Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 31 2018

(door opening)

- [Taren] Morning Trainiacs.

You want to see something cool?

It's a Winnipeg sized icicle.

We don't mess around when it comes to winter.

(fast techno music)

Two bottles. Two packages of Cliff blocks.

And that means that I am doing a very long Zwift ride today.

As I fall more and more in love with Zwift,

I am getting more and more into all the little niche things

that comprise of the Zwift community.

Like, it kind of reminds me of around 2007, 2008

when Blackberries were coming in, a friend of mine

started, who you might have seen,

we actually had their logos in our office

because he was a client of ours back last year.

And back then smart phones were like really niche thing

but eventually it just exploded and Zwift and

those little websites that are all around the world

popping up remind me of what smart phones were like then.

So, let's rap about a few of the favorite websites

that I've found for where to find Zwift races, where to find

Zwift information and hacks, where to build Zwift workouts,

and where you can get Zwift workouts to do

and to do with triatholon Taren.

Right after I do this two hour ride. Alright!


Come go Zwift with me, Triathlon Taren.

T is the first name. Riathlon Taren is the last name.

Instagram Story. (breathing heavily)

Whooo. This is tough at the end.

(bicycle spinning fast)

Whoa. Whooo. Whoa.

(breathing heavily) Whoo. Hour fifty minutes going

ten minutes warm up, five minutes at 200 watts,

five minutes at 226, five minutes back down at 169,

and then I repeated three times in the drop bars,

if I had the ventum built up it would be in arrow bars,

right around race pace, 15 minutes at race pace 200 watts.

Five minutes at 226 watts, above race pace,

five minutes down at 155 watts to recover,

and then I repeated that two more times.

For a grand total of 53 kilometers ridden,

average speed of 28.7 kilometers an hour,

18 miles an hour, 1100 calories burned and that means

that I have to go eat the kitchen and I'll be right back.

Oh. Oh, everything's so sweaty, sorry you are

in the line of fire here insole. Poor guy.


Okay. So I am appropriately fed, hydrated, showered.

I feel like a regular human being again,

not just a sweat rag.

Okay, so let's talk about 12...

Links that every person that is on Zwift

can probably get some benefit from.

So number one is the Zwift Ride Calendar.

So if you want to join a ride, an event,

odds are very good that I will be

eventually holding some of these.

This is where you can find it.

These are the times, these are the places,

this is what the rides are about, who's holding it,

all that stuff, very good.

Second, if you are new to Zwift,

the Unofficial Zwift User Manual, and this is done by a guy

named James Gil at

Now, he hasn't updated it in a while, but it's still looked

at as a very key thing for Zwifters.

But, if you just want the real stuff,

you go to

Next, very standard, good old Zwift riders.

This is a Facebook group with 43,000 Zwift riders

where they talk about, obviously, all things Zwift.

You can make some pals, you can organize some events.

And the last, less than sexy one,

is the Zwift Support Forum.

And this is where you can go in and basically chat

with other Zwifters with general discussion topics

and things that are trending,

bugs that are on Zwift, stuff like that.

But let's get into the real fun stuff, shall we?

Now a lot of what I'm talking about and what I've learned

was from

Frankly, one of his sections is actually inspiring

this video right now, so I highly recommend it.

He blogs about all of the aspects of Zwift,

not just on the course,

but things that other people are creating.

He's got ways to get started, tips and tricks,

obviously the ever popular Zwift hacks,

all things Zwift, very comprehensive.

This is like what reminds me

of in those early days.


Next, if you are looking for results

on races, like I was looking for days for the results

of Lionel Sanders' race when he raced

in the Canadian Zwift Championships,

and I had a heck of a time finding it. as you can see, it shows all the races,

all the laps, where the race was done,

all the nitty gritty details that you can geek out about.

Now speaking about geeking to,

I know how all of you love your data. I haven't actually gone

to this, but what you can do,

is you can drop files from your rides into here

and it will analyze it all for you.

So this is analyzing how the computer

was actually dealing with your stuff.

Oh, so like how the hardware is going to work,

and what your setup should be.

There we go, I see, mm hmm. And this next to last one

is what's on and if you want to know

what course is happening that day because Zwift

just goes between London and Watopia and London and Watopia

and London and Watopia, and you want to go in

and you want to see what the course schedule is coming up,

you can see what it is coming up, you can see

popular workouts that people have done.

There's a third course? Where is this?

I learned something today.

(gasping) Richmond. No way.

Oh, how to change what Zwift course you're on?

Oh, hello what's on Zwift, thank you.

Now this is the one I have been diving into a lot.

Zed W O Factory. Now this might not look like anything

and it really isn't anything unless you are a coach

or unless you really like making your own workouts,

but what you can do here is you can create

your own workouts in ZWOfactory, but then upload to Zwift.

And I'm going to actually show you an example of this,

and this is a big, hairy announcement here.

I have been creating a library of Zwift workouts

that are going to be available to you,

and we are going to talk about that in a second.

But, here is what you can do, like we have got

a two hour, power building set that I've created,

and in it, it has all of the workout data

that you manually create and you load this into Zwift

and then Zwift will force you to do the workout

in ERG mode so you have to follow along.

And what I've done in here, is I have even customized

the cadences, so there are certain sections

where Coach Pack gives me a section where I've got to be

at 65 cadence or one at over 100 cadence,

and that is all built into here, and in addition to that,

I have made my little Triathlon Taren comments

about what's coming up in the workout, good job,

you killed that, little tips for completing

the workout well, things to focus on, stuff like that.

And the very last website that I want to talk about

is go to

and as you saw, I've only got about 10 workouts done,

but I want to create a library of about 100 for you,

and before I go and create the next 90, I want to make sure

that I am headed down the right track, so if you go

to put in your email there

if you're interested in testing the Beta version

of these 10 workouts and then give me feedback on it,

and then when we do come out with those workouts,

if you've been part of that Beta group,

we will make sure that you get it for free

because you have helped me out in creating the stuff.

So there you go Trainiacs, every time I get off of Zwift,

I am so much more jazzed up about it than I was

when I first learned about it years ago.

So follow me on Zwift at T is the first name, last name

is RiathlonTaren, go to

if you want to be part of that Beta group

and we will create our own little Zwift community.

Ride on.

For more infomation >> 12 ZWIFT WEBSITES every Triathlete NEEDS TO KNOW about - Duration: 10:00.


Thanos Sends Hulk To Earth In Infinity WAR REVEALED! & Thor Needs The Storm Breaker To DEFEAT THANOS - Duration: 8:40.

so this is it it's always ladies ready let's go

what is good Youtube Warstu here with another video on Marvel Avengers

infinity war so I just want to say I do take all the comments and everything

into consideration so going in from the supposed leak of the first 25 minutes

you know the video I did the other day spoiler warning if you don't want to

know so apparently it goes like this and this is a section that I want to talk

about so it's when after Thor Akron ah Loki tell store they need to escape but

the ship comes under fire bow Kree Heimdall and Korg take some of the

survivors away meanwhile Thor Loki and Hulk stay behind to fight Thanos Loki

and Thor fight members of the Black Order we've seen an image of Loki with

the black order and also footage that appears to be vanished squeezin Thor's

head and making him watch something well Hulk goes after Thanos Hulk gets in some

good hit but phallus wipes the floor with him after getting annoyed Loki

wants phallus to spare his brother and in return here given the space bone

phallus agrees and spares Thor but kills Loki and forces thought to watch now I

find it's kind of weird because a lot of videos going around saying that Loki

sends whole to earth with the space stone and he wants Hulk to kind of warn

everyone about fast but then if you read on it says he things thought into space

and we know that's true because we've seen him wearing is in space and he hits

the garden the Galaxy ship and then it says and sends Hulk to earth with the

space stone obviously that's how phallus would get hot there and he tells Hulk to

