Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 6 2018

hello guys and welcome back to a new video

this time we will jump right into builder hall 8

the guys who already follow me for quite some time all know the procedure

at the beginning of every new builder level

I will tell you how I would upgrade

how strong the troops are and we will have a look at the new defenses

lets go

first the barbs they are quite solid

but they wont get a huge boost from 14 to16

I always assume that you maxed your troops by now

my rating is based on a level 14 troop

the barbs only get a little stronger but nothing exciting

next archer there you will get a little boost regarding the stats

and the number of archer is increased

thats nice, but generally I estimate this troop as not strong

who used mass archer at bh 7 can continue doing that

but in my opinion this troop is not very strong

giants will get a huge boost form 14 to 16

they will get one more giant per army camp

so not only 3 but 4 giants per army camp and thats a lot

they are so tanky that I wonder why I have even got a battle machine when I can use a giant instead

giants are a troop definetly worth upgrading

minion. they are always there in an air attack

no matter if night witches or baby dragons or ballons

quite solid troop form 14 to 16

who likes to attack with air troops should upgrade them first

bombers. they will also get one more per army camp form 14 to 16

5 instead of 4 bombers

thats quite relevant, espcially when you loose a bomber due to a giant canon

baby dragons. I think they are not so strong yet

but as soon as they are 4 not 3 in their army camp,

they could get more relevant

but you have to wait and see how the bases develop

right now it is quite hard to use them with 4 crackers

I dont know where the path leads

so I wouldnt upgrade this troop at the beginnng

canon carts are the strongest troops at bh 8 in my opinion

they are so strong because they will get another one in their army camp

you will get 3 instead of 2 canon carts

3 canon carts is insane and a troop you should upgrade at the very beginning

night witches. They exist...

you could use them as a replacement for a loon

but I will talk about that in another video how to counter the mega tesla as an air attacker

there is no more to say

and they could get useful for air attackers

balloons. thats the thing in bh 8 and in air attacks

the mega tesla destroyes them so quickly

I'm curious to see how they develop

ballons are essential for air attackers just like minions

who likes to attacck with air should upgrade them

the new troop is the super pekka

I dont really know how to classify it

because what can a super pekka do better than a giant?

a giant is perfect as a tank, you have 4 of them per army camp which is a lot of health

a super pekka does a lot of damage but there is only one of it

and a canon cart behind a giant does the same in the end

and you have 4 giants and 3 canon carts

and not only one pekka

so I dont know how to classify it

the explosion is nice but it wont take any important buildings down

like crusher or air bomber defense

I dont know if you can use it effectively

at the moment this is not my first choice for an upgrade

battle machine now

it's quite solide. you should upgrade it some where in the middle

depending on wether you're an air attacker or not

after you upgraded your essential troops

everything summerised:

as a ground attacker: first troop canon carts

second: giants

third: bombers or barbs

it up to you, what ever you prefer

some people dont like to use bombers anymore

this would be my order

all the people who like to attack with archers you can upgrade them of course

for air attackers: minions first

then loons and then night witches

and after that the baby dragons

this is my order for air

depending on how you like to attack I would always first upgrade the troops and the battle machine afterwards

choose one troop, max it and after that max the battle machine

it up to you how you go on after that

I have prepared a list

this is the order of how strong I rate the buildings

the mega tesla is new and the strongest one

it is mega effective against air attacks

because it destroyes the loons so fast

as soon as you have the mega tesla

you dont have to pay attention to air defense anymore

because it is almost enough as a defense against air troops

so you should definetly upgrade this one first

as a reminder: I assume that you already maxed your defense buildings at bh 7

so first upgrade all your existent and new buildings to a bh 7 grade

new crackers, new canons etc

you will upgrade them to bh 7 grade first

after that you can continue with my order

1. mega tesla 2. roaster is good against ground and air troops

this is a very well balanced defense building

Every one knows the giant cannon as the battle machine killer canon

it is still very strong at bh 8

you should upgrade this to take the battle machine down faster

and also because the canon carts are so strong

next is a trap I would upgrade the giant bomb quite fast

to one hit night witches, canon carts etc

it is very annoying if you need more than one hit

after that the guardpost

I think this is a good defense, similar to the roaster

and it is essential in every base

the mortar is very effective against canon carts as well

and since ground troops are suppost to be the strongest troop I will upgrade ground defense first

