Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017


Psychology is the study of human behavior and the mind,

so it's easy to imagine that researchers are trying to learn universal truths.

But humans come in a lot of different flavors.

So we can't make sweeping predictions about all of humanity based on the limited populations

that are usually used in psychology research.

In fact, many subjects may actually be psychological outliers, so we should be careful about jumping

to conclusions about what makes humans tick.

See, most research subjects in behavioral sciences, which include psychology, economics,

and cognitive science, belong to what's called the WEIRD population.

Coined by researchers in 2010, WEIRD is an acronym

that stands for Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic.

These subgroups are more likely to have the resources and educational systems to support

academic research, but it means that the studies that they publish can be really skewed.

For example, in 2008, a study of more than 4,000 articles published over 20 years

found that around 95% of behavioral science research subjects

come from the U.S., Europe, and English-speaking countries like Australia.

But these countries only make up about 12% of the world's population!

The same analysis found that 68% of subjects are from the United States, and more than

two-thirds of American psychology research subjects are undergraduate students.

So another review in 2010 looked at dozens of studies in the behavioral sciences and

concluded something that seems kind of… obvious.

But it's worth saying: American college students aren't representative of all humans.

They're actually a pretty unusual subgroup.

So they were given the acronym WEIRD.

Like, take the W in WEIRD.

As one example, research has found that Western subjects tend to report having higher self-esteem

than many non-Western subjects.

Some scientists have pointed out that this might just reflect how different cultures

value things like modesty.

This could affect how people describe themselves but not how they actually feel.

And even within the same country or region, people aren't the same.

Just looking at a "typical" American psychology subject, an undergrad student,

compared to most Americans reveals some differences

in self-perception, ethics, and economic decision making.

For instance, researchers compared a bunch of studies on the Ultimatum Game, which is

a financial sharing and decision-making task

that was designed for psychology and economics experiments.

Specifically, they were looking at the "E" in the WEIRD acronym, to understand how people

in college made money decisions in this game,

and whether those results could be generalized to all people.

And they found that undergrads are more likely to offer less money to another person compared

to American adults who aren't currently, and may have never been, college students.

So even just within the U.S. economy, it's important to recognize that the typical research

subject's behavior doesn't really tell you how the typical person manages money.

And education is just part of society.

Society-wide traits like industrialization, which is basically a shift from growing food

to making goods, has some pretty dramatic effects on psychology, too.

For example, a number of studies have found that people who speak English and other Indo-European

languages tend to use words meaning "left" or "right" to describe where things are.

In other words, we use egocentric terms, and view objects relative to where we are.

But it turns out that's a pretty unusual way to think of things.

People in smaller-scale societies tend to speak languages that favor allocentric terms,

like "behind" or "above," or even cardinal directions like "north" or "south."

This anchors objects in relation to other things or the environment.

This is important when it comes to behavioral research,

because it suggests that this way of thinking is cultural.

It's a result of the language we speak and the environment we grew up in.

And all this doesn't even begin to cover differences in wealth or political structure, either.

But the point is: researching outside of the WEIRD bubble is really important because it

lets psychologists puzzle out things that do seem to be universally human.

Like, most people seem to recognize the same facial expressions meaning specific emotions,

like anger and happiness.

And we're pretty sure that most people perceive the same colors, even though the amount of

names for colors might vary between languages.

Now, this isn't to say that WEIRD studies,

and all the psychology research done so far, isn't valuable.

It is!

It's just important to recognize its limitations.

And if we want to learn the most we can about humans,

we need to study more different kinds of humans.

Because, again, different flavors.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you want to dive into another example of how our brains might be influenced by our cultures,

check out our video about an optical illusion that doesn't work for everyone.


For more infomation >> The Hidden Biases in WEIRD Psychology Research - Duration: 4:36.


8 aliments à NE PAS MANGER quand on est fatigué - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 8 aliments à NE PAS MANGER quand on est fatigué - Duration: 3:56.


BGS | Detroit: Become Human: Narrativa tensa com uma boa investigação - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> BGS | Detroit: Become Human: Narrativa tensa com uma boa investigação - Duration: 3:30.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ EddyBeatz - CACHORRADA - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ EddyBeatz - CACHORRADA - Duration: 2:02.



It's painful

It wasn't that bad to me

hey whats up long time no see

eeerr. Today's the day we're going to do the

Spicy Ramen Challenge

i listened to you on

on instagram. if you're not following us, follow us!

Sign Duo

because i'm very active on there


most people suggested the Spicy Ramen Challenge

i thoguht thats old but guess not

I actually wanted to do that long time ago, but

he's like my stomaches gonna hurt

i guess we have to

Yeah we have to. Have to do it now!

Here we are. We got the

What is?... The thing is I'm not really sure

that this is the right brand

But we'll try it. If it's not good maybe we'll go get something else

R: but look.

E: Woah! That's red.

E: What?

E: Oh. My ring?

i got her that ring

maybe three years ago?

I think three years ago

It was that Valentines Day that we went to the park

and we had a little picnic

yeah that. i gave her that

it was from tiffany's

sterling silver ooo

My favorite ring

I got it

yeah its ready

you ready?

it smells like beef

No, It smells like *cough*

It smells like plastic, because of the packaging

put mine in

Ah! You ready


don't hog the water

share! ok.


so we thought we were ready but

oh we forgot about the spicy sauce

I know. All that red stuff and then you're gonna

add the chili sauce

*whisper* what?

Chili sauce

you shouldnt open it with your hands


It actually looks really good

this yes. not with the chili sauce

Putting up my hair

Hair. This is the sign for hair. hair

Cause it's gonna get messy

babe! make sure you get the syrup sauce

okay. ok ok

Can I just take a moment to say. I'm so proud of you for using chopsticks

7 years of experience

When I met him he did not know how to use chopsticks at all


I feel the heat. I feel the heat

but it's like not coming that fast.

its spicy but its good


yeah, it's not that bad

actually pretty good

But it's hot. It's hot

Is it kind of hot in here?

no its cool in here. its just you

No! It's hot.

just you

I'm like wearing jeans

It's not spicy enough

your talking but you didnt finish yet

I will finish

finish it then

I am gonna finish it

shes talking a lot

but hasnt finished!

still have a lot left

That was hot

but not

as spicy as I expected

yeah it was actually pretty good

hey guys! ok so

so we failed!

with the other ramen. now we have the right one

yeah so we're back! It's a few days later

we had to go to the store and get the right one

i hope...?

yeah, yeah, these are the right ones

lets make it and try!


