Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 26 2017

with on your weird mind I'm putting together a team

I mean you are that was beautiful

these things are gonna keep coming you get technical I'm on bug duty

let's do it

ride ain't over yet my man Justice League rated pg-13 long before I was

born he came as the spearhead of an alien invasion which made me feel

like all the others

we have families what is everyone

there are enemies coming from far away I need warriors

just like that you really are out of your mind I'm not the one who brought a


so now

I don't recognize this way we'll have to recognize

we just have to save it

ride ain't over yet my man

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League movie

so they've released a dark side versus Zeus gods trailer which to me seems

pretty cool there's some pretty cool new scenes if you remember during wandering

Seuss was mentioned during the story of the gods so Zeus created wonder one from

clay so is said in the movie one one is powerful enough to defeat a god aka the

reason she's called the god killer she's a demigod in the footage we see some of

footage from the darkside war prologue that we all know we're getting during

multiple trainers we've seen and heard Bruce Wayne and Dianna talking about the

Age of Heroes coming up back again so I presume this is how they're going to

introduce this scene so we clearly are going to see a massive prologue fights

with the gods and Darkseid parademons and Steppenwolf even if we don't see

dark wide dark side there the empathy is on dark side so that is pretty cool now

we do see a scene an image which a lot of people have interpreted to be Zeus

taking on Steppenwolf as we all know all the gods can basically shoot a mystical

lightning from their hands essentially even one woman herself can generate

lightning if you remember the fighter one drone versus Ares at the end woman

she generated that lightning a lot of people thought that it was from Ares

shooting her lightning but it wasn't and also if you go back and re-watch the

Wonder Woman scene when they're talking about the kind of

story of the gods you know that all the gods can produce lining so guys who do

you think it is I really think it's Zeus and I hope it is Zeus so we see mirror

versus Steppenwolf our first proper look at her before she co-starred alongside

man next year in the Akram movie it's amazing to finally see mirror in the

water and you can see mirror control the movement of the water to compress to

confer a crate protection within the water and about nine seconds in so it's

going to be pretty cool and this would most likely follow up with the scene of

commands slightly dodging this step and water acts so for the first time we get

to see at command going up against Steppenwolf with cyborg fighting in the

background act while Aquaman will also encounter Steppenwolf's acts under water

like we've just seen said so throughout the trailer the fascist cyborgs seem to

be growing a working relationship as a lot of this footage is cyborg and the

flash teaming up which is pretty understandable so Steppenwolf took

cyborgs fathers's draw sidewalk out because we all know he was fused with a

mother box so he rounded up all the scientists as his backup plan if the

mother box plan failed whilst editing this video

the Chinese trailer was released and I wasn't going to cover it but then I

realized that UK Warner Brothers posted it as a complete new kind of trailer so

let's go over a little bit the trainer doesn't say Steppenwolf name although

his he is the kind of aim of the Train the forefront it says there's an alien

invasion that he's coming and they clearly talking about him what

interested his Steppenwolf has a scene he says why does everyone keep telling

me that he says to a man who pleads for his life mentioned he's got a family so

that's kind of adding a kind of bit of humor giving Steppenwolf a bit of

personality I guess you could kind of say the most amazing shot in the whole

Chinese trade if you want to call that is wonder is being chased by a Perryman

and she's grabbing for the sword and it just looks absolutely amazing so that's

my breakdown for the new trailers guys it's gonna look awesome now I am

expecting to see Darkseid in at the movie now I know a lot of people

discredit me and go worst you he's not going to be in it but originally the

plan was for Darkseid to be in it now I know everyone's

saying that the Justice League movie is two hours long guys but I don't believe

that for one minute because Warner Brothers haven't

confirmed it they're not going to cram that much into two hours and even if

they do it just means we won't be getting any filler time and even if it

is short say maybe two hours then they're gonna have to have a an epic

darkside tease because from what we're hearing Darkseid name is name dropped in

the movie although we don't see him so it's clearly a build-up to the Justice

League - although I'm starting to think the flashpoint movies actually going to

be unofficially Justice League 1.5 in between kind of Justice League two

coming out so it's gonna be like a placeholder like it already has so I

knew I wasn't going to mention this but some people asked me to mention

Deathstroke so Deathstroke is Ruben Lee having his own movie in last 24 hours