now we are done with the special defenses and its turn for the archer tower

this one is important because it can attack both kind of troops and makes much damage at both ranges

it is comfortable you dont have to choose between air or ground

thats the reason why it comes before the double cannon

we have 8 more to go

you should upgrade the spring trap at 9th position because giants and cannon carts are strong

spring traps are very important for the base

if they are well placed and knock up 4 or 5 giants

it will weaken the attack

so upgrade your spring traps early

similar to the archer tower the tesla can attack air and ground

that is the reason why it comes before the cannon

it makes much damage even though it doesnt have that much health

the cannon is quite strong against ground troops

because ground is strong your should upgrade you small bombs to counter barbs

as soon as you have the mega tesla you dont have to pay attention for you air defenses anymore

thats why I would set the bombs to ground troops

and now finally air defense - crackers

you should not wreak them

the cracker is followed by the airbomber defense

and then the crusher

it gets more health and does a little more damage

but I think the difference between the levels are not that serious

last but not least, the push traps

they exist and are fun but mostly they are sometimes annoying with bombers

but since you have 5 of them its not so serious

and there is not really a difference between level 7 and 8

thats my rating

hope that I could help you

I will do more tactic guides in the next days

especially the one with night witches, loons and minions

I'm exited to see your feedback

what is your order? and what would you like to see in my next videos?

tactics? bases?

what are you interested in?

and what can improve your game play?

or do you want to see me playing?

I will have streams every day. Today there was already one

farming with bh 8 using the loot bonus

I will be happy to hear from you

see you next time

have a nice day. bye bye

For more infomation >> Ugradereihenfolge BH 8 | Upgrade Guide BH 8 | iTzu w/ Subtitles - Duration: 13:08.


An Outstanding True Story of ISIS & The Syrian Tree of Hope! - Duration: 3:05.

At the foot of a hillock above many hills in the Syrian

village, Atmeh, was a tree living alone, for over a hundred years.

It had witnessed many generations and under its shade

buried the memories and secrets of the village.

The tree was never worshipped.

It was merely its size, age and the precious memories

embedded within its roots that gave it its great

significance in the village.

For generations, the tree was used by children

who would tie ropes to it and swing on its branches.

As they grew older, it would offer its shade to couples

on romantic strolls.

For families, it provided beautiful shelter as they gathered for

picnics and barbecues.

The farmers and shepherds of the village would drink

their morning or tea under it, and villagers often rested 17 00:01:07,646 --> 00:01:10,199 in its shade after a long day of work.

It seemed like the tree was standing to respect the shrine

because of the person who has been buried there for years.

People praying at the tomb would sit and have fun

under the shade of the tree

housed people passing by and people on the run for years.

So much so, that the older villagers would not even allow

the younger ones to cut a single twig off of the tree.

When the Syrian crisis began,

people swore they saw the tree singing

the songs of freedom and dignity

and the tree became a haven

for those taking refuge from the shootings.

Because of all this,

on November 20th, 2013 the tree was declared a kafir

by the ISIS forces

and was condemned to death

they claimed the tree,

which had withstood the time in history as it did

was being worshipped by the villagers.

These men, who came in from the outside

desecrated the tree and the village

for their false perceptions of religiosity.

But, as the tree withstood all this aggression, so did the villagers.

On March 4th, 2014,

a group of young villagers decided to bring the tree back to life:

they replanted it.

Because to them, shajart alkarasi was never 'just a tree'.

It chose to come back, like the memories of villager's it carried.

and with the passing of time, will grow as big and beautiful as ever.

Someday just like the tree, Syria too will return to life.

For more infomation >> An Outstanding True Story of ISIS & The Syrian Tree of Hope! - Duration: 3:05.


バーチャルユーチューバーの企画を考えるの初ラジオ - Duration: 1:11:19.

For more infomation >> バーチャルユーチューバーの企画を考えるの初ラジオ - Duration: 1:11:19.


