Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 9 2017

yo yo yo yo yo welcome to the video this is CPA strength and what a blessing is

to be able to supply everybody with DC ADE LER and help everybody learn accounting

this is for I'm getting you know I'm getting a lot of new viewers I'm getting

a lot of people who are taking their first first accounting class feeling

totally overwhelmed trust me I know the fields I felt totally overwhelmed as

well I struggled with accounting for four years just calm down you are in the

right place I promise just slow down I know this is

try too good to be true you've been doing accounting class you've been to

two accounting classes you just bombed your first exam you are you're thinking

about dropping the class stop relax

eight eight these eight letters will change your accounting life these eight

letters changed my accounting life I invented this out of necessity and

struggle I am a left-handed person I think write off rip I think differently

than most people I guess because I use my left hand and you know everybody's

brain works differently don't you dare think that you're not smart enough

because that's what everyone told me to what are those eight letters D C ade ler

D c a d e L e r DC a blur now you're like what how those eight letters are

not going to help me do accounting no trust it will this is here for if this

is your first time seeing me please believe the reason I have almost 30,000

subscribers the reason I'm getting 10,000 views a day on my channel is

really I mean I do have a personality some say but it's really

from DCA learn I've helped thousands upon thousands of people if you're if

you're a returning viewer please share this with other people so they can get

they can know about DC a blur I want every beginning accounting student to

know about DC a blur why is it not in the books already I have no idea the

accounting systems been going for five hundred years the double-entry

accounting system along come something he makes is going to be in all the

textbooks or it should be in all the textbooks it needs to be in all the

textbooks it needs to be every single every single person taking accounting

for the first time should know about DC Aylor I don't know why you wouldn't so

please trust the process watch my playlist watch some other

videos watch my accounting for beginners playlist it will be it's the link down

below you've probably seen a card I'll put a card right here

this is my playlist I implore you if this is if you're a returning person if

you like CPA strength if I've helped you please like this video please leave a

comment up and most importantly please share this if you're in a class share it

with your class if you have two friends share with one if I know I'm begging yes

but really I just think you know that's how if I've given a lot to you you

that's how you can give back to me if I share this and if if this is one of the

people that has been the video has been shared to you by someone else I mean

just just just what this is gonna be like a five-minute video just trust the

process no you're smart enough anyways thank you for your time today please

please share the video if if I've helped you before my my goal is really for

everyone to at least know about DC law read it helped my life immensely I will

I did out of necessity because I was struggling to pass my CPA exam I already

had an accounting degree but didn't really understand accounting bolita I

don't know it happened CPA strength man I can't believe it

where we're gonna run we're gonna run on my classic series to 100 I just I feel

blessed anyways thanks for watching and maybe you guys you guys have who have

been watching leaving positive comments I've changed my life already and I don't

know I just can't wait for tomorrow alright deuces

For more infomation >> Every ACCOUNTING Student in the WORLD needs to know about DC ADE LER / Best ACCOUNTING help ever - Duration: 5:03.


DCS: F-5 Tiger II - CBU-52 Cluster - #17 Tutorial - English Subtitles - Duration: 13:05.

Hi and welcome again to Revientor Reborn, this is DCS and we are in F-5E

this is a Cammo of iran, green, and you can see I am going to talk about the CBU53B cluster bomb

it´s difficult to use in DCS at least with the F5

looking the real manual, and the numbers do not match, in this case you can not follow the real charts

because in DCS F-5 you can not set the "open" altitude, when the cluster bomblet are released

if you can not set that value you can not follow that tables

here you have some pictures , you can see in the header the altitude, and the typical values, but in DCS this do not work in that way

in DCS the way to works is, when 4 second happened after the release, the bomblets go out

at the end of the tutorial, I will give to you a table of values , to be able to search other values to release the bombs

now I am show to you two ways to strike, the typical one of the other videos, and the one at the beginning of this video

I like more the second one because works too way much better

in a dive of 30º there is no much dispersion, we´ll try always to use the max coverage, take into account when this bomb it´s open drop bomblets that cover an area

that bomblets as long as they are in the air, the cover is bigger and bigger, but that is not well modeled in DCS and have a max coverage value

if the bomblets are close the only hit small area, IDL if they are very dispersed the cover too much area but causes insignificant damage

they have to fall far but close enough lol, in DCS looks like over 3500 is good to that max coverage

let´s set up the plane and perform the strike

I am only going to drop one bomb, the center one

do not forget to arm the bomb, because it´s just a bomb I will not use ripple

in a Hi dive, the ripple is not really a good option, will cover a few meters more but not too much

looking the real manual, higher the speed and close to 0 dive, higher the coverage , with more dive speed increase the coverage, less speed decrease, but the dive itself decrease the coverage

the one at the start of this video it´s the cool one

the the visor to 160, with a 30º of five, from 8000 feet over 450-500 knots

target on the left, weapons ready, speed good, altitude good, now we can start the turning,

here some advice that I did not mention in other videos, in this turn, first aim with the top of the visor (HUD), then roll to level wings and then look the perfect aim

my target is in the middle of the cross

idle, remember 500 knots , 30 dive it´s easy to see only look for the 3 number there is no more

do not use pedals, I have to aim more to the right, in this case 30dive, because the bomb wait 4 second to open

at this speed with this dive will fly around 2000 feet vertical until open the bomb