it's come out and everyone that supports the child knows me knows that straight

is my favorite character ever so Jo and I'm just gonna call enjoy him I can't

pronounce his name was casted for Deathstroke ages ago since he really

left the Batman movie and then just as he moved the everyone was quiet until

now so I'm like this information but I'm not gonna get to over height because it

might not be true so the REA director Gareth Evans is teasing there's gonna be

a standalone Deathstroke movie of that sounds pretty amazing so I still believe

is if this information is true Deathstroke will have to have a slight

cameo role inside the Justice League movie to debut himself inside the EDC EU

I've been saying from day one ciarán hinds who played Steppenwolf

said that Lex Luthor is a strong part of the movie which to me suggests that

stroke is going through broken I have Arkham Asylum because of Deathstroke

that's always gonna put a contract out for him to get next thought Deathstroke

to get an ex leave that path jail and that is why I think it's gonna happen

guys I'm so excited for the movie we're less than three weeks away I've got a

new microphone so let me know if the audio sounds better or worse I'm just

fiddling around with the settings I think I've got it so cool so let me know

do you think it's Zeus and Craner do you think the mayor see motion

controls of water is sick what do you think about cyborgs interaction with

Steppenwolf it's living quite prominent because you're honest I think that will

be important as he is technically mother box what's going to happen to happen to

him if Steppenwolf gets the mother box outside what are you most hateful guys

anyway please like subscribe and comment if you want to guys that would be

awesome let's try and get to 10,000 subs by the

end of the year if we can hit the notifications button down below that red

button and any requests for any other videos just let me know guys and I will

begin into them if I think they'll get some interest anyway guys that's the

video I will see you soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Justice League NEW Final Trailer REVEALED? Darkseid MAJOR TEASE? Surprise CAMEO? - Duration: 8:53.


Pumpkin Patch - Dallas Arboretum - Duration: 6:45.

Hi guys! Hope you are doing well.

On today's video I will show you a little bit about Halloween here in the U.S.

Last year I came to this same place

The name of this place is Arboretum

It has a bunch of "R's" so, I don't know how to pronounce

I come here to buy the pumpkins for Laura and take a few pictures

Today it's very crowed


I don't know why

Last year I came here and it was empty

I came on the last day...So maybe that's why.

Besides the pumpkin patch, there are lots of other cool things to do over here

There is always a live concert

There is the children's play area

I will show you a little bit of this place

I hope you enjoy this video

We are going to choose our pumpkins

Laura is confused. She doesn't know which one to pick.

This one will be my husband's pumpkin

This one

Will be mine

Because it is the size of my head

No, it is not

This one will be mine

It looks like a hat

I like this pumpkin

And I have to pick one for my mom and my dad

Look how cool behind me

It looks like those films

Like Cinderella

Some children's movies

There is always a river and a smog on it

I've never seen this over here

Now I am going to visit a good friend of mine

He inspired me a lot

And I am going to introduce you this person

That is very special to me

He is right here

I will have a chat with him

This is my good friend Shakespeare

He is very special, very creative

He wrote several plays

I want him to talk to me about his career

If you live here close to Dallas, you have to visit this place

It is very beautiful. Has lots of greens. Lots of flowers.

There is always something going on over here

Now is Halloween but soon will be Christmas

They decorate this place beautifully

I love this place

I did the membership

I can come here as many times as I want that I don't need to pay

I mean, I paid for the membership

Several people come here to do a picnic

Then they spend the whole day over here

If we continue to live here in Texas

Next year I will certainly come back here for Halloween

You are spitting

That was the Dallas Arboretum

I will try to make another video showing to you how Americans decorate the pumpkins

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel to see the next videos

For more infomation >> Pumpkin Patch - Dallas Arboretum - Duration: 6:45.


Resenha Thor Ragnarok - Filme Marvel (Crítica Cinema) - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Resenha Thor Ragnarok - Filme Marvel (Crítica Cinema) - Duration: 4:25.


Temer confunde médico com lobista e o papo fica estranho! - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Temer confunde médico com lobista e o papo fica estranho! - Duration: 2:05.


Neil deGrasse Tyson tries Soylent and talks future of food with CEO Rob Rhinehart - Duration: 10:15.

For science!

Hi, I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson and this is "Rising Stars." Today, we're

featuring Rob Rhinehart, who's founder and CEO of Soylent, a meal replacement

product that's all the rage in the tech universe. Rob, welcome.