Daily Rasi Phalalu 7th March 2018 | Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology | Horoscope | Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 28:02.

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For more infomation >> Daily Rasi Phalalu 7th March 2018 | Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology | Horoscope | Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 28:02.


Rakhi Sawant Trolled Sunny Leone - Sunny Leone Becomes Mother Of Twin Baby Boys By Surrogacy - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Rakhi Sawant Trolled Sunny Leone - Sunny Leone Becomes Mother Of Twin Baby Boys By Surrogacy - Duration: 4:27.


Cómo VALIDAR tus IDEAS de NEGOCIO - Duration: 14:57.

You have a business idea and want

to know if it really is feasible when

undertaking is important that

We differentiate a good idea of ​​an idea

it can become a business

so it is very important before

get into more cost validate whether the

idea may have traction in the market

Today in this video I'll tell you how

you can validate your business idea with

minimum cost


Hello my name is John Merolla

Welcome to a new video if you

first time

If you want to learn all the tricks

digital marketing and how to be a

entrepreneur success subscribe to my

canal antes de comenzar quería darle la

enhorabuena y las gracias a nuria

coronado por este libro donde participó

también como uno de los entrevistados

nuria demás es ya trabajando en mi

equipo desde hace siete años es mi

responsable de comunicación y relaciones

públicas por lo que me hace mucha

ilusión no que haya contado conmigo en

este libro hombres por la igualdad donde

bueno participó por una entrevista no

justamente fijar allí está la entrevista

si queréis leer esta entrevista a muchos

profesionales hablando de hombres por la


os dejo el enlace en la descripción del

video y ahora sí vamos con la idea de

negocio y su validación

muchas veces nos dejamos llevar más por

la parte emocional cuando tenemos una

buena idea y pensamos que le va a

encantar a mucha gente no que lo van a

comprar y que puede ser un gran negocio

pero la experiencia me ha demostrado que

esta parte emocional no es una métrica a

la hora de emprender un proyecto pero la

buena noticia es que hoy con internet es

muy fácil y barato poder validar una

idea de negocio antes de emprender la

digamos de una manera seria no

entendiendo por seria cuando ya

asignadas más recursos a esa idea para

hacer un proyecto real veo

constantemente como muchos emprendedores

antes de validar una idea invierten en

crear una página web un producto y otros

gastos varios

sin tener cierta certeza al menos de si

el mercado va a asumir correctamente ese

producto o servicio y generar una

atracción positiva

por ello la mejor manera de validar un

ideal menor coste es crear de una página

de aterrizaje y con publicidad ponerla

delante de quién consideras que puede

ser tu cliente lo que te permitirá hacer

ese primer testeo y capturar datos de

posibles clientes es decir estos links y

cuando habló de posibles clientes habló

de clientes reales no hablo de la

opinión de tus amigos de tu hermano de

tu pareja de tu madre ya que seamos

realistas su opinión no es 100% objetiva

y puede llevarte una mala decisión en tu


en este punto puede que te pregunte

cómo hacer esa página de aterrizaje si

no sabes no pero no te preocupes existen

múltiples herramientas en el mercado que

sin tener ningún conocimiento técnico y

de diseño gráfico podrás crear en pocos


esta página de aterrizaje dicho de otra

manera es como crear una web temporal

para testar tu idea de negocio una vez

la tengas o incluso puedes hacerlo antes

no comprar el dominio que utilizarás

para tu idea de negocio de tal manera

que cuando tengas esa página de


puedes ponerla en el dominio del negocio

real para que se vea totalmente


al final el coste de un dominio lo

normal es que esté por debajo de los 20

euros al año

ahora sí para crear esta página de

aterrizaje yo voy a utilizar la

herramienta lid bellis puntonet te dejo

en la descripción del video el enlace a

la misma ya que es la herramienta que

utilizó desde hace muchísimo tiempo para

crear las páginas de aterrizaje

esta herramienta no es gratuita y tiene

