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ほぼ無言放送【LOL】突然のLOLとマッチング中は麻雀 ふーどの人のゲリラ放送(ふーどの部屋)#05 - Duration: 3:22:48.-------------------------------------------
Son Heung-min and his British buddy speak English like twins. - Duration: 3:38.Song Heung-min is fluent in English and German.
When I heard him speaking English
it was quite interesting.
He plays soccer in England
so he speaks British English.
It sounded really familiar.
And I realized that he speaks English
just like
Harry Kane who plays in the same team.
I'm Jinger.
Let's listen and find out
how similar their English sounds.
Harry Kane goes first.
The interviewer and Harry Kane are both British
but they sound very different.
There are regional differences.
So you can't define only one accent
for the entire British English.
Even if they sound different than what you know
it doesn't mean it's wrong.
You need to be open-mined when it comes to languages.
Let's listen to Son Heung-min's English.
Don't they sound similar?
Not sure?
Now you tell me after listening to them side by side.
Harry Kane and Son Heung-min are
very good buddies.
They practice together,
spend a lot of time, So Harry Kane probably rubbed off on Son.
When you study English
it's natural to sound like someone
who you talk to the most.
Your surroundings are important.
I always wondered something
about Son Heung-min.
He always smiles.
And other people were curious too.
I happened to find the interview about it.
And I would like to share it with you.
He loves playing soccer.
And he's very happy to be a soccer player.
That's a good reason to be smiley.
And it's very true.
I'm a mom of 2 children and a YouTuber.
It's tough.
Full-time mom,
and a YouTuber.
It's hard to find a balance.
I work when my kids are asleep.
I don't get to sleep much.
So I'm a mombie.
What is mombie? It's mom + zombie.
A tired mom feeling like a zombie.
The reasons I could keep going are
I love being a YouTuber
and you guys support me.
I can't even say how thankful I am.
Without you, there is no Jinger English.
Do you have anything that make you
happy and excited even just thinking about it?
If you do, I hope you can achieve
your dream and goals.
If you don't. I hope you find it.
I'm Jiner.
If you enjoyed this video, please click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.
See you next time.
How to Add a Description to Your WhatsApp Group on an Android Device - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Give away - Duration: hello people are you going today and today well I thought I would do a
giveaway and this is to celebrate over 1000 people subscribing to my channel I
like to thank you for subscribing and watching my videos because well these
are just all cool people so for this giveaway I have the Australian $5
banknote so you're straight $5.00 bank now you're strange
$10 banknote and I have some 20 cent coins
okay so 2010 2013 2001 2013 sorry that's 2011 and 2005 but what I need you to do
is to identify these coins so it's four coins here I need you to identify who
issued em the denomination and which one is my favorite and the first person to
actually guess this will actually get what I'm giving away so if you are not
as I buy by YouTube's Terms & Services and Victorian law night Victoria is the
state in Australia your information will be private but if you are not secure in
providing your and address then please do not enter this giveaway but I will
turn over the other side so you get a more familiar picture of what these
coins are so here is the other side of the coins so for this giveaway I need to
know who actually issued these coins what denomination they are and which one
is my favorite coin and if no one gets it within
a week I will put up some clues to help guide you towards the correct answer so
I hope this isn't too hard for people and I hope you just have fun doing it
cause collecting world coins is awesome and thank you very much for watching
this video bye bye
鼻にハートマークのある子猫。保護先で人の優しさに触れると、怖がりだった子猫のハートが幸せでいっぱいに【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
李雨桐称未收到薛之谦一毛钱 否认卖亲密照已报警 - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
🏁 Wie VW GOLF 5 Koppelstange hinten wechseln [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] 🏁 - Duration: 3:12.Remove the rear wheels.
Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17. Unscrew the stabilizer rod fasteners.
Remove the link from the stabilizer.
Install a new rod, tighten the fasteners. Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17.
