Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017


лучшие приколы

For more infomation >> Лучшие приколы I приколы Iприколы YouTube - Duration: 2:08.


【Undertale - Vietsub Phụ Đề】Frisk Kéo Đuôi Toriel :v - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale - Vietsub Phụ Đề】Frisk Kéo Đuôi Toriel :v - Duration: 0:39.


Siêu Hành Tinh Với Chiều Rộng 4,4 km Sẽ Bay Qua Gần Trái Đất - Duration: 4:49.

Hey guys, it's Mike Chen!

Here are some really interesting things going on right now

that you should know about so lets get started. may not know it, but today, right now,

there is a massive astroid nearly 3 miles wide

that is making a close encounter with earth.

According to NASA,

this is the closest to earth an asteroid of this size has come

since it first began tracking near-Earth objects.

The asteroid is so close you can even see it with certain binoculars and just a back-yard telescope

and the best time to see it is late evening.

So make sure you take a look at fForence, yes it has a name.

The giant space rock will pass 4.4 million miles from earth,

which is about 18 times the distance between earrh and the moon.

Now it is not the closest a NEO or Near Earth Object has passed by our planet

but it is by far the largest.

And if it would have hit earth then...well lets just say,

you wont have to- worry about going to work on Monday, or Tuesday if you're in the US.

Anyway, the asteroid, Florence is named after Florence Nightinggale

and was first discovered in 1981 by Schelte J Bus

at the Siding Spring observatory in Australia.

It orbits the Sun every 859 days

and won't come this close to us again for about another 500 years.

Unless we all become robots in the near future,

this will be the last time to take a look at this monster.

And speaking of monster asrroids possibly hitting and ending all life on earth.

You know we do living in a universe

where random space objects are really just flying around every which way,

so the chances that a big one will eventually hit us

is probbaly pretty good.

And this could happen become of some random asteroid

or when a large star could come close enough to the Sun

and nudge some comets out of orbit

and send it crashing towards earth.

So according to Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

that very well may happen

because there are about a couple of dozen stars

that will creep very close to the sun

and possibly send some comets our way.

Now the good thing is,

it most likly won't happen for over a million years.

Anyway, researchers using data from the Gaia Space Telescope predicts that

within any one million year period

between 490 and 600 stars will come within 16.3 light-years of us.

Now that may still seem pretty far but in the grandness of space

that can still be close enough for their gravity

to pull on objects in our solar system and pull them out of orbit.

And what scientits are scared of

is the disturbance of the oort cloud

which is basically an extended shell of icy objects

that exist in the outermost reaches of the solar system.

And it probably will be disturbed,

because approximatly 19-24 stars

are expected to get as close as 3.26 light year

and may drastically disturb the object flying in space

and maybe pitch one our way.

And the closest is a dwarf star called Gliese 710

that could crash through the cloud itself,

but again that wont happen for at least 1 million years.

Finally accoridng to popular science

and basically every other science publication out there.

Last Saturaday, astronomers hunting for signs of intelligent alien life in the universe

have recorded 15 mysterious radio signals

coming from a dwarf galaxy three billion light years away.

And I've talked about FRBs before,

they stand for 'Fast Radio Bursts'

and are basically short pulses of radio emission, just milliseconds long,

believed to be coming from rapidly spinning neutron stars or black holes

in distant galaxies or from powerful spaceships from alien civilizations.

And a particular FRB named FRB 121102,

is really interesting because it's repeating

and thats something scientists cannot explain.

And then last week,

researchers from the Breakthrogh and Listen project

which was a project set up by Stephen Hawking and russian billianare Yuri Milner

to basically find aliens.

And they found new activitly from FRB 121102

Doesn't that just roll off the tongue?

And acoording to Emily Petroff, a post-doctoral researcher

at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.

"The repeating FRB source is an anomaly in the population right now;

it's the only one of its kind,"

"We're trying hard to find more,

either by checking to see if other FRBs repeat,

or trying to find more FRBs and monitor them),"

"Keep in mind that the population is still really small.

Only 30 FRB sources have been found,

from 29 of those we've only seen one burst,

from one of them we've seen over 200!"

Basically to see 15 burst from one source in a short amount of time

is really rare, well, it's never happened before.

And a press release put out by the Breakthrough Listen organization, said:

"Possible explanations for FRBs range from

outbursts from rotating neutron stars with extremely strong magnetic fields,

to more speculative ideas

that they are directed energy sources

used by extraterrestrial civilizations to power spacecraft.

But whatever the sources are, everybody is really excited about this.

