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[ Nightcore ] Red Lights - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors With Motu Patlu and Microwave for Children Colors With Microwave Toy - Duration: 4:12.Learn Colors With Motu Patlu and Microwave for Children Colors With Microwave Toy
what it reallt means o be spiritual - Duration: 6:12.What It Really Means To Be Spiritual
We are all spiritual. Everyone. Everything. Whether you think you are or not.
There are many definitions of what it means to be spiritual. Some say spirituality is
measured by how deeply you love yourself and others say it is measured by your understanding
of oneness.
No matter how we define spirituality, at our core we are all spiritual. We are all spiritual
beings here to have a human experience.
�We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but are spiritual beings having
a human experience�- Teilhard Chardin
In essence, being spiritual is about choosing to live your life as close to the true you
as possible. Being spiritual is essentially about accepting who you are, being yourself
and aligning with your soul truth.
This includes:
1. Being OK with who you are, negative thoughts and all.
Most spiritual practices put such an emphasis on positive thoughts and while this is great
for raising your vibration, negative thoughts have their place too.
Negative thoughts allow us to view the duality of life and allow us to also get to know our
weakness and our preferences. It is impossible to appreciate the light unless we have seen
the dark, so don�t beat yourself up when you have negative thoughts.
You of course don�t want negative thoughts to rule your life or dictate your actions,
but you don�t want to squash them or feel guilty for them either.
The best way to deal with negative thoughts is to identify them, accept them and then
let them go. It is only when we dwell upon the negative or beat ourselves up about them,
that negative thoughts become a problem.
Remember, it is more important to be yourself than to �fake� positive. Own who you are,
and through acceptance, positivity is naturally born.
2. Laughing a lot, especially at yourself and not taking life so seriously.
We all fall into the trap of taking life seriously. Life was never meant to be taken so seriously,
honestly we all need to learn to lighten up!!
Life is really not as important as we make it out to be. While there is of course value
and purpose in being here, stressing and worrying about things is definitely not helpful.
Find the lightness in life, try to detach and relax- at the end of the day, life is
a journey, it�s a game that we all know the end to, so we might as well enjoy it.
3. Being proactive- if you don�t like something, change it, if you can�t change it, learn
to accept it.
We all have situations that come up in our lives that we don�t like, but the beauty
is that for the most part we do have the power to change things, and if we can�t change
things than we can surely change our outlook about them.
Life is not set in stone, life is constantly ebbing and flowing. To really enjoy life and
to experience connection we have to tap into the flow of the Universe and find a way to
be at peace with it.
Trying to control every aspect of your life is only going to lead to stress and disaster.
Know that you have the power to change things that you don�t like, but start on the internal
4. Learning how to identify ways that your soul speaks to you.
It is not difficult to learn the language of the soul; the soul speaks to us through
joy, happiness, laughter, peace, love and stillness.
When our soul is in agreement with how we are living our lives in the physical world
it feels passionate and excited, it feels motivated and at peace.
Many of us forget that this is really what life is all about, life is about finding the
things that bring us joy and make us feel at peace within ourselves.
Sure, life is not always going to present roses as we did sign up for the package deal
(thorns and all), but finding ways to bring more joy and passion into our lives is a necessity.
It doesn�t have to be big either, make a list of all the things that you love to do-
big or small, and then start introducing them into your life one by one.
Joy is infectious, so the more you work on bringing it in, the bigger the momentum will
5. Loving yourself and understanding your infinite connection to the Universe.
Do you want to feel your energy? Rub your hands together quickly for a 10-20 seconds
then slowly separate them. Do you feel the energy dancing between your palms?
We are all energy and we are all connected to everyone and everything in the Universe.
When you understand that you are really energy, suddenly it makes sense to view everything
in this world as vibration.
You are simply energy vibrating, you are simply the Universe expressing itself as human.
There is never going to be a way to absolutely understand our beings and the purpose of all
this as the purpose is forever growing. We live in an infinite Universe and our consciousness
is always expanding to new and unfathomable heights.
Without getting too caught up in all of that, the only way to put all of this into action
is to love. Love is the Universal connector, and though loving ourselves we instantly connect
into our source energy and the energy of those around us.
Self love is truly the most important spiritual practice because essentially, self love is
the honoring of the true self, the soul, the spirit that we all are.
