Title: Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2018 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube
SIÊU PHẨM BOLERO trữ tình - NGƯỜI NGOÀI PHỐ - LK nhạc vàng bolero hay nhất 2018 - Duration: 52:21.-------------------------------------------
第一回Vtuberゼルダトーク! - Duration: 2:33:29.-------------------------------------------
ROBLOX SAD MOVIE | The Poor Within Riches - Duration: 10:54.Euh, disgusting baconhairs...
Morning dad..
Morning sweetie.
Are we gonna be able to eat today?
We'll find a way... there's always a way.
Are we doing anything fun today dad?
How about we go to the park?
Yeah! Let's go! Woohoo! (laughing)
Are you guys ready to make a wish?
Wait! Don't throw away your coin, we need that.
Son, we don't need this coin.
Trust me, I'd rather lose money then lose faith any day.
Hey! You guys can have apples as a snack.
Hey! It's my birthday tomorrow, dad!
Oh yeah! Are you excited?
Yeah! I invited all the other kids to the park, it's gonna be so fun!
And you're sure that you don't want me there, hey?
No dad, you'll probably embarrass me haha.
Hehe, alright then.
Hey dad? Can we get a dog..?
Son.. you know we can't afford a dog right now. Come on let's keep walking.
*Gasp*, it's my birthday!
Excuse me.. do you know the time?
Yeah, I think it's about seven o'clock.
Hey.. what's a bacon hair like you doing around here..
I'm having a birthday party with my friends!
Friends? I don't see any friends. Do you?
Not yet, they'll probably show up in a bit.
Alright kid. Listen here. I don't like you..
You're always sooo positive and have that goofy smile on your face with your family.
But you're really just a dumb, HOMELESS, FRIENDLESS, BACONHAIR!!
Happy birthday, son.
A stuffed animal dog! I love you dad.
This isn't fair... this isn't how it's supposed to BE!
These noobs don't deserve love or happiness! Nobody even cares about them!
Where's MY love!? Where's MY happiness!?
It just isn't FAIR!!
I never had that kind of love with my parents...
And if I can't have it... then nobody should...
Get up... don't make a sound.
Why are you doing this..?
Don't worry about it, kid.
Take one step closer, I dare ya'.
What is wrong with you!? What do you want from us, huh!?
I have to wake up every morning.. and watch you NOOBS be all cheerful across the street!
Baconhairs don't deserve JOY, they don't deserve FAMILY. They're worthless...
You're just a waste of space.. reminding me of this dreary world that I live in.
And I'm putting an end to it.. RIGHT NOW!
(ear ringing)
*cough*, I love you, son..
I never realized how much my dad had done for me until he was gone.
We didn't really have alot to work with..
..yet he managed to teach me so much.
He taught me to live life with compassion.
Because those who didn't.. would live a life of distress.
He proved that money wasn't important to live happily.
Because without love... it's just poor within riches.
Đăng Ảnh Trên YouTube - Duration: 4:45.-------------------------------------------
GZtale漫配翻譯 Part1 (CC字幕)*委託 - Duration: 10:29.-------------------------------------------
他爆范冰冰吃火鍋也要做這件事 狂到全場讚嘆 - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Ảo Thuật BIẾN MẤT Tất Cả MỌI THỨ Trên Thế Giới - Xem Xong Hoảng Sợ - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
Undertale AU漫配翻譯 ----- Goth的家庭(CC字幕) - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
【《他來自江湖》秋生的女友】自揭成為才女之路 TVB搵過梁芷珊拍港姐宣傳片 - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
楊思琦出性感寫真行善 踏入「39+1」大解放 - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
Vectornator Pro - Design A Mobile App UI - Duration: 17:12.Hello everyone and welcome back I am your host Elias sarantopoulos. In this
tutorial we are going to be designing a Mobile App UI using vector icons, masking
photos and adding text and shapes in order to create great concepts on-the-go
for clients or personal projects. All that using Vectornator Pro and looking
forward to seeing and sharing your designs and ideas. Inside the Vectornator Pro
let's go ahead and create a New document. So tap on the plus (+) icon and
here we are presented with an array of presets for example we have the iPhone 5,
iPhone 7, 7 Plus and so on but for the purpose of this tutorial I would like to
have more real estate and so I'm going to choose the A4 preset so tap on that
let's go ahead and rename the document instead of document to UI Mobile App. Hit
Enter/Return, tap on that document and the first I'm going to do is actually
create a background and so I'm going to choose the Rectangle tool, tap on that
and then tap and drag to draw a rectangle like so. Now I'm going to
change its color to let's say this color of my choice. All right and then under the
Layers panel instead of layer 1 I'm going to rename this to BG for background
which actually I'm going to lock it because I don't want to accidentally
move it. So lock that and then tap on the plus (+) icon to create a New layer which
actually I'm going to rename this as well to App, like so. OK so let's go ahead
