YEŞİL UZAYLI DANSI YAPAN YOUTUBERLER ! :D - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
RC Truck construction site action | Bruder truck | Video for kids - Duration: 10:58.Bruder truck | Toy truck | Dump truck action | World of toys channel
Sakura: By Bike, Boat and Walking - Duration: 10:01.Hello!
We're here in the park to see the cherry blossoms!
Wooooow, so beautiful.
There and pink and white ones!
Even though there are so many trees, we couldn't really smell the cherry blossoms.
Too bad..
Ne, is that a river down there?
Sure (/・ω・)/
Close up (`・ω・´)
Pon pon pon pon.
Time for the drone flight section!
Moooo |д゚) it isn't a drone, it's our bike.
So smooth right?
We had to share the bike path with people walking-
We had to be so careful.
True true.
Ahh--- sorry
Excuse meeee
So warm, about 24c. But it felt like more because of the sunlight.
Yeah, lucky we had sunscreen on.
Oh ho, time for the walking section.
I love the sakura, the new students see it when they arrive for the first time to school!
Oh really?
But at the same time, it is sad, because it is also the time for graduation.
That is why many sad songs show sakura trees.
Aww (;_;)
It felt like a holiday, there was so many people.
I think it is spring vacation now
I remember last time, you were trying to catch the---
--Petals falling down
I love to do that.
Maybe they make your wish.
I want to catch more!
Ne, why are there tents? Homeless? ( ゚Д゚)
Nooooo- just protection from the sun.
I want to play with the ball too.
You can't, it is love love ball game.
People were having lunch.
Rice balls!! (*'▽')
What's your favourite rice ball?
TUNA! (`・ω・´)
Here is the Japanese Garden!
So peaceful.
Time for bonsai trees! You can see the bamboo!
Do you think the bamboo are jealous of the bonsai?
Why? (´・ω・`)
..... (;´・ω・)
Each bonsai has a sign on it showing how old it is, some are over 500 years old! ( ゚Д゚)!!
500?! I can't believe it!
Looks like a real tree, but so small.
See, you can see the little signs.
If you look carefully, you might be able to tell the age.
<-- Looks like Harry Potter one.
The Whomping Willow.
Flower one!
Time for--- very little bonsai trees.
I wonder if they'll always be that small.
Yaaay, pretty area.
Excuse me--
She's wearing pretty cute----
Aahh... heh heh (*'ω' *)
Back to the park.
I want to sleep like that man, bare feet.
What about the bugs? (`・ω・´)
No way!
Back to the bikes!
It was so much fun riding here. The path was so smooth and went interesting places.
This part here, reminded me of deep forests in Europe somewhere.
Watch out-
Who is that cute lady?
Haha! it's meee! I'm wearing my grandmother's hat.
Cutie (*´з`)
On the lake.
There was such a big line for the swan boats.
Are they all talking pictures?
Yessss, just taking pictures |д゚)
So many people.
Don't bump your head.
I'll be careful.
People aren't allowed to break off a branches from the trees.
Oh yeah? D:
I imagine if everyone did it there would be no trees left..
So sad.
The petals are falling.
Oops, the end! thanks for watching!
10 ஆம் வகுப்பு மற்றும் 12 ஆம் வகுப்புகளுக்கான மத்திய அரசாங்க வேலைகள் | Central Govt Jobs - Duration: 9:57.
Link given in the description
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PV Promo Spring Refresh (US & NFR Only) - Duration: 1:38.April's here. Are you ready for something new?
We filled this month's PV promo with products to refresh
everything from your routine to your perspective.
Are you an Essential Rewards member?
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to receive a free bottle of Basil Vitality.
This dietary oil is a great addition to spring salads
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And if your 190 PV order is placed with Essential Rewards,
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then place your order and get ready to enjoy your new April favorites.
VLOG #29: Freeride'owe święta, nowe hopy i potężny gnuj! - Duration: 6:10.-------------------------------------------
The Asgard (Stargate Debrief) - Duration: 5:08.The Asgard
An ancient and technologically advanced species, the Asgard are one of Earth's most important
Residents of a distant galaxy, the Asgard are sometimes convinced to wield their power
in the Milky Way in order to protect the innocent.
But they faced an equally powerful enemy of their own, and their final fate would leave
the Stargate universe – and the planet Earth – changed forever.
Many thousands of years ago the Asgard were members of an alliance of four advanced races,
along with the Nox, the Furlings, and the Ancients.
Today the Nox are somewhat isolationist, while the other two have vanished.
Only the Asgard remained.
Led by a High Council, the Asgard are highly rational beings.
They resemble Roswell "Greys," and admit to visiting Earth in the past.
Some scientists (such as Loki) have conducted off-the-books experiments on humans.
The people of Earth had to prove themselves worthy of interacting with the Asgard face-to-face
before a true alliance could be forged.
The first two times that SG-1 encountered Supreme Commander Thor he was a hologram,
programmed to appear to the Cimmerians as the hammer-wielding Norse god of ancient myth.
Only after Daniel Jackson and Samantha Carter solved a series of puzzles did Thor reveal
his true form.
After a later encounter with Jack O'Neill – whose mind had become an unwitting vessel
of the knowledge of the Ancients – the Asgard concluded that humans indeed show "great
Soon after it was the Asgard who intervened on Earth's behalf before the combined power
of the Goa'uld System Lords.
Thor helped to negotiate Earth's inclusion in the Protected Planets Treaty.
This placed Earth under Asgard protection, prohibiting a direct assault on the planet
– at least in theory.
