Narrow misses on bends | Tooting my way along the Oxford canal to Fenny Compton - Duration: 15:01.I'm not even sure if this is the right turn. Oh they beeped back.
So what happens when someone beeps back? They've never beeped back before.
Morning Munchy.
Munchy was well impressed by that.
He's well impressed by anything.
There's no other way to take these corners but to - take the whole canal
I don't like to be negative and I don't want to offend anyone but I hate the Oxford Canal.
Ha ha ha. We did do it when we holiday boated that time.
yeah and we didn't like it then. we holiday boated with Kate boats I think
we did the North Oxford.
that time.
we headed... we went to Braunston and then we turned left didn't we?
We'll see.
Because the hire boat company
advised us not to go on to the South Oxford. Oh did they? This is why. Because it's busy.
So busy. But we were doing it in August I have it stopped documenting speeding
boats which is a relief to all of us because it became an obsession for a
while speeding boat speeding boat speeding boat or as I call them boats no
so okay so what it did for my mental health was that it showed me that only
one in every 10 boats is speeding the other nine just look speedy which can
happen when you're stationary I understand that.
the issue that we mainly had is that there was something weird going on with
the water and I don't know whether it is because it's a bit shallow.
The way that we were moored up, or what, but every time a boat came past a little
bit too fast we would tip
cuz I don't know if they were going too fast and the suction was tipping in so
. It was very sudden, you would be sitting there and then thud.
so it wasn't even like a gradual tip it
you felt like the boat was being ripped out from under you.
we did nearly fall over several on those rare occasions we were stood up when they went past.
and I kind of feel like you can tell the people who know they're going a bit too
fast because they don't wave and they don't say hello
and people who know that they've gone close to tick over
it's like so negatively buoyant went past speed it sped past to spread fast but we
were able to have like a giant conversation with them
about how fast they were going. Because we know that they were going slow because we just
given them a big giant lecture , the day before, so they
they reckon they go quite so as well actually I think
having done this rudimentary kind of science test on it.
that having 9 out of 10 people go the appropriate
speed which is really good yes
better if it was ten out of ten.
but then I don't know if I
we can literally can't go slower. You can't go slower than tick over.
I always slow down. In advance of approaching a boat.
so many people slow their boat down when they see you and they're like
If they don't see a person on the boat.
If they don't see a person on the boat I would I wonder that's my rant over I'm sorry you had to
listen to that on such a gorgeous if it helps I've heard it several times today.
So the topic of the day is not actually
how did they get that boat in the field. But should we keep going as far as Banbury?
So we're now travelling further south upon the South Oxford. We left the
mooring spot that we chose which was at the top
of the Napton flight of locks. Which was nine locks, I can't remember. Yes it was nine.
We walked up and down them so many times I didn't count.
We've be moored up for a week.
Mainly because it's been too windy for us we didn't wanna go out.
Our boats quite light. We don't really go out in the wind, if we can help it. If the wind
is past 7.
And it was probably up to about 20! Yeah I was gonna say 15 but, sure. Twenty at some points.
And we got really itchy feet yesterday so it was really difficult at about 8
o'clock at night the waters were really calm and I think
the winds had died down.
not to 'up sticks'.
but we stuck it out till this morning. And the sky is
fantastically blue. The cat is fantastically cross.
And the wind died down there is the odd gust.
Nothing to really write home about. I'm
looking forward to today finding a bin. yes .I realized that I start to get
really difficult to live with.
when when I can't find a bin for the thing with our bin on the boat
is only 10 liters but it doesn't matter because if you had to food if you had 20
litres there would still be 20 litres of rubbish.
yeah but the thing is that really
when the bin fills and you have to put another bag in,
that's when she starts to get antsy, and there's spare back the rubbish. Yeah,
I haven't quite worked out where to put it I kind of maybe want to make
something in the bow, like a bin holder. We don't really we don't really go out
to the bow this is tiny and then I think I would deal with it a lot better.
I am literally beeping my way down the Oxford Canal, you know
because I can see around the corner
we have encountered quite a lot of uncoming boats and I think there's also
a boat behind me going quite slowly we have beeped at every single corner I
haven't heard anyone else beeping so I'm not actually sure what the
what the issue is with that except that I kind of just feel that it's safer
whether psychological or not. But Kath's like do you know what if it's
safer then we should do it which i think is true
But also we never really met anyone on blind corners.
No we've been really lucky we did pause at a bridge for two boats to go by which
I thought was incredibly gracious of us and also very necessary. It was on a corner as well.
But and mark my words I am NOT doing this canal again if it is not 7:00 in
the morning because I'm just not enjoying running into the other boat
like seeing the other boat. So there's another blind ish corner and I think I'm
gonna have to beat the horn again
So we're coming up to bridge 131and it's
just this really weird kind of hairpin turn on the map that I'm really
afraid of so Kath said do you want me to do it that I'm gonna do it
after I beat my horn. Beep.
I'm not even sure if this is the right turn.
yeah I think this is 131. Oh No. So I think there's a bit of a turn here
and then a bridge. Oh. they beeped back so what happens if some of these back they've
never beeped back before . I guess you just know that someone is coming.
So you slow down.
no-one's ever beeped back before
Ok, we are right in the middle, they can't get past us.
Do you want to go a bit more?
Or put it hard in and turn it.
Your nose is going round.
That's good.
thanks for that
no one's ever beeped back before
it's the worst corner
Beep again in case worked last time
you must absolutely have to beep on that corner
because if he hadn't if I hadn't beeped and then he hadn't beeped back
we wouldn't have put it in reverse
and then what happened was he decided because he was already out of the corner
he would stay over on the left
and because I was stopping and reversing that means that my Stern went out
so I was already in a good kind of spot not to have to get back over that side.