The Physics of Consciousness The Zero Point Field, Pineal Gland - Duration: 11:22.The Physics of Consciousness: The Zero-Point Field, Pineal Gland and Out-of-Body Experience
For centuries it has been recorded that under certain circumstances human consciousness
can leave the body and travel both within the external world and to other locations
of existence.
This process has been known by many names but in recent years all variations of these
�journeys� have been grouped under the generic, and �catch-all� term of �Out
of Body Experiences� or the OBE.
Of course such a concept is totally impossible within the modern paradigm of science.
Consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain and as such cannot exist in any location outside
of the brain.
Indeed even if consciousness could travel to locations outside of the confines of the
skull a further question has to be asked; without sensory organs such as the eyes and
the ears how can a disincarnate consciousness receive information from the external world?
I have proposed a radical new hypothesis that allows modern science to accommodate the OBE
within its present model and that the experience is neither subjective nor objective but a
mixture of the two.
What needs to change is our understanding of the actual nature of what we term �eternal,
consensual, reality�.
This new model contains three crucial elements; The Zero Point Field / Zero Point Energy,
Bose-Einstein Condensates and the Pineal Gland.
What links them is a central Theosophical concept; the �Book of Life� otherwise
known as the �Akashic Record�.
The Potential of the Zero-Point Field
The term �akasha� is a Sanskrit expression that means �sky� or �aether�.
This mystical substance is everywhere and within it is recorded every action, emotion,
thought, feeling and experience of every living being.
It is like a huge database that contains a record of everything.
Mystics have long suggested that this information can be accessed in certain states of raised
consciousness and the data can be downloaded for future use.
According to philosopher-scientist Ervin Laszlo the Akashic Record is a known scientific phenomenon,
but is known by quantum physicists by another term.
This term is the Zero Point Field or ZPF.
ZPF is a consequence of something long known to particle physicists, called the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle.
It states that if we know the position of a sub-atomic particle we cannot know its speed,
and if we know its speed we cannot know its momentum.
If a particle were at rest we would know both.
As such particles can never be at rest, not even at absolute zero, the coldest state known
to science.
This is minus 273.15 degrees Celsius.
This is three degrees above the temperature of the vacuum of space.
Why this is of significance is that there should be no energy at absolute zero but there
Lots of it.
All space is filled with this quantum vacuum energy.
It fills everything and in doing so changes what we think is a vacuum into a space absolutely
full to the brim with energy, technically known as a �Plenum�.
This has interesting parallels with ancient Chinese philosophy that suggested that there
is no such thing as empty space.
For philosophers such as Chang Tsai the bedrock of reality is the ch�i. Ch�i translates
as �gas� or �ether� and is a tenuous and non-perceptible form of matter which is
present throughout space and can condense into solid material objects.
The idea that matter somehow condenses out of the ch�i is amazingly prescient because
there is a process that echoes perfectly this most ancient of ideas.
This fascinating new form of matter is called Bose-Einstein Condensation and just like Chang
Tsai suggests this is where the ch�i is seen to form a condensation out of the vacuum.
It should come as no surprise to theosophists that this new form of matter was first predicted
by Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose, a scientist brought up within the Eastern rather
than the Western philosophical tradition.
In a paper that he sent to Albert Einstein in 1924 he described how it may be the case
that if particles were cooled to a few degrees above absolute zero they may change from being
a single particle to a collection of particles that act as if they were one.
Such a bizarre idea was proved when the first Bose-Einstein condensate was created in 1995
at the University of Colorado.
Many years before, in 1938, a similar phenomenon was observed when a substance called helium
4 was found to have absolutely no viscosity.
This meant that it could flow with absolutely no loss of energy.
In principle what is happening is that all the particles within the condensate have become
one, a single particle spread out in space and time.
These condensates pull their energy directly out of the ZPF in the form of Zero Point Energy.
Indeed many of us use a Bose Einstein condensate when we listen to music using a CD player.
The information from the disc is read using a laser beam and a laser beam is technically
coherent light � a beam in which all the light particles (photons) are all sharing
a single �coherent� state.
But there is another application of laser technology that has direct reference to the
workings of the human brain, the hologram.
Holograms are three dimensional images created by using lasers to �photograph� an object
and then reproducing the subsequent image by illuminating it with another set of lasers.