planes disponibles desde 25 dólares al

mes pero dispone de una prueba sin coste

durante 14 días por lo que incluso

podría llegar a validar la idea sin

necesidad inicial de contratar la

herramienta y pagar por ella

voy a entrar en la herramienta y

mostrarte lo sencillo que es crear una

página de aterrizaje

hagamos de entrar en live page no y

cobras tenemos distintos distintas

plantillas no sigue el formato truck and

trope es decir que coges ya rastras por

lo que es muy sencillo

lo primero tendrás que seleccionar qué

plantilla es la que mejor encaja en

función de sus objetivos será mejor que

es captar lisicki exponer un contador

que como ves hay muchas muchas opciones

por lo que dedica tiempo fíjate pues

vamos a ver un poco todas las que hay

pero hay más de 60 plantillas dedicó

tiempo a a descubrir no ha pensado y

cuál es la que mejor se adapta a mi

negocio fijas vamos a coger está por

ejemplo vale si quiero ver un previo

antes de nada le daríamos a premium y

veríamos cómo se ve está la fech vale

como aparecería realmente hicimos nada

nos gusta bien luego podemos cambiar

colores y absolutamente todo es decir

que si quiero usar este template y lo

primero que

va a hacer es bueno pues empezar a

cargar este este sistema en lo que es el

sistema de edición para crear la página

de aterrizaje

lo primero que dice que le ponga su

nombre pues imagínate que le llamamos

testeo unos de su nombre interno para ti

reconocerlo y que empiece a construir la

arquitectura básica como bestia ya lo

tenemos aquí directamente y como podéis

ver pues en este lado de la izquierda

tenemos el sistema donde podemos

arrastrar lo que queremos fijaos si yo

quise poner un titular aquí no tengo más

que cogerlo

fijaos que no es falta el ratón y decir

dónde quiero ponerlo encima y ahí podría

este titular

simplemente clico marco esto incluso

puedo señalar lo aparecido ya pues no yo

lo quiero en color blanco y lo quiero

con distinta fuente o que no sea opaco

puedes hacer muchas variaciones y fijaos

que va cambiando incluso luego bueno

pues podemos mover las cosas digo yo no

quiero ponerlo bajo éste lo quiero

borrar directamente bien podemos hacer

muchísimas muchísimas cosas

aquí puedes cargar directamente tu logo

es como es

aunque éste es corto el girona en la

página está de aterrizaje no tengo no te

aconsejaría que fuese demasiado larga

sino que vayas muy directo puedes

cambiar también la imagen de fondo no

fíjate que sí nos vamos a esta cita te

permite evitar los estilos y evitar en

lo que es bueno pues todas las las capas

así pues aquí fijaos que nos indica

cuáles para que no haya líos está fijado

que se marca en amarillo y puedo hacer

ediciones por cada una de las columnas o

incluso borrar columnas fijos que se va

marcando el azul donde estoy para que

podamos identificar sea mucho más

sencillo para nosotros esta parte

aquí podéis ver que ésta es la imagen

que hay ahora mismo de fondo pero yo

podía cambiarla por otra imagen incluso

pudo cambiar el tamaño como veis de esta

manera lo vas poniendo como quieras en

el tope en el botón que se repita que no

se repita que tenga distinta colocación

bueno puedes añadir muchas opciones

incluso un control de tiempo que

aparezca en determinado momento no esto

es algo que esto ya debería dedicar

tiempo a a ver qué opciones pero yo te

diría que la plantilla es lo más simple


como os decía aquí podemos añadir

titulares textos puedes poner distintos

botones no

para llamadas a la acción fíjate en este

botón por ejemplo imagina usted aquí

quiero saber más porque nuestro objetivo

es que las personas muestren interés por

este producto que vamos a lanzar

fijaos que aquí nos dice aquí está

enlazado y está enlazado una cosa burley

post no es para captar esa dirección

si yo le di a gritar vamos a ver shalit

vox es decir cuando el usuario pincha

aquí le llevaría este formulario

el cual podemos añadir más campos o

menos no y si no lo dejamos

de esta manera si yo creo con el

formulario fijaos que aquí a la

izquierda ya se me identifica y puedo

hacer integraciones con sistemas de

email marketing como pueden ser melchy

pero entiendo que inicialmente no hay

ningún sistema por lo que lo que nos

interesa es que nos envíe a nuestra

dirección de email

