Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Waching daily Apr 30 2018

7 Life � Changing Messages From The Afterlife

By Dylan Harper

Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Wisdom of the Near Death Experience Symposium

in Austin, Texas. Over the three-day event, I heard many amazing speakers share their

story and journey into the afterlife.

All of the speakers had experienced what is known as a near-death experience or NDE, which

is a miraculous event where you die or are close to death, and then come back to life

with memories of visiting higher dimensions and meeting Divine beings.

All of the stories I heard were unique and deeply touching in their own way, but they

also shared a similar theme and carried a common thread.

Here are 7 messages that were shared across all the near death stories I heard:

1.) Beauty Comes from All Things One story that really touched my heart was

that of Mary C. Neal. During her near death experience, she was told her son was going

to die. She was reminded that even though this would be a challenging event for her,

there was a reason and a plan for it. She was shown the ripple effect that his death

would cause, not just for her immediate family, but nearly 100 times removed.

She was able to see the ripple it would create and the paths that it would change, and she

was able to see that beauty came from all of it. She was shown that in the greater scheme

of things, all seemingly terribly events that occur have their own specific purpose that

eventually result in something beautiful.

2.) We are Loved and We are Love All of the speakers shared that during their

NDE, they experienced being enveloped in the most amazing and powerful feeling of love.

This love was unlike anything they had experienced on Earth and was so powerful and so healing.

Through feeling this loving sensation, all of the near-death experiencers knew that this

state of love was their true nature and that Earth and their physical body was just a temporary

state of being.

We cannot fully fathom this type of loving energy here on Earth, as it would be too powerful

for our physical bodies to handle, and it would distract us from the work we have come

to do, however it is possible to understand or get a glimmer of it through practices like


3.) There�s a Plan for all of Us We all have a purpose and a reason for being

on Earth and part of this involves learning how to love. All of us are here to learn how

to be love, spread love, and give love. Love is truly the ultimate power, and it is through

realizing this that we can grow and evolve. Troubles, pains, and strifes in this life

are all caused by a lack of love, and the more love we can give, the more we will heal

ourselves, others, and the planet.

The plan for our soul is laid out before we come into this body, but we also have free

will and the option to choose once we get here. None of us are immune from pain and

suffering when we come into this life, but learning how to love and be kind to others

despite it all is part of the process.

4.) We are all Connected We are all one. Even though we appear to be

separate from each other, we are all the same. After leaving their body, most of the NDE�ers

had an amazing sense of connection with others. This connection allowed them to understand

other people on the deepest of levels, and it was through this understanding that they

realized that we are all connected. We are all one.

When we hurt others, we hurt ourselves, and just the same, when we hurt ourselves we also

hurt others. We cannot take any action without affecting others and creating an entire ripple

effect that is felt across the entire Universe.

5.) There is no Judgement We are often told that when we die, we will

be judged and punished accordingly by a higher being, however this is not the case according

to those who have had a NDE. In fact, all of the speakers described their death as being

more like �non-judgment day� where they were loved unconditionally and completely

accepted, no matter what they had done. In fact, the only judgement in the afterlife

comes from yourself, as upon leaving your physical body you remember what your soul

was sent to learn, and you have a full knowledge over whether you have achieved this or not.

As part of this experience, you are taken through a life review where you are shown

how your behaviour and actions impacted others. During this life review you are able to feel

and live through the emotions you inflicted on others both good and bad. It is through

this review and experiencing the emotions that your actions created, that your own soul

gains awareness about what it has achieved and what it still has to learn.

6.) Death is Nothing to be Feared The speakers shared that during their NDE

they were made aware of a certain threshold that if they crossed, they would not be able

to return to their body. Out of all the speakers I heard, every single one of them wanted to

cross the threshold and continue on into the afterlife. They all described it as being

this wonderful, loving place that felt truly like home and none of them wanted to leave!

Some of the NDE�ers were told that it was not their time, but other�s were given a

choice. Upon reviewing that choice they decided to return to their body. It was through this

experience, that they realized that death was not the answer to their problems and that

anything unfinished in this life would simply be revisited in another. This experience also

released any fear of death.

7.) Our Loved Ones are All Around Us Most of the people attending the symposium

had lost loved ones and so it was often asked about what it was like to see them on the

other side. Almost all of the speakers shared that they were greeted by their deceased loved

ones after leaving their body and discovered that they had still very much been present

in their lives.

