why were you hiding her from Buddy?

I wasn't…

You knew his answer, knew it very well.

Buddy would hated her, if he'd knew why she wants to marry!

But can you hate just for that?

Probably yes,

but all of that seems so humanly to me.

Buddy won't understand.

I love Mira and consider her infinitely brave.


Love her?


Stop running after her. I'm begging you,

can you listen to me for once? For once in your life.



I said- No!

Whole body hurts,

But there's no pain.

My hand weakens, Head is heavy again.

What to do?

How to escape?

Tells the voice in my head That sleep, is what I need.

Darkness prostrated everywhere.

Darkness blinded eyes of mine.

Besides the sea, nothing's there,

The sea, in which I swim alone.

[With love-BooBoo]

Year 1972, camp.

Dear Bessie, Les, Beatrice, Walt and Waker.

I shall speak from me and Buddy, since he's busy with his job.

That playful and brilliant boy is always busy with something.

We missed you all awfully a lot.

Why was I born so defenseless for such long separations?

Anyway, let's change the subject.

Tonight I saw Buddy in a dream, but in many years later-

completely deprived from my suspicious but loving presence.

He was sitting, and with a giant black typewriter was writing about this day.

Buddy was smoking and was already grey-haired.

Les, he was older than you now.

I was mostly allured by his house's image.

It was simply his childhood dream.

Pretty window, from which he, I'm sure, was looking at the sky form time to time.

Books all around, though there're no shelves,

notebooks, sharpened pencils, his black typewriter and other interesting stuff.

He'd be happy in that house.

And since I wouldn't be able to do it myself at that time,

please tell him that his house is very beautiful.

With thousands of kisses– Seymour.

Tomorrow I'm going to university again.

I know,

I admit...

I know, not often but I know that my most important work

is teaching in auditorium number 325.

I'm your brother, after all, right?

I even have this strange feeling that

there's no such other place

to which I'd go with more pleasure than to that auditorium.

Once you said that:

"During our whole lives we move from one holy ground to another."


Mira? Mira, listen.

You father spoke with doctor Sirunian...


He told everything…

About trees and windows. That he told Grandma how to bury her.

In one word – everything.


And listen!

First of all, she said:

"It's a crime that they let him out of the hospital"

I swear,

she told your father that it's expectable, highly expectable

that Seymour can loose his self-control.

We're awfully worried.

Your father even wanted to come and take you back home and…

No mom, I'm not going to come back home now, relax.

Mira, doctor Sirunian said that Seymour is…



What about your room? Do you feel comfortable?

It's alright.

We didn't get the number we were resting at before the war.

Mira, I'm asking for the last time. how are you? Is everything okay?

Yes mom, for the hundredth of time- yes.

And you really don't want to get back home?

No, mom.

Mira, your father told me yesterday that he's willing to give you some money

for your vacation so you could make a decision.

No thanks.

Mom, this conversation…

I don't understand how could you wait for that boy until the end of war.

Mom, please, let's end this.

Seymour will be back soon.

Where is he?

At the beach.


Is he behaving normally?

You talk so, as if he is crazy.

Of cours I'm not, Mira…

I didn't mean that. I…

Though it sounds like it.

Let me call you tomorrow.

Mira, listen to me very carefully.

I'm listening.

As soon as Seymour starts to do strange things, call me, okay?

Mom, I'm not scared of Seymour.

Mira, promise me.


Alright, I promise.

Goodbye, say hello to dad.

Take care of yourself.

Where's my Seymie-Seymie?


Have you seen Seymie-Seymie?

Okay, kitty.

Come here.

I want to get into water.

Later kitty, later.

Go and play.

Mommy will go to Mrs Karina,

have a drink and bring you olives.

I still can't finish this work.

Even in the case when I realize what a failed story I wrote about Seymour,

where it obscurely shows my self-establishment

and an attempt to compare with Seymour.

I've concentrated so much around my own "self"

that I forgot about the most important…

The most real.

About a bird that lived among us,

a Buddhist and a true poet.

Who, least of all would like that I write this work.

But Seymour,

can I really delete this work?

Delete myself…

Seymie-Seymie! Will you come to walk?

Hello Sybil.

Will you come to walk?

I was waiting for you.

What's up?


I said- anything new?

Daddy is coming tomorrow on an airplane.

It's time for your dad to come. I was waiting for him too,

still waiting.

Where's that woman?

That woman?

It's hard to say Sybil. She could be anywhere.

At a stylist for example- dyeing hair milk-white,

Or in a room, sewing dolls for poor children.

Ask simpler questions Sybil.

What a pretty dress you're wearing.

Most in the world, I like blue hats.

But it's yellow.

All yellow.


Come a little closer.

You're right.

I'm an idiot, idiot.

Will you come to walk?

I'll think about it.

Really, I'm thinking.

Narine told me that, when you were playing a piano, you let her sit next to you.

Narine told you that?