It actually doesn't smell that spicy

Did we get

Did we get the right one?

well YOU said so

I'm pretty sure it's that one

It's the black one. I don't know. Let's see

Maybe it won't be that bad

Maybe it won't be that bad

its very sticky


The noodles are really thick


oh that is spicy

That is spicy

Wow! I only had a little bit

It's just misleading

Or it's just like kind of tricky


it smells sweet

it doesn't smell spicy at all, but when

you take a bite it's like

It's actually really good though

first one to drink water loses!

The trick is you have to keep eating it

you can't stop or else the spiciness comes and ...

its going down my throat

not that bad

It's actually really good

cant use this?

can i?


I didn't make the rules. I don't know

We turned on the AC for this

its starting to get a little bit

The longer you don't eat it the more worse it gets


at first it was a little bit sweet

but as you eat,

it progressively gets spicer

Oh my gosh

it's really bad now

my throat!

starting to burn a bit

throat starting to feel it

Actually it's really really uncomfortable right now

I'm really uncomfortable

i will finish!

ooo. Why is it like that?

Oh my god

*painful* ahhh

I thought this would be easy

but I'm in a lot of pain

why do you think its a challenge??

why do you think its titled "challenge"

That's true. That's true


hey you guys

you guys remember izzy?

from the big bear vlog?

remember izzy? what if he did this challenge?


you want to see izzy? comment below

That would be funny

let us know if you want to see him do it

Oh my god that would be so funny

That would be hilarious. Izzy

Izzy would be screaming and yelling

my ears are starting to get plugged up

me too

But you're not even that red

i dont feel good

You're not even...that red

a little bit left

ahh. I still have a lot

I still have a lot


comon. finish it!

This is gonna kill me

Are you serious?!

Are you serious now?

Are you serious right now



im doing this for you guys

Wow! You are dedicated



Good job



don't get me wrong this is SPICY


your love and support helped me finish

my throat is on fire though

My lips are so red

I can see in the view finder

can i drink water now??

Yeah you finished

I still have along ways to go


My stomach's starting to hurt

I feel like passing out

I can do it though. I got this

I got this

I got this. I got this. I got this

Why'd you guys have to suggest this

I love you all, but why. why?

why? why? why?why?

why? why?why?why?

are you seriously crying right now

I'm crying. It's painful

it wasnt that bad to me??

Babe babe

the trick is just to not allow it to touch your lips


hold on

i feel

ok. I'm done

i feel it on the inside of my lungs

My mascara came off

it came off


So sweaty

you have a lot on your lips

ok so

you see our challenges are serious

so next challenge

20 thousand views


1 thousand likes

20 thousand views. 1 thousand likes

we'll do whatever you want

Let's go back to doing each other's makeup


i'm doing whatever you want

serious right now

Anyways thanks for

suggesting this so we had to endure through it

it was fun

honestly i feel fine because i feel motivated

i feel motivated because..

all of you watching and supporting makes me

feel like "oh this is nothing"


it feels like nothing now.

I still feel it

That was really hard to finish though

I was almost going to tap out

I was almost gonna quit

well yeah first few bites

pretty bad

but then i got used to it

i guess

But thanks for watching our

Spicy Ramen Challenge

Love you guys

Sign Duo



Remember 20,000 views, 1,000 likes


Hurry up so we can do another challenge soon!

For more infomation >> DEAF GUY TAKES ON THE SPICY RAMEN CHALLENGE! - Duration: 15:30.


Chief keef futuristic type beat - "Purpose" (Prod. by Simo Made & Nitro) - Duration: 2:50.

Chief keef futuristic type beat - "Purpose" (Prod. by Simo Made & Nitro Beatzz) Purchase this beat with link in description BUY 1 GET 1 FREE

For more infomation >> Chief keef futuristic type beat - "Purpose" (Prod. by Simo Made & Nitro) - Duration: 2:50.


Обучение видео | Продающее Живое Видео | СОВЕТ за МИНУТУ от Натальи Краевой - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Обучение видео | Продающее Живое Видео | СОВЕТ за МИНУТУ от Натальи Краевой - Duration: 0:59.


Lower Your Toxic Load - Switching to Green Beauty For Health & Happiness - Duration: 6:49.

- Hi. I'm Lay.

- Hi. I'm Franny.

- Hello. I'm Claudia

- Hi. I'm Cat.

- Hi. I'm Tea

and what led me to Green Beauty was …

- Once I had done a course,

a low tox living course …

- I used to get contact dermatitis.

- Especially moving to Sydney.

- Basically through food.

- Initially being pregnant

and starting my own family

and I was just very wary of

what I was putting on my body.

- So when I had done that course,

it kind of spring-boarded into

an investigation about

what goes into your body.

- And during this sort of years of

changing how I was eating,

someone actually challenged me about

what I was putting on my face.

- I was also aware that my

family has a history with cancer.

So I just –

I don't know.

I just started to feel quite uncomfortable

with products with lots of

things that I didn't understand.

- Then I had my baby

and didn't want to put anything on him either.

- And for some reason,

it just didn't compute that if I was eating well,

why wasn't I –

why was I still putting chemicals on my face?

- I had always had really, really

intense periods.

- Then I felt ill.

- Unfortunately,

I had friends who were getting sick.

- So I started looking really closely

at what goes into your body

and how that impacts on hormones.

- I deleted SLS products

from my life.

I just didn't get

a redness around my hairline

and in my fingers and hands.

- I threw out my perfumes.

I feel like the choices that I'm making are educated choices.

I'm choosing to use products

that I know won't harm me or the environment.

- I just ditched them all.

I didn't even actually think about those things.