let them know he's coming so to me it makes a lot more sense for Thanos

because he's the actual main villain he's the threat but him to send Hulk to

earth rather than a theory saying Loki we send Hulk to earth because obviously

lo he's scared of hole because of the hole Hulk smash scene and obviously I

can't see Loki doing that because at the moment he's an antihero but it's the

interesting bit here when it says he gets killed because it's not like every

other character we've seen no footage of Loki in any other scene yet we've seen

literally everyone I know we're not seeing it I know we're not seeing

Hawkeye and ant-man and wasps but apart from that we've seen everyone so where

is Loki we've not seen Loki in any other scene now this makes complete sense

because obviously if they're taking out all the Asgardians as far as I know

due to hella get getting more powerful when she came to Asgard Thor gets his

power from Asgardians now if the Black Order take

out all the gardens that'll make Thor weaker now in the

scene in the trailer to where we see Thor getting his head squeezed he's not

putting up any resistance or force so is it the case that he needs to forge the

new storm breaker in order to get his power back because if there's not many

Asgardians around then he's not going to have any power easy in theory I know

they said that as God isn't a place it's the people but if Thor draws his power

from Asgardians then he's got nothing to draw power from so as we know in the

first trailer he's going to forge a new sword he's going to go to the dwarfs and

the doors are gonna forge a new sword we see that that's not new news but is this

the reason why needs to forge a new weapon because without him forging a

weapon he's got nothing to draw the Thunder from and in the most recent

promo we hear Thor actually talking say saying we need to take him out we need

to work together so I'm thinking he needs to forge his new weapon in order

to stand any chance of taking phallus now because realistic if anyone's going

to kill thanos no I don't think anyone will kill thanoth or it's the god of

thunder he is the most likely candidate and is Loki going to die well we know

he's in Avengers 4 but he's in his age of Ultron Avengers gear and they're all

in old gear Captain America's in his first gear Iron Man in his agents of

shield gear so we don't actually know what's gonna be happening Avengers 4 so

are they gonna kill Loki off I think everyone in cinema would cry if they

killed Loki off but I don't really believe the theory that it's gonna be

Loki that sends Hulk to Doctor Strange I think it's going to be the main villain

Thanos sending him to earth saying I'm coming

get ready it's almost like now I'd prefer it to be Thanos that sends hope

to earth but if Loki did it would be a good way but the master of mischeif the

god of mischief are they really gonna kill him off real no I think the

we've not seen him in any other trailer is so that people think he's actually

dead but I think it's the case the fairness thinks he's gonna kill Loki but

he's not actually Loki's there Loki's actually somewhere else he's pretending

to be dead like he always does because we see Proxima midnight with the spear

to Loki's head now if he's already given in the space stone the tazza rack and he

smashed it why would the spear still be to his head

because in that scene he's not got that as Iraq the space stone in his hand so

why would he still be a threat now I think it would have been much better had

they played it off that actually Loki was gonna be part of the Black Order and

Loki was actually gonna work with on us and then it was going to be played a

case that he's a double agent now this steel could be the case as we know with

CGI they edit stuff out because in the scene where we see Thor forging his new

weapon he's clearly got the Stormbreaker in his hand but they've edited it out so

you can't actually see that and what bear of a message to send to earth and

then smashing the Hulk back to earth Hulk is their strongest Avenger now I

know you people say Iron Man isn't about Hulk is naturally it's not computer made

it's not AI it's not a machine Hulk is than absolute beast

so Hulk can't die realistically so I can't see the point of Hulk getting his

ass handed to him but I know we're gonna say Thor can take down assault but Thor

still alive they've got to set this villain up and make and scene like a

massive villain no everyone's gonna say that phallus isn't going to die in joy

in the first movie or whatever but they've not actually announced that the

Stannis is actually in the second movie now I know this is gonna sound

absolutely ridiculous because I actually as I'm thinking if I make these videos

as freestyle some people say can't you even work scripts I don't make scripts I

just start talking so they've not let us know any information about the second

movie and it's not actually sequel for a reason

it's Stannis actually the big bad for the second movie most likely but all I'm

trying to say is is the reason that Thor forges the new weapon because he isn't

the god of thunder without it we see in the scene that he produces a hell of a

lot amount of thunder when he has the new storm breaker but before that we

don't any thunder in any of the trailer a set

for when he's forging his new weapon which he use a bit of groots kind of a

branch of group for the helm of it but really I think that's the only reason

why he you need it I mean if there's no Asgardians around then he would be

weaker like hello was weak and then she was stronger when she came out and it

was worth everything and then she went totally Opie so guys let me know did fan

off send Hulk to earth and his Loki going to die I don't think he is I hope

he doesn't I hope he doesn't but in a recent interview Tom Hiddleston kind of

confirmed it secretly I mean if you listen to the way he was talking he did

make it clear that he most likely won't be in a movie

after Avengers 4 by the no guys this is more of a freestyle video just going

over a lot of news because it's hard to cover absolutely everything because

there's so much news coming out so I'm not sure what I'm gonna title it would

be something to do with Thor I think to do a Loki and something to do Holmen

slightly anyway guys please like subscribe and comment make sure you hit

that Bell button down below because YouTube has this issue where even if you

have notifications turned on that and you subscribe to someone that doesn't

even mean that you'll see their videos so we are back to using the warheads tag

again so hashtag warheads in the hashtag Wars dude and I will come back to

everyone in this video I'm most likely gonna upload my flash video before this

so check that out if you haven't already checked it out anyway guys please like

subscribe and come on I'll see you in another video very soon culture or later

For more infomation >> Thanos Sends Hulk To Earth In Infinity WAR REVEALED! & Thor Needs The Storm Breaker To DEFEAT THANOS - Duration: 8:40.


DJ Khaled on Working w/ Beyoncé & Jay-Z, 'Father of Asahd' Album & Drake | MTV News - Duration: 3:30.

♪ If they're tryna party with the queen ♪

♪ They gon' have to sign a non-disclosure ♪

♪ I took the top off the Maybach ♪

♪ I took the top off the Maybach ♪

♪ I took the top off the Maybach ♪

♪ I took the top off the Maybach ♪

- First of all, Beyonce and Jay-Z,

to get a collaboration with them is like,

a huge accomplishment, huge goal for me.

Those are the two greatest ones that ever did it,

Jay-Z and Beyonce, so to get a verse

from Beyonce and a verse from Jay-Z,

that's the greatest that ever did it,

you know what I'm saying?

And I'm just excited all the fans love it

and I'm excited for the collaboration,

I'm excited for them to be on my new album

called Father of Asahd, and I'm grateful, man,

it's top off, summer came early.

♪ DJ Khaled ♪

♪ I'm getting so throwed ♪

♪ I ain't work this hard since I was eighteen ♪

- I absolutely feel 100% confident

that me and Drake will be working again,

know what I'm saying?

Drake is my brother, man, he's my friend

and we have talkin' about working on something new.

♪ Ain't no difference when you see me ♪

♪ Or that's on television ♪

♪ Chasing a hundred million baby ♪

♪ My natural ambition ♪

♪ Boss ♪

- Ross is great, man, you see him out there,

he look healthy, he's healthy, he's blessed, you know,

I definitely pray for him every single second of the day,

that's my brother, it's like one of my, it's my heart,

it's my brother, I talk to his sister

every single day and she promised me

that everything was great.

And the minute I see Ross post something up,

and back in the studio, and back on the stage,

like, you know, I know my brother, he great.

You know, the young world is the future.

The young world is everything.

The young kings and queens are everything

so when the kids and the young world speak up

positivity and love, we have to listen

and we have to take action to listen what they're saying

meaning as in, when they promote love, peace and unity,

and, you know, they're coming together,

that's something that, not only a priority,

we have to make sure it gets accomplished

and take care of the request.

Know what I'm saying?

'Cause when they speak up, it's the realest ever.

It's important that the youth remain vocal

because they're the future.

When you're speaking of love and protection

and blessings, you know, don't ever hold that inside.

Let the world know and yourself know

and if you need help, know what I'm saying?

You know, don't ever be afraid to ask for help.

Know what I'm saying, so it's important for

us to listen to our kids.

Other artists and celebrities, how they can support

is use their platform.

Like for instance, I'm on this mic, I'm on this camera

speaking about greatness and blessings

and positivity in the young world.

You know, when I perform, I might give you

a full set of pure music and energy

but I'll also take time and stop the music

and give them knowledge and acknowledge

the young world and uplift them

and help them overcome any situation

if they're overcoming, running into any problems.

So I use my platform from social media

to me being on stage, on camera,

so I encourage all artists out there

to spread love, 'cause love is the key,

love is the answer, and love is the solution.