But this show of force in our galaxy was largely based on a bluff: the Asgard just didn't
have the military resources to commit to a protracted fight against the System Lords.
By the end of that year, Jack O'Neill and SG-1 learned why: in their home galaxy the
Asgard were under siege by a seemingly unstoppable foe.
The Replicators are technological "bugs," a swarm of artificial life forms that consume
advanced technology in order to spread.
They proved to be the Asgard's Achilles heel.
Eventually the Replicators took over their homeworld and evolved to a nanite-based, humanoid
All hope seemed to be lost.
But with help from SG-1's out-of-the-box thinking the Asgard won some small victories,
temporarily trapping the Replicators inside a time-dilation field.
It was another, more basic problem that would finally prove to be the Asgard's undoing.
Over millennia the species had come to rely upon cloning in order to reproduce.
No new Asgard have been born for generations.
Instead new bodies are cloned as "blank slates," and the conscious minds of their
people transplanted from a dying body.
But the cloning process was never perfected.
The result was that Asgard society suffered from diminishing returns.
Unable to solve the problem, and unwilling to allow their technology to fall into the
wrong hands, the Asgard entered into an unprecedented compact to commit mass suicide.
Gathering together on the planet Orilla, they would share their advancements with Earth
– and then … end it all.
So far as Stargate Command knew, all that survived of the Asgard was now on board the
Odyssey: energy shields and transporters, weapons technology, and the galaxy's most
advanced computer core – preserving the entire history and collected knowledge of
the ancient species.
Finally, humans were acknowledged as the "Fifth Race," ready to stand on the stage of galactic
Somehow the universe seemed more empty without the Asgard in it.
The last of the four great races was gone, leaving it to Earth and its own young allies
to fight against oppression.
In the distant Pegasus Galaxy, however, an old ember was still glowing.
Daniel Jackson and Rodney McKay were kidnapped by a previously unknown force of heavily-armored
They discovered that this new power is, in fact, a small colony of Asgard who broke away
some 10,000 years ago.
Able to conduct off-book experiments of their own, they made significant progress in overcoming
the cloning problem.
This was not to be a happy reunion, however.
And Dr. Jackson was not eager to celebrate the rebirth of a species.
This group of Asgard – thought to call themselves the "Vanir" – were not allies but a
potential new threat, prepared to take any steps necessary to ensure their own survival.
Even if it means annihilating peaceful worlds.
Visit the Stargate Omnipedia at GateWorld.net to read more about the Asgard!
Leave us a comment below, and subscribe now to GateWorld on YouTube for more videos.
Cottonking Presents Struggler Saala Season 2 | Episode 3 - Duration: 9:46.-------------------------------------------
World Premiere: AIMO Vision by ROCCAT - Duration: 2:09.Welcome to the ROCCAT laboratories in Hamburg in Germany.
You all know AIMO, our intelligent lighting system that reacts organically
to your style of gaming.
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AIMO Vision. The gaming setup that can see into the future.
It senses ingame dangers and warns you of your impending death.
It helps you with important decisions.
"Should we attack now?"
Whatever you'd like to know about future events, AIMO Vision can help you.
(fills lottery ticket)
I'm sure you already know how precise the ROCCAT Owl-Eye optical sensor is
but it can do so much more.
By analysing your hand pressure and skin
temperature it detects your emotional state and forecasts possible emotional outbursts.
AIMO Vision is a complex system of microphones, fingertip sensing elements
and other sensors.
We know everything about you. Your age, gender, favorite games.
We even know if you are pregnant.
What a fantastic piece of technology.
Please comment this video! What else could AIMO Vision achieve?
Give us your idea! Your AIMO Vision!
And see you... in the future.
TBSERVER - NU HAR DU ETT VAL - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
మీ ఇంటి తలుపులపైనా ఈ గుర్తు ఉంటే | Simhadwaram Vastu | Vastu Shastra | Gummam | Vastu | JKR Bhakthi - Duration: 3:49.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE LIKE
Karate basi: Yoko Geri - Duration: 0:35.With this kick you can hit a side target with the cut of the foot keeping the trunk in a frontal position
In the execution of the kick you must free the thrust of the hips and the click of the knee that must be raised to the maximum
Şam Kurabiyesi Yapılır? Tatlı Tarifi - Bir Dilim Lezzet - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Prima del telecomando - #DdVotr 208 #OperazioneNostalgia - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
24 millones bajo el parqué y cuatro 'cocineros' fabricando coca: así vivían los Miami en Madrid - Duration: 8:13.-------------------------------------------
Flower Coloring Pages fro Kids | How to Draw Flower | Learn Colors with Colored Marker - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Kesho RD - Crystal Heart [PROMO | Official Video] - Duration: 0:36.[...] Crystal Heart
wait, but...
you went back to play, woh is false
for your sad and ...[Kesho RD]... cold lies ...[Kesho RD]...
for your sad and cold [...]
Welcome to JDProductions my name is Jack
and today we will be doing Walking Over Lego Challenge
So now I will be pouring all of my lego on the ground
This is the time
I will be jump on the lego
This is gonna hurt
I have got my socks
and this is gonna really hurt
I'm going to put the lego in my socks
Get the chunky pieces
That's full of lego
That's weird
I'm doing the double combo
Lego in my socks walking over
That's what mostly hurt
That's it!
It's all gone
Ok I think we'll going to end the video there
So thank you for watching, please like and subscribe
and I will see you in the next video!
Grey fog covers colourful Wunderland. April Fool joke fails miserably! - Duration: 5:57.Moin moin!