I just binned them.

- And actually I was just really horrified

with what I was doing

and what I was ingesting

and not realising how

quickly chemicals get absorbed into your bloodstream

putting them on your face.

- So when I first found out

that there were so many things in my house,

in the cosmetics that I was using,

in our laundry detergent,

in the clothes that I was wearing,

I was terrified.

It was – I remember sitting there thinking,

"Oh my gosh. Everything around me can kill me."

- And like all things, when you know


you can't un-know it.

It's like you can't un-know it.

- Usually my skin is quite dry.

- My skin used to be like so –

like a sponge.

It used to just be so dry to soak up any moisture.

So I've gone from having really dry skin

to sort of a more combination skin,

less breakouts.

- There's less outbreak on my skin.

- Plumper skin.

I could just feel sort of more juicy.

- And that has meant that I've really

reduced the occasions

when I have a reaction to something,

probably down to once a year,

which is glorious.

- After about 8 to 10 weeks of using

only natural products,

I had no period pain.

It was really quite strange

for the first time since I was 17.

I just had a month.

It was like, wow, no period pain.

Second month,

no period pain.

Still no period pain,

no wild mood swings.

So to me, that was –

oh my god!

- It just kind of progressed from there.

So slowly, slowly, slowly,

I feel like we've lessened the toxic load

in our household.

- And I'm lucky enough to

have found something I absolutely enjoy.

- And that was the beginning of the journey really.

From there,

it just took off.

- So my advice to someone who's

thinking of changing and becoming green …

- There is no need to be afraid.

- Don't be afraid.

Don't be scared.

Ask questions.

- Take it slow.

Just stop using things rather than to buy things.

- And there's no need

to think that it's going to cost a lot of money.

- Keep it simple.

- I can't control a lot of this.

But I can control some of it.

- Well, you know your skin the best.

You know what you're looking for.

Do your research

and get out there and get it.

- Go with your gut.

If you don't like smelly, glunky things or –

there will always be an alternative

where somebody has fixed that problem.

- I think there's some fear around

that natural beauty products won't do the job.

They're not

thick enough or heavy enough and

what I would say is

it's good to strip back.

It's good to strip back.

Be natural but still

have products that can enhance your

natural inner beauty.

- So for me, beauty is now so much deeper

than just what you see on the outside

and what you put on your skin

and how you change yourself.

It's more about feeling good.

It's completely a feeling.

It has got nothing to do with anything that goes on the top.

- Beauty is not about outlook.

It's about inside you.

- When I think about how beautiful I am,

I think more about

the things that I've achieved in life.

- It's just showing up and saying,

"Here I am. This is me

and I love me."

- I don't think anyone can be what

the media portrays as beautiful.

It's unattainable.

The more you see about Photoshopping and

the more you realise that it actually doesn't even exist.

What they're selling us

isn't there to buy.

- And if you feel good inside, you feel cleansed inside.

You feel renewed inside.

Then it's beauty and you will show it on your outlook.

- For me it's more about being happy

because I think that always shows in your beauty.

So that would be my number one goal.

- I have an extended sense of beauty

and I would recommend that for anyone.

- You know, that's what beauty is to me.

You know, self-love.

For more infomation >> Lower Your Toxic Load - Switching to Green Beauty For Health & Happiness - Duration: 6:49.


Justice League NEWS Darkseid Vs Zeus REVEALED? Mera V Steppenwolf REVEAL? Deathstroke JL Scene? - Duration: 8:53.

