Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 27 2017

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Jesus came to set you free from whatever

trouble or bondage you are under. He is your deliverer

from all the curse! Join Kenneth Copeland on today's

Believer's Voice of Victory, and build your faith in

the Word to receive Jesus, your jubilee!

KENNETH: Let's begin with Isaiah 10. Let's begin with

the 24th verse. "Therefore thus saith the Lord God

of hosts, O my people that dwell in Zion, be not afraid

of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, shall

lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt. For

yet in a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and

my anger in their destruction. And the Lord of hosts shall stir

up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at

the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he

lift it up after the manner of Egypt. And it shall come to pass

in that day, that his burden--" Now, to you and me, this

represents the devil's burden, amen, because that's who was at

work here. "I thought it was Assyrian?" Well, yeah, but who

do you think was pushing him? AUDIENCE: Yeah. KENNETH: "It

shall come to pass in that day, that his," the devil's, "burden

shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off

thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed--" not broken

"--destroyed because of the anointing." Now, for the benefit

of those of you that are--are listening in Spanish, I

understand that in Espanol, it is translated "fat." Now, this

Hebrew word translated "anointing" is translated "oil."

It's translated "oil for anointing." So see, it's

refer--even though--and it's translated into English directly

as "the anointing." But in other translations, other languages,

it's referring to the anointing. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: So it's

the same thing either way because it is talking and is a

type and shadow of Jesus. Amen? (Audience "Amens") All right.

Now then, let's--and I'll show you that in the 11th chapter.

"There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a

Branch shall grow out of his roots: and the spirit of the

Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and

understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of

knowledge and the fear of the Lord; and shall make him of

quick understanding in the fear of the Lord." All of that is

referring to where we're going next, Luke's gospel, Chapter 4.

Now, I want to--I want to mention to you that word "shall

be destroyed--" the word "destroyed--" the word

translated "destroy" is also translated as "corrosion." Now,

this same yoke in other scripture is referred to as a

yoke of iron. Now, what is corrosion on iron called?

AUDIENCE: Rust. KENNETH: Rust. Now, remember, I said--and this

gets quoted a lot, a lot of times, "The anointing breaks the

yoke." That--you can break--you can fix something that's broken.

AUDIENCE: Right. Amen. KENNETH: But you can't fix something

that's corroded until there's no material left. (Audience Agrees)

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Amen. (Audience "Amens") Completely,

totally destroyed. Say, "The yoke--" (Audience repeats) "--is

destroyed because of the anointing." Verse 16, Luke 4,

"And he came--Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been

brought up: and, as his custom was--" Now, don't mistake this

as His custom was when He was younger and was living in

Nazareth. That's not what He was referring to. Verse 14, "Jesus

returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there

went out a fame of him throughout the region round

about. And he taught in their synagogues." See, everywhere He

went, particularly at the beginning, He taught in the

synagogues. Amen? Or He went into the temple on the sabbath

day. So now as His custom was--what was His custom? He

would go into the synagogue and go to the 61st chapter of Isaiah

and read these same words and preach this same message

everywhere He went. That was His custom. That's what He did all

the time. So, and--well, I'm--I perceive that some of you are

arguing with that a little bit in your spirit. So just hold

your place there and go over to the 10th chapter of the book

of Acts because I don't want you struggling with

something--this--you--yo ou' 're--you really need to be in

agreement and flowing instead of questioning something. And it's

good to--it's all right to question things, but the

answer's in the Word, not out of your religious tradition.