This is again an application of coherent light in which a seemingly solid image can be reproduced
from stored information.
In 1986 two Japanese researchers, Isuki Hirano and Atsushi Hirai, suggested that coherent
light is generated in vast quantities by tiny structures found deep within the neurons of
the brain.
These structures, known as microtubules, are so small that it is possible that the energy
they use to generate the coherent light is Zero Point Energy drawn directly from the
In other words they draw energy from what Blavatsky called the �Akashic Record�
and what Chang Tsai knew as the Ch�i.
The Akasha-Pineal Connection
If this is correct then the human brain has direct access to the Akashic Field and the
virtually limitless information that it contains.
It will be recalled that the Akasha can be described as a huge digital database that
stores the records of everything that has happened, and will happen, in the universe.
In fact, if modern quantum physics is correct, then there are trillions of universes containing
billions of copies of every human being that has ever lived and ever will live.
Each one of these consciousnesses will download their life experiences into the Akasha via
their microtubules and similarly they can upload limitless data from the Akasha using
the same process.
If Hirano and Hirai are correct then the Akashic data can be reassembled using the laser-like
coherent light to create seemingly three dimensional holographic images of the stored information.
This would create in the mind of the experiencer a three dimensional version of the recording
that would be totally life-like in every way.
It would be like the illusionary world of the Matrix movies.
It would be indistinguishable from the �real� thing.
I use the speech marks because such a model suggests that the �reality� we take for
granted that is external to our bodies and supplied to us by our senses may not be as
�real� as we believe.
Indeed modern neurology tells us that what we take to be external reality is a construct
of the brain modelled out of the electro-chemical information supplied to it from our senses.
I call this internally generated model of reality the Bohmian IMAX or BIMAX.
I call it Bohmian in honour of the late, and great, Professor David Bohm who first suggested
the holographic nature of perception.
The IMAX reference is to convey the �virtual-reality� feel of the BIMAX.
The question is, is there a portal within the brain whereby the riches of the Akasha
can be accessed?
I believe there is, and I suggest that this portal may be the most mysterious and enigmatic
structure in the brain; the pineal gland.
If my hypothesis is correct then the OOB can be explained as simply consciousness experiencing
the external world from internally generated information.
The person feels that they are outside of their body when in fact they are experiencing
the hidden realities contained within the ZPF.
These experiences may be generated spontaneously, during sleep or borderline sleep states, during
times of great stress or during a Near-Death Experience.
The place that is reconstructed from the ZPF could be a version of the location the person�s
body is � by this I mean that it is an exact copy � or it could be another place altogether.
This location can be perceived as somewhere else on Earth or a totally alien environment.
This can be used to explain why any attempts to prove that people are actually out of their
body during such experiences have seemingly failed.
It is simply because they think that they are perceiving this reality whereas they are
in a facsimile that is almost, but not quite the same.
That is why they accurately report some things but then miss other, much more obvious things
or, indeed, report seeing things that are not there.
However it must be stressed that although I use the term facsimile I do not mean that
it is an hallucination.
The facsimile is just as real as the world of the external experimenter/observer � it
is just that the experiencer is directly accessing the Akasha.
The Next Steps of Exploration
Is the Akasha the universe we encounter in dreams, in past-life regressions, out-of-the
body experiences and Near-Death Experiences?
If so, it suggests that bodily death may not be the end of consciousness or the personality
because consciousness exists within a field of information that is found within the quantum
world itself.
Of course this model is totally hypothetical at the moment.
However over the next few months I plan to test out this hypothesis with some of the
world�s leading authorities on consciousness, the zero-point field and the out-of-body experience.
We have but taken the first few steps along a very intriguing journey into the centre
of what it is to be a sentient being in a seemingly indifferent universe.
Where the journey will take us I have no idea �. But I am really looking forward to the
BTS - DNA Indonesia version (cover by Aro) - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Hill Climb Racing Arena Map World Record With Best Vehicles Jump Gameplay - Duration: 4:16.I show this video hill climb racing
game play arena stage with
best vehicles.