We want my brother Frederik
to experience the worst April-fool joke of his life.
We get many letters
saying that skin colours,
religious groups and other topics are not presented equally in the Wunderland.
That's why we started discussions with the model builders
to work on the equality topic.
We asked them to check the exhibitionon equality issues
and to change some colours if needed.
What does equality mean?
We thought of everything painted in the same colour as a joke.
What Freddy doesn't know:
Italy is completely grey now.
But it's just colour powder you can easily remove.
Let's see how he reacts.
Are you ready? I'll go and get him.
It's about equality.
Of equally presenting skin colours etc.
That's the result.
It's a solution.
Everything's in a fair colour, it's grey.
That's the idea.
I also was a little shocked in the beginning.
It seems to take away some of the Wunderland's charm.
Yes but...
You also decided on that?
It just turned out like that. It's fair.
It couldn't be fairer.
We, the model builders, say that this is the best solution for equality.
Are you crazy?
We discussed this and it couldn't be fairer.
This represents our opinion.
Everyone can be happy with this.
Honestly, Gerrit, you know that we want...
... this is a misunderstanding.
We'll somehow work this out.
I always wanted people to find
their belief and individuality in themselves.
You cannot paint the Wunderland grey!
Sure! It's inspiring!
We've been working on this hundred thousands of hours.
Now even more.
Painting it was also much work.
That counts aswell.
This is art.
Expressionist art.
I hate it! I really hate it!
And I tell you, 1,4 million visitors will hate it, too.
Nobody wants to see this.
The exhibition is a vivid as it was before.
This is not impressive at all.
But it has some inner individuality now.
The people are happy, look at them.
Are you happy? As someone who built this?
Do you want to destroy this?
It's fairer.
It's fairer for everyone.
That's the point open-minded.
You aren't serious, aren't you?
Sure we are, calm down.
I think this will disappear again.
You knew this?
I knew it, yes.
But it was you who told us to find fair colours.
Misunderstandings happen.
Gerrit, there is a huge difference between curing the world and destroying the Wunderland.
No visitor will like this.
But changing the world is more important to me.
No visitor wants to see this.
We'll convince them.
What are you doing?
All these different skin colours, religions, greed etc.
just lead to wars and too many SUVs on the streets.
And this is a solution to change the world.
And we can present it that way.
I can't believe it...
But it looks great.
It's not that bad.
Look at this, it's got style.
And Freddy, honestly:
We built the 27th million section of the exhibition.
There are different countries, but it's still model building.
This is different, this is new!
This is our most beautiful section.
All these colours that used to be here. Now everything's...
... art! This is art!
See this:
We can decrease the value-added tax from 19% to 7%, because this is art.
This is culture.
Believe me.
No, it's finde. April fool!
Calm down.
Everything was planned.
We just wanted to fool you.
This is just powder you can simply remove.
By the way, there's a little problem with the powder.
We didn't have that much.
We used screen-printing, because we had enough material for that.
I'm totally confused now.
April-fool joke or not?
It is an April-fool joke that got out of control.
But it's no problem.
The colour will disappear after one or two months.
We just have live with this until then.
It just needs to dry.
And then you can carefully remove it.
Everything's fine.
Turn off the camera.
Are you kidding me?
There was no other way.
You wanted it to be done that fast.
There was no other way.
Best solution.
Gerrit! April-fool joke or not?
A little bit of both.
We planned to fool you.
We tried out the powder, you just need to blow it away and the old colours are back.
Without remains.
You just take colour powder.
When you look at this...
You are kidding me, aren't you?
We couldn't do it that fast.
Did you polish it?
That's the problem.
In two months, everything will be as it used to be again.
So you knew it?
I didn't know they'll use polish.
And now you're acting again, aren't you?
Are you fooling me now?
As you know: Model builders are rather doing everything or nothing at all.
I thought that you would just put some more powder around the corner in case he tries to check if we're fooling him.
Sorry, but...
But we will find a solution, don't we?
This is shit, but I'll think of one.
Money plant Table Decoration | Money plant Growing Ideas | Money plant Table Top Decor//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 11:58.making a table planter for growing money plant
this is a
painted fiber cement board
wooden foot is attached with board
to make a table planter
we need some materials
first one is cement board or wooden board
this is the base of the planter
you can use old wooden board
cement paste
cement paste to make cement paste
just add water to cement and make sure you
don't add too much water
we need some kind of stones
gravel stone chips
pebble stones
white aquarium stones
some rock pieces collected from wild area
and clay pot
garden miniatures
coco peat
paste the rock pieces in the board
using cement paste
this is the pot placing area
i'm pasting the stones as round shape
mark the planting area
after marked
paste the stones
decorating and planting
put the white stones in the pot
add coco peat
place the rooted money plant leaves
in the coco peat
cocopeat holds enough water to the plant
we don't need to add any other potting medium
add the stones
on the top of cocopeat
stones protect the coco peat and
keeps moisture
and also
gives beautiful look
add some decorative items
watering to this planter
pour the water once in 3 days
don't pour too much water
you can use spray water
keep the plant in shade area or indoor
Nonstop (Độc) | Nhớ Về Em | Châu Đen Mix✔ - Duration: 1:16:32.-------------------------------------------
Reptil TV - Folge 113 – Aldabra Riesenschildkröten – Seychellen 2018 - Duration: 41:46.Hello and welcome to a new episode of Reptil.TV
I have gone through extra exertions, just for you
I wanted to show you the Aldabra giant turtles
ooops, one is biting me from the back
let me show you this quickly
I don't know
perhaps, when you smell a little bit, they like to bite gently
and this can hurt a little bit sometimes as well
let me continue my introduction
I'm on the Seychelles
I would like to film the Aldabra turtles
they are available in stores since the last couple of years
I wanted to check the climate, the breeding
and that's what I want to show you now
we are now with Albert on his property
here you can see a lot of giant turtles
I think he said they are around 80 of them
Albert's father did breed them here already
and he took over from his father
and there are several breeders on the Seychelles
mostly families
but Albert is doing this since a long time, probably has the largest amount of animals
and he can show and tell us the most
he doesn't like to be interviewed
no problem, I did ask him most of the questions already
I will explain everything one by one
and in parallel we can film the animals
back there is a male
he is trying to pair with this female
and here is one doing it already
it is mating time, end of February
the female wants to leave
its end of February, end of mating season
they start to lay their eggs
this is the population of adult animals
there are 80 animals, 40 males and 40 females
the Aldabra males are tolerating each other
they live here together and are pairing everyone
besides lots of matings, the ratio of unfertilized eggs is relatively high
so its important they mate regularly
the animals are very brave and try to gnaw the shoe laces
in this compound we have young animals
about 15 years old
the midsize ones
they can lay eggs ?