I need to calculate the drop to get the bombs deploying bomblets around 4000 feet

I have to drop it over 6000 feet, but remember 4000 is not the magic number, it will be good around 3000 too

6000 feet, boms away,

that are the bomblets, look the pattern, as you can see the cover an area, and we miss the target no problem

this is the ACMI recording of the video of low altitude strike, in this way I will be focused on speak and not to do 2 things at same time

man, 140 in the visor, 1500 over the target is the final altitude, with an airspeed around 500 knots

let´me turn of the track ir

500, almost 1500 feet and the target is near the end of the runway

I will use the tracir now....

bombs away, and now look

some flares there, my target is this.. and look how make a sweep in almost 1/4 of the runway

5 bombs with the max distance between them,

as brief, perform a strike leveled is better to cover more area, but this 0.14 separation is not the best one, will be better have the arm station buttons

assigned to the keyboard and manually turn one of them on, drop the bomb, then the other one, drop the bomb, and so on

this plane is not designed for this bombs, lol xD

now the cool part of the video, the data to make your own test and the way that I took this data

first, remember, the first strike, 8000 feet 450-500 knots , and drop the bomb at 5000 feet with a dive of 30 using the reticle at 160 milrad

that was the first strike, now practice,

the level strike parameters, 1500 feet, 500 knots, 0 dive (but around -500//-1000 feet/min) 140 milrad

some important parameters and how find them, I did some test, how much altitude the bomb lose in that 4 seconds,

(follow the cursor to know where to find the data) in this case I drop a bomb, at 8000 feet, with 60 dive

500 knots , in this case it will lose 3000 feet , if you fly faster the bomb will lose more altitude

with dive 20 will lose, 1500 feet, when flying at 550 knots, the second event is where the bomblets come out

this 20 dive at 2300 feet, 440 knots, 1200 feel will lose the bomb

the 30 dive, in this other ACMI, speed 533 knots, 1900 feet will lose the bomb

as you can see the faster the plane the longer the altitude lost

in vertical strike, drop only 1 bomb and when using level strike, use all bombs

I enjoyed this tutorial a lot, the investigation thing was very interesting, I spend almost all the afternoon doing this

subscribe gimme a like and see you in the next tutorial

For more infomation >> DCS: F-5 Tiger II - CBU-52 Cluster - #17 Tutorial - English Subtitles - Duration: 13:05.


VERANO MUSICA 2017 🌴 La Mejor Música 2017🌴 Lo Mas Nuevo Mix Novienbre 2017 - Duration: 1:18:28.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> VERANO MUSICA 2017 🌴 La Mejor Música 2017🌴 Lo Mas Nuevo Mix Novienbre 2017 - Duration: 1:18:28.


FREE Overwatch Alerts - For Twitch, YouTube, and Mixer - Duration: 5:00.

Hey what's up everyone, it's Derek with Nerd or Die, and I wanted to reintroduce you

to our FREE animated Overwatch Alerts for Stream Labs.

These alerts are now compatible with Twitch, Mixer, and YouTube as well!

We even spent a bit of time updating the alerts core CSS as well.

We made some big changes to the product, and it's a lot easier to set up, configure,

and customize.

Let's get right into it.

This free resource is dedicated to EvilHomer10 from Patreon, thanks for supporting the channel

and making this possible.

To start, head over to the, link in description and cards, and grab this


You can enter 0 in the name your price box to receive the item for no charge.

Once you've downloaded and extracted the files onto your computer, open up the Read


Here you'll find instructions about set up and configuration.

First, log in to your Stream Labs account, then go ahead and click the import link either

in the read me or from the download files.

Click "Create Profile" towards the bottom, and give your profile a name and hit Create.

Next, to import all the settings, hit USE on your newly created profile.

For the most part, you're done!

To add this into OBS Studio and change the colors or what the text says, we need to complete

a few more steps.

Navigate to your alertbox tab and grab your widget URL and then open up OBS Studio, or

the streaming software of your choice, and add in a new browser source.

Paste in the URL and set the width to 1920 and height to at least 600.

With it added in, go ahead and hit test for the type of alert you'd like to see.

Please note that there's about a 1 second delay before you'll see the animation appear.

With the alert working as normal, let's change the colors and text for our subscription


I'll also show you how to change sub variations for the alert as well!

You will not use the message template as you normally would with standard alerts.

However, you will be able to change your sounds and volume as normal.

Let's scroll down until you see the Custom Fields tab.

The custom fields tab contains controls that you can change for each type of alert.

This means you can change to fit your channels theme, or even change the colors per alert.

The top text area will represent what message is contained in the top part of the alert.

Typically, I just leave {name} here.