But it was his decision that he was waving me that I should just pass
on the left now if you come down Oxford Canal and
you go under bridge 131 my advice to you is always beep.
he didn't beat though I like when he was coming
Unless he beeps when he got to the bridge. Yeah.
beeping our way through Oxford Oh beeping out
beep boat.... beep... on that note.
Uzay Neden Karanlıktır? [Full HD] - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
L'gosseux d'bois Mon emploi réel - Duration: 10:15.Hi, welcome to CBC
Yes, just like I said, I'm taking you along to the office.
I never hide that Renée and I have been working at CBC for over thirty two years.
Yes, in this big building.
But don't get all excited, we don't have a nice view of downtown.
No, from the beginning, we've been working in the basement.
Yes, without any windows...
But if you have been following me for a while you know that I'm an outlier.
And even if this is the main office of the French television in Canada, well, Renée and I are working for the local English newscast in Montreal.
This is the CBC newsroom.
If you don't know what CBC means, well, it's the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
I've been working for the English newscast for the past twenty nine years; a little less for Renée.
And I know what you're saying right now;
no way this guy has been working in an English environment for almost thirty years,
But yes. And here's the reason why.
As a member of the technical team, I don't really need to speak English; just understand it.
And some of our reporters, need to practice their French.
Here, I am working with Kate, editing one of the day's stories.
It useless to say that in all those years I've edited thousands of stories.
When we started working here, we were working on those big Video tape recorders.
The video was recorded on two inch tapes.
Sorry, they tore apart the museum so I can't show you the actual VTR we were working with.
But in our own archives, we still have a picture of Renée working on an AVR1.
I think she's smiling because we weren't married yet.
But before you ask, no we didn't meet at the office. We shared the same locker in college.
But over the years, the equipment evolved. We used to work with betamax VCR, similar to this one, up until two thousand and two.
Now, all the editing is done on a non-linear system.
But using an old archive tape with my initials on it always brings a smile to my face.
Those were from the beginning of the nineties.
But for more than fifteen years, we've been working every second week in the ingest suite.
One week Renée's there, the next one, it's me.
This is the Ingest, even if it's labelled Super Ingest.
As you can see, everything here is super; even the staff.
I bet you're asking yourself if we have something other than news in this big building.
And yes,
on top of the French huge newsroom, way bigger than ours, there are still some productions.
That's the reason why we have a set construction workshop.
OK, after several budget cuts, they're not many people working there; but the tools are still there.
With this amount of space and tools, they were able to make very nice things.
One thing for sure, their band saw is WAY bigger than mine...
There you can also find these wall textures.
With those, they can mold a plastic sheet with any texture.
Even after all those years, I'm still impressed when I look at this.
Also after all those years, I managed to do something interesting enough to be in front of the camera and not behind.
So here's a little story our late night anchor did about me.
Alain Vaillancourt has been editing TV stories here at CBC for 32 years.
He's a star in our eyes but because of another one of his talents, he's become something of a superstar internationaly.
Nancy Wood has his story.
For decades Alain Vaillancourt has been a wiz editing people's reports.
A few years back, he decided he wanted to try something that would last longer than a typical news cycle.
He started woodworking
and carved a path to become a world famous youtube star.
The Woodpecker, or in French, Le Gosseux d'Bois.
Vaillancourt has 114,000 subscribers to his Youtube channel.
His videos have 21 million views. And a legion of devoted fans; especially in Europe.
And yet, Vaillancourt is pretty new to the craft.
When he turned to Youtube for help in getting started a few years back, he noticed something.
« I was watching videos, a lot of videos and none of them were in French. »
He became a pioneer.
« I just have to laugh after seeing how bad it is»
Vaillancourt's videos are sometimes hilariously honest about how woodworking sometimes doesn't work.
«People are happy that I leave all the mistakes I make and I make a lot of mistakes you know »
He puts his professional training to good use. It's that pride in workmanship that makes his work so good.
« I didn't want anybody at work teasing me like you made a (terrible video) Yes Haha! »
And then there's the accent.
« When I do my videos in English, I have this bad accent. When I do my videos in French, they all think I have this canadian accent and they love it you know? »
Vaillancourt's wife Renée Gauthier, also a CBC editor, is a valuable part of the team.
« It's incredible the response people have toward us. You know, they think we are international stars! I think we come just behind Céline Dion. »
So two years ago, they took a plane for the first time in their lives and headed to Europe.
They met hundreds of fans in person.
Now, both are retiring from the CBC.
« All this experience, for both of them, is gone for us. It will go with them but I wish them the best. »
And his hobby, or vocation, will take a larger role.
« Cause I like to share my knowledge or what I do with other people.
Sometimes I receive emails that people say look at this picture. I did it because you made it. I used your plan. I modified it. But it's mostly because you did it, that I did it. »
And he and Gauthier are heading back to Europe. To reconnect with those who share their passion.
Nancy Wood CBC News Montreal
And Frank I hear that some of the legions of his fans are flollowing tonight n Facebook from Europe watchig the show to see Alain cause he is a big superstar on Youtube.
Yeah yeah he is. We're going to try to get him to Italy as well (Debra good idea, good idea!) as he goes to Paris this summer and maybe you know go t Italy and yeah he puts on a great show...
Well it was a bitter sweet day here at CBC Montreal we say goodbye to two very special members of our team who work magic behind the scenes.
Our video editors Renée Gauthier and Alain Vaillancourt are retiring after 32 years with the CBC.
And they don't just work together, they're actually married too and they're looking forward to some really great new adventures.