ok, they are to young to mate
I will go inside so that you can see the difference in size
here you can see the 15 to 20 year old ones
so you can see the difference in size
their shell, 40 to 50 centimeters in length
another interesting point by the way
as you can see this one is somewhat puckered
the other ones are totally round
here is one with separated shells
in Germany nobody cares about that
the Japanese and Chinese
they don't like it, think this is not perfect
but in Germany nobody cares
Albert likes it, makes it special
I think so too, has a zig zack texture
so everybody ha his own taste
and interesting enough, have a look, these are relatively round
where was she ?
this one has some bumps
people say this depend on the food and the sun and so on
but all these animals get the same food and as much sun as they want
and still one is bumpy and the other one smooth
so it has more to do with their nature
let me show you the big animals, they are also different
this one is biting me again
they can leave quite some scars in my sneakers
and the are destroying them
so I will leave the biting Aldabra turtles
and show you the other animals
about 50 to 50, male to females
Albert recognizes most of them by their stature
nice example for a female
the females are mostly round, like this one
round shell, those are mostly the females
and the ones with a lengthy shell
lets check if we see the tail
those are the males
on the left this nice round female
and you can see the dragging results on their back
is comes from mating, when the males sit on top and you can see the dragging results on their back
is comes from mating, when the males sit on top
and to our right a male
a more lengthy body
not quite the perfect look we expect
and back there a nice female, nicely rounded
big male, you can see it also by their big tale
and this lengthy body
interesting this lengthy body
can point out the gender, not sure at what age
I also wanted to show a rather bumpy animal
but Albert says its a great female
lays lots of eggs each year
the animal doesn't care
but that's what we don't quite want
more this roundish stature
here you can see a male mating now
while we watch some information about breeding
mating is from October to February
and the females are paring a lot
and still the result is only 50% fertilization
as you now can see very well
stimulation is over the rain period
its raring a lot in November and December
interesting about the change of climate
Albert says the animals become disoriented by the change of climate these days
its not like in the earlier days, sometimes its now raining later in the year
so everything seems to shift in timing
so its not by the biological watch any more and the animals have problems with this
also interesting, they can breed up to 3 times a year
but not one in spring and one in autumn
they lay eggs with 10 to 15 days
they lay 10 to 15 eggs, 10 days later they lay eggs again
or even a third time 10 eggs again
they don't lay them all at the same time
so I thing its basically one hedge over the time of 10 to 15 days
this is seen often
interesting is also the weather and the temperatures
the Seychelles have a tropical climate
I can show you the vegetation here
as you can see green woods on this island
here we are in a little laguna
its a tropical climate, not as hot like in Africa
under 30 degrees during day time in the shadow during day time is 27 to 29 degrees Celsius warm
under 30 degrees during day time in the shadow
during day time you have intense sun shine
and the animals go into the sun
but for a short time only and than they go into the shadow
here is a big tree where the animals can have sun or shadow
like they are doing in nature
where the take short sun showers and spend more time in the shadow
at 28 degrees Celsius
this is now in the afternoon at 16:30h
I have chosen the later time, when the animals are more active
and they get food
its not so hot any more, ok its cloudy as well
but the animals are active, run around and mate
this is the interesting time of the day
also an interesting fact
I expected to film animals in nature
Albert says he has never seen any of them in the wild
we are at Mahé, the main island of the Seychelles
and you can find these animals in private families
all animals are second or third generation breeds
on this island there are none in the wild to be found
there are some smaller islands, where they where put back into the wild
and on Aldabra, where they have their name from
estimating by looking at Google-Maps
at least 1000 to 2000 Km far from here
more towards Africa, that's where you find the Aldabra atoll
there are animals in the wild
but on the main island and around, there are no Aldabras in the wilderness
this one is eating
it is so hungry, just wants to eat
I just asked Albert about adding minerals
there are some snails around here
but he doesn't add them, just feeding some leaves
most are some weeds, growing here
don't know its name
that's the main food, we just get it from this tree
but that's not enough
better are these weeds, growing around here
you have lots of this
Albert, do you feed them every day ?
minimum 3 times a week, he says
Albert is also speaking Germany, he studied in Germany
he studied art
they don't like this ?
they really want the leaves
most of them have whet eyes
you would worry that they have an eye infection
lets ask Albert
there almost no animals with dry eyes
just asked Albert
he says this is ok
Albert is about 50 and has grown up with this
he is living together with these turtles all his live
he knows them every day
he knows everything well
let me show you the surroundings
this is a laguna where the turtles are
the weeds back there is the preferred food
this is Albert's employee, collecting this
he will feed them with this
they are biting into the shoes
interesting, they don't bite into the naked legs
we just talked about gender
he says this one is very flat
as we see the tail
yes, much shorter tail
what weight do you estimate ?
