Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017


The Banach-Tarski paradox of Banach and Tarski is a statement of mathematics, which demonstrates

that the descriptive concept of volume cannot be generalized to arbitrary sets of points.

Afterwards, a sphere can be divided into three or more dimensions in such a way that its

parts can be joined together again to form two gapless spheres, each of which has the

same diameter as the original.

The volume doubles, without it being evident how volumes should be created from nothing

through this process.

This paradox demonstrates that the mathematical model of space as a set of points in mathematics

has aspects that are not reflected in physical reality.


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What If Annabelle Was Real? - Duration: 5:40.

I mean… the one thing that scares me more than little girl ghosts are little girl dolls

that are possessed with a demonic malicious spirit….ammmm I right?

Of course I am.

So, understandably, the story of Annabelle, the spooky demon doll, is pretty awful…but

what if it was real?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions where we are celebrating Halloween

with a few spooky episodes!

Don't worry if you're watching after October 31st…Halloween is for life not just for


I am Rebecca Felgate…join me as I get back on track and ask What if Annabelle Was Real?

Before I get stuck like a knife in to the back of this spooky video, I want to remind

you die hard questioners that we have a Patreon, and if you want to help support content creation

on this channel, then head on over there and see what we have to offer you in return.

OKAY…Annabelle…right guys…I hate to break it to you, but for those that don't


Annabelle IS real.

I know, I know…it makes me want to cry tears of literal doom, too.

The Annabelle movie Franchise was inspired by real life movie events.

The Conjuring, Annabelle and Annabelle Creations all come from the story of one raggedy Anne

doll, and their current owners, Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The real life Annabelle is less terrifying to look at than the Hollywood porcelain doll,

I dare say she is cute… but her back story is less cute.

Unlike in the movie, Annabelle was not given to a wife by her husband, nor was she a vintage

doll with a dubious back story involving a satanic cult.

The real story… but lets use the word real with a teensy weensy pinch of salt her, comes

from Annabelle's owners, Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The Warrens own the Warren Occult Museum, where Annabelle is currently held.

The Warrens feature in the Annabelle movies and are indeed real people.

Ed died in 2006, but he and Lorraine's story surrounding Annabelle goes like this….they

acquired the Doll of a concerned young woman named Donna.

Donna was a nursing student at the time she was given the doll for her 28th birthday by

her mother.

Donna shared a home with her friend, Angie when, like in the movie, they noticed it was

moving seemingly of its own accord.

According to Ed and Lorraine, Annabelle would leave messages for Donna and Angie and seemed

to be at the centre of several paranormal occurrences.

Donna even claimed there was blood on the doll one day that seemed to come from nowhere.

According to the Warren's, Donna and Angie contacted a medium who said the doll was haunted

by a 7 year old girl named Annabelle, giving the doll her name.

Ed, however, claimed that …I quote….God does not allow a child's spirit to go into

a doll…this was a devil, a demon inside the doll which was impersonating the spirit

of a child."

It was after this alleged demon harmed Angie's fiancé that the girls decided enough was

enough and contacted the Warrens.

The Warren's website claims that, after they became in possession of the doll, a visitor

to their museum died.

Oddly, they don't give a name.

You may notice that Donna, Angie and Lou are missing last names too, which makes them decidedly


Although Annabelle has been exorcised several times it is believed that some energy is still

attached to this doll.

All of the information we have been given about this doll comes from two people, two

people who made money out of the paranormal… interesting.

So, we know the story from the Anabelle Hollywood movie franchise is based on a real life story……

But…who knows if the Warren's story is based in any truth at all?

If it is, and she was real, then blimey, that must mean demons are real too…and they really

do like to get inside mini human figures.

Annabelle, Robert and the gang are out there to get us….

Although isn't possessing a teeny and very kickable figure a kind of inefficient way

to cause satanic destruction?

Why not possess something bigger.

Think about it, though.

If Annabelle was real, would she stay locked up obediently in Perspex box in an innoculous

town in Conneticut….she has the power to kill a man but not escape a box?

Lol, no.