este contacto cada vez que alguien se

suscribe bien por lo tanto por defecto

se enviaría a la dirección con la que

has creado esta cuenta de lipe gis bien

seguimos podemos salir botones cuentas

atrás imágenes vídeos líneas espacios

códigos html imagínate que quieren ver

un vídeo de youtube lo puedes añadir más

formularios comentarios barras de

progreso es esto que veis aquí que pone

50% completado es un tema que se utiliza

para facilitar o mejorarlas

las conversiones puedes añadir iconos

calendarios etcétera etcétera no una vez

tienes la página ya ya hecha

imaginaos que hemos dicho ya tenemos la


la página hecha en todas en toda esta

parte le podemos visualizar lo podrían

hacer una pista previa de tal manera que

vamos a verla en distintos dispositivos

porque esto es importante ganar a ser

recortado porque no me preocupa de que

quede bien esto es cómo se vería en un


esto es como se vería en una tablet

dónde está la de sapo se ve bien y esto

es cómo se vería en un dispositivo móvil

es importante que comprobéis todo esto

para aseguraros la abuela el buen deseo

de variación no sea que mucho del

tráfico se está llegando por ejemplo

desde un dispositivo móvil ya no están

bien optimizada nos esté funcionando

james una vez de haber comprobado que

todo es correcto

le daríamos a publicar perfecto y en

pocos segundos

esta página y estaría operativa en una

muere el específica de la empresa lee

pace no la cual si recordáis eso había

dicho que es mejor que compréis

otro dominio para evitar no utilizar un

dominio de lee pace que al final pues

puede dar incluso desconfianza al

usuario y cuando éste ya publicada que

es cuestión de segundos te dirá la

página está publicada

fijaos que aquí me ha creado esta

dirección que os decía bien la cual pues

sería ésta como se está viendo pero eso

no es lo que queremos volvemos a lo

mismo porque esta url pues va a quedar

un poco extraño no

por lo tanto lo suyo es que directamente

vayamos a opciones de publicación y aquí

como vez tendríamos la url que te genera

por defecto puede decir incluso si no

quieres que ser indexada por los motores

de búsqueda pero tenemos otras opciones

de publicación

puedes publicar a través de un plugin

directamente en tu página web si tenías

crear algún tipo de wordpress no lo que

pasa que no es la no es la idea y lo más

interesante sería bajar directamente en

html y publicarlo en el servidor

si no tienes conocimientos técnicos

éstos sí te aconsejaría que lo pusiese

en manos de alguien que sepa un

desarrollador realmente le va a llevar

unos minutos no es algo muy complejo es

únicamente coger un servidor con ese

dominio donde registró el dominio

registró un servidor un hosting no lo

más sencillo posible para empezar y que

no pongáis de tal manera que esto es

cuestión de probablemente en 24 horas si

no menos lo que tardes en poder y haber

absolutamente en tu dominio toda esta

esta página no

además vas a tener luego todo tipo de

estadísticas noé cuando entres pues vas

a ver dentro del ipe gis

si por ejemplo nos vamos a la a la

página general ahora no vamos a tener

datos no pero vais a ver otras pague

otras páginas de aterrizaje que tengo

donde directamente podéis ver pues las

visitas que han tenido las conversiones

y el ratio de conversión por lo que no

dejéis de validar nuestra idea antes de

ponerla en el mercado

si recuerdas te comenté que esta

herramienta tiene un período gratuito de

prueba de 14 días y aunque en ese tiempo

puedes hacer la validación de la idea

mi recomendación es que le desee algo

más de tiempo y contratas la herramienta

no y una vez lances esta primera página

de aterrizaje analicen los resultados

todos y que es una segunda versión con

algunas variantes no para ver si mejoran

los ratios de conversión de los usuarios

que muestran interés por tu producto

sólo de esta manera podrás tener mucho

más claro si realmente el producto o el

servicio que quiere es poner el mercado

a día de hoy puede convertirse en un


mira yo lo mejor te diría sinceramente

que lo pongas en manos igual que se hizo

con algo de alguien que sepa que hay un

gran problema con la publicidad digital

en facebook sobre todo y en piélagos y

es de percepción que la gente tiene la

percepción de que lo pueden hacer y es