This is the last stage of hill climb racing
I make a world record by this game-play
hill climb racing arena jump
subscribe my channel for next video
Most dangerous accidents of the year - Duration: 10:13.-------------------------------------------
Get your videos RANKED first page of Yotube how to get more views on youtube - Duration: 14:47.good morning World Wide Web what's going on it's your boy Marlon Oh Bennet the
original student of the game so beautiful wedding warning outside guys
the Sun is perfectly aligned in the middle of the sky it's about 67 degrees
outside on the East Coast here in Gaithersburg Maryland and it's a great
day guys to learn some things you never knew you never knew what's going on guys
in today's video guys I want to talk about our free report that I'm putting
together right up and it's concerning our youtube video ranking strategy right
it's a report I'm putting together about how to get your videos ranked on the
very first page of YouTube okay within just minutes and for less than the price
of a cup of coffee okay now the report I'm putting together
is actually going to have someone of explosive information a couple of video
presentations inside right it's going to include I'll tell you guys right now the
video is going to include my legendary marketing duplicate Dave presentation as
well as my lead lightning automated list building done-for-you
sales funnel okay but let's talk about a one of the benefits or some of the
benefits of getting your YouTube's ranked on a very first page of YouTube
guys you want to get more views on your YouTube videos you want because
ultimately it can translate into more subscribers for your you know on YouTube
and if you can get more views on YouTube and you can get more views and more
subscribers then naturally guys you can get more leads you can build your list
even bigger right so we as video marketers and as internet marketers and
particularly for me as an email marketer and for you aspiring email markers or
marketers or even you guys already email a product for email marketing business
you have your own email marketing business well you can get more YouTube
views and get more video YouTube views guys that is only a win-win situation
for you now what a partner of mine a week ago maybe two
or three weeks ago now shared this strategy with me guys it got me really
super pumped and really super excited because of something fact that I had
already you know stepped out and was starting to learn how to write my videos
on YouTube okay I had actually achieved first page
ranking in my own right but when I was made when I got in access to this
particular information that one of my partner's share with me guys it got me
really super pumped and really super excited
particularly for anybody who's looking for a way to get their videos ranked on
the very first page of YouTube as well guys okay doing video marketing this is
definitely something that's going to interest you and if you're not you need
to pay even more attention guys because video marketing is hot and it's
definitely something that you want to start implementing in your business okay
so what I've done guys over the course of the last week or so is I've been
implementing this particular strategy okay this youtube video ranking strategy
and what I'm gonna share with you guys are summaries results I've got early on
guys and I'm still implementing that strategy I've already recorded about two
or three other videos that you guys haven't even seen yet because they're
unlisted right because I'm working on the SEO part of getting these videos
ranked on the very first page of YouTube and I can tell you guys when I say that
you can do it in just minutes and you can do it for less than the price for a
cup of coffee that's exactly what I mean so I'm going through these processes and
I'm actually putting up videos you guys don't see them yet but by the time you
see them they will already ranked on the very first page of YouTube and right now
I'm gonna show you guys some of the early results that I've been able to
achieve using this strategy so let's go over to a very first set of results guys
and you can see right here out of search results over I was twenty six million
nine hundred thousand guys you can see there I am right there on page one and
position number one right there guys you can see there I am
right there with the video did I did actually just three days ago okay this
video is just three day three days ago guys so we're talking about getting a
little view for your YouTube videos you can see that I've got over a thousand
views in the last few days on that particular video and I want to make sure
I'm not down here in the first place or else because what's happening guys and
what I'm learning is these things got me super pumped and super excited because
I'm learning how to do this and oftentimes guys more than one of my
videos are ranking on the very same page I'm taking up more than one spot on the
first page and so I'm gonna show you guys that guys dead in the next set of
results okay so over here guys you see the search results right over here on
the left hand side while I'm kind of playing around right here and you see my
videos ranked at their very first page and at the very top but if you come down
here guys and you look at that I've also hold a spot for the second place for
that particular string of keywords and if you come down guys I got the number
three spot as well let's see if I have any others on this particular set of
keywords I don't think that I do but so but also for spot number one spot number
