Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 29 2018

The word gypsy


Maybe our father is a gypsy

But no one knows

And I think I'm not really

A lot of people told me you were stinking

you got a dirty gig

and you turn a small ball

both of you are as bad as mud but that

does not mean, but maybe these people

nobody likes



Look, I'm not gey, huh?

look what you look like and then talk

you see the bi*ch

your mother did not even have

I'm insured so I kill you

so do me

nothing happens

if you try to save her

so my people will kill you, kid






I did not buy socks or shirts and now I wear slippers but that's really cool

It's you

hey did it outside

that's really cool

thanks a lot

thank you very much thanks for saving MY LIFE


I need help






Hey, how about working for us?

Is not that a good idea?

If you want Joseph Seed,

then come and go. I have a super mission for you.

So a little with an iris, a little vodka, a little rum, and a barrel of beer. I think you're gonna die, but it does not matter.

Then he comes over to me, the fat man of the speck.

I have only a bad report, I only have a few dollars so you will work completely free.

read the label

For more infomation >> FAR CRY 5 SERIÁL|2 DÍL - Duration: 5:14.


The Only Thing Creepier Than Déja Vu Is its Opposite, Dêjà Rêvé - Duration: 3:23.

The Only Thing Creepier Than D�ja Vu Is its Opposite, D�j� R�v�

by Oscar Gonzalez

D�j� vu is the phenomenon that a person experiences when they feel that they�ve

experienced an event in their past.

Studies show it�s not a psychic experience, but rather a little trick the brain does.

D�j� r�v�, however, is something different and there�s no trick to it.

A new study in the journal Brain Stimulation explained a phenomenon epileptic patients

experienced where they were able to recall a dream or have a dream-like feeling while

awake called d�j� r�v�.

D�j� vu is French for �already seen� while d�j� r�v� means �already dreamed.�

For the study, researchers searched through reports from 1958 to 2015 of epileptic patients

who experienced the phenomena after being induced with electrical brain stimulation


Although this sounds like something out of A Nightmare On Elm Street, the researchers

view this study as a way to separate the feeling of d�j� vu from d�j� r�v� and

learn more about our dreams.

�EBS-induced d�j� r�v� could be an interesting approach to better understanding

physiological dreams that cannot be reproduced under laboratory conditions,� says lead

author Jonathan Curot, a Ph.D. student at Toulouse University Hospital.

�Most studies focus on REM (rapid-eye movements) sleep period and dream reports obtained by

awakening a sleeping subject.

However, non-REM sleep dreams account for a significant portion of all typical dreams

and several factors might render dream reports less trustworthy � especially the sleep

stage before awakening � when compared with reports of waking experience.�

Three Kinds of D�j� R�v�

The study states d�j� r�v� happens in three different ways.

In one, referred to as �episodic-like,� a patient is spontaneously able to specify

that they had a certain dream on a definite date.

��I saw something, a dream, a nightmare I had a couple years ago.

A dream of an object lying on a table,� said one subject about their event.

constello-bracelet The second is referred to as �familiarity-like,�

or when a patient reminisces about a vague dream.

One subject explained that they had a vision of a scene from a recent dream.

Lastly, researchers found many patients in their literature experienced a �dreamy-state.�

They would have a feeling of being in a dream or nightmare.

A subject tried to explain it as feeling like they passed out and floating.

D�j� r�v� is still a new phenomenon, but this study is the first step to explaining

those strange, unexplained dreamy feelings that people have.

For more infomation >> The Only Thing Creepier Than Déja Vu Is its Opposite, Dêjà Rêvé - Duration: 3:23.


Facepalm?! - Duration: 0:13.

Dude lets go see the Emoji Movie later

For more infomation >> Facepalm?! - Duration: 0:13.


Miraculous Ladybug [Comic Dub] - Another Guy - Duration: 1:01.

You've become a friend to me... And I can't lie to my friend.

Why are you talking about lying?

Because there's this guy that...

Wait, there a guy? Who is it?

It's... It's...

Adrien Agreste.