fácil y es el mayor error eso es con lo

que facebook y google juegan y realmente

la mayoría pierden el dinero decir al

final hacer es hacer cómo has visto un

anuncio en facebook sencillo hacer un

anuncio al final función en todo el


cada día es más complicado porque hay

muchísimas opciones

yo siempre mi recomendación es que lo

pongas en alguien en manos de alguien

que tenga experiencia porque hace cuatro

años eran cuatro cositas pero ahora se

ha complicado para la campaña es decir

porque aunque el coste de adquisición es


es decir es elevado es cierto pero hay

coste de adquisición

es decir el problema sería si desgasta

200 euros si tuvieses 13 ahí sí pero

aunque esté costando caro no te

preocupes gastado el dinero capta todo

lo que puedas y pruebas y eso convierte

porque al final la primera inversión

siempre es una inversión que cuestan

muchos casos cuesta todo el dinero y en

otro más de lo que debe pero no pasa

nada es lo normal al final luego ya

tendrás tiempo para optimizar el futuro

pero mientras tecate clientes a un

precio lógico que es un precio lógico

vamos yo no tocaría nada si está

funcionando nuevas nada la campaña pero

los datos es lo que te digo es decir al

final yo soy muy cauto con las métricas

hay una métrica por ejemplo en

publicidad de facebook es la frecuencia

e que se supone que es el número de

veces que el mismo usuario

vélez anunció duplicado por lo que

cuanto más aumenta la frecuencia se

supone que entre en una fase de fatiga

publicitar y peor convierte entonces hay

las hay no hay una ley pero bueno se

dice que si superas 345 el número de

peso que cambies soy yo con eso soy muy

cauto porque yo he tenido campañas con

con frecuencias de por encima de 20

puntos con las conversiones bruta

entonces yo al final les vale lo tengo

en cuenta pero yo miro el resultado

final si el resultado final funciona

aunque sea métrica me diga lo contrario

ni caso

sigue sigue por ese camino cuando dejes

de tener resultados entonces si ves que

se empieza a subir y ya el coste por

lead es a 25 días y aquí había una

saturación vamos a cambiar

quiero conocer tu opinión por lo que

dejan los comentarios con el hashtag

ideas de negocio

si normalmente válidas tus ideas antes

de lanzarlas al mercado de manera

definitiva entre todos los comentarios

de los videos del mes sortear en mi

curso on line de estrategia de marketing


si te ha gustado este vídeo y quieres

que siga haciendo más vídeos como éste

dará me gusta y suscríbete a mi canal y

si quieres descargarte gratuitamente

algunos de mis libros puedes hacerlo

ahora mismo

desde mi blog y te dejo el enlace

también en la descripción de este vídeo


frank m

For more infomation >> Cómo VALIDAR tus IDEAS de NEGOCIO - Duration: 14:57.


Michael K. Williams Had a Creepy Run-In with James Purefoy - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Michael K. Williams Had a Creepy Run-In with James Purefoy - Duration: 4:01.


RL input lag tested - Rocket Science #13 - Duration: 12:02.

Hey guys HalfwayDead here, finally with the promised input lag tests.

We're going to test Rocket League input lag and check how different framerates, VSync

settings and more affect it.

I know that a lot of people are just interested in numbers and not how I did the experiments

so I'm going to cover that at the end.

However, there is one important thing I need to tell you before I go over the results.

The values I'm measuring here are for the whole chain input lag.

That is the entire duration from pressing a button until the action appears on screen.

As such, a different mouse or monitor can and most likely will affect the results of

the experiment.

You cannot compare my numbers to anyone elses online.

The value of these tests lies in the possibility to do experiments where every variable stays

the same except for one.

That way the impact of any 1 variable can be measured at a time.

Now for the numbers as promised.

First, I tested the engine reaction at different framerates while keeping my monitor at it's

maximum refreshrate of 144Hz.

The error bars show the sampling error but I'll do a full discussion of the accuracy

at the end of the video.

As you can see, the higher the framerate goes, the lower the input lag gets.