Well you know how that happens Sybil.

I was sitting there playing a piano, you weren't there.

Narine showed up and sat next to me.

What should've I done? Push her?

Yeah! Push!

No, no Sybil.

But do you know what I did? Guess.


I imagined that she is you.

Let's go to walk.

Alright, I think I can.

Stay here.

Next time– push her!



No, I won't.

You keep remembering her.

Mixing memory and desire.

Hey Sybil,

do you know, what we're going to do now?

We'll try to catch a Bananafish.



Do you like candles?



Very much, and you?

Do you like olives?

Olives? Very much.

Olives with candles– can't live without them.

And do you like Narine?

Yes, yes of course.

She's nice to little dogs living in front of our hotel.

You may not believe, but there are some girls who like to beat them with sticks.

But Narine – never.

Doesn't hurt them, doesn't mock them.

That's why I like her.

And I like chewing candles.

Everybody likes.

We're not going to swim today.

Come to me!

I can't see them.

Understandable, they're very strange fish.

And their lives are very sad.

Do you know what they do Sybil?


They swim to a cave full with bananas.

They seem like normal fish before they enter

but inside they act like pigs.

We'd not forget, right?

On his turn one fish entered the cave

and ate seventy eight bananas.

And Bananafish eat so much,

that they get fat and are no longer able to exit.

What happens then?

Then when?

What are you talking about?


You mean when they can't get out?


Makes me sad to say, but they die.


They get sick with banana fever,

it's a horrible disease.


Seymour, Seymour...

can't sleep again?

Too bad.

You'd see so many interesting things there,

many familiar and unfamiliar faces, long gone friends and relatives.


Why did you came?

Oh…I wasn't gone, just a little vacation.

But I felt you need me,

you were calling me.



Looking in my eyes and lying to me!

You think it'll work?

I know you too well! Didn't you come to me yourself?

Remember, there, in the forest?

Wandering alone.

You needed a friend and I came! Have you forgotten?

No I haven't.

You were weird for everyone.

"Crazy one."

Only I could understand you!

Buddy was with me.

Buddy was jealous of you, he needed you!

You were the only one who was interested in his idiotic stories.

Enough… Enough…

You know it too well that I'm right.

You're wrong.


You're not even brave enough to look into my eyes!

Imagined yourself a poet.

You think you can just forget me, like nothing happened?!


For more infomation >> Seymour | Movie [HD] | Roof Raven studio - Duration: 1:23:49.


Overwatch Moments #96 - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Overwatch Moments #96 - Duration: 10:12.



For more infomation >> LES 7 ARMES SECRÈTES DU ROYAUME UNI ★★★ - Duration: 7:03.


Tanki X Developer's Diary #39 - Duration: 4:20.

Greetings, tankers!

Welcome to another episode of our developer's diary.

Today, we'll be summing up our first competitive season.

We'll also be telling you about the progress in the development of Squads,

and announcing this year's Halloween festivities.

Let's go!

Yesterday, October 25th, was the last day of our trial competitive season called, Season Zero.

Every participant has received well-deserved rewards

such as graffiti, crystals, and containers with blueprints.

The top 50 ranked players of the season, were rewarded according to their placing.

Additionally, all of them have received a unique Season Zero graffiti.

Our entire development team would like to congratulate every participant for this important victory!

This is a historic moment for Tanki X, so, the first winner of this first season


who's managed to farm an impressive number of reputation points,

will receive a Tanki X mug and t-shirt, as gifts.

The new season begins today.

Get ready for an even more exciting competition, with bigger rewards.

For this new season, the overall rating of every player has been lowered.

For example, players who finished the last season in the master league,

have been returned to the gold league.

This will give everybody a better chance to reach the master league.

Good luck on the battlefield, tankers!

We've made a few changes that we think will improve

how reputation points are allocated in the new season.

In the last season, there were cases in which some players were forced

to join the losing team in a battle that was almost finished.

And since there was nothing they could do to change the situation, they were losing points.

We don't want this to happen again, so from this season,

players who find themselves in these situations will no longer lose reputation points and

teleport charges.

We've also made a few changes to the game's interface.

The results window will now display the number of reputation points a player has earned or lost.

Finally, players can check the number of available blueprints they have, to upgrade a module.

They will also be able to check how many blueprints they've earned,

and how many they've spent on every upgrade of every module.

In future updates, those players who have upgraded their modules to maximum,

will have all of their excess blueprints converted to crystals.

We continue working on the Squads feature, which will allow tankers to easily play with their friends.

Tankers will be able to invite up to 4 players from their friends list, to their squad.

Only players who are not in a battle, can be invited.

Players will also be able to request an invite to a squad that is still being formed,

by clicking on the player in their friends list.

Only the leader of the squad can invite or kick players, or look for a match.

Of course, the leader can also pass on this role to another player.

Players who join a battle as a squad,

will all be marked with the same color in the pre-battle lobby.