Alain is a Youtube star with his very own woodworking channel
so they're both going to continue working on that
and I personaly want to thank them so much for putting our stories together all these years and we all, here at CBC, wish them the very best.
It's not going to be the same without them Frank. That's right.
Especially Alain's sneeze. When he sneezes...
It's legendary! The whole newsroom hears it!
Loudest sneeze I've ever heard.
He gets the Guiness book of record for the loud loudest sneeze
And like you hear, today is a special day for Renée and me.
Not because we're on vacation in France, not because it's the one hundred and fifty first anniversary of Canada,
but rather because it's our first official day of retirement.
Yes, after more than thirty two years, we've decided to have less stress in our life.
This might not be obvious to you, but live TV is quite stressful.
So, starting today, I can focus more on my YouTube channel.
But right now, I really don't know what will be the changes. I just can guess there will be some.
But a retirement from CBC doesn't mean a retirement from The Woodpecker; so I hope to see you again for more episodes of The Woodpecker.
ESKI YOUTUBE'A NASIL GERI DÖNÜLÜR - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Dicas para Youtubers e muito mais | Tips for Youtubers and more - Duration: 8:40.
back neck blouse designs | simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery stitches flowers - Duration: 4:35.
aari work
Инвестирование в ТОРГИ ПО БАНКРОТСТВУ ученик приобрел ЛОТ НА ТОРГАХ ДЛЯ ИНВЕСТОРА обучение #НААБ - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
[Vietsub] Học Tiếng Mèo Kêu ( 电音 Remix ) - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Yes Finishing Touch как работает. Эпилятор Yes Finishing Touch видео обзор, отзывы. - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mukti is the Goal, Not God - Duration: 2:37.This is a land which clearly understood God is our making. That's the reason why in
this culture God is not the goal, Mukti is the goal, liberation is a goal
ultimate freedom is the goal, God is never the goal, yes or no? You don't like it?
Because you have forgotten. Otherwise Mukti is the goal, isn't it?
Mukti means what? Liberation. Freedom from everything including God. You are using
God as a stepping-stone if you need it. You can grow with God or without God. This is
the only culture on the planet, where in any of our Indian languages, there is no
word for a heretic, because we never thought anybody is a heretic. We never
imagined that there can be somebody like that. Because we did not have any
established belief system, everybody can do their own thing. Most plural and
democratic process for thousands of years. So the spiritual movements were
started for human liberation. This is not about God, it's about you. So when it's
about you, we were straightforward enough to address it straight, we said this is
about our liberation, this is about our well-being, this is about our ultimate
well-being, not just immediate well-being. So this is a culture which looked at it
this way so it is a complex array of spiritual movements. Many have died
unfortunately. In the yogic system it says, when when somebody asks
Adi yogi, how many paths can be there, he says if you use your system and go, there are
only 112 but if you go beyond your system ,how many atoms are there in the
universe that many doorways are there. So we gave the freedom to create your own
God. There is something called as Ishta devatha, you can choose your God
If you don't like any, you can create one
Тест! Каким ЖИВОТНЫМ вы были в ПРОШЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ. Невероятный тест ПРОШЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ! Расскажет о вас правду - Duration: 12:00.-------------------------------------------
How To Hydro Dip Flag 🇺🇸 Custom Boots ⚽️ Soccer Gear! - Duration: 9:55.hi guys Ian from the football boots team and today we're going to do another
custom we're gonna do hydro dipping again but this time we're going to add
flags to boots when I'm filming this it is 4th of July American Independence Day
so we're going to do a USA based custom I've also got a yellow black custom and
as you can see I've got lots of flags out because it's time for the World Cup
so I have all of these flags that are going to go on the boots to stay tuned
to this video it is going to be sick let's get started
all right so we're gonna start off with this yellow black and we'll see how this
goes in here and the first thing I'm gonna do is the shin pads but this is
gonna go in the water I'm gonna let that do its thing for 60 seconds get wet
get that air bubble out if we can you can see that there it goes alright and then
I'm gonna put this shin pad in and we'll see how this ends up looking up I'm
gonna move that out but wait alright now you're gonna put the activator on I'm
just gonna spray this on I've got a couple more bubbles to get out maybe that one
alright here we go
may give this go before it stretches out much further
oh just a tiny bit with my hand look at that!
all right let's put the USA in here give that a little bit of time to do its thing
all right so let's put activator on and see what happens
few air bubbles can't do anything about those now we're just going to go for it
Shall we do it?
the water coming out of it
all right I'm excited to get the tape off that and have a look
alright so time to apply this flag design to these gloves alright first off
the design into the water
a bit of activator
Shall we do it?
check that out and I reckon this will come up whilst we here, let's have a look
what you reckon with those gloves? That design is going to look awesome on the boots!