.... what?

Okay, that's it. Plagg. Claws off.


Uh, hey bugaboo! What's up?

For more infomation >> Miraculous Ladybug [Comic Dub] - Another Guy - Duration: 1:01.


Competition + Giveaway Announcement - Duration: 1:47.

First of all I just want to say that if you are someone who ordered one of these

t-shirts a few weeks ago I swear you'll get them soon. This has been a pretty

long process but I have them now and I'll be shipping them in the next couple days so

by the time this video goes up it should be on its way to you.

Secondly, it's raining right now if you can hear that I guess I'm sorry but it

might be kind of relaxing background noise so you're welcome? And lastly while

this video is unfortunately not a tutorial it's still quite exciting as

you have the chance to win some free stuff so let's talk about that. The

purpose of this video is to announce a little video competition for you guys to

enter in on this channel. The deadline for this is in three weeks. That's

Saturday, May 19th and I'll be announcing the winners a few days after that. The

video can be up to two minutes in length and should be edited using

HitFilm Express. As long as it's under two minutes and edited using HitFilm

Express this video it can be anything you want it to be. It could be a travel

film, it could be a narrative short film, a documentary, literally anything. I

wanted this competition to be open to all different styles and perspectives.

Maybe that's not a great idea, we'll find out. The person who wins first place will win

a free license for HitFilm Pro and of course I just want to say a huge thank

you to the wonderful people at HitFilm for supplying that Pro license and

basically enabling this competition to happen. If you do choose to enter just

upload your video to YouTube and send me the link as a private message or an

email. Anyways, I absolutely cannot wait to see

what you guys make and I hope you are excited as well. And most importantly

whether you're entering or not keep creating and I'll see you in the next


For more infomation >> Competition + Giveaway Announcement - Duration: 1:47.


SweGamerHD HACKED... (Lost Everything) | Growtopia - Duration: 10:42.

yo what is up guys its ya boi zstep aka girlswantmydiamondlock

For more infomation >> SweGamerHD HACKED... (Lost Everything) | Growtopia - Duration: 10:42.


Discord Musical recital day!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 50:47.

For more infomation >> Discord Musical recital day!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 50:47.


Обзор на сигареты | Winston XStyle Silver - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Обзор на сигареты | Winston XStyle Silver - Duration: 7:36.


=Sardinia, Incruises - How much can you earn on Cruises= - Duration: 24:35.

For more infomation >> =Sardinia, Incruises - How much can you earn on Cruises= - Duration: 24:35.


100 Subscribers (Black Youtube) - Duration: 1:46.

Hey, y'all it's me

I just want to say thank you so much for helping me get to 100 subscribers on YouTube

This has been a really really exciting month, I started my youtube channel on April the 1st and

The response was so overwhelming in the first two weeks

I've been spending this time trying to get my camera skills down you probably noticed. I had a different camera now

Trying to get my editing skills together

Trying to learn as much as I can as fast as I can to start

the vision that I have in my mind for how I want this year to chapter be I

Have an idea of what I want to present to the world, but sometimes you've got to develop that idea

You've got to get comfortable in your own skin

Presenting that idea and that's been a challenge for me

So I just want to jump on here because I haven't posted a video and my commitment is to do weekly videos

So hopefully you know that'll keep me accountable

If I don't post a video and be like were you at oh yeah, so when I talk to them

Thanks for being here

For more infomation >> 100 Subscribers (Black Youtube) - Duration: 1:46.



For more infomation >> GOMİS BEŞİKTAŞ MAÇINDA KAÇIRDIĞI PENALTI - Duration: 0:49.


Prepositions: На ,Под, Над, Перед, За, Между | Live Russian Speaking Practice (Beginners+) - Duration: 11:09.

Hello friends! Today I want to talk with you, okay?

I have several different subjects here, I will now tell you about them and I will ask you different questions.

And you will answer me, okay? Let's try! So! This is

a book. A book, a book. And this is the table. Table and book.

This book is on the table. Where is the book? The book is on the table.