(techno sounds)

For more infomation >> DJ Khaled on Working w/ Beyoncé & Jay-Z, 'Father of Asahd' Album & Drake | MTV News - Duration: 3:30.


Top 5 Scariest Commercials Ever - Duration: 4:08.

Commercials are usually pretty informative- they let us know about what new cool things

are on the market- when movies are coming out and just overall brand and company updates.

Usually they are just an excuse to get off the couch and go to the washroom or grab a

drink before your show starts back up again.

But over the years there have been some really messed up and creepy commercials and that

what were going to talk about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5 in court mcginley.

Before we get started I want to know- what is your favorite type of commercial.

Personally im really into the movie advertisements.

Let me know your answers down below.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 scariest commercials ever.

Starting us off at number 5--Ghost car- ok so – I forgot about this one- it's a classic-

came out in 2005.

Ive seen it before but forgot what the purpose of the video was.

So theres suppose to be a ghost in the car so look closely here and let me know in the

comments if you see it-5 seconds to 15 seconds.

Im sorry you guys I had to do it.

I remember seeing this ad years ago but forgot its purpose so the pop up definitely got me

when I was re-watching it for this video.

Also I want to mention after I finished scripting this one I chocked on my coffee so yeah karma

got me.

In at number 4--Orkin- yeah this is definitely something.

If you have a fear or creepy human sized rats then look away now.

So the commercial starts off with a car pulling into a driveway.

Its loaded up with luggage and even bicycles so clearly this is a family getting back from


The family enters there home and hear guitars playing so they head to the living room where

they see these huge -dirty- mean looking rats playing guitar hero.

You know just an average Saturday.

Who ever was in charge of animation design for these rats did a great job- theyre really


And then things get worse when the rats start talking.

Then Orkin shows up and takes care of them.

Orkin has released several commercials with giant talking bugs and rodents in them.

Its suppose to be funny but id just classify this as weird and disturbing.

at number 3--McDonalds- so this commercial CAME OUT IN Japan and im not sure why in Japan

they want to terrify the children.

Because that's all this is going to do.

People arnt going to want to eat your big macs and mcchickens after watching this.

3 commercials were released where we have Ronald stalking a young teenage girl.

Hes hiding behind a locked door- calling and stalking her at work and then the creepiest

of all hiding under the bed.

At the end of each commercial you see the McDonalds logo pop up onto the screen while

hearing a creepy version of the mcdonalds jingle being sung in a satanic voice as it

plays in the background.

Coming in at number 2--Baby laugh a lot- can you guys show start to 8 seconds.

What the heck was that?

That doll is going to haunt my dreams tonight.

This commercial is from the 70s and it was suppose to encourage children to buy this

doll- who ever was on their marketing team really missed the mark.

Even the narrator is freaking creepy- listen to this.

Can you show 20 seconds to 28 seconds.

Yeah calm down bro.

Who ever came up with this doll and this ad has a very dark and twisted side to them that's

for sure.

Coming in at our number 1 spot--Little Babys Ice cream- ok first things first who the heck

would name their ice cream brand- little babies ice cream?

That was mistake number one.

Mistake number 2 was making this terrifying ad.

The commercial was suppose to entice people to eat more ice cream- but if anything it

did the opposite.

Yeah this commercial definitely wins as the most creepy- weird and terrifying commercials

out there and let me tell you why- In this commercial we have a man covered in what I

can only assume to be little babies ice cream.

Hes just sitting there- covered in ice cream- not saying a word- just staring wide eyed

into the camera.

He then begins to slowly eat the ice cream off of his body.

And through all of this there is a narrator.

But in all honesty the narrator makes this video even more horrifying.

Ill show you what im talking about- 23- 31.

Yeah that's messed up.

Well there you have it that's our list of the top 5 scariest commercials ever.

Thank you all so much for watching.

Don't forget to subscribe to this awesome channel if you havnt already and show us some

love by giving this video a big thumbs up.

If youd like to see a part 2 let me know in the comments.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day and ill catch all of you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scariest Commercials Ever - Duration: 4:08.


Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - Duration: 4:42.

♪ Let all mortal flesh keep silence ♪

♪ And with fear and trembling stand ♪

♪ Ponder nothing Earthly minded ♪

♪ For with blessing in His hand ♪

♪ Christ our Lord to Earth descends now ♪

♪ Our full homage to demand ♪

♪ Christ the Lord is risen today ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ God's triumphant holy day ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Who did once upon the cross ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Suffer to redeem our loss ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Lives again our glorious King ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Where, O death, is now thy sting ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Once He died our souls to save ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Where thy victory, O grave ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Ahh ah ah ♪

♪ Ahh ah ah ♪

For more infomation >> Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - Duration: 4:42.


Complete Guide OpenHAB 2 Backup And Restore : MAC 2018 - Duration: 13:25.

Hey guys Matt here from and in this video I am going to show you the complete

way to backup your openhab server using a mac.


Imagine that one day you open up your openHAB app on your phone and there is nothing there,

you then quickly go to your computer and try to ssh into the server but it just keeps saying

"Connection refused".

At this point all is lost, all your hard work, all the time you put in, simply gone.

But, lucky for you that was just an imagination and it can all be simply avoided by following

this guide.

In this complete guide I will cover exactly how to backup your openhab server.

The way this backup will work is there will be an external flash drive plugged into the

raspberry pi and every day the raspberry pi will backup the openhab configuration and

user data files to the flash drive.

Now, this does solve a majority of the backup problem but what about the rest of the pi

or other non openhab related items.

Well, since we don't change much non openhab items on the raspberry pi after it is initially

set up, we will do a manually backup of the SD card onto the flash drive through the computer.

More on that later, let's just get started!

The items needed to complete this guide are the following: Number one, is a fully setup

any model of raspberry pi running openhab, I am using a raspberry pi 3 in a clear enclosure

that has a fan which generates a lot of air flow to the raspberry pi, I also installed

heatsinks on the pi for even more cooling.

I did this much cooling because I never want to run the risk of the pi overheating and


If you want a kit to protect your pi you can find it at

If your pi is not setup check out my home automation server setup guide.

Number two is a computer running MAC OS or OS X, if you have a windows computer then

check out my guide where I do this same guide except using a windows computer.

Number three, is an SD card reader of some kind that can read the type of SD card you

have in your pi, I only need a micro SD card reader but this one reads both sizes of sd


Lastly, number four you need a flash drive that is the same size as the sd card in your

pi my sd card is 32gb so I bought a 32gb flash drive.

The links to all the parts and guides mentioned are in the video description.

Speaking of links in the description, follow @mksmarthouse on twitter, instagram and snapchat

because those are the place where I give sneak peaks on when videos are releasing and also

where I ask for your input on topics and future videos.


The first thing we have to do is plug the flash drive into the computer.


Next go to spotlight, type in disk utility and press enter.


In the left column click on your flash drive.

The next part we are about to do will erase everything on the flash drive so make sure

you do not have anything important on it.


Then press the erase button.

In the name box type in OHBACKUP and in the format select ExFat.

Click erase.


Next we need to head over to the written version of this guide on my website, link is in the



Here we need to download the OHBackup_script.

This is the script that we setup to automatically backup openhab every day at 12am and it will

also delete backups that over 30 days old in order to not fill up the flash drive completely.


So go over to your downloads folder, double click on the zip file and then drag the script

to the flash drive we will use for backing up.

Once that is copied over eject the flash drive from your computer.


Grab the flash drive from your computer and plug it into the raspberry pi.


Before we get any further I just wanted to show you the basic ui of this server to demonstrate

that this pi is fully configured and has a sitemap with items in it in other words it

has a data on it.

I have already done this process to my main openhab server which is why I will be using

this pi.


Now open up terminal on your mac and ssh into the pi.

I recommend having the written version of this guide open so that way you can just copy

and paste the commands I am about to show you.


The first thing we have to do is install support for exfat so type in sudo apt-get install

exfat-fuse and press enter.

You may need to type in your password and press enter.


It will then ask if you want to confirm type y and press enter.


Next enter super user so type in sudo su and press enter.


Next we have to make a directory to mount the flash drive to, so type in mkdir /mnt/OHBackupDrive

and press enter.