It's important to know that both text boxes are compatible with the dynamic template tags,

so if you'd like to change things up a bit, you can use template tags such as {amount},

{months}, and {count}, in curly braces, directly inside these boxes, just like you would in

the message template area above.

Use the color pickers to choose colors for each section.

The range slider allows you to increase or decrease the opacity of the background color,

100% represents a solid color, and 0% will be it completely transparent.

After you've changed any settings you like, hit Save Changes and then test to make sure

everything is working correctly.

For subscriptions, we included an Alert Variation, under the appropriate tab.

Click on the alert variations tab, and then click "edit" for this alert.

This variation of the alert will show when the sub months count is 2 or higher.

Scroll down and click the Custom Fields tab again, and change whatever you'd like.

As you can see here, I use this to say the {months} in the bottom text area, rather than

"new subscriber".

Again, when you're done, hit save changes and then test your variation.

And that's it!

I'm extremely excited to re-introduce this product to everyone for free.

This is basically how I envisioned this working when I first made the product, so to see it

finally work as intended is just so awesome.

Thanks again to EvilHomer10 for being a long time supporter on Patreon, and of course thanks

to all of the other patrons… it truly means a lot to me.

Make sure to subscribe with notifications on, because we are releasing some items in

the very near future that I can't wait to unveil.

If you have any questions at all, please make sure to put them in the comments below.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> FREE Overwatch Alerts - For Twitch, YouTube, and Mixer - Duration: 5:00.


CHUP CHUP KE Full Movie 2006-SHAHID,KAREENA,SUNIL-English/Indonesian/Español Sub-Hindi Full Movie - Duration: 2:43:29.

For more infomation >> CHUP CHUP KE Full Movie 2006-SHAHID,KAREENA,SUNIL-English/Indonesian/Español Sub-Hindi Full Movie - Duration: 2:43:29.


Miley Cyrus Closes The Tonight Show with "The Climb" - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus Closes The Tonight Show with "The Climb" - Duration: 4:19.


Ryan Gosling Remembers His Beloved Dog George - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Ryan Gosling Remembers His Beloved Dog George - Duration: 4:11.


MECH ME WET - Demo Disk Gameplay - Duration: 15:01.

It's been Two Months and We still Can't Unlock the song Mother's be?

Aware, We punched we've Kicked we've sang Indian songs We still Can't get the Song?

We didn't get it this Week Either so just deal With it I promise Is coming Soon I probably Promise Really Different

We're Living in her Monica, we're Living in A modern age

Where man Can Dance Without Judgment free of Judgment all right so hold, on We got to Figure out a way?

to Maximize in A funny Way

A lot lawrence wants to dance again he turned Around I know he Always wants to Dance

Joe what if We Held the mat Up and use that thing as like a little Boarding


Papa's my mind

You want to start and then I'll jump in How Are We that Chorus Is so hard that's?

Just as, We miss tears Gundam its Dynasty Warriors Gundam Three Words you love Dynasty Warriors and

Love Me what's all Japanese

Anyone Who Tangles With Me will Regret it Master Asia, oh that's Actually what People Call me

Master Agent Sounds

Master Asia yeah, We Didn't Name them they, did


You Didn't even Look at your attack


I memorize them are you are you Watching this yeah this isn't even A fight he's Just out There

Massacre he Just, was her Farmer Gundams

They're Useful to Society hey it's Funny Because the Gundam Shouldn't Shouldn't it be Flying no Those aren't wings what are They

you Know

Are you Having Such A hard Time With This I'm supposed to be like Destroying twenty Thousand, of Them at a time why, it'd be

Thank you very uh when I went to the government There and What happened it was Underwhelming that's about what this is A?

Shot get That Spray Paint

You Guys Have her Have a Dragon shirt that, was me out of that Mylar material it

Was awesome?

But no that was my that

Was like Going out Shirt man I was 15 Years Old I was Been Going out Sure That's what I went on on Dates With?

Hmm yeah that Dragon on it real Shiny Nice that's how Girls do I was cool yeah Stay away from you?

oh that little Tank man - Good Wait you're Just Keep Missing Them no they're on your Team

Godspeed Good Tank Good Work special Ed Robot I never Understood why, they, Would invert the Camera

Or like Left Is right right his Left that's the Way Gundams are Actually Flown Yeah and You get in They Invert your eyes yeah

They Have to turn them, over

Those Robots Are People in Those Robots Yeah you know, what's Gonna

There's People in Them Yeah Definitely They're Just like lame dudes again like Farmers and Stuff

What the fuck? Why weren't you doing this before I go the other Way Thank you either Way There?

We go


What Would you do if you saw if You were a farmer in A gun and super saw This Thing Flying at you i mean

I had Already Accepted Death

Oh that's True that's The one I saw the literal Angel of death Coming Through not I would not uh beg for forgiveness

During Jet Flying Flying Air Turn Jet Press B along Easy, okay

So I don't think you do Turn it it can't be special in the air

Did You get it Encourages jet Is just yeah

okay Now then you hit special when you turn Down There Is gourmet Where from Motorhead I can't See he Looks like all the rest, oh?