Thank you very much for having me.

Soylent! How old were you when you started this?


Your company's now valued at $100 million

That was a few years ago. We've grown substantially since then.

- That's crazy - Food is a huge market.

How did you get initial funding to do this? Were you using your savings to start this?

Was it in your garage? - We raised a small amount of capital from a startup

incubator, founded by Paul Graham, called Y Combinator and then after we

started to get off the ground a little bit, we used crowdfunding. We raised $3M

in a crowdfunding campaign.

Was it the word "Soylent" that

was getting people? - It definitely stimulated some conversation

You're too young to remember the original reference.

I'm a huge fan of the movie and the book.

"Soylent Green."

Keeping that science aspect

and that science fiction aspect is very important to me because when you think

of Soylent, Soylent Green in the book "Make Room! Make Room!" that's a very real

problem about population growth and burdening the earth's resources.

I think we need to take these problems very seriously and catch them before they start.

What are you trying to do here?

We're trying to make food better. We

wanted to see what balanced diet entails and then meet those requirements as

elementally as possible. - So elementally, you mean sort of molecular nutritional

level of the product. - Exactly. The goal was to use science to improve the food system.

Whatever you put in here, you want to say it's better than like the whole

meal I just had? I had like eggplant parmesan last night.

Well it depends what you're optimizing for.

Optimize for pleasure — how about that?

This may not be the most pleasurable meal in the galaxy.

However it is very functional.

Functional food?

Right. Ever since food fortification from a

generation ago. I mean, iodized salt, fortified rice, cereal

even macaroni and cheese has to be fortified. - Yeah it's all the grains

Nutritional deficiencies used to be just part of life and now they're

gone. - They're gone completely. This is an engineering problem.

A food engineering problem.

A food engineering problem and it's a very complex problem

I mean it's pretty astounding that we can make something like this that will

sit on a shelf without refrigeration for a year. - It's the food you want in the

zombie apocalypse. - Exactly, preppers love this stuff.

So can I try your liquid here?

You can.

So how do I know what flavor this is?

We were trying to have something kind of neutral, kind of bland

So you managed to create this and not

have much of a taste? It's really a perfunctory act

Which is very difficult

because every one of those ingredients does have a taste, so to have

something ending up neutral is much, much more difficult than to have something

that tasted strongly of, say, mint.

So this will define forevermore what Soylent

tastes like for me? - Yes.

Some of it reminds me of Kaopectate.

This doesn't have the same function.

You know what it is?

The urge to participate in this brilliant exercise in food is not

bigger than wanting this to taste awesome.

We have another flavor.

We have Coffiest. You want to try that?

OK, I'll try some.

See, that's way better.

That, I don't know what this is. Maybe I want to taste. That's what it is.

You put so much energy taking taste out of this then why am I doing... This

tastes like a coffee, a room-temperature coffee milkshake.

Because first we had to

take taste out of everything else in there so that we could add in something

So it'd be a pure thing?

And it would only taste like what we put in there — not all the previous stuff.

This tastes like a coffee milkshake. You did it.

I think he likes it.

So what's your science background because you can't just walk

into this saying I want new food and not understand chemistry and physiology.

Personally I actually studied more electrical engineering and computer science

- This in college? Are you a rare entrepreneur who actually graduated from college?

I did graduate from college. - (Jokes) I'm so disappointed

I know, I lose a lot of credit.

All it meant was that college did not homogenize your creativity?

I suppose not.

And so once you have the engineering background you just

your science geeked-out anyway then you just absorb the rest of

what you need to know.

Always loved learning. Always loved studying and I

realized that I don't need to take a class on something to learn it.

What revelation that is! That works only when you've learned how to learn.

I wish I got more educators like you.

I have it easy because I just look

at a camera lens. I'm not there with the screaming kids.

When I see an actual teacher, it's like "ahhhh"

"I'm not worthy."

No but you were like the world's coolest teacher — you know that?

You must know that?

No, I got good material. The universe is good material.

Is this the future of food or is this, say, something to get us thinking new

ways about food?

The process by which this was designed is a big component

of the future of food. That we need to start thinking really seriously about

what the body needs and how food is produced.

Until now, we just thought about

what the body needs and we just combed the earth to put this stuff in here.

Now you've got this but I used 10 acres of land, 3 cows, 4 quarts of milk, whatever

and you got the full, would you say, the vertical integration of the

production of this in mind. - Exactly - You think that's the future?