with on your weird mind I'm putting together a team

I mean you are that was beautiful

these things are gonna keep coming you get technical I'm on bug duty

let's do it

ride ain't over yet my man Justice League rated pg-13 long before I was

born he came as the spearhead of an alien invasion which made me feel

like all the others

we have families what is everyone

there are enemies coming from far away I need warriors

just like that you really are out of your mind I'm not the one who brought a


so now

I don't recognize this way we'll have to recognize

we just have to save it

ride ain't over yet my man

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League movie

so they've released a dark side versus Zeus gods trailer which to me seems

pretty cool there's some pretty cool new scenes if you remember during wandering

Seuss was mentioned during the story of the gods so Zeus created wonder one from

clay so is said in the movie one one is powerful enough to defeat a god aka the

reason she's called the god killer she's a demigod in the footage we see some of

footage from the darkside war prologue that we all know we're getting during

multiple trainers we've seen and heard Bruce Wayne and Dianna talking about the

Age of Heroes coming up back again so I presume this is how they're going to

introduce this scene so we clearly are going to see a massive prologue fights

with the gods and Darkseid parademons and Steppenwolf even if we don't see

dark wide dark side there the empathy is on dark side so that is pretty cool now

we do see a scene an image which a lot of people have interpreted to be Zeus

taking on Steppenwolf as we all know all the gods can basically shoot a mystical

lightning from their hands essentially even one woman herself can generate

lightning if you remember the fighter one drone versus Ares at the end woman

she generated that lightning a lot of people thought that it was from Ares

shooting her lightning but it wasn't and also if you go back and re-watch the

Wonder Woman scene when they're talking about the kind of

story of the gods you know that all the gods can produce lining so guys who do

you think it is I really think it's Zeus and I hope it is Zeus so we see mirror

versus Steppenwolf our first proper look at her before she co-starred alongside

man next year in the Akram movie it's amazing to finally see mirror in the

water and you can see mirror control the movement of the water to compress to

confer a crate protection within the water and about nine seconds in so it's

going to be pretty cool and this would most likely follow up with the scene of

commands slightly dodging this step and water acts so for the first time we get

to see at command going up against Steppenwolf with cyborg fighting in the

background act while Aquaman will also encounter Steppenwolf's acts under water

like we've just seen said so throughout the trailer the fascist cyborgs seem to

be growing a working relationship as a lot of this footage is cyborg and the

flash teaming up which is pretty understandable so Steppenwolf took

cyborgs fathers's draw sidewalk out because we all know he was fused with a

mother box so he rounded up all the scientists as his backup plan if the

mother box plan failed whilst editing this video

the Chinese trailer was released and I wasn't going to cover it but then I

realized that UK Warner Brothers posted it as a complete new kind of trailer so

let's go over a little bit the trainer doesn't say Steppenwolf name although

his he is the kind of aim of the Train the forefront it says there's an alien

invasion that he's coming and they clearly talking about him what

interested his Steppenwolf has a scene he says why does everyone keep telling

me that he says to a man who pleads for his life mentioned he's got a family so

that's kind of adding a kind of bit of humor giving Steppenwolf a bit of

personality I guess you could kind of say the most amazing shot in the whole

Chinese trade if you want to call that is wonder is being chased by a Perryman

and she's grabbing for the sword and it just looks absolutely amazing so that's

my breakdown for the new trailers guys it's gonna look awesome now I am

expecting to see Darkseid in at the movie now I know a lot of people

discredit me and go worst you he's not going to be in it but originally the

plan was for Darkseid to be in it now I know everyone's

saying that the Justice League movie is two hours long guys but I don't believe

that for one minute because Warner Brothers haven't confirmed it they're

not going to cram that much into two hours and even if they do it just means

we won't be getting any filler time and even if it is short say maybe two hours

then they're gonna have to have a an epic darkside tease because from what

we're hearing Darkseid name is name dropped in the movie although we don't

see him so it's clearly a build-up to the Justice League - although I'm

starting to think the flashpoint movies actually going to be unofficially

Justice League 1.5 in between kind of Justice League two coming out so it's

gonna be like a placeholder like it already has so I knew I wasn't going to

mention this but some people asked me to mention Deathstroke so Deathstroke is

Ruben Lee having his own movie in last 24 hours it's come out and everyone that

supports the child knows me knows that straight

is my favorite character ever so Jo and I'm just gonna call enjoy him I can't

pronounce his name was casted for Deathstroke ages ago since he really

left the Batman movie and then just as he moved the everyone was quiet until

now so I'm like this information but I'm not gonna get to over height because it

might not be true so the REA director Gareth Evans is teasing there's gonna be

a standalone Deathstroke movie of that sounds pretty amazing so I still believe

is if this information is true Deathstroke will have to have a slight

cameo role inside the Justice League movie to debut himself inside the EDC EU

I've been saying from day one ciarán hinds who played Steppenwolf

said that Lex Luthor is a strong part of the movie which to me suggests that

stroke is going through broken I have Arkham Asylum because of Deathstroke

that's always gonna put a contract out for him to get next thought Deathstroke

to get an ex leave that path jail and that is why I think it's gonna happen

guys I'm so excited for the movie we're less than three weeks away I've got a

new microphone so let me know if the audio sounds better or worse I'm just

fiddling around with the settings I think I've got it so cool so let me know

do you think it's Zeus and Craner do you think the mayor see motion

controls of water is sick what do you think about cyborgs interaction with

Steppenwolf it's living quite prominent because you're honest I think that will

be important as he is technically mother box what's going to happen to happen to

him if Steppenwolf gets the mother box outside what are you most hateful guys

anyway please like subscribe and comment if you want to guys that would be

awesome let's try and get to 10,000 subs by the

end of the year if we can hit the notifications button down below that red

button and any requests for any other videos just let me know guys and I will

begin into them if I think they'll get some interest anyway guys that's the

video I will see you soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Darkseid Vs Zeus REVEALED? Mera V Steppenwolf REVEAL? Deathstroke JL Scene? - Duration: 8:53.


This Is Halloween (Trap Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:32.

♪ Boys and girls of every age ♪

♪ Wouldn't you like to see something strange? ♪

♪ Come with us and you will see ♪

♪ This, our town of Halloween ♪

♪ This is Halloween, this is Halloween ♪

♪ Pumpkins scream in the dead of night ♪

♪ This is Halloween, everybody make a scene ♪

♪ Trick or treat ♪

♪ Till the neighbors gonna die of fright ♪

♪ This is Halloween ♪

♪ (This is Halloween) ♪

♪ Halloween! ♪

♪ In this town we call home ♪

♪ Everyone hail to the pumpkin song ♪

♪ In this town, don't we love it now? ♪

♪ Everybody's waiting for the next surprise ♪

♪ Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back ♪

♪ And scream like a banshee ♪

♪ Make you jump out of your skin ♪

♪ This is Halloween, everybody scream ♪

♪ Please make way for a very special guy ♪

♪ Our man jack is King of the Pumpkin patch ♪

♪ Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now! ♪

♪ This is Halloween! ♪

♪ (This is Halloween!) ♪

♪ Halloween! ♪

♪ Tender lumplings everywhere ♪

♪ Life's no fun without a good scare ♪

♪ That's our job, but we're not mean ♪

♪ In our town of Halloween ♪

♪ In this town we call home ♪

♪ Everyone hail to the pumpkin song ♪

For more infomation >> This Is Halloween (Trap Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:32.


Try not to cringe challenge - Random Overwatch Highlights - Ep. 62 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Try not to cringe challenge - Random Overwatch Highlights - Ep. 62 - Duration: 5:03.


Sarah's First Monologue | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 5:48.

(audience clapping)

- Hi everybody.

Oh my gosh, thank you.

Whoa, first show.

What's it gonna be?

I don't know.

Sometimes, it's just gonna be aggressively dumb and silly,

and sometimes, it'll be super funny,

but of course, that's subjective.

And sometimes, it's gonna be totally earnest,

and you'll go into it expecting it to be funny

and you'll be like


and then, you'll be like,


That's why I wanna manage your expectations,

because when we don't know what to expect

our brains naturally kind of like fill that gap

with something.

And you all are s***** writers than me.

(audience laughing)

So, you're gonna imagine something,

and you'll get tied to whatever s***** thing

you're imagining and it's not gonna be that.

So, really, you know, you're just setting yourself

up for disappointment if you came into this

with any idea of how it should be.

I mean, what are you imagining?

Like what's a first show bit in your

adorable pedestrian minds?

Like, ooo, I'm so nervous.

My friend told me I should picture the audience naked.

Some bit like that?

No, no, it's great.

I can tell you why you thought of it.