Now we have to find out what the UUID or id number of our flash drive is in order to mount

it to the directory so type in lsblk -o UUID,NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL,MODEL and press enter.


As you can see this is the 32gb flash drive I inserted into the pi and here is its UUID,

this is important so write it down somewhere.


In order to mount the flash drive to the directory we need to modify the fstab so type in nano

/etc/fstab and press enter.


Now at the bottom of the file type in UUID=C73C-F2E6 /mnt/OHBackupDrive auto defaults,auto,umask=000,users,rw

0 0 and press enter.


Replace the UUID with the UUID of your flash drive.


Once you changed the UUID press control x then y and enter to save.


Now to execute the mounting procedure instead of rebooting type in mount -a and press enter.


To confirm that it mounted to the directory type in df -k /mnt/OHBackupDrive and press

enter, you should see how much of the folder is used and some other information.


Ok, now we are done with super user so type in exit and press enter.


Next up is to copy the script from the flash drive to the bin folder do this by typing

in sudo cp /mnt/OHBackupDrive/OHBackup_script /bin and press enter.


Next we need to give the script permission to execute, so type in sudo chmod u+x /bin/OHBackup_script

and press enter.


To execute the script type in sudo /bin/OHBackup_script and press enter.


You should see it say Openhab backup script and Success!

Backup made.


Now, let's confirm that it did save so type in cd /mnt/OHBackupDrive and press enter then

type in ls and press enter.

You should see a zip file.


OpenHAB was successfully backed up.


Now let's make this backup process happen automatically everyday at 12 am.


Type in sudo crontab -e and press enter.

It might ask you which editor to use, type in 2 to use nano and press enter.


In the bottom of the file type in 0 0 * * * /bin/OHBackup_script what this does is execute the backup script

everyday at 12 am.


Now press control x then y and enter to save.


Like I mentioned in the beginning the script only backs up openhab stuff like your items,

things, sitemaps, configuration files etc, so stuff like the the mqtt server settings

will not be backed up, those things we need to backup manually.

I recommend backing up manually before/after every time you make a change to the raspberry

pi that is not directly integrated with openhab or when you make an openhab software update.


In order to backup manually we need to first shut down the pi so type in sudo halt and

press enter.


Once the pi is fully shut down and the lights are not blinking, unplug the power cable,

sd card and flash drive.


Then plug the sd card and flash drive into the computer.


Next open up applepibaker, if you dont know what apple pi baker is then go check out my

automation server setup guide mac version.


Anyway type in your admin password for your computer and press ok.


In the pi crust section select your sd card and then click create backup.


It will then ask what to name it also where to save, name it what you want and choose

your desktop as the location and click ok. 39.

Once it finished open up finder and select your flash drive.

Right click, create a new folder, and name it SDCardBackups.


Now, right click on the img file and click compress.


Once it finished compressing drag the zip file from your desktop to the SDCardBackups



Once it copies over you are completely done backing up your automation server.

43.You can now eject the flash drive as well as the sd card and plug them back into the

pi. 44.

Once they are plugged in you can connect power again.


Congratulations, you are now safe from potential failures and part of the small percentage

of people that actually backup their OpenHAB server.

Help spread awareness of backing up openhab by sharing this video everywhere you possibly

can and save people from the headache of a failed server with no backup.

To demonstrate a change made after a manual backup I am going to make a modification to

the sitemap file.

As you can see the sitemap is changed.

Now for demonstration purposes I am going to issue a OpenHAB Runtime backup with the

command sudo /bin/OHBackup_script normally your backup would occur automatically at 12am

but for the purposes of this video I am going to back it up now.

You can also use this command if you are about to do any modifications to the configuration

files and want something to fall back on just in case you mess up.

For demonstration purposes I am going to simulate a raspberry pi failure that can happen to

anyone and results in a complete data loss.

[Hits raspberry pi with the hammer]

Now lets go over how to restore your openhab server if it did go through a failure.


You would first plug both a new sd card either the same size or bigger than the original

and the OHBackup flash drive into the computer.


Then open finder to your SDCardBackups folder and drag the backup you want to use to your



Once it finishes copying double click on the zip file to expand it into a proper img file.


Then open up apple pi baker, type in your admin password and press ok.


Now click on your sd card in the Pi-Crust Section.

In the Pi-Ingredients section click on the 3 dots.

It will bring up a mini finder, navigate to your desktop and click on the img file we

previously expanded from the zip file.


Then click restore backup.

Once it is formatted eject the flash drive and unplug both the sd card and flash drive.

Plug both items items into the pi and plug in the power cable.


Once the pi boots up ssh into it through terminal.


The first thing we have to do is get into the backup drive and see which zip file we

want to restore to so type in cd /mnt/OHBackupDrive and press enter.


To see what's inside type in ls and enter.

I am going to backup to the latest zip file which is this one.


Next we need to stop openhab so type in sudo systemctl stop openhab2.service and press



Now we are going to restore openhab so type in

sudo $OPENHAB_RUNTIME/bin/restore /mnt/OHBackupDrive/ before you hit enter replace INSERTBACKUPNAME

with the name of your backup and press enter.


It will ask you to confirm, press y and enter.


Finally, start up openhab again by typing in sudo systemctl start openhab2.service and

press enter.


Your openhab server should be fully restored.

If I open up the basic UI you can see all the data is still there including the recently

made modification to the sitemap.

Finally, that concludes this complete guide to backing up and restoring your openhab server.

In the description you will find links to all the parts and devices used in the video

as well as a link to where I have a wide range of smart home kits

that you can put together such as blinds, led strips, sprinkler system and door sensors.

Alright thank you for watching and If you have any questions leave them in the comments

section below or head over to

Good Bye!

For more infomation >> Complete Guide OpenHAB 2 Backup And Restore : MAC 2018 - Duration: 13:25.


PUBG Emotes are OP - Duration: 6:56.

Your AC-130 is ready for deployment!


We're doing it!

They fucking died!

Oh my god!

Three... two... one...



How the fuck did this work...?


Hey man, what are you doing here?

You are so late.

My name is Timo, what's your name?

What the- I don't care what your name is.

What are you doing here?


I'm Russia.

You're Russia?

The entirety of Russia, right here-?




I guess won't mess with you.



I'm on fire, oh no, you will kill me...

I think you're not on fire at all, I think you're trying to deceive me.

Actually you were on fire, what the fuck.

Yeah, I didn't see the fucking fire because I use blue blood, and I just stood in there

while... you have an M16 in here.

Thanks homie.

Yeah, enjoy.



Help me...

Oh my god, what the fuck Albino.

Where did you go!?

How the fuck did you get up th-


What the fuck.

Alright buddy.

Beg for your life.


Or your die.

You die then.

Your turn.

Beg for your life.


You die.

Alright everyone, it's time for another one of these, make your bets.

Is my shot actually going to kill this player, or will he just survive like it's nothing?

Whatever you say, make sure you leave a comment down below saying that my aim is shit.

Thank you!

*My shot hits the corpse*

Oh I'm so sorry, I had the game muted.

No, it's OK.

I'm so sorry man.

It's OK, it's OK.

What'd you say?

I just wanted to say, uh, no it's okay, I just wanted to say thanks for making that

good content, I hope I'm in your video.

Oh man, I mean, sorry, uh, it's gonna be a tight video, but...

I can't put everyone in the video you know.

I'm just saying, like, good game, hope you, uh, hope you guys win.

Thank you!

Good luck dude!

How are you still alive?

How are you still a-fucking-live?

Thank you.


I am so fucking done with this game.

And look at this.

A free weapon skin, as if this would fix anything.

Bluehole, if you're listening, I love PUBG, I really do, but if you want me to keep playing this

you're gonna have to give me something way better than just this-


For more infomation >> PUBG Emotes are OP - Duration: 6:56.


$300 Dorm Room Makeover - Duration: 14:41.

(upbeat, energetic music)

- (gasping) Oh my god, that's so cute!

- Hello!

We are on our way to Charlotte's dorm

to check out her space and see

if we can give her an awesome makeover.

Charlotte just started school,

she's a freshman, her room is pretty basic right now,

we're gonna see what we can do.

Let's go.

- Hello!

Hi Charlotte!

This is Charlotte's dorm room!

