Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

Stop looking at me swan!

-Dustin Johnson, probably.

Or was that Billy Madison?

["Stop looking at me swan!"]

All eyes were on Dustin Johnson Sunday in Shanghai, as the World No. 1 set out to become

the first player in history to win three World Golf Championships in one year.

A feat even Tiger Woods, with his 18 WGC's has never accomplished.

But DJ saw his 6-stroke lead vanish quickly with two bogeys to start off his day.

And went on to shoot a painful +5.

So Henrik Stenson brought out the Iceman in for two straight birdies on 6 & 7…

Also in the final pairing Brooks Koepka had two-straight of his own on 10 & 11 to get

within two strokes of his buddy…

But it was Justin Rose that benefited the most from the opening…

Going on to shoot a 67 en route to his second WGC career-title…

As Rose battled for his 8th PGA TOUR victory in China, over at the Sanderson Farms Championship

in Mississippi, 54-hole leader Ryan Armour played for his first.

Consistency is key…

Armour notched 4-straight birdies on holes 13-through-16 for the second day in a row!

Meanwhile Austin Cook had an exciting finish to his day out of the bunker on 18!

Follow the final round action of the Sanderson Farms Championship on PGA TOUR social media

and I'll see you Monday for a special Spooktacular Trending On TOUR!

For more infomation >> Staring swan, DJ's collapse & Rose's WGC - Duration: 2:10.


アニメって実際ヨーロッパで人気あるの? Is Anime Popular In Europe? [質問コーナー Q&A] - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> アニメって実際ヨーロッパで人気あるの? Is Anime Popular In Europe? [質問コーナー Q&A] - Duration: 12:01.


Q&A#2 Czy potrzeba parkingu aby kupić auto w Japonii? [Napisy PL] - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> Q&A#2 Czy potrzeba parkingu aby kupić auto w Japonii? [Napisy PL] - Duration: 9:26.


RN Estudio - Odin Unboxing - Duration: 3:32.

I am All-Father, Gondlir, Wand-bearer.

I have as many names as there are winds.

As many titles as there are ways to die.

My ravens are Huginn and Muninn.

Thought and Memory. My wolves are Freki and Geri.

My horse is the gallowed. I am


Greetings friends, Klukva is on air and today I prepared for you a review

of the model from the already known studio from Spain RNESTUDIO.

If someone missed my previous review,

in which I also talk about the studio itself,

you can watch my previous video.

Lets not pull the cat for the well-known place and lets immediately study of Odin.

The model is packed in a very reliable box,

which completely survive my crash test.

On the front side we see a sticker with the name

of the model and boxart from the studio itself.

25mm round plastic base included

The model consists of only 4 parts:

a completely cast body,


and a spear.

The quality of casting is so perfect that you

just want to squeal with delight.

No, seriously, many studios should learn how to cast so perfectly

Preparation of the model for the coloring took from me 5 minutes.

Only needs is just cut down sprues

and make some work with file.

The assembling keys are so perfectly and tightly fit into the grooves that I didn't need glue.

Due to this, we can always change the weapon of the already painted model

juuuuuuust by depending on the mood.

The master model is made in 3D.

The height is 32mm over the eyes and

39mm to the ends of the horns on the helmet.

Despite the small size, the detailing of the model is just amazing.

Here are runes and Scandinavian ornaments,

and a nice beard. Painting this model will be a pleasure.

The price for this model is overpriced a little for this scale and it is 16 €

For comparison, on the site Blacksunminiatures or Figone,

fantasy models on the same scale are 30-40% cheaper.

Despite the high cost of the model, I bought it simply

because I spent quite a lot of time in the Smite game,

but here I think it's obvious

that Odin's miniature design is taken from the game Smite.

And then the only drawback of the model lies.

What in the game is that in Scandinavian mythology Odin has one eye,

since the second one is gaven to Mimir what to drink from the source of wisdom.

The model, as we see, both eyes are intact.

However, this small joint doesn't outweigh

the excellent casting quality and high level of detail,

so I put this model of 5 Yggdrasil out of 5.

Well, with you was Danowka. Subscribe, put like,

drink only quality ale and all for now, bye ;)

For more infomation >> RN Estudio - Odin Unboxing - Duration: 3:32.


Korea's Vlog EP.5 - LET'S DRINK ! (30 FREE BOTTLES OF SOJU) - Duration: 5:25.