As one of the speakers, Cherie Aime� shared, the veil between this life and heaven is very

thin and our loved ones are always there if we wish to reach out to them. All communication

in the afterlife is through telepathy, and so in order to hear and receive messages from

those who have passed, it does help to learn how to still the mind and stay open to any

signs or synchronicities that occur.

For more infomation >> 7 Life – Changing Messages From The Afterlife - Duration: 6:53.


[K-ICM] NGƯỜI HÃY QUÊN EM ĐI - REMIX ORGAN | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 4:28.

Great playing the organ - Very good

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For more infomation >> [K-ICM] NGƯỜI HÃY QUÊN EM ĐI - REMIX ORGAN | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 4:28.


The Great Ocean Road Highlights - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> The Great Ocean Road Highlights - Duration: 9:11.


CAR MUSIC MIX 2018 ♛ BASS BOOSTED ♛ #1 - Duration: 41:14.


For more infomation >> CAR MUSIC MIX 2018 ♛ BASS BOOSTED ♛ #1 - Duration: 41:14.


如何領取YouTube收益?【愛筆ivy】 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 如何領取YouTube收益?【愛筆ivy】 - Duration: 3:10.


Cuộc Thi Bú Sữa Của Các Đại Ca Trong Xóm - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Cuộc Thi Bú Sữa Của Các Đại Ca Trong Xóm - Sung Vlogs - Duration: 10:19.





Laung Laachi song Cute Bride Dance 2018 Youtube.... - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Laung Laachi song Cute Bride Dance 2018 Youtube.... - Duration: 1:50.


白同學NG5 大集合.Youtube影片NG片段【旅遊~TOYOTA~BMW~曲軸~電瓶TOOL】白同學NG片段~舒壓 9453下課時間輕鬆一下,Car crash video 白同學DIY教室 - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> 白同學NG5 大集合.Youtube影片NG片段【旅遊~TOYOTA~BMW~曲軸~電瓶TOOL】白同學NG片段~舒壓 9453下課時間輕鬆一下,Car crash video 白同學DIY教室 - Duration: 1:14.


Your Mind And Thoughts Are Energy (Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics) - Duration: 11:33.

The law of attraction. The law of attraction is a universal law that is

present at all times. Put simply, it means like attracts like. The law of attraction

states that thought energy and projected energy attract similar energy. As a

result, we attract things into our lives according to our thoughts and projected

energy. Simply stated, we attract into our lives

whatever we direct our conscious attention to. This universal law is an

age-old principle that the world's greatest minds and teachers of the past

have used without knowing its full scientific basis. Thankfully we all have

access to it through our increased understanding, and now almost all of

today's most successful people are using it to make fundamental changes in their

lives. Our understanding of the law of attraction has been enhanced through our

increased knowledge of quantum physics. You don't need to comprehend all the

intricate details of quantum physics to understand how this works. Every aspect

of who we are, our bodies, our minds, our totality is composed entirely of energy.

This includes our thoughts. Everything that exists from the dirt under our

fingernails to the farthest star and the farthest galaxy is composed of pure

energy.This is not a theory, it is fact. How does it work? The law of attraction

is working at all times regardless of your beliefs or your awareness of its

presence. We are constantly attracting into our lives, whether deliberately or

by default, what we are emitting into the universe. What you focus on expands. Your

thoughts are creating your reality. If you experience negative thoughts and

feelings, you emit negative energy. You therefore attract negative events, people,

and things into your life. If you experience positive thoughts and

feelings, you made positive energy. As a result, you will attract positive things,

people, and things into your life. Understanding and properly applying this

universal law is the key to achieving ultimate success in all areas of your

life. How to apply this universal law.

Fundamental to your using this knowledge to transform your life is understanding

that you are applying this universal law, even if you don't know it. You send

either positive or negative energy into the universe. Like attracts like whatever

you are sending out to the universe will be returned to you. you are sending out

energy right now right this second. What are you feeling right now? Are you

feeling good? Are you feeling bad? If you're feeling good, you're sending out

positive energy. If you're feeling bad, you're sending out negative energy. It's

that simple. If you want to live your greatest life, you must begin to do so by

stopping the negative energy you project, and instead emit positive energy at all

times. Simply by shifting your thoughts,

language, and most important emotions, you will successfully master this law. Keep