Because, again like I said, it never happen before.

So if anything, reasearchers are learning more about FRBs.

But I'm really poll for aliens here.

So to recap, don't forget to check out that asteroid,

or we're gonna die in about a million years.

And ET is phoning us.

Alright guys, thank you all so much for watching.

Have a great weekend

And unless an asteroid hit us, I'll see you next week.

For more infomation >> Siêu Hành Tinh Với Chiều Rộng 4,4 km Sẽ Bay Qua Gần Trái Đất - Duration: 4:49.


VLOG (ENG) | เที่ยวฮ่องกงชิวๆ PMQ, sneakers street, หาตึกTransformer, เจอใต้ฝุ่น - Duration: 17:22.

For more infomation >> VLOG (ENG) | เที่ยวฮ่องกงชิวๆ PMQ, sneakers street, หาตึกTransformer, เจอใต้ฝุ่น - Duration: 17:22.


母親 感動話! 反抗期で母に ひどい言葉を ぶつけた息子に、 母から100通の 手紙が届く…。 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> 母親 感動話! 反抗期で母に ひどい言葉を ぶつけた息子に、 母から100通の 手紙が届く…。 - Duration: 5:38.


[ Liên Quân Mobile ] Cầm Vanhein lên đồ nữa công nữa phép leo rank cùng ĐĐN DG | Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> [ Liên Quân Mobile ] Cầm Vanhein lên đồ nữa công nữa phép leo rank cùng ĐĐN DG | Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 9:38.


Сказка о царе Салтане. А.С. Пушкин. Аудиосказка с картинками. Слушать сказки онлайн в HD качестве. - Duration: 43:27.

For more infomation >> Сказка о царе Салтане. А.С. Пушкин. Аудиосказка с картинками. Слушать сказки онлайн в HD качестве. - Duration: 43:27.


Helena's super plotting targets Chandra Nandn - Duration: 4:34.

Helena's super plotting targets Chandra Nandn

Chandra has drunk the poison for Nandini's sake.

Chaya's life is in danger.

Nandini gets the herb and tells Vaid ji that she made the herb paste which she told her.

She says I have got this herbs on right time.

Vaid lady asks Nandini to feed the herbs to Chaya soon.

Helena comes there and stops Nandini.

She asks Nandini does she want to kill Chaya by feeding her poison.

Chandra asks Helena what is she saying.

Helena says Nandini has pushed Chaya and made her fall in such state.

Helena blames Nandini.

Chandra gets angry and defends Nandini.

Helena says you don't know the truth.

He does not accept the blames.

He asks how can they doubt on Nandini, who thinks for others before herself, who faced all problems staying with him in village,.

when Dadi was unwell, Nandini took care of Dadi so well, you can doubt Nandini,.

but I will not doubt Nandini, you all think these herbs has poison, I will drink the kada.

He drinks the herbal kada and says Nandini would have taken revenge much before if she wanted.

Chandra's mouth starts bleeding.

Everyone worry for Chandra in this state and hold him.

Nandini gets a big shock.

Chandra looks at Nandini.

Malayketu and Helena blame Nandini for poisoning the herbs.

Chandra's family worries for him.

Helena says its proved now that Nandini added poison.

Vaid ji says the herbs had poison.

Rajmata asks Nandini to stay away with Chandra.

She scolds Nandini for putting both Chandra and Chaya in danger.

She asks why did Nandini take revenge after they gave her much love.

Nandini denies all the blames.

None believes Nandini and take Chandra for aid.

Keep reading.

For more infomation >> Helena's super plotting targets Chandra Nandn - Duration: 4:34.


Happy time for Chandra and Nandini… - Duration: 2:32.

Happy time for Chandra and Nandini…

Chandra and Nandini reach the village, where Chandra has grown up.

Chandra shares his childhood experiences with her.

He feeds the cows and spends good time.

He gets angry seeing a couple fighting.

The man asks his wife to leave from his house, while the wife stays adamant to stay with him.

The man complains to Chandra.

Chandra and Nandini imagine themselves and relate their chemistry.

The scene gets funny, when Chandra tries to kick her out and she refuses to leave.

Later, Nandini goes to draw milk from the cow, but gets tensed thinking the cow will hit her.

Chandra sees whether Nandini can do it.

Nandini was raised in palace and does not know to do day to day household work.

Chandra makes fun of her and says I did not know milk is drawn this way, I think person should sit and draw milk.

Nandini says I know it, I was doing the work now.

He teases her.

Nandini manages to draw the milk.

Nandini gets to know many new things, which are part of village life.