Absolutely. Eventually, I'd like to get to the point, and I'm focusing on protein

right now, to produce everything with single-celled organisms. Calories come

from from the sun at some point. Plants take the sun's energy, then if you feed

those plants to an animal, then you get the energy that ends up in its meat or fat.

- Right a cow is just a machine to turn sunlight into steak.

That's the only point of a cow.

But a lot of energy is lost along the way.

So the more directly you can extract that energy from the sun, the better.

Is this one meal or one whole day's worth of.. - We're not quite there yet

- Eventually we'd like to get to a pill - There's a limit to how many calories

you can cram in a certain volume of the space-time continuum.

There is, but maybe if

we had some sort of radioactive isotope that in an engineered strain of

gut bacteria to extract the energy from that and then that therein synthesizes

the carbohydrate and fat and protein that you need.

So you're actually thinking about this?

Oh absolutely.

So we would since we currently and we evolved to be

100% chemical energy-driven, in this model, part of us would be tapping

nuclear energy.

It's certainly possible. Maybe you wouldn't even need to swallow

the pill. You could fit enough energy in a tiny seed that maybe you could implant

the isotope and then the bacteria could feed off of that for a century.

Presumably, you wouldn't otherwise get cancer from it?

You could shield it.

Holding aside that minor complication — you're dead from cancer in a week

but you're otherwise really healthy. - And you're very well fed.

I imagine a day, as long as

we're making stuff up here, where we understand the genome of every species.

Recognize the commonality among us all and figure out a way to turn some

patches of our skin into photosynthetic surfaces. If you had an ideal surface on

your skin to absorb sunlight, it should be completely black and somewhere under

there you put in - Well, I guess you'd need a few photosensitive proteins like you have

blue-green algae which not just uses the chlorophyll but also phycocyanin.

I didn't know that. OK. They had their run of Earth 4 billion years ago.

Still going strong. Not what they used to be.

They used to be in charge. They gave us all our oxygen. We are not the biggest

changers of the Earth's climate. Those bacteria were.

Another thing, speaking of the genome, is that you could, in theory

we could synthesize our own vitamins.

How come we can't grow limbs but newts can?

And and why do we need

some amino acids we can't make?

Or we can't digest cellulose and most

of the plant life in the world is cellulose.

Yeah you can either have

cellulitic gut bacteria...

Then we'd have way more methane flatulence...

And then cook it on your stove. (Laughs)

The future of food!

You got the whole, the whole closed loop.

Well it sounds like you have just the right kind of background to think that creatively.

If you had only a pure biology background maybe you wouldn't have come to some of

these revelations. - Maybe not.

The engineer thinks about a problem and how to solve it.

And I think a great engineer or a scientist sees that the boundaries

between the fields are not absolute.

Right and you just cross them over

whenever you need to.

Yeah, that chemical energy, electrical energy.

- Just energy - It's the same.

So what's next?

You just gonna keep growing the company. Be a zillionaire and then help the UN?

Absolutely. We can help feed the world and in time I think we'll

invest in science and technology, vertically integrate food production

such that you can have an at-home bioreactor that will print nutritious

food directly from sunlight, air, and water.

At-home bioreactor?!

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. You gotta drop an octave. Like George Takei.

"Oh my."

Oh, yeah.

Yeah! (Laughs)

So that's fascinating. The future of food. $2 — under $3.

That's a little over $3. This is under $3.

You're out of control.

Best is yet to come.

For more infomation >> Neil deGrasse Tyson tries Soylent and talks future of food with CEO Rob Rhinehart - Duration: 10:15.


Whatever Happened To The Kids YouTube Made Famous? - Duration: 5:19.

The internet might be forever, but viral fame only lasts so long.

For these youngsters, digital domination turned out to be fleeting.

So, what happened to those kids that got famous online?

Here's a look at where some of those former web celebs are up to now.

Leave Britney Alone!

Britney Spears' comeback at the 2007 Video Music Awards went down in history for all

the wrong reasons.

Her seemingly lifeless, mimed performance was torn to shreds by both music journalists

and industry moguls alike.

Britney was reportedly "disappointed" and "embarrassed" by the show, but it didn't stop

the haters from mocking her.

This all became too much for vlogger and aspiring actor Chris Crocker, who posted a tearful

video vehemently defending the pop icon.