in mind this process is like using an undeveloped muscle. It takes time for it

to become efficient and second nature. What do you want? What do you really

really want? This is an important question to ponder in order to truly

manifest and attract all that you desire in life. you must first decide what you

want. You must become clear on your vision of what your greatest life would

look like. Most people don't know what they want. Either they don't take the

time to get clear about what they truly desire, or they focus on the things they

don't want in life. For example, I don't want debt. By focusing on the things you

don't want, you are experiencing negative thoughts and therefore launching

negative energy. This results in attracting more of the same negative

situations, people, and experiences into your life. Think about your thoughts. What

do you usually think about? Are you complaining about what your life looks

like right now? If so, chances are you are using negative language and focusing on

the things you don't want in life. By doing so you are only attracting more of

the same into your life. The key is to become clear about what you do want. Once

you know what you do want and focus your attention on that, you will automatically

project positive energy. When deciding what you want, be unrealistic. What would

you want for yourself If anything was possible. This is a difficult task to

accomplish for many people because they get stuck with the quote unquote how it

will occur in their lives. If they don't know how that could ever possibly

manifest itself in their lives, then they believe that it's not possible. When I

tell my coaching clients to dream big when deciding what they want, countless

times they respond with "but I have to be realistic." I always respond with why be

unrealistic, dream big. Don't worry about exactly how what you want will develop

in your life. Once you begin emitting powerful positive energy at

times the universe will respond. The only limits we have in our lives are the

limits we impose on ourselves. The how is unimportant. your job is to figure out

the what. One way of uncovering what you want in

life is to make a list of all the things you don't want.

After you create this list, go through each and every statement and turn it

into a positive statement of what you do want. For instance, if you say I don't

want to have trouble paying the bills each month. You can turn that around to

money comes easily and freely to me and bills are paid with ease. Doing this

exercise will force you to focus on the positive and also allows you to become

clear about what you do want. Once you discover what you truly want in

life, then you can put your energy and focus on these things. By simply focusing

on these positive things, you automatically generate positive thoughts

and positive energy. Here's a tip. Write or type out the list of what you do want.

Post it on your mirror, on your fridge, carry it around with you in your wallet.

This would be a constant reminder of what to focus on, where you are going, and

what will attract and manifest in your life. Nurture your mind with great

thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think. Do you know that

you can choose what you are thinking and feeling at all times? At first this may

sound difficult to do, but by simply becoming aware of what you are thinking

and feeling, you can redirect negative thoughts and feelings and turn them into

positive thoughts and feelings. The best way to recognize a negative thought is

to become aware of how you're feeling. Anytime you're not feeling good, you are

thinking negative thoughts, whether you're conscious of it or not. And

therefore emitting negative energy. You're feeling barometer is what I like

to call it, will advise you on whether you are on track to attracting and

becoming all that you desire. We all have an inner saboteur. It is an inner voice

that is telling you that you cannot do something, be someone, or have something.

Recognize this as fear. It is normal to fear anytime you go outside your comfort

zone. Anytime you do anything new and different, there's always some sort of

inner voice, telling you that you can't do it, that you aren't good enough, or

that you fail. Just recognize that the inner voice

is you. The only person that is stopping you from living your greatest life is

you. Chase away your inner saboteur. By simply being aware, and recognizing when

your saboteur is taking over, you can then take charge and slam the door on

this unwelcome visitor. Become aware and conscious of what your saboteur often

tells you, so when it shows up unexpectedly at the doorstep of your

mind you will immediately recognize it. Do you know that we create the meaning

of everything we experience in life? We decide whether an experience is positive,

negative, or neutral. Many people believe that the meaning they give to their life

experiences is real. The truth is that we choose how we interpret whatever we

experience in life. Your interpretation of life events is based on your past

experience,s beliefs, and upbringing. Realize that your interpretation of the

situation is something you have made up. It is all a creation of your mind, you

actually have the power to choose what feelings you attach to each situation,

event, and experience. If you're not feeling good about something that has

happened, think and reflect what interpretation you've given to that

event. For instance, if you were just let go from your job and you were really

upset about it, ask yourself why am I feeling this way? Your answer may be I

can't believe my employer fired me, I worked so hard for 10 years for them and

this is how they treat me. They don't appreciate me, they never appreciated me.

In this scenario, you have made losing your job mean that your employer doesn't

care about you and that you are not appreciated by them. Your interpretation

of the situation can come from many different realms. It could be that in the

past you were ignored by family members and we're told you would amount to

nothing. This could be the reason you interpret the situation in the specific

way. On the other hand, if you had a very loving caring family environment growing

up and we're always told how wonderful you are,

you could react to this situation differently. It may mean

nothing personal to you, and you may say oh well, what can you do? These things happen.