(enthusiastic music)

So this is your roommate's side over here.

- Yeah.

So we're not gonna touch this side,

we're just gonna do Charlotte's side.

- I like, like, dim lighting, like

I don't like overhead lights.

- Just cozy. - Cozy.

- I love plants.

Like, so much, as you can see.

- [Steph] Yeah, I can see all sorts over there.

- Um, and I like to put stuff on my walls,

but I have not bought anything.


To put on my wall yet.

- [Steph] We can fix that! (both laughing)


I think we have everything we need!

So, we're gonna go figure out

how we can upgrade your dorm room!

- Sweet!

I'm so excited.

- Yay!



- The first DIY that I'm gonna make is a lap desk.

This way she can work while she's on her bed,

or on the couch.

The things that I'm using for this are

a picture frame, a pillow, and some pretty, soft fabric.

The first thing we're gonna do

is take this thing out of this frame.

I have wrapping paper, you can use anything.

You can use a photo, you can use a piece of fabric,

I'm just gonna use this, and stick it right in the frame.

(cheerful music)

Time to cut up my pillow.

I'm just using a regular old pillow,

just one that I probably would have thrown away otherwise.

I'm just gonna draw a line, so I know where to cut it.

(cheerful music)

Fold it closed.

Safety pin it shut!

I'm gonna take my fabric!

I'm just going to lay it right on top.

Try and get it as centered as possible,

and shove all of my fabric into the middle.

Remember, this thing, that we got rid of, we need it again.

Just kind of, situate your fabric

in whatever way makes the most sense.

Top it off with this guy.

You're gonna pull all the fabric back out the edges.

(cheerful music)

Throw that guy on top.

You just kind of wrap the fabric around the inner frame,

and then push the little pins down

so that it holds the frame in place.

(cheerful music)

All right, I have roughly rolled the edges,

now I'm just gonna glue them down with hot glue.

(cheerful music)

Okay, I got all the corners tucked in, nice and pretty.

I think this is done.

So now she can just put her laptop right on here,

set it on her lap while she's sitting in bed

or wherever she is, and just have a nice, little cozy table.



One thing that is super easy to DIY

and great for anyone who is feeling homesick,

like most college students, is to make a map

of your hometown, or your home state,

or your home country, or wherever you're from.

And draw it out using materials from that place.

For Charlotte, I'm using dirt from Oregon.

And it's so easy, I'm just drawing it out

with some glue, I'm dumping some dirt

on top of it that I got from Oregon,

and then you just wait a little while

for it to dry, you pop it in a frame, and it's done.

And I think it looks so cute, it's a really cool

little piece of art that will always remind you of home,

and I really think Charlotte's gonna love it.

Okay, for this next DIY I'm going to make

a neon sign, totally DIY, super cheap

and affordable, and it's gonna look super cute.

So, the first thing you do when you're making

a neon sign, is draw whatever you want it to say.

The easiest thing to do is to write something in cursive

because it all connects and you can connect the wires

together, and it'll flow beautifully.

Okay, so once you have your word drawn out,

you're gonna take a piece of string,

doesn't matter what it looks like,

you're gonna throw it away when you're done.

And this is so you can measure out the length

of wire that you're going to need.

So I'm going to measure that out

and make sure I have enough.

And I'm also going to make sure

that I have enough el wire, which

is what I'm gonna be using for the neon light.

You can get it online in pretty much any color,

and I got this for $8, so. (cash register)

Can't get better than that.

I'm using this wire, I got it in the same color

as my light, or at least a similar color.

You wanna get a wire that is pretty stiff,

but you can still bend it with your hand.

Okay, now that I have a rough shape bent out

in my wire, I'm going to use some superglue

and glue it all together so that it doesn't fall apart.

(cheerful music)

And now that I have a significant amount

of superglue on all of my fingers, it's done!

Let's see how this looks in Charlotte's dorm.

We are in Charlotte's dorm room.

Got a lot of work to do.

I'm here with Addy, Charlotte's sister.

Let's get to work.

Let's start with the desk.

The desk is kind of the focal point of the room,

it's where Charlotte is gonna do all

of her schoolwork, spend most of her time.

One super easy way to kind of spice up your desk,

is to put a piece of pretty fabric over your bulletin board,

because you can still pin things through a fabric,

it's just gonna look way prettier than cork.

I also wanted to kind of give her a theme

to go with her warm colors, bring the whole room together.

So for an accent color I chose gold, it goes really well

with warm colors, like reds and pinks and purples.

And that's what's gonna be what all

of her accessories are on her desk.


Everybody needs a planner.

(cheerful music)

(record scratching)

It's so scary.

Like, little floppy skeleton.

Bookends are a really cute way to hold all

your books together, since you do have

a ton of textbooks in college.

And you'd be surprised how many nice bookends

you can find in a thrift store for like, two bucks.

Also, if you have a lot of random junk

juts kind of laying around everywhere,

get yourself some baskets.

A couple of cute baskets on your desk

where you can just throw all of your

shit into and not even worry about it,

is gonna make your room look so much nicer,

even if inside of those baskets is a mess.

Out of sight out of mind.

Shelf risers are awesome, they're amazing.

I love them.

The one I put in Charlotte's room I found

at a discount store, super affordable,

and it adds a whole new layer of shelving.

It's amazing.

Especially if you have tons of room

above your desk that goes nowhere

and there's just wasted space.

Get yourself some shelves or some shelf risers.

It will change your life.

Charlotte said she wanted her room to feel

warm, and cozy, she wanted some ambiance,

so I got her some twinkle lights,

I think that is the best, and easiest way

to make your room feel cozy, so you don't

have these harsh overhead lights everywhere.

I love the ones that are like, a curtain of lights,

that's what I got for her, and I'm gonna

put them behind her bed as if it's kinda like a headboard.

You can also do the same effect with a tapestry,

or a big piece of art, but I think hanging

something big like that behind your bed

is a really cool way to kind of create the illusion

that you have a cool headboard?

When really, you don't.

(Addy sighs) (laughing)

(Steph and Addy laughing)

- Addy!

- Okay, okay, we'll get there.

We'll figure it out.

Since Charlotte has a lot of photos

of her friends, and her family,

and is probably feeling a little bit homesick

here in New York, far far away from Oregon,

I felt like having a corkboard wasn't quite enough space

to display all of these photographs.

So I also got her this metal grid thing.

It's kind of like a very modern corkboard

that I've seen kind of trending

on Pinterest and everywhere these days.

But it looks super cool, I'm hanging it

up on her closet, because there's not

really anything going on there.

And she can just clip on papers, or photos

with little safety pins and it will look so much better

than like, taping them to the wall or something.

Charlotte has a great bedspread.

I'm so happy I didn't have to go out and buy her

a new one, because the one she has is awesome.

But when I walked in there, she had it covered up!

It was covered up with a boring, plain, white blanket!

What're you doing you're killing me.

- I don't think I've ever seen this bed made.

- We don't want to cover that up, we want to see it.

So I'm taking it off, throwing it away,

revealing this beautiful bedspread that she has,

and everything else is gonna match this bed.

So I got her some nice orange pillowcases

to replace her boring white ones, and they

match the accents in the bedspread.

Charlotte has this huge, beautiful window

looking out onto New York City,

it's so nice, but it is drab.

It's got these horrible blinds,

so we're gonna hang up some really cute curtains

that I got from a thrift store.

You can also just use a sheet, or just some

cheap fabric, it doesn't even have to be a curtain,

just drape it across and it'll do the same thing.

One thing that Charlotte said she

really wanted were pillows.

Just, pillows everywhere.

And since your dorm room is your entire home,

you don't have a living room, you don't have any other

space to hang out, when you have friends over,

they're probably gonna sit on the bed.

It's like your couch.

It's probably more of your couch than your bed,

so one way to create that effect is to just get

a bunch of pillows, line them up against the wall

and around the corner, so it creates

this kind of couch effect when you're not sleeping in it.

And then just take them off when you go to bed.

Two of these pillows I made out of old T-shirts

that I probably would have just thrown away

if I didn't use them for this.

Same with the pillows, they were old and cheap

and you can find them anywhere.

Or you can just use stuffing,

you don't have to use a pillow, you can just,

stuff it full of pillow stuffing, which is even cheaper.

