Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 30 2017

Thank you the who we on for sponsor

Opened it up a bit backwards, but

It's alright. It's alright, so I just finished opening everything and

That there's a lot of pieces to put together

Hui on because this is a sponsor they actually gave me an extra pen stylus as well as this

screen I


in a very nice nice nice note to see

Even in papyrus, so you know it's genuine so

Please be patient with me as I try to put all this

together so

It came in a really big box and it came with a lot of parts

So I was initially a little intimidated to put it together

but the manual was actually really clear there were only a few pages, but

every every

Like cord is labeled and the instructions are very minimal, but very clear, so I was actually able to put together and only like

Around 10 or 15 minutes, so that was really nice

So it also comes with a tiny screen protector, which you can also draw on I?

Personally prefer to just take it off because the screen protector makes a little like lighter and blur than I want it to

So yeah, I used it on my laptop. You can use it on laptops or computers

But the thing with the laptop is that you'll see the screen on both screens

So it'll be the same desktop, just like

Copied, and I didn't find much of a problem with that, but I can understand. Why some people might not quite like that

So yeah the driver came in and CD, but I didn't have a CD slot in my laptop

So I just downloaded a driver from the hui on website, and that works just fine

Honestly the installation process was really instant

It was very quick and easy and once the driver was downloaded and once everything was connected. I could very easily

Put the pen on the screen and just like start the main problem

I had with this tablet was not with the tablet itself

But how interacted with art programs

Because once I opened a program such as paint will side or a Photoshop

it would kind of freeze in place and stop working unless I physically took the mouse and

Moved it to a different screen or application

so I looked up the answers and try to find my way around it and it turns out that paint will side can be a

little particular about non, Wacom

Tablets so after uninstalling and reinstalling the driver a couple times. I just ended up getting a completely different version of paint tool Sai and

then it just worked out ok and

hue on has been very gracious and helpful with my questions and problems so I appreciate that a lot I

Found that using the tablet was actually really nice

Something about working on a screen that you can actually see while you're drawing

I didn't really find that a hindrance at all it actually was really cool to just work directly

like a sketch pad and

I would highly recommend it for more detailed drawings. That's why for my speed paint

I'm going for more of a painting s style instead of like simple lines and colors and shading and

I guess I wouldn't recommend it for I

Guess I wouldn't not recommend it

But I guess I it's a little difficult to draw for

Very simple very quick liner in my opinion

Because it's a little quicker than my actual tablet

Which makes making smooth really simple line are a little difficult?

but other than that I think I could really use this for my more big detailed art and

it was very easy to put together the instructions were very simple and

Who Yan has been very gracious to me and helping me with my with any problems or any questions? I have and

So yeah, I highly recommend it

And that is how shit gets done


For more infomation >> Huion KAMVAS GT-191 Drawing Tablet (REVIEW) + Mettaton - Undertale (SPEEDPAINT) - Duration: 10:07.


feir nyttårsaften med stil! burgundy eye tutorial | Sandra Bury - Duration: 3:49.

Hi and welcome back to my channel!

I am so sorry for my hair, it just does not want to collaborate with me

welcome back, it feels like I haven´t filmed a video for like 4000 years

as you can see..

that means that I am about to move out

it was time for it. New year - new beginning

I todays video I am going to show you how to create this NYE burgundy eye look

If you want to see how I do this makeup look then

I was about to put away my camera, but then I remembered that I forgot to film an outro

I hope you liked the video!

feel free to give it a thumbs up

and I´ll see you IN 2018 PEOPLE


I´ll see you in my next video, peace out

For more infomation >> feir nyttårsaften med stil! burgundy eye tutorial | Sandra Bury - Duration: 3:49.


manster tapout:GojiFan2001's Boris Gets a Barney Error 1-3 Complete Collection - Duration: 53:42.

Man, it feels so good to be at work.

I'm going to watch Kaylee Gets Grounded.

What? There was a virus on my computer.

I didn't do anything stupid.

Alright, let me turn on my face cam.

Ah, much better.


Now for example, Barney was killed by ethanb0206's archenemy.

Mean Goanimate Dad.

He also put a bomb in Barney's lair.

Now show him the bomb if you please.

Now, there are hours.

24 hours.

So yeah, it will explode in 24 hours like always

just for an advice.

BORIS: Yeah?

Do not turn off your Windows Server 2003

because if you lie to me.

You'll lose it forever.

Now be careful.

Because you will not turn off your system.

What can I do?

I know, i'll turn it off.

This can let me go back to my regular session.

Why did you turn it off?

You're not supposed to do that at all!

Don't do it again!

Over the time reduction will occurred.

What the hell, it didn't work!

It just came right up.

Let's try that again.

Hey! that was another time you turned off your computer.

Why? Just why?

Really? Second time already?

You know what?

We are splitting the 24 hours into half.

Now, do not do it again!

If I block this, it'll work.

Now let's see.

Cool, it worked.

What? You blocked your Windows Server 2003?

Why you do that?

I need to see you.

That helps us turning it off.

The timer is now 8 hours and 17 freakin minutes.

Yeah, sometimes, Barney could be such an asshole.

What did you say?!


For more infomation >> manster tapout:GojiFan2001's Boris Gets a Barney Error 1-3 Complete Collection - Duration: 53:42.


Rayman 2 (PS1) - Glitches by Dijay #42 - Duration: 3:06.

Glitches by Dijay #42

The bayou

Shoot and jump

The menhirs hills

This game has been tested?