No he's got One More hit Make it good

I know okay alright I think it's cool I guess Hard right, oh?

No not that hard Wait Where was it Where it's right There Poop. What's our Guru well?

I'm Holloman huh no Matter like Emerald Weapon no you can beat you can beat who guru who's emerald Whooping

That's A final Fantasy Thing

Chris your Jock is Showing

And han is dead, oh got him

Chop Them in Half Nice Job who's beating the shit You're Right now all because I Already had to fight him

Oh Jared's Here to Help you

He missed you, Shouldn't be Fighting Poo right now Because I think Cooter's not getting Hurt There he Is okay

Now he's Bars Donald Sometimes if I eat a really big Wet Burrito

Like About Talk About Hearts Later off oh

Great Strike Look at that all the Energy Everywhere

Get cool

Dude You're Gonna die for Never Attack what He's Accessing he's not note Strength you missed your hitting Jared Finishing

Strong Nice

Ok it has the feet, of Guru Jerry got

Him That's Bullshit it Says on the Combat Log yeah jerry has Defeated Kuru Chairs Bees Shit Great good great

Good There You go how, do you do that attack I'll just mash A

Bunch of Button that's why I told you look at the menu Cause it's like x then y then Another if You do Different Combinations

Variety You'll find coal Shit we're Missing out on all right so from A - XXx

from A neutral Stance you can do x x y for a charge Attack or x y A - A - then x Access

Shark, was me Via the

Flowchart, Oh Shit 471 Has Jarrod Defeated 500 Enemies in Ai they Say he went home, oh?

Here Finish

Did You See that no you, did this yeah I know he did here Sometimes

Does that Mean Know how to do it I'm doing this alright don't do that why, it's working, well if You just Press B

That was on Accident

You're Learning See you Beat Jarrod fuck yeah fuck off Jarrod you're a pedophile he has a tail

It's a whip he's a whip and He's beating the fuck out of you, you're Gonna, die by the way if You're not Careful

Cuz He's Really Strong

You're Going to die if You're not Careful, oh?

This Is When Hero Becomes Level 5?

Missed Missed he Jumped over it Slowly You better hurry Because he's Almost dead you can't hit him he's on the Ground, oh?

Holy Shit Moose you Shot him You're Not Ready for this he Is look at

He's Oozing in the Air Combo he Knows I think adam Goes how. Is Fooling us, oh Better

he is Almost dead how did you do that

Why is he so big?

No you Just just what the fuck Is dead got him and then Exploded

Leaving This Planet Let's fuck Yeah

no, we

Fucking Cool and by the way i can't Look up, or, I'm so excited I can't Wait Wrong with you Rule 34 got

That I was trying to get out I'm sorry?

I'm Stroking out I wanna See that gun to fuck Another Gundam for this yeah, Sure my Boy what I'm Cutting my face Goes Slack

Stuntman Ignition so now you know it has to know Exactly what the

Replay to the Into Replay There, We go this is what happened Everybody's Dead stop man Goes Crazy

Actually Just hit Him a little bit oh yeah yeah Another

No it's Call that Paralyzed you're Good, don't go in The fire the fires that Stopped you There you go

Wait Alright One Strike that's only one Strike yeah They cut

You I think crash Through him and then go the extra Points for it Look

See the sign

Then Down There Yeah There

Through The Gap yes Valium Is fine

If The Action Button

Go Through There I'm not sure what the Button was

Got it

hit the extra But it's like a U-turn yeah hard you toe you're supposed to drift There

Through The car, Wash Good, on the Left Side of that guy Nice

You're doing Adam Puts Action Button I don't actually Button that's Just A drift you Didn't drift that's what you Wanted?

This is the cool right This Is cool Movie sat in the Window and they Film this all

Underneath The Semi Nailed it

There We go close Enough yeah why not kind of Director close it up Keep it going

Drift Didn't hurry up Didn't drift you got, one More Strike



Go Shit Back-To-Back Mutton

I'Ll Reshoot, well you know pretty Satisfying This one it Hurts the play of the


He's Paralyzed but The Directors fine Nice

Miss Lee got an

you missed the Camera the Directors like you missed the Cameraman you're Supposed to kill him

You See that I went up on two Wheels they Didn't even Ask me to do that that's True it's like dante's Peak

Part Two, oh, no

Wonder the Inferno dante's Peak Two Peaks Revenge on out the Action by Shoot Shit you wanna try yeah fuck it, oh?

He got, away

Nice That's alright That's alright a part of the stunt who's to do you think Skewing the fireballs God that's a Cameraman

Nice hit why yes it

Was it Killed me, oh?

The Last Part You did it I did it nice Job two stars There's other Levels

Escape and on ice Tray on ice real Quick alright why, Missing

Two Wheels no, you're Supposed to do that that's A cool wall yeah he's Coming Back

Out of the Shot alrights Gonna blow up the car in front of you, no you got to do the Action

Drift Good What's that yeah get closes go Through it, okay

Whoa, nice Job I don't Watch him Button boom Rockets away that guy's Dead he Just Tied it on set

Yeah it happened

The Last Transformers Didn't someone die Right sure I'm Sure They

Did Michael Bay covered it up with a special effect yeah nice is mr.. Ramp I'll Just go this Way

Reshoot Says you

Roll Three for Gundam so I'm Waiting all Morning for Wait a minute A-hole so yeah, we need some Robots

Robots Get Something Else nine Pages

Okay She Pooping usa Usa

What does it have to do is Gundam that looks like Cuddle Poop, okay?