alright ready to give this a go we're gonna try the whole soleplate, put this in like that
I just don't want it to fold up on itself
okay I'm gonna try and get the front and the back in and back out again
activator coming
ready 3 2 1
all right
Looks alright so far, it will be interesting to see that once we get the tape off
all right time to introduce the flag graphic onto the upper of the boot so
first off lets get the flag in here it's pretty big but I'm hoping it'll just spread out
You're ready for a bit of activator, all she's gone funny
alright just put it in and see what happens
right guys so you have seen all of the hydro dips which is your favorite
we have got the shinpad with the black and yellow we've got the flag custom on the
side of the boots we've got the USA flag custom on the boots or we've got the
goalkeepers gloves have a vote in the poll card now and let me know which one
you like out of these make sure you drop in the comments below any suggestions
you've got for future hydro dip videos you want to see or anything else you
want to see us do with a custom with some football boots I'm gonna tell you
right now my favorite is probably the gloves it's a flat surface it works
really well but I'm also really excited about what we managed to do with these
boots because I think a lot of that's come out nicely as well so we've got
some more customs coming to the channel very soon make sure you subscribe we're
gonna do some more of this for now go enjoy your football
Problem Set 3 | Q.22 to Q.25 | Circle Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Part 6 - Duration: 29:24.-------------------------------------------
Attention, ces maillots de bain pour garçons peuvent être dangereux - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
Gwen Stefani Shares Rare Kissing Photo With Blake Shelton From Las Vegas Show - Duration: 4:05.The No Doubt singer posts on Instagram a series of PDA-filled pictures of them, one of which features the couple enjoying a full-on kiss
Jun 30, 2018 AceShowbiz - Gwen Stefani has just shown to the world that her relationship with Blake Shelton keeps getting stronger
The mother of three posted on Instagram on Friday, June 28 a series of adorable pics of her and her singer beau which were taken in the dressing at her "Just a Girl" Las Vegas residency
One of the pics showed the couple being enjoying a full-on kiss. Meanwhile, the other shots saw the No Doubt singer puckering up as the country singer looked at her adoringly
Gwen rocked a gold bustler top and her iconic hot red lipstick while Blake opted for an army green jacket
She captioned the post with a heart and a prayer hands emoji. Gwen kicked off her "Just a Girl" residency at Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas on Wednesday, June 27
An onlooker told Us Weekly that Blake held Apollo on his lap throughout the entire night of her first show
"It was the sweetest thing ever," the witness said. "[Blake] looked like a total father figure to him
He is so smitten with Apollo, and Apollo seemed just obsessed with him. They all seem very much like a family
[Apollo] was taking some of his snacks and feeding Blake. It was adorable." Following her first show, the "Hollaback Girl" hitmaker opened up about her Las Vegas residency as well as her relationship with Blake in an interview with "Good Morning America"
"I'm so good to do my kids and like, do mom, and like, hang out with my cute Blakey and all that, but then when I get up there, I realize it's in there still and I'm like, 'OK, I need this attention still
I like it,' " she said. "So, it's always been there. It's whatever the gift that God gave me and I feel so grateful and I feel so humbled and honored to be in Vegas
To do a show like this, it's just another level and it's challenging in another way," she continued, before gushing over her beau, "I celebrated him in the show
He's inspired me so much. He's changed my life. I was like, 'You changed my show, you changed my life
' Such an inspiration." Related Posts Jun 30, 2018 Gwen Stefani Shares Rare Kissing Photo With Blake Shelton From Las Vegas Show Jun 29, 2018 Gwen Stefani Suffers Wardrobe Mishaps at First Show of Las Vegas Residency Jun 19, 2018 Gwen Stefani Serenades Blake Shelton for His Birthday, Gives Epic Present Jun 12, 2018 Gwen Stefani in 'Panic Mode' Ahead of Las Vegas Residency Jun 4, 2018 Inside Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton's Date at Friend's Wedding
Joe Jackson's Family Thanks Fans for Support Following His Death - Duration: 2:29.In a joint statement, the famous family says, 'We mourn the loss of our father and celebrate the life of a man who sacrificed so much to give us the life and success we have today
' Jun 30, 2018 AceShowbiz - The Jackson family has thanked the public for its support as they grieve the death of patriarch Joe Jackson
The famous family, which includes superstar Janet Jackson, Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon and Tito of Joe's creation The Jackson 5, which also featured his late son Michael, released a joint statement to thank the public on Thursday, June 28, the day after the 89-year-old passed away in a Las Vegas hospice following a battle with pancreatic cancer
"We mourn the loss of our father and celebrate the life of a man who sacrificed so much to give us the life and success we have today," the statement said, reported the Associated Press
Despite Joe's tense relationships with some of his children - he was estranged from Michael when he died in 2009 - many of his children and grandchildren have paid tribute to him, including granddaughter Paris, and his daughter La Toya Jackson
"I will always love you!" La Toya shared. "You gave us strength, you made us one of the most famous families in the world
I am extremely appreciative of that, I will never forget our moments together and how you told me how much you cared
#RIP Joe Jackson". Grandson Randy Jackson Jr. shared an old photo of Joe posing beside a framed record plaque for Michael's classic 1979 album Off the Wall, and captioned it, "RIP to the king that made everything possible!!! I love you grandpa
" The family has yet to announce its plans for a memorial. Related Posts Jun 30, 2018 Joe Jackson's Family Thanks Fans for Support Following His Death Jun 28, 2018 Joe Jackson's Family Members Pay Tribute to the Late Patriarch Jun 28, 2018 Joe Jackson Dies at 89 of Pancreatic Cancer Jun 23, 2018 Report: Joe Jackson Hospitalized With Terminal Cancer Jul 1, 2017 Michael Jackson's Dad Joe Is OK After Las Vegas Car Accident
Uzay Neden Karanlıktır? [Full HD] - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
ESKI YOUTUBE'A NASIL GERI DÖNÜLÜR - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Dicas para Youtubers e muito mais | Tips for Youtubers and more - Duration: 8:40.
back neck blouse designs | simple maggam work blouse designs | hand embroidery stitches flowers - Duration: 4:35.