It's because you've seen it before

on television.

It's a very well trodden premise.

Especially, in like first episodes of shows.

But no, I don't need to imagine the audience naked.

I'm not nervous.

I've been doing this a while.

But I would like to see some actually naked people

because we can.

We're streaming, so why not test the limits

of what we can do, and see what's what.

So, I brought in a couple naked people.


(audience cheering)

Okay, so your name is Scott.

- Yep.

- [Sarah] Hi, Scott.

- Hi.

- [Sarah] And these are your pubes, et al.

(audience cheering)

- [Scott] Yep.

- This is so exciting, you know.

We're on Hulu,

and the human body isn't something

that Hulu deems unviewable.

So, here is Scott's pubic hair and his penis.

(audience clapping)

Does it make for better TV?

Probably not,

but I find it interesting our taboo human outer shells.

Great penis, Scott.

- Thank you.

- It's interesting right, because that's jarring.

It was jarring.

And we've all seen nudity,

but it's always sexualized.

And it's funny because it's actually jarring

to see clinical nudity like there is a penis.

(audience laughing)

Yeah, all right.

Wait, this might be a good time to do this.

There are gonna be some moments on the show

when you feel uncomfortable,

and for that I have got you covered.

Because, you know, sometimes it is gonna be a lot,

and it's not necessarily gonna be what you're used to.

So, what we're gonna do is have a white man at a desk.

Just your average, run-of-the-mill, late night

talk show host to go to whenever things get

a little uncomfortable.

And this is not me being condescending, by the way,

I get it.

I need to watch a Law and Order to get sleep every night,

even though I've seen every episode a thousand times.

I need it.

I need that familiarity.

I cannot fall asleep unless it's to the gentle

tones of soft-core murder ripped from the headlines in 1993.

I can't.

And for a lot of people that nighttime comfort

is late night talk shows.

So, if things get a little bit too obscure

we've got...

Can we cut over to the white guy at the desk?

(jazzy music)


So, this is Mather.

And whenever things veer off the beaten path,

all we have to do is just cut over to Mather,

and he will bring us back to the relatable

comfort of familiarity.

Isn't that right, Mather?

- That's right, Sarah.

We've got a great show coming up tonight.

We've got Sarah visiting a family in Louisiana.

And an interview with Megan Phelps-Roper.

Big show.

(audience clapping)

- That is right.

Okay, so where were we?

Oh, Stella, hi.

Okay, so you are Stella.

Hi, Stella.

- Hi, Sarah.

- [Sarah] And of course, these are your boobs.


- Yes.

- I feel like we should censor...

We should censor something, right?

Like something should be taboo, like hands.


Hands are filthy.

We don't know where hands have been.

Show me those dirty digits, Stella.

Oh God, gross.

Blur those things out.



Fingers go into butts.

(audience laughing)


Know what never goes into butts?


(audience laughing)

And yet, they're taboo.

Think about it.

Speaking of taboo, we never get to see vaginas.

Stella, this is your vagina.


(audience cheering)

And a beautiful vagina.

I can see that you have a full, but manicured, bush.

Which I also subscribe to.

Well done.

And you can see just the promise of some lip.

Which I like.

Labia majora.

Sounds like a constellation,

but it's not it's vagina lips.

What do you think, Mather?

- Check, please.

(audience laughing)

- Oh Mather, you're not too much.

(audience laughing)

For more infomation >> Sarah's First Monologue | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 5:48.


"Dziewczęta z Nowolipek" adaptacja filmowa prozy Poli Gojawiczyńskiej - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> "Dziewczęta z Nowolipek" adaptacja filmowa prozy Poli Gojawiczyńskiej - Duration: 1:28.


episode 8/2017 Opalicious and upcoming Syfestival - Duration: 38:37.

With a rhythm like the waves and the heart beating,

I knit one stitch after the other and one row after the other

at the same time I collect my thoughts and feelings

without the woolen threads, I get lost

but if I can knit one more row and one more, I can find my way home again

through the magic of the threads I take my way through the days and the nights

I live on Gotland, the island of the roses and the fairytales in the Baltic Sea

together with my husband and our children and Watson the cat

Kammebornia is our art project as well as our own kingdom

Kammebornia is about our wish that everyone could live in their own fairytale kingdom in this place we call reality

and it is about our wish that everyone could be the king or the queen in their own life

In the Kammebornia podcast we want to invite you to our world

that is full of thoughts, feelings and discussions

caused through the scent of the coffee and the soft peaceful rhythm of the knitting

Kammebornia podcast is about life in general and knitting in particular

Welcome to Kammebornia podcast and the 8th episode in 2017

Today you will meet my friend Marie, who likes knitting so much that she started a webshop for yarn

Dennis and I talk about the bloomer-riot and we talk about good stuff and good people and

and we prepare for the Stockholm sewing and yarnfestival

Hi Pia!


Are you ok?


What are you sticking on? (sticka =knitting in Swedish)

But you were supposed to say What's on (Watson) your needles?

Our own joke you mean?

And you should hold Watson, the cat...

That's fun...

But he is not here!

Have I destroyed the joke now?

It does not matter, it is fun anyway!

But what are you knitting?

I am knitting on a pair of bloomers!

It is a pattern from my friend Maja @majasmanufaktur

It is available for free at Järbo garn, (linkto pattern in many languages in show notes)

Right now there is a bloomer-riot going on

You can imagine how exciting this is!

It is a nice kind of real girl power with woolen bloomers!

We are many people knitting the pattern from Maja right now

The pattern is available for free in both Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English and German! (Links in shownotes below and on ravelry)

The riot comes from the fact that alarge yarn company have made a pattern almost exactly like Majas without communicating about this

It is very hard not to think of it as a copy

The sad thing is that this has happened several times before

and the strangest thing is that they do not answer any questions!

They just erase comments and questions

I have written to them in a very well behaved tone and friendly asked them about this but they do not answer

and they ERASE comments instead of answering them

But they think it is ok to take Majas pattern?

It seams so...

Instead of crawling in irritation and anger we raise our voices by knitting Majas pattern!