I wish i'm that know it'd get suggs with her hot Slippery Breath Lips, oh, no

Boys Being Boys


Get down here, oh this has Nothing to do With Gundam a Blurred the come to thank you

Oh on the Butthole, okay?

I want to see Robot yeah I would like to see Robots as, well are We sure we're Looking at

The Right Rule 34 I mean I just See A lot of dudes Fucking each other no Robots

Well you have to figure out what the Names of the Robots are I Can try?

Gonna Milk Is There awesome Robot There's a peru good Job Peru

What this is a pope who, was tit Fucking a dude They get Rid of the tags nice Job Peru yeah

That's Rule 34 Right There That's right yeah

We can fill it except that all of the except for the dick Part We should Show everything else so?

We can Show the Boobs because Those are Just Gundam Boobs?

No nipples Can't Show that Bad in Space it's

52 Pages of This

Pages 60 Pages

68 has Gotta, Be A, oh, my gosh we Found it the Motherland 76 and hit the end

Always Little Girls House it's Mostly Shows about the Pilots I want to see Robots Fucking here like A fem Version of Hero, oh?

that's cute Show That Giddyup

We can show that the hell he's been A bad Gundam Is this what They do in Gundam Wing yeah spank each other

No my Robots who needs him, that cool

Dance Remember that when They Made out in front of the fuck

What happened all over his Leg There six most Terrifying examples of Rule 34 uncracked let's do it cracked estes Thick

Me wait, was that it's Just American Dad Pornos Like These are live Actions yeah yeah do they not know

What Role her before They Should know Mister peeny Come on crash what happened to you crash Mighty have fallen

Yeah Right They used to be Edge Lords

Now They're Just Middle Lords Damn

You want to go hit Those Directors again?

I love how he Populates this With Just Stuff to Look Rad With

Appreciate that as A Filmmaker i like that

For more infomation >> MECH ME WET - Demo Disk Gameplay - Duration: 15:01.


Demi Lovato Talks About Her Honest New Documentary - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Demi Lovato Talks About Her Honest New Documentary - Duration: 2:04.


Jimmy and Miley Cyrus Photobomb Fans - Duration: 2:51.


-Okay. Looking right here, and big smiles.

Big, big smiles.


In 3, 2, 1.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Laughter ]

3, 2, 1.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

And in 3, 2, 1.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Be serious.

-Focus. -Be serious.

-Let's take a picture in 3, 2, 1.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

2, 1. -I'm sorry.

I just -- I think that --

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Both scream ]

-3, 2, 1.

-Surprise! -Surprise!

[ Camera shutter clicks ] [ Laughter ]

-Oh, yeah.

And we just both put it in our mouth at the same time.

Like "Lady and the Tramp." -Okay.

-3, 2, 1.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Laughter ]

Okay. One more?

-Okay. -Oh, my God! [Bleep]

-Hi, Miley.

-[ Screams ]

-Oh, my God! -Hi!

-You're kidding!

-Oh, my God! -This is my biggest dream!

-All right.

In 3, 2, 1.


[ Camera shutter clicks ]

-[ Screams ]

[ Laughter ]

-What is happening?!

Oh, my God!

I love you. I love "The Voice." It's my fav--

Jimmy Fallon! Oh, my God!


-In 3, 2, 1.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

-Can you -- Do you know how to put these up?

-Oh, my God! -Oh, my God!

-Shut up! -Aah!

-Miley? Do you know Miley? -Hi.

[ Women screaming ]

-It's a surprise.

[ All screaming ]

-And another one. Here we go.

In 3, 2, 1.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

-I'm sure that we got it.

[ All screaming ]

-Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!


-[ Screams ] Oh, my God!

-HI. You really got one.

-Oh, my God! -Hi.

-Guys, let's get -- Let's get a real picture.

-Right here. Look in here.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

That was great! Come on. How fun was that?

My thanks to Miley Cyrus.

"The Voice" airs on Mondays and Tuesdays

at 8:00 p.m. on NBC.

For more infomation >> Jimmy and Miley Cyrus Photobomb Fans - Duration: 2:51.


The Cast of Riverdale Gives Jimmy Fallon His Own Jughead Crown - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> The Cast of Riverdale Gives Jimmy Fallon His Own Jughead Crown - Duration: 3:14.


Dear Youtube...We Need To Talk. This Is Stupid and Ridiculous. - Duration: 4:08.