aari work
Инвестирование в ТОРГИ ПО БАНКРОТСТВУ ученик приобрел ЛОТ НА ТОРГАХ ДЛЯ ИНВЕСТОРА обучение #НААБ - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
[Vietsub] Học Tiếng Mèo Kêu ( 电音 Remix ) - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Yes Finishing Touch как работает. Эпилятор Yes Finishing Touch видео обзор, отзывы. - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Тест! Каким ЖИВОТНЫМ вы были в ПРОШЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ. Невероятный тест ПРОШЛОЙ ЖИЗНИ! Расскажет о вас правду - Duration: 12:00.-------------------------------------------
How To Hydro Dip Flag 🇺🇸 Custom Boots ⚽️ Soccer Gear! - Duration: 9:55.hi guys Ian from the football boots team and today we're going to do another
custom we're gonna do hydro dipping again but this time we're going to add
flags to boots when I'm filming this it is 4th of July American Independence Day
so we're going to do a USA based custom I've also got a yellow black custom and
as you can see I've got lots of flags out because it's time for the World Cup
so I have all of these flags that are going to go on the boots to stay tuned
to this video it is going to be sick let's get started
all right so we're gonna start off with this yellow black and we'll see how this
goes in here and the first thing I'm gonna do is the shin pads but this is
gonna go in the water I'm gonna let that do its thing for 60 seconds get wet
get that air bubble out if we can you can see that there it goes alright and then
I'm gonna put this shin pad in and we'll see how this ends up looking up I'm
gonna move that out but wait alright now you're gonna put the activator on I'm
just gonna spray this on I've got a couple more bubbles to get out maybe that one
alright here we go
may give this go before it stretches out much further
oh just a tiny bit with my hand look at that!
all right let's put the USA in here give that a little bit of time to do its thing
all right so let's put activator on and see what happens
few air bubbles can't do anything about those now we're just going to go for it
Shall we do it?
the water coming out of it
all right I'm excited to get the tape off that and have a look
alright so time to apply this flag design to these gloves alright first off
the design into the water
a bit of activator
Shall we do it?
check that out and I reckon this will come up whilst we here, let's have a look
what you reckon with those gloves? That design is going to look awesome on the boots!
alright ready to give this a go we're gonna try the whole soleplate, put this in like that
I just don't want it to fold up on itself
okay I'm gonna try and get the front and the back in and back out again
activator coming
ready 3 2 1
all right
Looks alright so far, it will be interesting to see that once we get the tape off
all right time to introduce the flag graphic onto the upper of the boot so
first off lets get the flag in here it's pretty big but I'm hoping it'll just spread out
You're ready for a bit of activator, all she's gone funny
alright just put it in and see what happens
right guys so you have seen all of the hydro dips which is your favorite
we have got the shinpad with the black and yellow we've got the flag custom on the
side of the boots we've got the USA flag custom on the boots or we've got the
goalkeepers gloves have a vote in the poll card now and let me know which one
you like out of these make sure you drop in the comments below any suggestions
you've got for future hydro dip videos you want to see or anything else you
want to see us do with a custom with some football boots I'm gonna tell you
right now my favorite is probably the gloves it's a flat surface it works
really well but I'm also really excited about what we managed to do with these
boots because I think a lot of that's come out nicely as well so we've got
some more customs coming to the channel very soon make sure you subscribe we're
gonna do some more of this for now go enjoy your football
Problem Set 3 | Q.22 to Q.25 | Circle Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Part 6 - Duration: 29:24.-------------------------------------------
七つの大罪 274話 | Nanatsu No Taizai 274RAW FULL [HD] - Duration: 10:47.-------------------------------------------
Soorma | Real Life Story of Sandeep Singh: Flicker Singh | Interesting Facts for SSC, SBI, RRB - Duration: 3:19.Press the Bell Icon to never miss a video from Testbook.com
Hi Guys, In the news today,
Ex Captain of Indian National Team, Mr. Sandeep Singh.
Who is Sandeep Singh?
Sandeep Singh is Indian Hockey Player
and Former Captain of Indian National Team.
He is trending in news
because a movie starring Diljit Dosanjh and Taapsee Pannu called 'Soorma', based on him is being released
He currently holds a DSP Rank in the Haryana Police.
His International Debut was in January 2004
and became Captain of Indian National Field Hockey Team in January 2009.
He is a well known Dragflicker
and is said to have the best speed in the world in Drag Flick (speed 145 km/h)
Are you curious about his early life?
Singh was born on 27 February 1986 in Shahabad, Haryana, in Sikh Jat family
Gurcharan Singh Bhindar and Daljit Kaur Bhindar are his parents.
He completed his early Education from Khalsa College (Patiala) and Kurukshetra University.
Let's know about his career
Sultan Azlan Shah Cup
Under his captaincy,
the Indian team managed to win the Sultan Azlan Shah Cup in 2009.
India won the title after a long wait of 13 years.
He scored the most goals and won 'Man of the Tournament' award.
2012 Summer Olympics
The Indian Men's National Field Hockey Team qualified for the 2012 London Summer Olympics
after a gap of 8 years.
The team had a victory over France in the finals of the Olympic qualifiers by beating them 8–1.
Singh starred in the Final against France by scoring 5 goals – including a hat-trick – all from penalty corners.
Singh was the highest scorer of the Olympic qualifiers tournament by scoring 16 goals.
Shooting Accident
On 22 August 2006, he was injured in an accidental gunshot that paralyzed him.
This incident took place in Shatabadi Express while
he was on his way to join the Indian team to take part in World Cup match in Germany.
He was on a wheel chair for two years.
He not only recovered from the serious injury but also established himself again in the Indian team.
When did Mr. Singh retire from Hockey?
Due to a Back Injury, Singh retired from the Indian national team since 2014.