(Audience Agrees) 10:34, "Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a

truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in

every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness,

is accepted with him. The word which God sent unto the children

of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of

all) that word, I say, you know, which was published

throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism

which John preached; how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with

the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and

healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with

him." So see, there's--there's-- "Out of the mouth of two or

three witnesses, let every word be established." So there's the

witness to what we just said. We found it here, He went preaching

this. But now Peter said He preached it throughout all

Judea, and it began right at the very beginning. Amen. And think

about this. It would do you good to read through Matthew, Mark,

Luke, and John and the book of Acts, meditating on this. Just

see Him, wherever He is, wherever He goes, the sermon on

the mount, in your heart and mind, just see Him standing

there saying, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me." AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. KENNETH: And see, it--we'll see it here in just a

second. I'm going to refer to it now so you'll be thinking about

it. He preached the acceptable year of the Lord, which was the

great Jubilee, supernatural debt cancellation. Now, here's what's

glorious, particularly to me and you today, our ministry--I

didn't know it at the time--I didn't know what the Jubilee was

back in those times until I heard my spiritual father Oral

Roberts preach on it. Glory to God. And I'm about to tell you

what he said. But he's preaching that, and he is--our ministry

started in the Jubilee year. It began in sync with the Jewish

calendar for Jubilee. I didn't know that. I didn't know that

for years. And here we are in our Jubilee year, which is 50

years, and this is Israel's Jubilee. AUDIENCE: Whoo! Amen.

Hallelujah. KENNETH: Whoo! Glory to God. Now, that's

special--that's special for you partners because you're in that

Jubilee with us. (Applause) Oh, I tell you what, it's just

marvelous. Now, let's look at this, and I'll--I'll show you as

we go along. "There was delivered unto him the book of

the prophet Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found

the place where it was written--" He took the Scripture

and took His text. It's amazing to me how few people know and

understand Jesus is a preacher, called to preach. You see it

right here. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because he hath

anointed me to preach--to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath

sent me--" So that makes Him an apostle, doesn't it? (Audience

Agrees) Ha-ha-ha. That's what the word "apostle" means. Well,

of course, He's an apostle. Hebrews, 3rd chapter, 1st verse,

"Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ

Jesus." "He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, he sent me to

preach deliverance to the captives, he sent me to preach

recovering of sight to the blind, he sent me to set at

liberty them that are bruised, he sent me to preach the

acceptable year of the Lord." The great Jubilee. Now,

here's--ha-ha-ha. Glory to God. I mean, the first time I

heard--the first time I heard Oral Roberts preach this, I

mean, phew. It just literally--well, it--it just

absolutely set me free, made me free. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah.

KENNETH: He said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; He's

anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. I'm here. I am the

Jubilee. I'm here. Poor man, you don't have to be poor anymore.

I'm here." AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Amen. KENNETH: Whoa, my

goosebumps is double-parked. Whoa, ha-ha-ha, hallelujah.

Amen. "He sent me to heal the brokenhearted." "Brokenhearted

man, I'm here. I am the Jubilee. I am here, and you don't need

and you will not and you don't have to be brokenhearted

anymore." AUDIENCE: Amen. Hallelujah. KENNETH: Oh,

hallelujah. "To preach deliverance to the captive."

"Captive, bound up, broken, down under drugs, alcohol, or

whatever kind of bondage you're under, the bondage of worry--"

AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: "--you don't need to be carrying

any kind of care. I'm here. I am your deliverer! I am the

Jubilee!" AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Whoo! Doesn't that

thrill you? Ha-ha-ha. Glory to God. AUDIENCE: Thank You, Lord.

KENNETH: "Blind man, you don't have to be blind anymore!" Glory

to God. AUDIENCE: Whoo! KENNETH: "To set at liberty those that

are bruised." Do you realize it's with His bruises that we

are healed? (Audience Agrees) "I thought it was stripes, Brother

Copeland." I know. That's the way it was translated in the

English. Think, "Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried

our sorrows." Well now, those two words are also and

predominantly--now, don't throw away "grief" and "sorrow"

--predominantly translated "sickness" and "pain." So He--

"Surely He hath borne our griefs," our sickness, "our

sorrows," our pains: "we did esteem him stricken, and smitten

of God. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was--"

AUDIENCE: Bruised. KENNETH: "--bruised for our iniquities:

the chastisement of our peace was upon him," same word; "with

those bruises we are healed." AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH:

Same word, same Hebrew word in both cases. "With His stripes we

are healed." "Set at liberty them that are bruised--" oh, my,

my, my, my, glory to God, "--and to preach the acceptable year of

the Lord." AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Amen. KENNETH: He is the great

Jubilee. (Audience "Amens") You've got Jubilee living on the

inside of you sweetheart. AUDIENCE: Amen. Whoo!