two and spot number three out of over nine million but numbers right guys
search results let's move on to number three guys becoming the right place
let's go back maybe I'm wrong okay we're just at that one I think okay here we
are again no that's not the right one I think this is it okay here we are again
example number four guys you can see the search results will right up here on
your left hand side and you know this particular strain of keywords guys I'm
actually taking position number one position number two position number
three four and five on the very first page of YouTube guys and again you can
see that I put that video up just four weeks ago don't have as many views on
that come downhill edition you can see I already got more over just over a
thousand views on that video as well and the same with this video to you guys
know that I can't do my phone ringing of course my phone is
ready guys I'm gonna go to ignore this call so we can continue with this very
last set of results and I will show you guys how you can actually get this free
strategy guys you can get it I'm gonna show you guys how you can get your hands
on it right here guys um is uh I'm on my page for lead light and you guys know
that League Lightning is responsible for my lead generation a lot of money
generating efforts you guys okay and I'm gonna leave a link to this page below in
the YouTube description area right so you guys can actually watch this
presentation if you're looking to get more leads for your business and you
want to automate it dumb for your sales phone it actually brainy's leads into
your business guys and pays your six dollar Commission at the same time you
should pick up lead lightning so the way that you're going to get the youtube
video ranking strategy guys is you're going to you're going to UM you're gonna
purchase lead lightning okay when you purchase lis like it I'm going to give
you guys just gonna get back I'm gonna give you guys I'm gonna some training
guys so you guys gotta give me a give me a minute here you guys are gonna get
instant access to the youtube video ranking strategy or got again I'm up
here on the page this guy's where you guys get to see those results and so I
actually I don't know what I did with my page then I was on but it doesn't really
matter guys if you guys go inside it you pick up lead lightning today
I'm going to actually send you over the youtube video ranking strategy so you
guys can um so you guys get a chance to uh start implementing that strategy in
your business again I'm building a product around it but I haven't finished
yet so I was going to use the lead lightening automated list building come
for your sales funnel as a way for you guys to get the actual of the youtube
video ranking strategy and until I have that full product complete
then you guys will bid for one-time payment seven dollars so win-win because
you better pick up the lead light in automated list building sales follow and
you'll also be able to get your hands on that automated list building YouTube
strategy guys I mean youtube video ranking strategy now let's go back there
one more second guys because I want you guys to understand that when when when
you could get more views on YouTube but if you're branding yourself and you
should be if you have an online business if you an internet marketer if your
email marketer oh it's all about exposure okay so when I talked about it
being a win-win where the lead lighting automated list building sales follow
Spencer we're talking about leads okay we're talking about exposure exposure
for your business building your list okay that's that's the cornerstone of
email marketing I was building an email list collecting the names and/or email
addresses of particular prospects who may be interested in your business and
when they got into your capture pages your squeeze pages obviously they are
that's the cornerstone of building your business bigger guys okay so when you
can rank your videos on the very first page of YouTube what that means is
you're just gonna end up with a lot more exposure guys because people are putting
strains and keywords inside the YouTube browser guys on your videos one of the
very first ones just popping up and when you have the ability to occupy space one
two and three positions on a very first page of YouTube with your videos and you
can do it with every video that you put up but you upload to YouTube because I'm
gonna give you don't rank each strategy and you can implement the strategy
within minutes so that's the benefit guys of being able to do this type of
thing and so the other good thing is the other benefit guys is these numbers are
only going to continue to go up YouTube just like Google you know as part of
YouTube or Facebook the search engines love new content guys so as these videos
get on the first page of YouTube and they're brand new Delaware
the SEO algorithm inside of YouTube recognizes it as new content so new
people are constantly being this is pushing your video is pushing the vid
that you're going to get to your video up even faster because it's new content
and again the search engines love the new content so guys if you guys are
super pumped in you're super excited if you're an internet marketing you looking
for a way to build your list even bigger you're looking for way to get more leads
you're looking for way to get more views and more views on YouTube more
subscribers to your YouTube channel okay but then on this youtube video ranking
strategy is definitely something that you want to have so what I will leave in
