Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

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For more infomation >> DIE 3 BESTEN TRADING TIPPS DIE EUCH ZUM MILLIONÄR MACHEN!!!!!! - Duration: 4:13.



For more infomation >> THÁNH NHỌA || XÌ HƠI || HÀI TRÊN MỨC TƯỞNG TƯỢNG - Duration: 4:17.



I want to ask you a question.

Have you ever wondered what YouTubers might be doing after they turn off the camera?

The YouTube Drama you see in the trends is purely and simply the tip of the iceberg.

So what's going on under water?

Those who try to get on the trends with some consented contents, those who are not what they look like, those who openly cheat on their girlfriends/boyfriends

Let's get to the video if you are ready.

I don't know how you came across to this video, but obviously you make the right decisions in your life

or you keep a tab on the trends.

I'm sure most of you guys came to this channel for the first time and you are thinking who the f is this guy?

but calm down, sit back, get yourself some drink and snacks and relax.

Because when it's the time, you'll learn about me.

YouTube is a personality business.

Every channel has its own unique charecter and that's the thing why the viewers watch the channel.

One feature that distinguishes YouTube from television is that it's "real."

So one doesn't read the script that is given to his hand and play as he/she should.

Yes, most channels have continued to do this for as long as possible.

and a majority is still doing it.

But when you take the advertisement and the money into account, things change.

Yes, YouTube is, so to say, someone's bread and butter.

There are many examples about starting from the bottm and ending up in the mountains, and it continues to be this way but does it make sense to lean on our backs altogether?

Metaphorically speaking, someone depositing all the money in his hand on YouTube...

either they will sacrifice their own character or they will say goodbye to the money

and what do you think they would prefer?

Right guess!

And so, I saw people who were incredibly upset that their videos did not end up to the trends in the first twenty-four hours.

Okay, okay, let's leave behind this money business and get back to the real deal.

Actually, this money stuff is dragging us into the other position, but anyway.

Being a channel with a small number of subscribers actually comes with its advantages.

This is a feature that makes you appear invisible in a crowded environment,

and make you observe what is going on around and make you not noticed by others

because you keep being quiet, but it makes you learn many things about them.

Yeah, it might look a little sneaky, but there's nothing to do.

You see who they really are and you make your move accordingly.

And then you see how the diss videos in trends are actually "blaaah."

and you realize how different the deal actually is.

Have you known any YouTubers who ended their friendship without showing such a show?

Yeah, it's not easy to come up with names.

but think about it.

Take a closer look at the videos you watch, follow the process and

tell me who are the ones who used to talk to each other but now they don't and they didn't make a scene about it?

I'm not going to mention any names just because I don't want them to flag my video but I can't stop you commenting about it.

So write down all your guesses in the comment section below.

Why do you think they didn't end up on the trends?

Because it clearly seems that now, everybody has somebody taped, eveyone reveals which content the others stole or who is going up by licking whose asses.

so why didn't the others ended up on the trends?

There are two possible reasons

One is their videos will be off the ad and they will not be able to make money because neither YouTube nor the audience will accept the content

and the two... I let you take a guess.

It is incredibly ironic that the person who claims he is the one that everybody takes adventages from makes the first video about the people who didn't make a video about him.

Let's say that all these are not a setup

I said let's say, let's assume, let's theorise, let's be an idiot and think that all this is not a setup

Let's think that this is not fictionized

it is incredibly stupid to make videos about these people and expect them not to make videos about you.

I'm the god of YouTube Turkey. Heil Myself!

I'll give you a few suggestions before I finish the video

Every suggestion has its own objective but I leave the guesses up to you.

Let's learn Turkish properly.

Let's use a dictionary, for example.

To inspire, according to TDK(Turkish Language Institute), is to get an inspiration from something.

What does to get an inspiration mean?

The same infrastructure, same concept, same images, same montage, same jokes, same transitions...

It sounds like it's a bit of to steal an inspiration.

And they think that they are incredibly original...

Getting a copywriter to write your scripts is not considered as original, and they admit that they have copywriters...

... and playing that scripts is a bit of television business rather that YouTube.

By the way please drink responsibly.

Before you say "you make a mess at my house" learn to say "I'm sorry I made a mess at your house"

It shouldn't be that difficult.

Yeah I know it is harder than ending up on the trends for you but try it. You are good people.

You just need to have better people around you

Do not start kissing other people after getting drunk while you have a bf/gf.

Or life is short, do whatever you want.

It is also very important to choose a camera.