If Annabelle was real she would have ditched Connecticut years ago and strutted her stuff

like a big bad evil in a place she could do more damage…like New York.

Ooh, I've just thought of a new movie for the franchise….Annabelle: Murder in Manhattan….

Hollywood, feel free to send me that big fat cheque in the post….

Annabelle may have been real to the Warrens, but that doesn't means she is real….but

of course, that doesn't mean she isn't.

Like with ghosts, vampires and werewolves, scepticism is healthy, but any true questioner

should never turn their back on proof...the problem is, when it comes to this kind of

thing, Scientific proof seems to be lacking.

So guys, do you think Annabelle is real?

If she is, what is her game plan?

Will she ever escape her Perspex prison?

Are thick layers of plastic the one true way to stop demons?


Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Life's Biggest Questions, we love hearing your thoughts

so feel free to let us know your own answer to this question in the comments box below.

Also feel free to check out our Patreon.

If nothing else, there is a fun video of me, Ron and Charlotte on there!

I am Rebecca Felgate, I will catch you in the next video, but for now…stay curious,

stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

Still thirsty for answers?

Why not watch our popular uploads playlist or our biggest What If's playlist.

For more infomation >> What If Annabelle Was Real? - Duration: 5:40.


Je vis au CANADA - Elizabeth - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Je vis au CANADA - Elizabeth - Duration: 2:01.


Colgate से 5 मिनट में काले होठो को सुंदर व गुलाबी बनाये - 100% Working | Get Pink Lips 1 बार में - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Colgate से 5 मिनट में काले होठो को सुंदर व गुलाबी बनाये - 100% Working | Get Pink Lips 1 बार में - Duration: 2:15.


VVVVVV #4 - Duration: 9:36.

Hello, Welcome back to VVVVVV

Today I will be saving Vitellary

She is the yellow character

Trinket #10


I always go on the top path

No I didn't

This way is easier

Third time's still a charm!

The bottom path leads to the next trinket

So of course i'm going to be going down there

Finally!, that took a long time

Trinket #11

Now I have to go back :(

Finally I made it back!

Third time is always a charm for me!

Trinket #12

I just can't get back up

That took way too long

Maybe more lies?


I love me that money!

$cha ching$

I have no clue what i'm trying to do right now

I'm dying so many times today

But at least I made it!

You're probably correct

Yeah, he's definitely correct

I'll come back to that one later

That would be trinket #13 if I could get it

That's trinket #14

But i'm not even going to attempt to get that one

But like I said I might come back and get them later

Here's Vitellary!

OK, thats the end of this video

Hope you enjoyed and if you did like and subscribe

I will be finishing the game in the next video

For more infomation >> VVVVVV #4 - Duration: 9:36.


Muere Janice McGoff, vicepresidenta de Relaciones Públicas de ABC, a los 68 años - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Muere Janice McGoff, vicepresidenta de Relaciones Públicas de ABC, a los 68 años - Duration: 2:17.


The Deep State's Use Of Pedophilia As A Means Of Compromising Individuals And Controlling Them - Duration: 14:30.

The Deep State�s Use Of Pedophilia As A Means

Of Compromising Individuals And Controlling Them

By Kundalini and Cell Towers

In October 2016, with the contest for U.S. president heating up for the November 8 vote,

thousands of emails damaging to the Clinton campaign were released on Wikileaks.

Shocking evidence of political corruption involving the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton

Campaign, and the campaign�s manager, John Podesta (among many other parties), emerged.

An unprecedented collusion between the corporate media and the Clinton campaign was revealed,

with proof that presidential debate questions were shared in advance with Clinton, that

Clinton had editorial control of many of the �news� articles published by the corporate

media, and that $100�s of millions were donated to Clinton by the Saudi government

and other foreign entities, presenting a clear violation of US election law.

The media bias in support of Clinton and against any of her rivals was unprecedented.

Never once have Wikileaks releases been proven to be fake.

These emails are forensically linked with the personal computers and devices of the

parties in question.

No one has denied the validity of the emails.

As researchers began to review the material, in addition to evidence of bribery (�pay

to play�) and collusion, they found hundreds of disturbing emails that used what was obviously

coded language.