But they're super easy to make, it's so nice

to DIY your own pillows, especially when

you have a bunch of old T-shirts that

you don't know what to do with.

It really adds a nice piece of home there.

And then the other ones I just picked up

from thrift stores, from discount stores,

from people who didn't want them anymore.

Pillows can be very expensive, but if you know

where to find them, it's so easy

to get a cheap, nice pillow.

When you're using a lot of pillows

in a small space, it's good to have a nice variety

of sizes, and textures, and colors.

I got some that were fuzzy, some

that were patterns, and that were solid.

A bunch of different sizes to kind of mix it up a bit.

Now I already got the twinkle lights

to make this room a little bit cozier,

but it still needs something else.

So I really wanted to get her some candles,

give her that nice ambiance that she wants.

But unfortunately, dorm rooms don't allow you

to have candles, or an open flame.

Or do anything fun.

Luckily, I was able to find a huge pack of flameless,

electric, battery-operated candles on Amazon.

So cheap, so affordable, you get a million of them.

And honestly, they look pretty real.

I also got her a bunch of fake plants

because I know she loves plants, but it is very hard

to take care of plants as a college student,

especially when you don't have a lot of light in the room,

or you may not be around very often to water them.

So I just got her a handful of fake plants,

some of them I got from the dollar store,

some of them I got from the thrift store,

some of them I got on sale.

I think the plants combined with the dirt art

of Oregon really compliment each other

in a way that I didn't even anticipate.

It just brings a nice earthy atmosphere to the room.

And I know she loves that, because

it's very reminiscent of Oregon.

And her home.

And what she loves.

And it's really gonna make this room feel like home.

When you're in college and you have a dorm room,

with a roommate like Charlotte,

no matter how close you are with that person,

they could be your best friend,

you are gonna want some privacy.

So for Charlotte I'm creating a big room divider for her.

I think it's going to be really helpful,

but not super obtrusive, she can kind of tie it

to the side if she doesn't want it.

So what I'm using for this is just a gigantic piece

of fabric that I found on clearance.

It was like $2 a yard, which is awesome.

So I have six yards of this very wide fabric

that I'm going to cut in half so that it is

two three yard pieces, which should theoretically

reach from the ceiling to the floor.

Now what I'm gonna do with this is just fold

over one of the edges so that I can slip a rope or a string

through it, and just glue it down with hot glue.

And then just do the exact same thing with the other piece,

on the same piece of rope so that it all connects together.

And you can put together as many pieces of fabric

that you want, you can just match the colors,

make it just a crazy, random curtain

of different fabrics, do whatever you want.

And just keep adding curtains until

your rope is as long as your wall.

Easy as pie.

So now whenever Charlotte and her roommate

want some privacy, they can just take the curtains,

close it right in the middle of the room,

and then they can open it back up when they're done.

The easiest thing for this would be

to use like a huge bed sheet

or something that's very large

because even though it's a dorm room,

it's still pretty big.

I'm amazed!

- [Addy] No way.

- And it's like, easy to slide.

I think we're like, done.

It's done, we have completed it.

After so many hours of hard work,

it's time to show it to Charlotte.

This is my favorite part.

Move that bus!

(Charlotte laughing nervously) - I'm so stress--

(Charlotte gasping) Oh my god!

That's so cute!

Oh my god.

This is so much cozier than it was.

(upbeat music)

That say "Char?"

- [Steph] Yeah!

- That's so cute!

(Steph laughing)

Oh my god.

All of my little pictures.

Oh this is perfect too.

Because like, we're not allowed to have--

- [Steph] Yeah, I got you

- Some flameless candles. - [Charlotte] candles in here.

Oh my god the plants.

- [Steph] Oh yeah, so this, is a room divider.

So if you want privacy...

- What a smart idea. - You can do this.

- This looks so nice.

I love all the pillows.

This is really cute.

I love it.

- This is a lap desk, so you can sit in bed

and like, put your laptop on it.

And just put it on your lap.

- Oh my god!

So I can put it on this side.

It always burns me.

(Steph laughing)

It's so, I love it.

Looks so much better.

Ten times better.

(clapping lightly) - Yaay!

So happy you like it!

I love the lights.

That's such a cool idea.

These are so cute.

I like these boards.

- [Steph] I made this.

Out of dirt from Oregon.

- Are you serious?

That's so cool.

That's such a good idea.

- [Cameraman] Little piece of home!

- Little piece of home. - [Steph] Yeah!

- Exactly.

I love how much cozier it is.

And I love all the pillows.

I love all the lights, cuz I, don't like big lights,

so it's so much, a nicer ambiance in here.

And I love all the fabric, and um,

how much more organized the desk is.

Cuz I really had no, I had like nowhere to store anything.

- [Steph and Cameraman] Yaaay!

- [Steph] I'm so happy you like it.

- Yes, I really do.

- Yay.


- Thank you so much, this was so fun.

(content music)

For more infomation >> $300 Dorm Room Makeover - Duration: 14:41.


RUSSIANS REACT TO MEXICAN MUSIC | León Larregui - Brillas | REACTION - Duration: 5:47.

We're gonna react to Leon Larregui - Brillas

He left Zoe

He went on a solo journey

I think only that woman sings in Zoe now

Ah, they also released a new video recently

But I don't know if he came back to the group

Or they got another singer

Now we're gonna react to Brillas

Solo performance

Birds are singing -That's awesome

I love nature

Un film de Leon Larregui

What is that?

It's a house on wheels

I think they put a tent on a scooter

But how do they see then?

The shoot short scenes, they know where to go

Look, he has a lightbulb instead of a microphone

Is it cold there? They wearing coats

That's Mexican winter I guess -Hunters

He was trying to smile

Now she's smiling

They placed the tend in a strange place

What is that thing called? -Poncho

I think it's not poncho...

No, it's called poncho

People said it's an American name and people don't like it in Mexico

So let us know in the comments what that thing is called

It's a ram

Or mountain goat

Beautiful places there

It really seems cold

There are no people around them

They wanted to stay alone, far from people

Ah, it's nice sitting by the fire


They have lightbulbs inside the tent

It's the inside of the tent -Yeah, nice design

They even have a fireplace and musical instruments inside

Everything is inside that small tent

How do they stay warm? It's cold outside

Look, it means the fireplace isn't fake

No, it's actually not a real fireplace

Beautiful song

They have the horns inside the tent too

Maybe it's their honeymoon?

Maybe... wedding dress

I still wonder what this song is about

The title means "shine"? -Yes

Maybe she's a ballerina

Maybe she wanted to become a ballerina but she married that guy

And now she can't shine

She only shines in her dreams, not in reality

See, she was climbing somewhere, maybe she was leaving him

She regrets that she can't shine

The video is very interesting -Yeah

Very unique -Yeah

Especially that tent on wheels

At first the tent was flying, then there was a fireplace inside the tent

It was nicely filmed

Very funny plot

But I don't understand why they went somewhere when it's so cold

Please write in the comments what place it is. Is it Mexico?

And what is it? A lake or a sea?

I saw mountains with water between them. I think it's a lake

I would like to know where it was filmed

Yeah, and the real name of poncho

What do you think about the song?

Very good, very good

He has very calm voice, he doesn't use high notes

Well, the song is calm too

Everything is calm, people came to enjoy the nature

Why would he use high notes? He sings calmly

Yeah, in the other video with Zoe he was singing calmly too

That's his style I guess

Very good video, I liked it

Especially I liked the tent on wheels

Write in the comments what the song is about

Like and subscribe, leave comments and follow me on Instagram and Facebook

For more infomation >> RUSSIANS REACT TO MEXICAN MUSIC | León Larregui - Brillas | REACTION - Duration: 5:47.


New Earth News – Receivers Of The Mythic Call - Duration: 5:26.

New Earth News � Receivers Of The Mythic Call

by Ariel Spilsbury,

A mythic call was sent out to countless beings in the Universe.

A great circle of these called beings gathered from far and wide.

The Joy of the Universe then entered their circle, gracing them with a ravishing light

and said the following words�

�You are being invited to incarnate upon a world where a great transformation is taking


You who respond and embody this call will go to a place where the illusions of fear

and separation are being played out and a great cycle of evolution is coming both to

and end and a new beginning.