Now I can look for my next even-better job opportunity. These are two different

interpretations attached to the same situation. Since we are the Masters of

interpreting all of our experiences, why not choose to interpret every single

experience as positive? Since we are going to make up a meaning around the

situation anyway, it may as well be some interpretation that makes us feel good.

the easiest way to do this is to separate the facts of this situation

from your interpretation of the situation. the facts in the previous

example are: you worked for a company for 10 years, you were let go from the

position at this company. Those are the facts, that's it. Everything else is your

interpretation. When you are conscious of this, you can choose your own positive

meaning to attach to that event. You know you can even choose to make it mean

nothing at all. To just let it go and move on. It's important to recognize the

difference between the facts of what happened and your interpretation of what

happened. The sooner you are able to do that, the

sooner you can begin consciously choosing interpretations that are

positive in nature. These positive choices will keep you in a positive

energy field no matter what the circumstances. In order to truly allow

and receive all that you desire into your life, you must remove all doubt and

believe it is coming to you. Only then will it materialize and manifest itself

into your life.

For more infomation >> Your Mind And Thoughts Are Energy (Law of Attraction, Quantum Physics) - Duration: 11:33.



For more infomation >> DİYARBAKIR KIRIĞI MEHMET HOCA (KÜFÜR İÇERİR) - Duration: 0:12.


Where to start to create an youtube channel? - Duration: 4:19.

Hello guys,

In the last video I recorded with the notebook, then you must have seen a quality

very grainy image and the audio with poor quality, today I'm testing the cell phone,

both video and audio, let's see the result.

And as promised, today we will talk about content.

First I want you to imagine a singer, who decides to record his music in a studio

to publicize their work.

He can choose the best recording studio and pay a fortune to leave his music


But if the music is not good, there is no miracle, it will not succeed.

And so is the content that you create.

So, let's go!

How many content channels really succeed on the internet, and how much do they not?

The point is that most people decide to produce content very similar to what they

already exists and, for example, if I want to see a detailed analysis of a game, I'll look for

the best channel and not any gaming channel.

First tip for content production: Do something original.

The originality may be with regard to the type of content, such as talking

about something that no one has yet spoken about, or even present a similar content, but

in a way that no one has yet presented.

Be creative.

Second tip: Start simple.

Do not try to do the best you can, but try to do the best you can

with the resources you have today.

Do not invest financial resources in something that may not be what you like, but invest

time to find out if you really like what you're going to do.

Read articles, understand how to create quality content, test with your cell phone, which by

signal is the device I'm using now, anyway, create content with what you have

the layout and over time will improve.

Starting simple will be much more feasible.

The third tip I give is: Plan

How many videos have you seen on youtube that the person does not know what is talking about, makes pauses

and can not keep a logical reasoning and sometimes even difficult to follow.

So plan your script, make a script if you feel better, but do not trust everything to your

head to remember what needs to be said, in what order or even not to ramble

during recording.

Finally, I would like to make one final recommendation.

Practice Do not put into practice what you learn

causes this knowledge to be lost.

If you are already recording your videos, then create a calendar.

If you have not started yet, you can start.

Do not expect to have all the knowledge, start testing, experiment, see how the result is.

Which is not to say that you will publish everything you create, but one of the best ways

of learning is doing.

These are the beginning tips on creating content and some of which I consider

more important for those who are starting.

In the video description I will leave some links with additional material with good tips

useful for you to create your content.

And in the next video we'll talk about physical space.

You can create your content anywhere, but if you choose a good location,

can make a big difference in the final result of your production.

So sign up for the channel so you do not miss the next videos and leave your questions

and suggestions in the comments.

Hugs and even more!

For more infomation >> Where to start to create an youtube channel? - Duration: 4:19.


Juegos Para Niños Pequeños🔥 Blaze and the Monster Machines, Paw Petrol Juego - Videos Para Niños - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Juegos Para Niños Pequeños🔥 Blaze and the Monster Machines, Paw Petrol Juego - Videos Para Niños - Duration: 10:22.


エナジードリンク<モンスター>「キューバリブレ」味が日本限定新発売!The energy drink Monster "Cuban libre" tast released Japan limited - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> エナジードリンク<モンスター>「キューバリブレ」味が日本限定新発売!The energy drink Monster "Cuban libre" tast released Japan limited - Duration: 5:05.