�Pizza,� �hot dogs,� �handkerchiefs,� and �sauce,� among other words, were used

in ways that were at obvious odds with normal usage.

What was President Obama doing ordering $65,000 of hot dogs to be flown in from Chicago?

What was John Podesta doing misplacing a handkerchief with a pizza-related map on it?

What was a Department of Justice child trafficking employee doing requesting some Haitian pizza

with extra cheese?

Why was John Podesta excitedly anticipating enjoying the pleasures of sharing a hot tub

with the daughters of an associate, ages 7, 9, and 11?

Researchers were intrigued and began to study the social media presence of people named

in the emails.

Highly disturbing images and comments were found at Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook:

Images of children�s coffins, 3 year old girls with their hands restrained in sexually

suggestive positions, babies that were called retarded whores, price tags placed on babies,

artwork featuring gang rapes of young children, music groups discussing approvingly of the

sexual preference for young children, pedophilia symbolism everywhere, and so forth.

A pizza shop owner, and the 49th most powerful person in Washington, D.C., James Alefantis,

was found to be at the center of the controversy.

Alefantis is a high level democratic party operative, having met with the President several

times in the past few years.

The Clinton Foundation has a Haitian child rescue center across the street from Alefantis�

pizza shop.

There are reportedly underground tunnels connecting these facilities and possibly to the White

House itself, as D.C. is literally infested with tunnels beneath the underground Metro


Making matters even worse, John Podesta, and many of the other parties named in the emails,

is involved in �spirit cooking,� which is a Satanic, occult practice of feeding off

the life force of others, especially young people.

In public they paint with blood and semen, hold mock sacrifices, and even bake cakes

in the form of children to be reverentially eaten.

It is rumored that private ceremonies, attended by only inner circle initiates, can be shockingly


In corroboration of researchers� concerns, at the same time of the email releases, Wikileaks

also released FBI documents that defined various pedophilia jargon and symbols that allow pedophiles

to communicate without the referent of their discussions being obvious to the naive masses.

The scandal pursued by the online research community became known as PizzaGate, as the

pedophile lingo for underage sex is �pizza,� and sex with a very young child is called,

�cheese pizza.� Online research communities developed at Reddit, 4Chan, and Twitter, under

the rapidly trending hashtag, #PizzaGate.

Under tremendous pressure from the Democratic party, all were banned by their CEOs within

about a month, at which time many researchers migrated over to VOAT, and are still there

as of 12/29/2016.

Politically, many important things developed in November and December 2016.

One is that parties named in the emails and social media postings were silent and either

closed or set to private their media accounts.

Not once did any of these people attempt to defend or explain themselves.

Another is that the Obama administration and major media launched a campaign against �fake

news,� stating their wish to shut down the websites that promoted outrageous conspiracy

theories such as a child sex trafficking ring involving the Washington, D.C. political elite.

Of course, the weak hit pieces put out by the Washington Post and New York Times did

not print the text of the actual emails and social media posts, nor did they reproduce

the irrefutably disturbing photographs.

The corporate media created a strawman and proceeded to debunk it.

At the same time, instead of focusing on the content of the revelations, the U.S. government

and the corporate media began howling about Russian hacking upsetting the balance of power

in the U.S. despite there being no evidence of such, and despite a former U.K. ambassador

to the U.S. admitting that he was the intermediary for the released emails, receiving them on

a flash drive from a contact of Democratic National Committee employee, and Bernie Sanders

supporter, Seth Rich, who was murdered suspiciously just days after the release.

Finally, in an effort to prove the danger of �fake news,� democratic operatives

contrived a false flag shooting where an out of work crisis actor was employed to bring

a rifle into Comet Ping Pong and Pizza, owned by James Alefantis, in a search for abused

children, firing one round that suspicously destroyed nothing except Alefantis� computer

hard drive.

The crisis acting continued into the evening, with a shady attorney stating that he was

there with his three young children when the rifleman came in, angrily claiming that it

was due to the �fake news� of the site Infowars that people were being incited to

violence, this despite Infowars barely touching the subject due to fears of lawsuits or worse,

and certainly not calling for an armed response.