Hallelujah. KENNETH: Now, I'm--and I'm going to say

something to you here now. The curse is threefold; spiritual

death--that is to be separated from God because He is

life--spiritual death, sickness, and poverty. Now, if you go to

the 28th chapter of the Deuteronomy, beginning with the

15th verse, you will find the curse of the law. And if you

will search that carefully, you will see there that debt is

under the curse. So it's not just poverty, it's poverty and

debt. Very important. And "Christ hath redeemed us from

the curse of the law--" AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH:

"--being made a curse for us." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: So

redemption is threefold. The curse is threefold: Spiritual

death, sickness, poverty and debt. The redemption is

threefold, our redemption: The new birth--amen; healing by His

stripes, His wounds, bruises--ha-ha-ha, hallelujah;

and divine Holy Ghost prosperity.

For more infomation >> The Yoke Is Destroyed by Faith with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 10-27-17) - Duration: 18:30.


Ragi Murukku | Ragi Murukulu Recipe | Finger Millet Murukku | Ragi Chakli | Healthy Snack Recipes - Duration: 3:23.

Hello Everyone..!! Welcome to Priya's Kitchen..!!

Today I am going to share one snack recipe with ragi flour, that is Ragi Murukulu..

It is very easy to make and very healthy also, your kids will definetly love this.

Let's start the process..

heat some oil for deep frying, meanwhile we will prepare our dough

In a mixing bowl,

add 1 cup of Ragi flour,

half cup of Rice flour,

Salt as per taste,

1 tablespoon of Sesame seeds, it gives nice flavor and crunchiness

1 tablespoon of Red Chilli powder or according to your spiciness

1 teaspoon of Ajwain, that is Carrom seeds

just crush a little bit with your hands

add it

half a teaspoon of Garam Masala

and some Melted Butter, you can also use Ghee or Oil also

First mix all these ingredients together

Now gradually add water, little by little at a time

and make a soft dough

our dough is ready.. it should be like this. not very soft and not very hard.

Now let's start making our Murukulu

Take the Murukku press.. Today i am using the Star hole plate.

like this..

Now put it.

Put required amount of dough in this

now close this

our oil is nice and hot

now start making murukku directly into this oil

be careful..

fry them on medium flame, fry evenly on both sides.

now flip it and fry on the second side also

as it is ragi flour, it is in dark in colour.

After the bubbles are gone, it is an indication to take out murukku and it is done

so you can see the bubbles have stopped

now you can take this out

place it on a paper napkin plate. and similarly make all the murukku like this..

so our crispy and crunchy ragi murukulu are ready..

store them in an air tight container.. and enjoy with your family..

see they are so crispy,

you can see


try it in your home and let me know your feedback in the comment section below.

it is very easy to make in your home.

thank you for watching.. I hope you enjoyed today's session of making Ragi Murukulu..

If you enjoy my recipe, hit the Like button and Share my video with your friends n family members

and don't forget to Subscribe to my channel for more updates..

See you soon with some more recipes. Till then take care.. bye bye...

For more infomation >> Ragi Murukku | Ragi Murukulu Recipe | Finger Millet Murukku | Ragi Chakli | Healthy Snack Recipes - Duration: 3:23.