I am calling those with the needed talents and gifts to act as my emissaries there, to

lift and transform the frequencies of planet Earth, simply by embodying and anchoring my

presence there.

You will, by your very presence, transmute the vibration of fear that now blankets consciousness


In this myth, you will play yourselves, creators of a new reality.�

�On other journeys, each of you have proven to be able to awaken your consciousness and

align your heart to the promptings of pure joy and compassion.

And so, I invite you to incarnate en masse among the tribes of Earth to assist her and

all her children in their transmutation of matter.

This event is very rare and precious, even among the many miracles of the cosmos.

Your presence will assist Earth by utilizing the alchemical frequencies of transformation

that you hold, and will open up new dimensional realities.

You transform simply through your vibrational presence.�

�It is part of the plan that you will be veiled in forgetting so that you will experience

directly what this level of fear and separation feels like, such that you can transform it.

You will incarnate strategically, often in some of the most vibrationally dense areas

on the planet.

You who embrace this mythic call, walking into this illusion, may forget the splendor

of who you are as light beings, experiencing the overwhelming density of Earth.

To some, this illusion of separation from Joy may create feelings of hopelessness, lack

of support, and alienation.

The very gifts you have may be seen as a cause for resistance, fear, and projection by that

which is being transformed.

Yet it will be these very gifts that will transform the depths duality, and your frequencies

of light will quicken the many.�

� Your participation on this quest is purely voluntary.

You are being invited to incarnate as a single global family.

Should you choose to accept this mission, you will have the opportunity to catalyze

and synthesize all that you have been during many incarnations, receiving a rarely offered

quantum leap in consciousness.

It is up to you to choose how you will dance with Earth and her children as she completes

her ceremony.�

And so it was that the beings chose to incarnate on Earth to assist in this crucial event,

the awakening of consciousness from the dream of matter, form, and separation.

As warned, many luminous beings have indeed forgotten who they are, and why they came

to Earth, but there was a fail-safe process built into the plan to awaken these beings

from the veil of forgetfulness.

The ones who would journey to Earth�s in assistance agreed to spark each other�s

remembrance, and that the plan would be played out victoriously.

Thus, these beings were encoded in many ways with sounds, colors, lights, images, words,

and symbols- a vibrational resonance that would assist them in remembering their commitment.

These encoded carriers would act as catalysts to the others who agreed to incarnate, assisting

in their remembrance.

These Companions of Destiny were encoded in the very cells of their bodies with the new

templates of consciousness, awakening them to their power.

So it is that you are now being bathed in the waters of remembrance to fulfill the promise

of the new and ancient myth unfolding.

You embody the key to igniting Unity on Earth.

Know that the magic you were born with is indeed real.

As you emerge in this time, your gifts awaken and empower others.

You are creating a powerful surge of transformation that will transmute the limitations of the

old myth of duality and separation, birthing the miracle of Unity.

The time is now.

You are helping to ignite a critical mass triggering which will transmute matter into

a higher octave.

You are called into wakefulness.

Utilize your gifts on behalf of Earth.

The mythic call has been sounded, the quest begun.


Stand in the beauty and power of your true identity.

Set aside self-doubt.

You are divine.

Go where your heart draws you and share your great gifts.

Surrender to the magic that you are.

Ariel Spilsbury

For more infomation >> New Earth News – Receivers Of The Mythic Call - Duration: 5:26.


Tus - Τα Φυτά Prod. Fus - Official Video Clip - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Tus - Τα Φυτά Prod. Fus - Official Video Clip - Duration: 1:53.


My 60 Day Body Transformation Results | Ultimate Muscle Gaining Tips - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> My 60 Day Body Transformation Results | Ultimate Muscle Gaining Tips - Duration: 10:15.


Sur Anónimo - MI SUEÑO Ft. Jey (Audio Official) - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Sur Anónimo - MI SUEÑO Ft. Jey (Audio Official) - Duration: 3:19.


hitsuji • makeup tutorial | NYX Face Awards Türkiye Entry 2018 - Duration: 10:24.

Hello everyone, it's Anzu!

For today's makeup, I only used red, pink and white.

I was inspired by sheep for this makeup.

I found this headpiece at home and was like, "yes!"

With the inspiration I got from it, I created this makeup.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Then, let's begin.

I'm using a toner to prepare my face for the makeup.

To get a seamless look in the end, I am using a makeup base.

To have a base to work with for the face paint, I am using a white jumbo eye pencil

and use it on the wider areas of my face.

Then I will blend it with a brush.

On the base I prepared, I'll apply the white face paint and blend with the same brush.

To lock the paint better on the places that are easy to smudge or get wrinkly, I'll use a white powder.

I'm getting a pink shadow and apply it on the inner down part of my brows,

I'm countouring the nose as I blend the color outwards.

I will keep blending the shadow downwards so I can achieve the innocent, shy look.

I'm applying the jumbo eyepencil on my brows and blend it with a sponge.

For the errors, I will brush my brows with a white mascara.

Now, I'm working my way up with the pink eyeshadow, even using it on the brows.

And as I go out, I will blend the eyeshadow down and down.

I'm applying the same eyeshadow on the bottom part of my eye as well, and blend them together.

I'm shading the inner corners with a darker pink.

This will give the sadly raised eyebrows look-

even without eyebrows!

If there are any rough patches on the eyeshadow on the outer part, I will soften it with a white eyeshadow.

Now I'm getting a light pink to use on my eyelids and blend it with the rest of the eye makeup.

I'm blending the top inner part way more up.

I'm going back to the pink shadow and I'm using it on my nose,

But only the bottom part of my nose,

because I'm trying to imitate a small, cute nose of an animal.

I'm also using darker shades to blend all together.

For the eyeliner, I'm doing a regular wing, slightly downwards,

And on the bottom part, I'm drawing it slightly inside.

I'm applying the white eyeliner on my bottom lashes as well,

It will connect with the eyeliner visually, and give the impression that the eye is wider.

I'm applying on the top of my lashes as well.

Now that I'm bff with the jumbo eye pencil, I'm highlighting the inner corners of my eye as well.

I'm using a liquid blush and blend it with a brush.

Using a red lipstick only on the top lip, I'm blending it out with a brush.

Next step, I'm stealing food from the SHAMELESS ppl that are eating in front of me.

They should have eaten it somewhere else.

I'm concealing my bottom lip's outer corners with a white facepaint.

With the same pink eyeshadow, I'm coloring my bottom lip- only in the middle.

I'm using the same pink to draw a line to connect the lips with my nose.

Using a red liquid lipstick, I'm putting small dots on the inner, top of the eyeshadow and blend it again.

It will help to shade it.

With the same lipstick, I'm drawing small dots on my eyebrows.

Staying in the blush only, I'm drawing some white freckles.

I'm lining inside the pink eyeshadow on the top of my lip,

then I do the white freckles on the tip of my nose.

I'm drawing smaller dots on the red dots.

I wasn't happy with the shadings I did on the bottom part of the eye, so I added some more red to it.

For more natural and random freckles, I'm using my finger to spray the white eyeliner on my face.

I'll add more detail on the red eyeshadow as well.

I'm shading the lip by using a darker lipstick and blend it.

I'm getting some colour from the lipstick I used before with an eyeliner brush,

and I'll be drawing more freckles, but only on the white part of the makeup.

As the last step, I'll highlight my nose and chin.

Like this, the makeup is done,

I hope you liked it,

and that you saw that it's easy to do actually,

So if you try it out, please show it to me on Instagram!

Because I love seeing them!

Then, I'll see you in my next video!

For more infomation >> hitsuji • makeup tutorial | NYX Face Awards Türkiye Entry 2018 - Duration: 10:24.


BIKE RIDE/DOG WALK - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> BIKE RIDE/DOG WALK - Duration: 4:27.


তাওবা করার জন্য কি হুজুর লাগবে মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> তাওবা করার জন্য কি হুজুর লাগবে মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 2:42.


How to Draw Butterfly Coloring Pages Learn Colors with Dolls and ABC Coloring Pages - Duration: 10:39.


to Draw

Butterfly How

to Draw Butterfly

For more infomation >> How to Draw Butterfly Coloring Pages Learn Colors with Dolls and ABC Coloring Pages - Duration: 10:39.