263 BILL BACARDI #121 CHALLENGE LOCK, GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 11:53.Hello guys, welcome back again
today I have for you a lock that my friend Foxxy sends me, redcatimaging,
thank you very much Foxxy,
It is a lock that makes me very excited
is modified by Bill Bacardi
Bill is a great picker, he has a YouTube channel that I love,
if you do not know him, you should visit his channel
I will leave a link in the video description
and this lock is very special because
because it is a dimple challenge lock
you see very few,
there it is
works perfect, smooth
it is number 121
from Bill
I have never tried a Bill lock,
I have not tried to open this lock yet, I do not know how it will behave
these Iseo originally carry spools,
but being modified,
we will not know
until we try to pick it
the biting, as you see, is very pretty
a very long sixth
a very long third also
the rest are very short,
can give pretty game
and as I tell you, I do not know what it will take inside
or how is it going to behave
let's try to pick it
and if we get it, we take it apart
and we see what it has inside
let´s see
I'm going to use
let's see, yes, this tensor of a cheap Chinese set
there it is
and this pick
it's a Goso pick that I get modified the flag,
is to enter from the left
let´s see
slight tension, let's start with light tension and see how it behaves
let´s do it
first nothing
is binding
there it is, it make a click
third is binding
make one click
fourth is binding
make one click, is set in false set, third one click
I'm going to increase the tension a little
first is binding
there it is, one click
second nothing
third is binding
bind more
No, I think I've overset it, I'm going to release tension
there it is, first, second
third one click
fourth nothing, fifth is binding
make a click
sixth is binding
one click
I think I've had overset it, I elease tension
I go from the beginning, there, I touched one pin, I think it was the third
second are set
third is set
the third
gives a little strange feedback
fourth and fifth seem set, sixth is binding
there it is, it make a click
third, I think it can be...
there it is, when you touch the third one, the lock opens
there is something strange in the third
that gives the feeling of binding, but it is overset
yes 3rd and 6th were the longest,
something is there, let's see what it is
let's take it apart
as we have the key we are going to close, yes, it works
I'm very curious to know what's there, and especially in the third
the rest have spool behave
we are going to gut it, we see that it is inside
Let's see
well, very very interesting
first of all let's see the plug,
the first chamber is smooth
the second, third and fifth are countermilled
they're milled to snag the spools
and fourth and sixth are threaded
very very nice work
has not left any burrs
very pretty
milling and threading
it's cool,
has not modified practically anything in the mouth of the chamber
let's see now the key pins
let's see especially that third
first, second and fifth are the original key pins
they are standard they do not haven nothing
the third is strongly bevelled so that it easily overset
strongly beveled
the fourth is a double serrated, very very cool
matches this threading
and the sixth one, that I think I've overset too, the sixth, and I had to release tension
It is a double serrated, it would be a trap to overset it and to get stuck
and do not go back to its site
very very cool, I love the locks
with very specific and simple modifications, with one or two traps,
without a lot of different types of pins
but with a clear intention how is this
in which it is sought to overset the third, and it does very well, I have overset it, I think a couple of times,
and that you go to the sixth and stay hung
pretty cool
this is the one that gave me a strange feedback
I was oversetting the pin, it's nice, I really like it
as for the driver pins...
first, fourth and fifth I think they are the commercial spools, the Iseo originals
the second one is a homemade spool, very nice, very well done
matches the milling
to get hooked
ops! sorry, there it is
would get hooked on the milling, it's very well thought
the third one is a serrated, this is one of the traps to overset the pin
the sixth would also be a serrated, that matches the threading
it also overset very easy, very nice, very nice
thank you very much Foxxy for sending me this lock, is very interesting,
thank you very much Bill for your work, congratulations, I liked it a lot and I fell into the trap
I was lucky to open this lock quite fast,
and not have had to start over, because if I had overset more the sixth, it would have been hanged
and this has been the picking of this
Iseo modified by Bill Bacardi, number 121,
I hope you liked it, that it will be useful
and thank you very much for your time bye
Trein Tram Bus in Februari Deel 2 - February Part 2 - Duration: 11:11.February
Büyük top havuzunu Efe ve arkadaşı için Kapattık, Oyun parkında çok eğlendiler - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
Dünya.YAKLAŞAN FELAKET..MANYETİK ALAN YER DEĞİŞTİRİYOR.(ilk belgesel çalışmam) - Duration: system is a ruthless place
world under deadly cosmic radiation attack
the only reason we can live on this planet today
we are shielded by an invisible shield that we give the name of magnetosphere.
but scientists at the end of the research
the findings were quite scary
in a region above the southern atlantic
hazardous radiation levels measured
so that this level is going to tear down the satellites that are traveling at low altitude ..
if the magnetic field is displaced
or if it disappears altogether, what will happen to life?
the world's magnetosphere is like a giant umbrella
protects against deadly cosmic radiation from the sun
Exposure to it can bring our hurt.