If you're starting a channel on YouTube, there are many options in front of you.

Sony, Canon and all of them have their own special features.

Their positive and negative sides.

But one of them is used by many people, it is more popular and you follow the popular culture and get that one.

But then you realize that the other's features are better.

But the damage is done.

So that's why we have to make the choices carefully.

In the meantime I am using Canon and definitely recommend to you too.

If you're criticizing people, try not to get get laid with them.

Let's say that you have tried, then when you get rejected, don't act like you are the one who rejected them first.

That's all my friends.

The diss videos on the trends are just the tip of the iceberg

and honestly those are all setup

Reacting to reaction of a reaction of a reaction to a diss video...

A diss video to a diss to a diss to a diss to a reaction to a diss...

If you like the video, don't forget to give it a big thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel by clicking the subcribe button below.

So I'll see you in the next video. Take care of yourself. BYE!

Wait till the end

If you want to listen to the cover video, then click the top right corner.



La pullita de Nagore Robles a Sofía Suescun sobre su ex en 'GH Revolution: el DBT' - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> La pullita de Nagore Robles a Sofía Suescun sobre su ex en 'GH Revolution: el DBT' - Duration: 1:47.


[ Nightcore ][ AMV ] Em Gái Mưa - AMV Lyrics - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> [ Nightcore ][ AMV ] Em Gái Mưa - AMV Lyrics - Duration: 4:37.


Setting Drag Bike MX 200cc for the Drag Race vs Raider 150 Open - Duration: 3:08.

Drag Bike MX 200cc for the Drag Race Battle vs Raider 150cc Open

For more infomation >> Setting Drag Bike MX 200cc for the Drag Race vs Raider 150 Open - Duration: 3:08.



Special one day in my life I will meet Mett youtuber from USA

he decide to travel all Japan ( and world)

with schlumpf

and make movie about this travel on youtube channel

the travel is amazing, the movie also

he sand me message before come in Sendai.

In friday we ate sushi and we talk about the trip

so we plane to visit one town close to Sendai, Matsushima and make movie togheter

It's important to push if you want to take the train XD. PuSH! Push!

common push! puch! Not worry that we all come in

we arrive to Matsushima



Godaido Hall tample

we have drone, it's not noisy as I thought

not , not

oyster farms

yep I use drone (for the first time)


ce l'ho fatta senza distruggere il tuo drone


è sulla tua maglietta, cappello è ovunque

sulla tua """bici""" domanda ma chi sei?

Cosa hai fatto? Perchè stai viaggiando per tutto il Giappone

con una bici ( ma non è una bici )

Il Giappone è solo una piccola parte di quello che voglio fare, poi non é una bici ma trike

hai sbagliato in tutte e due le cose XD

ops! scusa !

no no va bene è divertente XD

Sto viaggiando attraverso il mondo da circa un anno

Il mio progetto e viaggiare dalla CIna (dopo l'Australia)

attraversando l'Europa fino al ritorno in America

il mio viaggio attraverso il mondo durerà più o meno 10 anni

e racconto il mio viaggio attraverso vlog tutti i giorni

per viaggiare uso un trike di produzione tedesca

ho la mia videocamera il drone

tutti il necessario con me tenda, vestiti , ecc

il mio computer

tutto quello che ho bisogno è con me

il necessario per diventare un travel vlog su youtube

tutti i link sono in descrizione e nel primo commento

lui ha fatto volare il drone!

ricordate se un giorno comprerò il drone sarà sua la colpa XD

non sei l'unico che ha comprato il drone per oclpa mia XD

grazie per il tuo tempo.

Non c'è problema

we try oysters now, she open for us now

Japan and fresh food

600 yen for 2

soooo good !!!


For more infomation >> MATSUSHIMA WITH JAYOE - DRONE IN GIAPPONE - Duration: 6:17.


Jim Rohn - Believe in the Law of Averages (Jim Rohn Personal Development) - Duration: 16:08.