Okay! It's a mug. Mug. Where is the mug, friends? Yes, the mug is on the table too. A mug is on the table.

The mug is on the table. The mug is standing on the table, and the book is lying on the table. Lying on the table.

The mug is standing. The book is lying. Where is

the mug? The mug is standing on the table. Correctly! And where is the book? Nowhere! The book is standing nowhere.

Where is the book standing now? The book is standing on the table. The book is standing.

The book is lying. The mug is standing. The mug is lying. Correctly! Good! This is the apple.

The Apple. The apple is over the mug. The apple is over the mug. The mug is under

the apple. So! Where's the apple? Where's the apple? The apple is over the mug. Good! And where is the mug?

Where is the mug? The mug is over the apple. Correctly.

Is the book over Max or the book is over the table?

The book is over the table. Correctly! ok. What's over the table now? What's over the table?

The apple and the mug. The apple and the mug are above the table. ok. The mug

is standing on the table. The apple, the apple is lying on the table. Phone too ... this is the phone.

Mobile phone, smart phone or phone. The phone is also lying on the table. And what is the book doing?

Is the book lying? No. Is the book standing? No. The book is located ... The book

is located above the table. Okay. Now the book is located on the table. Good.

What is above the table?

The Apple. The apple is above the table. What's under the table?

what is under the table?

The mug is under the table. The Apple is under the table and, yes, the book too

is under the table. Good. I'm Max. In front of Max (there is) the mug. In front of Max - the apple.

In front of Max - the book. In front of Max - the phone. In front of Max - the pen and in front of Max

(there are) keys. Say(Name) two subject in front of Max. Two subjects

which are In front of Max. Two subjects. Phone, mug, apple, book,

pen, keys, everything is in front of Max. All in front of Max. Where is the book?

Yes, the book is on the table. The book is standing or lying on the table? Is it standing or lying? The book is standing on

the table. Now it's lying! So! The book is standing on the table. Standing.

The apple is behind the book. The apple is located behind the book.

The apple is lying behind the book. Question! What is behind the book?

What is behind the book? The apple is behind the book!

The pen is behind the book and the mug, the mug is behind the book.

What is behind the apple? What is behind the apple? The mug, the mug is behind the apple.

Is the mug lying behind the apple? The mug is standing behind the apple. Is the mug lying behind the phone? Yes!

Now the mug is lying behind the phone. Now is standing behind the phone. Excellent!

Apple, mug and keys.

The apple is between the keys and the mug. The apple is between the keys and the mug.

What is between the keys and the mug? What is located between the keys and the mug? The apple is located

between the keys and the mug. okay. And what is between Max and the apple?

The mug! The mug is between Max and the apple. Where is the pen lying?

The pen is lying on the table, behind the book. On the table,

behind the book. Where's the phone? Where's the phone?

Phone is located above the mug and above the table. Above the table and above the mug.

And where is the apple? Where's the apple? The apple is lying on the table.

And where are the keys? Where are the keys? Keys are on the table and keys are

between the apple and the mug. The keys are between the apple and the mug.

Well done! See you in the next video! Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Prepositions: На ,Под, Над, Перед, За, Между | Live Russian Speaking Practice (Beginners+) - Duration: 11:09.


দুটি শর্তে ৮ প্রকারের শাফায়াত || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 30:17.

For more infomation >> দুটি শর্তে ৮ প্রকারের শাফায়াত || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 30:17.


毛澤東是如何保護蔣介石祖屋、祖墳的? - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> 毛澤東是如何保護蔣介石祖屋、祖墳的? - Duration: 6:43.


Frozen - Todos juntos (Everybody) - Duration: 1:37.

(Sounds of seagulls and waves breaking on the beach)

(♫) We already have

new movie

and it's named

Frozen Fever

and it will be


Anna and Elsa


Now I'm going to tell you

and with this rhythm you will like

here we have come to spend the summer

and you see that the sun makes me feel great

But Anna and I


carry bronzer


have a lot of hot


And now let's get into the water and swim!