50 to 75 kilograms
here is a male
perhaps a smaller one
now you can see in detail
not as good with the camera
long tail, as we have seen before
and the belly shell, bumped in, known from other turtles as well
let me put in my hand to illustrate
about 10 centimeters deep
15 centimeters, ok
lets turn them back
but it doesn't happen to many times
but it doesn't happen to many times
it doesn't happen to often, that they turn them self's around
back there come sthe food
hope you can see it through the fence
here comes the support ship
Albert says
they know he is coming
today we are disturbing them
but when he comes with food, they run towards him
hectic is something else
now the hectic starts
a little bit delayed, usually it starts when the ship shows comes around
here is the big migration
this male is pushing
this big female is running into the wrong direction
this is a huge female ?
a male, aha !
from the body its more a female, but it is a male
if you want, turn it around
male ?
indeed, a male
young ?
not so typical
for a male it has a round body
here the big feeding
some more information while we watch them eating
20 to 25 years before they are mature
stimulation is during the rain period
during winter, like in our area
mating between November and February
followed by laying their eggs
usually he take the eggs out and breeds them in Vermiculite
but not in a breeding device
he just puts them down here, at around 30 degrees Celsius
and they hedge after 3.5 month
sometimes the females dig down the eggs right here
in this mud
and when the hedge in this mud
it takes about half a month longer
it starts in March
can spread from March to June
due to the climate change this is no longer that precise
in the earlier days this happened all around March to June
but now you can have eggs in August as well
something not happening before, when the weather was more predictable
have a look, this one is climbing over the other one to get to the food
here we see most of the group eating
a few are sitting at the exit
most times there is food as well
but today everything is happening back there
but he can not tell which one is the oldest
but what's your estimate how old they can become ?
we don't know for sure, but around 100 years old
and the breeding is already third generation ?
may be this one is an old one ?
this one is at least 100 years old
this one is amongst the biggest
stay here, he wants to go to the food
I estimate the body length at least 1 meter
the weight I can't estimate
Albert what's your guess ?
100 Kilograms or much more
he thinks 100 kilograms, I think more
can I lift ?
put the microphone between the legs
yes, that's perfect for a slipped disk, that's how you get it
you know what a slipped disc is ? That's how to get it !
they have less weight than what I thought
this is because the Aldabra don't have such a thick shell as the European turtles
its much thinner
if it would be as thick as the European ones in comparison, it would be to heavy for them
it would be 500 Kilograms or more for such a massive shell
that's why they have a relatively thin shell
the young animals feel like leather
that's normal for a young animal
with a European one you would think they are missing minerals
with an Aldabra it feels soft
simply, a big one couldn't carry such a big shell with 10 to 15 centimeters
that's why they have less weight than what you would think about a European one
Albert and I will try to lift it alone
let me estimate
more than 100 kilograms
it has around 150 kilograms
it was a good test
here are some young animals
this is the teenager area
well closed
Albert just told us that this week they stole two animals from another breeder here
two young ones to show you the size
how old are they ?
some ten years
5 to 10 years
here are smaller ones
back there they are around 10 years
and you can tell about their gender ?
aha, here, like a bra
you think most are females around here ?
to early, they are still to flat
and the shape, the males are longer sometimes ?
so the females round and shorter
this might be a female because it is short and round ?
the long one here may be a male ?
this is not exact
and here the babies
we said they lay their eggs from March to May
hedge 4 month later
so they hedged between September and November
you can see different sizes
he is doing a race
that's the Aldabra kindergarten
one turned around
that can happen, Albert tells us
and back again
and a view from above
a nice sequence for the end
in the middle of these gigantic animals, with some smaller ones around
I will show you the real big ones as well
a nice ending scene, the Aldabra's around me
smacking quite well
like back home, with my three kids at the table
that's what I wanted to show, the beautiful gigantic Aldabras
here on the Seychelles
unfortunately not in the wild
these big turtles
that's it for today, go and see the Seychelles, if you have a chance, very nice
visit these turtles
stay true and check these big balls
I'm on the Seychelles
now we have again the Betty Ford appearance
I couldn't get my hands out
have a look, I'm surrounded by really big turtles
each one nicer than the other one
wait, stop, did we push record?
#60 Kun je een TELEFOON opladen met PAASEIEREN?! (PAASSPECIAL) - Duration: 10:21.Happy Easter all. Today I am going to teach you how to use
Easter eggs to generate your own electricity. For example to charge your phone
This is Lifehacker Nederland.
Whether you're celebrating Easter or not, chances are that you're going to eat Easter eggs today.
And I do not mean those big eggs, no, I mean those little eggs with an aluminum peel.
This so.
Of course, they are tasty.
Of course, they look beautiful.
But generate electricity?
I have never heard of that ...
But how do we get energy from Easter eggs?
According to my chemistry book, aluminum is made from the ore bauxite.
This ore consists of 50% alumina.
To get that alumina out, you have to let a large amount of electricity flow through the ore.