Hey you beautiful bastards, I'm annoyed so you're getting an extra video this week. Why can't they just be better

Why do they have to make me do this

Today I'm gonna be calling out YouTube on some of their bullshit. A post about this on Twitter, it blew up tons of creators from the community

Co-signing retweeting it but as recording this video despite me directly making my statement towards YouTube and other Twitter accounts they own

I haven't received a response so what am I talking about here? So this situation

Starts with Casey Neistat now you can love him you can hate him throw out

Whatever feelings you have about Casey Neistat out the window. He's just to creator. He makes a video on October 2nd called

Let's help the victims of the Las Vegas attack and in this video

He's not showcasing the tragedy posting videos or pictures from it

Simply says let's raise money to help those affected by this and he links to a GoFundMe. A GoFundMe that yesterday

I saw passed over a quarter of a million dollars raised. And in that video he also adds any adsense I make from this video

We're also going to donate it as well, but unfortunately what ends up happening is Casey's video is de-monetized.

Now what YouTube will say is we didn't fully de-monetize it

That's the yellow dollar sign as you see, it's just not suitable for most advertisers

but if you've ever been hit with this you know it's essentially

de-monetized and so Casey tweets out literally a video about charity where I state all Adsense is going to that charity YouTube says not suitable

For advertisers now at this point you could just say hey Casey Neistat

You know request a review hit that little button maybe you got accidentally dinged

Let's give YouTube the benefit of the doubt unfortunately one of YouTube's verified Twitter accounts tweets at him

We love what you're doing to help, but no matter the intent our policy is to not run ads on videos about tragedies

Which my response?

Is while I don't think that should be attributed to the Casey Neistat video where he's just trying to help

He's not he's not profiting of a tragedy the policy is their policy

But unfortunately all it takes is like 25 seconds of research

And you see it's not being implemented equally. YouTube writes we love what you're doing to help

But no matter the intent our policy is do not run ads on videos about tragedies

Then what the fuck is this? Jimmy Kimmel on mass shooting in Las Vegas brought to you by GMC

sure as hell looks like an ad on a video about a tragedy it even says that it's an ad on a video about a


There is no doubt that this video should have been dinged or reviewed at some point since it says mass shooting in Las Vegas

But for some reason Jimmy Kimmel is exempt

And you can't even say that no one saw that this video was on the Internet

It was literally the number one trending video on YouTube, so why is Kimmel exempt, but apparently your organic solo creators nah

I mean the fact they even Smackdown Casey Neistat. No offense to you Casey. You're essentially the golden boy of YouTube.

The fact that they also hit him is incredibly telling. Now whenever I come across a situation like this where I'm incredibly aggravated

I try and come up with a way that the person

I'm angry at the company in this case that I am angry at they're not

Evil or bad for doing it right and the closest I can get to on that situation is maybe Jimmy Kimmel Live

You know they're they're a big TV show they they're on a network even they have a direct ad sales team and they can force


advertisements on YouTube and to that I would say one we definitely don't know that's the case that is me kind of

Bending over to try and give them an out. And two all it really shows us is YouTube is completely fine with the major networks

Playing by different rules also that they is a company of personally fine

Profiting off of a tragedy as long as it's someone else's sales team one's doing it. You didn't put the blood on the money

So that's okay

And even still it seems like a big middle finger to your average creator that there are different rules based on your size

I don't mean based on your audience size. I mean your company size

That's without me going into the preferential

Treatment that you guys give the late night shows and other channels really every late night host

That said anything ever is always on trending

But idubbbz can put out a video that gets 13 million views in 24 to 36 hours, and that's just it's not there

It's so strange how that works

But the main point I want to close this out kind of like with what I tweeted YouTube I criticize you because I love you

I wouldn't be where I am today without you so many people that are around today wouldn't be here without you

But that doesn't also give you a pass to not give a fuck or bullshit. The responses to things like this seem like bullshit

They seem not true people are tired of this and you can be better. But that said you beautiful bastards

who watch a show I love your face if you like what I'm saying here at that like button if you want to see the

Show as normal hit that subscribe button, but of course as always my name is Philip DeFranco. You've just been phill'd in

I love yo faces, and I'll see you tomorrow


For more infomation >> Dear Youtube...We Need To Talk. This Is Stupid and Ridiculous. - Duration: 4:08.


Demi Lovato Addresses Nick Jonas Romance Rumors - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Demi Lovato Addresses Nick Jonas Romance Rumors - Duration: 3:27.


Miley Cyrus: Week Without You - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus: Week Without You - Duration: 4:35.


Oprah Shares Words of Wisdom Following Las Vegas Tragedy - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Oprah Shares Words of Wisdom Following Las Vegas Tragedy - Duration: 1:46.


Ellen Plays Epic or Fail: Fall Edition - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Ellen Plays Epic or Fail: Fall Edition - Duration: 5:02.


Hashtags: #ThatWasTMI - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Hashtags: #ThatWasTMI - Duration: 2:48.



- (singing along) ♪ Let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody, let's rock ♪

- ♪ What you want... ♪

- This is my karaoke song.

♪ (ragtime music) ♪

(movie reel clicking)

- (FBE) So today, we are going to do a challenge with you guys

that we have done with other generations,

but people have been asking us when are we gonna do it

with the elders. - Oh no.

