Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Waching daily Sep 30 2017

Ah, he dug in too deep...

Max, and then? :D

Come on, Kirill, show us the magic! ;)

Ah, almost!..

Weak! :D

This way?

Kirill, this way, right?

There it is!

We need to go around, probably, like that.

What happened?


Saved the boys?! :D

Spin back and that's all!


Good job, Vadim! Damn, wouldn't be nothing without you. :)

Go, go!..

Come on! One..., two..., go!

We can go here, we can go there...


We are already close!

Remained fucking 4 km.


This way?

F@ck me!!! :D F#$@ck! Ahaha! :D

Ahaha! :D

That's f#cked up! :DD

Ahaha, Zhora! :D


Is it cool?

Oh, damn!!!


Well done!!! You climbed here! :D

And tell me more that I prevented you! :D

Sorry guys.

I lived the life but never seen anything like this on TV!

I look at you guys, damn, and my legs are shaking!

Very nice! :)))

Max, are you ok?

He hurt his shoulder!, f#ck!

Shoulder, again??? oO

You know what to do?

How's your hand, Max?

Everything okay?

Go, go, go, go! :D

Ahh, d@mn! :D

We will not disturb you? We need to go here.

Fine! :D

That's it! :)

Oh, hey, finally! How long should we wait for you here? :D

Hold it!.. F@ck!..

This is my theme, Vadim! :D

The last gasoline now pour out! :D

Zhora, look, I found a pointer for you! :)

Cross? :D

Pull your ass to the back of your bike as much as possible!

Pick it up! Good!

Do you need help?

No, I'm fine, thanks!

For more infomation >> In Search of a New Pit: Hard Enduro Adventures - Duration: 14:24.


【overwatch鬥陣特工】最後一次在youtube live了 !上銀吧! - Duration: 1:09:37.

For more infomation >> 【overwatch鬥陣特工】最後一次在youtube live了 !上銀吧! - Duration: 1:09:37.





It is a common occurrence for �UFO�s to be tracked on military radar, and more and

more people are starting to believe that these objects are of extraterrestrial origin.

One reason for this is the disclosure of evidence supporting such a hypothesis in recent years.

If you want to see a fraction of that evidence, you can check out this article or the one

pertaining to military radar linked above, or you can visit the exopolitics section of

our website, here.

If you really want to go in depth and read some proper studies on this topic, you can

check out Richard Dolan�s books.

They are a great place to start, he is a brilliant academic and one of the world�s leading

researchers on the topic of UFOs.

Sagan�s Close Colleague

Apart from the congressional hearings on this subject, and the fairly recent citizens hearing

that took place, along with the release of official documentation, there has been a surge

in people believing that ETs are real because of the work of scholars like Dr. Brian O�Leary.

Brian was a close colleague of Carl Sagan, who recruited him to teach at Cornell University

in the late 1960�s, where he researched and lectured in the department of astronomy

and physics.

After Cornell, he taught physics, astronomy, and science policy assessment at various academic

institutions, including the University of California Berkeley, Hampshire College, and

finally at Princeton University from 1976 to 1981.

After this he went on to Washington, where he would become an advisor to various political

leaders, presidential candidates, and the United States Congress.

Before all of this, Dr. O�Leary was a NASA astronaut and a member of the sixth group

of astronauts selected by NASA in August of 1967.

One year after that, as mentioned above, Sagan recruited him to teach at Cornell.

O�Leary was also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,

as well as secretary of the American Geophysical Union�s Planetology Section.

Furthermore, he was the team leader of the Asteroidal Resources Group for NASA�s Ames

Summer Study on Space Settlements.

He was a founding board member of the International Association for New Science as well as founding

president of the New Energy Movement.

�Carl Sagan called me from Cornell and asked me to join the faculty.

I accepted the offer and spent many years at Cornell in the astronomy department, planetary

science department.

And I became very creative in research then, but still within the bounds of western science,

but in the planetary exploration program.

That was for a period of about a decade.�

As you can see, his resume is more than extensive, and O�Leary is just one out of hundreds

of people with this type of distinguished background to blow the lid on the extraterrestrial


I use his video below in a lot of my extraterrestrial/UFO related articles, and I apologize to our regular

readers, but I feel it�s always useful to share with readers who have yet to come across


The clip is taken from the Thrive documentary which, if you haven�t seen yet, I highly


You can read his entire biography � though I�ll warn you it is quite large � HERE.

Above I�ve provided only the highlights of his impressive career.

Brian passed away shortly after this video was taken.

Apparently it happened shortly after having a heart attack and a diagnosis of intestinal


What He Said Carl Sagan Did

He had some interesting things to say during a live interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project

Camelot . O�Leary and Sagan were close for a number of years, but had a little bit of

a falling out when O�Leary decided to leave Cornell.

In the interview, he remarked:

It was� One very cold snowy day in May, I landed in Syracuse, and there was a horizontal

blizzard � in May � and I said: That�s it for upstate New York.

And Carl thought that was very frivolous.

Because, of course, he was kind of an empire-builder kind of guy; and he also had a huge ego.

After he left, O�Leary started to examine some of Carl�s work.

He said that the famous �Face� in Cydonia on Mars � photographed by Viking in 1975,

this enormous formation (about a mile across) resembled a human face and created a major

buzz at the time � was tampered with by Sagan before being released to the public:

It was very, very disappointing to me, because not only was Carl wrong, he also fudged data.