Let us lift the things we think are good! We lift Majas pattern and knit bloomers in yarns we like

from companies we like

They are well suited to knit in Gästrike or Ullcentrum 2-ply for example

I would love to make a pair in rainbowyarn from Opalicious

Where do you buy the pattern?

It is free on Järbo garns homepage

Järbo had paid Maja, so everything is ok there

Maybe some people do not know what bloomers are?

It is a pair of panties, knickers, underpants

and these are knitted in wool

it is a perfect garment to keep warm in the winter, especially if you wear a dress or a skirt like I use to do

I used to wear them when I was younger. I had a pair that my grandmother knitted for me and also some from the store

I have really missed them because they are warm and comfortable

I guess thay are also nice to wear under your skidress or under your pants.

They keep your butt warm and they look good!

Check them out on Majas Instagram at @majasmanufaktur

I knit my pair in grey and mustard and I will make a small pattern border in red

I took it from this old book from the 50's

It will be small hearts

I love old knitting books and magazines

What are you knitting?

I am working on my Riddari

I have put the parts together and I have to coose a new colour for the yoke

it is a bit tricky to choose colours

Yes, it is difficult!

I have different ones here

But you know what you think?

I like the deep red

Yes, maybe that is the one

or another beige

Well, we will have to think about that

that is what I am doing

The important thing is to find a colour that you like!

Yes, of course, but it is very difficult to see before you knit

Maybe I just have to try

You have knitted the pieces together now!

Yes, Ella helped me and explained how to do

Ella is also knitting a Riddari, so you have your own knitalong

Yes, that is right

What do you want to talk about?

Well, this is kind of an episode about nice people and yarn

Those things often go together

Yes, like Maja with this pattern,

Linnea Öhman who made this pattern, I have finished my Juni cardigan

@fruvalborg whos dyed this beautiful yarn

We will meet her irl for the first time at Syfestivalen!

On Saturday

That is right!

Because today we will tell you about things you should not miss if you go to the Syfestivalen in Stockholm (Swedens largest yarn and sewing fair)

We will be there and shoot some film

I have been there several times but it is so exciting to be able to bring you and Ella!

It will be so fun to go all three of us!

I hope you will say hello if you are there and you recognize us!

That would be fun!

It is a lot about that, saying hi to nice people and meet in real life

It is about nice people and yarn!

nice people and yarn!

I think I will wear my new cardigan!

It is nice to wear a newly knitted thing at Syfestivalen. What if you are ready with your Riddari?

There is not enough time

No, probably not, but my cardigan is done, I have found the right ribbon and buttons from my grandmother

My grandmother was a seamstress and I have a lot of beautiful thigs from her

This is Grandma!

Yes, that is her!

I like my cardigan!

And I like Linnea who made the pattern!

Let's go!

I have showed this lovely book before - Lek med tradisjoner (Play with traditions) by Kristin Wiola Ödegård

It is such a lovely book

And now I will knit the Wiola cardigan you can find in this book

I will knit two... because it was too difficult to choose colours...

I will make one in my own colours, brown, red, mustard

And then I will also make one in the original colours from Kristin Wiola

This is the original colours, it is also brown and mustard but also seagreen

She is so good at colours

You will be able to follow my process with the Wiola cardigans

I knit in Peer Gynt, the yarn the pattern is written for. It is a popular classic Norwegian yarn

I have not tried it before so I am excited!

You can find Peer Gynt at YlloTyll

The Peer Gynt?

No, only the yarn! (Peer Gynt is a character in a famous Norwegian drama by Ibsen)

There is also a version of the pattern for a thinner yarn

This is really cosy

Something that is going to happen in this episode is that you can follow me and my friend Marie on an outing

to a small fishing village where we went to knit and talk

We got to know each other through the knitting

I filmed you!

We were a bit giggly, we had a lot of fun

Marie has the webshop Opalicious and she is a sponsor of our podcast

That is how we got to know each other but now we are also friends

She came to Gotland a while ago and we had such lovely autumn days together

We have been knitting, laughing and talking

we are talking about a luxury yarn that I am going to try

I also got a skein!

This is yours


The grey and pink go well together

There is cashmere in this yarn, it is soooo soft!

I do not know what to do yet, maybe a hat or a pair of wristwarmers

It is so soft and cosy so it is nice to have close to your skin

It is also a nice thing to tell, that Opalicious is not only about Opal yarn, there are also other yarns and stuff in her shop

I also want to show something I am working on

I have knitted a sock, but it is not the second sock syndrome, I will soon make the other

This is a lovely hand dyed trekking sockyarn from Garnbolaget

Another nice person, Kristin

I met her at a knitting festival 2 years ago and she is sometimes a sponsor here

You are going to meet her on Saturday because she is going to Syfestivalen in Stockholm!

Do not miss Garnbolaget if you are going to Syfestivalen

She has a lot of lovely hand dyed yarns

Many lovely yarns and colours

I want to show some nice things

I will talk more about this book in our next episode

It is a book about cables by Ivar Asplund

Last time we went to Stockholm we met Ivar and talked about this book

So in our next episode you will hear more!

It is Anna!

Yes! Another nice person!

Anna Bergman, Tant Ulltuss (Aunt Wool Wad)

I took the pictures in her first book, Tant Ulltusssocks

That was when we met

We still have a lot of fun together

Now she has made a book full of mittens and also this booklet with retrosocks

Annas daughter Julia has taken the pictures

You have not been to the Syfestivalen before so I want to tell you what we shall not miss

Ullcentrum will be there, it is always a feast for the eye

It is like a candy store

Then I want to go to Korps and look for nice fabrics to sew medieval clothes

Maja will be there!

Garnbolaget will be there!

Do not miss Kamilla Svanlund!

She was here!

Everyone has been here!

Almost... Yarnesty was here, she will be at Limmo design

Petra from Fru Valborg is going to be there!

Solkusten will be there!

Do not miss Magasin Duett

And do not miss Tant Ulltuss and the book release!

Organic knitters will also be there!

So many nice people to meet!

Please say hello if you see us! It will be fun!

Are you ready now?