I and other reasonable people who have reviewed the evidence are calling for an official investigation

into #PizzaGate by law enforcement.

The informal investigation to date has revealed much damning evidence.

While there is a great deal of smoke here, no photos or testimonies of eye witnesses

have been produced fingering John Podesta in actual acts of child sacrifices, or underage

sex and lesser forms of abuse.

However, associates of Podesta (e.g., former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, and billionaire

Mossad-connected playboy Jeffrey Epstein) have served time in prison on pedophilia charges.

There is more than sufficient circumstantial evidence to warrant a broad law enforcement

investigation of PizzaGate.

The common citizen does not have the legal authority to subpoena, wiretap, search computers,

et cetera.

I have no doubt that child sex trafficking occurs in Washington, D.C., and that it is

used both to control and to reward complicit insiders.

Such rings have been exposed and proven in other countries among their own political


The abuse is likely occurring as part of broader international intelligence agencies operations

intended to compromise individuals in the service of particular agendas.

The Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Police Department

of the District of Columbia are likely compromised.

It is probably a case of the fox guarding the hen house, with an overlay of occultism.

Until the criminals are held to account, citizen researchers and journalists must continue

to expose as much about these illicit activities as possible, keeping the heat on the controlled

media and the political whores that populate D.C.

I am hopeful that the Trump administration entering office in 2017, with Jeff Sessions

as its Attorney General, will take some steps toward justice in this area.

But for the targets of such an investigation, the stakes are literally life or death.

Many would seek to assassinate Trump or Sessions rather than have any of the facts of this

Satanic, sadistic pedophile network face the light of day.

Lastly, as to why the likely perpetrators would behave so brazenly, you need to understand

something about occultism.

The power of occult practices is believed to lie in its being hidden in plain sight.

The public lives with their �eyes wide shut,� meaning they see things, but they are not

really seeing them for what they truly are.

The symbols and language employed in occultism have primary and secondary meanings.

The secondary meanings are known only to a special group of people or initiates.

To the naive public � the uninitiated � something might appear to be an innocuous word or a

common symbol.

But for practicioners of the occult, the symbols and language mean something entirely different.

The �joke� is on us because the occultists appear to be speaking plainly right in front

of our eyes, but we actually have no idea what the actual import or meaning of what

they say is.

The elites use pure physical force to control the masses only as a last resort.

It is much better, in their view, to have us sleepwalk into our enslavement through

various forms of trickery.

Even better is for the masses to beg for their enslavement.

As elite insider Aldous Huxley wrote, �A really efficient totalitarian state would

be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers

control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their

servitude.� This is where propaganda and the use of psyops or psychological operations

via the corporate news, Hollywood, advertising, public education, and so forth come in.

Through a coordinated effort, and this effort is coordinated, a spell of ignorance is cast,

much like how a spider anesthetizes it�s prey.

The elite take our ignorance � our innocence � as evidence of weakness.

In their view our gullibility grants them our consent to be abused.

Of course, this is a fraud on its face, but in the amoral world of the occultist, this

is believed � or at least willed � to be true.

And in that lies the occultists� justification for their evil deeds: �We told you and showed

you what we were going to do, and yet you did nothing.� In this dystopic Machievellian

mindset � where the ends justify the means and all abuse is tolerated provided it serves

a desired agenda � our defenselessness and failure to mount effective resistance is excuse

enough to terminate us.

We are weak, so we deserve to die.

We should have known better, so the fatal consequence of our lack of vigilance is entirely

our fault.

If the elite were to be absolutely secret about what they were doing then their practices,

they believe, would harm themselves and not just the objects of their abuse.

It is the belief of the occult practicioners that they will be spared the karmic blowback

of their actions if they let us know in advance what they are going to do.

Our doing nothing in response to defend ourselves, in their view, is no fault of theirs.

The ensuing tragedy and suffering become our responsibility, not theirs, because they �warned�


Of course this is another lie.

The fact of the matter is that they do not legitimately warn us, and are in fact preying

on our innocence through our lack of knowledge of the words and symbols they are using.