All together


On the beach


press like

if you want to see more




For more infomation >> Frozen - Todos juntos (Everybody) - Duration: 1:37.



Hey guys!

I feel weird with my straight hair

At least it makes me look more "white"

I'm just kidding

Hey guys

I know this has been a long minute since I've straightened my hair

I just did it a couple of days ago (last friday)

So I don't know. I was just bored. I was like why not

But thank god, I don't do this on a regular basis

Because this took me about 3-4 hours. That took me so long

Um, awkward when a neighbor just stands there outside and stares at me

Like do you mind?

Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel. I hope you guys are doing well today

You guys may know that I'm obsessed with coffee. Like addicted to coffee

Cheyenna: Bae

Seriously, that coffee...oh my gosh it was so good

I have a serious problem

I must have coffee every single day (every morning) period

So good!

God bless

I'm really dependent on coffee

I would have to say coffee but I do know I like pumpkin spice latte

Coffee is life bae

I need help

So yeah, I'm going to discuss about my coffee addiction

I'm surprised at some point no one had an intervention for me

I guess that means my family/friends were enablers

Yay, love it!

So yeah, I'll talk about all of that stuff. Why I quit drinking coffee

Because I got too many messages when I mentioned that on my social media

I'm going to discuss that, get really in depth with that

So I hope you guys like this video and subscribe only if you want to. I mean I'm not forcing you to

Let's get started with this video!

I've pretty much started drinking coffee when I was about 9 year old, I think (maybe 9-10 ish)

But it was only very light mild coffee such as mocha, etc

I remember when I was at my best friend's house, she had a box of Starbucks mocha drinks

At that time, I didn't understand what "coffee" means

I mean, I knew what coffee is but I didn't understand what mocha, espresso, etc

I didn't understand anything beyond coffee terms. It was because I was obviously still too young

My parents didn't really allow me to drink coffee, soda, or anything carbonated

So I was like, ooo chocolate! It looked like chocolate milk to me. I wanted to drink that

I did and my best friend tried to stop me from drinking it but it was too late

It tasted like there was something off but it tasted good at the same time

I knew right off the bat it wasn't chocolate milk but somehow it did

Something mixed together with chocolate in there

She said it is coffee mixed with chocolate together

That was when I came to a full realization that I wasn't really supposed to drink coffee

I was like whatever and drank it

Then I did eventually drink coffee from time to time

I didn't really start drinking coffee until probably high school (freshman)

I started to make coffee more often at home (drip) - black coffee with a little bit of cream/sugar

That's what I pretty much did. I would go to Starbucks too and order a mocha frappe. It's so good though

I'm pretty much basic. What did you expect?

I remember my senior year, that's when I became more serious about coffee

Beginning of senior year, I started to have really bad stomach cramps. Like really bad

TMI WARNING - I had diarrhea. It was so bad. It wasn't pretty

It could've been something I ate or whatever

Then I started to notice that it was coming from coffee. So I wanted to stop and take a break for 1-2 weeks

Then I was fine. I decided to try different kinds of coffee/how it's being made

I found out it's the milk in the coffee. I'm mildly lactose intolerant

So, I stopped drinking mocha frappe. I could've substituted the milk. I did try

It didn't taste the same

So, I switched to other different drinks

Then, my first year of college - that's when I started working and going to school both full time

I needed stronger coffee than regular drip coffee. It wasn't doing anything for me anymore

I've heard about espresso because I don't like energy drinks (it's gross tbh)

I was like okay I need to try that and I did. Oh my gosh, it was so good

I added a vanilla pump for a little bit of sweetness to balance out the strong bitterness

Then I added milk. It was legit so good

I started with 2 shots. It slowly went up and up. I did 4. I think one time, I did 6 shots. It was too much

That's when my body started to build up the tolerance for coffee

That was becoming an issue

After taking one year off from college, I still kept drinking more and more coffee. It was escalating

At the point before recent January, I was drinking about 6-8 cups of coffee

I would drink espresso (if I go to starbucks) on top of the 6-8 cups I'd normally drink throughout the day