"Leave her alone!"

The video was viewed 43 million times before Crocker left YouTube, and catapulted the 19-year-old

to fame, leading to appearances on talk shows and music videos.

All the while, he was himself ribbed for being gender fluid, but Crocker capitalized on his

infamy by trying to launch a career as an adult-film actor — a move he came to regret

as his Hollywood hopes evaporated.

He later told Out Magazine, "Career opportunities for me have been very slim to none."

He still promotes music and merchandise through Instagram and recently returned to public

interest by revisiting the video on its 10th anniversary and revealing the harrowing story

of why he was so impacted by the attacks on his idol.

Chocolate Rain

If streaming had been taken into account by the Recording Industry Association of America

in 2007, like it is today, Tay Zonday would have gone multi-platinum with his annoyingly

catchy original song "Chocolate Rain."

Zonday's deep, rich voice and somewhat bizarre mannerisms made this video a hit on YouTube,

though it actually took a little while for it to take off.

As he later explained, "It didn't instantly go viral.

About three months after it was uploaded, someone posted it on the front page of,

which is kind of what Reddit was back then.

And then someone saw it on Digg and posted it on 4chan.

After that, it started to go viral and become a national news story."

The video was everywhere for a while, and spawned some pretty hilarious parodies.

Zonday went on to make numerous cameo appearances in film and TV and also took part in a memorable

commercial for Dr. Pepper, performing a new track named "Cherry Chocolate Rain."

While he later admitted that his business savvy wasn't as strong as it should've been

at the time, his dulcet tones have allowed him to find work in other areas of entertainment,

including a voice role in the animated mini-series Transformers: Titans Return.

Miss Teen South Carolina 2007

In 2006, a girl named Caitlin Upton was crowned Miss Teen South Carolina.

The following year she appeared at the Miss Teen USA pageant representing her state.

With millions watching across the country, Upton was asked about why a fifth of Americans

couldn't locate the United States on a world map.

Her answer was...not great.

"And I believe the education such as South Africa and the Iraq…"

Soon after, she had a chance to redeem herself on talk show appearances …

"I was overwhelmed and I made a mistake.

Everybody makes mistakes, I'm human."

But her cringeworthy stage flub didn't stop her from going on to do big things.

Weeks after the pageant, Upton was signed by Donald Trump's agency on a $25,000-a-day


Even so, no amount of money could erase the damage done by that YouTube video, and Upton

admitted in 2015, "I had some very dark moments where I thought about bad things."

She now works in real estate in addition to the entertainment business, which means she

probably knows a lot more about maps now.

The New Canon Rock

In 2006, 17-year-old Paris, France native Matt Rach blew YouTube away with a face-melting

guitar cover of a well-known, classical piece known as Pachelbel's "Canon."

The video became a sensation and spawned many imitators.

He later told Slash Media, "I picked up this piece that I did not use particularly, because

the few subscribers I had at the time insisted that I do it.

I posted a first version identical to the original and it brought a wave of haters that

thought I was pretending to play.

So, I made my own version…

I did not expect that success."

The talented Frenchman has continued to share music via his channel in the years since and

has released several cover albums.

He revisited "Canon" for his 2016 album ClassiK with a brand new take on it, and released

another album in 2017.

He does compose his own music, too, with a band called the Atmospheres.

Zombie Kid Likes Turtles

YouTube has always loved a good news report gone wrong.

From the infamous falling grape lady, to the guy who looked up and got a mouth full of

bird poop, some of the biggest jokes in YouTube history have been at the expense of reporters.

In 2007, this brief interview with Jonathan Ware from Portland, Oregon, went viral after

he answered a question about his zombie face paint with a blunt and hilariously bizarre


"Jonathan just got an awesome face paint job.

What do you think?"

"I love turtles."

"Alright, you're a great zombie!"

The video was watched over 50 million times and made an overnight celeb of the unmasked

youngster, who later admitted:

"I was nervous, and I didn't even know what to say."

He's since enrolled in college — no word yet on whether he's studying marine biology.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Whatever Happened To The Kids YouTube Made Famous? - Duration: 5:19.


Shaun Frank - Addicted (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Violet Days - Duration: 3:32.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> Shaun Frank - Addicted (Lyrics / Lyric Video) feat. Violet Days - Duration: 3:32.


CBC NL on YouTube - Duration: 1:02:55.