He published a picture of the �Face� in Parade Magazine, a popular article, saying

that the �Face� was just a natural formation, but he doctored the picture to make it not

look like a face.

At this time, Sagan and O�Leary were arguably the world�s two leading experts on Mars,

and they entered into many disagreements over that face.

This rift was made clear in O�Leary�s publication in 1998, �Carl Sagan & I: On

Opposite Sides of Mars.� It can be found in The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine

the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds.

Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson.

Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.

In May of 1990, O�Leary released a paper titled �Analysis of Images of the Face on

Mars and Possible Intelligent Origin� which only further demonstrated his skepticism.

It was published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol.43 No.5.

O�Leary also went on the record and stated:

I began to realize, just directly from the scientific point of view, not only hearsay,

that this man was colluding with NASA, that there might be more to this than before.

. . . Carl was on a committee with a number of notable people.

There was a report issued by the Brookings Institution in 1961 � and that�s about

when I knew Carl, during those years; the �60s mostly was when I worked closely with

him � that he and this other group said: Well, if any ETs ever showed up on the Earth,

it has to be covered up.

That�s the only way we�re going to be able to manage this, because if we can�t,

then it would be too much of a culture shock.

Quite a shocking statement from someone of Brian�s stature, isn�t it?

In the interview, he goes on to say that Carl and his colleagues recommended that the governments

cover up the UFO phenomenon, and that he believes this provided justification for the ongoing


It�s important to note that this does not make Sagan a �bad guy.� He was clearly

the opposite of that, and his love for science and educating humanity was quite clear.

If he was in favour of covering this up, if he did know about it, there is a very good

chance it was done for what they perceived to be, good reasons.

Sure, there might be some corporate reasons, and some other not so pleasant reasons the

cover-up remains today, but it�s plausible to assume that in the beginning, perhaps there

was no I�ll intent.

�Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs.

But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown

flying objects are nonsense.� Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 196

Interesting Quotes About The UFO Phenomenon (A Few Out Of Many)

***Please keep in mind, the documentation regarding this phenomenon can be found from

links that were mentioned in the very first paragraph of this article

� Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as

well as the rest of the world.

The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon.

There is an international exchange of data.� � General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979).

From �UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2,?

written by Richard Dolan.

�There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for

many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations.

Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous

scientific investigation and not be the subject of �rubishing� by tabloid newspapers.�

� Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal

Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

�There is another way whether it�s wormholes or warping space, there�s got to be a way

to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they�re

here shows us that they found a way.� � Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of physics,

University of Nebraska.

�This thing has gotten so highly-classified� it is just impossible to get anything on it.

I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic

way that it was none of my business that I�ve never tried to make it to be my business since.

I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the

Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.� � Senator Barry Goldwater,

Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee

Yes, it�s both.

It�s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it�s also some kind of

psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension.

And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that

are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there

are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning

processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.� � John Mack,Dr. John

E. Mack, a Harvard University psychologist and Pulitzer prize winner

�There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for

many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. . . . [and] it behooves

us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who

they are, where they come from, and what they want.

This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of �rubbishing�

by tabloid newspapers.� � Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff,

5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

�An extraterrestrial influence is investigating our planet.

Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.� � 2008

Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel

�Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles.

Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews

catch and release humans.� � Dr. Don Donderi, a retired McGill University Professor of 40

years in the Department of Psychology

�Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth.

They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et�s, etc�They are

visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.

� Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire

�Decades ago, visitors from other plants warned us about where we were headed and offered

to help.

But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot

first and ask questions after.� � Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister

My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago.

The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they

offered these freely.

They were kind, loving, and set a great example.

When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.� � Richard

Wagamese, Ojibway Author

I�m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best,

and that the people can�t be trusted with the truth.

The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue.

We have statements from the most credible sources � those in a position to know � about

a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.

John Podesta, for example � former White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Barack

Obama�s right hand man (councillor), and the current head of Hilary Clinton�s presidential

campaign,Taken from Leslie Kean�s 2010 New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots,

And Government Officials Go On The Record, in which Podesta wrote the forward

�Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered� We are not alone in the

universe, they have been coming here for a long time�I happen to be privileged enough

to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is

real.� � Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon



أسئلة وأجوبة - Q&A || متى راح ترجعين اليمن؟ - عندك حبيب؟ - Duration: 12:41.

The sun is so annoying

How are you? I hope you are doing well. I am Yasmien and welcome to a new video

We have reached 10K subscribers on my channel!

As promised, I am going to answer your questions

Let's see what questions I have received

How old are you?

I am 17 years old and I am in high school

No, I am just joking

People get so surprised when I tell them I am 22

They say "How??"

You look so young because you have a baby face

I am really 22 years

What thoughts pop up in your head when you stand in front of the mirror?

I died of laughter when I saw this question because I really don't know

When I stand in front of the mirror, I put make-up on my face and I sing

Sometimes, I act like I am recording a video

There are no specific thoughts that pop up in my head

What is your favorite soap opera?

I have seen a lot of soap operas. Especially Kuwaiti soap operas

This is so difficult

*These are my favorite soap operas*

What is the weirdest question asked by a follower?

I like this question!

A follower on Snapchat asked me if I could send him money because he is a student

I don't have a money tree

It was so weird

He thinks that all Youtubers are millionaires but we are broke

I thought he was joking but he wasn't

I laughed .. it was weird and funny at the same time

What are your aspirations for your channel?