Yes, I am hungry!

I have finished my brown Juni cardigan

It is warm and beautiful with lace knitting both front and back

I found the perfect buttons in my grandmothers drawer

and I have a nice woolen ribbon sewn into the borders

I am very satisfied with my brown cardigan and feel prepared for autumn and winter

A while ago we had a visit from Marie at Opalicious

We had great days together

One day we went to a small fishing village and of course we did some knitting there

I do wish that Marie lived here on the island so we could meet more often

Hello Marie!

Hello Pia!

And hello to all of you! Here we are at Själsö, north from Visby

I am so glad that you are here!

You live on the mainland, outside from Stockholm

It is a nice thing to have friend that comes to meet me and we can knit together

It has been too long!

Yes! We met through the knitting

The first time we met was a year ago

Yes, here in Visby, I was here on the autumn break with my family.

And we could use the moment to meet

and we found each other directly

we both felt that we wanted to see more of each other

then we have also met at Syfestivalen in Stockholm

and on Instagram all the time

and we also work together as Opalicious is a sponsor of our podcast

Marie has a webshop called Opalicious

It is such a lovely name!

Yummy like the yarn!

You started selling Opal yarn, that is why the name Opalicious came natural

Yes, I have all the collections from Opal yarn

there are both 4-ply 6-ply and 8-ply

But you also sell other yarns than Opal?

Yes I have a Danish yarn from Mayflower

and I am interested in trying new yarns

I want to expand my assortment

I have hugged a luxury yarn from you today

It was like a luxurious candybar

It is a very cosy yarn, I am excited to see what you will be knitting with it!

I think it will be a hat, or a pair of wristwarmers

You want to have it close to your skin

It is totally not itchy

I have knitted a lot from your Opal yarn

It feel so great with this job I have created for myself - I get friend at work!

Both you and I have the best jobs!

Yes! And we can knit a lot!

These are all socks I have knitted in your Opal yarn

My Lucky me socks, the brown pair are already this autumns favorite

And the pair I am wearing

These are good looking!

I have made another pair of knee highs

Opal yarn is well known for the multicoloured yarns

Yes, and the special thing for Opal is that they release new collections all the time

There are eight colours in each collection and there is always at least one to die for

There is a big variety

There are also single coloured yarns


There are also different kinds, I have just started to use the 6-ply, it is great

Yes, the 6-ply is DK and the 8-ply is worsted

I have mostly used the 4-ply, fingering weight

Yes, it is 425 meters in 100 g.

I love these rainbow colours

I am knitting a pair for Dennis in the 6-ply, DK.

He needs the thicker ones to not wear them out too fast.

The 6-ply is great, it is not too thick, just perfect and it knits up fast

What needles do you use for the 6-ply?

I use 2.5 mm but of course you can also use 3.0mm

Yes, I think it says 3-4

I use 2.5 because I want them to last longer, we use our socks so much

I usually go down in needle size too

I have 56 stitches and 2.5 needles both for me and Dennis.

Tell me about when you started your webshop!

Oh, what happened... it all started with my grandmothers yarnstore where I grew up

both my mother and my grandmother had a yarnstore

and that was before the webshops

yes, we had no Internet when I was a child!

I have always been knitting

I got in contact with Opal about 6 years ago

and I immediately fell for it

It is hard to run a yarn store today

therefor it can be hard to find yarn and I wanted everyone to be able to find Opal yarn

so it was like your mission

Yes, I wanted everyone in Sweden to be able to find it!

That is why I started Opalicious

it was almost four years ago and it is so much fun

You have your storage at home in the basement right?

Yes, and sometimes I have a pop up-store in our green house in the garden

I would love to come!

You are more than welcome!

It is so cosy and my cute and crazy dog runs around

Oh, Frasse!

Here comes an airplane

How unsuitable!

I think that Opal yarn is mostly associated to sockknitting but you can use it for other things also, right?

Ifell in love with your shawl today, this is knitted in Opal

Yes, this pattern is called Find your fade

I have knitted mine from left over yarns

So it is both Opal and some other yarns

You can knit so many varietys of this one

a good way to use left overs!

it is so much fun to blend all the colours and exciting to see the result

all multi coloured yarns do not blend so well as the Opal yarn does

it feels like they know what they are doing

I also like the one coloured yarns

I am knitting the Birkin sweater in Opal 6-ply

But you feel that you never get finished?

The fun part is already done with yoke

On the Icelandic sweaters you have the yoke to look forward to

Like a dessert

This is the other way around with the dessert first

This is for my sister so I put love in each stitch

it is so nice to knit for beloved people

I am working on it sis!

You have also knitted a Birkin for yourself?

Yes, but I knitted mine in Rauma

It is a great sweater

It is a fun knit!

I think I might knit another one later on!

How much do you knit in a day?

My God!

Too much!

Or is it possible?

I have some knitting injuries...

Then I get obsessed with crocheting for a change

I like making granny squares

When I have knitting injuries I take a break and clean up my knitting basket for example

I put everything on the floor and find new old projects

and I get to finish other things

Where does it hurt in your body when you knit too much?

I have learned to relax so Ido not have so many problems with that

It is also very important to rise up once in a whileand move around

do some stretching and bending

get a cup of coffee for example

I walk around and make strange moves that feel good

strange dances

I have seen them!

My family always look surprised and amused

Your body says thank you

mostly it is my wrists otherwise

and the shoulders


But you do not have pains now?

Actually I do not talk so much about it but I have pains every day.

I try to ignore it

I have to knit

Yes, we HAVE TO knit

What is your next Opal project?

I have some sock plans

You like the rainbow yarns?

Yes I do

They are happy colours

The skein you got yesterday comes from the Schafpate collection

That means it is only German wool right?

Yes!And Opal is such a good company because they are very aware of the workers, and they want the sheep farmers to have good conditions

In the other collections half of the wool is from Germany and half is from South America.

All the farmers have to sign contracts about treating the sheep well

Opal also have people travelling around to see that the rules are followed

It feel so good to know that all are treated well!