As a result of intense studies of scientists
found the reason for the weakening
One day the compass will show the south instead of the north.
The magnetic poles of our planet,
after thousands of years of stagnation.
This situation, which seems unusual to us, has actually been repeated for billions of years
However, throughout the history of mankind
never experienced such a change.
The Earth's magnetic field is a shield that protects us from danger, like cosmic radiation.
During the displacement of the magnetic poles,
the magnetic field is believed to have declined substantially.
For this reason, the process of change
it is inevitable that you have some influence on life on our planet.
Scientists are now emphasizing that a new change process is about to begin.
Even for the most part, this process has already begun.
the magnetic field is about 1.5 million kilometers from the sun
by blocking extreme hot particles
a shield that protects us from absolute mortality.
solar winds from the sun
the magnetosphere bumps into a curved shield
and passing through the world
only a fraction of the shield is the weakest point
atmospheres near the poles
and northern lights in the sky that create a visual feast for the people.
this fascinating display of colorful lights
is caused by solar particles hitting the gases in our atmosphere and causing them to shine.
how beautiful the north lights are to us
with solar winds constantly attacking our planet
the best example of the war between the magnetosphere.
Magnetic field
we can not make use of it only with the compass.
In fact, it would not be wrong to say that life on earth depends on it.
Because the magnetic field does not keep us from harmful radiation in the limb,
many living creatures on earth and in the seas,
It also uses the magnetic field to find directions.
Well, if this field disappears one day,
or what happens if it is reversed?
Investigations, the magnetic field of our planet
The displacement process takes place every 100,000 to 1 million years
and is completed in an average of 5 thousand years
These times may seem long to us.
However, recent researches,
gives a clue that we may have come to the brink of a new reversal.
In the displacement (inversion) process, the magnetic field is experiencing a serious instability.
In the meantime, for a long time
the intensity of the bipolar magnetic field drops significantly
There is a multipolar magnetic field.
At the magnitude of the magnetic field
the rapid decline observed over the last few centuries,
began to attract the attention of science circles
Looking at the records of the past,
such a reduction can be achieved before a pole reversal
it seems to be a typical situation.
The changes that occur in the magnitude and shape of the magnetic field,
will affect the way the charged particles enter the atmosphere.
Maybe this will please those who are interested in polar lights
but will cause a significant increase in the harmful radiation reaching the earth.
If these beams
causing the ozone in the atmosphere to deteriorate,
it will be inevitable that ultraviolet radiation reaches the earth more.
Besides the harm that this incident gives to the electronic infrastructure,
more terrible,
cancer and genetic mutations caused by excessive radiation.
Loss of magnetic field,
in the process of displacement of magnetic poles
corresponds to the middle point
When the displacement is complete, the zoos of the compasses
to the south instead of the north, to Antarctica.
Magnetic minerals trapped in ancient rocks,
shows that there has been a reversal of polarity about 170 times in the last 100 million years.
The latest magnetic reversal of the Earth,
It happened 780 thousand years ago.
In the ancient times of the world,
every 100 or 1000 years is thought to be one.
in some research done by scientists
during magnetic field strength reversal
is lower than before and after
This happens in Oregon as on Mount Steens.
derived from layers formed by lava flows
supported by a large number of data.
The data obtained from Mount Steens,
at the time of the reversal process
as in other records of other periods,
in total 5000 years.
but scientists are confronted with an interesting finding when examining the data in the mountains of steens.
When the lava flow accumulates somewhere,
from outside to inside, from below and from above.