Musicians on standby - Duration: 2:13.

Mozart and the nimble fingers of an experienced pianist.

Normally, Laurie-Agnes Pecoud accompanies

students of the Neuchâtel music academy.

But because the school is threatened with closure due to spending cuts,

it is seeking new sources of revenue.

It's true. As an artist you have to be open to new things

and try out new ideas.

Today she has an audition.

She'd like to work for Denis Frenkel and his pianist agency.

I'm responsible and make sure

that the assignments are adequately remunerated.

But you can say now whether or not you'd like to go ahead.

The deal is done.

Laurie-Agnes Pecoud will be part of the pianist agency.

40 pianists - ready to help out

with choirs, soloists and other ensembles.

I always have to improvise when a job comes along.

That makes it interesting. But it's also strenuous.

For instance, I have to ensure that our pianists work where

they can make use of their strengths.

The system is simple. The job comes in a text message.

There's only time to read through the score.

He's helping the Lausanne University choir.

They are rehearsing "King David" by the composer Arthur Honegger.

I try to memorize everything as best I can.

It's quite a difficult contemporary piece -

not Mozart or Beethoven.

There's quite a lot to do.

This evening Denis will accompany us on the piano

because our pianist couldn't come.

Denis Frenkel knows the piece but hasn't played it for ten years.

I'm pleased that he was able to help out.

It's difficult for me

to find a pianist at the last minute.

... two, three, four and ...

200 francs for 2 1/2 hours of Honegger.

the assignment is a success and so is the choir rehearsal.

For more infomation >> Musicians on standby - Duration: 2:13.


If You Experience Any of These 15 Signs, Means She is Serious about You - Duration: 4:44.

If You Experience Any of These 15 Signs, Means She is Serious about You

Basically, you cannot just understand a woman like you to understand a textbook for the

next test.

However, it is important to note that struggle is always appreciated and you never know that

your partner actually loves you more because you tries to understand him or her better.

If you are in a relationship and you want to check whether she's really into you,

there are 12 signs that can help you to know that.

Don't be disappointed if none applies to you.

The reason is because relationship is a process, and you see more signs once both make the

relationship into another level.

So, here is the 12 signs indicating that she is serious about you.

#1 - She always says "I love you too"

Though words usually mean nothing without acts, words are important to express things

as transition before the act.

Words also can make someone feel comfortable if they are truthful and poetically executed.

Additionally, words are powerful enough to deliver emotion which is essential in a relationship.

If she is serious about you, she absolutely will reply your expression of love in a very

pleasing and sincere tone.

You really can feel that.

#2 - Exchanging keys

The next indicator of commitment is that you allow to enter each other's house or apartment.

It indeed requires commitment because no one will just share this key without knowing the

other person.

#3 - You no longer have the need to show-off

You are no longer afraid to be yourself.

Additionally, you also don't need to show your qualities more because your partner knows

more than enough.

A relationship with commitment will not be ruined by such trivial thing, and that's

why you don't have burden anymore by showing-off.

#4 - You have signature pose

It is cute that both have unique pose that you both like even though your friends probably

find it disgusting or annoying.

Even so, both just like the pose, and no one knows who upload to each social media.

The reason?

It is because you have each other's account.

#5 - Silence is no longer an awkward thing

Both now can express something even without saying the words.

You know each other needs, and sometimes silence is more acceptable and forgiving than when

you were dating.

#6 - Normal routine feels normal

When she is serious about you, she basically does not really care about you so much.

There is no need for each to impress other because you know exactly when you get your

reward for the day.

#7 - More complicated time management

Being in a serious relationship with her actually forces you to be close with her families too.

That means, you need to manage your time well especially when holiday comes considering

you have families too.

#8 - You and your partner is a single package

This is quite obvious when your friend tells you something important.

Your friend probably only tells one of you instead both of you.

They think it is not necessary to tell you both because one of you will tell that he

already receives the news anyway.

#9 - Knowing each favorite foods and drinks

Just knowing the favorite foods and drinks is not enough.

Couples that are committed to each other actually prepare those foods and drinks ready when

they know that the other will come to the house.

#10 - You can do whatever you like

Basically, you are no longer embarrassed when you are caught doing a single girl behavior.

That means, you basically can put your mask on while waiting him to come, and he will

just be okay.