JIM ROHN► philosophies that change my life here's one of the big philosophies I learned in

network marketing is called the law of averages if you do something often

enough a ratio will appear key phrase if you do something often enough a ratio

will appear it's amazing it's uncanny and baseball we call it batting average

if you talk to ten people one says yes now the ratio has begun one out of ten

talk to ten get one here's something interesting about the law of averages

once it starts it tends to continue this is colossal information once a ratio

starts it tends to continue if you talk to ten and get one

sure enough chances are excellent if you talk to ten more you'll get another one

talk to ten more you'll get another now you can compete if you can only get one

out of ten you can compete even with somebody that can get nine out of ten if

you've been here a long time you can get nine out of ten I just joined I can only

get one out of ten if we have a 30-day contest I will beat you say oh how could

you beat me here's why during that 30 days you talk to ten and get nine I

talked to one hundred and get ten I beat you isn't that clever

this is better stuff and I'd do it for two reasons I

sincerely wish to win but I do it for another very sincere reason I wish for

you to lose and that's noble on my part here's why it's Noble you learn more by

losing than you do by winning so I wish to give you that experience now here's

how I do it once I understand the law of averages when I'm new I make up in

numbers what I lack in skill I make up in numbers what I lack in skill now who

can do that anybody that's in vision anybody with a little ingenuity anybody

doesn't matter now here's one more the law of averages can be increased you get

1 out of 10 talk to 10 get another doctor 10 get another the fourth time

you talk to 10 you get 2 why would the fourth time you talk to 10 you get 2

instead of 1 you're getting better you're getting

better and who can get better anybody talk to 10 get to doctor 10 get

to finally talk to 10 yet I finally got up to about three

now it takes more than a genius to go past like three or four but three will

do if you bat 300 in baseball they pay you four million dollars a year which

means you're out seven times out of ten seven times out

of ten out make four million dollars a year

are you ready for that so this works so well now in your business just drop the

phrase down you don't have to bat a thousand you don't have to about a

thousand to make big money one out of ten is fine two out of tens terrific

three out of ten fabulous some particular incredible genius might get

four out of ten but three out of ten is sufficient to

make you rich beyond your wildest imagination this is how I went after my

friends neighbors and relatives when I first started recruiting I said look

I've got a new business and I'm getting about three out of ten to join and I

don't mind you just come to the meeting and be one of the seven

doesn't matter

you're my friend you'll do me a favor and so it's not important to me that you

like it's not important to me that you join it's certainly not important doing

that you buy it's just important to me that you listen one of the reasons

though I want you to hear the story is because a year from now if I'm doing

well I don't want you to say how come you never picked up the phone a year ago

I never got a letter never got a call you called me a friend you're making all

this money you never picked up the phone so I don't want that to happen so for

two reasons I want you to see what I'm doing so the year from now if I'm doing

well I can say you know I gave you the opportunity but also just as a favor

come and be one of the sellers it doesn't matter to me if you buy yourself

but I need ten

and if you're one of the three wonderful if you're not wonderful it doesn't it

might matter to you it might matter to you but it doesn't matter to me now it

matters to me because we're friends but it doesn't matter in terms of my

averages so if you decide to get rich just learn the law of averages

now here's the second law that changed my life forever in network marketing

I learned the law of sowing and reaping and in the law of sowing and reaping is

also the story of the law of averages jot this down the story of the sower

comes from the Bible I'm an amateur in the Bible but this is such a useful

store here's what the story says and take the

notes because the dramas in the details the sower was ambitious evidently he was

ambitious when you read the whole story you'll conclude yes this was an

ambitious sower here was number two he had excellent seed the sower who sowed

the seed had excellent see and the excellent seed could be an excellent

opportunity an excellent product an excellent story so we've got an

ambitious or with excellent see but now here's the rest of the details of the

story for your information for the drama of your life so you can understand

things better learning some of this is how I got rich by age three number one

it says the store goes out to sow the seed but the first part of the seed

falls by the wayside and the birds get it so jot this down the birds are going

to get some pussy the birds are going to get some now you

say what mister what does that mean well I invite John to come to a meeting he

said he'd be there Tuesday night Tuesday night I show up John isn't there I say

John I wonder why John didn't make it now I know the answer the birds the


John had this great idea of coming to the meeting to look at an opportunity

and somebody stole it and said you're not gonna go see Network

and he says well maybe so have you jot that down now the birds are gonna get

something now when the birds get some you've got two options number one is to

chase birds

and say well let me get ahold of the person to talk to now to come to the

meeting I'll tear him a new page I wouldn't do this here's what happens

if you go chasing birds you leave the field if you go chasing birds now you

leave the field which is going to distract from your

future not bad so you can't chase birds and try to straighten this stuff out

here's what it is it's just one of those things and here's the best comment when

things are a little disappointing isn't that interesting

he just you just have to say I thought sure you would