It was like bring it on, give it to me

That's how serious I was back then

Then when I went back to college back in Jan for winter quarter

That's when I started to have really bad anxiety attacks

I do struggle with anxiety/depression but it got to the point where it was spiraling out of control

It was just out of my hands

Like I couldn't really control

Like when I'm hanging out with friends or whatever, it would hit me out of the blue

I would be shaking, crying like oh my gosh I can't deal with this

I was really tired of it so I decided to take a break from coffee

Sometimes I do that for a few days (1-2) to give my body a break

Because I do get bad cramps or it can't handle acid/milk (coffee contains acid if you didn't know LOL)

I wanted to see if I could try for 1-2 weeks

I felt so much better. I was doing it without realizing myself I was taking a break from coffee (experiment)

What I did to substitute coffee was tea. I love tea too as well (I drank herbal/black tea with a teeny bit of caffeine)

That's what I did to substitute the coffee

Thank god I love tea as much as coffee. I just personally prefer coffee over tea though

But tea is still great though

I did it for two weeks. I could go on for more without drinking coffee. I didn't see why not

So, I did it for almost 2 months

Just the sip of coffee made me want to puke

I just couldn't stand the taste like WHAT IS THIS?

It was just a bad experience

I took another break for two more weeks, I believe. I tried it again later

I went to a local coffee shop somewhere. It was good but it wasn't at the point where I wanted to puke

I do remember a few hours after I drank coffee, I was a little bit shaky

I was like, okay obviously it's the coffee for sure

I've been sleeping so much better because I drank way too much coffee

And I had a really hard time sleeping at night time and it was really hard for me to get up in the mornings

It was affecting my body and health overall

After I quit drinking coffee, oh my gosh... I started to notice a huge change in my body

I started to sleep better, fewer breakouts, and my anxiety went from 100 (out of control) to 0 (easily manageable)

Then I decided to try it again, it was recently last week. Today's April 17th

So I was like, ok I'm going to try it again. It was last week

It was good and simple. One cup of coffee. It wasn't like, oh my gosh (anxiety shaking)

It was good. It was obvious it wasn't necessary to drink 6-8 cups of coffee every day. It was way too much

I've been drinking coffee 1 time in the morning. Just one cup of coffee. I've been doing pretty good

So, that's why I quit drinking coffee because it was getting way too much for me

I just couldn't take the anxiety anymore. If you guys know what having anxiety feels like

Trust me, it's not the best feeling. It's horrible

I still love coffee but it's just... Lesson learned - drink coffee in moderation

There's no need to drink 6-8 cups of coffee. It's not necessary

So, that's why you guys got confused why I stopped drinking coffee or whatsoever. Like what's going on?

Don't worry, I still drink coffee but I just don't drink that much anymore

Because it was at the point where I would be drinking coffee from morning to night time

I did mention that a couple of times in my past videos (if you have seen the clips earlier in this video)

I'm drinking coffee and it's like 8 at night time

It's like 6 and I'm still drinking coffee

My love for coffee has been a rollercoaster

"Drink coffee responsibly"

I'm kidding

Addiction is scary

So, anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video

A car outside keep going around like 3-4 (cul de sac)

And it's speeding. Like hello, there are kids over there!

Don't forget to like this video and subscribe!

So, I know that you guys like my videos. I also will know that I will make more videos

I hope you guys have a good week and enjoy life, remember that!

I love you guys! Bye guys

For more infomation >> WHY I QUIT DRINKING COFFEE - Duration: 14:14.



For more infomation >> RIDVAN DİLMEN MAÇ YORUMU GALATASARAY 2 0 BEŞİKTAŞ 29 NİSAN 2018 - Duration: 25:28.


佛教四大名山:峨眉山金頂之美你見過嗎? - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 佛教四大名山:峨眉山金頂之美你見過嗎? - Duration: 5:47.


What If Woolly Mammoth's Didn't Go Extinct? - Duration: 3:51.

Like many extinctions, the reasons for this were either 1, climate, or 2, humans.