I want to teach you new things

and I want to put a smile on your faces

I also want to reach 100k subscribers

This is a dream and I hope I can achieve it (God willing)

What is your favorite dessert?

I love chocolate fudge cake

What is your favorite song at the moment?

My favorite song at the moment is...

What is your goal in life?

First, I want to finish my Masters (God willing)

In the future, I want to work for an international organization which focuses on education

Those who know me, know that I love school. Education is the most important thing to me

There are places in the world where children cannot go to school

I want to provide learning experiences for children

My ultimate dream is to open my own language school

But I still don't know when or where ..

but hopefully one day

Have you ever thought about studying abroad?

Yes, in 2014, I travelled to Canada to study a semester in Ottawa

Ottawa is the capital of Canada

Not Toronto

I have lived the beautiful times of my life

Soon, I am going to record a video about my experience in Canada (God willing)

Now.. questions about marriage and love etc.

Do you have a lover?

Nope, I don't have one

When are you getting married?

Allah knows best

To be honest, at the moment, I don't think about marriage because I am not ready to get married

But if Allah has planned that I will get married next year

I am going to get married

Everything is in Allah's hands

Do people recognize you on the streets?

Once, I saw a follower in a store in my city

We greet each other

It as nice and weird

Another time, I was on my way to university

and I was recording voice notes..

Those who know me, know I always record voice notes

So, I was recording voice notes and I was walking

Then I heard someone screaming "Yassy, Yassy"

I was like "who is calling me Yassy?" because my friends in the Netherlands don't call me Yassy

I was like no.. it's not possible that I hear someone screaming Yassy.. I am going crazy

So I walked away

The I heard it again and thought who is calling my name?

Then I saw one of my followers! We hugged each other and we talked a bit

I was so happy

Of course we became friends

It was such a great coincidence

If you ever see me, don't be afraid to say hi.. I am not awkward at all

Mourad, am I awkward?

Mourad: Yes, you are

How many countries have you visited?

I have visited 10 countries

The United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Djibouti, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt

Which Arab countries have you visited?

I have visited UAE 3 times and Egypt 3 times

Do you miss Yemen and when are you going back?

I have never been to Yemen

Yemen is one of my countries and of course I want to visit it

When the situation gets better (God willing)

Keep Yemen in your prayers <3

Which countries do you want to visit?

Everyone knows what I am going to answer

Before the end of 2018, I want to visit Kuwait to meet my friends

I always want to visit the UK to meet my friends

I want to visit Qatar and Morocco to meet Chaimae

I thought I wouldn't get more questions about marriage or love

but I have received a question

What criteria does your future husband need to meet?

First, he needs to be Muslim

Secondly, he needs to be taller than me

He needs to respect me (duh)

He also needs to be funny

How many languages did you study?

I speak Dutch and this is my mother tongue

When I was little, I learned English and school and from my sister in Canada

When I was 8 years old, I used to go to the mosque every Saturday to learn the Quran and how to read and write Arabic

I learned German and French in high school

In university, I continued to study French

I also decided to study Spanish because I really love that language

5 languages

Which language do you speak at home?

At home, I speak Dutch with my parents and my siblings

Why are you living in the Netherlands?

My dad studied in the Netherlands

After he graduated from university, he got a job offer and decided to live here

That's why I am born here

Why did you start a YouTube channel?

I already loved YouTube in 2006

I was always watching videos

I was also recording videos with my webcam

I was always singing and talking in front of the camera

but of course I didn't start a Youtube channel to upload videos

In 2013, my mum bought me a camera and I was always making videos with my friends in my neighbourhood

I was still not comfortable about uploading videos on YouTube

In 2016, I told one of my friends that I want to do something out of my comfort zone

I always wanted to be a YouTuber and upload videos

That's why I started a YouTube channel

Why are you making videos in Arabic?

I know that I speak broken Arabic because it is not my mother tongue

I challenge myself to speak Arabic so I can improve it (God willing)

Have mercy on me

Is Still Walking your brother? (he is a YouTuber)

Of course! *imitating his intro*

I messed up your intro

No, we are not siblings.. we are just friends from YouTube

I do see him as my little brother from YouTube

I know him well but no we are not related

What do you like and what do you dislike on YouTube?

Let's start with the negative thing

To be honest, I don't like the racist comments at all

Not only under my videos but also in the comment section of other YouTubers


I get annoyed when I see people using specific nationalities as swear words


We are all humans and no one is better than another person.. based on his origins

Sorry, I can get very mad at things like this

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I love YouTube

I get so happy when I see positive comments

I have friends from all over the world and some have become very close friends

That is the most important thing and I love YouTube

I will keep uploading, I love YouTube and I would die for you guys (haha wollah meh)

Explain your intro

All Yemenis know I got it from a song

Why did you choose this intro?

When I was in Canada, I had a Yemeni friend MARAMYYY

We had the same taste in music and we used to send each other Khaleeji and Yemeni songs

Before I recorded my first video, I asked Maram if I should say "ala ya mar7aba besh"

She said: "Do it, there is nothing wrong with it, it's actually nice"

Thanks Maram!

It my intro and I am not going to change it

What does it mean?

It means welcome everyone!

Do you love Chaimae or your fans?

I don't like to call my followers "fans"

You are my family on YouTube

I need to choose between my followers or Chaimae

Of course I will dump Chaimae ... No, I am joking

I love them both

Who are you friends on YouTube?