- *Speaking French* Hey, what's up ?

- Fuck

Shit !

- Beef

- French... and Baguette

- Cheese - Restaurant

- Eiffel Tower

- *Singing the French Anthem*

For more infomation >> Korea's Vlog EP.5 - LET'S DRINK ! (30 FREE BOTTLES OF SOJU) - Duration: 5:25.


combine harvester รถเกี่ยวข้าว อู่พลอยเจริญ มีคลิป รถไถรถแม็คโครวัฒน์ พลอยเจริญ เสี่ยพัฒน์ - Duration: 1:43.

combine harvester รถเกี่ยวข้าว อู่พลอยเจริญ อู่พลอยเจริญ มีคลิป รถไถรถแม็คโคร วัฒน์ พลอยเจริญ เสี่ยพัฒน์รถเกี่ยวซิ่ง

For more infomation >> combine harvester รถเกี่ยวข้าว อู่พลอยเจริญ มีคลิป รถไถรถแม็คโครวัฒน์ พลอยเจริญ เสี่ยพัฒน์ - Duration: 1:43.


大阪の高校 女子高生に黒染め強制 Japanese High School Girl Forced To Dye Hair Black For School - Duration: 9:28.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

PDRsan is


You might've already seen this on the news or social media

School forces girl to dye her hair black

Girl sues the school

The school didn't care that her hair was naturally brown

So for those of you who don't know let me explain

In Osaka

There's a high school called Kaifukan

In 2015 a girl started going there

who has naturally


brown hair (a lot of people still believe that all Japanese people are born with black hair...)

When she started

her mother explained this to the school

One of the teachers was like

We can't let her come to school with that hair color

so the girl actually did as the school told her and dyed her hair black


The shitty teacher was like

That's not good enough


I'm not going to let you go home until you promise me you're going to dye your hair black!!!

they even didn't let her attend some of her classes because she has brown hair

I know this school sounds really out of line

but it still continues

During her first year

The teacher would take her aside and tell her to dye her hair black

once every 1-2 weeks

Once she started her second year

it became once very four days

that they would bully...I tell her to dye her hair black

This girl

dyed her hair so much (also the dye didn't agree with her skin)

her scalp was covered in rashed

and her hair

was falling to bits

Her mother went to the school about this

but they were just like "Those are the rules"

One time while being told off for having brown hair

this girl started hyper ventilating and had to be taken away in an ambulance

She stopped going to school in September of 2016

They also refused to take her on the school trip or take part in the school culture festival because of her brown hair

What the fuck are you doing?

This is just bullying/abuse

It just sounds like you were trying to make her quit school

I understand being a bit strict if you're trying to teach kids common sense or manners


why waste all of this time on something that shouldn't even be an issue!

Why does this poor girl have to mentally suffer so much because of your backwards bullshit discrimination?

I think you should apologize to the girl

You should also apologize to

all the teachers in Osaka/All of Japan

who work hard everyday and genuinely care about their students

and then get hit by a Hato Bus

I forgot to mention that

After the girl stopped going to school (instead of addressing the issue)

They took her name off of the class register

got rid of her desk

and told the other students and their parents

that she had quit school


So this school has a rule that you're forbidden to dye your hair

but this girls hair was naturally brown


Dyeing your hair is against the school rules!


This is my natural hair color

Go dye it black immediately!

That doesn't make any sense

Oh, and apparently

When the mother went to talk to the school

they told her that

they even make foreign exchange students dye their hair black...

What the hell is wrong with this school!?

Are you a high school?

or are you

clone trooper manufacturing plant?

My hair is also naturally brown

and I went to a high school that was pretty strict about dyeing your hair

but I was never


told to go dye my hair black



without a doubt discrimination

This school must me some super famous elite school if it's this strict

Yeah, about that

I went online to see what this schools deviation value was

This schools deviation value is

*drum roll*

45 (average)

It is 328 out of the 546 schools in Osaka

Congrats on being average

I also went onto this high school review site

and looked this school up

I have a bad feeling about this...