Last, the center of the accumulation is cold.
Since cooling does not last long,
usually samples taken from all over a layer show the same direction.
However, these two layers on Mount Steens
while the samples taken from above and below show a direction,
samples taken from the middle of the layers,
it points to another direction.
One of these layers, during the cooling process of the layer
the magnetic field changes by 80 °.
Researchers who predicted that such a layer could cool in about 13 days,
the change was the result of this period.
scientists gathered
the magnetic field declined very rapidly compared to 500 years ago
this reduction has already begun to manifest itself in some places
South of the Atlantic Ocean
magnetic field is completely nullified
they gave this region the name of south atlantic anomaly.
This region is about 4.5 million kilometers
and it is expanding day by day,
Cosmic radiation is getting closer to the world every day.
The north pole is sliding, what speed and where to go?
After moving to the left, right, and left of the compass,
Towards the geographic north pole of the globe
However, this direction, which the ibrenin has shown to have come to a standstill,
it is not exactly geographical northern pole
Near the north magnetic pole
and there is an angle of 11.6 degrees between these two points.
The angle between the direction indicated by the compass hands and the geographic pole point,
deviation angle or declination angle.
This angle takes different values everywhere.
Where the diagonal angle is zero,
compass pointing, at the same time showing the geographic north pole
the northern magnetic pole of the earth till today
It was in the arctic region of Canada
, north and north-west direction
the speed of the magnetic pole, which is believed to travel 10 kilometers per year
in the context of recent research
40 kilometers and out of the Canadian borders 200 miles
He showed you that he reached Russia.
As this process continues, the planet's magnetic field will gradually weaken,
then practically disappear.
It will come out again with reverse polarity from behind
Previously, the arrows of the compass indicating the north pole,
now the south pole will show. Because they will change location.
Rapidly attenuating magnetic field as a result of the transformation
cosmic radiation will not be able to prevent,
life will change and the world will be exposed to more deadly radiation
the only visual sign of the weakening shield will be the sky
in the east, in the west, and perhaps even in the background of the ecliptic surrounding the sky.
inversion of the earth's magnetic field
will affect all life,
but scientists have been able to
have yet to find evidence of mass extinctions
How to archive messages in messenger app - Duration: 1:18.In this video today we will see how to archive messages in messenger and how to see the archived
Let me open messenger.
For example if this is the contact whose messages I want to archive then what I will do is I
will tap and hold this contact.
Go to "More" and then select "Archive".
Now once the contact is archived or the messages are archived the contact will be hidden from
this main screen.
Now if you want to view the archived message, go to the search bar, type the name of the
Now once you find the contact, you can see the archived messages.
Now if you want to bring this contact to the main screen.
Just send a message.
Now once you send the message and if you go back to the main screen you will see the contact
So, this is how you will archive messages in messenger and view it.
Ronaldo vs Messi The Greatest Rivalry // Stars Story - Duration: 2:52.
If you want more, please SUBSCRIBE, Thank You...!
Jak vyměnit zkrutna tyc na VW GOLF 5 [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:19.Remove the rear wheels.
Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17. Unscrew the stabilizer rod fasteners.
Remove the link from the stabilizer.
Install a new rod, tighten the fasteners. Use an end bit №5 and an open-end wrench №17.
Let's talk about ddlc on BBC News | spoilers - Duration: 9:51.Hello peeps and cheeps!
Kalomay here. It's been a long time since I've made a video that was not on a computer, which it's over there
So it's over there?
I wanted to talk about this "thing" that's been going on
You know,
Doki Doki-
Doki doki
Literature club
hold up
So Doki Doki Literature Club 'n stuff have gone BBC News or whatever
clearly that was not the adult nah- no clearly it wasn't the game's fault
Because the
Game itself did nothing wrong
It gave MULTIPLE warnings
That the game was not suited for...
Under 13 or people who have suicidal thoughts and crap
[heavy breath]
I'm not HAPPY with this
This video.... everything
[heavy breath]
Okay, um
So if you didn't hear the story I will link a video to the full
Thing you haven't already saw it for you DDLC fans
I'll just
summarize the story here
So the parents of a 15 year old male child
Committed su- No the child who is 15 years old or whatever
I don't know the exact age, probably is 15 years old. committed suicide after playing the game.