Of course, shout out to all YouTubers I have met

but there are only 6 I can really call them my friends

Of course everyone knows Chaimae and we are friends

She is my best friend

My little sister and my biggest support

Love you

Congrats with reaching 100k! Hopefully you will get 1m soon (God willing)

Love you *Moroccan dialect*

and of course my love Huda

I miss you so much honey! I love her a lot

My brothers Gaid and Maher

They always support me and motivate. Thanks very much!

Like Mutaz and Anas

I hope you will succeed in life and on YouTube

Thank you!

This is the end of the video. I hope you enjoyed it!

If you have not seen the 22 facts about me video, go watch it now!

So you can get to know me better

Don't forget to like, subscribe and share and I will see you in my next video (God willing)

For more infomation >> أسئلة وأجوبة - Q&A || متى راح ترجعين اليمن؟ - عندك حبيب؟ - Duration: 12:41.


Com bela festa, Kelly Key celebra os oito meses do 3º filho - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Com bela festa, Kelly Key celebra os oito meses do 3º filho - Duration: 2:51.


Driving Your Rivals To Murder in Yandere Simulator - Duration: 8:42.

Today, Yandere-chan must eliminate a girl named "Kokona Haruka".

Yandere-chan has the ability to commit murder and get away with it...

...but she has decided to dispose of Kokona without getting any blood on her hands.

There are rumors that Kokona is going on dates with older men in exchange for money.

Yandere-chan speaks with Kokona and learns that the rumors are true...

...but Kokona has a reason for her actions.

Her father is in debt, and she is trying to earn enough money to help him pay his debt.

Yandere-chan learns that the loan shark extorting Kokona's father has a daughter...

...who is attending the same school as them.

Yandere-chan realizes that she can use this information to her advantage.

You're the one who wanted to meet me here?

Your note said that you wanted to talk about my dad's debt. What did you want to say?

I learned some information that might be useful to you.

What is it?

Are you familiar with a girl named "Musume"?

I've spoken to her a couple of times, but I don't know her very well...

Her father runs a loan agency. Ronshaku Loans.


Musume's father is the one extorting your dad.

I never would have expected to hear that...but what am I supposed to do with this information?

I think that if we hurt Musume-chan, we can make her father stop extorting your dad.

What?! No! Even if Musume-chan's father is an awful person, she doesn't deserve to be hurt!

Maybe she does.

Why would you say that?

Today, Musume-chan was bragging about the expensive gifts her father buys for her.

She bragged about how she can make her father buy anything she wants...

...if she pretends to cry until he buys it.

Everything she owns was bought with the money that was extorted out of your father...

...and she's not even grateful for any of it. what my dad suffers for? So that bimbo can wear jewelry she doesn't deserve?

I have a plan.

I'll knock her out, tie her up and, and blindfold her. Then, we'll beat her up. She'll never know it was us.

What?! What would that solve?!

It would send a message to her father. He'll realize he can't keep getting away with what he's doing.

He'll put an end to his loan business; your dad will be free from debt.

Would that...really work?

Of course.

Alright...let's do it.

I'll call you when it's time.

Please hurry! I don't want my dad to suffer any longer.

After you.

Oh my god!

What's wrong?

This isn't what I expected!

Don't forget why we're here. This is for your father's sake, remember?



You'll need this.

I'm not sure about this anymore...

I've heard that voice before...Kokona?! Is that you?!

Ugh...did I really get kidnapped by a skank like her?

Wha...What?! Who are you calling a skank?!

Don't play dumb! The whole school knows you sleep with men for money!

No, I don't! I just go to dinner with them! It doesn't go any further than that!

HA! That's a laugh! Any girl with a rack like yours knows how to take advantage of it!

Just admit what everyone already knows: You're a total slut.

I...I never asked for my body to look like this!

But I bet you enjoy all the money that your huge boobs are making for you.

I don't get to get to keep any of the money I make! I give it all to my dad!

How stupid! You're supposed to be milking money out of your dad - not the other way around!

I give my money to my dad so he can pay off his debt to YOUR dad!


Is THAT what this is all about?! Your dad can't pay back a loan, so you're taking it out on me?!

You're pathetic, and your dad is pathetic!

If someone can't pay debts, they shouldn't borrow money in the first place!

If your dad can't pay back my dad, he deserves whatever happens to him!

Keep selling your body, though!

Maybe one day you'll save up enough money to buy some self-respect!


...I...did I...

...wait...she's not...dead, is she...?!

Oh my god...oh my god! She...she's dead! She's actually dead! I...I killed her!

Ayano! What are we going to -

...A...Ayano...?...Where are you...?...







Are you sure okay to let her go?

Her alibi is airtight,

and we can't find any evidence whatsoever that she was even remotely involved in the crime.

It doesn't matter how many times the perp tells us that this girl was involved.

We have no right to keep her detained if we can't connect her to the crime.

I know, but...something about this girl feels...wrong. You know what I mean, right? She's...weird.

Are you forgetting what happened back in '89?

A girl her age was arrested and sent to court based on

flimsy evidence, unreliable testimony, and outlandish theories.

The trial made national news, the girl was found innocent, and our department was ridiculed for months.

I'm not letting that happen again.

Speaking of know who her mother is, right?

Are you suggesting we should suspect her of a crime just because her mother went to trial 30 years ago?

No, that's not what I'm...forget it. Let's just get her out of here.