He is now eager to take up a mentor's role for youngsters wanting to master the art of Drag-Flicking
He is now eager to take up a mentor's role for youngsters wanting to master the art of Drag-Flicking
He is now eager to take up a mentor's role for youngsters wanting to master the art of Drag-Flicking
Important Award
In 2010, Sandeep was awarded the Arjuna Award for achievements in field Hockey
In 2010, Sandeep was awarded the Arjuna Award for achievements in field Hockey
So this was all about Sandep Singh (Soorma)
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welcome to my channel
in this video
i'm going to make a wall mounting planter
for growing money plants
to make this planter
i just use some waste materials
used 200 ml glass juice bottles
aquarium stones, sand, sand stones and colored stones and small gravel chips
i just use a paper horn to put the stones in glass bottle
put some stones or sand in a half of bottle
we have to clean the growing materials
to remove the dust from the stones and sand
fill the water in these all bottles
just shake the bottle and remove water
it's a first cleaning
do this twice
after cleaning
fill the water half of the bottle
wall mounting
making this planter for home decorations and hanging display Planting
we can also make it for mini wall mounting fish aquarium with money plants
it's a superb choice for garden or money plant lovers whom have insufficient counter top or table space for indoor garden
placing some money plant cuttings
after planting
change the water once in 10 days
you can also growing indoor wall or outdoor wall
Thanks For Watching
3 color of tpppin and dirty chalenge or 3 colors ice cream topping CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:03.
Darkest Depths Speedrun Attempt #2 (12:16) - Duration: 12:51.To skip the cutscene, go to 2:38.
Prologue completed in 2:55.
Chapter 1 completed in 2:07.
Chapter 2 completed in 1:52.
Chapter 3 completed in 1:29.
Chapter 4 completed in 1:26.
To skip the cutscene, go to 10:55.
Chapter 5 completed in 2:27.
Game completed in 12:16.
EDM China gây nghiện p2 - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Dad played DOWN the car with BALLS or BALL PIT PRANK IN MY DAD's CAR - Duration: 18:03.
Депилятор Flawless. Депилятор Flawless отзывы. Инновационный депилятор Flawless. - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
WAGONCHIK of the ICE-CREAM in our home or Dad's ICE CREAM TRUCK - Duration: 10:01.
КУКЛЫ ЛОЛ ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ в ДЕТСКОМ САДУ! Ищем ПОДАРОК! Мультик лол сюрприз для детей от TOYS AND DOLLS - Duration: 11:15.-------------------------------------------
যে ৬টি কোডের সমাধান আজও কেউ করতে পারেনি - Duration: 6:12.Do you think yourself genius?
Do you want to know something about that
Nobody could solve this problem yet?
Then this video is for you
About 6 codes that I'm going to tell you today
Nobody has been able to solve this problem so far in this world
Located on the ground floor of the CIA headquarters in Langley
Jim Cannon created this craft named "Cryptos"
While making this, Jim Sanborn gets help from CIA's Cryptographer Ed Skidet
This cipher has a total of 869 characters and has 4 sections
Three of them have been resolved
The CIA members took 7 years to comply
In the fourth grade, the total number of characters is 97
It is called as k4
It still remains the mystery
Steven Levie, a discoverer, has adopted the Brian-Bursting method to write this code
Where deliberate misspellings, mixing letters, complex mathematical formulas etc. have been used
Mac Worker
In June 1999, a 41-year-old man's body was found partially distorted
The man was unemployed, disabled and ex-accused
Two encrypted notes are available in his pocket
Doctors believe that no one has killed him and it is also known that he started writing code since his boyhood
But there was no sign of murder or suicide in his body
And he had many physical problems
In 2011, the FBI released its notes to know what was in its 30-line note
Its response was very good
Even a website opened up to solve the FBI
But no one could ever reveal the secret of it
Taman Shud
On 1 December 1948, a dead person was found in the coast of Adelaide, Australia
His identity was not known but he was known as 'Samratan Man'
There was no trace of how he died
It is believed that he had died of an inexplicable poison
Or a Soviet killer killed him
But the matter became more odd when a patchy paper was found in his pocket
The writing was "Taman Shud", which means "end"
Later it was found that it was a part of the copy of Omar Khayyam's RUYYAT
The book is available in the back seat of a place in the vicinity of the murder
And it is believed that the man went to the place before he died
There is a 5-line code written in pencil on the back of the book
But what is not known today is still there.
The Frenew Manuscript
Fearful manuscript is one of the weird manuscripts in history
It is written in approximately 15-16 century
It is written in a language that no one understands
No one understands the subject matter and the plants which have been painted in it actually do not have such plants anywhere
There are also Yodiac symbols, charms of zodiac signs, pictures of medicinal plants and bathing of naked women have also been found here.
The 246 skin pages of this manuscript probably refer to Medieval Alchemy
But no one can clearly say anything
It is only known that it is written in a unique language and its pattern is unique
The alphabet contains 16 to 28 characters
Which is somewhat consistent with Latin and Greek languages
The manuscript is written from left to right
It has 170,000 words and does not have any jyotika
After trying for hundreds of years, no one could interpret it
In 1897, 40-year-old composer Edward Elgar sent a letter to a friend's grandson in a code
The girl's name was Dora Penny and she was 23 years old
The cipher size is much smaller
And small ciphers are usually very complex
It is a different language according to another interpretation
Only Elgar and Stripe Penny could understand
If this doctrine is true then this cipher is not possible in any way
Only those two can understand
The Yodiac Killer Cipher
A serial killer attacked North California in the early 1960s and early 1970s
He left 2 kipograms
Of these, 408 characters were able to break the code within a few days
The remaining 340-character code remains a mystery
This serial killer was never captured
The serial killers of television, the film are usually mistaken and caught
But it was never about him
So what was the killer's code to learn it, the Radiant World
But nobody can tell it even today
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ets2 1.31 sürümü 4 Bölüm - Duration: 7:49.-------------------------------------------
Trực tiếp Cần Thơ vs Khánh Hòa | 17h00 - 01/7/2018 || Vòng 17 V League 2018 - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
Bệnh tình quá nặng chữa khắp nơi không khỏi hãy niệm câu này - Triết Lý Sống - Duration: 19:38.-------------------------------------------
Dota 2 [SFM] Nevermore's Revenge. Part 3. The Abduction of Rylai - Duration: 5:11.Nevermore: Well?