This is called electrolysis.
Sometimes there is ...
400,000 to 500,000 volts pressed through that aluminum.
With this data we can do something.
The law of conservation of energy
teaches us that energy in a closed system remains the same at all times.
In other words, during the electrolysis of the aluminum, a lot of energy has been pumped into these small eggs.
That energy never got the chance to go out of the eggs again.
With other words: these are just "living batteries".
We have to fix a way to get the power from the eggs.
How are we going to do that?
Okay, what do we need for this experiment ...
First of all, of course
Easter eggs are needed. The more Easter eggs the better.
Secondly, we need a glass bowl or bin.
Pay attention! Use glass or plastic and no other material, otherwise our experiment will not work.
Third, we have aluminum foil.
We use aluminum foil to create a tension between the glass and the Easter eggs.
We will take care of that field of tension.
Then of course we need the "basic tools".
I would recommend a wire cutter. And another small wire cutter.
Furthermore, a multimeter is optional, but incredibly convenient, because you can see exactly what is going to happen.
This was 4 euros at that blue-white shop of which I will not mention the name.
And finally we need a circuit. This circuit is also optional, but what this circuit does is that it converts the voltage we get from the Easter eggs to a constant 5 volts.
It is important to use a circuit that the AC flow of the Easter eggs sets to DC.
From AC voltage to DC voltage. Your phone only works on DC voltage.
This circuit can be very cheap on Ebay.
If you do not have such a circuit, you can not charge your phone,
but lamps, because they work on AC for example.
In short, the theory about our experiment.
The Easter eggs that are in the glass bowl have a load.
We will transfer that load to the aluminum foil.
The aluminum foil is negatively charged.
How did I do this? I have taken a magnet over the foil. This caused me to attract the positive ions and to keep the negative ions behind.
Then you have something with a negative charge and the Easter eggs with a positive charge.
Positive and negative. This creates tension between and we will try to absorb that tension.
You can do this with a regular power wire.
Throw all eggs in the box.
Step 2
Put a power cord with the Easter eggs in the box.
The longer the electrical wire, the better.
And then we continue with step 3.
Now add this board to your circuit.
You just put a power cord in your pot with Easter eggs. Two wires come out of that wire: a red one and a black one.
Here you have two empty pins.
You connect the red wire to one pin and the black wire to the other pin.
Then you need a piece of a mobile phone charger.
You can just cut it off.
It concerns the following piece:
You need this piece and here too two wires are attached.
You have to connect the wires again. Red to red and black to black.
And then your circuit is ready now. To prove that this works, I add a voltmeter.
The number you see here is the voltage that runs through the circuit.
OK. So we have a jar with Easter eggs, which we have wrapped with aluminum foil.
An electric field is now being created.
We will catch that field with our wire and it will send it back to the sign.
This sign sends the power to your phone.
Okay, what are we seeing here?
The standard voltage is 3 Volts. That is not enough to charge your phone.
This sign converts the current to 5 Volts.
This happens the moment you make contact with your cell phone.
If it is good, it should work now. Now our phone can charge with the help of Easter eggs!
He is not doing it yet ... and he still does not ...
Wait! I forgot something important!
There is no power circuit yet.
There is now simply pumping current from those eggs
to the sign, to my phone, but it does not go back. Current must always run in a circle.
In other words, the solution to our problem is to add an extra thread.
I add an extra wire that runs from my phone directly to the bowl.
Then you get the following circuit:
From the bowl a wire goes out to the plate, which converts it to 5 Volt.
At that sign I measure the voltage.
Then the power goes to my phone and then it goes back to the bowl.
Now the circle is round and you therefore have a circuit.
Let's see if this works.
The standard voltage from the Easter eggs is three volts.
The moment I connect my telephone,
This thing should jump to 5 volts.
If this happens, we know that the system works in principle.
It works!
So we have just taken energy from Easter eggs.
Free energy !!
The world problem has been solved!
Stop all gas pumps, stop the nuclear power plants, our problem is solved!
Free energy for everyone!
Theoretically it is of course not completely free,
because the manufacturer has put all that energy into the egg...
So you can use energy twice!
This is the proof!
This was my video about how you can charge your phone with these things.
Want to see more of this kind of cool content? Do not forget to subscribe!
And share this video with all your friends so that they can also benefit from free electricity today!
FACE REVEAL - Duration: 4:01.The video you've all been waiting for...
This will change everything...
A Song of Ice and Fire: Century of Blood - Duration: 8:55.For thousands of years, the Valyrian Freehold ruled over much of western essos, using dragons
and ancient magic to conquer the Ghiscari, Andals and Rhoynar civilizations.
Though none could equal them in battle, the doom of valyria came in 114 BC, when a terrible
disaster, destroyed their cities, dragons, and government.
Many believe this event was a result of the 14 Flames erupting, a chain of volcanoes where
their dragons were first discovered.
Over on Dragonstone, House Targaryen, a minor noble family survived the doom thanks to Daenys
the Dreamer, daughter of the dragonlord Aurion Targaryen, who had a vision about the tragedy
12 years earlier, prompting the family to move to this far away island.
In Qohor, Aurion, another surviving Dragonlord declared himself First Emperor of Valyria,
and raised an army of 30,000 leading them to reconquer his homeland.
However many say the horrors of the Doom continued to haunt this area, and so the dragonlord
and his army were never heard from again.
With the Valyrian Freehold gone from the world, the lands of Essos descended in chaos and
war, resulting in what came to be known as the Century of Blood.