The average input lag I measured isn't the only thing that changes though.

The lag variance is also smaller at higher framerates.

At 1000FPS all measurements were between 12 and 15 ms.

At 60FPS they were between 30 and 46 ms.

The range is 16ms instead of 3.

That's why higher framerates also feel more consistent.

For comparison, I also ran a test with CS:GO and RL came out as the winner by 1ms.

Alright, that's the engine reaction but as I hinted in previous episodes, the car is

tied to the physics engine which runs at a constant 120 ticks per second.

However, frames are created completely asynchronous to the physics.

And the inputs get checked once every frame.

The physics engine just uses the inputs of the newest frame.

As such, the input lag of the car is also tied to the framerate.

It would be possible to calculate the input lag the car should have but it's best to make

sure it actually works the way it should, especially considering all the accusations

Psyonix faces regarding the so called "heavy car bug".

At 1000, 144 and 120 frames per second the results were exactly as I expected.

Due to physics frames getting generated about every 8ms the additional input lag of the

car is 0-8ms or on average 4ms.

At 240FPS, I only measured a difference of 2.7ms and I'm not sure why.

If I find out then I'll make sure to update you guys.

At 60FPS the car reacted almost as fast as the engine itself, which surpised me but I'm

guessing it's possible because of smart pipelining.

Nevertheless, there is one trend that clearly stays true throughout this experiment and

that is, higher framerate always means less input lag and less variance.

How does VSync affect input lag in RL?

At 144Hz, input lag was up to 36.4ms instead of the 23.7ms which I got with the same framerate.

VSync also locks the framerate, preventing the possibility to go up to 240FPS to gain

an extra 4 1/2 ms.

The total difference in input lag is 17.3ms which is 2 1/2 frames.

Not recommended for competetive players.

At 60Hz the situation is looking even worse.

My monitor when set to 60Hz doesn't perform as well, so you shouldn't compare these numbers

to 144Hz.

With VSync the input lag was at a crazy high 80ms compared to 26ms with 240FPS VSync off.

I don't think that needs any more words.

But what about NVIDIA FastSync which I explained in Episode 9 of Rocket Science.

I tested it and it adds no more input lag than what is necessary to make it work.

Which comes down to half of 1 refresh cycle of the monitor.

Not much, to prevent all tearing.

This technology is only officially supported on the newest NVIDIA graphics cards but there

are guides to enable it on older cards.

It runs perfectly fine on my GTX970.

I'd recommend setting the monitor to 120Hz though if you're running FastSync with 240FPS.

If the framerate isn't divisible by the Hz then the frame spacing will be uneven which

looks less smooth.

Last but not least, I did a couple of extra tests with different settings.

In my own default setup I had the maximum prerendered frames in the NVIDIA control panel

set to 1 but when I set it to use the application setting it made no difference.

That means that RL already uses 1 by default.

I also tested the config setting "OneFrameThreadLag=False" which I talked about in Episode 3.

It should essentially turn the maximum prerendered frames to 0 but it doesn't seem to do anything


They've already disabled a lot of config settings and in this case I agree with their decision

because their is little possible gain and it will cause more harm than good if used

without knowing what it does.

I also tested the game running in Borderless Windowed mode.

Borderless windowed mode works in pretty much the same way that FastSync does except for

the fast part.

Windows has a display manager which has VSync on and if the game is running in any windowed

mode the output will go through that system which does prevent all tearing but also delays

the frame for an additional refresh cycle of the monitor.

If you want to use borderless regardless, then the same tips from FastSync apply.

I also tried going online in steam and had some notifications pop up rendering on top

of my game.

The input lag impact was once again nothing, which is good to know.

If you have a suspicion about something causing input lag, leave it in the comments and I'll

try my best to test it in future episodes.

Keep in mind that not everything will be possible as it takes me almost half an hour to set

up, record, and analyze each of these tests, even now that I've streamlined the process.

I also need to repeat the baseline test regularly to make sure that any detected differences

aren't from accidental other causes.

Now, how exactly am I testing.

I have modified a mouse to wire an LED to a button.

The LED will light up as soon as the button is pressed.