I also want to finish some of my granny square blankets

I do love happy coloured blankets

and I would like to make a shawl like yours

it is such a fun knit!

I mostly like to use the one coloured yarns and meke my own patterns, but I also get carried away by all the loveliness in the multi coloured skeins

It is nice as a variety in my knitting

it very good for social knitting

like in the knitting café yesterday

it was so fun that you could be with us

there was this funny man there who seemed allergic to wool

We were about 10 people together in a café knitting

There was only one more guest at this café and he was sitting at a table next to us

He started to sneeze, one more time and one more time...

ten times, twenty times, it never ended

we guessed he was allergic to wool

finally he said so himself, Ithink Iam allergic to your yarn

Poor thing!

That would be a nightmare, to be allergic to wool!

Yes, My God what a nightmare!

I would ignore it!

Use a gas mask!

Oxygen tube!

Just to have to wool!

Like Darth Vader!

I would totally do that!

Yes! And keep on knitting!

Totally crazy!

I hope it does not happen to us!

We decide that it will not happen!

We are so happy to be able to share our yarn happiness, Gotland love and coffee moments with you!

Thank you for being with us!

We also have the best sponsors and we want to say thank you to them as well

At you can find yarns and free patterns and much more (mostly in Swedish)

At Opalicious you can find Opal yarn and much more

At Ullcentrum you can find fine Swedish wool yarn

In Uppsala you can find the cosy yarn shop YlloTyll and they are also available at

At Garnbolaget you will find beautifully hand dyed yarns

You can follow us at facebook if you search for Kammebornia

On Instagram you can find @kammebornia and @kingofkammebornia

You can also find me and my patterns on

Pia blogs in Swedish on

you can also subscribe at our Youtube channel Kammebornia

Thank you so much and welcome back!

For more infomation >> episode 8/2017 Opalicious and upcoming Syfestival - Duration: 38:37.


How I do my nails / How to do nails (professional classical guitarist) - Duration: 15:48.

For more infomation >> How I do my nails / How to do nails (professional classical guitarist) - Duration: 15:48.


JNNO - Get Me - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> JNNO - Get Me - Duration: 2:31.


BanglaVision News Live 27 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all - Duration: 45:48.

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For more infomation >> BanglaVision News Live 27 Octobor 2017 Bangladesh latest news Today Bangla Breaking News BD News all - Duration: 45:48.


TRAVEL TO WINDHELM - CHAPTER 6 [Skyrim mage playthrough] - Duration: 20:20.

Welcome back to this skyrim playthrough with Chamorin

A bitchy Thalmor mage

we're all rooting for him, right?


Right, Belrand

Dragonborn, that's some nonsense, isn't it?

Nord nonsense


It's a new morning Here in Solitude

We just left the winking skeever

Please don't interrupt me

With Belrand here

I need to trade some things with you

You don't have anything worthwile anyway

We need to go and sell off some junk

That we don't really need anymore

Come on Belrand

Well, sure

Let's see if Bits and Pieces can give us something for items we don't need

I'm sure of that too Sayma

Well, that sounds very nice, what do you have for sale?

That is terrible business, to tell people your things are junk

Don't tell people that other people think your things are junk

What do we have here?

Don't need that

That might be useful

Wine, and ale

Might need more food

I don't need this much wine

There we go

Potions, food, items

Oh, right!

We can sell these

No, you don't have that much gold

That's alright, not going to judge you for your bad decisions

Thank you so much Sayma

I sure will

Come on Belrand, let's move


Let's see, Angeline's Aromatics

Maybe she has...

...maybe we can make some potions here

Angeline, miss

No, what do you have for sale?

Anything we don't need..?


What do you have, miss?

Potion of healing, could be good to have

Never know what happens out in the wilds of Skyrim

Yes, thank you.

Do you mind if I borrow your Alchemy Lab?

Doesn't seem like it.


Let's see...

If we can make anything

Look at that, potion of restore health...

Look at that

Ah well...

Thank you for letting me borrow it

Would you like some of the things I made?

Yes, here are some potions I made

Don't think I will need any of this

The healing ones could be useful

Thank you Angeline

You too

So what do you say Belrand, should we leave Solitude?

Go explore the environment?

That's true, you don't say much and I appreciate that.

Come on now

Oh look, Khajiits

Excuse me

No, thank you

Thank you


Oh, do you mind trading some?

Thank you

We still have some silver ware...

Yes, that's great

Do you have anything worthwile?

No, not really

Has the war made your travels difficult?


I see

Who owns the trading caravans?

Is that so

Well, thank you for talking to me

that's interesting

I think so, yes


Well, come on Belrand

Vittoria Vici


I did not take her for a mage


strange woman

What do you say, Belrand

should we travel with the carriage?

Excuse me

What do you know about Solitude?

That's certainly...


I'd like to hire your carriage

Let's see...

I've heard all sorts about Whiterun

I think I'd like to go to Windhelm

I'd like to see this...

Jarl of theirs



Elf hater

Here we have it

Belrand, come on

Terrible weather...


What's going on here..?


Excuse me

Why no, I don't hate your people

Alright, looked like those Nords were giving you trouble

I'm sure

Well thank you, farewell

Thank you

I suppose this is the Inn

It's quite late

We should get a room


It's too late to look around

Candlehearth Hall

That sounds cozy enough

That's great...


Well, I'd like to rent the room, please


In here?

Yes, thank you

Well, good night Belrand

Let's sleep until morning

Good morning

Have you slept well?

Eh, yes, come on


You probably deserved that

Very charming


Come on Belrand

The alchemist...

Hopefully someone more pleasant

What's going on here?

Fellow Altmer, hello

I don't mean to pry

but what exactly were you arguing about?

The white phial...

Well, if you tell me where it is I suppose I can get it for you

Alright, thank you, this is going to be interesting

Why is the phial so important to you?

That's certainly sad, but what exactly is the white phial?

Why thank you

I will leave immediately, and find that phial for you

No need to talk like that Nurelion

Come on Belrand,

I think we have another adventure ahead of us

And that will have to wait until the next episode

thank you so much for watching

I hope you will stay with me until next week Bye

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