For more infomation >> CBC NL on YouTube - Duration: 1:02:55.


Meaghan from Thorhild, AB | 10 Dollar Oil Change - Duration: 0:05.

Hi I'm Meaghan from Thorhild

and I came to Redwater Dodge to get my oil changed.

For more infomation >> Meaghan from Thorhild, AB | 10 Dollar Oil Change - Duration: 0:05.


Odzyskiwanie władzy nad sobą - metoda EFT, Brad Yates napisy PL. - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Odzyskiwanie władzy nad sobą - metoda EFT, Brad Yates napisy PL. - Duration: 5:51.


Leanring to Fly a drone - Duration: 5:05.

hey everybody so I've had a lot of people ask me how do I learn to fly

these things these drones look so hard to fly I need to know how to fly because

I don't want to spend all this money and crash an expensive drone it's very very

simple you don't crash an expensive drone you

crash o n one of these these are little nano drones this one here is

the E010 drone very popular drone and you know what it's about 20 bucks and

that's with one battery it's got a battery in it comes with one it'll get

you about six minutes of flight time which doesn't seem like a whole lot and

quite honestly it's not a whole lot but you can always buy some extra batteries

for it the reason I suggest this one is because this thing can take a beating I

have hit this crashed this and there is no visible breaking at all and I plan on

abusing it some more my name is brad and i give you a video tip every single week

on how to improve your drone videos and if that's something that does interest

you well why don't you go ahead and click that subscribe button but for now

let's get into this video so learning to fly on one of these drones will

guarantee that you will learn how to fly a big drone because the big drones are a

lot easier than flying one of these and here's a little side information these

little things are gonna drive your spouse crazy when you're flying it

around the house it's kind of fun so flying one of these is very simple first

you charge the battery it may take 30 minutes maybe 45 minutes some might take

an hour which is kind of crazy because it only gives you six to eight minutes

of flight time and I have not timed that put your battery in

you turn the remote on then you push up and down on the joystick and you're

connected and then you take off and you fly now keep in mind these things are

not easy to fly you have to keep an eye on them they they're very very sensitive

you use the trim buttons to trim it so that it kind of acts this close to what

it should but if you try to hover this with letting go of the sticks

you're pretty much guaranteed that it's gonna hit something because it will not

ever it will not hover on its own what you want to do is you want to practice

flying in a larger room so you can get some get the hang of just hovering and

you want to get the hang of turning left and right you want to get the

hang of moving forward backward left right and also you want to make sure

that you understand how to fly when the drone is actually facing you instead of

away from you so that when you push left on the stick the drone is actually going

and from your point of view the drone is actually going to move to the right

and vice versa if you push right on the stick it's going to appear to move left

and if you push forward on the stick is going to come at you if you push back on

the stick it's going to move away from you just have to keep in mind which way

the drone is facing and once you get the hang of that this is an excellent little

drone like I said to be able to move around you can go around obstacles it

doesn't matter if you hit anything it really isn't gonna break anything I've

hit my TV I've hit my lights I've hit my walls I've hit my computer and it's fine

but the main thing is just keep flying this I recommend getting a few extra

batteries so that you can fly it for a little while at a time using one of

these helps you get used to controlling the drone with the joysticks all the

drones pretty much controlled the same way and these things are a real

difficult thing to fly until you get used to them and it's gonna be very easy

to move on up to the Phantom series or the Maverick series maybe even the

inspire series and be able to fly one of those or at least understand the

controls and get used to that one a little faster it basically makes you

learn how to fly faster and for those of us who live in the winter climates that

January February March we really can't fly this is fantastic to keep your

skills intact in the winter because you can fly this

around the house now of course I'm not perfect and if you think of something

better or another way or some other manoeuvre that you think people should

practice while in their home with one of these little nano drones go ahead and

leave a comment below and if you like to get one of these I do have an affiliate

link for Amazon so go ahead and click that link and you can get one of these

drones really quick like I said they're only 20 bucks and if you think this

information be useful to someone else don't forget to share the video if you

like videos like this go ahead and click the subscribe button and until next time

I will see you later fly safe and


For more infomation >> Leanring to Fly a drone - Duration: 5:05.


ゆりかご (Yurikago) Nein Concert Encore Sound Horizon English Subtitles - Duration: 3:47.

"The Seventh Memory..."