Then I use a consumer grade highspeed camera to record the LED and screen at 1000FPS to

determine the delay between the LED lighting up and the reaction on screen.

A massive thanks to Blur Busters here, who not only pioneered this method but also helped

me set this up.

They have a massive input lag test on GSync in combination with CS:GO and Overwatch on

their website in case you're interested.

Ok, that was the easy explanation on how the testing works but there are a ton of things

that I took into account to make sure my results are as accurate as possible and most importantly

to make sure that I know how accurate they are.

First, I made a custom map which is completely white with only a couple of black objects

for maximum contrast.

Having almost nothing on it allows me to get 1000-1700FPS depending on where I'm looking

and really stable framerates when I limit them to something lower.

In the Windows power options I enabled high performance mode to make sure the CPU doesn't

use any of it's power saving features, which can cause framedrops.

Let's talk about the camera.

The camera is an important part of the setup and it has a couple of problems.

The amount of noise is extremely high at the ISO that I had to use for 1000FPS recordings

and the resolution is also very low.

That's why a high contrast map was so important, making it very easy to spot any change on


I also taped the LED right in front of the camera lens.

When it was further away, it was sometimes impossible to tell whether it was already

lit or the camera was just showing random noise.

If the entire side lights up it can't be random noise...

As with almost all consumer grade cameras, the one I bought has a rolling shutter.

There are some excellent videos on what that means on youtube but the short version is

that the camera doesn't take an entire picture at once.

It starts the exposure with the pixels at the top and the last pixel row might get exposed

almost a millisecond later.

With VSync Off, the monitor could show the first reaction anywhere and because of the

rolling shutter the position of the first reaction could make 2 measurements differ

by a millisecond even if they happen exactly at the same time.

But all measurements are affected in the same way as long as the screen stays centered vertically

in the frame so on average it will work out fine for comparisons.

Since the LED is covering the entire height of the image, it will show as lit up even

if it happens in the very last moment possible.

So all my measurements are higher than they should be but once again that doesn't matter

for comparisons.

And since we're just looking to compare different situations it all evens out given enough samples.

This was assuming that the first reaction or in other words, the tearline is in a random

spot on screen.

If the framerate is equal to the refreshrate of the screen and perfectly stable then the

tearline will be in the same spot every time.

To prevent issues like this, I always uncapped and recapped the framerate after every single

sample to assure a random position by the time the framerate stabilized.

The same is true with car reaction tests as the physics framerate is constant but since

I'm already randomizing anyway I got this taken care off.

With VSync On, the first reaction will always be at the top of the screen.

To make sure this doesn't affect the result even with the rolling shutter, I centered

the very top of the monitor in the camera view which should make it equal to a random


However, there is little contrast at the very top of the screen, making it possible that

sometimes I might count a millisecond more than I should've.

In the worst case scenario all my VSync results are a millisecond worse than they should be

but based on the FastSync results it seems like it's less.

What I haven't talked about yet is randomness.

As I said before, there is lag variance and as long as I'm taking a limited amount of

samples the average could be wrong even with perfect accuracy testing.

That's what the sampling error bars are for.

Based on the sample, it is estimated that 95% of samples of size 50 taken with the same

experiment will have the mean input lag within the error bars.

Due to my sample size, all measurements at 60FPS can easily have their mean wrong by

1ms just due to random chance.

The 1000FPS samples are much less prone to that.

There are a million more things to be said and tested but I'm gonna end it here for now.

Huge shoutout to all my patrons for supporting me financially, so I don't have to pay for

the equipment by myself and enabling me to spend this much time on a video like this.

If you want to support these endeavours and vote on which topics I should prioritize you

can do so, with a pledge of as little as $1.

A small note, I will be on vacation for a week so the next video will likely come out

in 3 weeks.

To stay up to date, follow my twitter or join my discord and I'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> RL input lag tested - Rocket Science #13 - Duration: 12:02.


Sakht tareen preshani or mushkil se nijat ka wazifa | Har Pareshani Or Museebat Se Nijat Ki Dua - Duration: 4:47.

Sakht tareen preshani or mushkil se nijat ka wazifa | Har Pareshani Or Museebat Se Nijat Ki Dua

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