but I know it was the birds and you just had to say isn't that interesting now

here's the rest of the story it says the sower kept on sowing see

that was the secret to success you kept on so and if you keep sowing you can sow

more than the birds can get because there aren't enough birds if you keep

sowing there are some birds but there's not enough because the law of averages

will work for you my mentor Tommy said you know his throne

there's only nine or ten real nasty miserable people in the whole world now

he says they move around a lot you know and you're liable

you'll bump into one once in a while but when you bump into one you say there's

only nine more like you I can handle that in the whole world

okay now here's what else it says the surah now keeps sowing the seed now the

seed falls the story says on rocky ground where the soil is shallow and the

rocky ground where the soil is shallow is not of your making because you had

excellent seed and you were an ambitious sila

so the rocky ground where the soil is shallow is not of your making but here's

what it says what happened this time the little seed that falls in the ground

starts to grow and the little plant starts to grow but the first hot day it

withered and dot's

not an easy thing to watch

I finally get John started sure enough three or four days later somebody says

boo and he goes he's gone

doesn't show up at the second meeting and I say I thought sure John and last

what happened shut this down the hot weather is gonna get some and this is

not of your making here's what you must say when that happens isn't that what

can you do the answer's nothing you say well I'm

gonna try to change this I wouldn't take that class you know the Sun comes up

knees somebody says why is that I wouldn't spend much time on that dude

just let that happen don't go for this why why why stuff I'm giving you the

answers here the answer citizens is in the structure and the consequences and

in the deal the answer is in the deal anything beyond that is not worth study

how come some just last a little while I wouldn't sign up for that class here's

the answer some don't stay you just you just have to chop that down and when

some leaves you say that's one of those that don't stay just now you know what

category to put them in and you can't solve this now you can't it's like

rearranging the seasons you can't fool with that all you can do is cooperate

with the way things are set up I didn't set it up you say well it shouldn't be

this way well when you get your own planets you can rearrange this whole

deal but on this planet you're a guest you got to take it as it comes now here

was the secret to the ambitious so her with good seed it said he kept on sowing

now here's what he had to do to keep on sewing he had to discipline his

disappointment this is a key phrase now to use the rest of your life you must

learn to discipline your disappointment because you didn't set up the setup and

some are not gonna stay and that is not of your making now if you make gross

errors and you ran them off see that be different now you're responsible for

that but if it's in the normal course of things this is the way things are now

here's what it says the sower keeps on sowing now it says the seed falls on

thorny ground and somebody says well how much of this do you have to go through

we'll hang on it's it's not the end of the story

now the little seed falls on thorny ground and now the little plant starts

to grow again but as the little plant starts to grow the thorns choke it to

death and it dies so jot this down the thorns are gonna get some and that's not

of your making and what are these thorns the story even called these little

thorns little cares little distractions little something's who knows what all

they are I see John we had a meeting last night you weren't here John says

well I can't make every meeting I say why not you're part time he said well

the screen door came off the hinges and you just can't let your house fall apart

you got to take some time and fix things up and I can hear the third book he says

some extra trash had piled up in the garage you can't let mountains a trash

take over you've got to keep your trash hauled out

people who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities people who let

little things cheat them out of big opportunities and you feel almost

helpless what could I do about that and that's nothing and you say well why is

this I'm asking you not to sign up for that class don't sign up for these why

is this class it's just the way it is like winter following fall and spring

following it so we got that the thorns are gonna get some but now here's the

good news let's read the rest of the story now

quickly the sower now what keeps on so in the sea keeps on sharing the story

keeps on giving an invitation yes the invitation can be more powerful for me

as it was one year later than it was the first the first month because now I'm

saying I'm making twice as much money part-time as I'm making them a full-time

game yes the story can be more powerful but the law of average is still gonna

work but now here's what the story said finally the seed falls on good ground

finally the seed falls on good ground now put this in parentheses it always

will if you keep sowing if you share a good idea long enough it will fall on

good people but now here's the rest of that story some of the good ground did

30% and some of the good ground did 60% and some of the good ground did 100% you

say why the difference in numbers I wouldn't sign up for that class

go on have I said that often enough now don't register for that class it's just

the way it is now I tried to get the 30s to do 60 found out it was more than I

could handle I used to say I'll make them successful

if it kills me I almost died no you can't do that

here's what you do let the 30s do 30 to the best of their ability and keep you

in 30 because that's how they build their lifestyle and get what they want

out of life and let the 60s do 60 and let the 100's do 100's

now how can you get some to do a hundred percent you've got to go through all

these experiences and you got to talk to all these people let me quickly give you

now a list of the skills that changed my life forever


For more infomation >> Jim Rohn - Believe in the Law of Averages (Jim Rohn Personal Development) - Duration: 16:08.