Maagh Diye Gandhle Ni Bach Ke Rahi

Je Hogi Ghaat Baad Fer Na Kahi

Maagh Diye Gandhle Ni Bach Ke Rahi

Je Hogi Ghaat Baad Fer Na Kahi

Pende Lalkaare Dekh Gedi Route Te

Ni Patte Valliyan Ne Bottlan De Datt Mithiye

Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye

Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye


Hussana De Chal Dena Nakhre Je Baleh Ni

Yaaran De Ne Yaar Pakke Jatt Pindan Wale Ni

Hussana De Chal Dena Nakhre Je Baleh Ni

Yaaran De Ne Yaar Pakke Jatt Panda Wale Ni

Desi Jeha Jan K Na Chaki Feelinga

Desi Jeha Jan K Na Chaki Feelinga

Ni Karli Record Kehra Check Mithiye

Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye

Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye

Pange Laazmi

Jatt Mithiye

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye OOOyooo

Chad K Sadeeq Billo Vich Kaali Thar De

Round Nit Naadiya De Pg Valh Maarde

Chad Billo Ramlan Ni Vich Kaali Thar De

Round Nit Naadiya De Pg Valh Maarde

Hora Nu Policeya De Dayi Dabbke

Hora Nu Policeya De Dayi Dabbke

Ni Sireh Takk Kehan Saade Jac Mithiye

Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye

Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye

Sofi Baade Sau Bas Pi K Kaleshi Ne

Velly Ya De Sandhu Aa Department Desi Ne

Sofi Baade Sau Bas Pi K Kaleshi Ne

Velly Ya De Sandhu Aa Department Desi Ne

Pass Baade Kite Vicky Dhaliwal Ne

Pass Baade Kite Vicky Dhaliwal Ne

Ni Aalada De Ishqe De Taath Mithiye


Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye

Paun Ge Patandar ni Pange Laazmi

Set Hoye Firde Ne Jatt Mithiye



Щенячий патруль все серии подряд УЧИМ ЦВЕТА с ЩЕНЯЧИЙ ПАТРУЛЬ против Райдера Мультики для детей - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль все серии подряд УЧИМ ЦВЕТА с ЩЕНЯЧИЙ ПАТРУЛЬ против Райдера Мультики для детей - Duration: 10:23.


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For more infomation >> Thiết kế thi công phòng karaoke tại Bắc Ninh 0984 158 658 - Duration: 1:34.


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《晚吹 - 又要威 又要戴頭盔》第82集 - CS(I) - Duration: 23:10.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 又要威 又要戴頭盔》第82集 - CS(I) - Duration: 23:10.


Cindy Flynn on Happy Employees - Duration: 7:28.

Hi everyone, I'm Geoff Johansing I run the Risk Advisor Team

and also the branch office in Pasadena for Insurance Office of America

and I'm here to further dive into my

theory of Happy Employees

and what they do for your company.

I have here today Cindy Flynn.

She is a founding partner

of Hackler, Flynn

and Associates.

They are a law firm

with an office in Los Angeles

and Orange County focusing

on employment practice issues,

representing the employer.

Hello Cindy.

Hi Geoff,

thank you so much for having me.

My pleasure. So I got a few questions I'd like to

run through with you

and the first one is for a company

what would you define as a company's

greatest asset?

It's really their employees.

But on the contrary,

employees can also be a company's

worst nightmare.

And so I think it's

very valuable to put a lot

of time

and energy and education into your


and ensure that they're

a good fit for the company

and the company culture.

Can you give some examples of where you

think...How do you tell?

How do you tell if an employee is a good fit?

The hiring

practice for example, let's go into that.

I think that's an area where a lot of employers

could enhance what they're

doing or learn new tricks.


What are your thoughts

with regards to hiring practices,

and how do you get the right people

on board?

So my motto

with hiring is hire

slow and fire fast.

I love that motto.


You know and come up

with a 10

step process in hiring,

set clear expectations

in your job posting,

have a clear way that the candidate

can contact you,

and envision what that looks like

and as you're going through the process

you're screening them

and making sure that it's a good fit.

I would suggest doing

some sort of personality test

such as the DISC test

along the way.

I would also suggest giving them

a performance test to see

how they do how they work

under pressure,

whether there are typos things like that.

You may or may not need to pay them for that.