Meditation Stations Are Taking Over Yaletown - Duration: 0:39.

Yaletown's one of the busiest business districts in the entire city.

Everybody wants parking. Everybody wants to get wherever they need to go in Yaletown.

As you can see behind me we're very excited to have installed these new meditation stations.

We're doing this to offset the stress

that the city's plan of stripping all the parking is going to create in people.

What a fantastic use of a parking spot.

People don't always need to park. Maybe they just need to park their stress somewhere.

They should try a meditation station because the whole point in it is to turn your negativity into a happy place.

For more infomation >> Meditation Stations Are Taking Over Yaletown - Duration: 0:39.


The Sims 4: Reality show "The Survivor" - Jungle Adventure - Part 4 Finale [Machinima] - Duration: 16:17.

Look! Here's the plane! It looks like an old Boeing P26.

You've probably heard about the Simruda Triangle?

The same plane disappeared over the Triangle 40y. ago.

and then, a few years ago the missing P26 suddenly made an emergency landing at the airport on the coast.

The pilot, Billy Spencer, according to witnesses, was behaving strangely, as if he came from the past.

He talked to the dispatcher Juan, and then began to complain of a severe headache.

While Juan went to get medical help, Billy got on the plane, took off and disappeared into the sky ...

A few days later, Juan died of a heart attack.

Since then, among the pilots there is a legend about the Ghost plane.

The one who sees the Boeing P26 will soon be dead.

Ha! You believed me, didn't you!

In fact, I have no idea what kind of plane it is and where it came from.

I was just kidding about.

Okay, let's get to work.

Where is my treasure? Aha!

There is a snake!

A photo of the survivor... Сheese!

So, a new temple full of treasures awaits me ...

The first thing that caught my eye was books.

Looks like someone's been here already.

So ... A love story? A book on archeology and "Hamlet" .

I hope this book-lover left me some treasures.

Yep! Some archaeologist has been digging around.

I'd better go to mark my territory.

Then I suddenly remembered about the relic assembled on the market square!

The locals believe that each relic gives a special effect.

It can bring you luck, love and even money!

I feel something good has happened. But what?

- Yes, this is Henry.

- Zackary? Who exactly are you?

- What do you mean, "friend"?

Some Zakary called me and said that he is my friend.

And then for half an hour he told me the details of his personal life.

- Yeah ... Look, my phone is now discharged.

- I'll call you later... Maybe.

It was a blessing of friendship. And this is what they call "blessing"?

When I complained about this incident to the totem, he laughed so hard.

Аnd then my own sun shone over me.

Now you can call me Sunflower!

Luck smiled at me, so I pretty quickly neutralized all the traps in the temple.

And then I took all the contents of the chests and decided to do archeology.

So there's still some good stuff in there.

I'm not falling for that old gag. I'm fed up with this show.

Always the same thing.

Hit the road, scrawny!

This stupid sun does not turn off and I can't sleep with the light on.

So I decided to read a little to go to sleep.

- Hey, I love Hamlet too!

Apparently, this bony watchman have nothing to do.

Well, for whatever he introduced himself as Yorick. The skeleton was clearly a fan of Shakespeare.

However, later the skeleton confessed that before his name was different.

He was nicknamed as `Yorick` by archaeologist Yuri, who came to the temple before me.

Yuri liked when Yorick read him "Hamlet" out loud. Amusing?

However, this archaeologist and book-lover has fallen into misfortune.

The poor fellow was burned to death by one of the traps.

Yorick considered himself a great dramatic actor

and he was very offended by the fact that I did not react to his "Terrifying cramps."

So I play along with him. I tried my best.

In general, Yorick was funny. We talked, shared some laughs and splashed like children.

Later he took me to a handful of ashes, which remained from Yuri,

in order to honor the memory of the unfortunate.

The culmination of the evening was Yorick's pathetic monologue - "Poor Yurick!".

"Alas, poor Yurick! -- I knew him, Horatio"

It takes time for the temple to rebuilt so I decided to inspect the place where I haven't been.

I'll give you a short tour.

Here you can see the picturesque ruins.

And here you can admire the swims of alligators.

Are you wondering where I got the fishing rod? I took it from the same place where I keep the tent.

The bag on my leg is very roomy.

By the way, this is my first fishing experience!

I think it will go for the bait.

Are you laughing? Meanwhile, I caught a golden plate!

Haha! I am a great fisherman!

I loved this place, so I decided to set up camp.

Look, what a thing I've unearthed!

I'll call it ... let's call it ...

Knife Licker!

I feel lonely. Maybe I should call Alba?

My red-haired beauty easily found me in the jungle.

I promised her a romantic dinner by the fire, in company with a great treasure hunter.

So, I tried to create a romantic atmosphere.

And it would be nice to eat something...

I wonder if this fish should smell like that?

I understand why you said that you are not hungry ...

I'm out of repellent from spiders! Help!

It's time to go to the entertainment program. Do you want the blessing of friendship?

Let's try one more trick. Oops, something went wrong.

We look good together, right?

Look! My compliment dispelled the evil cloud!

Maybe I should change my surname to Henry Potter?

A brave adventurer definitely deserves a small reward ...

Hey! No peeking!

The next day I went to the temple again.

Oh, look, they grow something here!

Dandelions, how lovely.

I scribbled scribbles with an intelligent look.

Then I argued with the totem.

And got a poisoned arrow in the neck.

Made my way through the lush vegetation in the basement ...

And finally I found the treasure.

It's good that Alba gave me an antidote.

Now it's time for a little rest.

Hey, who's here? Bonita?

Where you lost your brain, bony?

She feels lonely, she said. But why is it my problem?

Hey! Do not even look at me like that!

Oh well. I'll try to activate the relic.

So this combination should call the servant. We'll see.

Well, hold on. Now I will conjure.

Hey! Hello, Yorick!

Here's a grateful spectator.

Have a good time, guys!

Maybe this time will I be able to conjure endless riches?

Why do I suddenly fell so hungry?

It seemed to me, or were there cutlets?

Mmm ... Do you see these pancakes? Oh my!

It seems that I urgently need to go to the town ...

- Come! Buy Now! Almost fresh dishes!

- Hey! I want a big juicy and roasted...

Hey, where are you going? What the...

I had to wait until morning. And my tent was left in the jungle.

In the morning this bitch met me as if nothing had happened.

Well, at least I was able to buy food.

After a couple of local dishes, my glitches disappeared.

The fifth temple was full of skeletons. And skulls.

In order to enter inside it was necessary to perform the ritual of ablution.

I think its good for smelly travelers like me.

The good news is that I now spend much less time to draw doodles.

I have gain this skill.

As well as the skill to evade poisonous darts.

However, I did not escape the curse.

The final room with chests looks impressive.

Who dares to say that I'm not a real Treasure Hunter?

I'll probably make it my profession.

Or I will become an archaeologist.

When I returned to the town some man called out to me.

It turned out that it was Zackary.

That is exactly how I pictured him.

He talked a lot and wanted the hugs again and again.

You know, I have an urgent matter to attend to.

Yeah, see you. Of course...

I invited Alba on a date and decided to wait for her in the pub.

I felt dizzy after the recent electric shock.

And then I noticed a familiar face! This is Kiara! The Nightswimming old lady!

I told her about my adventures and mentioned the curse.

After learning about my problem, Kiara kindly offered me some kind of healing potion.

"But there is one side effect," she said after I had drunk the potion.

I suddenly felt so free and alive...

- What are you staring at?

I think my neck crack's getting worse.

Look! I'm Yorick now!

"He who lives with a cripple learns how to limp."

And here she is! Sexy Alba!

- Hands off, bony!

- Look! The big cramp at my neck! - No, no, stay back! Help!

Looks like Alba didn't get the joke.

And then she said we're just done.

And also added that she is not into necrophilia.

That was so rude! I think its so wrong when people judge a book by its cover or a person by his skeleton.

Well, my jungle adventure is coming to an end.

However, I am sure that I will return here again and again.

You ask me why? Because I threw a coin into the fountain!

And now, let's dance! We got all night.

Hey! Girls! Rocking out!

Come on, baby!

Believe me, you should visit Selvadorada!

This trip will change your life!

It was Henry Greens! See ya!

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