You are ready?
Lucifer and Harbinger: Yes!
Ostarion and Visage: Yes!
Nevermore: "Laugh" Good!
Mirana: Look how the prey scatters before us.
Rylai: Agreed.
I can't wait.
Mirana: Oh. no!
Have you forgotten?
Rylai: About what?
Mirana: We shouldn't disquiets demons.
Rylai: It's all fun and games until someone's frozen solid.
Forward! To battle!
Puck: It is no great matter.
Riki: Yes.
Gondar: A wise hunter knows patience.
Rylai: My ice bites deep!
Mirana: Leap forward!
Forward by bounds!
Rylai: Hey, thanks!
Harbinger: Eclipse!
He hah, a demon's luck with numbers!
Rylai: No!
Darkterror: Stop where you are!
Your time runs out!
Lucifer: I am what can't be killed!
Darkterror: Suffer the ravages of time.
Rylai: Everything is caught in frost.
Harbinger: I'm not always oblique.
Ostarion: Come, let's be about it.
Puck: Don't run!
Stay and amuse me!
Visage: Prepare yourself!
"Everyone are sad"
Nevermore: I hope they did it.
Visage: Here we are!
Nevermore: Nice job. my friends!
Just what my collection needed.
Harbinger: Um, but is it...?
Nvermore: Ha ha ha ha ha! I just kidding!
HOW TO DRAW Gamepad Controller- Learn Colors for Kids 🔴 Fun Rainbow - Duration: 7:27.HOW TO DRAW Gamepad Controller
welcome to my channel
in this video
i'm going to make a wall mounting planter
for growing money plants
to make this planter
i just use some waste materials
used 200 ml glass juice bottles
aquarium stones, sand, sand stones and colored stones and small gravel chips
i just use a paper horn to put the stones in glass bottle
put some stones or sand in a half of bottle
we have to clean the growing materials
to remove the dust from the stones and sand
fill the water in these all bottles
just shake the bottle and remove water
it's a first cleaning
do this twice
after cleaning
fill the water half of the bottle
wall mounting
making this planter for home decorations and hanging display Planting
we can also make it for mini wall mounting fish aquarium with money plants
it's a superb choice for garden or money plant lovers whom have insufficient counter top or table space for indoor garden
placing some money plant cuttings
after planting
change the water once in 10 days
you can also growing indoor wall or outdoor wall
Thanks For Watching
3 color of tpppin and dirty chalenge or 3 colors ice cream topping CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:03.
Darkest Depths Speedrun Attempt #2 (12:16) - Duration: 12:51.To skip the cutscene, go to 2:38.
Prologue completed in 2:55.
Chapter 1 completed in 2:07.
Chapter 2 completed in 1:52.
Chapter 3 completed in 1:29.
Chapter 4 completed in 1:26.
To skip the cutscene, go to 10:55.
Chapter 5 completed in 2:27.
Game completed in 12:16.
Transformers: Power of the Primes - Meet the Cast: Gregg Berger - Duration: 1:48.- I think it's darker and more cinematic in nature,
it's very easy to get sucked into and the conflicts
and challenges are very epic,
it's gonna be a heck of a ride.
When Volcanicus forms, it creates something
that is its own thing but it's a Dinobot combiner.
Just the whole notion of it is so rad.
- A Dino combiner!
- It's extraordinary.
I think it's one of a kind.
It's an amazing experience,
I will ever be proud of my part of it
and my contribution to it.
I wasn't gonna waste an instant of this opportunity
and Grimlock and I are good old pals
and we've been through the wars together.
EDM China gây nghiện p2 - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Transformers: Power of the Primes - Meet the Cast - Duration: 3:32.- It's so exciting to be able to be
a part of this franchise because it's something
that's so intrinsically connected to my youth.
- It's really a dream come true.
- It's very exciting to be a part of transformers
- To be part of something so beloved
and embraced by fandom so vast.
- This is a great experience for me, I just dig it.
- One of the cool things about doing the series
is learning all the lore of Transformers
and all the vocabulary and technical terms
and it's just like an entire world.
- To be a part of this series is incredible.
- This is honestly the absolute best role
I've ever had in my life.
- I think it's such an incredible honor
to be able to bring Solus Prime to, out to the world.
She's a craftsman, who makes beautiful
and incredible weapons.
- The requiem blaster did the deed.
Surely, it is your greatest creation Solus Prime.
- It has served it's purpose and I worry it is too powerful
to risk falling into the wrong hands.
- She is one that understands that the things that she makes
hold not only great power to do good
but the power to destroy.
- This has been a great experience,
I've never done anything like this.
Stop, I'll talk, I'll tell.
Megatron, say something about Primal Swamp.
And it just makes me wanna do more projects like this.
- The character Snarl, he does the trademark
generation one Dinobot voice.
So getting to do that is kinda like,
I mean, I used to do it when I was a kid.
- I was tasked with doing Grimlock
so I had, I perform my own tonsillectomies every session.
We punch, hard!
- To be able to be on Grimlock's team,
you know, is really, it's an honor.
- Me Grimlock, that Sludge, Swoop, Snarl, and Slug.
Us Dinobots!