In having

your entire staff I mean if you're in a small

office you want to make sure that everyone

buys into that new employee.

And so I think including them in

on the hiring process can be valuable.

OK. A lot of my clients

are in the middle market arena.

So let's say you've got 100

employees you're not going to have would

you just recommend maybe you're the leaders

of whatever department

or where would you see that

in a larger employer where you are not people that

engage with the full team?

Sure. So in addition to

having that

person's boss


I would suggest the people that they're going

to be working with as well.

So if it's you know for instance

a new attorney associate who is going

to be starting,

have the person who is going to

be their legal secretary also

speak to them.

Have even the receptionist speak to them if they're

going to be greeting that person every day.

Have other attorneys that they're going to be working

on similar cases

with also interview.

You know it's good to come up

with five

or six other people in the office who will

be working closely

with that person.

Also by in the interview process.

Ok. Another thing we talked about is

reference checks.

I know you agree

with them. What are some things that

an employee can

or cannot tell someone

with regards to a reference check?

Which is not..just..what

can't you say if you

are giving a reference?

So if you're giving a reference

and it's someone that you would

probably never hire again

or ever want to speak

with again and it's not going to be a good reference

I think the safest

thing to do would be to say

very little to nothing.

This is not an opportunity

for you to talk

for a long time about how terrible that

person was and you know what a

pain they were in working with.

I would just keep it very short,

very sweet

and very to the point of

yes no question

and answers.

So now we know that if we have someone on

the other line when we're

asking for a reference, and they're doing that, I've experienced

the same thing that maybe it's not a good

fit for the company.


So another conversation

I'd like to have, or a question,

is with regards to positive

and negative feedback...not negative,

but good feedback

and constructive feedback.

Where are you at on that?

How can we implement that?

Well again I think it comes back

to like having clarity

with your employees

and clear KPI's

so they know what they're measuring against.

If you do have give some sort

of you know constructive criticism

along the way a common way to do

it would be the sandwich effect

where you give the employee

good feedback,

something to work on - not-so-good feedback,

and then again end

with good feedback.


then do you find many

employers do 1-to-1's

with their direct reports?

Where they're meeting

with people that report to them

or just filling them in

on a regular basis,

be it monthly

or weekly or what have you?

Yeah I would suggest

know a weekly check in

at least

with your staff.

Something common is

like a daily huddle where in the morning

you can gather everybody into the

office and do a small workspace.

You stand don't even sit down

for this. It's just a huddle.

And you go around

and say OK something

you're going to work on today something you're excited

about, good news

or something like that, and then if

anyone's having a stumbling block.

That way after the huddle...two

words a person it can go pretty quick...but

if someone is having trouble you can address

it right there first thing in the morning so

that they overcome that stumbling

block early on.

Another team building opportunity also.

Exactly I think team building

is an excellent way to

bring people together,

involve them

and really grow company


A book actually I was going to recommend

is called "Traction" by Gino Wickman.

And it basically

gives you a list in the beginning the book

of where you are.

So it's a report card of how your

company currently is.

And then throughout the book it gives you very

hands on tools

and what to implement throughout,

and then you get to grade yourself again at the end.

Well thank you very much.

Thank you everyone for joining

us. This is again Cindy Flynn.

Founding partner of Hackler,

Flinn & Associates - a law

firm focusing on employment practices


Thank you Geoff.

For more infomation >> Cindy Flynn on Happy Employees - Duration: 7:28.


Brandie Johnstone | 2015 Alumni - Duration: 1:59.

My name is Brandie Johnstone I graduated from Caroline Chisholm Catholic College

in 2015. During my high school experience I think I tried everything I could to

get in all co-curricular activities, leadership roles, just to have my voice

head. I felt that the students voice and opinion really matters because

they are the ones that shape the school and they're the ones that can make the

difference. At the college I did a lot of like SRC, College Ambassador and St.