Like a slumbering softly in a cradle,

The Season of Spring dawns and wanders by

The wind blows a gentle breeze as the birds sing

A warm light streams through the leaves of the trees

A gentle slope leads down towards the cape...

People pass by, their cheerful voices ring

Words are traded back and forth during this calm, peaceful afternoon

A young boy who sleeps quietly

"He's such a good child, he doesn't even fuss!"

His mother smiles proudly...

"Have you forgotten anything?"

Phantoms [Shadows] of happier days shuffle past

Days of a never-ending fantasy repeat

Even though everyone had noticed her insanity,

No one ever told her the truth

That the child she held in her arms has already been reduced to bone...

(The sleep of oblivion, as if being embraced by a Cradle...)

"Even to this day, the woman wanders about, with her child's corpse in her arms..."

(The sleep of oblivion, as if being embraced by a Cradle...)

"In the wavering, watery bottom, Certain Things are better off left forgotten..."

(The sleep of oblivion, as if being embraced by a Cradle...)

"If The Boy and The Girl were to even call that Lost,"

(The sleep of oblivion, as if being embraced by a Cradle...)

"Then the sky of that day would stretch out into the clear azure forever..."

For more infomation >> ゆりかご (Yurikago) Nein Concert Encore Sound Horizon English Subtitles - Duration: 3:47.


How to Get Away with Murder 4x05 Sneak Peek "I Love Her" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> How to Get Away with Murder 4x05 Sneak Peek "I Love Her" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:48.


Cake Monster Polymer Sculpture | PROCESS VIDEO - Duration: 2:48.

Hey! Okay, so this is the last in my monster series

unless I end up having any other ideas.

I'm planning on possibly developing these characters for a story later down the line but

for now I'm going to be moving on to other sculptures

so this one for sure, is the biggest one so far and

the one that used up the most clay, I had to buy a whole new batch after this

but moving on, here's the sculpture process. Let's do it.

So thanks for following along in this series!

Not going to lie, taking photos of this sculpture was kinda awkward

around people since this one lowkey resembles a ballsack....

but whatever, I'm owning up to it. Anyways, I'll see you all next week.


For more infomation >> Cake Monster Polymer Sculpture | PROCESS VIDEO - Duration: 2:48.


Jak zrobić metaliczne grafitowe smokey eyes? How to do metallic, grey smokey eyes? - Duration: 3:10.

Hi! It's Aga Wilk. Welcome to my channel called „The Beauty Runway."

This time I want to teach you how to do a graphite smokey eyes with a hint of metallic shine.

It's an easy and quick make-up, perfect for a date, a party or a important meeting.

I did the base earlier.

You can see how to do a no make-up look in the previous video I did with Ewa.

The first step of eye make-up is to softly highlight the whole eyelid- you may also highlight the brow bone.

For this I'm using a slightly shimmering highlighter.

If you don't have one, you may also use a light highlighting eyeshadow.

Then I put a graphite metallic eye pencil along the lash line.

I apply more amount of pencil at the outer corner and then I smudge it with a brush to soften the line.

I apply a shiny metallic eyeshadow in graphite to the whole eyelid with a flat eye brush.

I thoroughly blend the line with a fluffier brush.

You may repeat the steps depending on how dramatic effect you want to have.

I apply and smudge the pencil along the lower lash line as well.

I again put the same graphite eyeshadow from Sephora.

I put a mascara both on upper and lower lashes.

I'm using Dior Pump n Volume mascara.

I gently accentuate the cheeks with a blush.

I do this while my model smiles- it helps to put a blusher properly.

I put a natural lipstick in soft pink to the lips.

The shade is very similar to Ewa's natural lip color.

I dab it with a finger to achieve the most natural looking effect.

Subscribe to my channel!

Thank you for watching and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Jak zrobić metaliczne grafitowe smokey eyes? How to do metallic, grey smokey eyes? - Duration: 3:10.


Paty Navidad asegura que no se ha hecho ninguna cirugía - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Paty Navidad asegura que no se ha hecho ninguna cirugía - Duration: 1:29.


Nabi ki Shan-Nabwi Nuskha For Ummat a Mustafa (PBUH)-SubhanALLAH - Duration: 1:55.

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For more infomation >> Nabi ki Shan-Nabwi Nuskha For Ummat a Mustafa (PBUH)-SubhanALLAH - Duration: 1:55.


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