Young lady...sorry to take up so much of your time. You're free to go.

Thank you.

You're safe now.

For more infomation >> Driving Your Rivals To Murder in Yandere Simulator - Duration: 8:42.


【VLDMV】All I Want Is You // Jポップ Shance - Duration: 2:54.

Staring at the wristwatch that you had forgotten

Remembering the last words that I had spoken

I do not know if it was perhaps my own fault, but

Because you would forgive my pretending self

Baby All I want is you

All I want is you

I'm at the verge of tears once more

All I want is you, All I want is you

You're my everything

Without stopping you from leaving

It's just a regret now...

Baby All I want is you

All I want is you

Baby All I want is you

All I want is you

I'm at the verge of tears once more

All I want is you

You're my everything

No matter where I search in this world

That "time" cannot be taken back

Baby all I want is you

All I want is you

I heard you're happy with another girl and that you

were never looking back

Wish I can say the same and live my life

But now I'm all alone

For more infomation >> 【VLDMV】All I Want Is You // Jポップ Shance - Duration: 2:54.


INSIDE the NEW Audi RS3 Sportback 2018 | Exhaust In Depth Review Interior Exterior - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> INSIDE the NEW Audi RS3 Sportback 2018 | Exhaust In Depth Review Interior Exterior - Duration: 10:56.


Sonic the Hedgehog (Parody Animation) - Duration: 5:55.

I'm Sonic The hedgehog Nobody Knows Why I'm blue, nor does anyone care.

Now this is platforming perfection!

Mean You got Platforms... Platforms are Pretty Important... Spikes

Bottomless pits...


Wait, Robots?!

Well, I guess that explains the missing animals. Anyways, platforming.

I sure am exhausted from all that platforming.

Well, maybe you shouldn't have exhausted yourself so much. Hey Eggy! It's called sarcasm!

Eggy?! My name Is Dr. Ivo Robotnik, the most prestigious scientist in the world.

Most prestigious scientist in the world, huh? Well, let's see how you and your ship compared to the fastest thing alive.


I think you might be a little in over your head. I think i'm a little over your head!


So, spiny and spunky, eh? No problem, with my technologically advanced egg-mobile!

You must be the one behind all the Robots in Green Hill! Give up now, Eggman!

It's not Eggman!

That's not important!

Oh hey a giant capsule. Although, It could be a bomb. Eh, I'll take my chances.

Huh. This place feels... familiar.

I've been waiting, you spiny rat.

For The Fastest Thing Alive, sure took you a while

It took me like a minute to get here!

Well, that's it's not that fast. You want to see fast?!

Spring Yard Zone. Seems... springy.

Hey, Eggman mind calling me Sonic? Sonic?

Yep, that's me. Sonic the Hedgehog!

Whatever. Soon I'll be able to call you Sonic the hedge-kebab!

No, no, no it's Sonic The Hedgehog.

Here, why don't you say it with me? Hedge-

Welcome to the Labyrinth Zone, Sonic. Though I feel you won't be so welcome after a while.

What's that supposed to mean?

So glad you could make it up. Because now the labyrinth is flooding!

I'm not letting you get away again, Eggman!

All right Eggman. This ends now.

Wait Wait Wait wait wait Wait.

Can we just skip to the final battle? I mean, I think even we can agree on the fact that nobody remembers Starlight or Scrap Brain, right?

Well, he's got a point

I think you keep forgetting that I'm the fastest thing alive!!!


Where'd you go...

You didn't think i don't have a backup egg-mobile, did you?

Oh don't even try. by the by, you wouldn't happen to know a two-tailed mutant fox, would you?

Yes, something like this, perhaps?

For more infomation >> Sonic the Hedgehog (Parody Animation) - Duration: 5:55.


Symmetria S4 - #5 : House at ubernewb's + Prank [English Sub] - Duration: 14:13.

Hello everyone ! This is episode 5 of Symmetria season4

And today, we are on the menu screen of Minecraft, because cyber_cedi

You're gonna want to record when you log on

That means he pranked us !

So, let's see this now !

It's his 4th prank on me, I think

Twice on Selenaria

Once on Symmetria season 3

And, for now, once on Symmetria 4

The first one, he had made giant champagne bottles

At my base... And he had transformed my trees into glass trees

The second one, he had put... Husks

Zombies from...

I don't remember how they are called

Zombies from...


Under my Nether portal so I had

strange mob sound that came from nowhere

And on Symmetria season 3

It was a birthday message

Let's see what he did this time

So, so, so... Where can it be?

Let's go around...

Ah! I see!

Wow! Yeah!

I love it!

A sphinx, it's a sphinx!

That's so great!

It's the kind of prank we can keep

It's so great, thank you ced!

It stays!

I swear it will stay, I don't know if it will be right here

But yeah, it's so great! Thanks!

It decorates the biome a little bit

There wasn't much except for the pyramid but...

Thank you very much ced!

Well, you'll have to expect

A prank from me

I don't think I've done pranks on you

Except community pranks on Selenaria

I admit I was taking part of them

But on my own I don't think I did

Expect, later on, to get a prank at your base

Not right now

Vengeance is a meal best eaten cold

You'll have to wait a little while

Yeah... It's great, thank you very much!

I love it!



I'll be back later

I think we will head to...

ubernewb's base

To decorate the house we have there

We are back, in the Nether

In front of ubernewb's tunnel

I wanted to show you what he did so far

To be honest, it's so great!