#11 - Knowing the need of each other.

Since you are both committed to each other, there is no need to play a game of drawing


Each knows exactly what to do which in certain situation.

#12 - You really can appreciate your idols

It is not that your partner will ignore you knowing the fact that you admire another man

or girl.

However, your partner knows that she or he only likes that person as artist or creative

person instead of lifetime partner.

Well, those are the 12 signs indicating that she is serious about you.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> If You Experience Any of These 15 Signs, Means She is Serious about You - Duration: 4:44.


My Stikers Wall - Duration: 6:25.

hello guys welcome even today, like every Monday, in my hovel

Today we make a video a little different, there I present my Stikers Wall

of course, being at the beginning, because I do not even have 200 members yet,

I have only a few friends who have shared it exchange, let's start in order of how I am

they arrived, so as not to wrong nobody.

The first sticker that arrived to me, with a lot of pleasure, is that of Marfy Maker

Marcello more than anything else treats and teaches the correct way to weld to work

the iron. Then, there's another nice channel that I like,

it's the second one that has arrived to me, that's it of H725

my friend Leo Migliaccio, does all the videos on cute electronics easy to

technological character. The third, which has reached me so far, is that of

Andrea Caraffini, White Ghost, he is an electrician, but it has a rather well-rounded channel

it works both wood and also precisely with

electricity ... now the lab is also redoing, so even better

see a bit of the world of DIY in more varied way

Then there is Stefano Ferretto, FS do it yourself, work with cnc and 3d printer

is a more technological maker of me and, Stefano more, he did a contest

to the 100 members I was the lucky winner,

and now I will show you also what I have won. He made me this beautiful

license plate, I have underneath attacked his logo

done to the 3d printer

This is another gift, which made me mine cousin, is a beautiful crucifix made

with scraps of iron and I think the place right in a do-it-yourself channel,

let's go back to the stikers wall

then of course down, underneath in the description I leave you all the links of the

channels that have shared with me the exchange of


Well, we attached our stickers, now I will show you more closely

one by one

as I told you there is Marfy Maker, that is the first sticker that arrived,

H725, Leo Migliaccio, Stefano Ferretto of FS do it yourself, White Ghost

as I told you before I leave the link of the various channels that they have accepted to

to exchange stickers with me.

Self you want too

participate in this exchange of stickers,

below in description, I leave you the my e-mail address, where you can send me

maybe your address and ask for mine, if you want to join this

exchange between Maker.

This will be the protagonist of the contest

for the 200 members.

You do not know what it is? When it will now be seen in operation,

in fact this tool will help me to create the gift that I will send to the winner of the

contest. Now I showed you what I will do

as a contest of the 200 members, it is the first and the last I will do it until I do not

I will arrive at 1000.

If you liked this short video

this this little talk, let me know with a pound up,

if you have not already done so, subscribe, if you want to support the channel

in the description you will find all the various links for to be able to do it and to help the channel a

grow a little more if only for give me a hand to buy the various materials

of consumption, to give you content you need best.

Another thing I ask you, I do not know if you saw the latest videos, they were without

audio, it's an experiment I've tried to do

let me know in the comments if you prefer the videos with the description

written, like the latest facts, or if how previous ones with the description

spoken, or even a middle ground because even what can be done.

Let me know what you prefer, and I will try to do the best you can for


See you next time Monday

hopefully with the contest of the 200 members, otherwise with something different ...


For more infomation >> My Stikers Wall - Duration: 6:25.


A life devoted to films - Duration: 3:37.

In the heart of an uncertain landscape

the city epitomizes determination and continuity

amidst constant change.

This is where the desire to form a nation originated.

This is an excerpt

from the first feature-length colour film about a Swiss canton.

Hugo Corpataux produced it in 1964.

Film-making technology always fascinated him,

although he was expected

to follow in his father's footsteps.

The plan was for him to become a postmaster.

I was the oldest of nine children.

Because I was older,

I always had to help with the post office and delivering letters.

But I wasn't keen on that. My head was full of photos and films.

As a young man, Hugo Corpataux started

to rent and screen films.

At that time, the moving image was something new

that immediately fascinated people.

I could see that people were enjoying it.

They came in hordes. Soon it was jam-packed.

I realized I didn't need to work at the post office.

I was earning almost as much as my father.

Corpus Christi.

Fribourg openly confesses its faith.

Solemnly and with dignity,

the people accompany their Lord through the streets.