For more infomation >> Rayman 2 (PS1) - Glitches by Dijay #42 - Duration: 3:06.


League of Legends, ROAD TO PLAT: Gold 4; 0 LP! Let's go 🤗 - Duration: 13:24.

Yo, what's up guys and welcome back to a new league part.

so... I've decided to do another climb ... so a climb series.

right now I am gold 4 and got 0 lp.

and yeah.. let's do this.

mh maybe I can gank gangplank.

but lee should be near.

ah lucky.

does he live?

ok it seems like lee sin isn't here at all.

oh.. nevermind that.

oh my god!


well this should be a kill in case lee is not there. (gues I am a fortune teller..)

oh there he is.

oh ok gues that's it for me.

well whatever.

ok there he is. perfect.

argh... if he didn't react so fast he would have died instantly.

oh perfect!

well whatever..

if I had smite I probably would have been able to get 3 of them.

annoying.. ( I say that cause none of them helped me with dragon)

huh? what is he doing?

oh ok he ignited her.

oh I think they go ham down there.



this game is already won again.

if I wouldn't have done that play off on top lane that would be a perfect game.

oh that looks pretty bad for him.

wow lee sin fails his q when the enemy yasuo is binded/ snared by morgana q.

ok the gp.. I mean renekton isn't there.

mh ok gues that's it again.

maybe I can counter jungle him.. nope nothing's there.

mh lee goes this way.

oh I deal too much damage..

oh I won't get him anymore.. yeah morgana was there.

oh wait I thought he died..

huh? what the fuck is he doing there?


oh gp is trying..

yeah come here.

oh shit.. does he have ulti?

will she come?

ok she won't flash.

"you are already dead" (omae wa mou shindeiru)

"WHAT?!" (NANI?!)

fucking lethality on renekton...

oh my god it lagged...

oh my god! (they fight when yasuo just died)

just why?


mh I'll just go pushing.. fuck this guy.

well whatever.

ok katarina just suicided.


everyone can do this once. (not saying you should)

lee is buying armor.. gangplank is somewhat tanky too but he mainly just buys armor as well.

told ya.

what the fuck? (ezreal just e's in knowing there's more then 3 people...)

I should get this turret..

please don't fight...

that yasuo is soooo low (on hp)


they fight.. they fight!


what? how did that stun me? I was out of it.

whatever I'll get some free kills now.

oh he's teleporting.

ah fuck that!

does jinx have an active ga? (guardian angel)

no she hasn't

ok they fight, jinx isn't there.

that's a perfect time now.

omg why is he healing so much?

man I just .. clicked that smite so hard.. I mean I got scared and smited

but this should be it now.

cause when lee sin jumped in he also smited so that's why I was so scared.

well whatever.

we got it.

even if we didn't get it we would have won (the fight).

uff! (hard fight with that morgana)

well, I hope you've enjoyed it. I also thank you for watching, and I hope to see you again next time!

I was shouting from a sensational impulse I had

I got the feeling that you'd disappear off somewhere

I wanna see you (or I miss you)

For more infomation >> League of Legends, ROAD TO PLAT: Gold 4; 0 LP! Let's go 🤗 - Duration: 13:24.


One Big Reason Why Trump Thinks He's Going To Win In 2020 - Duration: 1:55.

One Big Reason Why Trump Thinks He�s Going To Win In 2020

President Donald Trump said in a new interview that he expects to win re-election in 2020

in part because the media needs him to keep their ratings high.

�Another reason that I�m going to win another four years is because newspapers,

television, all forms of media will tank if I�m not there because without me, their

ratings are going down the tubes,� Trump told The New York Times on Thursday.

�Without me, The New York Times will indeed be not the failing New York Times, but the

failed New York Times.�

�So they basically have to let me win,� Trump added.

�And eventually, probably six months before the election, they�ll be loving me because

they�re saying, �Please, please, don�t lose Donald Trump.� O.K.�

Both the NYT and The Washington Post have seen their subscriptions surge during the

Trump era, as both establishment media outlets and the president have leaned into a combative


Media coverage of President Trump has been consistently and overwhelmingly negative throughout


For more infomation >> One Big Reason Why Trump Thinks He's Going To Win In 2020 - Duration: 1:55.


Remove battery of ASUS R451U Notebook - Duration: 8:09.

In this video we show you,

how to remove the battery of ASUS R451U

First, we remove the short screws

Next, we remove all other screws

Now, we take away the keyboard

You can do this with your nail

in the little slit

The broad flap must be folded up here

Then the little black one has to be folded up as well

Here you can see the keys more detailed

Now we remove the battery:

Here are two screws

These must be screwed out

These screws have fixed the battery

The battery is placed a little bit under the mainboard.

Therefore the screws should be loosened a little bit.

The battery is attached with a tape stripe

To get the battery out you can shake it a little bit

The mainboard should also be raised slightly

When everything is loose, the battery can be pulled out.

The battery is flat at the bottom, so do not force pull it up!

This part is under the mainboard

Build in:

Raise the board again slightly

and take care of the contacts

Just turn the battery in a little bit and maybe wiggle it a little bit.

Now we fix the board

(In this moment you could remove the dust from the fan)

Now it's time for the ribbon cables

We'll start with the little one.

The cable has to be inserted and the flap pressed down.

IMPORTANT: For testing, pull it a bit

With the wide one we do exactly the same thing

This white line ends up with the black plastic?

Then the ribbon cable is plugged in correctly!

Now you can put on the keyboard

And now the screws can be screwed back in.

The short ones in front, the others behind

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