The giant Nether portal with a skull

I suppose it's his gold farm, but I'm not sure

Look at this, it's so great!

Let's see our house

I don't really know for now

How I will do it, I may work on it on a creative world

Before doing it on video

We arrive in his castle

The same Nether portal with the skull

We are going to go around the island

Oh, there is another house!

Last time I was here, this wasn't there

Here is his castle

And we are going to...

The house

I've left my Elytra in my Ender Chest

Here are the small houses he made for...

For different members of the server

And the one interested could

Claim one of these houses

I chose this one

It was one of the last two, by the way

Will I be able to fly tonight, to show you

What he has done

All right, so

Let's go away a little bit more

Here it is!

His base is a giant island

Above the ocean

There is a windmill

I don't know what this is

It wasn't here yesterday

His island is quite big

And not done yet

I think that... Oh my!

Looks like he have great projects for his base!

A mob farm?

And we are back to...

Ouch... the city... Well, the village

Here is his island

And here is our house

I already said that but well...


There are two floors

The first floor

Ow... Lag...

That's some lag!

Better now!

The second floor

A balcony with a view on

The windmill for now, but in my opinion

We'll have another view when he will build this part

And... Next...

The roof

For the roof, I think I'll add slabs

In the up position

To have another floor and more space

More space to work on

So, this is the house

I'll be back when I know what to do

The interior of the house has been done in creative

Let's get to work on it now

I already started to work on

The kitchen and the dining room

We'll finish the room together

I won't show you the all thing because it would take too much time

Here, a table

With a white sheet

Two seats

The furniture is in oak

So they aren't in spruce or dark oak

Like the floor and the walls

Seats made like usual

Stair and sign

End rods as lights

Right here

The stove

The burner is in the right position, good

A pressure plate

As a plate

Here, a cooking hood

I complete the fridge by adding a button and an iron trapdoor

Now, the cupboards

I add trapdoors

On this side, a tap

And finally...

A cactus, to add some greenery

The first room is done

There will be an armour stand here but I forgot to take it

I'll craft and put it here later

Crafting table, Ender chest

The bare minimum

So, here is the first room

I'll be back when I'll have started to work

On the second floor

The second floor is going to be the living room

This time there won't be a TV because I can't fit it on the walls

Here we have bookshelves

Like this

Over there too. Let's add...

Flower pots

This is a place to drink

Let's put flowers into their pots

What's missing?

A brewing stand up here

I could add bottles

To make it more original

And, finally

An Enchantment Table as a coffee table

It's the first time I'm doing it this way

I think it looks nice

This room is done

Simple, but I think there is enough decoration

And, as you can see

I made an attic

It's where the bedroom and the bathroom will be

Here we are in the attic, where I made two rooms

Here the bedroom and there the bathroom

Let's start with the bedroom

Note blocks as a headboard

With two ladders

The bed in the middle

Next, here, I'll put...

A flower

On the other side, another flower

Here, a double chest

We can have open because these are stairs

That's it for the bedroom. No, here...

I put stairs to make the wall less flat

This looks fine


The bathroom. Here...

A sink with...

A tap... I'm missing one by the way...

Where is the other one? It's there...

The shower tap goes there

Let's say it's a walk-in shower


Well, there is no shower base

With just... This is...

The hole to get rid of the water

I don't remember how it's called

Here, we have the toilets


As usual, trapdoor and button

There we go!

On the other side, all that's missing is...

A flower pot

As a glass of water

I think that's it for the floor

I'm going to check if I've done everything correctly with my schematic

If I did something wrong, I'll fix it

I fixed everything according to the schematic

I had forgotten two ladders

There, the trapdoor

To close the room and not to fall down

Everything was good at this floor

On the first floor, the railing was missing

The house is now done!

That's it for this episode

I don't know if you noticed it but since half of this one

There should be less breath into the mic

When I say some letters

I bought a windscreen of the mic of my head set

It's a little bit small so it's not perfect yet

But it's so much better than at the start of this episode

where you could really hear it

Thanks again to ubernewb

For letting me do the interior of one of the houses

Thank you very much!

I don't know yet what we will do next episode

We may go back to base

It's been some time since last time we were here

I'll start doing the pyramid as I want

The exterior of the pyramid, add slabs and stairs

Little by little, to make a big time lapse

I'll show you in a future episode when everything is done

I won't to it in one take because I think

It would be too much

And too long

I'm going to leave you here

Don't hesitated to tell me what you thought in the comment section

I'll see you next time!

Bye everyone!

For more infomation >> Symmetria S4 - #5 : House at ubernewb's + Prank [English Sub] - Duration: 14:13.


С Днём пожилых людей! / Поздравление с Международным Днём пожилого человека! / Жили - Были - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> С Днём пожилых людей! / Поздравление с Международным Днём пожилого человека! / Жили - Были - Duration: 2:26.


2 | Niesłusznie wygrałem - Duration: 5:03.

In that video you'll see a couple of days of my life:trainings, interviews

Hey, somebody turned off the light

So, as I said before, trainings, interviews

My normal life and a bit of my freestyle football history

Ok, interview time

The best part of creating YouTube videos

In comparison to TV, Radio, Press

is the fact, that you are passing on the content that you intended to create.

So you don't say: Oh I forgot to say about this and that, as during the interviews.

Oh my, I've said so much there

It's funny how such small things as interview make you wanna do something

Because it's all about doing.