and create the frame I'm going to change the color sort of the kind of grayish,
I'm gonna go for the white tap again on the rectangle tool and then let's go
ahead and and create a rectangle the thing is that
this right here this frame is that its proportions is not correct and if you
look at the bottom right corner my units and measurements are of millimeters so I
want to change this to pixels actually so I'm going to tap on the Settings icon
and then under size and units I'm going to choose pixels tap on the layers icon
here and open the app layer then tap on the rectangle and here we got the width
and the height now the original the the dimensions of
the iPhone 6 7 or 8 is 375 by 667 pixels and because I wanna size is done
proportionally I'm going to enter some different values so for the width tap on
the clear icon to clear the current value and then enter 304 the height 534
like so okay and now we have the exact proportions of the iPhone 6 7 8 but a
bit size down just make sure that you center is like so
now let's go ahead and work on the top part of the mobile app by first adding a
shape to it alright again I'm going to use the rectangle tool so I tap on that
and just tap and drag a rectangle like this there we go
it's gonna change its color and then I would like to have a bit of a curvature
at the bottom here so I'm just gonna and tap on the Anchor Point tool and I'm
going to add just one anchor point like so then you need to tap on the node
selection tool and then just do want to make sure that this sits right at the
center all right now I'm gonna tap and drag this just a bit okay as you can see
now we have a straight point but what we need is a smooth point with two Bezier
handles so we can create a curve so inside a vectorial Pro in order to do
this using the node selection tool all you have to do is just double tap on
this anchor point and now you have those to base your handles and it's that
simple okay alright now let's make sure that we
lock this one so we don't move it and for the next part we will be adding the
status bar and the navigation bar both of which vector matter Pro provides a
great service first with the free membership of icons 8 with thousands of
vector icons for UI designers and developers as well as built-in UI
elements all under the interface builder panel for iOS and Android now I have
already covered this how to import and add UI elements on a very short vector
later Pro video tutorial up on my channel which I have linked in the
YouTube card or at the bottom of this video description so to make things
quick I have saved all icons and UI elements of
be using under my gallery inside the interface builder panel which is right
here all right so the first one is the status bar so just going to tap on that
okay and I'm just gonna bring this up on the top just make sure it sits right at
the center there you go I'm pinch to zoom in a bit and I'm just
gonna bring this up more just a bit there we go then let's add some more
icons I'm gonna tap on the left there we go
and then tap on the Settings icon there you go first I'm gonna select both and
then I'm going to go to the arrange context menu and I'm going to tap on the
align bottom so the both align at the bottom and then I'm going to actually
size them down a bit so tap on the scale tool and just gonna size them down just
a bit there we go but of course now I have to position
them it might be something like that right okay
alright now let's also give it a name of this app so tap on the text box and
let's give it a name and that would be velarium a very original name as you can
see but now I'm just gonna to probably change the font so I'm going to tap on
the text control and instead of Helvetica I'm gonna go for Rubik now I
have already brought those phones in and instead of regular maybe I can go from
medium or bold maybe medium okay I'm gonna change its color something like
that and I'm gonna make sure that this here it's it's right next to the
um okay and because just gonna bring this up right see in the center okay
there we go and the last thing I'm going to be doing
actually on this top part is to add a profile photo so for that I'm going to
use I'm going to tap on the Oval tool and tap and drag um don't forget to
activate the shift key so tap with another finger on your screen to
activate the shift key alright and this actually needs to have a photo
so tap on the image gallery and I'm gonna tap one of my photos here there we
go gonna size down this photo maybe a bit more bring this up here let me see
what where I am something like that right okay so I would like now to mask
this so in order to do this tap on the layers panel and we need to bring the
image below the oval so tap and hold bring this below the oval there we go
and let me just move just the picture a bit on the center so marquee select both
go to the path context menu and mask see but one more thing I would like to do is