Of course their were positive reviews (there were only three 4 star ratings)

There wasn't a single 5 star rating

despite their being some positive reviews

if you look this school up on this site

this is the first review you'll see

Don't come to this school

one more time

Don't come to this school

here's this persons overall review of the school

They have so many rules

the classes are very inefficient

they spend and hour explaining something that they could explain in 15 minutes

Reason for choosing this school

the shortage of applicants

it looked easy to get in

What kind of preparation did you do for the entrance exam

I didn't really do anything


Here's another one

I regret going to this school

They're really strict about the rules

The culture festival is crap

The classes are easier than junior high

It's a really low rank school

I don't recommend this school to people who want to enjoy high school

or to people who want to go to university

Wow she just ripped that school a new one


There's more

Butt fuck nowhere

If you braid your hair during sports festival the teachers will send you home

If your hair is damaged or a bit bright

they'll make you cut it or dye it black

It's over the top strict

Reason for choosing this school

shortage of applicants

a few more


if you have your hair tie around your wrist they'll yell at you to take it off

The deviation value says it all

This school has no desire to help you learn or better yourself

Here is the top reason for choosing this school

It was close to where I live

Oh, come on!

This is all written anonymously on the internet

so take it with a grain of salt

but if this is true

This school is obviously putting it's energy into all the wrong things

Don't come to this school

What do you guys think of this

let me know what you think in the comments

and in closing

Kaifukan high school your ways are so old

maybe you should consider changing the schools name to

Jurassic Park

I have some more stuff I forgot to mention

The teacher said this to the girl

Are you dyeing your hair brown because you're from a single parent family?

I'd just like to say fuck you to the teacher who said that and don't dis single mothers you piece of human garbage

also while I was writing the script for this video

Buzz Feed Japan released and article

This is about a different girl

she had the same sort of experience in junior high

also in Osaka

so she had the same sort of experience

her teacher said...

to this girl

Normally you should be born with black hair

How do people like this become teachers?

it's so stupid


This girl is quarter (someone who's parent is biracial/halfu)

in her class there was another kid who was also biracial (this kid was half American)

and this dumbass teacher says

How come the half kid has hair that's close to black

and you who's only quarter has red hair?

Fuck you

fuckin hell

Just reading this made me so angry

I'm not sure if I explained that very well

If you want to check out the article (it's in Japanese) I'll link it down below

Please give me a thumbs up...ah fuck it

Can you share this video or the article with people who don't know about this

I can't believe that this kind of discrimination is still going on in schools in Japan

I don't know what to say

This shit should not be happening in 2017

I pretty sure high schools in Tokyo aren't so strict about dyeing hair (don't quote me on that)

I guess Osaka is still a bit behind the times

that's kind of sad

If you go to a high school in Osaka


go to Kaifukan high school

let me know what it's actually like

also I really want to know if the making foreign exchange students dye their hair black thing is true

it sounds a bit fishy

so if you go to Kaifukan or were a foreign exchange student their

let me know if this is true

If it is true then...

I just can't...

and if it's not true then the school lied to the mother

anyway see you soon!!!(^-^)

For more infomation >> 大阪の高校 女子高生に黒染め強制 Japanese High School Girl Forced To Dye Hair Black For School - Duration: 9:28.


#IndoBuleTrials - Indonesians Try Carolina Reaper (feat. Rio Ardhillah) - Duration: 11:54.

For more infomation >> #IndoBuleTrials - Indonesians Try Carolina Reaper (feat. Rio Ardhillah) - Duration: 11:54.


Halloween Food Feel Challenge - Duration: 12:13.

- Welcome to my scary witch story, yeah?

- Hello.

- You alright?

- I'm alright. A bit nervous.

- Yes, today we're doing a spooky halloweeny,

Blind-foldy taste-testing with

A story that I've kinda made up.

- Okay.

- It's basically, well you're gonna get blind-folded up.

You're gonna feel food, and that's it.

- He's kinda got me dinin' today,

And I'm a bit not sure what's happenin'.

- It's fine, you're alright. (laughing)

She's a little bit nervous.

You can tell with her body language like that.

She's fine. Actually, we have 12 foods for you to guess.

- Okay.

- And if you get 10 or more out of the 12 right...

- So, I can only get two wrong.

- Yes, Becky. (laughing)

If you get 10 out of 12 right, then you get a prize.

One of your favourite foods that you love,

But first you must tackle the power of feel.

- Is it brownies?

- Somethin' else.

- Okay. (laughing)

- You must tackle with the power of feel.

- Okay. I don't have to eat them?

- I would suggest some of them not eatin', no.