My last coffee

Never buy a coffee pod machine

they're so expensive when it comes down to buying pod,

unless you can afford it. I can't but I still buy it.

Let me tell you what happened after my 1st VLOG

After I got my degree, I went back to my small town,

Kępice. When I got there I

decided to shoot a little VLOG there

because my this is the place where I started my freestyle football adventure.

I started in September, 2006

I would kick a ball with my brother in my uncle's garden

I remember that me and my brother saved about 20 EUR to buy a ball

we gave that money to our uncle who drove to another city

to buy as a ball. He said he paid 25 EUR

and gave us the ball. After a few years

I wanted to buy the exact same ball and

when I checked the price, it was about 80-100 EUR...

Later on I found Psona's and Lebioda's tutorial videos

the 'Godfathers' of Polish football freestyle

I went outside to try to do those tricks

and that's basically how my freestyle football journey began.

That's my first freestyle football spot. It wasn't good at all.

You can see it was not a smooth space

But it didn't matter for me - I would still go out for a training session

Wherever I went, I had a great training spot

When it was cold, I trained in that basement

I trained here, I lived there, I trained here

I trained here, I lived there

Thanks to that my freestyle football adventure got serious

I would put my camera about here

Despite the bad floor, I can say that

this place is still the best for training.

The place I'm going to show you now

Is the place where I did my first TATW

which I'm going to repeat now

Then I moved on to the "Plac Wolności" square

I also spent there a lot of my time

After 4 years of training I entered my 1st competition

Red Bull Street Style, 2009

I won the finals surprisingly but

In my and many people's opinion I shouldn't have won that tournament

but ironically, thanks to the judges' mistake

my career has grown up because I believed in my skills

My first trophy

Out of concrete.

I remember that when going back from the tournament people looked at me strangely

because I wasn't holding it that way

but like that

Next year I was in top 8 of RBSS World Finals

Then I won the European Champs 2010

then some Polish Vice Champs

another European Champ trophy

and another Polish Champs

some F3 World Tour Vice Champ title

and all of that only because

because I had great conditions to train in that little town,Kępice

Ok, that was my short freestyle football history

see you in the next VLOG

For more infomation >> 2 | Niesłusznie wygrałem - Duration: 5:03.


やりすぎコージー 都市伝説!「美空ひばりにおばさんと言った少年」ムーディー勝山 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> やりすぎコージー 都市伝説!「美空ひばりにおばさんと言った少年」ムーディー勝山 - Duration: 4:20.


やりすぎコージー 都市伝説!「谷村新司は宇宙人」 おぎやはぎ 小木博明 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> やりすぎコージー 都市伝説!「谷村新司は宇宙人」 おぎやはぎ 小木博明 - Duration: 4:26.


Elon Musk - Work ethics, Principles, Attitude, Failure |You Entrepreneur - Duration: 5:19.

What is Elon Musk upto now?!

What is the next step?You got your model X you are profitable, you are actually producing

more model Xs than you originally thought you would, so what is the next step?

Is it now focused on the model S the SUV?

Elon Musk is one of the most frequent high profile CEO visitors to the Trump White house,

he serves a number of advisory councils.

We people have called you the real Tony Stark.

Okay, you've got your fingers in so many different advance technologies, as I said SpaceX, uh,Tesla

like a solar city and the solar pack that we would put in our houses.

Are you sincerely trying to save the world?!Well, I am trying to do good things, yeah, I mean

saving the world is not (UNAUDIBLE).

But, you are trying to do good things AND you are a BILLIONAIRE!

I mean, Yeah.

That seems a little bit either super hero or super villain you have to choose one!

A brief intro about Elon Musk.

Elon Musk is Canadian citizen and then he migrated to the US he is the CEO of various

companies like SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, OpenAI, Solarcity, Hyperloop, the boring company and

various other comapnies.

So, how did he do it?

What was his story?

What was his journey?

When he was 12 years old he had a zeal of programming and during that time, he created

a game and sold it for $500.

After that, what he did at the age of 15 yrs, he found out that he has a zeal for solving

humanitarian problems and he wanted to do it as soon as possible, so he applied for

a immigration in the US and it got cancelled but he did't lose hope.

So, what he did next is, joined a university in Canada itself.

From that Canadian University he he studied about coding and programming.

Then he started his own business at the age of 19 in Silicon valley.

With his partner he managed to get a funding of $1 billion.

So, the question that might be popping up in your head is, What should I do with all

this information?

What do I have to do with Elon Musk.

I cannot be Elon Musk.

Well, I think you can.

not, Elon Musk, but, I think you can be LIKE him.


So as it goes, if you do things as successful people do you can be successful.


This is the proof of it.

That 3rd faliure in a row, did you think I have to pack this in?

Never, WHY NOT?!

I don't ever give up.

I mean, i'd have to be dead or completely incapable.

8 weeks later Elon Musk bet the company on another flight.


Amazing right?

That is exact kind of confidence you and I should have.

SO what did Elon Musk do to bring him to where he is today?

So that leads us to #2 He never ever ever cared about anyone other than his mission.

Over the years only 2 things in his life are the most important to him his missions and

his ambitions . If you look at his journey, all the money that he has earned from MSIs

he has transferred them back to creating other companies.

You can see that the example of PayPal.

He earned a certain amt of money which he invested back in SpaceX.

here's the proof.


He always does what he says.

That is the most important trait in any successful entrepreneur.

He told that he'll go to mars, he went to mars.