Hugo Corpataux didn't have free rein

over which films to screen.

The moral values of the Catholic church

were very strict, and the priest vetoed

any films that he thought were too permissive.

I once heard my father tell the priest that

people wanted to see something different, not just religious films.

Could we perhaps show an Austrian film -

but some films had scenes involving kissing.

"Kissing on the mouth or just on the cheek?"

"On the cheek."

"That's alright then."

Hugo Corpataux had his greatest success

with a film about the legendary Fribourg racing driver Jo Siffert.

In racing, there are two unknowns:

Luck and fate.

Siffert was aware of the dangers of his job,

but he saw them more as theoretical factors.

He didn't really want to think about them.

But in 1971, before the film was finished,

Jo Siffert died in a tragic car crash.

So everyone suddenly wanted to see Hugo Corpataux's film.

Corpataux was surprised he had been able to make the film.

He was an acquaintance of mine. I was doing him a favour.

At the stage when Siffert was earning lots of money,

he got an offer from Hollywood

to make a film.

He said: "A friend of mine will do it.

He's an experienced film maker and needs the business."

Hugo Corpataux no longer makes films,

but is keeping pace with technological changes

in our modern digital world.

His smart watch and mobile phone go everywhere with him.

At 93 he still drives a car.

His fascination for modern technology just never ceases.

For more infomation >> A life devoted to films - Duration: 3:37.


Formula E comes to Zurich - Duration: 1:50.

Formula E in the city, here in Hong Kong.

Not a normal race track, but a city course.

A huge challenge, says Daniel Abt,

who won his first Formula E race

a month ago in Mexico City.

The drivers don't have long to practise, just briefly on the simulator.


We've also got to deal with energy management during the race,

we have to keep an eye on the energy we use.

What does that actually mean?

It means if we drove every lap at top speed

we'd never finish the race.

At first sight that sounds odd

but ultimately it means

that the races are extremely exciting -

because you can apportion the energy in different ways

and strategies develop.

Everything depends on the battery, that's the crux.

How far it lasts, how quickly it charges,

Joe Public is interested in this too.

We can benefit from Formula E:

Many things will certainly be adopted.

Just like Formula 1

where safety technology was adopted,

in Formula E too lots of technology will become commonplace.

Vehicles will become lighter, engines will become more efficient,

battery management systems will improve,

energy density will increase

and ultimately, as an everyday user,

I'll be able to use my car for longer and more easily.

That's precisely what Formula E is working towards.

Two cars are still used for each race,

and the driver has to swap.

But that will soon change.

Next season, which starts at the end of this year,

we'll be going to the start with a new car

that's got a higher energy capacity and a more powerful battery

that enables us to race

the whole distance with the same vehicle.

This season isn't over yet.

Rome, Paris, Berlin, then Zurich and New York

are on the Formula E calendar.

For more infomation >> Formula E comes to Zurich - Duration: 1:50.


VENOM (2018) ENHANCED TRAILER 1 & 2 | REAL 4K - 60 FPS | BEST QUALITY ON YOUTUBE - Duration: 4:28.

Thank you for bringing us collectively to this moment.

It is a moment that so many have dreamed of claiming.

History starts today.

The guy you work for is an evil person.

I don't work for him. My firm works for him.

- Are you gonna behave yourself tomorrow? - I told you I want to do my job.

I'm a reporter.

I followed people that do not wanted to be followed.

What about the allegations?

That you recruit the most vulnerable for test that end up killing people.

- Your time to go. - You're finished, Mr. Brock. - Is that a threat?

You had to learn how to hide in plain sight.

I'm pretty good at it but you, you suck.

- Whoever you are... - I work at the Life Foundation..

..and I need your help.

We found something.

We call them Symbiote.

Carlton Drake believes that the union between human and Symbiote is the key to our evolution.

I'm feeling really sick.

Im hearing the voice.


You're not real.. You are just in my head-

I'm gonna need Mr. Drake's property back.

I've no-

Wh-why would we do that?

If you're going to stay, you will only hurt bad people.

The way I see it..

..we can do whatever we want.

Do we have a deal?

Are you willing to sacrifice..

..the one thing you hold most dear..

You should be extremely afraid..

What the hell are you?


..are Venom.

Everyone's got their thing.

Maybe it's a breakup.

A death.

An accident.

Whatever it is,

you used to be one thing

and now,

you're something else.

We all have our own problems.

Our own issues.

Our own...


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