And we got clean water for you

To wash your hands, all that stuff.

- Okay. - Ready?

- As long as I don't have to eat it, I don't mind.

- Throw on the scary blindfold.

- I can't see anything.

- Alright, have a look at me and take your blindfold off.


- The story begins, Becky, on a cold, wintery night

In Weston-super-Mare.

The mysterious house of the Weston-super wicked witch

Of the Weston area, right.

I was walkin' through the woods with my pugs, okay, pug.

And we discovered a big, old log cabin,

And hammered to the door of the cabin was

A note from a lumberjack that said

"Here ye lies the remains of a witch,

"and some of her friends."

And it said "Do not touch. Waitin' for CSI Weston..."

Or somethin' like that, "to discover them."

So, I took bags. I did the right thing.

- Took them? - Yeah.

- That's not the right thing.

You need to leave them for their people to discover.

- I know, but it's just YouTube video, alright?

- They could've been on their way,

And you've just completely wasted their time.


- Alright, basically I'm just gonna get some food,

Put it in front of you, and guess the body part.

And then tell me what food you think it is, alright?

- Alright, okay. Got it. I love your story tellin'.

- Thanks. The first one. (dramatic music)

The witch had a cat. - Oh no.

- Can you tell the body part of the cat?

- Oh no. (laughing)

Where is it?

- It's there. It's in a bowl.

- It's in a bowl. Where's the bowl?

- There. - It's a very little bowl.

- It's a little bowl, yes.

It's a little bowl which does not help the story.

The story is not about the bowl.

It's about the thing in the bowl.

That's how this game works.

(screams) (laughing)

That would be the dog, Boston, that's just jumped up.


That's the best scene in the whole video, right now.


- What've I got to guess?

- What body part it is of the witch's cat.

- Tongue? (screams)

(laughing) - Tongue.

- Yes, well done. (clapping)

And can you guess the fruit?

Ah! The food.

- It's a fruit!

- Yes. (laughing)

- Apricot. - Yes, it is.

Well done. (clapping)

We then found the witches body.

- Gosh, okay.

- And inside the witches body,

There are many things, and parts.

(soft mystical music)

Here's one thing that was discovered.

- You sound like a pirate. (pirate sounds)

- Put your hands in the bowl.

- This isn't something disgustin', is it?

Feels like little balls. What body part is made of seeds?

- Well, they're not seeds. You have to role play a bit.

You have to get into... This is a game.

- I am. Okay. It's a body part.

- Well, it's a part of her...

- Teeth! - Yes! It's teeth.

- Gosh, this is a small witch.

They're small teeth.

- She's a teenage witch.

It's Sabrina. - Is it popcorn?

- Who follows me on Twitter, by the way.

- What? Sabrina, the Teenage Witch?

- She follows me on Twitter, actually.

Yeah, she does.

- What? The actual person...

- Yeah, actual Sabrina, the teenage...

Melissa Joan Hart is now like 50.

- Does she? - Yeah!

- Is this sweet corn? No, popcorn kernels?

- It is. (clapping)

Two out of two.

Next up, is probably a bit of a confusin' one.

(twinkling music)

The witch...

- So, does this mean it's nothing like...

- Doesn't feel anything like what it's supposed to.

I'm gonna just let you have this one.

Alright, feel that.

- There's nothing in there.

- That's right. There's nothin' in there.

- Oh, you're right.

- This is an empty bowl.

Alright, there ya go. Here ya go.

- Is it meant to be like an ear?

- Yes, it's an ear.

- Is it like a Yorkshire puddin'?

- It's a Yorkshire puddin' ear, yes.

What're the dogs doin' around me?

I can hear 'em go (make snort sounds).

Sorry about that. Our dogs were gettin'

A little bit bump and grindy.

Sit. - Oh, okay.

(lively music)

- 'Ere this one comes in pairs.

- Oh. Is it a pear? - It's not a pear, no.

That was a good one though. (laughing)

Here we go. Put your hands in there.

- It comes in pairs. What do you mean it comes in pairs?

Sorry, two of them from the witch's body?

- Yes. The game that we're playin',

Is about the witch's body.

- Oh! I didn't like that... (laughing)

I don't like that.

Whatever it is, I don't like it.

Is it meant to be eyes?

- It is meant to be eyes, but you need

To now guess what the food is.