So, this is clearly how the story went I
Hold up
Haven't had anything planned for this, but This is how it's gonna go
So we've got this main character for you
Frick you eevee >:-(
So we've got our main character, Monika here
And Natsuki
Monika over here like, "I'm okay. I'm innocent" - goodbye - the... where'd it go?
here you are :)
who-weh! *Cough
im dying right now
Okay, who would I say this was...? Yuri or something? no, Sayori. all right.
Yes, Sayori- Sayori
"I'm happy. I'm not really happy. Okay. I'm not really happy" do-do-do-do-do.
Oh Sayori! I want to write a poem for you! "oh, thank you for the poem!!!! :)"
"I really I really like it." why are you so enthusiastic
about it?!
"I don't like you." "UUUUUU you hurt my feelings!!! :( " I ruin everything
[Horse sound]
i died
Y-You can- you can go now
Okay, So
Yuri, hi Yuri, "hello"
"um... I don't like your poem." Okay. I'll write a poem for you
Types poems
i mean- writes writes poems
Yuri, I wrote a poem for you, "oh, I love this poem. Can I keep it?" yes, you can keep it. "I hate you Yuri"
"Why do you hate me?" "Because you like the mc or kalomay"- whatever
"I didn't know!" I ruined your settings and whatever
"MC. I like you, will you accept my confession?" yes or no depending on the characters decision
"Uh-oh. So happy / angry. I'm going to stab myself to death."
[death sounds]
three days
Goodbye, Yuri :)
"I'm Natsuki. I'm- s "
Yeah, Nats- Oh
"What the- oh my god Yuri!!"
[barf sounds]
Goodbye :)
"Oh- oh"
"Well, that's a shame, I didn't know script was broken that badly"
"Well, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do" types stuff
Helloh Monikah, "hi. Delete me, please." Okay, do-do-do-do-do
delete- dead, bye~ >:-)
Cough. Oh
It's a- it's eh new game clicks new game. Okay. So now we got we got Monika out the way. goodbye Monika. "goodbye" Oh
Hi Sayori ! :) "Oh hi MC depending on what your name is" uh
"I hate Natski and I hate Yuri.. So Yuri and Natsuki are gonna go die."
"Yay!! I'm so happy that you deleted Monika! That's right"
"I know you deleted and Monika. I know everything probably because I'm Club leader now, but we're going to be together..."
"f o r e v e r"
"no I don't want this"
Where- where is she?
Ow my head
"No, I don't want this you can't do this" deletes everything deletes, "goodbye"
"This club has no happiness after all" you see that? Okay, so that's what happened to
Kid plays through the whole entire game. I think or watches something about that.
I cant breathe
Okay, so eventually this kid like freaks out was like oh I'm super depressed
Super depressed I became Yuri or whatever
Whoever other character he decided to become
And they killed themselves, so the parents blame
The game for killing their son, the son really just killed themselves and parents of just playing the game now
the parents told whatever and then the got on BBB BBB
B! B! B!
BBC News or whatever British something channel and
Now they're like blaming the game the parents told dan salvato
The only thing that was funny about that video is how the news reporter
pronouced dan salvato, Dan saveto dan savato
Savato, and that was- that was just funny right there, dan savato
Dan sal-va-to, that's how you pronounce it not Dan savato- whatever you pronounced like, but it was really funny
But um, RIP that kid
There, okay- um
Yeah, I don't know if you can hear me but this is going on YouTube if you if
You couldn't tell
Sorry for spoiling like the whole entire thing, but you should have known that you're going to
Indeed find spoilers for the game if you would watch this video. I
Got this idea from Bijuu Mike. Like if i already said that, I'm pretty sure I didn't
Because we do actually have a lel- lot of good ideas including everybody from the
comments section on his uh video about that
THAT Just came out not too long ago
also you like my cat shirt? It says "Meh"
It's also backwards, I think
This is this is a very long video so I
technically blame the parents for letting their children play such a horrible and
Dangerous game not actually horrible or dangerous. They just played or read it
Barbie - Makeup Madness with the Twins | Ep.168 - Duration: 8:30.Barbie - Makeup Madness with the Twins
I can't believe you two are going to make
me late for school again!