(laughing) Okay.

- Music?

It has something to do with music?

- (FBE) This will be a try not to sing while watching challenge.

- Try not to sing?

- (groaning) Okay.

Yeah, that's gonna be hard for me.

- (FBE) So here are the rules. - Oh no.

- There's no singing, no dancing, or head moving...

- (groaning) - (FBE) ...and no lip syncing.

- What?!

- That's gonna be awful hard.

- ♪ Come fly with me... ♪ - Oh, Frank.

- It's one of my favorite singers.

- You know how to get us, huh?

- ♪ In llama land... ♪ - (laughing)

- ♪ In llama land... ♪

- I think that's before my time.

- I can handle this one of his.

- ♪ ...flute for you ♪

♪ Come on, fly with me ♪

- Not lip syncing, but I am thinking it.

- Oh, it never floated my boat.

- ♪ Once I get you up there ♪ - I'm okay with this one.

- ♪ I'll be holding you so very near ♪

♪ You might even hear a gang of angels cheer ♪

- I'm not gonna snap my fingers.

- ♪ Come on, fly with me ♪

♪ We'll fly, we'll fly ♪

- I'm in control of the emotions here.

- ♪ Back up, let's fly away ♪

- No better pop vocalist ever.

- My mother was in love with him.

- I already lost. (laughing)

That doesn't matter. It's fun.

- I did a little head bopping, but maybe it's age.

You know, sometimes your muscles-- you kinda can't control it.

- It was hard because it's an old-time, long-time hit.

The song resonates, you know, my generation.

♪ (Elvis Presley, "Jail House Rock") ♪

- (excitedly) Oh!

- Oh, Elvis!

Oh, this one, forget it.

- ♪ The warden threw a party in the county jail ♪

- (giggling)

- You gotta move this. (laughing)

- ♪ The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing ♪

♪ You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing ♪

♪ Let's rock... ♪ - I can't help it.

- (singing along) ♪ Let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody, let's rock ♪

- I wish I could move that way.

- ♪ Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

- Look at the hips.

- You could really rock out and move with Elvis to this one.

If you're not in a contest.

- ♪ ...don't you be no square ♪

♪ If you can't find a partner use a wooden chair ♪

- I know this song so well!

- ♪ Everybody, let's rock ♪

- This is not easy.

- ♪ Everybody in the whole cell block ♪

- (singing along) ♪ Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

Now people were afraid of that guy.

The parents were all scared of him.

They thought he was his hips, he was so wild, sexual.

Oh my god!

- As soon as the music start, I mean, the first couple notes,

you're already into it.

- It was really hard.

You want to do... ♪ Let's rock ♪

Yeah! Yeah!

And, hey, I'm a Rock? You know?

Hey, let's rock!

- ♪ We'd like to know a little bit about you... ♪

- Simon and Garfunkel.

- Oh! I love them.

- ♪ We'd like to help you learn to help yourself ♪

- Oh boy.

- "Mrs. Robinson."

- ♪ Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home ♪

- (singing along) ♪ And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson ♪

- (singing along) ♪ ...Mrs. Robinson ♪

♪ Jesus loves you more than you will know ♪

♪ Wo, wo, wo ♪

- ♪ God bless you please... ♪

- I want to tap my feet really bad.

- ♪ God bless you please... ♪

- (singing along) ♪ ...Robinson ♪ (laughing)

- ♪ God bless you please... ♪

- (singing along) ♪ ...Mrs. Robinson ♪

- ♪ Heaven holds... ♪ - Oh, come on.

This is like shades of my youth!

- ♪ Heaven holds a place for those who pray ♪

- I could sing you every note of this one.

- (singing along) ♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

I like that.

I'm singing it.

That's Simon and Garfunkel, The Graduate, Mrs. Robinson!

Come on.

- I could be quiet on all of them, but this is more fun.

It's more fun to just sing along.

- How many more do I have?

- (FBE) Four. - I have four more?!

Oh, I'm gonna totally break. (laughing)

♪ (Lynyrd Skynyrd, "Sweet Home Alabama") ♪

- Oh yeah, here we go.

- (grumbling)

♪ (guitar playing) ♪

♪ (drums and bass join in) ♪

(pounding table)

- Does anybody want to dance? Want to dance?

- ♪ Big wheels keep on turning ♪

- You do want to just jump into that beat.

- You can have a room with dead people.

They would all get and dance if you played this song.

- (singing along) ♪ Singing songs... ♪

Am I moving too much?

- ♪ Singing songs about... ♪ - Don't know them.

- I don't relate to this one.

- ♪ I miss Alabamy... ♪

- It's like you want to do a whole head banging thing.

- (singing along) ♪ Sweet home Alabama ♪

- (singing along) ♪ Sweet home Alabama ♪

- (groaning)

- ♪ Where skies are so blue ♪

- (singing along) ♪ Sweet home Alabama ♪

- These are good.

- ♪ ...coming home to you ♪

- I won on one!

- I wasn't into the '70s stuff for some reason, you know?