- I don't want to touch it anymore.

- Okay. Well, hold your hand out a minute.

- No no.

- No, no. 'Cause I need you to hold the bowl.

It's too heavy for me to put down...

- No, 'cause you're gonna put them in my hand.

- Okay. - No!

- I won't! - Put the bowl down.

(screams) (laughing)

What is it? (screams)

- That's the pug, again. (laughing)

Smell. Smell's like pug.

You get one point for eyes. They're grapes.

I've taken the skin off them. Feel?

- Oh! Isn't that weird? How you eat all our grapes?

- You take the skin off, yeah.

Loads of people told me to take the skin off grapes,

And it makes it feel like eyes, and it does.

- I though that was somethin' a lot worse.

- It was then time to rummage in the witch's body.

(dramatic music)

I found lots of weird things, includin' this. Now...

- That sounded like a big bowl.

- That's a big bowl. Get your hands in there, love.

You need to really feel it, not just go (chipmunk sounds).

- Is it... Oh, I don't like that.

- Get your hands in. - I am.

- I put a lot of effort into this.

- Is it sausages? Oh my gosh, that's sausages.

Is this like intestines or something?

- Yes, it is.

- Is it sausages with rice puddin'?

- Yes, it is! Oh my gosh.

Sausages and rice puddin'.

Gives you the effect of intestines.

(screams) (laughing)

- Stop it! I hope that was the worst one.

- That might be the worst one. It might not.

Hand me the next thing that we found on the witch,

For evidence. (dramatic music)


No! - Oh, sorry.

Oh, that's like a gherkin.

- A gherkin. It is a gherkin. Well done.

- Is that the witches nose or something?

- It is the witch's finger, and you have been feeling

A gherkin with an almond shoved into it.

And that's a fingernail.

- Ew! That's why, when I dropped it... Ugh.

(screams) (laughing)

- Here be the next one.

(enchanting music)

- Is it jelly?

- It's jelly, but the jelly was there

For more artistic effect, which I've now realised

You're blindfolded, so you can't see anyway.


- It's like things in it. Is that spaghetti?

Or should be laces or something?

- It is spaghetti.

Yep. And it is jelly.

- Is it meant to be a hair?

(ghost sounds) - Veins?

- Yes! That's spaghetti and jelly to replicate...

Are you actually enjoying that?

(laughing) - It's quite therapeutic.

- Is it? - Jelly and spaghetti.

- Well, I'm just gonna leave her

with a bowl of jelly and spaghetti.

There we found more remains of the witch.

(pirate sounds) (spooky music)

(pirate sounds)

- I do not like this, feels alive.


- I came up with this one in the supermarket this mornin'.

- Feels like somethin' alive.

Is it some sort of fish?

It's not some sort of fish, is it?

- It's not a fish!

What could that be?

- A coconut?

- It is a coconut, but what could it be?

- Oh, the witch's...

Skin, hair... Her hair.

- Hair, yes. But also, I wanted to go a bit crazy

And be like we found the remains of a corpse and it's...

- A skull.

- It's a skull, yes.

But the hair was the thing, well done.

- Good thinkin'. I like that.

- The witch also had something else on her face

That they, very common in the circus.

(bouncy music)

Just run your fingers along this.

- Oh my God, no. (laughing)

You got my hand. - Come on.

- No, what is that?

- Just run your fingers along this.

The witch hat's double alright.

- Oh, stubble. What's that?

Is that a kiwi or something?

- Yes. Kiwi stubble beard on the witch.

If you get this one right,

I'll give you all the buffet rolls in Weston.

'Cause it's a bit of a bizarre one.

(enchanting music)

I rummaged myself-- I plunged myself, my hands

Into the corpse of the witch,

- Ugh.

And this is what I discovered.

- Is it gonna be somethin' slimy?

(laughing) - No, your hand.

- No, don't put it in.

- Well, just put your hand in this bowl,

And then ya just go...

- No! (screams)

Maggots, or something?

- Yes, it's supposed to be maggots,

But I think it's a bit weird.

It's maggots, which are basically rice and raisins with oil.

(subtle rock music)

Here be somethin' all over the witch's body.

(screams) (laughing)

- Stop doin' that!

Ugh, is that a skin. - Yes, it's a skin.

- Is it some sort of ham, or meat, or something...

- It's not a ham

- Salami? - No.