Der Blitz-Cup ( 150ccm ) ★ Mario Kart Super Circuit # 03 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> Der Blitz-Cup ( 150ccm ) ★ Mario Kart Super Circuit # 03 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 11:16.


Learn Colors with Minions banana - Finger family song Nursery rhymes Kids songs for Babies & Toddler - Duration: 2:26.

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

Subscribe now and start Enjoy & Have Fun!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Minions banana - Finger family song Nursery rhymes Kids songs for Babies & Toddler - Duration: 2:26.


Tara - Bunny Style - bài hát huyền thoại 12.0 - qri , eunjung , jiyeon , soyeon ,hyomin , boram - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Tara - Bunny Style - bài hát huyền thoại 12.0 - qri , eunjung , jiyeon , soyeon ,hyomin , boram - Duration: 4:07.


Gewinnspiel fertig| TGC [HD] - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Gewinnspiel fertig| TGC [HD] - Duration: 10:51.


Wrong Face Paw Patrol Pj Marks Talking Tom Anna Princess Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:56.

Wrong Face Paw Patrol Pj Marks Talking Tom Anna Princess Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Wrong Face Paw Patrol Pj Marks Talking Tom Anna Princess Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:56.


BMW M4 Araba Çizimi #Dream 👍👍 - Duration: 5:37.

Hello friends welcome you all to my channel

Today I made the BMW M4 Car drawing

Dislike and do not forget to leave a comment.

Your comments and suggestions are very valuable to me.

a good time :)

Dislike and do not forget to leave a comment.

Your comments and suggestions are very valuable to me.

For more infomation >> BMW M4 Araba Çizimi #Dream 👍👍 - Duration: 5:37.


Essence of Murli 10-10-2017 - Duration: 6:15.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 10th October 2017

( After Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiv Baba arrived and imparted knowledge to all of us, same got name " Shrimad Bhagvad Gita ")

( In other words elevated knowledge taught by God. So today lets hear what Sweet Sweet Baba taught us on subject of 'Karma Yogi' )

Essence: Sweet children, you are karma yogis.

While performing actions, stay in remembrance of the Father. By staying in remembrance, you won't perform sinful actions.

Question: What is one main reason for not being able to connect your intellect's yoga to the Father?

Answer: Greed. If there is greed for perishable things or an interest in eating good food or wearing good clothes,

then that person's intellect would not be connected to the Father.

This is why Baba shows you a method: Children, just have greed for claiming your inheritance from the unlimited Father.

Don't have greed for anything else.

If you do, the thing you love the most will be remembered at the end and your status will be destroyed.

Song: Awaken o brides, awaken! The new age is about to dawn.

Essence for dharna: 1. Don't keep anything secretly hidden with you due to greed. Continue to follow the Father's directions.

2. Whatever Baba feeds you and whatever He gives you to wear, take everything from Shiv Baba's treasure-store.

Don't become body conscious. Follow Mama and Baba completely.

Blessing: May you be loving to the Father and the family and with the courage of truth, become trustworthy.

The boat of faith is truth.

When there is honesty in your heart and head, there is then automatically love from the heart and trust from the Father and the family.

Because of having that trust, such a soul is given full rights.

Such souls are automatically loved by all and this is why you have to become trustworthy with the courage of truth.

Do not try to prove the truth, but become an embodiment of success and you will continue to move forward at a fast speed.

Slogan: The wealthiest of all is one who has the treasures of peace and purity.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 10-10-2017 - Duration: 6:15.


Old Habits Won't Open New Doors - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:17.