In the West, the power vacuum left behind, led Volantis, oldest of the Nine free cities,
to declare themselves the rightful heirs of Valyria, sending their armies to conquer Myr
and Lys.
Governed by triarchs elected by freeborn land owners, it was the political party known as
the Tigers who rallied the city to war, as they represented the old aristocracy, eager
for expansion and conquest.
Yet they soon over reached by attacking nearby Tyrosh, prompting nearly all the city-states
of western essos to get involved in the war.
Pentos quickly allied with Tyrosh, while Myr and Lys rebelled.
Braavos then sent ships to help Lys while Qohor and Norvos destroyed Volantene ships
at the battle of dagger lake.
Even outside powers became involved, with the Andal King Argilac Durrandon leading a
host to the disputed Lands, where they repelled an army sent to reconquer Myr.
The Dragonlord Aegon Targaryen also turned against Volantis, riding his dragon to Lys
and destroying the fleet sent against the city.
Forced to retreat behind their walls, they were now severely weakened and subject to
raids by eastern horselords.
In addition, they suffered another military disaster when they sent a fleet to reconquer
the Valyrian Penninsula, which vanished and was never heard from again.
After a century of failures the Tigers were replaced by the Elephant party, supported
by merchants and money lenders who wanted peace and trade with their neighbours.
As a result of the years of war, conflict continued in the disputed lands even after
Volantis withdrew, with Myr, Lys and Tyrosh embroiled in conflicts over border disputes,
resulting in the creation of a number of sell sword companies.
The Century of Blood also brought about the rise and fall of Gogossos, sometimes referred
to as the Tenth Free city, having been founded in the Basilisk Isles near Sothoryos by the
Ghiscari empire, before becoming a penal colony for the Valyrian Freehold.
Following the Doom, it became a pirate den that grew rich off the slave trade until they
were devastated by a plague known as the Red Death, seeing 9 of every 10 die in agony.
In the East the Horselords of the Dothraki, a brutal race of nomadic warriors, united
under the powerful ruler Khal Mengo, counselled by his mother the witch queen Doshi.
Riding west, they destroyed a number of ancient kingdoms and cultures, including the cities
of Sarnor, a powerful civilization ruled by the Tall Men, descendants of the ancient Fisher
Unwilling to unify against the threat, some Sarnori even allied with the Dothraki in order
to take down rivals within their own culture.
This however left them vulnerable resulting in the loss of a number of cities, including
the fabled waterfall city of Sathar, which was renamed Yalli Qamayi, meaning Wailing
Next fell the city of Kasath, which became known as the Broken Gods, while Gornath fell
sometime later, renamed the City of Rats.
However the Dothraki would not remain united for very long, as Khal Mengo was eventually
replaced by his son Khal Moro who was then killed by Khal Horro.
Horro would then fall to a rival, causing the Khalisar to splinter into smaller factions,
competing with each other as they continued to conquer the area.
Next they burned Sallosh, the city of Scholars destroying their great library and renaming
it the city of sickness.
After defeating Kyth, Rathylar and Hornoth, they rode against Mardosh, the city of soldiers,
which was able to resist them for six years, holding out to the point of starvation.
The Tall Men of the city then killed their wives and children, before making a final
charge through the gates, fighting until the last man.
As a result the ruined remains came to be known as the City of the Blood Charge.
Losing so many of their holdings, the remaining Sarnori at last realized their peril and united
under the last High King Mazor Alexi.
Gathering at the Field of Crows, a combined army of 80 000 horselords rode against Sarnori
forces made up of six thousand scythed chariots with ten thousand armored riders behind them,
as well as ten thousand light horsemen and a hundred thousand spearmen and slingers.
Despite the Sarnori advantage in numbers, were defeated resulting in the deaths of Mazor
Alexi, six lesser kings, and more than threescore lords and heroes.
After their victory, Khal Loso went on to sack the city of Sarnath, seat of Sarnori
high kings, leaving it's ruins to be named the City of Worms.
Sarys then fell as well but most of its population fled before the arrival of Khal Zeggo, who
burned the area and renamed it the "City of Filth."
Only one small Sarnori settlement survived the devastation throughout the century of
blood, with the port city of Saath protected through the support of nearby powers like
the Ibben and Lorath.
It was in this land alone that the Tall Men continued on, with less than twenty thousand
when they once numbered millions.
In addition, the Dothraki conquered the Valyrian colony of Essaria renaming it city of corpses,
and rode against the settlement of Ibbish, where the Ibbenese fought back, winning several
victories and destroying the great army of Khal Onqo.
But eventually the relentless Dothraki prevailed leading the Ibbenese to abandon the area which
was renamed the city of cowards.
Other Khals led their warriors to the Qaathi city states of the red waste conquering all
but Qarth, which was protected by its massive triple walls, and which continued to thrive
by focusing on sea trade, controlling the Jade Gates to profit from merchants travelling
between east and west.
Some Dothraki Khalasars even attempted crossing the Bone Mountains to but were halted at the
cities of Bayasabhad, Samyriana, and Kayakayanaya, which blocked their way.
After reigning destruction upon vast swaths of territory, Khal Temmo, a dothraki war chief
decided to push further west and invade the Free Cities.
At the Battle of Qohor, also known as the Battle of the 3 thousand, the city's government
hired the Bright Banners and Second Sons mercenary companies to accompany their defense forces,
but were quickly defeated with the sellswords fleeing the battlefield and abandoning the
However, reinforcements soon arrived, when an envoy sent to slaver's bay returned with
3000 unsullied warriors.