Players who leave the battle prematurely, will automatically be removed from the squad.

This update is scheduled to be released next month.

And now, the most exciting part of this episode - Halloween celebrations.

The festivities start tomorrow, and will go on till November 1st.

You can expect a boost in experience points and battle funds, which will be increasing every day.

We'll have a pumpkin graffiti and special Halloween ammunition for sale,

as well as a new paint, which will be given as a gift for buying 750 X-crystals or more.

You'll also be able to participate in contests to win more prizes.

And don't forget to share screenshots of tanks in Halloween costumes

it can be your tank, or even someone you've met in battle.

Check out our forum and social media tomorrow

for more info about all of the Halloween contests we've prepared for you.

And one more thing… for this Halloween,

we've replaced the model of the mine, with a big and really cool Halloween spider model.

If you suffer from arachnophobia, too bad, because the spider looks both amazing and scary.

Have fun!

By the way, make sure you join our Halloween stream on November 1st.

Don't miss it!

Happy Halloween, tankers, and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Tanki X Developer's Diary #39 - Duration: 4:20.


[FREE] Future x Young Thug Type Beat t | Real Ones ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Future x Young Thug Type Beat t | Real Ones ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 3:48.



For more infomation >> MAX MARIUS OG ANNA BRIAND ER FIREFIGHTERS! | #CokeTVBucketList - Duration: 7:57.


NS Boekentrein + Nieuwe Trein! - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> NS Boekentrein + Nieuwe Trein! - Duration: 1:33.


Puigdemont estudia exiliarse en Atapuerca - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Puigdemont estudia exiliarse en Atapuerca - Duration: 3:35.


Assento portátil Infantil para banheiro | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Assento portátil Infantil para banheiro | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 5:06.


3rd Prototype & Emdi - House [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:21.

3rd Prototype & Emdi - House [Hot Top NCS]

For more infomation >> 3rd Prototype & Emdi - House [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:21.


Main opposition party to boycott all parliamentary audit sessions starting Friday - Duration: 1:02.

The main opposition Liberty Korea Party will boycott all parliamentary audit sessions starting


The announcement was made after the country's media watchdog approved the appointment of

two new board members recommended by the ruling Democratic Party of Korea -- to the Foundation

for Broadcast Culture -- the largest shareholder of public broadcaster MBC.

This has been a contentious issue not just because the board can appoint the president

of MBC -- the opposition claims the ruling bloc is trying to take control of the broadcaster...

by naming pro-government figures.

By law, the nine-member board is comprised of six members recommended by the ruling party

and three by the opposition.

But Liberty Korea claims it should get to name the replacements -- as those two members

were appointed when it was in power.

The watchdog said now that there's been a change in government,... the current ruling

party has the say.

The new composition gives the ruling party five members on its side,... and the opposition

with four.

For more infomation >> Main opposition party to boycott all parliamentary audit sessions starting Friday - Duration: 1:02.


Arde Sálvame: Lydia Lozano y Terelu tienen los días contados en el programa - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Arde Sálvame: Lydia Lozano y Terelu tienen los días contados en el programa - Duration: 3:24.


Quick & Easy Hairstyles Under 2 minutes For Party - Duration: 3:03.


For more infomation >> Quick & Easy Hairstyles Under 2 minutes For Party - Duration: 3:03.


South Korea, U.S. to hold annual military meetings on Friday and Saturday - Duration: 1:42.

As U.S. President Donald Trump will be visiting South Korea in less than two weeks... diplomatic

activities by the allies shift into high gear mainly on ways to improve coordination in

dealing with Pyongyang.

Most noteworty among these efforts: an annual meeting between the defense ministers of Seoul

and Washington.

Kim Hyun-bin outlines what to expect from that event taking place this weekend.

South Korea and the U.S. are scheduled to hold their annual Security Consultative Meeting

in Seoul on Saturday, a day after the allies' Military Committee Meeting.

The meeting on Friday will be lead by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the two sides, while

Saturday's meeting will be headed by Seoul's Defense Minister Song Young-moo and his U.S.

counterpart James Mattis.

The allies plan to have in-depth discussions on enhancing extended deterrence against North

Korea's ever-expanding nuclear and ballistic missile threats.

They are also expected to discuss alliance policies, including the early transfer of

wartime operational control from Washington to Seoul, which is one of the key goals of

the Moon Jae-in administration.

The annual meetings are the allies' top military consultations channels.

However this year's talks mark the first since President Moon and Trump took office.

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis is set to arrive in Seoul early Friday for his

second visit as Pentagon chief.

He is scheduled to take a tour of front line units shortly after his arrival.

Speaking to reporters this week,... Mattis stressed that Washington's top priority is

to resolve North Korea issues diplomatically.

Minister Song and Mattis met on the sidelines of the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting-Plus

in the Philippines earlier this week.

They held their first face-to-face at the Pentagon in August.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

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