- I think what's really interesting about the character now
is Dinobots are probably closer
because they're part of a, they combine to a creature
called Volcanicus and it kind of,
it makes them a tighter knit unit I think.
- Oh scrud!
- A Dinocombiner.
- Just the whole notion of it is so rad!
- I can feel the blessings of the Primes upon you.
Yeah he's a little chatty this guy.
Dad played DOWN the car with BALLS or BALL PIT PRANK IN MY DAD's CAR - Duration: 18:03.
Депилятор Flawless. Депилятор Flawless отзывы. Инновационный депилятор Flawless. - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
WAGONCHIK of the ICE-CREAM in our home or Dad's ICE CREAM TRUCK - Duration: 10:01.
Tulasi Pooja Vidhanam In Telugu | Tulasi Pooja Ela Cheyali | Tulasi Chettu Pooja Ela Cheyali - Duration: 3:57.Please Like Comments
КУКЛЫ ЛОЛ ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ в ДЕТСКОМ САДУ! Ищем ПОДАРОК! Мультик лол сюрприз для детей от TOYS AND DOLLS - Duration: 11:15.-------------------------------------------
যে ৬টি কোডের সমাধান আজও কেউ করতে পারেনি - Duration: 6:12.Do you think yourself genius?
Do you want to know something about that
Nobody could solve this problem yet?
Then this video is for you
About 6 codes that I'm going to tell you today
Nobody has been able to solve this problem so far in this world
Located on the ground floor of the CIA headquarters in Langley
Jim Cannon created this craft named "Cryptos"
While making this, Jim Sanborn gets help from CIA's Cryptographer Ed Skidet
This cipher has a total of 869 characters and has 4 sections
Three of them have been resolved
The CIA members took 7 years to comply
In the fourth grade, the total number of characters is 97
It is called as k4
It still remains the mystery
Steven Levie, a discoverer, has adopted the Brian-Bursting method to write this code
Where deliberate misspellings, mixing letters, complex mathematical formulas etc. have been used
Mac Worker
In June 1999, a 41-year-old man's body was found partially distorted
The man was unemployed, disabled and ex-accused
Two encrypted notes are available in his pocket
Doctors believe that no one has killed him and it is also known that he started writing code since his boyhood
But there was no sign of murder or suicide in his body
And he had many physical problems
In 2011, the FBI released its notes to know what was in its 30-line note
Its response was very good
Even a website opened up to solve the FBI
But no one could ever reveal the secret of it
Taman Shud
On 1 December 1948, a dead person was found in the coast of Adelaide, Australia
His identity was not known but he was known as 'Samratan Man'
There was no trace of how he died
It is believed that he had died of an inexplicable poison
Or a Soviet killer killed him
But the matter became more odd when a patchy paper was found in his pocket
The writing was "Taman Shud", which means "end"
Later it was found that it was a part of the copy of Omar Khayyam's RUYYAT
The book is available in the back seat of a place in the vicinity of the murder
And it is believed that the man went to the place before he died
There is a 5-line code written in pencil on the back of the book
But what is not known today is still there.
The Frenew Manuscript
Fearful manuscript is one of the weird manuscripts in history
It is written in approximately 15-16 century
It is written in a language that no one understands
No one understands the subject matter and the plants which have been painted in it actually do not have such plants anywhere
There are also Yodiac symbols, charms of zodiac signs, pictures of medicinal plants and bathing of naked women have also been found here.
The 246 skin pages of this manuscript probably refer to Medieval Alchemy
But no one can clearly say anything
It is only known that it is written in a unique language and its pattern is unique
The alphabet contains 16 to 28 characters
Which is somewhat consistent with Latin and Greek languages
The manuscript is written from left to right
It has 170,000 words and does not have any jyotika
After trying for hundreds of years, no one could interpret it
In 1897, 40-year-old composer Edward Elgar sent a letter to a friend's grandson in a code
The girl's name was Dora Penny and she was 23 years old
The cipher size is much smaller
And small ciphers are usually very complex
It is a different language according to another interpretation
Only Elgar and Stripe Penny could understand
If this doctrine is true then this cipher is not possible in any way
Only those two can understand
The Yodiac Killer Cipher
A serial killer attacked North California in the early 1960s and early 1970s
He left 2 kipograms
Of these, 408 characters were able to break the code within a few days
The remaining 340-character code remains a mystery
This serial killer was never captured
The serial killers of television, the film are usually mistaken and caught
But it was never about him
So what was the killer's code to learn it, the Radiant World
But nobody can tell it even today
HIVI - Kereta Kencan (with Lyrics) | BukaMusik - Duration: 4:34.-------------------------------------------
Euro Truck Simulator 2 ets2 1.31 sürümü 4 Bölüm - Duration: 7:49.-------------------------------------------
Transformers: Power of the Primes - Meet the Cast: Mikey Way - Duration: 1:03.- My favorite memory was me and my brother watching
Transformers the Movie and I mean,
this is probably a milestone in my generation, a milestone
for us is like when Optimus Prime dies.
You can't process that as a kid.
You didn't expect it and I remember that
being one of the first like heavy things
maybe I saw in a movie theater
where I was like.
I remember being very upset about it,
but respecting what they did there.
Like I was like, they're trying something new.
Like that was a bold move.
Makku Sa - ¿Como Pagarte ? (Merengue Cover) #CarlosRivera #YovannyPolanco #Cordoba #Argentina - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
[ENGSUB] UNB's nano dance - Duration: 1:30.Music, please!
It's just a group dance.
- It's not a big deal. - They like it so much!
UNB, you are so cool.
- It looked so cool. - Right, cool.
I liked this dance.
Jun was right next to us.
I heard the bone-breaking sound.