- Pepperoni? - No.

- No, don't you dare. (laughing)

- Is it a wrap? Tortilla wrap?

- It is a wrap, yeah.

- Oh, has it got stuff on it?

- Yes, it's drenched with oil to lubricate,

And make it feel a little bit more clammy.

Here be the last one. And I saved the last 'til best.

Or best 'til last. (laughing)

(mystical music)

- Oh, no, don't...

- Well, you need your hand right in there.

- I know, I will when I'm ready.

Is this a heart, or brain?

Oh my gosh, that's a brain, isn't it?

Ugh, I'm not puttin' my hand in there anymore.

That's like minced meat or something, isn't it?

- Yes it is minced meat.

And that is a brain, but there's something around it,

So go around the brain and see

If you can get the bonus ingredient.

- Custard, Semolina, or something?

- Yeah. - Or Natural Delight?

- Yeah, similar, very similar.

- Custard, rice puddin'. - Begins with a 'T'.

- Custard? (laughing)

- 'T', it begins with a 'T'.

What begins with a 'T'? Custard?


- You said 'C', you didn't say 'T'.

- 'T'. - You said 'C'.

- Chloe, did I say 'T'?

Yeah, no, no I didn't?

- You said 'C'. - [Child] You said 'C'.

- 'T'.

- Tiramisu. - Tiramisu?

(laughing) (screams)

(laughing) That was tapioca, okay?

- Tapioca, and nice to see you, too.

Oh my gosh, that sun is right in my eyes.

(laughing) I am blinded.


Well, Mrs. Barrow's been a good sport for takin' part,

I feel like. You've won your prize.

But then you can't have your prize

'Cause you got dirty fingers,

But I'll at least show you what it is.

Right, Mrs. Barrow's favourite: buffet rolls.

- Buffet rolls aren't my favourite.

- Aren't they? (laughs)

- Give it back, give it back.

- Thanks for watchin' folks.

Hope you enjoyed it.

What a good sport you are.

- Thank you.

- Better get these hands washed.

- Yes, please.

- Before she smacks me in the face with minced-- No.

Have a good Halloween. We'll see ya later.

- Bye!

For more infomation >> Halloween Food Feel Challenge - Duration: 12:13.


Come To Me - CS:GO Edit - Duration: 0:58.

I'll hold you until I can block it all off

Even if painful hardships are in your way, I'll protect your smile

Come to me, come to me right now

Only you are in my eyes, Trust my hands

I'm closing my eyes to time right now

Baby, I'll be your eyes

For more infomation >> Come To Me - CS:GO Edit - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> HALLOWEEN LA SORCIERE - BELGUY - Duration: 2:15.


ДОЛГАЯ ТЬМА - Minecraft Сериал - 7 Серия | ЖИВОЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК? - Duration: 20:52.

For more infomation >> ДОЛГАЯ ТЬМА - Minecraft Сериал - 7 Серия | ЖИВОЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК? - Duration: 20:52.


Lola La Vache - Comptines pour bébé avec animaux - Duration: 34:49.

For more infomation >> Lola La Vache - Comptines pour bébé avec animaux - Duration: 34:49.


Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE 8000 V4 FINALE PACK GRASS PICKING - Duration: 15:40.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New mods You can use to pick grass.

JOHN DEERE 8000 V4 FINALE PACK 8 Engine Setup 5 Wheel Setup 40Km/h Top Speed


In JOHN DEERE 8000 V4 FINALE PACK you will also find the Two CornHead Kemper 390 Plus 9m Working Width And John Deere 686 6m Working Width Both headers have 10km/h Working Speed

A Grass Cutter John Deere Zurn Profi Cut 620 6.2m Working Width 15km/h Working Speed

And Thres Grass Picker John Deere 659 5m Working Width John Deere 649 4m Working Width John Deere 639 3m Working Width All the Pickers have 20km/h Working Speed

In this video I will use the John Deere 659 Grass picker

MAUPU TDM 7632 Trailer Pack 5 Design Setup 32.000l Capacity Recommended Power 195Hp

I want to test the Dynamic Hoses

Deutz Fahr Series 9 And EASY MASS Weight

I have a problem with the trailer Did not accept the grass but I fix this issue using the dump here KEY LEFT CTRL+I

At this oint I try to dump Grass into a Silage Trigger :p

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

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