For more infomation >> Happy time for Chandra and Nandini… - Duration: 2:32.


Irratai - Tamil Short Film 2016 with subtitles YouTube - Duration: 10:16.

Sister, i'm going to buy book afterwards. Do you want to follow me?

Can't Anu, I'm going out with Kumar.

I had told him earlier.

You go with your friends.

Too important! Okay okay.


Why are you so late Kumar?

I had some work Kavi.

Where is Anu?

Why are you changing the topic?

Not like that Kavi. You only told

You want to buy present for Anu's birthday. That's why i asked you.

Don't lie!

Don't get angry Kavi.

I bought something for you.

Kavi, see here.

Do you like it, Kavi?

So..Kavi? What are you going to buy for your sister?

Urmmm...Shall we buy a dress for Anu?

Dress? Hmmm....Alright!



I have an important work.

Can I go now?

So, shall I go and buy the dress for Anu?


Okay, shall we meet at home tonight?

Alright Kavi. Take care and have a safe journey.


Wait, i will be there in five minutes.

Kumar ?


What are you doing here?

I came here to buy books.

What are you doing here?

I came here for an important work.

Is it? Then who was that girl?


Nothing like that.

Don't change the topic.

How did you had the heart to betray my sister, Kumar?


What are you telling, Anu?

Don't lie! I will surely inform my sister about this.

Yes, tell me what is it, Kumar?

I'm waiting near my house.

You come fast. There is an important work.

Alright. I will be there in five minutes.

Why did you called me so urgently? What happened?

Buddy, come here. You know Kavi's sister right?

Yes, Anu.

Anu already get to know about Tara.

Is it? Then how did you managed?

We was just talking. She was keep on saying that she will tell this to her sister.

I tried my best to convince her.

What are you going to do now?

I'm confused. In addition, Kavi invited me to her house.

Now you....

Just take my car and go.

Hurry up! Leave fast.


Kavi, I'm feeling thirsty. Can you bring some water for me?

I got a mehendi, can you put it for me?

Alright! Come on. I will put it for you.

I guess someone is out there. Go and see who is that.

What have you done, Kumar?

I had no idea what to do at that moment.


For more infomation >> Irratai - Tamil Short Film 2016 with subtitles YouTube - Duration: 10:16.


Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018) Spotted On GeekBench, Specifications Revealed And Some Leaks - Duration: 3:11.


For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018) Spotted On GeekBench, Specifications Revealed And Some Leaks - Duration: 3:11.


The Commuter előzetes - magyar felirattal - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> The Commuter előzetes - magyar felirattal - Duration: 2:25.


Самый СТРАШНЫЙ мультик на Хеллоуин👹КОСТЮМ Эльзы👽зомби,вампиры,привидение - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Самый СТРАШНЫЙ мультик на Хеллоуин👹КОСТЮМ Эльзы👽зомби,вампиры,привидение - Duration: 4:08.


Aprenda Cores com Ovo Surpresa Gigante em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> Aprenda Cores com Ovo Surpresa Gigante em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:14.


Tháng 11/2017 Dương Lịch: Con Giáp Có Sự Nghiệp Bùng Nổ Thăng Tiến Ầm Ầm - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> Tháng 11/2017 Dương Lịch: Con Giáp Có Sự Nghiệp Bùng Nổ Thăng Tiến Ầm Ầm - Duration: 11:41.


Nietzsche and The Philosophy of Pessimism - Duration: 3:49.

*Music playing*

For more infomation >> Nietzsche and The Philosophy of Pessimism - Duration: 3:49.


ESCAPE FROM TERRIBLE HOUSE GET the game as a cartoon for children RUN away FROM the EVIL GRANDFATHER - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> ESCAPE FROM TERRIBLE HOUSE GET the game as a cartoon for children RUN away FROM the EVIL GRANDFATHER - Duration: 5:10.


5 Vị Trí Nốt Ruồi Triệu Phú Trên Cơ Thể, Tài Lộc Vinh Hoa Tiêu Cả Đời Không Hết - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> 5 Vị Trí Nốt Ruồi Triệu Phú Trên Cơ Thể, Tài Lộc Vinh Hoa Tiêu Cả Đời Không Hết - Duration: 5:58.


מכאן לקאן (מערכון) | Inbar Arussy - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> מכאן לקאן (מערכון) | Inbar Arussy - Duration: 10:20.


Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs Colors for kids cartoon Finger Family - Duration: 2:10.

Colors Learn animal Dinosaurs Colors for kids cartoon Finger Family

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