almost everything you do from the time you get up in the morning

is habit so start to think about yourself

as what would be the best habits to have

now I have written a book called Million Dollar habits

it has 12 chapters 12 critical areas of life

and in each chapter there's 20 or 30 habits

so let me give you some of the best number one develop the habit of

daily goal setting and goal orientation

what does this mean this means when you go to sleep at night

think about your goals for the coming day

make a list for each day of all the goals the little goals

you're going to accomplish that day

keep a journal and write down your goals on a regular basis

when you're driving through the day think about your goals

when you're talking to other people think about your goals

you see you do become what you think about most of the time

you do achieve what you think about

most of the time so all successful people

and all wealthy people think about their goals

most of the time

second of all be results orientated

now results orientated people are always thinking of the most important things

that they can do right now to achieve their most important results

successful people make a list of everything they have to do

and before they start working they set priorities on the list

here's a great way to become result orientated

actually it's life changing

ask yourself once you have your list for the day

if I could only do one thing on this list before I was called out

of town for a month what one activity would

I want to be sure to get completed

and out a circle around that

and start on that activity immediately first thing

and then discipline yourself to work non-stop

until you complete that one activity

this simple technique has taken people from

rags to riches all over the world for at least

100 years

pick your most important task and start on it immediately

and then discipline yourself

to stay with it until it's complete

another habit that you can establish is to become people oriented

recognise that everything that you achieve in life is going to

be with the help or support or cooperation

of other people so always think what is it that other

people want and need from me

how can I help other people so they'll want to help me back

if you're in sales

top sales people think about their customers all the time

they think about who their customers are and what their customers

want and how they can help them the most

and how they can help them even more today

in their relationships successful people are very focused

on the most important people in their worlds

both personal and in business

another habit you can have is to stay health orientated think about your

health most of the time think about eating

the best food and better food and think about daily

exercise think about getting lots of rest

remember to be successful in our competitive world

you need a lot of energy to have a lot of energy you've got to eat

good food get lots of rest

and exercise all the time

one of the most important habits is that of character

and honesty it's always tell the truth no matter

what the price

and the final characteristic the final habit is that of self discipline

and I have written and spoken upon this for years and years

but self discipline seems to be the foundation

habit that makes everything else possible

and the best definition of self discipline

is that self discipline is the ability to make

yourself do what you should do

when you should do it whether you feel like it or not

you see anybody can do it if they feel like it

it's when you don't feel like it and you do it anyway

that you eventually develop the self discipline

that makes everything else possible

I'd say a common thread of anybody that I work with that's successful

financial athletes people in politics it's hunger

you and I both know intelligence is pretty damn valuable

tool but there are a lot of very smart people that can't fight their way out of a paper bag

and then when you find somebody that has that hunger the hunger that doesn't go away

that hunger to be more to do more to give more that hunger

that never ends that's how you get these people that are

the best in the world at whatever they do

and so I think everybody has that hunger but

for some people it's been asleep for a long time because they're afraid

they're afraid that I'm gonna get hungry I'm gonna try I'm gonna fail and so it's

human nature to protect yourself from the fear by just lowering your expectations

but one of the things I've learned is you get what you tolerate

you get what you tolerate in yourself you get what you tolerate in your life

and sooner or later we sometimes hit a point where we say not another day

not another hour this is done I'm not walking this way I'm not

talking this way I'm not living this way I'm not gonna be in this relationship anymore

I'm gonna change it and when people do that

that's the beginning of a breakthrough if you're gonna be successful

in creating the life of your dreams you have to believe that you

are capable of making it happen

you have to believe that you have the right stuff and that you're able to pull it off

whether you call it self esteem self confidence

or self assurance it's a deep seeded belief

that you have what it takes the abilities

the inner resources the talents and the skills

to create your desired results

and believing in yourself is simply an attitude

believing in yourself is the choice

you have to choose to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to

anything at all because in fact you can

it might help you to know the latest brain research now

indicates with enough positive self talk

and positive visualisation combined with proper training

coaching and practice

anyone can learn to do almost anything

now I've interviewed thousands of successful people

and almost every one of them has told me I was

not the most gifted or the most talented person in my field

but I chose to believe anything was possible

and because of that I studied I practised and I

worked harder than the others and that's how I got to where I am

you know if Ruben Gonzales a 20 year old living in Texas

hot Texas can take up the lood which is a winners sport

and become an Olympic athlete if Bill Gates who was a

college drop out

For more infomation >> Old Habits Won't Open New Doors - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:17.


이케아 직원들이 밝히는 비밀과 쇼핑 꿀팁 15가지 - Duration: 12:46.

For more infomation >> 이케아 직원들이 밝히는 비밀과 쇼핑 꿀팁 15가지 - Duration: 12:46.


Sardar Sanaullah Khan Zehri Speech At PMLN Workers Convention 02 October 2017 @pmln org YouTube - Duration: 1:21.

Sardar Sanaullah Khan Zehri Speech At PMLN Workers Convention 02 October 2017 @pmln org YouTube

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For more infomation >> Sardar Sanaullah Khan Zehri Speech At PMLN Workers Convention 02 October 2017 @pmln org YouTube - Duration: 1:21.


Pervaiz Khattak SpeechOctober 2017 @PTIofficial YouTube - Duration: 2:25.

Pervaiz Khattak SpeechOctober 2017 @PTIofficial YouTube

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