He told that he'll colonize mars, he colonized mars.

His recent tweet was about that.

HE told that he'd get good electric cheap cars he got that.

So , that is the most important trait in any entrepreneur.


For more infomation >> Elon Musk - Work ethics, Principles, Attitude, Failure |You Entrepreneur - Duration: 5:19.


GALATASARAY 3-2 KARABÜKSPOR | Uğur KARAKULLUKÇU: "Karabük'ün Penaltısı Penaltı Değidi" | Youtube - Duration: 12:06.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY 3-2 KARABÜKSPOR | Uğur KARAKULLUKÇU: "Karabük'ün Penaltısı Penaltı Değidi" | Youtube - Duration: 12:06.


FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 30-Patatas!! - Duration: 17:45.

Episode 30 Potatoes!!

Good morning to all. Today we start the day selling a load of wool pallets.

We will feed our pigs and harvest our fields.

We will also apply fertilizer in field 20 before buying it.

Take a seat and enjoy yourself :-)

We are going to sell the rest of the silage that remains in the biogas plant.

Mark has started collecting potatoes from field 20.

This will take us all night !!

We'll leave Mark and Paul to take care of the potatoes.

They will also fertilize and plow the field.

As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 30-Patatas!! - Duration: 17:45.



Hi everyone, what's up? I hope you're doing well, I'm Yoann and you're on my channel my life in the United States !

So we're here today in

an American neighborhood

I thought it would be interesting to show you the differences

between an American neighborhood and a French one

it's a fancy neighborhood. But there are many differences between an American et a French one

Let's start with the names. Very often, American neighborhoods have names

Just like here, this one is named Royal Links

There are many such as Polo Dr., etc.

This is the first difference, neighborhoods have names

Tell me in the comments if your neighborhood has a name

Because to me, I've never seen one

Let's continue and see the 2nd difference !

Follow me !

So you'll see that in an American neighborhood, the first thing that will surprise you

is the size of the houses

You can see it right away behind me, the houses are huge

I'll show you a few examples, follow me

Houses are way bigger

of course, it's not always like that in the USA, there are smaller and more modest houses

but it's more surprising and more frequent to see neighborhood with big houses like those ones

come on !

A second difference

the American flag

Of course we know it, American people and the United States are proud of their flag

And you can often see flags floating proudly in front of houses

just like here behind me

I'll show you other examples, you can see another house with another flag

In France it would be very unusual to see French in front of houses

Here, it's normal, there are no problems

by the way, if you want to know more about the American flag, its history and the tradition

go check the description bar

I'll put you the link to check my video where I explain everything

Do you want to know other differences? Follow me

We're stopping here in front of this house for another difference

Basketball hoop in front of the garage

it looks like we're in a movie

I feel like 1 house out of 2 or 3 have one

Where you can see the dad playing basketball with the kids

it's funny to see people having fun

and one more time, I feel like I'm in a movie every time I see it!

in many neighborhoods, American people love to decorate their houses

the outside is usually decorated, there are flowers, trees...

as you can see behind me, it's very well taken care of

they just love it !

they love decorating their houses, in the summer there are flowers

in the Fall you can see halloween

Then Christmas...

it's very pretty and to me, it's something that's missing in France

and it's something that we don't see that often

houses with decorations and so well kept

people show their personality

and who they are

with their decoration

Sometimes you can even see the name of the family on the front door

literally saying "You're in our home"

another difference is the space between houses

everytime I'm so surprised, in big neighborhood like this one, there is a lot of space between them

and each house is separated from each other

I know it's similar in France

but for me, I grew up on a street, where all the houses are attached to each other

so it's something I'm not used to

another big difference, is the screens at the windows

we won't be able to see it on the video

but each window...

a nice American car driving by

each window has a screen

When Andrea moved to France, at night she wanted to open the windows

and of course the mosquitoes would come inside

so she would ask "why don't we have screens??"

Because here, all the windows have one

and it's a big big difference

you can see it behind me, another difference that we cannot miss

is all the mailboxes that are along the road

the typical American mailboxes

if you wonder how we use it

go check out my video on American mailboxes

why does it have this little red thing

and how we use it

also, the post office has little cars with the steering wheel on the right

to be able to put the letters in the mailboxes that are along the road

another difference is that many houses have porches

the entrance doors are covered

there is a little entry

and people love to decorate those entries as I explained

put a chair for example, and it is common for instance, to see people

sitting in front of their entrance having a good time

it's a big difference and because it's unusual to see that in France with the porche in front of the house

American people usually have big cars

and if you talk about big cars you talk about big garages

it's very common to see houses with 1, 2 or even 3 garages

and often way wider than our French garages

Something that surprised me when I moved to the States

is that many houses have big back yards

but with no demarcation

as you see, there are the houses with the yards

but there are no demarcations between neighbors

it's not unusual that one neighbor crosses another yard to go to another

of course there are some that are closed

but more than in France, yards are open

and the neighbors don't try to protect themselves

or to be more secretive

I feel like wherever I moved in France with my family

we had gates or fences

with trees etc.

here, we can see the neighbors and they can see you

there isn't this idea of privacy and hide from others

it's pretty interesting

I hope you enjoyed this video, give it a big thumbs up

I hope you enjoyed discovering an American neighborhood

all the neighborhoods aren't like this one but it's an example of the differences between France and the USA

and I will see you next time on my channel, my life in the USA ! Bye !

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