the description are again of this a YouTube video what you guys are going to
find you gonna find a link right here to lead lightening as soon as you guys are
purchase lead lightening I will get a notification again that's just a
one-time $7 payment what should you guys I'm going to send you oh well what you
need to do I will get the notification but what you need to do is email me at
it's Marlin o better at again that's this model open at you'll find my email in the description area email me guys with up
with the payment proof of lead lightning and I will miss and make sure you use
your email with that email and I will email you the youtube video ranking
strategy immediately guys is ready to go you guys can once you open up the email
that I've seen you is going to give you instant access to the youtube video
ranking strategy and within mere minutes guys and for less than the price of a
cup of coffee you guys will be able to start ranking your videos on the very
first page of YouTube again it's a win-win situation for anybody who is
looking to get more leads to build your list you get more views and get more
views on your YouTube videos get more subscribers which you'll see over time
guys I want to continue to build my youtube subscriber list as well as my
email list so it's a win-win situation so you guys walk well I should say run
don't walk to the bottom of the description area in the video go ahead
on and get started with lead lightning today guys make sure you email me the
proof of payment and I'm gonna shoot that YouTube video marketing strategy
right I'm gonna shoot that right over to you guys on out it's actually uh it's
actually uh I'm going to include one of my favorite solo ad sources inside of
inside of that email for you guys and you guys can get inside of that
particular solo ad vendor if you start running solo ads as well that's a great
place you know we talked about suspects but exposure this is one of my favorite
vendors although I'm really really vetting my Silhouette vendors a little
close more closely these days guys because uh it's a lot going on with solo
ads there's some great sources but they're also some some people out there
guys will rob you of your money okay so I'm really really clamping down on a
depending process in terms of the soul and fingers don't use it but anyway I'll
include us well one of my favorite silhouette vendors as well as the
youtube video ranking strategy as soon as I received we see a payment for lead
lightning I can't wait to see those notifications coming from you guys in my
inbox and you guys should be watching your inbox as well so you guys can get
started okay as always this is your boy Marlon open wishing you guys wisdom
peace prosperity and to live in a dynamic digital internet lifestyle
without limits keep banging guys hope you see you on the other side
3-D Printing for Space Exploration | The Daily 360 - Duration: 1:40.The process you see is actually using indigenous Mars materials or materials
available elsewhere in the solar system combined
with materials that can be recycled
from what's already onboard a spaceship, so that you can carry as
little weight with you to construct a structure in space.
The big point of it all is carrying weight into space is
extraordinarily expensive. I think the figure used to be something like,
you know, $10 million a pound. Because the fuel
that you'll need to burn to actually get that into orbit
is just absolutely insane,
and the size of the spacecraft you need to actually handle that.
The idea is to take as little with you as possible,
and to use whatever is available — whatever you're already taking
with you in the form of the spacecraft — and then whatever you can find.
We're using about 80 pounds of material for that dome compared
to four or five hundred for the concrete domes,
and yet achieve comparable strength to a fully cured concrete mixture
without having to wait 30 days for the cure, without having to deal
with water, which is going to be very difficult on a place like Mars
where your daily surface temperature could be as high as 70 degrees,
but as low as negative 190 degrees Fahrenheit.
Aavo Ni Saiyo Punjabi Folk Song Sufi Music Punjabi Kalam Raunak The Band USP TV - Duration: 6:33.(Alaap)...
Ranjha Ranjha kardi ni main
Aape Ranjha hoi
Saddo ni mainu Dheedo Ranjha
Heer na aakho koi
Saddo ni mainu Dheedo Ranjha
Heer na aakho koi
Aavo ni saiyyo ral devo ni vadhayi
Aavo ni saiyyo ral devo ni vadhayi
Main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
Ni main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
Aavo ni saiyyo, saiyyo.. ni..
Aavo ni saiyyo
Aaj da roz mubarak chadheya
Ranjha sade haye vedhe vadeya
Aaj da roz mubarak chadheya
Ranjha sade haye vedhe vadeya
Hath khoondi modde kambal dhareya
Chakan wali shakal banayi
Ni main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
Ni main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
Ni main bar paya Ranjha maahi
Bulleh Shah ik sauda keeta
Peeta zehar haye peyala peeta
Kanni mundaran paa ke
Matthe tilak laga ke
Main jana jogi de naal
Jogi de naal, jogi de naal
Bulleh Shah ik sauda keeta
Peeta zehar haye peyala peeta
Bulleh Shah ik sauda keeta
Peeta zehar haye peyala peeta
Na kujh laaha lota leeta
Dard dukhan di gakhri chhaayi
Ni main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
Ni main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
Aavo ni saiyyo ral devo ni vadhayi
Aavo ni saiyyo ral devo ni vadhayi
Ni main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
Ni main bar paya Ranjha maahi
Ni main bar paya haye Ranjha maahi
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