For the elites the �rule of law� is a quaint concept that applies only to the little


For the elites, there is no natural law, no morality to which they are subject.

There is no recognition of karma, the golden rule, or what comes around goes around.

For the power-mad occultist, if the king does it, then it�s the law, e.g., the �divine

right of kings.� As a top occultist, Aleister Crowley, said, �Do what thou wilt shall

be the whole of the Law.� Do whatever you want.

It doesn�t matter.

To the victor go the spoils, regardless of a lack of fair play.

So it�s not just arrogance revealed in these emails and posts: It�s the dangling of Satanic

criminality in front of our eyes and the elites� perverted sense of entitlement and satisfaction

that come from seeing what is good and humane do nothing in its own defense, providing the

evil conspirators the fraudulent justification for innocence�s and humanity�s destruction.

Excerpt concerning Frank Giustra from full article:

The infographic continues with an image of billionaire Frank Giustra with Bill Clinton.

Giustra has given more than $100 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Two of Giustra�s businesses are the �philanthropic� Greek Elpida and Canadian Boys Club Network

which provide services to at risk children and refugees.

Giustra�s operation in Greece houses 800 refugees from Syria and elsewhere.

Carlos Slim, the Mexican national who owns a majority stake in the New York Times, and

who has ties to drug cartels, child trafficking, organ harvesting, and Frank Giustra gave an

equal amount to Clinton.

Slim, having made his $billions initially through buying Mexican public assets for pennies

on the dollar directly after the signing of NAFTA in the 1990s with Bill Clinton�s help.

For more infomation >> The Deep State's Use Of Pedophilia As A Means Of Compromising Individuals And Controlling Them - Duration: 14:30.


How To Get Rid Of Nose Hair At Home Without Pain|3 Ways to Get Rid Of Nose Hair - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> How To Get Rid Of Nose Hair At Home Without Pain|3 Ways to Get Rid Of Nose Hair - Duration: 2:35.


Hoverboard Test❗️ (with HeyMoritz) | Hoverkart | German | Tech Kids - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Hoverboard Test❗️ (with HeyMoritz) | Hoverkart | German | Tech Kids - Duration: 3:18.



Hello guys, welcome back again

the lock I have for you today is a CVL

it was made by Tiet

it is a challenge lock

thank you very much Tiet

I have not the key

I show you the keyway

It is very open you can work very easy from here

I´ve opened up a couple of times the first it´s take me quite a while

I doesn´t do the right tension

but then I managed to open it in far less time

let's try to pick it

and if we get it, we take it apart and see what is inside

i´m not guted it yet

I will use this home made wrench, make from a wiper rod

and this Klom pick, the number two

let´s do it

I'll start from back to front, because it gives me better results

fifth is loose

fourth is loose

I use medium tension

third is binding

makes a click

second is binding

It makes a click, first nothing

fifth nothing, fourth nothing

third one click

second a light click, first is loose

Fourth nothing, third

third is binding, make a click

second and first nothing

fifth nothing


let´s see

there it is, the second has given an advance

and a turn in the core

fifth is binding

It makes a click

it´s still binding

and it´s open

I feel the pins quite loose

It's a strange feeling, let's see what is inside

Let's do it

all right

let's see what's inside

Well, this is what it has inside

As for the plug, the second and fifth chambers are threaded

It is a very good job, very clean

and about the key pins

the third is a screw, directly

It is a screw

fits perfect, it is much hooked

this is why it made me doubt and it progressed very slowly

first and fourth are very long so they has normal drivers

and they are exaggeratedly bevelled at the top

the fifth is also beveled

and the second also is bevelled

as about the driver pins, as I say first

first and fourth are normal, this is because the key pins are so long that the drivers does not come into action

the second is a Tesa te5 driver

although it may seem normal is slightly beveled

and it works very well

this is the one I overset sometimes

and third and fifth are TesaT60 drivers

also very well done

although I think there aren´t those that have presented the greatest difficulty

but it is very good combination, I like it

well, this is what is inside the CVL challenge lock

thank youvery much Tiet

I hope you liked it, and that it will be useful to you

and thank you very much for your time


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