(door opening)
- [Taren] Morning Trainiacs.
You want to see something cool?
It's a Winnipeg sized icicle.
We don't mess around when it comes to winter.
(fast techno music)
Two bottles. Two packages of Cliff blocks.
And that means that I am doing a very long Zwift ride today.
As I fall more and more in love with Zwift,
I am getting more and more into all the little niche things
that comprise of the Zwift community.
Like, it kind of reminds me of around 2007, 2008
when Blackberries were coming in, a friend of mine
started Crackberry.com, who you might have seen,
we actually had their logos in our office
because he was a client of ours back last year.
And back then smart phones were like really niche thing
but eventually it just exploded and Zwift and
those little websites that are all around the world
popping up remind me of what smart phones were like then.
So, let's rap about a few of the favorite websites
that I've found for where to find Zwift races, where to find
Zwift information and hacks, where to build Zwift workouts,
and where you can get Zwift workouts to do
and to do with triatholon Taren.
Right after I do this two hour ride. Alright!
Come go Zwift with me, Triathlon Taren.
T is the first name. Riathlon Taren is the last name.
Instagram Story. (breathing heavily)
Whooo. This is tough at the end.
(bicycle spinning fast)
Whoa. Whooo. Whoa.
(breathing heavily) Whoo. Hour fifty minutes going
ten minutes warm up, five minutes at 200 watts,
five minutes at 226, five minutes back down at 169,
and then I repeated three times in the drop bars,
if I had the ventum built up it would be in arrow bars,
right around race pace, 15 minutes at race pace 200 watts.
Five minutes at 226 watts, above race pace,
five minutes down at 155 watts to recover,
and then I repeated that two more times.
For a grand total of 53 kilometers ridden,
average speed of 28.7 kilometers an hour,
18 miles an hour, 1100 calories burned and that means
that I have to go eat the kitchen and I'll be right back.
Oh. Oh, everything's so sweaty, sorry you are
in the line of fire here insole. Poor guy.
Okay. So I am appropriately fed, hydrated, showered.
I feel like a regular human being again,
not just a sweat rag.
Okay, so let's talk about 12...
Links that every person that is on Zwift
can probably get some benefit from.
So number one is the Zwift Ride Calendar.
So if you want to join a ride, an event,
odds are very good that I will be
eventually holding some of these.
This is where you can find it.
These are the times, these are the places,
this is what the rides are about, who's holding it,
all that stuff, very good.
Second, if you are new to Zwift,
the Unofficial Zwift User Manual, and this is done by a guy
named James Gil at TitaniumGeek.com.
Now, he hasn't updated it in a while, but it's still looked
at as a very key thing for Zwifters.
But, if you just want the real stuff,
you go to support.Zwift.com
Next, very standard, good old Facebook.com Zwift riders.
This is a Facebook group with 43,000 Zwift riders
where they talk about, obviously, all things Zwift.
You can make some pals, you can organize some events.
And the last, less than sexy one,
is the Zwift Support Forum.
And this is where you can go in and basically chat
with other Zwifters with general discussion topics
and things that are trending,
bugs that are on Zwift, stuff like that.
But let's get into the real fun stuff, shall we?
Now a lot of what I'm talking about and what I've learned
was from ZwiftInsider.com
Frankly, one of his sections is actually inspiring
this video right now, so I highly recommend it.
He blogs about all of the aspects of Zwift,
not just on the course,
but things that other people are creating.
He's got ways to get started, tips and tricks,
obviously the ever popular Zwift hacks,
all things Zwift, very comprehensive.
This is like what reminds me
of CrackBerry.com in those early days.
Next, ZwiftPower.com if you are looking for results
on races, like I was looking for days for the results
of Lionel Sanders' race when he raced
in the Canadian Zwift Championships,
and I had a heck of a time finding it.
ZwiftPower.com as you can see, it shows all the races,
all the laps, where the race was done,
all the nitty gritty details that you can geek out about.
Now speaking about geeking to,
I know how all of you love your data.
Zwiftalizer.com I haven't actually gone
to this Zwiftalizer.com, but what you can do,
is you can drop files from your rides into here
and it will analyze it all for you.
So this is analyzing how the computer
was actually dealing with your stuff.
Oh, so like how the hardware is going to work,
and what your setup should be.
There we go, I see, mm hmm. And this next to last one
is what's on Zwift.com and if you want to know
what course is happening that day because Zwift
just goes between London and Watopia and London and Watopia
and London and Watopia, and you want to go in
and you want to see what the course schedule is coming up,
you can see what it is coming up, you can see
popular workouts that people have done.
There's a third course? Where is this?
I learned something today.
(gasping) Richmond. No way.
Oh, how to change what Zwift course you're on?
Oh, hello what's on Zwift, thank you.
Now this is the one I have been diving into a lot.
Zed W O Factory. Now this might not look like anything
and it really isn't anything unless you are a coach
or unless you really like making your own workouts,
but what you can do here is you can create
your own workouts in ZWOfactory, but then upload to Zwift.
And I'm going to actually show you an example of this,
and this is a big, hairy announcement here.
I have been creating a library of Zwift workouts
that are going to be available to you,
and we are going to talk about that in a second.
But, here is what you can do, like we have got
a two hour, power building set that I've created,
and in it, it has all of the workout data
that you manually create and you load this into Zwift
and then Zwift will force you to do the workout
in ERG mode so you have to follow along.
And what I've done in here, is I have even customized
the cadences, so there are certain sections
where Coach Pack gives me a section where I've got to be
at 65 cadence or one at over 100 cadence,
and that is all built into here, and in addition to that,
I have made my little Triathlon Taren comments
about what's coming up in the workout, good job,
you killed that, little tips for completing
the workout well, things to focus on, stuff like that.
And the very last website that I want to talk about
is go to TriathlonTaren.com/ZwiftWorkouts
and as you saw, I've only got about 10 workouts done,
but I want to create a library of about 100 for you,
and before I go and create the next 90, I want to make sure
that I am headed down the right track, so if you go
to TriathlonTaren.com/ZwiftWorkouts put in your email there
if you're interested in testing the Beta version
of these 10 workouts and then give me feedback on it,
and then when we do come out with those workouts,
if you've been part of that Beta group,
we will make sure that you get it for free
because you have helped me out in creating the stuff.
So there you go Trainiacs, every time I get off of Zwift,
I am so much more jazzed up about it than I was
when I first learned about it years ago.
So follow me on Zwift at T is the first name, last name
is RiathlonTaren, go to TriathlonTaren.com/ZwiftWorkouts
if you want to be part of that Beta group
and we will create our own little Zwift community.
Ride on.
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