I stuck in the '60s and then jumped to the '80s.

- This just isn't fair!

I mean, you can't sit still to these songs.

- I'm feeling a little itchy.

Gonna lose control real soon.

- ♪ I... ♪ - Beach Boys.

This isn't fair.

- (fondly) Brian.

- ♪ She goes with me to a blossom world ♪

- Oh yeah.

- This is fourth, fifth, sixth grade stuff.

- ♪ I'm picking up good... ♪ - (singing along) ♪ ...vibrations ♪

- ♪ I'm picking up good vibrations ♪

- Oh my goodness.

- ♪ She's giving me excitations ♪

♪ Oom bop bop ♪ - You're getting closer here.

- (singing along) ♪ ...good vibrations ♪

Come on, it's the Beach Boys, man.

- ♪ (vocalizing along) ♪

♪ ...vibrations ♪

- ♪ Good vibrations ♪ - Not so much either.

- ♪ I'm pickin' up good vibrations ♪

- This is the music you can really get into.

- You guys picked some good ones.

You gave me a challenge, though.

See, that's the problem.

I'm like, "I'm gonna win this!"

- I love music. I love to listen to it.

I'm just not a singer or dancer kind of guy.

- ♪ What you want ♪

♪ Baby, I got ♪

♪ What you want ♪

- Oh, come on. Aretha!

- ♪ What you want ♪

- This is my karaoke song! (laughing)

- ♪ What you want ♪

- You just lost me. - ♪ Baby, I got ♪

- She's my favorite!

- ♪ Do you know I got it? ♪

♪ All I'm askin' ♪

- (singing along) ♪ Is for a little respect ♪

- ♪ For a little respect... ♪ - I like her,

but I don't have the voice to carry that kind of tune.

- ♪ Ooo, your kisses ♪

♪ Sweeter than honey ♪ - (lip syncing)

- ♪ And guess what? ♪

♪ So is my money ♪ - There I go again. (laughing)

- ♪ All I want you to do for me ♪

♪ Is give it to me ♪

- Is it gonna go on for much longer?

- ♪ Re, re, re, re, re, re ♪ - What a talent.

- ♪ R-E-S-P-E-C-T ♪

♪ Find out what it means to me ♪

- How can you sit still when this is on?

Come on! You gotta be dead!

- ♪ R-E-S-P-E-C-T ♪

- (singing along) ♪ Find out what it means to me ♪

♪ R-E-S-P-E-C-T ♪

♪ Take care, TCB ♪

Wow! Have a little respect.

I broke. I broke. I couldn't help it.

- (shuddering) That was hard!

(laughing) That was hard. That was very hard.

I love that song.

- That's hard because that's got so much going on.

- She's my all-time favorite.

I saw her at the Hollywood Bowl.

It was the best concert I ever saw, hands down.

The woman sang two hours straight!

- ♪ Hey, Jude... ♪ - Oh!

- ♪ Hey, Jude... ♪ - (singing along) ♪ Jude ♪

- Oh, The Beatles. (laughing)

- Awww.

- Once you get the first note, you gotta go with it.

- ♪ Take a... ♪

- (singing along) ♪ ...sad song and make it better ♪

- ♪ Remember to let her into your heart ♪

- Paul wrote this for Julian in John Lennon's set.

And when it came out, it was giant.

- ♪ Remember to let her under your skin ♪

- (sniffling)

- That was a great song.

- It has so much heart and passion in this.

- (singing along) ♪ make it better ♪

- ♪ Better, better, better, better, better ♪

♪ Oh ♪

- (singing along) ♪ Nah-nah nah-nah-nah-nah-nah ♪

- ♪ Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah ♪

♪ Hey, Jude ♪

- (sighing) The best.

- That one just calls out to join.

- (singing softly) ♪ Nah-nah, nah-nah-nah-nah ♪

- ♪ Nah-nah-nah-nah ♪

- Talk about an iconic song.

Everybody in the world can sing this.

- (singing along) ♪ Nah-nah-nah-nah ♪

♪ Hey... ♪

These guys changed music forever.

- Woo! That was the best.

I didn't make it. (laughing)

- (sniffling) Oh.


Crying doesn't count, does it?

- Amazing. Just amazing.

That just-- (humming). The Beatles.

You know, how could you not love The Beatles?

- (FBE) So is this a tough challenge for you?

- Not that tough.

- To ignore music, that's really hard.

- That was hard because you just wanted to rock,

you wanted to lip sync.

- This was great.

Can I play some more? Can I do some more?

Come on, let me pick a couple other ones.

How about some Buddy Holly or Everly Brothers?

- I really loved listening these songs.

I guess I seldom remember to play them anymore,

and it was just memory lane.

- Thanks for watching this episode of Elders React.

- Follow FBE on Instagram to get behind-the-scenes info.

- Thanks for watching. See ya soon.

- ♪ Hey there, everybody ♪

♪ Ethan here from FBE ♪

♪ Thanks for watching this episode of Elders React ♪

♪ To check out more, click below ♪

♪ Bye, everybody ♪

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