let's have a stroke on this circle here on this oval and width of three is fine
but I'd love to have the same color there we go and just Center this
something like that maybe on the on this shape that I've created let me unlock
this can create actually a gradient so I'm going to tap on the gradient to add
one and then I'm going to add another stop right in the middle here
and let's say the middle one will have this color this one will have the same
color I'm just gonna light this up a bit I'll do the same on this one and maybe
this a little darker or not anyway something like that right so just want
to show you how basically the gradient looks again if you're not very happy you
can also change that but basically that's the way we are going with this
with designing this app for the next part I'm actually going to work on the
tab bar which appears at the bottom of the app screen so first I'm going to add
a new layer and I'm going to lock this app layer and then add another layer so
tap on the plus icon so instead of layer 1 let's rename this to tab bar like so
and then inside here let's go ahead and
create the bar so again with the rectangle tool tap and drag a rectangle
like this okay alright I'm actually going to lock this rectangle here so I
don't move anything and then I'm going to tap on the interface builder panel to
bring in some of the icons here so the first one is the Home icon there we go
the second one will be the search icon
the third one will be the plus icon then we have the notifications icon
and the last one is the user icon there we go okay so let me go ahead and kind
of position them this it says has to sit right in the center okay so I'm going to
marquee select all of them go to the arrange context menu and first make sure
that align them to the bottom but also tap again on the arranged context menu
and distribute them horizontally equally there we go
the only thing is that I want to make sure that's this sits right at the center.
So I am just going to marquee select all of them and move them in the center, there,
something like that, right? OK, All right. Now marquee select the first four, change
the color to White and there you go. For the last part of this tutorial I'm just
going to add a bit of a content just to show you but I will finish this on my
own so I don't have to keep repeating myself and so I'm going to tap on the
Layers panel and lock the tab bar layer then tap on the plus icon to create a
new layer which I'm going to rename so let's say content hit Enter/Return and
then once again we're going to use the rectangle tool so let's create one let
me just change the color which actually won't matter but I would like to have a
bit of a corner radius so you can just drag the slider left and right or you
can tap on the plus or a minus icon so I'm gonna go for 15 points there we go.
So let's say I like that that's the first one now I want to make a duplicate
of this so for that I'm going to tap on the ALT Switch which is right on the top
on the left corner of the canvas so tap to activate
ALT Switch then tap and drag once like so now we have a duplicate just make
sure you tap again on the ALT Switch otherwise you're gonna keep adding
duplicate, after duplicate, after duplicate. All right so I got those two
rectangles which I'm going to add a couple of photos and so I'm going to tap on the
Image Gallery here, let's go ahead and add a couple of photos so I'm going to
size them down like so and then one more...
Again I'm going to size this down, there we go something like
that right, OK. Now in order for this to work we need to
make sure that the images sit right beneath the rectangles so tap and hold
and bring this under, there we go marquee select with the Move Selection
tool, go to the Path Context menu, use Mask. Let's also do the same here,
Path Context menu and tap on the Mask. OK so I'm just going to leave you here
and I'm going to continue my own as I've mentioned before because I don't want to
keep repeating myself but that's about
it of designing this UI Mobile App. So
after some additions and touch-ups this is the finished version Designing the UI
Mobile App as you can see inside Adobe Illustrator. Now Vectornator Pro
provides different Export settings something that I have covered on another
tutorial which you can find up on the YouTube card or at the bottom of the
video description. Now inside illustrator all layers came in exactly as a named
them in Vectornator Pro, for example the Profiles layer, the Content, the Tab Bar,
and so on. The text was preserved with the right font family,
icons came in as vectors and the photos came in as groups as you can see them
since I masked them inside shapes. So go ahead design your own app ideas, use
similar techniques and share it with the Vectornator Pro community a link that are
also provide this concludes this lecture and thank you for spending time with me. Elias Sarantopoulos
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