The Unsullied had long been considered some of the greatest warriors in the world, castrated
and trained their whole lives for battle.
The discipline and ferocity of the Unsullied allowed them to repell 18 cavalry charges,
and 3 archer attacks, killing over 12 000 Dothraki warriors including their leader Khal
Temmo and his sons.
Defeated, the Horse Lords who were known to grow their hair long, then marched through
the city gates and cut off their braids, throwing them down to the ground as a symbol of their
Of the 3000 Unsullied who fought that day, only 600 survived.
Yet they so impressed the Qohori government that the city became permanently defended
by an unsullied army whose soldiers were given braids of hair to adorn their weapons, as
a symbol of their victory over the Dothraki.
This battle then ended the western migration of the Dothraki, but they continued to dominate
the lands of central essos which came to be known as the Dothraki sea, continuing to live
nomadically and establishing Vaes Dothrak as the only permanent city.
Located by the Mother of Mountains and a lake they called the Womb of the World.
#TheOpenHouse - alt bored - Duration: 7:40:44.-------------------------------------------
TrackMania² Meme - Announcement Trailer - Duration: 1:36.PEGI 21?
Build tracks with in-game editor!
Race on thousands of community maps!
Hi mom
PREGUNTAS MUY INCOMODAS - Ta' Huevon - Duration: 6:39.-------------------------------------------
Team Rynkeby News: "Dirty deal" creates problems for Team Rynkeby - Duration: 2:35.It came as a huge surprise for us
- that the EU suddenly
- would have such a big role to play
- in affecting our trip to Paris.
In practical terms, it means that
- all Team Rynkeby teams
- on the ride to Paris
- must take along a portable toilet
- that can be used by both men and women
- when they have to go to the bathroom
- during the 7-8 hours
- spent every day cycling from one hotel in the morning to the next hotel in the evening.
It's going to be a huge task
- but I'm sure
- that our 48 teams will find a practical solution.
You have the trailer with you today
- so are you just out to test it?
We have to find out if it will work on our training ride today.
I think it's a bit of a shame
- it's going to mean really long breaks for us
- having to go into the trailer
- to use the bathroom.
I think it will be really nice
- you can go in there and get some privacy
- and not have to squat out in a field along with the other ladies.
The toilet trailer back there
- needs emptying
- who is responsible for that?
The volunteer team
- and that's fine, but it does take time away from other things.
Good or bad?
- You could say it's bad
- but it's necessary. When you have to go, you have to go.
Can't you just hop off and do what you need to do during the existing breaks?
- Some can. Not me though.
So how do you handle it?
I plan ahead
- and if we can't manage to plan
- then I think the trailers are fine.
At the end of the day,
- the EU says
- that it won't accept
- and that goes for Team Rynkeby cyclists too
- men and women
- that they...
- stand and pee in the bushes
- or out in a corn field
- and do what they have to do
- on the trip to Paris.
Well done, Mads
- good to have you with us again!
Is it a dirty deal?
- that's what we're calling it in cycling circles
- this is just a dirty deal...
- one you could throw right in the toilet!
Verdura di stagione di APRILE - Duration: 3:13.Seasonal vegetables APRIL
GARLIC the bulb must be compact and without buds, dents and molds
ASPARAGUS they are fresh if the color is bright and the buds are firm, closed and straight
without dents, with little woody stems that must be broken and not bent
BEET The leaves must be shiny, of a bright and intense color,
consistent and fragile to the touch. The stem must break with a snap.
ARTICHOKES Closed toe, dark green outer leaves, inner leaves and tender stalk, no hair
CARROTS they must be rigid: if they are folded and not broken they are not fresh
CAULIFLOWERS the florets must be closed, the uniform surface and the hard leaves.
CECI Only buckets are found.
Attention to the drying and preservation date: the longer they are old the longer the soaking time increases.
ONIONS They must be tough and without external injuries;
the white ones must be shiny, the others must have a well-dried outer skin
CHIVES must have bright green color, leaves should be straight and fleshy
BEANS The pods must be crisp and full with the skin intact
free of stains and cracks
FAVA BEANS The inside of the pod must be moist and fresh.
The exterior is intact and free of stains
FINOCCHI they must be fleshy, crisp and compact, they must be bright in color
LETTUCE The tufts must be firm and compact, closed and a few leaves withered, worn out or pierced by insects
LENTILS It is necessary to verify that the dry ones are not contaminated by parasites that create buchini on the surface.
Attention to the date of drying and storage: the older they are, the more soaking time increases.
POTATOES The peel must be without stains, not wrinkled and without buds.
In those sprouted in fact there is the solanina that is harmful: it is in excess when it appears a greenish color under the peel and shoots.
Fresh PEAS The peel must be bright green, smooth and elastic.
The pods must be tightly closed, full but swollen and not too large.
LEEK The stems must be firm and straight, with the top of the leaves firm and dark green.
There must be no withered or yellowed leaves; the white part must be turgid and the green leaves must be closed up to half of the leek.
RAVANELLI The best radishes are the smallest.
The leaves should not be wilted
SHALLOT The bulb must be hard, dry and without buds, covered with a papery texture without ripples or marks.
CELERY Fresh celery coasts should be firm and crunchy.
SPINACH The leaves must not have yellowed or dark parts and must be of a bright and uniform color.
The stem should not be flowered and the tufts should not be crammed with earth.
HOW TO DRAW police car 🔴 Fun Rainbow - Duration: 10:33.HOW TO DRAW police car 🔴 Fun Rainbow