It not my fault
Annabelle take too long on the toilet
Ummm, there's another toilet downstairs...
There is too!
Silly me...
You looking nice today Mummy
I like your makeup
Thank you Annabelle
I'm going out for coffee with Summer after
I take you to preschool
So why you need makeup to have coffee?
I just want to make sure I'm looking nice when I go out
No, you do not need makeup at your age
How she know I going to ask that?
I won't need makeup when I'm older
I'll always be beautiful
That what you think...
Hey Molly, where Ruby?
I not sure
Maybe she not here today
Morning girls
Good morning Miss Clarke
Today, we're going to be...
Sorry I late Miss Clarke
I have photo for my dance school this morning
That's fine Ruby
I love your makeup!
Thank you
I had to do it for the photo
Sit down and we'll get started
Ruby got nice makeup!
I know!
How come she allowed to wear makeup and we not?
...and she wear lots of makeup and it look really nice
I know
She look beautiful
But she only had it on for the dance school photos
Well that's fine then
You won't see anyone else at the preschool
with makeup on
I suppose you right
Mummy's always right...
Are you serious!
Everyone got makeup on!
Oh boy, Mummy was so wrong this time...
You like my foundation Isabelle?
Don't I look younger now?
And me!
You like my lipstick?
I think I look so much beautiful now
Annabelle, you think this eye shadow
a good colour for me?
Oh great!
We the only ugly ones here now
And everyone have make up on
Well I'm not sure why they'd be
wearing makeup to preschool
We the only girls that not look nice
You girls don't need makeup
You look beautiful just the way you are
Well I suppose I am very, very, very beautiful girl
so we not really need any makeup
You right
Where you going?
To practice putting makeup on
But, you just say you not need it
I don't, but we still have to show other girls
how nice we look with makeup
I like your thinking sis!
Ok, I try a bit of lipstick on you first
You not trying makeup on me!
But how we going to practice for preschool?
Practice on someone else
Auntie Skipper not here, Auntie Stacie not here...
And Auntie Chelsea not here
Who we going to practice on?
Are you thinking what I thinking?
I think so!
Maybe we try lipstick on Daddy first
Good idea!
But be very careful
I will...
Some lipstick there...
Good Isabelle!
And a little bit...
Well that not look good...
Oh well
You think some eye shadow now?
Sure, but which colour?
Maybe both...
I was just in the area and...
Hey boss!
You were in the area and...?
Oh, ummm...
Should be heading home now anyway
Oh, ok...
Ken, have you seen the twins?
Look what they...
Oh boy!
Those girls...
Sorry Tommy
I'd hate to be you right now...
We know...
No more makeup
You'll have plenty of time for
makeup when you get older
Really, really old like you?
Yes Isabelle, when you're really old like me...
Morning Annabelle
Morning Isabelle
Good morning Miss Clarke
Sit down and I'll be back in one moment
Now that I'm organised, who...
Ummm, where are the twins?
They go to bathroom
You alright in there girls?
We not be long...
Isabelle, don't move!
Well if you hurry up!
Come on, everyone's...
Ok, you can start now
What are you girls doing?
We just put a little bit of makeup on
A little bit?
That look like a lot of bit!
You not do very good makeup
That Isabelle's fault
She not good at doing makeup
Girls you don't need makeup
Yeah, you don't need it
That goes for all of you
You're all beautiful just the way you are
Yes really
Why would you want to put makeup over those
pretty faces?
Then why you wear makeup?
Yeah, is that because you not pretty like us?
She must be really bad without makeup...
"Услышано в Одессе" -№41. Ржачные одесские фразы и выражения! - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Confusing English Words Explained Travel, Trip and Journey – Increase Your English Vocabulary - Duration: 2:55.Confusing English Words Explained Travel, Trip and Journey – Increase Your English Vocabulary
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