But what if they hadn't gone extinct?

What if woolly mammoths lived on into the modern age?

Today, life's biggest questions asks, what if wooly mammoths didn't go extinct?

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions.

I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to like and subscribe and let us know in those comments a question you have

always wanted to know the answer to.

Wooly mammoth are an extinct species of mammoth that lived during the ice age, otherwise known

as the Pleistocene epoch.

Its closest living relative is the Asian elephant.

They were around the same size as African elephants, reaching a heights of up to 11

feet and weighing up to 6 metric tons.

Wooly mammoths were extremely similar to elephants, but they had adapted to living in the extremely

cold climates of the ice age.

They had small ears, and short tails to limit the amount of extremities exposed to the cold.

And of course, wooly mammoths were covered in thick fur that could be either dark or

light, and they had long curved tusks.

Mammoth fossils have been found almost everywhere on earth except Australia and south America.

It is commonly believed that wooly mammoths died out at the end of the last ice age, which

was 10 thousand years ago.

But really, Experts believe the last wooly mammoths died out around 3600 years ago.

A small population of wooly mammoths were able to survive on Wrangel Island, off the

coast of Siberia, until about 1650 BCE. 1650 bce was not that long ago, there were already

complex human civilizations on earth.

Egyptian pharaohs had already been ruling for 1500 years, and the pyramids were already

1 thousand years old.

So what if wooly mammoths never went extinct?

Well one things for certain, they would have only be able to survive in colder areas of

asia, like Siberia.

At the end of the ice age, mammoths, sabre toothed cats, ground sloths and native American

horses began to go extinct.

It's a common belief in the scientific community that all these animals began to die off because

the earth began to warm up.

These animals were adapted for living in cold climates.

Its not just about being covered in thick fur that made living in warmer climates difficult.

The food that these animals ate probably died off as the world began to warm up.

For these reasons, these species could not keep up evolutionarily with the warming globe.

There is another reason why the wooly mammoth could have gone extinct, and that's humans.

When the world got warmer, humans began to advance north to new areas.

They then came across mammoths and likely hunted them.

If wooly mammoths had not gone extinct, its likely that animal conservationists would

have tried to keep them alive in wildlife reseves in colder areas of the world.

But that doesn't mean they would be safe from humans.

Mammoths would be rare and exotic, and before the days of animal conservation, mammoth products

would be highly sought after.

For example, chinese folk medicine, as well as spirituatlity relies heavily on ivory.

Its likely they would be hunted solely for that purpose, or for their meat and fur.

Mammoth fur coats would be owned by the elite.

We would likely see paintings of kings and queens wearing mammoth fur coats, had they

not gone extinct when they had and royal courts would enjoy feasts of mammoth meat.

We don't know much about the wooly mammoths, or their temperament, but if it was similar

to elephants, the possibility of domestication would be on the table.

In the early days of human civilization, they might have been trained and used for heavy


Humans might have also found a way to use them for transportation.

We might have seen cave paintings and other forms of documentation of this.

If wooly mammoths didn't go extinct, there really wouldn't be that many of them left.

They would only exist in small herds in remote areas of the world like the arctic and northern

siberia, or in captivity.

Naturally, some wooly mammoths would have been kept in zoos, so spectators could witness

the ancient creatures.

They would be studied and poked at by scientists.

Its also a possibility that there might have been attempts to clone them to keep their

species alive.

Well there are some ideas of how history would be different if wooly mammoths had not gone

extinct, do you have any others?

Tell us in the comemnts below.

For now, I'm charlotte dobre and you've been watching life's biggest questions.

If you would like to keep watching, check out our playlist Biggest what ifs, clickable

on the screen right now.

As always make sure notifications are turned on by clicking the bell, and we'll see you

in the next video.

For more infomation >> What If Woolly Mammoth's Didn't Go Extinct? - Duration: 3:51.


Avengers: Infinity Books - Duration: 1:49.

It's getting a little schwabble in here. Who ya gonna call? The Yeastvengers.

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