Vinnie's work and things like that. The one thing I really liked the most was

College Ambassador, so I was able to talk to a lot of the teachers, i was able talk to

parents and things like that and got their opinion then I was able to

amalgamate it together and help students. Also for College Ambassador I

did a lot of tours, so when they had like the school open days I was always one of

the first ones to go out there with parents, show them around the school. I

didn't do a lot of the musicals but I was heavily involved with VCE drama,

I did a lot of the theater arts, so anything to do with Quin Auditorium

musical nights I was all always there like ushering and doing more of the

backstage things. So I was one of the first student Stage

Managers for Beauty and the Beast, so that was a really big role and a big

change for the school because they were going towards more arts, so like

English, Science, Math those are really important subjects but then they

started focusing on art and showing kids that if you're good at dancing,

if you're good at acting, good at singing and playing an instrument then we can

cater for you as well and I thought that was really really good because you know

we have the beautiful Quin Auditorium we have a theatre for it, we might as

well use it. So I'm doing a Bachelor of International Relations and Law at La

Trobe University. Bit of a big change from you know high school after uni life

but I feel like the school prepared us a lot and showing us that we need to be

independent because in uni a lot of your studying is independent and although

at high schools teachers are there to support and guide you, they do show you

that you know sometimes you got to take things into your own hands to be

responsible for your learning because that's really important when you move

outside of high school.

For more infomation >> Brandie Johnstone | 2015 Alumni - Duration: 1:59.


Quel est l'âge idéal pour faire de la location meublée ? - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> Quel est l'âge idéal pour faire de la location meublée ? - Duration: 8:48.


How to Double Your Android Life & Safe Battery Power Using Greenify Apps 2017 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> How to Double Your Android Life & Safe Battery Power Using Greenify Apps 2017 - Duration: 6:00.


what blackness means to me | chris lawrence - Duration: 3:45.

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Stop! Do Not Use Apple Cider Vinegar If You're On Any Of These Medications - Duration: 4:30.

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For more infomation >> Will & Grace - Beverley Comes Out to Karen (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:01.


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For more infomation >> I ladri di sogni 🖖189 - Duration: 3:07.


Pole Dance video shoot BTS (CC for Eng subs) - Duration: 4:14.

Hi I'm Ocean, I make videos

Today we're filming something very interesting

I got a friend



She's Kimmy, she does…

Pole dance! Super cool!

I'm doing a promo video for her

Because a brand is sponsoring her

So we thought she needs a nice promo video

So people get to know Kimmy

She's typing a script

I'm so nervous

Don't film me yet

I'm filming her later

But she's clearly not ready!

So we need to warm up, type a script, etc.

So she can get in the zone

Here's my setup

The first setup was suppose to feature her talking to camera

However we found that it doesn't fit her personality

She's not used to speaking to the camera

(Please introduce yourself)


So, we changed into an interview style

Hoping the sit down setting would be more comfy

Here you can see me testing

Different angles, positions

Testing lights

You can see three lights here

One at the far end

Pointing at the ceiling for some fill

The other two with a diffusion umbrella

for a very soft look

Now we're filming

As she has a script ready

we just talk

I had her look off-camera

to a point behind me

so it looks like an interview being held

You'll realize we're changing the cushions here

Because we thought the grey isn't that nice

We removed the cover and it's white

The overall look becomes very bright and pastel

Yeah we're done

We changed setup

While waiting for her I tested different angles

She's changing

into the sponsors' outfits

wipe the pole a bit

then she dances

with different moves

Since I'm not very familiar with pole to start with

we tried many moves

some bigger movements

and some smaller ones

We tried various moves

You'll see the effect in a moment

There you go

What's up (Few days after video is out)

The video is out

How do you feel

It was very pretty

You did a great job tuning the image

How'd you feel about the shoot?

A one minute video

took us 5 hours!

Not counting your editing time


Very fun!

Wanna do it again?


Come film me again when you're free

Thank you for viewing my video

If you like it please comment and subscribe

If you have questions or suggestion don't hesitate to let me know

I reply!

See you next time

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